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I b THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1 92C. ' V I UTAH . LAST TIME TODAY, f I DON'T MISS IT. H S YOO TOLL GASP I Ij; j I AND TANGLE TOE j Tomorrow and Until Saturday ? Miss Barriscale in j "THE WOMAN MICHAEL j MARRIED" f Her Best Picture 5 1 Commissioner Ward Issues Strict Orders Against Fir ing of Fireworks Ogden will be a noiseless city dur ing the coming Fourth of July, in ac , cordance with orders issued by J. Hay Ward, commissioner of public safety for the strict enforcement of the city ordinance forbidding the "setting off" of fireworks and other combustibles All fireworks discovered in the city will be confiscated and arrests will be' in order if any "loud" celebrations take place during the holiday, it was' II Musicale to Be Giveo I by Students at Weber a The first of a series of recitals and U , musicales to be given by the School uf I Music of the "Weber Normal college I will take place Thursday evening In. the music hall at S o'clock. Concerts' ' and recitals have been planned weok I ly throughout the summer, and if pos sible throughout the winter months. An enrollment of 150 pupils for the summer course of music at the school has been listed, taking cither in the four departments, piano, violin, band and orchestra, and voice. I Those who will appear this evening' are Marybell Newman, piano; Ada Foutz, voice; Ada Burrows, violin; . Mao McFarland. cornet; Mulford Mg W gott and Wade Stephens, piano; Cath L erlno Cannon, violin; Leona Warner, I voice; Edrls Christy, saxaphone; Hel r cn Hinckley, piano; Lalaboll Garner,1 Wf Molln; accompanist, Mrs. Olive Mc- "Farland, Francis Cragun and Frances I NOTICE All G. G. C. members B. of L. F. & 13. Special meeting July 1, at 2 rtwo) p. m. Ogden Guards Return From. Cheyenne After Two Weeks' Training B troop of tho Utah National Guards 03 strong, Including officers, returned to Ogden shortly after 9 o'clock today after spending more thaYi two weeks t In training at Fort D. A. Russell, Chey ? enne, Wyoming. $j The men were under command of i Captain W. E. .Llndquisl and looked ( the picture of health when they ar i rived today being punburned and pre- scntlng the. appearance of a soldier s of the first class. ? ! The personnel of the party was as S follows: Captain W. E. Llndqulst, First Lieu- tenant M. W. Cram. Second Lieutenant s Ray Plerson, First Sergeant Fred i Preshaw, Mess Sergeant G. H. Hock S enson, Supply Sergeant E. W. Capcron. Cooks. F. W. Fraker, A. Dalebout, Sergeant G. Undlnk, R. Chrlstenson, W. C. Chase, E. Bader; Horse Shoer, t H Payten, and Saddler G. C. Dieu. It was the best encampment ever I according to the men and was enjoyed ? by all. At Cheyenne the locals took s honors galore being complimented by l Governor Davis of Idaho as being the best troop at the encampment. The I second platoon under Sjcond Lleuten l ant Ray Pearson was also compllment- ed as being the best Individual pla- toon at tho camp. Tho troops wcro re- viewed by Governor Bamberger of Utah, Governor Carey of Wyoming and j Governor Davis of Idaho. ! The local men were gone exactly eighteen days including tbe time spent ! at camp and In traveling. Leave was granted the men each . night at Fort D. A. Russell and some ; regular times were on the mantel In ; Cheyenne. They report that the Chey I enne residents treated i them royally ; during their stay in the Wyoming capital. Special leave was granted to many of the men and side trips to Denver and Estes park and other places were taken. In the athletic tourney staged at the camp last week the Ogden men were victors tho baseball team of the local troop winning from both the Idaho and Wyoming aggregations. Boxing and wrestling honors were also won by members of the local troop. After arriving at tho Union Depot today the forenoon and afternoon were spent in unloading the equipment of the troop. While tho trip was en joyed the boys exclaimed that they I were all glad to again be home. uu- Hiok Dog Owners Evading Quarantine; ' That owners of djgs within the city limits are attempting to sidestep the i recent quarantine placed on unmuz zled animals through confining the animals during the daytime when the dog-catchers are active and then let ting them loose at night, Is shown by complaints which have reached the office of the city board of health. A warning was issued this morn ing by Dr. J. M. Elliott, city sanitary Inspector, cautioning owners to stop this practice and stating that all dogs captured at night without muzzles will be immediately put to death. The state board of health has de creed that Ogden dogs be effoctually muzzled to prevent the threatening spread of rabies, Dr. Elliott said, and while the city authorities dislike con tinuing tho wholesale slaughter of an imals, stringent action Is necessary' to safeguard the public against danger from bites. Dr. Elliott said that ev ery dog owner has now had sufficient notice of what action would follow In case his unmuzzled dog was found running the streets, and ho feels that the loss of the animal ,in case of cap ture, rests entirely upon the owner. A pound has been provided where tho animals will be kept a short time be fore being put to death, but this does not mean there any slacken ing In the enforcement of the regula tions, he declared. oo Ogden Couple Wed in Salt Lake City I Mrs. Florence B. Marshall, widow of Drew Marshall, Ogden druggist who died on a hunting trip a few vears ago, and Charles D. Ford, Ogden photo grapher, were married at Salt Lake yesterday. The newly married couple are no't expected to return to Ogden for two months, and will make an extensive honeymoon tour over the west coast , before returning. I -on- Attention, Moose! Business of Importance. Full at tendance desired, Friday evening, i E. J. WATICINS, Dictator. ROY REEDER, Secretary. II i-.iriiipKggg ,s your last chance t a god i T Orphan' 9j ALSO COMEDY AND PATHE NEWS J 8S1 j' '"' GREATEST OF SCREEN COMEDIES fl I WR IHarold Lloyd's $100,000 two-reel comedies and Larry I I l9H I demon's comedies have been secured for exclusive show-1 I SacS i2" at the den' Watch for dates. I HOgdeit Theatre .yoLyso I THURSDAY "BLIND YOUTH," FROM FAMOUS STAGE PLAY OF I fcHj SAME NAME GREEKSAPPUR Gambling Charge to Be Pushed gainst Man Cut by Panos Nick Panos, charged with disturbing the peace by fighting, cutting and striking Audrow Steffas with a razor, at 142 Twenty-fifth street, appeared before the city court this morning. He wns represented by W. H. Reeder, and a plea of not guilty was entered. The date of the trial was left open. Steffas, when he appeared, said he j desired counsel and his case will be called up at a later date. The fight between tho two men re sulted from an alleged attempt on the part of Panos to inform the police that Steffas had been conducting a gam bling hall. In the fight that followed, Panos drew a razor, it is alleged, and cut Steffas' arm. The bail of each man, on tho charges of disturbing the peace, wns fixed at $260. The announcement of County Attor ney Joseph B Batos that he had a complaint against Steffas on a charge of operating a gambling game, made considerable impression on the spec tators at the court. The man's bail lu.d just been fixed at 9250 when At torney Bates entered his complaint. Bail in this lnstnnce, was fixed at $500, the charge of operating a gambling game being a felony. oo ,i Society 1 C. W. B. M. TO MEET. j The Ladies Auxiliary to the C. W. , B. M. of the First Christian church , will meet at tho home of Mrs. Middau, I 1636 Grant avenue, Thursday aftor- noon at ;30 o'clock. j DAUGHTERS OF PIONEERS. j The regular meeting of tho board j of tho Daughters of Pioneers was held j Monday afternoon at the Wober Nor- mal college. President Mrs. F. X. Taylor, presiding. During the busi ness meeting a program for the jwir was outlined and plans for tho an nual field day were made. The date ( for the celebration has not boon an- J nounced yet, but will be set later on. j BEAUX ESPRIT CLUB. j Mrs. Jess Br.own entertained tho I members of the Beaux Esprit flub f last Friday aftornoon at Lorln Farr park. A cold luncheon was enjoyed i by all. Three tables of cards were jj played, favorp being won by .Mrs. C. t Smith and Mrs. F. Schade. Tho next l meeting will be held at the homi of s Mrs. F. Schade, 2570 Fowler avenue, f July 9. Visitors for the afternoon $ were Mra. Bevell. Mrs. Ellis. Mrs. Doyle, Mrs. J. M. Doyle and Mrs. p Reagen. TRI-STAKE DAXCE. The second of a series of Iri-Stake dances will be held this evening at & the Lorln Farr park. The affair will p be conducted undor tho nuspices of U the M. I A. of the three stakes, We- ber, West Weber and Ogden. i LEAVES FOR EAST. Mrs. Sophie Wethcrell Keed leff Ogden last Monday for the L-ast, vhre she will attend tho Columbia univer sity and also study in the Chalif School of Dancing. Mr. Heed will spend some tlmo visiting the munl- , fiimi ymjsrauiiua 01 itcw iom city. Newark and Chicago. She tv:poct.s o be gone for two months. GARDEX PARTY. Mrs. E. A. Bowen entertained at a garden party on Wednesday last, at her lovely home, 4 67 Second street. An afternoon of intense enjoyment was spent in needlework, aftar whirdi a delicious luncheon was served. Mrs. Bowen was assisted by her daughter, Mrs. W. P. Boyer and Miss Flora Bowen. BRIDGE LUNCHEON. Mrs. Sidney O. Stevens entertained last Friday afternoon at a bridge luncheon at her home, 2380 Madison avenue, in compliment to Mrs. Flor ence Gwllliam Nebeker. Red roses, tastefully arranged In baskets, were used for the decorations. Mrs. Nebe ker and Mrs. 3. N. Fulton received the prizes for the cards. A 5 o'clock luncheon was served. nn Troop 23 Scouls Give Outing for Fathers Troop 23 of the Ogden Boy Scouts entertained moro than 50 men at their camp at Thirty-second street and Madison avenue last night. The troop Is in command of Scoutmaster G. A. Bergstrom. The celebration waa known as the "Fathers ;ind dons Outlngi" -and a large number of prominent men were present. Following addresses by the fathers nnd the singing of songs, a dinner consisting of salmon,- potatoes, brnnd and butter and soda water wa3 served. Included in the party were the fol lowing: Scout Executive G. A. Goatos, President L. W. Shurtllff. President A. L. Scoville, George Shorten. Murray Jacobs and Alfred Gladwell of the high council; Bishops D. II. Ensign, T. B. Wheelwright, N. A. Tanner and A. A. Bingham. -oo Deaths and Funerals GRIFFIN Helen Bcrnlce Griffin fourteen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Griffin, died last evening at a local hospital from heart trouble. She was born in Grand Island, Ne- braska, and had been a resident of Ogden fbr the past 4 years. She is sur vived by her father and mother, a brother. Earl J. and a sister, Hlldrod. The body was romoved to the Kirkon dall undertaking parlors where It will be prepared for burial. Funeral an nouncements will be made later. Art SEAMEN IN SESSION GENOA, June 30. The internation al congress of seamen today by a vote of 69 to 11 decided to place in the agenda for the next conference the proposal that no seaman under 18 years of age may be employed aa a trimmer or stoker on a vessel. The conference also voted 52 to 28 that "no person undor 17 years of age may be employed on night watches on ves sels between the hours of 8 in tho ' ' ' of the summer "' 1 j '; jl fasihoned by America's finest designers, several hundred' su- llj" 7 IS 1 M ;;. perbly tailored, all wool suits will be sold at so great a roduo- ffl I m JL m : ? tion in price as to' make this opportunity the suit event of the t M 1 1 J H g season. Every suit is ha-nd tailored every collar hand turned. IJ ' j j" g as for design the latest checked and striped, single and doiu k fc 1 ble breasted models, in company with the finest grade dark fjB 1 Ilk Vw fl J m .blue serges, offer you unprecedented selection for the satisfao, f$BttW I m ' S I - " tion of your tastes and requirements. These suit3 are all our I ' y f H i regular lines and the values run aa high as $60, Beginning " j B j they will sell for ' ' p , understand, these suits are our regular standard, high grade T S rM models. you will find included in this assortment many of U jgj the finest Hart Schaffner & Mark suits and a splendid show- S Wi ing of Society Brand clothing. their value is the same now , , . H as at the beginning of the season, the only change is in the come in ear y. a e your time ey I g price and we pass this big saving, made possible by a special and examine these values closely. g I price concession from the factory on a quantity order, on to you cannot fail to be convinced. S J j r you, r we offer you the great advantage of our tremendous try the guit of your choice on and j I buylnS Pwer have it fitted exactly, there is no f 1 M ' extra charge for alterations. I .. .v- - I PLAIN CITY TO CELEBRATE 4TH Program Filling Day From Sunrise to Midnight Pre pared by Committees A Program filled with excitements from sunrise to mldnlgln will be held at Plain City at tho Independence day celebration next Monday. The day's events have been outlined as follows by J. L. Robson, marshal of the day. Salute at sunrise IVIusic by the brass band under the leadership of Charles Nea'l. 'Assembly at meeting houso, 10 a. m. Singing of America by congregation. Invocation, Charles Weatherston. Duet, Esther Chandler and Lona Watson, Address of welcome, Bishop Wilmer Maw. Piano solo. Neta Charlton. Beading, Declaration of Independ ence, Mrs. L. R, Jenkins. I Song, Mrs. NcIUe Draney, Piano solo, Lyda arner. Oration, Hon. J. B. Evans. Duet, Leona Warner and Marvel England. Piano solo, Mary Knight, Benediction. Music by band. A baseball game between Five Points and Plain City and a list of 'sport3 will be run oCf In the afternoon I The observance will be toped off by ia'ball in the venlng. oo Champion Swimmers Leave Here for East; i i Duke Kahanamoak, world's cham pion sprint swimmer, W. W. Harris,! middle distance swimming: champion, I Ludy Langer, holder of the 440-yard J world's record. H. Kruger, world's ti-J tie holder back stroke swimming forj distance, K, Kealoha, world's chani-i pion back stroke speed champion, and j Miss Helen Moses, woman champion of Hawaii, were Ogden visitors for a! short time today en route to Chicago 1 where they will enter the finals for the American swimming team. Norman Rosa, American champion and holder of several world's records is expected to be one of Kahanamoka's I Beginning Tomorrow Morning I 11 At 9 o'clock, and lasting rr) ' or wo ays ony k Our Month-end Millineiy 'rF gj& Clearance AN ! jjKv ( Hats havo beon divided into $i y Jggs two gj011?3 at ridiculously I j an6C atS 'DreSS atS I sKl ' LAIJEENE F FOLKERSON Jsl B Rplililiik Distinctive Millinery 1 ?r. 1 Paine & Hurst j l..Tl . i ; ,j'H- ..... Jgt- - V - 'III" 1 ' chief rivals in the Chicago trials. Women and men from all sections of the United States will enter the finals. The Hawaiian party was scheduled to swim at a local resort but due to a change in their plans the matches were not held here. I r Keep your home clean all year Except for perhaps a month in Spring and a month in Fall, after the housccleanings, rugs and carpets are infested with foul dirt which sweeping can not reach. ( It is totally unpardonable to live thus on dirt ten month: out of twelve. Your home can easily be kept clean all year. r Secure a Hoover Electric ' Suction Sweeper and Hj u s t n un y o u n IT BEATS... AS IT SWEEPS AS IT CLEANS Only The Hoover beats out that imbedded, germy,. rug . wearing grit only The Hoover sweeps up the most vcxacious litter while it vacuum cleans. That is why you hear everywhere that I The Hoover is the best." We witt gladly demonstrate The Hoover. Easy terms make its ozuncrship easy. The blnomjal theorem ' in algebra I The Commercial I j National Bank . I I OGDENjUTAH '! BE IN HAHMONY I I 1 1 with thrift by saving IS m 8 as much as you can 9 T I I from your income If V I 3 and depositing it I , 9 with the Conunercial H J I I National Bank. 1 r-,- m 1 Four pei cent Inter- I H Kg est Paid on Sayings 1 I I I Accounts compound- i S I LONDON, June 3 0. The British ad- I mlrallty has published a now system I of keeping time at sea, which has I been adopted by tho navies of the I United States Qreat Britain. France I Italy and Spain. iijfUfHKa 1 After you eat always use 1 EATON 8 C (FOR YOUR STOMACH S SARr 1 one or two tablets eat like candy. I Instantly relievesHeartburn, Bloated 1 Gassy Feohng. Stops indigestion. 1 I ioodsounng;repeating,headachoand . I the many miseries caused by v tJ Acid-Stomach 'H TONIP?be8tme4yfltlakeB H the harmful acids and gases right out of the body and, of course, ou fret well Tons of thousands wonderfully benefited. Guaranteed to satisfy or money refunded by your own drur- iH gut. Cost a trifle. Please try it 1 SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES H bath. Tho Plaburg Cmp MmbIu,," h foot- moraing. It prevent bll,8 IVo Z '"5 I 'fH relieve, painful, 8wollen,Bnj.rtiD Z, P ,Uand W .. , i 1