Newspaper Page Text
THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1920. 9 !K YOUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY I i I fc Now is the time to insure yourself a supply of groceries at a I I great saving over the market price. 8 Today's Market Our Price a I I 100 bars Swift's "White Soap $7.50 $6.50 'J 00 bare Shift's Pride Soap G.50 $5.75 H I 100 bars Mascot Soap $6.50 $4.90 I I g I caso Early Juno Peas ., $4.25 $3.45 I I Quae Alpine .Milk : '. :.$6.50 $5.65 1 J I 1 case-Libby's Milk $6.50 $5.65 I K 1 carton matches 30 .25 H J M 1 sack Sun Ripe Oats 75 .65 y I 1 ',. FLOUR I F" We have a car of th'e famous Idaho Falls Flour. We arc sell- 1 iug you this flour below the present wholesale market I I 1 4S-pound bag Idaho Falls O. K. Flour $3.20 S 2 48-pound bat?s Idaho Falls 0. Iv. Flour $6.35 1 j In 500 pound lots ! $6.30 In 1000 pound lots $6.25 B 98-pound bags Turkey J?ed Flour $6.50 g p 4 pounds sugar , 9Sc I For Camping Parties we have a complete line of Canned Meats g h and Vegetables. S 1 BUTTER and CHEESE ft Bear River Butter, pound 60c w Banner Butter pound GOe M Full Cream Cheese, pound 3S ra J! Chili Cheese, pound 15c n Cream Cheese, pound 15 M p Pimento Cheese, pound 15$ M LARD SPECIALS I 1 j MOUNTAIN LAED p 2-pound pail net weight '. $ .65 I o-pound j)ail net weight $1.50 H I 10-pound pail net weight $2.90 I SEGO LILY PURE LOOSE LARD, POUND 29c I 2-pound pail net weight $ .60 fej I 5-pound pail net weight $1.45 i jj 10-pound pail net weight $2. SO 1 ? C.HEFO SHORTENING' 1 p 2-pouud pail net weight $ .65 1 r 1 5-pound pail net weight K'f'i'.- $1.50 I lOp-ound pail net weight j...':'.fy $2.90 I CRISCO ' V': ' I K 1-pound pail net weight ......! 35 Armour's Star Hams, whole, pound . . 51 u g Armour's Star Hams, half, pound 52 Armour's Star Bacon, pound 59 I Western Market 1 Food PeparSmenf Stores I I 366 Twenty-fourth Street 2448 "Washington Ave. B I Platform Somewkt Damp Is Opinion (Continued from Pago 1) pcoplo to do for inc. If I win help thin vrorhl to baniah alcoliol and after that to banish war, and c J can do that, no office, no presidency, can offer the honors that will be mine." "The Bible says that 'One., with (3od, shnll chase a thousand'." Mr. Bryan said, "and that's about the num ber I have to fight. It says that "Two shall put ten thousand to flight." and I am looking for the other man." rn. I. ITT JX SUA PR FOR IK ESI DENT'S CRUISE (By International News Service.) -" "WASHINGTON Commander Ral ston S. Holmes, skipper of the May j flower, the presidential yacht, reports 'that the vessel will be in readiness for a cruiae -within a few days, although1 tho President and Mts Wilson are not expected to take any river trips until later in tho season. The Mayflower has undergone ex tensive repairs and alterations during the la3t few weeks In preparation for the president's week end cruises. His 'Safety Firsf ; Measure Worthless McKnzie of Oakland, was In Ogden Juno 16 and while at a local I hotel, put a gold -vatch within the : pillow ease on his bed. As the police J observed, the act was one Indicative I of Scotch thrift, and was probably the result of ancestors ' having dropped coppers into a sock. But anyway, in ! direct opposition to po.slble Scotch I characteristics, McKcnzie arose and departed the following: mornirig wlth lOitt the timepiece. I He reported the occurrence to the local police department and although an investigation has been conducted no trace of the mining watch which iwas left in the pillow slip, has been found. oo YVTFE CliAIMS ITER HUSBAND SOLD HElt I LONDON Mary Pearson nays nor husband sold her to a man named Jones at a tea shop. Albert Pearman, she told the court, took her to the I tea shop and threatened to "do her in' 'if she didn't sign, a document to leave Pearman's house and board for Jones'. H " """"Pg1 mil Kanwntwi i iiict gaan I J TWOPREES I I Guess the miles traveled and gasoline used on the Essex 24- 1 hour run, commencing 6 o'clock tonight. Bring or send your guess to the Qgden Motor Car Co. before noon Friday, July 2. H? I Winner will be announced in Friday's paper. H H Ogden Motor Car Company I 1 2345-55 Hudson Avenue 1 ! HUSBAND REFUSED ! TO LET HER TALK; j SHE ASKS DIVORCE ! Charging that her husband compelled her to live in a one- room shack at Kosmo. Utah and made her sit for hours without ! talking, Elizabeth Krusi filed suit ! for divorce this morning In the I dlBtrlct court against William H. I Krusi. Mrs Krusi also, charges 1 her husband treated her in a cruel 1 1 and inhuman manner. J She sets forth In her complaint i that since February 21, 1020, she i has been compelled to live apart I from her husband an a result of his treatment of her. During their period together she alleges that as often as three times a day her husband became violently enraged and shouted, "G t your grips and l get out of here and stay out." I During their stay in Kosmo, ' Mrs. Krusi complains she was forced to make a small shack her home and her husband would not permit conversation for hours at a time. She said that as a result ?he became nervous and sick. She stated that life with Mr. Krusi at last bocame unbearable and she was forced to come to Og den. Mrs. Krusi prays the court for divorce, asks for possession of a hanking account in Kosmo. attor- ney fees and costs of the suit, be side requesting that her husband be restrained from visiting, mol esting or annoying her I oo i j McAdoo Gains Points; , Name Is Not Presented i (Continued from page 1.) of Arkansas seconded the nomination of Senator Owen Gerard Is Named. "Arkansas," said the governor. "Is the only state mentioned In the Bible because we read there that 'Noah op ened the window of the Ark and saw.' " At that the convention got its first I good laugh of the day. I At the close of Gov. Drough's sec onding speech there was another Owen demonstration which the band helped out again. I Mrs. Susan F. Fitzgerald of Massa- chusetts. the first woman to make a ! seconding speech In the convention. I then look the platform. The con von -i tlon stood and paid her a tribute with applause and cheers. Mrs. Fitzger ald, gowned in a plain blue dress, stood smiling at the desk as the band played "Oh, You Beautiful Doll." When the noise quieted down she bp gan her speech in a clear, distinct foice. The call of the states was resumed. . Arkansas yielded to South Dakota and V. S. G. Cherry of Sioux Falls. S l.. presented the name of James W. Clerard, former ambassador to Ger many Cherry proposed that the convention nominate such a man as Gerard for "the-top of the ticket and another for the bottom of the ticket," and the con vention construed that as word that Gerard was a vice presidential candi date as well. There were no second ing speeches for Gerard and the roll of the states was called again. Cali fornia and Colorado passed, Conncctl rut was called and John S. Crosby presented the name of National Chair man Homer S. Cummfngs. - Demonstrations for Cummings were lather frequent as Mr. Crosby got Into his speech and mentioned the national chairman's name. He drew a par ticularly loud outburst when he re ferred to the chairman's keynote' speech of Monday, the opening day of the convention. Praise for Ciinn:iliig. Mr. Crosby t.old the convention that Mr. Cummings was the one man upon whom all the factions in the party could unite and referred to him- as the man who could follow "the spiritual leadership of Woodrow Wilson." As the speaker delivered that sentence he turned and raised his arms to tho por trait of the president hanging before I the audience. The delegates and gal leries responded with a demonstra tion of applause and cheers. At the conclusion of the nominating speech the band broke into the Stai Spangled Uanner and tho Connecticut delegation led a demonstration In which scattering delegates from the spaces of other states Joined. Mrs. Force Parker of California, seconded the nominutlon of Mr. Cum-' mlngs. Mrs Parker, who came from Los Angeles, spoke less than a minute and the delegates in .appreciation of her brevity gave her a rising demonstra tion of thanks. Ira C. Rothborger of Denver, Colo., also seconded the nomination of Mr. Cummings. Characterizing Mr. Cummings as th "Harbinger of hope for the oppress ed pooples of the world" Rothbergr closed his seconding speech, the band whooped it up with the "Red. White and Blue." and the Cummings men among the delegates went in for "three cheers." and more demonstra tions for the national chairman. Then the call of the states was re sumed Delaware yielded to Nebras ka and former Governor Schallenber ger presented the name of Senator Gilbert M, Hitchcock, the administra tion leader in the treaty fight in tho senate. Palmer Demonstration. There was no seconding speech for Mr Hitchcock and when the call -if the states was resumed Florida yield ed to Pennsylvania and John H, Blge low took the platform and presented the name of Attorney General Palmer. While Bigelow was speaking the Palmer forces throughout the hall were busy quietly organizing their demonstration, distributing flags and noise-making devices, and getting their rooters Into place. The conven tion was looking-forward to tho dem onstration as the first tangible evi dence of how great the Palmer strength was. TRAIN COMPARTMKNTS TURN UP MANY ODDITUSS LONDON They even leave their underwear in the compartments of railway trains hero, according to of ficials In charge of the annual auc tion of lost articles. Birth and mar riage certificates, not to mention death certificates and tax receipts, umbrel las, bicycles, shoes, purses and last wills and testaments will be placed on sale. S 'r0ip0NVIT(,B YOU that our work is what we advertise it to be, we arc showing a Tew SAAIPLES 1 H I in the window of the Ogden Furniture and Carpet Company Store! bAJLIU i 1 DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM I K E OGDEN CARPET CLEANING WORKS I 1 jJ Phoo41G I - 1 ' I I' IH lft f ' long waits lor the Doctor in ' I :f H II fc the horse-and-buggqdais I 1 H S I zzzfl-pli AKE ft easer t Set around and 1 1 1 ""SS. you make healthier and hap- LcT jg Wjw- pier communities. No one any longer. I 1 1 Mfc Till j, iuj g f questions the worth of the automobile I ' fcl'l i iiJ mr begrudges' any legitimate ex- jr. I ' I'l ' ' ill Pense connected with it- I . j 'vHBl 1 mons ,car owners arc rebelling at I ' G rUnn":1 an automke t to I ' ; ! hPm', Every now and then you hear a neighbor 1 1 ; j . ,J flB n? complain that ''he doesn't seem d I j j The minute a man begins to question the II- fl j- I I service his tires are giving him. he's readv to IJ ' ii B r3 listen to reason. 1 1 u IR jj, , ' &j$0x Our business is built on the principle that 1 1 j . - the only way to get better tire service is to get 1 1 I1 . . better tires to start with. 1 1 ? ! l Select your fires nc- 1 K cording to the roads That's why we have taken the represents- 1 1 they havo to travel: J c IB J In sandy or hilly coun- ' 011 for U. S. TireS. I . f t try, wherever the gomu 1 tf-o- . - J i lr, apt to be heavy The JTT I I U. S. Nobby. I ' For ordinary country 0 , . y 1 " i lj r roads The u. s. chain ; U . S. Tires have a reputation for quality.1 6 t uFsrp?an.v'hccl3 Tk Built up through years of creating better I ; B'5 . For bt results -tires. Such as the straight side automobile tire. 1 h Koyai cords. -the pneuinafac truck tire ; W J It is not by chance that U. S. Tires are made 11 j e eS Ingest rubber concern in t 1 1 j j - - 'V coRD-rioBBY.QWN-usco-PuiH We are proud to represent U. S. Tires in " I this, community. 1 1 iH ! ' United States Tire W I ! BURROWS AUTO COMPANY 1 1 : H B CHEESMAN AUTO COMPANY il ' H ! J BINFOR'D KIMBALL MOTOR COMPANY f I I INTERMOUNTAIN VULCANIZING SHOP 1 1 Legal Verbiage Gets Woman Tangled Up Emnm fi.',hla, who pleaded guilty to a charge of operating a rooming house without a license before Judge D. R. TlobortA of tho city court yes terday morning, and whose sentence was continued until this nioTninff, was given a flvo-day suspended sentence The woman purchased a rooming house formerly operated by A. Ma It I, who departed for parts unknown and thereby forfeiting $ iOQ bail in the city court today She was not informed that a Ucon-sp was necessary to oper ate the place, and, as she was a foreigner and not thoroughly conver sant with the Kngllsh language, she was given the benefit of the doubt by Judge T). R. Roberta. She was instructed yesterday by Judge Roberts lo make application for a license, and stated this morning that his instructions had been com piled with. When Judge D. R. Rob erts pronounced her sentence he said, "You are hereby sentenced to serve a term of five days In the city jail, l he sentence to bo suspended during good behavior." The woman looked jit him as thouirh she could not bellevo her eara. apparently misunderstanding the phraseology, and thinking that she was to spend time ns the city's guest. A3 she was escorted from tho court rom she cast several- vengeful glances toward the judge and seemed about to speak, but refrained from doing so. Upon reaching tho outside of the courtroom, tho sentence was ex plained to her In ono syllable words and aftor promising to keep within the bounds of the law in the future, she departed happily on her way. oo CHINESE WOMEN ARE FOR MODEST STYLES SHANGHAI Chincso women aro rapidly accepting English fashion in dross, ncoordlng to Lho North China Dally News, which says the Chinese women are showing "exccllont taato ind discrimination5' In dress goods tnd that (he stylo, now favored is 'neat and modest." Bail Reduced k Cases of Alleged Gamblers In the case of George Manos and six other Greeks, charged with gamb ling. Attorney Gcorgo llalverson, rep resenting tho defendants, appeared be fore the city court this morning and asked permission to reduce tho ball of Mnnos from $200 to 550, the same ball that was fixed in the case of each of the other defendants. His request was granted. Mr. Halverson also asked permission to have cash ball substituted for personal bonds, bonds to be released only with the deposit of the cash. This request was also granted. This case ha.? been causing consid erable Interest in police circles. Four of the defendants were convicted of gambling a few days following their second arcst, it Is alleged. Police re port that for a time there was a cer tain class that seemingly flaunted dc-; fiance towards the police, so far as gambling was conoorned. With the conviction o eight Greeks for gamb-J ling, however, the sentiment Ih said to have completely changed, and the defendants in the latter case, with one! or two exceptions are alleged to have departed from tho city. oo HE PLAYED 'EM RIGHT, BUT IS HELD TO ANSWER NEW YORK. When Frank LoRoy, 17, a newsboy, was arraigned before Magistrate Silbermann charged with horse betting, he said: "I do bel, but only with myself. After picking the winners for the day T mark a bet on a slip of paper and put it in my pocket. When the races arc over I compare my selections with the real winners and then figure how 1 stand." "How do you stand now," inquired the magistrate. "Two thousand ahead of the game," LoRoy replied. "I'll admit that's the only safe way of playing the ponies," said the bench. "I'll hold you in ?500 bail so you can tell the same story to the Judges in special sessions." t Sullivan Drug Store Robbed; $15 Taken For the second time within a fow weeks, the Sullivan drug store, at the corner of Twenty-sixth street and Washington avenue was robbed last night, the burglara forcing entrance through a screened window at the side of ihc establishment. As far as, whs ascertained this morning, the loot con sisted of $5 which Was removed from the cash register. Walter Moore and Robert Chambers detectives. Investigated the robbery. Consumption of sugar In Canadal last year averaged 110 pounds for each person ADMITS HE WAS DRUNK; COSTS HIM ONE NIGHT DETROIT. Possibly for the first time in the history of Wayne county courts a man Insisted in prosecuting IH himself when Philip McGuire, 42 years old, self-styled globe trotter, asserted IH in night court that he was guilty of being drunk and should be fined. When H McGuire's case was called it was found IH that no police officer was present to witness against the defendant. IH "That's all right, Judge, "exclaimed IH McGuire. "You don't noed an officer. IH I'm guilty. I was drunk. The officer was a gentleman and a former soldier and I wouldn't take advantage of hlx, IH absence. You go right ahead and IH Judge this case the same as if the ofti- IH ccr was here" He was ordered held over night. SPECIAL I Millinery Sale I We will offer our trade bettor values this week than ever J before in TAILOR P2D and TR AIMED All LAMS, also lace 1 and transparent hats, at $5.00 and $7.50 each, Special values in trimmed hats at $2.95 and $3.95 eauh. Children's hats at cost. Just received a new line of taffeta and sport hats. . j STAFFORD MILLINERY CO I 2455 Washington Aveuuo