OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, July 01, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 13

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-07-01/ed-1/seq-13/

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HbbLbbbsH UK
BaSBBBBBBBBBBBsW --WJW.o m m. m -- I AJi - - B ,f-
"Wgir. P I Real Estate j
V BY OWNER flour room hotiM furnished
VjH tj fruit, herrle.. garden, big lot '12 Twelfth
H i r'rtu $2500 $1000 or more 1804
HjB or write BSJ Klrkhtm sir.-, i. Oakland
I Sffl '
RB ? fl BY OWKER Five oom modern funnidi
BwsbbT fl ed OOttSge, nwir union defot Phone WT4.
BSrfl I J,' ACRES, voter right, garden, herrlrr
HHH S I CholQC location, B owner ,r.71 Seventh
street ii
I f'X room morirn hoUM, also new Docile
"ifH I roAdfor. rt5 Twentv fourth street.
I Jl j 1
HB fl KOPR room frwm hou. 211 Wont
A1 '"'at. Hr.'i P..n, n-.-W-i
WnrM -r:r.s Pleasant vi rw til
Vdw fl irmin. wmir right, xmnii houre. win es
BBB fl hang for good automobile aa pari pa: -
ll R 4" r,rre rood pnature clone to Offrio:).
H t 20 acres can be made cood furm land:
JH f now paying rood Income, at $101 rr
RHH P fr. Thla place n good buy.
B1 40 Here ImrTivr.l fnrn planted I 0 Bl
H fslfa, pea?. potnto5 rtr . s arre. pasture.
HBB excellent water riKht. iinpkm'nt imd ma
LaBBu h nc r . ' otn r . pig, ch i .
BH I Bi r
j BJ I ghtj Prlca lnclud-
Bf; j lng rropa 112 600. frill rxrlmnKO for coo'l
lflflfg I Ogden cltv propert aa part payment.
Over Commercial National Bank
JJp INAP foi quick tale for . to prl
BBHI I f parlli. nirlil in thr aHrrt district
aa h.. . lot on Jackaon 50 fael front aritn
HBbS E 2 f"t allfv alao a hant on Tn-nt
flB1 I fourth SI raal wtth all Improv omenta In
q , rc iOM Twantj fourth J0MI
FlYE room ttrlctlv modarn hrlrk hoiis ,
B I on bench. Inquire 3002 Wall avenue.
loi it room mo. i in house with alepln;
gH I porch, on drn h chaap, with lertna Jjj
F HOME 5 i:- 5
HH I BBVKN room modern hom cf In on
VMBJ I pnv.d Mrrf. all aprrlals pair), wall built I
kprtdS I honi' In rxrr int rondltlon Ba1 bUJ In I,
IIXP OKdrn. Only JSo'""! 1600 -ash down. M0.I;
per mont li
4-,3 1 MM War hlnirton Ave. I
pj . (m n W oi W04 J
THRKE room hOUM .nH til lota, Wl th J
HV I hum ehlekana nnd rhlken coop 5a?I'
If ' '' i ' i . i i '
gVflBI I Real Halat- Ians Inauranr
BLjtBS I 2400 Hudson Avenue
WrnKf PraetiCAll new fl e room modern brlok
Bl DUngaJOW lornted In rholep imrt of
, . n nr. exceptional! i ' built, i Ith
& A romnt haaemni and built in featurea
JLw 1 I I.t 50x10 feet This la real value Trice
T 0 r Reasonable terma
if x . . i net i .i fnmll: home .-r-' 'iiia aev.
' 1 en room modem home on bench. Fine con-
fl dltlon. larc lot. f-.'.xlSO feet innn' nri
( M etleji of fruit. Imrn. frnrnt'. and baaenn nl
t Prlre $1500 Tennn ?1000. Balance niort
fi srr.go for 20 years,
f tJood six room modern nrrxr hlKh school.
I 1 Fast front, bnawnanti lawna, ahude treci.
1 1 Price 13000. Terms $500 balanre $."50 a
I month
f Ral Batata lnurance loans
I 24'9 Hudaon Avenue Phone 017
SMA&L fmmi- houac and GO fool lol near
railroad dl.-trlrt Price ?10fm BarRUI.ISQO
1 c-ash and balance monthly rnynunl? in
I ault customer. a Kennedy, basement
i t ih National IhiIMIiik Phone IMS n
2;n 1 302
MX i uoni sim-'O. f lots wit!. f
' front Good for Gordon or chlckeru, Irrl
rating water. Will fell on reasonable,
terms Inquire Ot.ner SOI Thirty fifth
f I THREE acre hicki n n rm Phone '
f VV
APARTMENT liousr- .'..- in on Wash
f s ington avenue; haa nine two and three i
I J room apartments Furniahad. Income I
f P, J2:.S a month Pr.ro $11. Wf Halt caah.
Might consider pan exchange. Box is. i
i p' tnndarrl Exarohvi 1 tm '
BIGHT room modern home; aleci
I orchej Phi ne i 170 3QQ7 1
'7 1- I'E room mofli i i lirick house and war- ,
K rfC Dewly painted 031 Perry acnue.
w ; 8MC
S i.KiHT loom Iioi.m-. ? .-..mir por-h
rai Thone -21L
raH REASONABLE ; furnished five room mod
en, hrkk: shade treea, fruit trees, grapes '
berries, garden East Twelfth stiert.
" L.IM JMj '
J"l-V - i i 'i )v balanc month!) a ui buy a 1
Tro' nice tlx room modern home, all rperl.il
fa taxes pnld in full. Choice location) Imme
lor dlate poseoslon. E F. Bratz. 417 Ecclea
building MM
Tl -,. : ; n . ..... ..
L -iparlnientK. fine location on bench,, pays
Al 10 per rent net on youi Investment H-
i in, to leave town on account of sicknoas, Uili
ro sell cheap ! IK A Tl.-rrj. k M6J
I j THREE room cottage two lota, S121 Un
il on avenue, cheap. Terms or cash. Phone
1660 j vm
13 .CRE8, crops Implements hoi i
nate highway. ' rnlle north Clearfield
FM r,o H R 1 1 7 ' 1
TTy OW-T:R.-Gcoo sa teen room np.i i t
mint house, furnished, steeping porches.
Kns ranges finest '.o.itlon In town 5110
fei month Income. Good terms Phone 102
V7 M91
'.Ait'ii. building lota nen addition io
DBBj I'ighth atreet. Good soli, drainage and )u-
jHj nation. 639 Seventh. Phone 2135-M.
I) i-i EN loom modern brick houaa dou
V ( l,v qn ige. ii.nvrri 'reet Terma on i t
; - v Wherry 2M9 Madlaon. M46
I jj -::T.N loom hrh-k Ha e ...ii some-
B thine to trade. Small house preferred.
ffff We can lie of m'.itiinl hem- It h denllnrr
BBB w direct Also have Grand piano 1S2S Twen
; -i, .li. itroi t Phone 1 126-R 2 108
WE have n large Hat of iirlgat'd farms
I for sale or tradn. Write or fee ONES
I URISWOL.D IN'V. CO . Burlcy. Idaho
KT-f 7J v l POUTER Reel Estate -mi i,o-,n
BEi SI70 Washington avmue. Phona 1S7"
WSL a I; . '-v yi' -Corner' lot lbxl ' H T
BfSB Tv nt-te,-ond and Rcees avenun
I 7.
FOR SAEE OR rRADE Good grain and ,
kk-41 Stock ranch well located adlolnlng moun
'am rangt and onK four miles from rail '
BB V water availabla foi stock
, 310 firres. half cultivated 0 a. r.-. rood
I a a'heat; dwelling, .stables. cdVa seven
A heed of horaca, rarmlng Impumenta all
K I including crop II taken before liar (
BBB esl. NV'lll sell on terms or exchange for i
HH! small place, R. P Hunter. 41 Twonh '
fourth street. Phone 1 S03 J. Prirr $5000
B j BL E or i do?er unused buah t fruit '
BBVj baekets w ith rovers. the doxen or i
h lade ror fmlt Phone 959 M or cell 1073 I
1 Twenty-first street.
THREE fri h cowt live coming fresh
BBJ 1 soon. Wit! sell or trade for dry cows !
BBJ 1'horiH HbL .1. A Lee. 1997
r lost
BLUES mare, I years old. brand B on left
pBBJ .-houider. nt Rlverdalo W .1 Co Har-I
' T 1 -7 j 1 Reward n"
I 1AM 'XI' l-.li. 1 nt l.orii. I'.m pTTk I
BBH' Tuesday afternoon after 3 p. m. Pleeaa
. i'ii n this office 1 ; i , 1 j
BLA K leether pocketbook containinrl
IBflj about J17 or $18. Return to 2620 Well
1 1 11
j foiTre?t j
( --L- Migcellaneoug I
INVALID rlmir Phone JJ .1 ,?17fi
i ltl!i:i: (ih... acuurns In f.ral , l,v, ron
1 . dltlon. Cl 'lay. Call J. Barlow. 23i I
2VT7 '
li'1 ' i.m n M Plione 31 .y
HI ' ,r ' rs.es close to Ogden
Smith Minders C'ommerriai National
li l,-,nk t.ulldiru;. Phone 1:47 or i'868-W eve-
nr n!nr-"i. 17s4
STORAGE room for rent. Can Aabeato
I nr i-iotiirtn Co.. Phona i4ir.-v gyj
.? I 1 " h in i he I ?nlted Statt a ha e
ri 1 calculated at b7 ;i minute and
, I Llrtha tit 70 a ruinuto.
I I FurnUhcd
O. 6 F'eer' apartment. Thre rroms
- I V ' ' I ' . - . 1
.FOt'R rooms. netK furnished, with
'sleeping porch. No small children. 20t2
' Gramerry. 319S
FURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping
2:'"T v,
two room furnished apartment. Phona
27 ,1M
TS) rooms furnished for light house
kerping .. r hiinnlnw 2721 rjrant
PLEASANT sleeping room In modern
home. Phone 1032 J
three, four or five hotieekceplng
I 1 i . ' -: i : . : - Tv , i,h fourth
fl F(M5 1 1 f ; I ' i,..ir tm-rr 2"" I Wn. h nc
ton av U 3190
.THREE room with piano nlcelv fur
inlshed. modern, ground floor, no children
M't'K 2L5 Washington or after 7 p. m
Bl 2634 Grant. 117
I ' FITMENT 'nd r.om TTi r oln
FI'RNISHED house In canyon at Fair
moot Phone 2'H M l 4 ."
TWO rooms fD, Hcht housekeeping, close
m no ehlhlren. I'lioir 1 Stj M 3150
i . 1 furnished room w,th bath
Orehaid. Gentlemen pr Terr-d. 1 1 41
THREE rroni apartment with Bleeping
porrh for one or two months Reliable I
couple onlv. Apartment 6. The Axon
Ft R N I - I i I . I i i i-ir t in' ni and slef-ping
room, aultable for two 270.1 t.;rani -e
nue. Ilfifi
TWO modern sleeping rooms for rent a'
21 4C- lei f. rr.n Board If desired S14S
itODM ;,70 Tw.ni iivr.i street, 3091
TWO light housekeeping rooma at 3..ri
Twenu i hind street Thone 24 131
rHREE room moCern apartmenta Cell
t58j Qulncy avenue Phone i is". 3113
TWO rooms tot light housekeeping No !
-hlldn n. $12 per month B6 Twenty - I
third street. .".167
nvi'i r.-t-.m apertmenf with sleeping i
yorch 566 Twenty-fourth street 3109 j
rHREE roorti fuirnlahed houM 2050 675
njKy- "
I I RNISHP.lt .. ii -'i y i.dilng
j ton avenue Corey partmenta. 3 111
FURNISHE1 n furnished npartnu rTti
j for rent. Z". is ghlngton 31 li
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms
! Phone 11;3 214 TwentJ Sixth street.
' 308f
. hoi'.i:ki'.ki'Im; rd su ible for fam
I llv oi bachelor; and lcr'lng roomi. 22".OV4
i 3 0V 7
1 ;R Y id '! I '. . ...... . : I
I two minutes from poatofflce. Gates Ho
; tel. 2446 Gr.mt nvenue 1','"7
t) room apartments for houaekceping,
also one mom biilt:ihlc for on- lal- pre
1 ferred 330 Twenty-third street. Lincoln
Hotel ' 3068
R" .m T-. ni, ih, 1. 1 3 'i
fiNR C'i two rcMDms. houai keeping apart
'mcnts Sleeping rooms, no children. 2272
Madison 3QII
; ("( il R i oom pm tim ni nl( K (urn. hed
, firyt floor j:-'. 'K.uii avenue. SOlj
PLEASAN1 room In modern home fine
i location 438 Twenty fourth. 317
MODERN sleeplna and housekeeping
. mi- 27::l MadK.-n Phone 3"! 3
Fl RKISHED apartment, three rooms (i
vate bath, good furniture. 2783 Orant
axi'nnc. .3016
two room fui il hi I apartment on bi
ond floor. 27'o ?i u nt avenue. 3014
',( M1 LETEL :' nli hed housekeeping
apertmonte, elevator, phone, light? gas.
maid m.rxin- if desired Plaia Apartments.
TWO parllv furnished tent racks near
Hermltag. Inuiiln 127 A est Twenty
s-venih. 2989
TWO lion .4 '.inn loom- ground (loor
202i W htn ton
rWO cdmfortabli modern r ooms, suitable
for two 2'i24 li .'.' r: en 2872
l 1 1 ic i r i "i c-l. e.i l . 1 1 1 - for rent
750 Twenty sixth street. 2982
i i RKISHED room foi rent in modem
home, close In. 315 Twenty seventh
i reel - 77
TWO houseki pins rooms 2353 Monroe
THR'OE ri.on furnished house. 104 Tv en
t) -serond street. 2S1 7
MODERN bungaio tcckcr"a Bridge
i myon Phone '.us 276n
Mi'r i !- modi u i oom, bteakfs 1 1
desired. Reference required. MM leffer
J son 259 2
i SINGLE o. double room 'or sleeping or
housekeeping. .-i. W ihington ' I '"
I Unfurnished
FOUR room apartment 564 Twcntj fifth
' il i B18J
TWO modom rooms. No children, 274jfl
i Volker avenue 3107
i SIX room hOUSB on bench Y-- month, riot
modern 2.1. m.hhoi. 3121
I NEW three room modern apartments fori
1 rent. 2ST1 nil Phoni Ml H !
GOOD modern home for rent to man anil ,
wife with no children good shade and'
garage, for boarding owner Phone 125n- 1
W an.) : p 1 . 1 1 20
4 l;iiiIS ii.o-Ii-:ii housi k, 1 ping i.lo. '- 11
Welly & ! 1 1 I' I. Hn2
1 To Buy 1
WE have cash eUStORien tor deslraMe
city und farm lands. List your properiV
with rellablo people KelUy it II' rrlck.
" - 6 -1 f
1 1 R 1 "i an cars regardless of condi
tion Auto Salvage . 2MI tJrant a. 1
ON Improved real estate E K Bratz.
417 Ecclea Bldg 3079
to aalarled paople without security 'o
otliers on pianos, furniture, bondo, etc
7 lin.lson Bldg. Phone 284. 249 1
mone'i 10 loan ou improved eai eetait
K A Hi rrl. k 77J
I waiWelS j
i To Rent
BY man nnd w h i U room mod - !
ern furnlehad house for four months 237
Nimlon Hotel.
BY THE 1st, thre,. or fom room modern
unfurnished house, no children Call .3324 1
J 3054
20 foot lengths.
1 4 pieces 6) 6
27 pieces 2x10.
3S pieces 2x12. '
Phone 122? 3103
-I OND hand goods, bought nnd sold T
C. Iverson. lG4n Washington Phone 4f)
tA: ';
w t taku your 01a ranije, ns first payment '
on uny new range, or will buy your rlJ , !
rappe o-.itrlt?ht Homo Furnlluro Co. 467J ! I
I r busiFjess j s
I V OpportuniHea ijj
ONE of the best blacksmith shops ml'
county; work for three rnen the e.ir
round, and all neceKxary equipment Best I
on Phoii. : 1 . 7 1 KH '
CHANCE fos mi n w ho ow n eutoa To
inQQi ' Lux C 12.
Colors are frequently artificially
produi . .I In .u;;i;,. articles, 1
GARAfli: lui-.i.... on W.irhiricrton nve. 1
nu for pule. Rv.ismia Id,- i.-nt; good lo
-at .on. Will aerllk . lor quick sale ("nil '
1' W or 21 U K after C p, in. ' 3180 1
' Miscellaneous
I TINS for e, J3r n pound. Phone 27
'V l."i2T Wnshingtnn a'enue 317"
HOUSEHOLD furniture for u.uirk sale.
. ... nu. 171
TWO innng go.i'- Phone 1 7.M R J
BXCBLLEKT bargains on fine violins,
new or old. Pantone, Tw eni . nlnt h and
II A on 3174
WILL sell or rent at a bargain, nickel
slot elrrtrli pinno Pantone. Twenty
. i : '.
UNCALLED for suits. A few 01 those
rxrrlirnt Dundee tailored suits, various
sl7.-x. one frork: selling at rost Dundee
Woolen Mills. Hudson Vs. inn- ' I '.
'.'"I' pnlr r.r rirpv. sho.- lTe ' , V"
II '.arris of rag rarpet. new, $12; alao one
oak cupboard. $15 1345 flrant avenue
I HIOH oven ns rune 2107 Linroln
I f"bone 1007 W .317.
Hrnf.iKs 10I7 Twelfth T'"' Phon
17 6 317:
IDAHn rioui : ?: per ino pounds, .'.on
pounds ni more, 16 1" per hundred The
Star Market gj TwenM second Street.
WICKER push rart. adJustalMe back,
first rl.iss condition. Cheap. Apartment
1. 220.3 Washington avenue, 31i3i
VV1CKER b.i buggy and dining inble
ofi7 Twenty-sixth street rhone 3230
! i ' I' ' '.I .'.null.- ... in.r.
Bring boxes C, A. Jones' Ranch, North
' igdi n Si M 1 Bunnell 81 li
FOUR burner gas r.inge rrlfh large men.
JI3. Call f inings 34H Twenty flrft
Street. , 3131
GENUINE fonn cornet for sale rhnp
Norman "erf 2I70 Washington. 312f'
Two i.v.ixi milk cows 2957 V illi 8135
BICYCLE, phonograph, and some lurnl ,
lure. 1221 Oak strnt Phone 034 .T.
I I I'OI wan! 1 go.-,. 1 second hand blcycli
IP . , ; al 834 1. ChHdl 3134
TT nt 1 : n 1 " almosl n i w . Call after "
p m.. 1952 Stephens avenue 316
PLAYER piano Sell or trade for sum
62j Thirtj lirst Phgns 8751 816J
SEWING ma hine. piano. nv.rnr t.nbie
hi ap Phoni 891 5 m 2654 Bi inker 8UJ
l'.i;i(' pi .1 dining room sei Phone
. 2 Ad.lr. ss 3172 Washington 3117
I nVK milk .y.( 1. n.- 1 online In -h. 20
1 Inquire 2Sfi Monroe. 3118
1 GOOD nii(n,' horTe fm sale :lll We-t
I Twentieth street 3001
DRESSER, iibrn 1 v table and ds enette,
! 1 like new Room i. over 336 Twenty-fifth
I street. 3000
! GOOD l.n . I. . SUV Cm II b-tween 5 and r,
p m 116 Twentj thini 3005
SPEJCIAL prices on new and used ga3
I range- nd plates Miller Furniture Store
1 j a VGE f..r iaje jTg Thirtieth 2998
FURNITURE for three rooms cheap: par
I ty can rent apartment. Inquire 2515 Lln-
I I oln avenue, 29S1
CANARY birds 2880 I in. -oln b snue
1 I' :HT drawer wooden rani file cabinet
.'x3. at Standard-Examiner. 2:176
KX'II .''irid nati'.e ee.ljir po.it?
Wheelwright's 'ood Yard 234S Hudson'
avenue 2944
mi t (RCYCLE Harh ! nm ion good
Jeondltlon .1 bargain for cash If taken at
once Call for demonstration st 2524'
Wa hington avenue or phone 173, Ask for
F ink ifad n, 2007
"i 1 il No While I., civ. in mil!, ts, Phone
1248 Western Oraln & Feed Co. 2334
1 Washington avenue 2430,
! M'VYM N S th- holiest pri. for
ae rid hand furniture. Phone 638 2348
j o ghlngton 2202
PISH poles. 6c and up 1610 Washington
CALL 888 for kindling Wood 2213
BOHN-SIPHON refrigerator. While en
ameled. 75 pounds capacltj Coat S100 '
Will sell for $35 Mr. Fowler. Wright's
B 11 ment. 9207
pianos and other musical Instruments
Terms without Interest. Pantone, 2874
Hudson 909
UNCALLED lor BUlta tailor made: big
reduction. Gordons. 211-25 Twentj'-f'ftn
m Phone 419 lis?
Puy your p.ilnt nt Slow. and save
money, 1800 Waahintrton avenue, Phone,
i'36- f. 1 .1 ' $
r FOR SMA,utoi
CADILLAC, 19L2 model auto. $150 Call
1910 OldBmoblle coupe. Ml:,- new, a ri
1 flee
I 1916 Cadillac S. perfect condition.
1917 Studebaker touring A I.
1918 Bulck six touring. Ilko new,
L918 Stydcbaker ton truck. A 1.
191S Two ton Nash truck good as new
1917 Model " Hilpmohllc. cord tires,
w inter and summer top
2200 Washington Ave.
SEVEN pasaengci 1 'adlllac tourlnc a i
excellent onditlon. cheap, inquire :i3
Twi-nty fifth street. HIS
1917 model IM ton Indians truck, V 1 con
dltlon, good tor two or three years' hard
.1' ('heap lor cash. 210 Eccles Bldg
it Phone 176. 3119
SMALL touring ear. good condition
li' a p. 565 Seventeenth street 2986
FORD Ion tnn k In good londition Cush
Ion and pneumatic tires. Cheap for cash.
23J6 Washington, 2912
M' One six , y lindei mr in ex.-Unt
.shape. Very Cheap. Phone 577. 2SS6
LIGHT CadlTiei Inn I.. 19l 4 Hudson
Studebaker 1917 New Franklins First
Mass auto shop. Barlow Bi others. 2466
Grant aenue. 959
I Itilck light six roedsti r
Bulck 4. five passenger.
Overland S6, five passenger.
Overland S3 five passenger.
All these ears are guaranteed to be in
first class condition. Will sell at a bar
2i.ll Washington Avenue
1 OR SA1 P -H; owner, good fcunllv mnn
b. .i. Phone 1427 2378
I Situations
WORK for fen hours each eenlnr Am
kind of work. Box 75 care Standard '
POSITION by u business woman who is
anxious to locate In Ogden. "an give best
of references. Address New York care
Standard; 3086
PAINTING, paper eler.nlnt: of .ill kinds
Work guaranteed 'aii 2687 R 299a
PL.ST1:P.P.3 n7 patching. oTil TTT
Twenty seventh stieet. 2991
FOR cement work or general building
;ontractlngi Phone 2257. 2948
i peksoiw; i
'1 m m m m m m m - - - - . -mJ--KXJ-lrXJ-
HVERYBODY suffering with piles, fistula,
ilccratlon bleeding or Itching plies, write
for freo trial, painless pllo cure. R. E
rarney, San Jose. Cal. 2707
IMiscel laneoug
A'ANT to buy used car, state model, low 1
st cash price, p O Box 507. 3H3
Hemstltchini plrot edge, buttons, pink
ng and pleatlna second floor w H
Anel.i - :ot Mr.i H Layman. 1169
HONOLULU When police went to I
)rcak up a merry little Kakaako tea j
arty, the presence of nine women In
i bunch of crap shooters caused a I
luiter among the officers.
,, i-,fi-i.ixcrtjr.-rj-u-LTi-n-.-u-u.T-u-"-
m Male Help j
BELL b.-,. Hotffi
to unload i '.' b ontrart i
' 'r e n Sf w - I -; pe A- ' v ( r.
I VI M hand iair mi.i profit ahering
proposition W B edell. ?46s Wssh
Ingtr.n. 3105 1
,;' tKKEEPER for PocaU lie Vpply Mr
Smith. Gem Supply Co.. 2343 Wall avenue
oi hq nmn stenographei to ro in
perior. Wyo. Appl) 828 Ecclea Bldg
FN PKRIFNED stenofrsphe-- vniin
man preferred s:i p.. irs hmc 3012
FIRST rnm buahelman wanted al Wap
pier's. Twen- fourth and Hude- r"
YOl NO man w , ierh an Lim n Co 164
Twenty sixth street. 2929
OI v; mnn to do general OfflOB work for
lorgv manufacturing concern. Address P
0. Box 707. 2851
WRINOER man and linen checker. I' P
Iaundrv. 2643
Lrnn. J555jiE i
LAUNDRESS o take personal laundrv
for three home Can 2-ssi-w. 3201
W UTRESS ppl at P.ani h iafr- Bight
hours. $4 a da j . 3111
o'IRL i r-i phot 0,71 Qph . ('hrlsts Stu
In!. -'IC' .l.lllngton
BXPERIENl BD aaitressea wanted at
City Cafe, 1 in Twenty-fifth Phone S24 W 1
W.MTPKS irym'-i Hot.-' 3123
'H '. '.1 PP.R maid al leil Hotel .3122
WOMAN who enn rook to work four or
five hours a day. for small Family. I., can
yon lOitnge Apply Commercial Natoinal
Bank- 3t)92
EXPERIENCE! i stenograj her for ir.r
manuiii 'uiing onrern. Address P 0
Box 707, giving references and cxperlenee '
Information Bureau j
5 '
ANYTHING A to Z-rw or old
bourrhf sold or traded Phone 332
Bramwell Rook and ' Mationery. J""".;
Washington Ave Phone 360. 2051
3 AN K. NO
Vtnh Natltonal Rank, southeast corner
Twenty-fourth and Wnshtncton Phono 61
F. Strupplck. carpenter .nd Johier 158
TwentJ third. Phone nils 2519
K. Van Kanipen for upholstering,
pets cleonc; affr.rl and In'd. Remaking
of mnttreoscs Phone 2752-J.
Expert carpet cleaning, mattress reno
vatlnf. upholstering, and springs re
stretchfd Cat' E. J. Hampton Co..
Feather renovating Phono 25S6-W.
Phone 133. 2258-Cu Washington Ave
Ma'suba & Co leading Japanese res
taurant In Ogden 273 24th St.
DRESSMAKING and s,ik shirts made to
order. Phom 10 M. 022 Thiirldh St
"HII.DRP.NS sewing Phone 1440. 261t.
Monroe Ave 2S4n
The New Method Dentist" ire ppeclnl
Ists in al! branches of Dentistry 2403
Washington Ae 22US
Ogden EngravfRg Service Co maaers
of fine cuta in one or more rolora. 416
Twenty- fourCt street. Phono 463.
Geo. D. Bennett rorporatlon and group
Insurance a specialty Phone 124-W, 1514
Alex H. Moyes, resident agent New York
Lite Insurance i'o.. 2 Blnlonl avenui
Phono Hfi7 and 1377 W 2867
Western Hide & Junk Co.. 2223 Wash
ington Av . Phone 861
Ogd.-n f ml' Huu c. 2U53 Washington
Wt Phono 210
Paper hanging, painting kalsominint.
paper cleaning. Reasonable 3220 R
u lilard Kay, rent estate ond loan
247 1 Washington Ave Phone 409. 1874
Garbage ard rubbish hauled, cesspools
and toilets cleaned. Tohn Chlpp & "o
Pluno 828. 234 nufy.oi, Avenue. 973'
Trunk and hap repe.lrlng. round ror
ncr from Standard Gallachci's. '373 Hud
son 2118
K ALSO MI NINO and paper cleaning Tel
29-R-ll W Alvord, 8861 Adams 2421
EXPF.RT .vindow and all paper clean
Inc American Window Cleanlncr Ph
ond Judicial Duirict. iu sad for Weber Coun
; ty, Stnto of Utah,
Tlieraas Anld Plsiatlff, ti Otto Yogler, if
BOl -le,-ised and If ilrroased his unknown
heirK. devisees. Icjcntccs aad rrediti.r.
.Line Doe Yogler' Jiinos J Ritrlue. if net
diffused and if dec caned, his iinVnowu
heirs, di-vitcos. legatees and creditors;
Jane Doe Ritchie; Robert W. Curtis. If not
dereosed. and if deceased his unknown
heirs, deviate! leRatees and creditora. June
Doe Curtia. Milton H. Brondsoo. if not
deceased, and If deceased, bia unknown
heirs. davitSet, le(raiee and creditors, Jane
Doe Rrtindsun, Kdward P Callahan, if iwt
docsssed, sad if deceased, his unknown
heirs, ibrisees. lopatees nnil creditors Jane
Due ( allahan, J. A Porte, if not deceased
and if deceased, his unknown heirs, do
leirateHs and Creditors, Jano uoe
I'orto. J C Watsen, if not deceased, and
if deceased his unknown heirs, dev!sees.
lerateca and creditors. Jane Doe Wjitson ;
1 anriie Swohoda, if not deceased, and if
deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees,
lesatecs and credilora: Fannin S. Rowe, tt
no deceased, and if deceased her unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees and creel; r.irs
Frank L. Pitkiu, if not deceased, and if
daeaaaed, his unknown heirs, devisees,
le caices nnd credit. .rs. Jane Don Pitkin;
H C, I fnrdenburg, if not deceased, and if
deceased. his unknov. n heirs, devisees,
h'fcVlees and iridiluo, Jnne !),,! Il.irden'
burg. l.-mcs J: Miller, if nut deceased, nnu
if deceased Ins unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees and creditors. Jane Doe Miller,
Mirhnel Mod. if not deceased and if .h-
iaed. his unknown heirs, devisees,
leeatees nn.l creditors. Jane Doe Mack
Michael HcManamlo if nol deceai-ed. aud
if dcceaseJ. his unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, and creditors, Jnne Dos kfeafens
mu. S H. NesiuKh. if not deceas,-d aud If
deceased, his unknown heirs, leviaees, I
lecaie-s and Creditors, Jane Doe Ncsnitth ;
Rsinharl A. Hudi. If not deceased, and if
deceased. his unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees and creditors. Jane Doo Hunt:
"J. lin Conway, If not deceased, and u" de-
ea.scd, his unknown heir. devisees,
legal eel and creditors. Jane Doe Conway
Bir.iru M. 1 rost, !f nol deceased, and if de
ceased. his unknown heirs. deviates
h'gatecs and credit. irs. Jane boo Frost;
Jumes D. Jin dan. If not deceased and if
docaasea, his unknown heirs. devisees
legatees und creditors. Jan. Doe .lorrlan '
LlsaiS Cam, !f not deceased, ana if de
ceased, her unknown heirs, devisees,
legateaa and creditors. John J O'Nall, if
noi deceased, and if deeeaaed, bis unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees and Creditors, Jane
Doe O'Nell; Alice M. O'Neill il not de
ceased, and if deceas.-d. her unknown heirs,
devise..,, Iccalecs and creditors. Weeden
O. Finnell if noi deceased, and if de
ceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, leea
ties and creditors, Jane Doe Finnell, Eva
P Bacon; John Don and Mary Roe, wbose
ether nnd true uamcx are to plaintiff un
known, and any and all parsons who havy
or claim to hao soma estate or interest
in and to all or any part of the ral prop
aril hereinafter described, Defendants.
The Slare r.f I i,h to the said Defendants.
ou are hereby summoned to appear within
Iwent dayi after the service al this sum
mr", "l""i u. ! ervcd w,tlnn th.. count
In which ibis action is brought , otherwise
Within thirty days after service and defend
the a bora euttlcd action, and iu rate of your
luilur. so to dc i.iditment will be rendered
you ac-urdinic to the demand of the
complaint, which ha been tiled with the clerk
of aid court.
Thia action Is brought to obtain a jud
uic-iit and decree adjudging the pluiutiff to'
he the owner and quieting his title against
any ard all claims of the defendants in and
to all of tba following deseribad real estate.
la a it .
All of Lots twenty sis (2C) and twenty
seven ( 27 ) in BOf k 1 .
All of Lots five (Si. six (8). Ten (7).
ighl (S), nine (). ten (10), eleven dir.
twelve (l'J ). thirteen (13) and fourteen (14)
in Block .2,
All of l.ets twenty one (21 L twenty tw.
(22 j. in Block 4; '
All of Lois one (1) and two (21. three
fl), four (4l. nine (91. ten (10), thirteen
(IS), fourteen (14). fif'een (15). eii'een
(10 1. twt-nty one (Si), twenty-two ISS)
twenty three (2.1), twenir four (24). twen"
seven (37 I. twenty eight (2s). twenty nine
(20) and thirty (30) hi Block 5;
All of lts one fl), two (2). three (3),
and four (4. )-i Block 8;
All of Lota three ( .3 i and four (4). five
(4). six (8). seventeen (17), eighteen ,lsi
nineteen (19). twenty (20), twenty one t jli
twenty two (22). twer.t a thre (23) and
twentv -four (24). In Rlprfc 7.
All ef Lot eleven (11). twclvo (12). thi
teen (13). fourteen (14). fifteen ail and
sixteen (16). In Block 8.
All of Lots seventeen (17). eighteen (18).
nineteen (19), twenty (20). twentr-three
2"0 and twentv four 124). In Bloek 12;
All of Lota five (5), six (8), seven (7),
eight 1 8), seventeen (17), eighteen (18).
nineteen (19), twenty (20), twenty-one i)
twenty two (22). twenty three (23). iti
Block 13:
All of Lot twenty-two (22), In Block 4i
All of lots twenty eight (28), twenty nine
(29). thirtv (30). thirty one (31). thirty
two (32). thirty three (88), thirty four (34),
thirty five (35) and thirty six (3C), in
Block 15;
All of Lota seven ") eight (8), nine (9).
iv.entr eight i JS I. twenty ninn l."), thirty
(80), Ihirty-one (31) and thirty two (32). in
Block 18
All In River Park Addition to Ogdeo City,
situate in Weber County. Utah.
That the defendants, whose names are to
plaintiff unknown, claim an interest in said
premises as the owner thereof, and that the
same was derived by conveyance or auceea
lion 'roni the said defendar,"lM. Otto Yogler.
James J. Ritchie, Robert W Curtis. Milton H.
Brondson. Fdward P. Callahan, J A Prte.
J C. Watsou Fannin ftwobnda, Frank L. PC
kl 1 B C. Hardenl-iirg. James B Miller
Hfcha i Mac Michael MeMenemin, s H.
Naamlth. Relnhart A Hunt, John Coowuy.
Hiram xf Frost James D Jordan Lisa's
Cain. John .1 ONe Alice M O'Neill
Weeden O Finnell, Eva P. Bacon Faiinlc
S Rowe.
Plaintiff's Attornev
Postoffice Address. 518 David Kcclcs
Bids Ojdsn. t tr.h
Notice la horeb glvi n h tne iord ot
I commissioners of Ogden City Utah, of the
Intention of said hoard of commissioners
to make the following described Improvi
ment to wit To create "pi1 avenue be
; tweetl Twenty fourth street and the south
li Ity :nnlts of Oe;den City, Utah, as a pav
I mg district and to pae the roadway
therein with Portland cement concrete
pavement twenty feet In width alsn n
i huild oil culverts. Irrigation and dratnno
I systems and to cotiHtnirt prlate water
lr Ice connections from the main to
the curh line at the expense of the Indl
vldual ow ners opposite the lots or parts of
lots or ho'isa not now supplied with suc-h i
connections The above named work fhnll
hieim-ic, the necessary grading therefor
and all other work neressarj t.i eomplet,. 1
the whole In n proper manner according
to th,- plnns, sp. clficatlona and profiles on 1
;ii In th office of the city engineer, and :
tc defray the whole of the cost and ex I
' nr of the ftbuttor8 portion thereof hv
0 lev of a special tax to ho assessed
upon the lots or plecos of ground within 1
the following described district holng th o
distrlri to he affected or heneflted by
such Improvement, namely. "All the land
lying between the outer boundary Pin .
i l street and a line drawn fifty feet
bacjt from and parallel to said outer DOUn ,
(Jaiy lines on hoth sides of ' f-' avenui
between Twenty fourth street and tf
south city limits of Ogden City. Utah be
ing Lots 1 to IS Inclusive. Bloek 8 Brook
Un addition; Lots 1 to 12 Inclusive RIock
9. Brooklyn addition; Lots 1 to 12 In
elusive. Block 10. Brooklyn addition; ixitcj
1 to 5 Inclusive, Block 11. Brooklyn iddi
Hon l ots 1 to 3 Inclusive, Bio. K
Brooklyn addition; Lots 1, 2. 31 and 32' I
L.I' " I: 1 ':. r'.rool.h n -iddil ion Ixit ; 2 'I
and 32. Flock 14 Brooklyn addition; Lots I
1. 2. 31 and Block 16, Brooklyn add!
tlon. and Lot IS Block 14. West Ogden
addition, all In Ogden City survey.
The estimated cost of each water con
nectlon Is $50.00.
rhe estimated cost as given below doc.
not include the cost of constructing prl
vate water service connections, which
'oats are lo I"- asses fl nguln.- t the prop
ri benefited In uidltion to tho regular
The total cost of said Improvement is
estimated at $12,980
All protests or objections to such lm
movement or to tho carrying out of such
mention mu ' he presented in writing
signed by the owners of abutting property
describing the aame together with the!
n her of abutting front feet and be fih-d
with the recorder on or beforo the
7th day of July. 1920
The board of commissioners at Its first i
regular meeting thereafter, to-wlt the 8th'
day of July. 1120. will consider the pro
posed levy and hear and consider such
OtestS and Objections to said improve
ment as shall hao been made
Bv order oT the board of commlslaon
. r- of igden ("il I tab
Dated Juno 15. 1920.
City Recorder,
First publication lune ifi 1910
Ijist publication July 5. 1920.
Published in the Ogden Standard Exam
Paving District N'o 1 " t
Notice is hereby given, that pursuant
to a resolution of tho board oi dire, tors
i special meeting of the stoekhold. i ,.r
the Hooper Sugar Compan. will be he,j
at the offlCS Of tho compan'-. In the Ma
.onlc Temple building, In tho City of Ol
den founts of S -her and State of 1'tah
on Monday, the 12th day of July A D
1920. at the hour of 4 o'clock p. ni for
tin- purpose of considering and acting
upon and confirming or rejecting tho ac
tion of the board of directors of the com
pony In having heretofore sold to Ernest
P.. Woolley the plant and all of tho prop
ertles. rights, and choses In action of ev
er kind and description, for an agreed
amount of the capital stork of the Inter
state Sugar Company, a L'tah corpora
tlon, and for the transaction of such oth r
business as may properly come before
the meeting, or an adjournment tin reol
Dated. June 25, 1930
fAMBfl H RILEY Secretary
Date of first publication. June 6, 1910
Date of last publication July 10, 1920
In tho Dlstrlet Court of "Weber Countv
State of Utah.
Freed Furniture and Carpet Company, B
Corporation. Plaintiff, vs T'tah Mercan
tile Land Live Stock Investment Com
pan) a Corporation, Dora B. Tophum.
Arcadia Land ,v Livestock Company a
Corporation, and James Ballard. De
To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on the 2nd
day of July, 19:'0. nt 12 o'clock noon of
said dav. at the South Front Door of
the Weber County Court House, in Og
den City. Weber County . I'tah, the follow
lng described property, to wit
Situated In Weber County. State of
l'tah. nnd particularly described as fol
lows ;
All of Iits One to Twenty three (1 to
23) both Inclusive. In Block One (l), all
of IfOla One to Fifty. six (1 to Sfi). both
Inclusive, In Bloek Two (2). all of Lota
One to Twenty eight (1 to 28) both In
clnelve in Block Three (.1), all of said lots
and blocks being It) Klngefleld Addition
to Ogden Cltv, l'tah.
Dated at Ogden Cltv. Weher Countv.
l'tah. this 10th da of June. 1928
Sheriff of webei County, Utah
By Curtis Allison. Deputy sheriff
TENSION Office of Constructing Quai
termaater, Ogden, I"tah, Room 317 ( ol
Hudson building Ogden l'tah Sealed
proposals will be received here until 11
a. m.. July II, 1920, and then opened, for
the construction ol about ten miles of
railroad, to be located at Ogden Arsen
al, Ogden. Utah. Further information on
applli atlon, 3199
( . I T OO P IN HMD ON C Fl :.
YARMOUTH. England A cop was
caught In ;. i.itf aftoi cloning hour.-;
when brother officers rnldecl the place
al 10:30. Ho explained that he had
no Idea It vvna so late, and was re
leased. . . no
LONDON William Spauldlntc was
fined in court here for Strangling
his horse to death with a chain The
animal broke its log. and ETp&Uldlng
choked it lo put it out of pain. He
paid $10.
Lawson Robertson. Penn coach and
guiding hand of this country's best
ftalf-miler, Earl Bby, in saving him
for the final test at tho Olympic finals
be held In the Harvard stadium
July 17.
I realize the strain every runner
miMt go through," says Robertson.
"I believe that Eby can run. and
win run, tiv 300-moter race In one
minute and 52 seconds. Earl Is all
right and, when the time conies for
him to let out, he'll do it."
Bby '8 running this year has been
the subject of criticism, for the blond
haired sprinter hasn't been going
through hln paces In any world-beating
He Is observing a careful course of;
Saves nimfielf.
At the Intercollegiate on Franklin I
field the Penn star barely pushed
across the line ahead of the parade.
The reason for his hanging bat I
during most of this race has Just been
disclosed He was setting a pace to!
pull a fellow team mate. Brown,
across the tape to count for Penn al
point that was necessary to trim the
Princeton Tigers
Robertson sas that what the Ohr.i
ple committee n.-.-ds is m n reudv to
run in August, and the more they can
be saved during the tryouts here at
home the better form the) will be
e.ipable of showing abro.nl
The Penn half-mller Is a natural
runner He shares Robertson's ideas
in that too much training Lakes off
the edge.
"Don't take your training too ser
iously," says Eby. "Forgot it when
DEAL. Eng . July 1. George Dun
can, the veteran British professional
golfer, aon the British open golf
championship, concluded on the links
here today with a total of 303. Dun
can went to the front by doing the
third round in 7 1 and the final round
in 7 2
Walter Hagen did not Improve upon
his disappointing game of yesterday.
Jim Barnes and Alexander Herd
both made the third round in 77 I
Harry Yardon got 81.
Showers v. hu h began early today
turned later to a pouring rain
Final scores turned in early were
ns follows:
Ray. 306; "Wingate. 313. Havers.'
313, Arnaud Massy, 32-1, Tolley. 326.,
Hagen. 399
FARGO, N. D., July 1. Returns
from 435 scattered precincts out of
2.064 in the state in yesterday's pri-:
mary give 25.0-14 to William Langcr.j
Independent Republican, and Gov. L.
K. Fraeler, non-partisan league candi
date, 13, MZ tot (ho gubernatorial
The Fargo Courier News, of flclal i
publication of the Non-Partisan j
league, early today asserted Dr. E. F.
Ladd, league candidate for the United I
States senatorial nomination, would I
run ahead of the stale ticket
Opposing Dr Ladd are Senator A. I
I Gronna. independent Republican:
candidate, and Col. Frank Vhlte. for
mer governor. Unofficial returns
available early today showed Gronna
hading Ladd about two to one.
NEW YORK Coast guard patrol
boats will throw a cordon about the!
course of the America's sup race on!
July 15. Clear space of half a mile
win be maintained
Consult County Clerk or the Reopec
tive Signers for Further
I nformatlon.
ESatate of Johannes Ynn Bocrum, De-1
Creditors of the above deceased will
present their claims, with vouc hers to i
the undersigned at the office of Haiver '
fon. Kimball & Farr. 605 Eccles build
lng, Ogden l'tah. on or hefore SCDtem
ber 4, P.i2'i
Administratrix of the Lstate of Juhan
nes Yan Boerum, Deceased.
EZalvaraon, Kimball & Fair, Attorneys fori
Estate of Ann Francis Clifford. Deceased.
Creditors will present their claims
with vouchers to the. undersigned, at the
office of Samuel c. Powell. SOS Eccles
Bldg., Ogden. Utah on or before the 11th
day of October. 1920
Administrator of tho estate of Ann Fran
da Clifford. Deceased,
Samuel c, Powell, Attorney for the Ad
ministrator Date of first publication Tune 10. lin
In the District Court of the Second Judl
clal District. In and for Weber Countv.
State of Utah,
In Re Application of Frank llasson to;
Change Hla Name to Frank Yon Mohr. 1
The petition of Frank Hasson praying
that the court make and enter lta decree
permitting him to change his name from
Frank Hasson to Frank Von Mohr will
he heard by Department 2 of .said court
on Monday the ZXld day of August. 15,'ti
at 10 a. m.. In the court room of said
court, ot Ogden City, l'tah
witness my hand and the seal of this
court hereunto affixed this 29lh dav of1
June, 1920.
I WALTER N. FARR. Cleric.!
C. R. HoDlngSWorth, Attorney for Pcti
w w - M
you get out of your track suit. The , H
trouble with some good athletes Is H
that they worry about a race before
it comes off and then keep thinking 1
about It ,i ft , r anl " j
That Is Eby's code
strong Field.
Besides the Penn runner there are
three other great performers at this
distance. They are Crawford of
Lafayi tte, ampbell of Yale and Msi -han
of Notre Dame Meehan toolc j
the conference half mile In 1:54 1-&: H
strongest competition will be found !
in Rudd of England, Lawrence of Now H
Zealand and Bolin of Sweden. All of '!
them have done 800 meters in fa'sj
time. ,j
But America will start four half- fl
milers all of whom have done the
dl i ince in 1.54, and one of them at
least ought to carry Uncle Sam s col
ors to a victory,
Recommendations Made as to I
, Hovy Sums Shall Be
& H
WASHINCTON. July 1. Detailed
recommendations for the distribution J
of the sum set aside out of the ?300,
000.000 revolving fund provided by
the transportation act for the pur- H
chase of now equipment and for addi
tions .ond betterments were made to I
the Interstate c incite commission
today by Thomns Dewltt Cuyler, chair
man of the Association of Railway
The report proposes the distribu
tion among the roads of $86,000,000 I
to be used In rebuilding und repairing
12,616 cars and locomotives and in ( LH
tho purchase of S98 new locomotives i
and 45.000 freight cars, and $33,000,-
000 for additions and betterments to j
lirontote the movement of cars.
Out of the $26,000,000 for the pur- f
chase of new locomotives, the North--ern
Paclfli would receive J 1.850.00Q:
the i hlrago, Burlington and Qulncy,
11,742,000; the Great Northern, II,-
f the $3:.. 000. 000 addition and bet- tH
terment fund, the Northern Paclflo '
would gel J2.40u.ii0o and tho Great
Northern, $1,550,000.
Ot the .Ji.2.000,000 for the purchase
of fn ight (Mrs the Chicago, atiUrou-'
kee St. I '.') ul would receive $3,- I
1 50.000; tho Chicago. Burlington and
Qulncy, $2.9 7 3. 7.".o . Northern Pacific, DasBBBsl
oo tm
GIRARD. Ohio. July 1. Approxi
mately coo iron puddlers, members of
the Amalgamated Association of Iron,
Steel and Tin Workers, did not report
itor work today at the plant here of
tho A. M Byers company. ibsbbbbI
PITTSBURGH, July 1. Five huni' ' '
died ami fifty lion uiddlers failed to
report for work at the mills of the
A. M. Byers company and the Brows
Incorporated company here today.
strike leaders announced- today. They
will remain out ponding a settlement"
of the wage controversy at Columbus.
ROME. July 1 Dispatches' report
ing the. occupation of Avlona by Al- jH
banian Insurgents arc denied by tho. IH
Stefanl news agency, n semi-official
organisation, It is stated that Baron
AUotti has boon sent to Avlona aa
Italian plenipotentiary.
oo CbbbbbbI
LONDON. Westminster abbey, the
most famous shrine of the British em-
plrc, is Imperilled by the high cost of.:
existence, according to tho Dally Ex
press. The ancient cathedral's fixed,"
income is inadequate to meet noces-:
sary repairs for maintenance of the'
structurt-'s fabric.
About $15:000 was spent annually be
fore tho war in order to maintain se J
curlty of the walls, many centuries old, ; I JJ
but building coats have advanced 150 ; 11
per cent. Now the inconio cannot be ; jj
stretched to meet requirements f
Officials p the abbey, the Expre
says, are "faced with a problem of i
the greatest gravity," ;

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