Newspaper Page Text
HI S THE QGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER, WEDNESDAY, JUNli 3U, ivzo. II Essex Demonstrates Ms Power And Strength In Flying Mountain Trip II Ogden Motor Car Company KS Drivers Speed Essex to Bear Hi ' ' Lake and Return IIS I Ogden to Bear Lake and return bc- H9 i'oro lunch time of the same day they Mm lft Ocden is the achievement of U MM L. Hajnfi'and W. A. Ross of the Ogden HI - Motor Car company, piloting un I'-s- H W 1 sex car In two successive trips, to test the speed, endurance and reliability H fl of Essex cars., which they handle in H3 this territory- HL The first trip was made the lan.ei H part of last week and was in the 11a- turc of a reconnoiterlng trip to map H i out a .course for the real test of the H ISssex in connection with the national Essex week which is being observed H by tDssex dealers and owners through- out the United Scatos this week. Many H similar test runs are being conducted throughout the' country, but it is safe to say that few will subject the car to a greater strain than the trip made H Trip In Rain. H i Tho . second trip wa3 made in the H rain yesterday and up to the time the H meat were delayed helping the cur in H front of them througn tne mud tho H Essex was well ahead of tho time HH schedule, planned after the first trip. Ig. Logan, a. distance of 50 and 7-10 HM miles, was reached In one hour and 1 26 minutes. The same high average speed was maintained up to the sum Hi mit of Logan canyon, where the bssex Hi was blocked by the other car stuck ( in the mud ahead of it. Had the Es- sex been ablp to continue as it was able the time card shows that the men would have been back in Ogden by 10:30 a. m. The trip yesterday was a thorough test of the Essex durability ana pow- HH er as the mud had proved too much H for many cars passed on the road, HB the Essex, however, had no trouble in going right througn without in- Hl jury o any kin1 10 tne car' as al. HI tested by mechanics after an exam in - HI' ation. The men maicing the second IL trip were W. A. Ross and C. II. 9 Jacobson driving, Captain J. R. Ward, BH and B. N. Fox, all of whom vouch Hl I for the dependability of the Essex af- Hfl ter thie severe gruelling It went Hl through yesterday. 1 On the preliminary trip when a I time record was not tried tor, out a fast .speed maintained throughout, the car Jiiade the trip in 10 hours, leav ing Ogden at 4:15 a. m with the morning edition of- the Standard arid delivering papers to1 subscribers in the II 1 towns visited whloh Included Brlgham H 1 City, Logan, Garden City, Ideal Beach and Laketown and returning by way i of the Danish Dugway and the Hard- I ware Ranch, arriving back at the 1 Standard office -at 1:30' p. ro... after I spending ope hour and 40 minutes at ; the lake cities. The papers were In the hands of I subscribers before their breakfast and II on each was a sticker explaining how H this was possible by means of the W speedyi Essex delivery. On this trip II were L. L. Haina and "V. A. Ross, 13 driving, and a representative of the S Standard-Examiner staff. ) Motorists who have been over this y route will best be able to Judge th i! road abuse to w'nich. the car was sub- jected, especially on the seqond trip : after the hard rains of Monday night ; and Tuesday morning. This Essex Is 11 one of the cara which Is being used to ' 1 demonstrate the performance, econ- 1 omy and reliability" of the Essex 4 automobile duriqg Essex week in j Ogden. Z The route was chosen for the run ns jt ' being one of the hardest near here, I and one "which would give tho Essex a chance to demonstrate Its power and vj endurance. 4, The trips were made without mishap j I jfr and without motor trouble of any kind. ;B i The proverbial endurance and power JJ J of the." Essex car made such a run in nfl ' so short a time possible. Both ,Mr. l-ijfl Haln's and 2,lr. Rosa are well known I M drivers and .rank among the best in I'll ' the state, as has been proven by many If 1 speed trips and test runs similar to In 1 the two "made this week. m J II Cliock on Road' Conditions. " 111 r-FoE tne" benefit of the many auto- II - j w my-,-11 i m "' "o battery is dead until AYE say so for many a so-called , "dead" battery is made highly j lively and . energetic by our thoroughly competent, skilled j , service. 5 We're HERE to make YOUR battery -LAST not to sell a I battery when the old one can be economically repaired. Try us. Exide Battery Station : 2359 Hudson Ave. Phone 179 : DEMAND ! "WHISTLE" Beg. U. S. Pat. Office "Hoot the Substi-toot" V The stop at Garden City. The postoffice receives au early call with a bundle oi the morning edi tion of The Standard-Examiner. HI J J mm IIIBII III III! IBIIII IIIIIB II I I I I I II II I I I I II I I I I II I !! I I II I I I I I I I I I II II llll I I I I I I I I I I III I I I I I I "11 O '" i . . I Crossing the Logan canyon divide. Here the altitude is S300 feet. Note the snowbank. Neither the altitude nor the temperature interfered with the carburetion and the engine kept delivering power .at 10() tper. cent: . ists intending to take a trip to tho lake, an actual check was made on road conditions on the first trip and should hold good how that the roads have had time to dry out after their recent soaking. From Ogden to Wlllard the road is paved almost ail the way and there arc- only a few short stretches whore men are Btill working. There is a good gravel highway from "Willard to Brig ham City, and from there to Mantua, through WeUsvllle canyon, tho road ' is good all the way. The Essex went through this canyon without shifting out of hlgTi gear. Prom Wcllsville to Logan there Is a detour '.vhlqh makes the road three miles longer than usual. After leaving Logan the first five miles through Lo gan canyon are cut up by repair gangs, whigh necessitates slow driving. From there-'to. the summit the road is in good .condition all the way except for springs washing across it. The sinks near the head of Logan canyon are" drying rapidly, and now aVe perfectly .safe for travel. The dug way to. the Dummlt i3 also In good cpndltlon and 3afo for travel. After crossing the divide there is a path of snow across the road about 100 fect long. The Essex plowed right oyer this; thero is, however, a detour for those wishing to take it. The extent of the snow bank may be seen from - the picture taken of the car oh It. Construction crews on the grade down. tlc.. other. side, of . the, divide make going' slow, but otherwise the roads are Open and safe. From there Jarc in their Usual good condition, On. the return trip by way of Hard ware Ranch tnero is a two mile stretch vvhero wprKmcn have the road torn up, ana Irom there to the ranch the oads arc in gooa condition except for xbout 150 foot oi sliderock on tho Dan sh )ugway, which in, however, per ectly safe to cross. From the ranch to Jeaver Creek tho road has been little tsed this year, and because of the ruts and chuck holes the going is slow and tedious for about eight miles. "Down BeaVer Crock to the South Fork of Og den canyon, there Are aeveral fords; but the Easjex had no trouble crossing these. From there In to Ogden tha roads are in tho usual good condition. Lalce Country Beautiful. The men in the car were all impres sed with the Dcauty of the lako coun try this year. The water which wjis bo low last yearjs back to tho normal, and all the lake cities and resorts seem clean. There are quite a few campers, many of whom are enjoy ing the lake as shown by tho number of suits hanging out to dry. Lilacs are In bloom at Laketown, which i3 quite a contrast to Ogden, where they bloomed last for this year abour. u month ago. Tho rugged endurance and depen dability or tho Essex car was what made traveling at tho high rate of opeed over such roads possible. Mv. Halns and Mr. Ross took turns driv ing. They established ar enviable re cord and one rarely equalled by light weight cars. The Essex weighs 266G pounds, ready for tho road, and Is noted for its power, speed and endur ance. Similar records for such runs as the one made today are being piled up by more than 30,000 ownora In the United States. Essex Holds Record. An Essex holds the world's fifty hour endurance record, as well as the world's 24 hours road record, cover 2 lng 10C1 miles in the latter test. The . test yesterday was practically all through mountains, making driving hard as well as being a terrible strain on a car at such speed. The Essex driven on tho trial trip jdld not tako oh gas. oil or water on the whole trjiu, The carrier capacity of the Essex la 12 & gallons of ga3, and the register showed 1 gallon left when the car drew up to the Standard-Examiner office after the trip. " The distance traveled was 01.6 miles I ' - " ! The arrival at Ideal Beach, which the Essex reached in record J time without the slightest mishap on the way. I going, and 79. C miles returning, or 171,2 miles for. the entire trip. The gas used wa3 11.6 gallons, or an average of 14.97 miles per gallon, which Is ex ceptionally good, considering the ex treme travoling conditions which would tend to lower the average below a rea sonable mileage. The Essex used was ono originally purchased by L. "V. "Wood in, of tha Burroughs Adding Machine company, last year in Idaho, and turned in this year for a new Essex. The car has been driven more than 10,000 miles, and is exactly like the Essex cars In tho hands of more than 30,000 other owners in tho country. Owners of Essex cars may not want to make tho trip to Bear lake in any such time as made on these trips by the Essex, but it will at least be of interest, to them to know that any time that such a trip Is necessary, the rugged endurance and dependability of their car is what will get them there every- time. The campaign of the Essex company for this week has the motto. "Watch the Essex this Week." It la appropriate because new records are being hung up by Es3ex cara all over the United States. Anyone wishing further information concerning road conditions to the lake arc. invited to call on Mr. Hains or Mr. R0S3 at.-tho -Ogden Motor Car company. - MO! Creek Ooen t Fishermen on My 1 The waters of Mill creek, which have been closed for several months, will be open to fishermen beginning July 1, according to an announcement made this morning. However, sports men who pull catfish from the stream aro requested to throw them back, in ah appeal sent out by the Weber Rod and Gun club. Several months ago the club ex pended funds in order to stock tho stream with catfish and these fish are still too small to provido fish meals. In the opening of the creek for the angling of other fish, it is expected that many catfish will be caught and in order that the planted fish may reach a larger growth, the club has Is sued an appeal to all fisherman. The regular meeting of the rod and gun club will bo held in tho court house Friday night at 8 o'clock. All members, and sportsmen of Weber county are invited to be present. A. T. Hestinark. .president of the club, will preside. ' 0 ' ' 1 MLt REBW THE BiB 2 BAY HOLIBSAY J -.M p cele;br te . I pooic 0wJLd W 4lr w JSi P 1 H n r SPECIAL PROGRAM FOR BOTH DAYS M LM 1 water'. BATHING AND WATER SPORTS EVERY DAY 1 Sjj WMly I O SPECIAL CAR m - mM m '&?ki 4 A SERVICE DAILY B ffl G00d tk KOflllft LEAVE LEAVE M Service jm' 1 A OGDEN SPRINGS . W 11 I i' H I 5 00 p!m'. 6:00 P. M ' X M B M M mWAA 5:33 P.M. 6:25 P.M. vk Ji R f&f im F f SuWMffit , 6:00P.M. 7:35P.M. ) 1 W HI I mimm m. 7:15 p. m 8:03 p. m. fm m m M i 1 mfMMwi Triri 3:00 p.m. 3:25p.m. dmm ffl M m H liifi 8:3op.m. io:35p.m. mmWmk m KS m r , llWm EVERY NIGHT A Big Time f i I S " mKl Psr IRm F(Bg j utah not 1 ( I fefn . ,,. , , Hra Springs, Utah's U ftvi Watef SSaSlrw? A - T?' an T 1 r &V Greatest Health H m sports W'':' Ana ins Gang rurmsh Jazzy Resort. Eathe w i M ml w. Dance Music Every Night 1j rt3CqueHtelaithfur, M H ife k-J -SV Beneficial Mcdl' & I il o,n.,nfl M W BIG SPECIAL DANCE h fHB 1 I - g? imm J g, W Bik ) if.srto""- I ! For Subscription and ovcrtising Department, Call Phon'-- No. 56. i RANDOM REFERENCES Methodist CJmrcIi The third quarterly conference of the First Methodist church will be hold Wed nesday at 8:30 p. m. Dr. Lace of Salt Lake City will preside. All members of the quarterly conference as well as any members of the society are urged to be present. Money to loan. Kelly Sz HerricU. Case Dismissed. The case of the State against Frank Smith and Geo. Bond, in whjch the defendants vcre ehargred with traffic violation,. was or dered dismissed by Judge D. R. Rob erts this morning, following a motion of County Attorney J. B. Bates. At torney 'Bates said that lack of evi dence necessitated the abandonment of the charges against the two men. Hemstitching and Picot. Tho Light House, 2-151 " Wnsh. Ave. Prompt service. 3127 Doctor Hack Dr. R. Kanzler, medi cal officer at the U'ah National Guard encampment at Cheyenne, returned to Ogden this morning. Marriage Tjicensc A marriage li cense was issued today in the county clerk's office to Clarence Douglas and Miss Delia M. Tracy, both of Ogden. Ogden Typewriter House for type writers and repairs, ?A'22 Hudson Ao. Phcne 23C. Rooming House Licenses. Applica tions for the operation of rooming houses were made this morning to the city commission by Emma Sofia, for the Clarl hotel, 2510 Lincoln avenue, and William Sanders for the Arling ton hotel, 2439 Washington avenue. The matter was referred to the com missioner of public safety for inves tigation. An employment agent's li cense was granted to Peter G. Gaut upon approval given tho industrial 6ommission of Utah. Headquarters for berry cases, cups, fruit boxes and baskets. Grout's Grain j Store, 332 Twenty-fourth street. 2911 Building Penults. Building permits were issued this morning by the city engineer to John E. Crites for the erection of a brick residence on Twenty-eighth street, at the corner of Jef ferson, and a residence on Twenty eighth street, near Jefferson avenue. The structures will coat $-1,500 each, Electric Wiring and Repairing.. Call Phone 737. 29C5 i 15)10 Five Hundred Club Mrs. Alice Collins will be hostess to the mem bers of tho 1916 Five Hundred club at her home, 271 Twenty-eighth street, Friday evening, at- S o'clock promptly. . Phone 502 for messenger. . Circus Coming. Advertising repre sentatives of tho Gentry shows arriv ed in Ogdon today in a special car on Train No. 21 prepared to the city with advertising matter prior to ,thc arrival of the show. On Bond Inspection. A. B. Brown tf the United States Bureau of Pub lic Roads is on an inspection tour of roads in Nevada, according to word given out today at the local offices. Ho will inspect roads at Reno, Yer rington. Lovelock and Elko before re turning to Ogden. : ou TWINS ARE POPULAR PARIS France s making up for 1 many war losses with a boom-in twins. 1 I The stock of double perambulators is said to be exhausted in many districts. 1 ..jLOjai,,1 '.u-j,.jcr-!-iri: iiKLiU.r.iix.e-n. Sue Sperry Fkir Co. j I for Taking Grave!; The Lion Bonding and Surety com pany of Nebraska this morning filed suit in the district court against the Sperry. Flour company of Ogden, to recover $1,000 for gravel alleged to have been removed from their prop erty by the defendant company. In the complaint the bonding com pany alleges that they are the owner of. property described as part of northeast quarter of section G, town ship 5, north range I west, and that at various times between June, 1919, and November, 1919, the defendant entered the property and dug up 2,000 cubic yards of gravel. Tho gravel re moved is valued at 1,0 00 by the 'plaintiff. - ' Hafts Forfeits Bail; Gess to Other Clime A. Matti. charged with having liquor in his possession, and also with having sold liquor, forfeited $200 in each case this morning by not ap pearing before the city court today. Assistant City Attorney Samuel Powell stated that the defendant had depart ed for California after selling out his business in this city. Attorney George Halverson, who appeared for the de-j fendant. agreed to the forfeiture Donaldson Cass Operas Before Jtnfee Roberts I The preliminary hearing of John HI Edmond Donaldson, charged with ' a HI statutory offense, started this morn- mM . lng before Judge D. R. Roberts of the HI city court. Following the opening "of HI the case, in which the appearance of HI Attorney Joseph Chez was entered as HI an assistant to the state, spectators HI and witnesses were requested to leave HI the, court room. 1 HI Dr. E.' I. Rich was the first witness mm in the case and stated that he had II examined the complainant upon two Mm occasions, June 12 and June 19, and , mm had ascertained that she was in.Va. l delicate condition. The case was ad- HI journod this morning until this after- I HI noon, when the session .will be. cofi- j HI tinued. " mM on Holey Tels Rotary " H Cinb of Grain Outlook " ' H At tho weekly luncheon of the Ro- lH tary club held at the Weber club to- AH day, U. G. Holley was the speaker. Ill Mr. Holley told of the milling condi- 1D tions of the intermountain country. -A IH largo number of Rotarians were ' in ip attendance. T I Earliest numerals, in hieroglyphics, were of little arithmetical value. H jk mimm I 9 I mm . Oil Day and Night. .1 J 11 i ll At G o'clock tonight an Essex car started on a 24-honr ll i continuous run over the streets of Ogden and on the lii"-h- II i way between Brigham Citv and Lavton. m 3'H ? 1 ' I H The engine will not be stopped during the '24 hour jfl The car, however, will slop ov anyone- who wishes to ride I I t to any point on the run. . " ' & H I " i ' ft I I Hail the driver and get in and ridq. Jt will be the-same 1 ' 'IK'MhM f car that made the two flying trips to Bear.Lake. i m 5 Guess the mileage and gasoline used on this run. Two 1 i prizes .$5.00 each will be given the one sending in the nearest W guess on the actual miles traveled and gas used. The winners i will be announced in Friday's paper. H 1 .-' ' 1 ' mmM j - MOTOR CAR ' t I 23 45-55 l)MMMIftia)J 1 , , , i'fll