OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, July 01, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-07-01/ed-1/seq-11/

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it '
George Nelson and Romonoff
BLpr in Ogden Seeking Matches:
Interest Is Keen
H(F I George Nelson. Srti of the iet light'
Kf i'Hi-t in t hi west in pni'
Hl I .he world title now held by Ad Bn-
m HF W ogden reeterdaj
R I Jng to get a match with Jack Herbert-
Bfj I roil of Ogden. NelKen whs her for
Hi K MVvrml hours but was dieeppcinted In
V E hl effort! belflf unnhlo to m l 'he lo
H tal man to agree to mevl him 'n a
H m bMl two In three fall match.
H Ju-t whv H.irt.r n Is side-trnck-
B ihk the blf bOy from m-Mon In not
H m known, but Kelson is out v. it)- the
H statement thut he I6O0 In raaft
IH K i.i hot that he can win from the
a t a
' w m Ith Harbei teon i
r hi I 'I. b tiei mat ordln to h
kV 1
K Nelson was formerlv of Salt Lake
anrl has esta bllshid .1 Kroi'.t tfW-ne III
the mat world In the past f e .v e-.-.
H fans of the city have oodloa of coin lo
L.il made between Harbertson and Nelson
u ith Ihe IO ll ii l "" ' v
i inr at the last rriiuace, due to aom.
At -Mp ft
W v I ...
J f.t for the match to ' -
I In Ogden or Preston.
1 I While he fatle tain his prize
I yesterday, he hopes i hi" ' man
I with the local man wiihi.i dn time
I "I have had seeral mat. V Iv.-.l-
I tiled with Harbertson but he has -i 1 -
M ways sidestepped me at the lu.-l mm-
j u ie and 1 am anxious t- sin with
f i Harbertson for a flltlsh match, bust
! iwo In Hirer- falls, Bald NCIMun
"Harbertson U a pod man and
I recognized as such in the entire coun-
'. try. but I believe 1 am his superior.
1 1 have never had ;i chance to wrestle I
the local man and If the match Ifll
; furthcoming i win ahow the p.pie
of the state that 1 am the gOOda. I
Romonoff. the man with a thousand
1 and one holds, ia also in Ogden aeek-
c ins; a match with Harberteon. Itom
..noff Ins met th WOrld'a 4 1
' ...t prank Ootch, Joe Steel
, j;arl Caddock and many others of lite!
- famous men now in the mrt limelight
have been met by Romonoff.
' "l will meet Harbertson al nny
P i irr.r. r- i fin i.luro fnr an' amount
H In -i!d Romonoff.
f X "J k h'i i " r -i.l- ir-.i-ink n -H
, - for some time and I have hopes that
he will agree to meet i it
With two men of t ho caliber of
1 Romonoff and Nelson In this neck of
H h the woods a match between either of
MH 2 the men and Harbertson should be a
Bl thriller.
Iisai i- -
1 m Charley Herzog Says National
"1 Pastime Is Like a Knitting
Charley Herzop. of the Chicago
rubs, doss not oven attempt to ding
nose the trouble that has kept the
Chicago team from being riRht up in
IH the front row lighting for the flag
this season, but Charley floes com
I ft " plain that Hih grand old g;tme of
I ;,u' baseball la growing like a unit-
ilng tournament every year he la-
ments the fart bitlerly.
I) Ther. r enough rough hoi,-..
Ki stuff in baseball. the
antaloupe Kmc. ' -- ii'1 ''1 I 'on
v " lin. Tommy Leach. Johnnj Ever . Joe
"ll Tinker, Otto Knabc. John Ganiel,
I Dan. McGann, Bill Pahlen and a few
HH 1 others of the old cuard have passed
jB J out of the limelight There's loo
Hpi l much prarp ;md enJo mciu . and llr
i zojr Is gettiDg lonesome
m .,' There's no secrel to the racl that
HV k Herzog does not can .nv love for
HB a John McGraw. but Uerzog does ad-
H'. i i the McCraw aboT. lit
'lC" because he sas McGraw's stern
' mannei at thai time made him a ball
jH pl. 'i, i 1 ' il bv Mi- urn
1 m.rnt accorded him i home of ihe
9 above named stars.
H Hexzog recently homed Into a di- !
j eusslon the old guard fie pokc
VtM of tho tricks of a few years back, j
;md then contrasted them with the j
i i ndu t of the stars of today, whom
M he says go on the field and do their
B 1 trick and ilun hurrj back to the ho-
Hj tel and forget baseball like a man
BL i trlea to chase from mind
U fome unpleasant thought There's
Hi too much of tho work aday spirit to
H baseball
H The Chicago Cub star mentioned
H cne fact to prove his contention that !
H baseball l getting too tame. "V'hcn
A man it as old as his organs ; he
can be as vigorous and hesJthy at
1 70 as at 35 if he aids hia organs in
performing their functions. Keep
your vital organs healthy with
The world's standard remedy for kidney
l;vr, bladder ond urHc odd Uoublos
i i rinc 1696 : corrects disorders , stimnlatei
ill organs. All druggists, three sizr.s.
Lock for thm uo. Gold Mdj oa vnry box
Mi accept B9 LaaiUtisBi
Pacific Coast League
W. Ij. Pet
Halt l...Ue 49 3S .59
Vernon 51 35 ,.'.!3
(los Anjrelr 47 il .566
I San Francisco 48 40 .612
Portland 3 3 .494
Oakland 37 49 .430
Staersm'-nto 15
Seattle 3 1 49 .388
Yesterday's He-null
S.lt l..k H. Sin Cipnclsco 1.
'ernon 7. PenUlf 1
ri kla n.i . forl Mod 2.
I Io Angeles 6. Sacramento L
The Kerlea
I Salt Lake 2, at Sn Francisco 0.
f rnr.n f . at Sattlo 0.
s.i.'nmfnto . it Los Angeles 2.
Oakland 2. at Portland i
- u ;
Bees Again Trim
I San Francisco 6 to 1
PAN PRAKl ISCO, July 1. Sailor
R;.iph Stroud hald 'he senH to a meas
ly fUe hit! here e;terda!. the Rno
(Winning; the second en me of the series
id to 1. ft Was- rally i double lrtnrv
iis tn. Beea defeated Johnny Com h.
heretofore unbeatable bv the Bee?.
The fieorir
R. H. E.
Salt Lake 11 1
Snn Franelso 1 0
Batteries; Stroud and Byler; cnch
Loe and Aenew.
Sacramento Loses
Fast Tilt to Angels
LOS ANGELES, July 1 The sec
ond Karne of lh Writ here yeStcrda)
went tiie IdcalSi Sacramento being on
the short end of a lo 1 count. Keat
Inir twirled a ru hit gantf for the
local.. The score:
R. H. E.
Loh Ansreles 6 12 l
Sacramento I 1"
Batteries: Keating and I'.assler.
Malls and ("adv.
Vernoij Wins First
Tilt From Siwashes
SEATTLE, July t. Verndn trounced
the locals in the "first Hit of the serAf
here esterda- the COURl heing 7 I.". 1
Hpucic held the locals to four scratch
, hits. The si on
R H. E
(Seattle 1
jN'ernon " 12 1
BaLberi'es sicbold. Zamlock and
I Baldwin; Houck and DeVofmer
Oaks Again Triuniph
Gver Fortiantiers
PQRTLANP. Ju'.y 1. The :,ks
j made it two straight from the IocrIs
here yesterday winning 5 to 2. Al-
though Krcmer was touched for thir
teen hn a he kept them well scattered.
The score:
R. II. E.
I )akland . 6 13 1
I Portland 2 13 1
Katterle: Ki'incr and .Mitze:
Idaalier, Juney and Tobln-
iltree Men Killed
Vhen Scaffold Falls
CHICAGO. June 3f. Three men
were killed today when r scaffolding
on which they were working collapsed
In the Interior of a concrete smoke
stack at the lro('iois planl of Ihe Steel
- Tube company of America. They fell
1 25 feet.
'i j'iriL i. r r ..'port s t... . he lis in
troduced around and everybody aeked
to tip the lad to everything they can.
When he is presented thero is a tone
Of warning in ihe manager's voice
that prevents placing Hny of the
Jokes ihai used to be an infeparable
part of the name. It's like an after- j
noon lea now In the old days."
Herzog continued, his face lighting
up. "the youngsters had hard row
to hoe. The vets would ride them,
poke i hem iri the ribs. Jostle them
round and otherwise prove to them
they had to stick up for themselves.
It was a severe lest but It was the
making of them."
Herzog says many a time he plan '
ned to secretly pack hln duds and
beat It for home when his mates got
after him, but lie finally made up his
mind to get out there and play ball
and make good in spite of them, and
that Is what he did. "It's tame
now." he said with a shake of the.
B-ENTo.V HARBOR Champion'
Benny Leonard will receive 500 per,
minute for defending his tule here ,
July f against Charlie White. Tho1
expense of the show is $40,000 i
m u n Hi u b (Sinn ,
This Arm These Eyes?
A. i z. e!
Bl in n SMI ti u.
Star dust is short-lived stuff.
Sooner or later every diamond star
feels himself slipping. The stuff he
used to pull falls to get over. It U .he
turning point from the road :h-.f h ia
led up to the other side vh'"h I cud a
To hint that such veteran i tola .f
the years as Ty Cobh and Waiter
Johnaon are not playing the r.ipor
game soun.l? strange.
t.ri aineSa expected.
They have so long dominated hase
hali as outntunding playerS that great
ness is expected of them.
For filteen years the Georgian
I'each liaj led the batting parade of
his leasrue and outsmarted them all b
his netV kind of baseball that is do
ing th unexpected;
And for tWelvfe years Walter the
Great has smoked up his dazzling
shoots and his bewildering hooka withj
thS hookum attached that would have
made them near unbeatable with a
ball club back of him better tham
Washington has generally proven to
The faltering work of both Cobb
and Johnson tor far this year can
not help but raise the question Are
the slipping'"'
Both have failed to show the class'
expected of them, and of which they
have been capable of flnshing back,
over their years of triumph
Recently Tyroe played st tho Polo
grounds beside the newest colossal of
baseball. Babe Ruth, and heard the
.-ruel words hurled at him. The King
is I lead."
How thoe words must have cut
him. his southern pride, his lighting.
cha racterlatic tit e
And since that time he has started
on a batting rampage that has taken!
him out. of the ranks of the 2.i0 hittei s
womcn rce cools - TtiE. roo "ms idell wrs "HE MF-T WOMEN
ti in -mue VLtsa - THE. srsAuc. woman mot infcrmalL-Y "
- ' ' ' ' '
LONDON When Queen Mary g?cs to the races she throws silver coins to the giysy
women who are always much in evidence. The royal coach is shown here carrying the
queen to the great derby at Epsom Downs and a gipsy girl running to seize the coin
the queen has just tossed lrom the carriage.
Santiago Quiets Down
After Election Trouble
.UNTIAOo, Chile, June 30 The
disturbed conditions in Ffanltago. due
to the uncertain!;. ifr the result of
last Fridays presidential election, had
apparently passed today, tho normal
life of the eitv being resumed Virtu
ally all the troops have been withdrawn.
PHILADELPHIA Arthur Fletcher
I" being boomed as the next manager
of the Phillies His acquisition from
the Giants has given the team a new
kind of pep and Rtng.-r
CINCINNATI The Rods have s
cured Outfielder Dawson from the
V.' heeling. W. Va. club He will re
port for duty immediately. He lookr,
promising. I
! '. LjffilljilfMfijeaL i jVlsSt"
to the select circle or tbe 30" as lr to
disprove the taunt flung at him.
Cah't t;i Route.
But the great S'ali?i Jqhnadn has
not started yet. He Is basing trouble
going the route. For a few innings he
is the great Walter of old. Then all at
once his stuff forsakes him, the bat
ters fall on every bal he smokes up to
thi plate, e.nd Clark ttrlffith slKn.'k
the relief to start warming up In the
Cobb's hitting slump has come at a
lime when there arc more .300 or bc'.
ter hitters in tho American leaKUti
than there have been for years. The
barring of freak pitching has givci
other players an opportunity to shoot
Up toward the top of the balling per
centages. But Cobb's eyes, for sonic
reason, have failed to take his shnre
of the advantage.
If the Georgian was hitting his noi -mal
stride he ought to be slugging
near the .500 mark instead of wherv
he is.
For fifteen years, and Including the
games cobh has taken part In up to
June 15, the dat- he went into ,i hos-
New York Papers i
Sell For Three Cents
NEW YORK. June 30. Only one
New York evening newspaper will be
sold for two cents after tomorrow,
following the announcement todny
i that the price of the Evening Sun nnd
I Evening Telegram will be increased
to three cents because of the in
creased cost of publication.
BENTON HARBOR There will h
no bleacher seats In the Benton Har
bor arena, where Loonard and White
meet July 6. The saucershaped arena
Is built on a solid foundation.
I FRANKLIN'. Pa. The Oil City team
has cancelled its remaining schedule
of dight games with tho Franklin
team, claiming the fans were loo abu
sive In their language.
pit.il roiiowing a collision w-un irai
Fl&setead, In which he was injured, Me
i . i. playd in l.L'70 ganus ll has
been at bat 1.45.S times, making a to
tal of L',7ti3 hits, for a grand average
of .370 That alone is the greatest
teat a player ever pasted in his strap
book But along with his wlaard hit
ting he has also introduced a newer
I Ind of baseball the kind that out-
gueeeea, outsmarted outthlnka a whole
ball club.
Walter's Ledger
Johnson's record to dale, extending
back over his twelve ears of speed In
the American league, credits him with
298 victories and 230 losses. But his
percentage tells but little, anil wc can
only speculate what a wonder record
he'd have made with e. club like the
it array of New ork or Cleve
land sluggers back of htm.
Both are likely to return to the
flashy pace tliey have set over the
back atreitch of years before the pres
ent season goes Into the final flag
spur: ei ihe fact remains that Cobb
and Johnson have fallen short of their
former marks of greatness to date in
Two Men and Boy j
Killed in Airplane
1 men and a ten-year-old boy were
killed and their bodies burned when an
r.lrplane In which they were riding
I here today struck a high voltage elec
tric wire and crashed in flames at the
Marina flying field.
mons, with a victory over Low Tend
lcr under his belt, has challenged;
'Benny Leonard for n championship
match Eddie Is a southpaw.
si 1K.(. I. C !r.IK-
jhole caddie course Is under construc
tion here It a Claimed that caddies,
.who know the game, will he more in-1
k created and proficient In thep wot k I
standing of Teams
W. L. Pel
Cincinnati 36 2 .574
Brooklyn t 30 .624
t. Louie 14 31 .523
Chicago . . 34 It .515
Boston 23 21 .500
Pittsburgh 2 30 .4'. 2
New York 30 SS ,4f.2
Philadelphia 25 37 .403
Yesterday' Reeulte
Pittsburgh 0, m Chicago I.
Brooklyn 7-S. at New York 3-1.
St Louis 4, at Onelnna-li 2.
Reds and Cardinals Stage
Great Game But Cincinnati
Wins 2 to 0.
Cincinnati, juna so neutherj
and Haines stared a pitching duel In
Hie last Rftrne of the Rods-Cardinal
eie today, but the former was stnen
the better support and Cincinnati won,
2 to 0. Score:
R. rL E.
St. Louis o 7 2
Cincinnati 2 0
Batteries Haines and Dilhoefer;
Rcuther and Allen.
CHICAGO, Juno 30. Chicago shut
out Pittsburg in the final game of the
series today, 1 to 0. Only one visitor,
Carey, reached second base; he made
llrst on Morkle's fumble and went to
second on a balk. Score:
R. H E.
Pittsburg , 0 1 I
Chicago l 6 1
Batteries Pender and Haefner,
Vaughn and I "FarrelI.
NEW YORK. June 3 0 Brooklyn
won both games of a double-header
from the Glaus today, 7 to J and 8 to
l. In the first game Mitchell held the
Giants throughout, While Wheat s hit
ting figured largely in Brooklyns runs.
Fit st game- R H. E.
Brooklyn . . 7 'j o
New York 3 8 l
Batteries Mitchell d Elliott,
Barnes. Whiten and Snyder.
Dcconu Rain. k h bj
Brooklyn 3 0
New York 1 fi oj
B-iltertes Grimes and Miller; Ton-
ey. Huhbell and Smith
NEW HAVEN. Conn.. June 30.
Gu Nlckalls. who was head coach of
the Yale crew the past season, has
been asked lo return to Yale for the1
next year by the rowing committee.
Churchill Peters captain and stroke;
of the 1920 crew, has been asked tui
become assistant coach.
BEACONSFIBLt), Quebec, June 30.1
J. H. MLeCulloch of Beaconefleld, 18:
yearai old. defeated George S. Lyon
of Lambton. ex-Canadian cha0Aplon
b four and three in the third round
of the Canadian amateur gulf cham
pionships here today.
There are 15.OU0 moving picture j
theatres, with a seating capacity of
j 000,000. in th I Utt'.'d States.
Standing of Team
91 L. Pet.
Cleveland S 21 .!
New York 44 28 .511
Chicago 38 2 ,&94
Washington 82 2 .S3
Boston 10 31 .492
iSt. Louts 81 84 .477
Detroit Jl 43 .32
Philadelphia 17 49 .558
Yesterday' ReulLs
Cleveland 8. at St. Louis 10.
Chicago M a.1 Detroit 0.
Npw York .-!. At Philadelphia 5-6.
Washington l-l, at Boston 4-2.
Bunch Hits to Better Advan- I
tage and Defeat Cleve- !
land 1 to 0.
BT LOl IS. June 30. Bl Louis an I
' eland . riK.'.Red in a slugging con
teat today, but the locals bunched their
i hits to belter udvanlae and won. 10
to 8. Johnson hit Into the bleachers
for a home run w ith a man on base in
i the second inning. Score.
R. H. E.
Cleeland 8 14 I
St. Louis 10 16 1 1 LH
i Batteries Bagby, Uhl?. Xiehaus,
I Faeth and O'Neill;' Davis, Sothoron
1 and Severeld. j
BOSTON. June 30 Boston won the
I first game todky, 4 to 3. In ten In- i
ninaa, but lost the second, 5 to 2, to I 'H
I Washington. Bush won the first game f
by a single, scoring Foster, who had
singled and reached second on Scott's
sacrifice Gharrlty'a homer in the
ninth, with Harris on baae was a fea- !
ture of the second game. Scores,
First game K H. V.
Washington ....311
Boston 4 13 2
Batteries Shaw and Ghariity, Bush
and W alters. fH
Second game P.. H. E.
Washington 5 1 g 1
Boston 2 9 I S
Batteries Zachary and Gharlty; H
I'cnnock and W alters. i
DETROIT, June. 30. By clouting I lH
three Detroit pitchers for eighteen !
hit, while Faher held the Tisrr In
flva scattered safeties. Chicago won
its third straight game In the series 1,
ioda, 14 to 0. Coombs, who last T 4H
p tied for Brooklyn two years ago. mW
ilnished the game tor Detroit. Score; t Lbbh
R. H B, ,
Chicago 14 IS 0 I LH
Dtlroit 0 5 1 lil
Baterles Faber and Schalk, Lynn, :
Leonard. Alien, Combs and Woodall. i
PHlLADalLPHlA. June 30. Six '
home runs featured today's double- j
hi ider between New Y01 k and Phlla- j
dclphla, tho visitors winning both j "H
games to 6, and 10 to 6 Ruth's I
twenty-third home run of the season
scored the winning run in the fust ;
game, while his twenty-fourth broke j
a 1 to 1 tie in the fourth inning of the ;
second contest. Scores:
First game R H. E. mLLA
New York G14 1 ,
Philadelphia 5 15 1 1
Batterlea Wulnn and Ruel; Naylor,
Big be and Perkins. jf
. 1 . 1 game R H. E. if
New York 10 13 1
Philadelphia 10 3
Batteries Collins and Hannah,
Perry, Hasty and Perkins.
Tt's lots of fun a-flshing I
And I'd really like to go, pfcT
If I could catch .ho hah on land rje , -jj
And didn t have to row. jpSixmA I
I gj M
Two sprightly boxers met one eve
Within a roped nrena.
A large and noly crowd was there
To View the flsti. scene, s
Referee was on the Job
To see that both the maulers
Did not use blackjacks in their mitts
Nor fight like alley brawlers.
He was engaged to see iho two
Did not bite one another
The pair shook hands before the bout'
Like brother greeting brother
Said Battling Mike, belore the bell
Was tapped to start the fracas;
' Wo are not hero to kill nor malm,
The referee ran t make us."
You re right. ' asserverated Rill.
Nicknamed the Dogtown Scrapper. ,
You'll get from me rfo wicked punch,
I am a friendly tapper.
Remember, kid. within the week
We boxed at Trov and Fargo.
And after this we're billed to go
Ten lovely rounds a' Argo."
The referee stood round and watched:
the very painless scrapping.
And noticed as he looked around
A lot of fans were napping
He thought that either Bill or Mike
"Would doze off any minute;
He would have iult his job, but there.'
Was fifty dollars in It.
' ' '
Carl Trernnln and Pal Moore have,
been boxing again this time At To-,
ledo. The first bout was at ""Meveland. .
and in both battles Tremalne wns
credited with shading th Memphis
Perhapa the next engagement .1
will be south of the Mason and Dixon iH
line. In which event Pal may grab off tH
the honors H
a e '
We trust theae two "duo engage- H
ments are not the beginning of a life-
long friendship between the two popu- ll
iai boxers Theae I mon-Pythias af- jl
fairs between heroes of the roped lH
arena do not help me boxing game to
any great extent. H
We recall the Brit ton-Lewis affair
and the friendship of Sam Ivingford 1
for barious brunette opponents, and 1
none of these seem to have placed any 1
lasting glamor on the game of (Utf- 1
a a
It 11 In boxing as it is In baseball.
Too much hand-shnklng and gosslpln
on the diamond before the game doe."
not increase the fans' Interest. The 1
constant meeting of rival ball clubs
.mi practically the same players sea
son ,ifter season leads to a softening of
rhe fighting spirit and lessens the zest
of the fan?
So in boxing, if the same pair of
boxers begin to meet each other fre
uuently In the ring, from one end of
the countrv to the other, the fans be
gin to wonder if they're paying to see
a real mill or Just an exhibition of ;
pulled punches and artistic feinting 'H
SAY POP Alkali Ike's Too Speedy for Himself. By C. M. Payne
t M

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