l THURSDAY. JULY ,. ,9 Sty? XVb jZXiimUm OGDEN UT.H I i BESSIE 1 BARRISCALE ! in alluring one-piece 5 bathing suits, gorgeous party gowis and pretty sport clothes IN sasasa. J ( Benic BarriscaU. H "THE WOMAN I MICHAEL MARRIED" By DuVcrnet Rabeil And MACK SENNETT COMEDY A A Corking Good Show Now at (Utah I F ZENIRYSHAPE" 1 His Heart Goes 'Plump-piump' When 'Bee-yu-tee-ful Ladee' Reveals Her Wonderful W Curves. I . ie raypoi l pat I (( 1 bi "Ree-gard sis eye'. Est is tr's nolri H tninemcnt ' to me, man cher. H "You remember xc Lime I g.t peenchi H nt zc pict&lre Jo H ova r. ee bee-i u-tei -ful lad H who ilo '' H i how 1 love 7 it ladee! Ze sec H r.c more love When " L9L9B come on ze screen I call out 'Brava!' H and ge-f z" Even B body say look nt me, and siy: ". nut! H Put hcm out'.' Zo ushalre he! tnp mej v "Een u -1 H I sing. Nenl Non! rot she has on HI ze skin of Hj HI N - I'M HHj I like zt frog, tocnk HH I Ing-sult Ziit stick to her like ze skin, B i tine bust! I get hot In ze colnlre my HJ HJ HH j I to hap -pee bom you!' HH '.' people 'Outside! You HH i GSef him ee ii1"" '. ushalrs he, WW HH bis fecrt In ze eye So! Zen land U on HI HV "Vou like to see Zc Hl I wlz ze e-fnl Altont-; II HHHl ' B-trriocsde In 'Zt, I I sflehSall Married HH "fckacre Nom de Dleul Hut she ha HHI what vou mil fee nift shape!"! HH One the exclUns scenes m "The HH Wrmian H H the , Doug Fairbanks in "When H ; the Clouds Ro'l By," and Jack II Dompsey in "Daredevil Jack," I 4 at the COZY today, last times. Hll ' m tin United Hi ' St at e have reached a total length of Hi iJM ; HI t i J Auto Stolen Reward $50 H ! I License Nc 7309 H 1 HJ 1 'or return of cat; $!5 for ao- I ' prehension of thievea. Ford tour- Hjj 3 ing car, 1917 model, new one-man HJ j top. Strornhtrg carburetor, extra j tire on rear, new rear fender, de mountabls rime. Report Ogdcn Police Station I i Call and See Me For yCjr I PRINTING H Loweat Pricet Conalatent With H Quality CHAS DEL :-i:a Mudicn Prone 792 M. f WATERED CROPS" GROWRAPIDLY Cutting of Hay Underway: Second Crop Halted by Wee vil in Some Sectons rrlgated rrops tbrouRhout the stales h;o- hml rapid development, th- first run In Of alfalfa Is underway In the intermediate and higher districts and the iecond crop Is beinK retarded by preeTil at Deseret and in the Salt Lake valley. sas the weekly rynge and crop review issued by J. Cecil Alter, state meteorologist. The report follows: A rapid dcvrioprm-ni of all Irri gated crops was noted, this week, though dry land grain-, being in the filling and ripening stages, have con Untied to dnerioiatc for want of rain; spring .'.own varieties will not mature a crop in parts of Salt Lake County Winter wheat Is In the dough stage at Oal: t'itv. and (fl being cut at Modena, wl:ei- rye has been cut; at Park Valley some rye linn been rut for bay. The flrrt fitting of alfalfa is belni; made generally in Ihe inter mediate :md higher valleys, the work being well along at r.lm'i. and half done at Rlchfiold; heavy crops are reported at Hcber and Price. At Deseret and In the Salt Lake valley the second allalf". crop is being re larded by vecll. thuugli the Weather has been rather favorable for stub ble mulching, Favorable weather has aided weevil praing in the Sevier and Sanpete valleys. Tomatoes have done well, though the crop is late. panning peas, potatoes, and bets have also done well. lieets promise unusually Well at Manli. Som;- irrigating has been done In the beet fields at Rich field, end the field work ir. Wall along. Fruit has de veloped favorably jind cherry picking has advanced rapidly. The late apple jrop Is small at Hcber, but apples at Elberta are do ing much better. The lower ranges and some paiture? in intermediate levels arc showing the need for rain, though bliuwcis on tin 2 v li and 'JJtth were beneficial locally. The higher iHngs. where most of the stock are j now .grazing, are axccllepl and stock j continue thrifty. Highways have bren improved lo callv by showers, thjjgh they arc i siill dusty i'.nd rutly as a rule. Tl MPEltATURES .miiiu, u.t iiij;ii o. low Ji.uii at Us best. Elko. Nevada, high 84, low 31 Rang! fair, .sior-k good. Evanston, Wyo., hish 76, low co. Crops good: range needs rain. Logan, Utah, high 80, low 44. Ranpo and stock good. McOlll. Nevada, high 8S, low 44. Stock good, high rang? excellent. liontpeller, Idaho, bigfa B0 low 34. Stork and Range ixcelhnt. Oakley, Idaho, hi.-;i fjo. low 32 Stock and range g od. Pocatello. Idaho, hlgli 86. low 46 Ra ns greatly .--u'e i r.ir. Salt Lake City, Utah, high 88, low 60. Crops doing oo HOOPER PLUS BIG TIME 4TH Old Time Observance ot In dependence Day Will Be Held Monday Hooper residents are preparing for' their Independence la o lebratiAns ti. lie In .J Monday, July 5. Arthur Woollcy of Ogden his oharg of the day'a relcbratlon. A proxrani of sports and oilier activities has been prepared. At sunrise il-.ro will be a flag sa lute, followed by a town serenade, played by I he band. At 9:30 a. m.j there will be a ball game, between the Hooper school tcuin and the Tay lor school team, nlth a program driv en ut the City park nt 11 o'clock. I In the afternoon, there will be SpOItS of all -kinds for both old and youas, ' Tl. ro will clso be a horse race. fol- lon-cd by another ball game between' the Hooper laagUS team and the Clin-' ton league team. Former High Coach and Ogden Girl Wed IIijs DcIIa Tracy nnd Clarence Douglas, former igdei, High school! coach, wen- married last evening at the residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. David t. Tracy by Bishop M. 8. Marriott. Mlaa Tracy w.is attended by Vera Tracy, bridesmaid; Mrs. j. v. i'id- eook, matron of honor, und mis Lois Marriott, maid of honor: little Mia Margaret 1'ldcock wag rlngbearer. and little Miss Helen Umrttt, flOWei Klrl ' Arch Moyea acted as best man. I Following the wedding, the bride anl groum were given it reception ut tho fnlvcrslty club rooms About two I hundred guests called during thn e -i ening. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas depart ed last eenlng on their honeymoon. I They will nxakc their nome In Salt Leant, Moist Outlook for Ogden Is Forecast gden and vicinity la due for a i "slightly moist" period cither tonight 'or tomorrow with the arrival of showers predicted by the Cnlti-d State 'weather bureau In a report which reached ogden this mornlnr The report predicted "probable showers in i northeastern section tonight or Fn I day." Yesterday" ma 'mum temperature waa kl degree, with a minimum of ' 13 degrees This morning ihe Dim ur reached II degree at the lowest point California rfinerlo contain onlyl half the stock of gasoline they had a year ago. I Gambling Among Chinese Must Stop Say City Officials Gambling among Chinese in Ogdcn Is to be stamped out. The celestials were glen warning thlji morning that any attempts to conceal games of chance as they have In the past will mean the Immediate iwooping down of ' officers of the law upon them, with I the authority of the mayor and city commission behind then to 'take any . runs.- net ey..4.,r in bringing the guil ty ones to Justice, The ultimatum came following a re- I port made bl J Ra) Ward, commis sioner of public sufety following pro- I te st of Charlie Bloat) nnd a Chinese delegation yesterday to the commis sion that they were being persecut ed bj police officers. Sloan declared 'that du lng a recent raid upon a Chi nese store the officers broke down J their doors and used rough tactics which he Intimated fhouid not be ln- 1 dulged m by the policemen. roc Inn stigatcd. immisaloner Ward reported at tho meeting tills morning that the case , hml been thorougrhly Investigated and I -a hen It foinjil' ed in outline of hi.; Stand iii the matter It m apparent that the hinese would have done well ; to have Kcijt their protests to them- selves It res j lied m the mailer of rambling b i"g brougiit to an issue, ! In wiiicn it is i. mde clear tht the ce , u tlala will emerge from the battle second best If Ihey insist upon carry - mg on games In tne ruture. Qomntisstoner Waid and Mayor Francis this morning not only ap proved, bill commended the action t tal, tii bj Officers Waller Moore and j Robert Chambers Va raiding the Ciil m -tore at '.'IC5 Grant avenue Ia3t week. In which several alleged gam blers were arrested nnd later are said to have forfeited then- bail The Chinese yesterday cried that the Officers broke In their doOfS :ud took $S00 of their money as they were quietly .-.itling about and ronvers- lng innocently among bags of rice and I tea In the basement of the store The officers' side of the story was entirel) different. They declared they j had raided ihe place early in the even ing and had arrested vera! of the men who were gambling They re turned thlr.N minutes Inter, they t,aid, and surprised participants of another came who evidently thought that one raid was enough for one evening and they were saie. ifflcer Moore testified that as he 'PUSSYFOOT' TO MOUNT AIRPLANE AND SET RECORD Traveling overland in a de luxe train leaving the train lo mount an aeroplane and ufter a swift Journey, deliver an address, and after attending a dinner, board ing the same train miles away from the point of departure is some feat. Here's how it is to bo accompll-di) '1 Next Tuesday morning, bright and early, to he exact, at 4 55 a. m., H. H. Barker. Idaho flyer. Will meet tho ( 'vcrland limited of the I'nlon Faclflc nt Granger, Wyoming. "Pussyfoot" Johnson, prohibi tion lecturer, will Step into Bar ker's plane, nnd In an in.uant the two men will be on their way to Geoding. Idaho, on a 387-mile journey. No jitopa Will be made en route. Johnson will address members of the Gooding Chamber of Com merce, have luncheon with busi ness men of the town and then board the same train at 3:0S p. i m. on tne afternoon of July 6. The train time for tho distance I Ik about 10 hours, while liarker expects to make the dl.'tancc In 4 hours. lhun giving the speaker plenty of djne before the arrival of the Limited Some speed' Reserve Bank Warns of Counterfeit Note Local railroad officials have been warned to be on the lookout for a bogus $10 Federal Iteserve note, the warning coining from San Francisco The note Is described as folJoWSI "On the Federal Iteserve bank of St. Louts. Mo.. chSOk letter 1 B' ; ser-, tjl number HS71268A; portrait of Jackson; John Burke. Treasurer of the I'ntted Slates, V. j. McAdoo. Secretary of the 'Treasury. 'This counterfoil Is a very poor straight; photographic note, no attempt being made to Color the seal or serial num ber on the face of the note. The denomination!! I numbers have been colored wah white ink. The back ofi the note shows a bungling attempt ut Coloring wnh green crayon. The notei should not deceive tho ordinary han- dler of money." " oo Goes East to Pave Way for Athletes Coach Walter Christv of the L'nlver-) sity of California was an Ogden vlsl- tor today en route to Boston where he will prepare for the arrival of the western rcpresentatB ep to the finals for the American team July IT. Coach Christy vai strong In his praise for the sprinter. Haymond of the 'gilen A. A.. Ktrksey of the Uni versity of California. Paddock of the University of Southern California and! Williams of Spokane. "They re the fastest ouartett in the world and it Is a certainty that theyl illl make the trip overseas. Haymond had some tough luck in his trlsl heat I Sil'inl.iv but hoillil Ne at.. to cop the furlong In the eastern meet. I pick Paddock to win the cenlur J with Ktrksey second and Scholtz of! Missouri third." oo Gerard Here En Route From San Francisco James W. Gerard, former ambassa-l dor of the United States to Oermany. was in gden last night en route east He was scheduled, according to his secretary, to attend the national Hem - i i'crat. convention, and his hurried trip east, is somewhat of a surprise, i He waa met at the depot by evrali local Democrsta attempted to enter the outer door of j the store a Chinese jumped from be hind and attempted to close It. He I said he placed his foot Inside and it .was ne..es;..ir to i xert force in push I ing the door open. Entering the outer room, he Maid that another Chinese Jumped In front of the second dool I and would not move until he had been I grabbed by lbs neck and thrust aside. Breaking Into the inner room, the I officers declared, a wild scene met (their eves Chinese were feverishly j thrusting money Into their pockets and in the scramble, money was scattered throughout the room. One chjnesc had gathered up the dice, they said, , together with money and had placed ! into u bag and was thrusting it into j his pocket. The efflcers took the hag i away from him, but did not take money from the pockets of tho others, I it was said. Held a 1 v lib-no. I It way found that more than $300 In CSSh was contained In the bag and ( upon the floor and this wa.i gathered j up anu brought to the police station. It is now being kept a evidence, to-1 get her with the dice and other gamb ling fixtures, it was said. This money " s asked to be returned yesterday by the Chinese delegation, but they were relumed. Mayor Francis said today that thei matter now has been brought 10 an isoue and gambling must go. Stern 'action will be taken to see that this ultimatum Is carried out. he said. The mayor, and city commissioners vvin stand behind the police officers until every festering sore, wl ich has flour-i Ished in Chinatown during the paxt years is completely wiped out, tiicy suld. 1 Mayor Francis said that to wink at sliklit Infractions of the law In the' Chinese quarters in the future will I mean that the officers of the city will In later tempted to permit even great-' j er violations and If they do so, cor ruption of the department will result. He said he was glad the opportunity to clean up the section had at last 'presented its If. and declared his cru . sade will be carried out with great I Intensity, Officers In the Chinese district In 'the future will be ordered to overlook j no infraction of the law, no matter! how slight. It was Stated. Arrests andl prosecution CO the fullest extent of the I law will tie In order at the flr.U out I break in days to come, he declared. I AGED PEDESTRIAN I HERE TO SHATTER WESTON'S RECORD George Chisholm. aged 65, listed among the trrc.-u walkers In the world, was an I 'gden visitor for a short time today en route to Chicago where he will attempt to shatter Edward Payson Weston's record for the hike from Chi lo New York. Chisholm, despite his age. appears to he full of pepper and stated today at the I'nion Depot that he would at tempt to shatter the present record and then retire from the game. He owns a large estate in Albertn, Canada. A compound culled "fire-snow" has been Invented for extinguishing oil blazes GALLON ( QUART Any Quantity Any Time A delicious dessert for three or four a quart is enough; or to serve a large party with abundance nothing pleases more than UINTAH SUPREME ICE CREAM Choose your Sunday dessert now from these four tempting flavors Carmel Nut Strawberry Chocolate . ii- Phone 548 -- -j-SSSjl Rich and Pure Umtah Supreme M ik and Cream contains high nourish ment values. Fresh every day from healthful sources and bottled In our modern, aamtary dairy, it comes to you the perfect summer t me food Use them regularly. We deliver every morning Uintah Dairy Products COMBE 4. NELSON. Props. 3667 Washington Ogden CALL M'JIDOO CROWN PRINCE Omaha Man Thinks Wilson's Son-in-law or Clark Will Win William G. McAdoo the "Crown Prince" and Champ Clark, are the two men that have a good chance nt landing the presidential plum of the I 'emocratic ticket according to Harri son Walters, of maha. who spent el few hours In i.'gden today on his re turn to Omaha from the coast, "Wilsonlan backers for McAdoo are thick in San Francisco nnd, believe me. they Intend to put up a Stiff bat-' tie." said Mr Walters today. "McAdoo has been nicknamed tho "Crown Prince" at San Francisco and In all parts of the cltj at the leadlnc hotels, the chatter Monday was in favor of the former railroad adminis trator for the honors. However. Champ 'lark also looms as a possible winner and In my estimation he will be the man nominated." Walters stated that some of the ho tels were charging as much as $1 per day for a room, while other prices for meals were also high. Hotels In the hri section are doing a land-offlco business, he concluded. oo Woman's Story Gets Her Fine Cut Down Maine Iforlettl, it years old. charg ed with having liiior in her posses sion, presented a problem lo Judge D. : K. Roberts when she appeared for trial this morning. She operates tho Olive rooming ! house, according to the police Mrs. Morlettl purchased a gsllon Jug of whiskey three weeks ago for $30., her 13-year-Old son. who acted as In-1 terpreter. told the court A stranger at her rooming house sold tho woman the liquor. It is said. She admitted purchasing the whiskey the police say, adding that it was bought with the view of selling it. Probably the statement that she had taken this means to procure mon- ey for her youngsters, three in num-, tier, was taken into consideration. Her husband died a number of years ago. she said, and since that time she had tried to make a living for herself und children. The woman could scarcely talk for the tears that welled from her cc nnd tho sobs that choked her voice. Her youngster related a good portion) of the story to the court. Judge Roberts stated that although under similar circumstances, with the exception of the children Involved, that he would have imposed the maximum sentence. Ilecause of the mitigating circumstances, however, a minimum fine of $50 was imposed oo Fears Husband; Gets Restraining Order Fear that her husband. William H. Krusl, might assault her following her filing of suit for divorce yesterday, Elizabeth Krusi todaj obtained an or der signed by Judge A. W. Agee In the district court restraining the hus band from molesting her and barring him from withdrawing an account from the bank until the suit la settled. In the restraining order It Is set forth that the husband threatened to withdraw funds totaling $1300 from the bank In the event thut divorce pro ceedings were Instituted against him and is alleged to have threatened to do his wife bodily Inurv The funds, according to the order are in the Security State hank here. In her complaint filed vestcrday. Mrs. Krusl charged cruel and Inhuman treatment against Krusl and alleged that he compelled her to live in a one-room shack at Kosmo. Utah and would not permit conversation for hours at a time, except when he told her to "pack your grips and get out Of here nnd stay out." Mrs Krusl said she stood this kind of treatment I until she became nervous and sick and then returned to ( 'gden. No Cases in District Court; Attaches Rest I Attaches of both div isions of the i district court nro again having If "soft " today. There Is a total n t - 1 1 of cases in both Judge A. W At;. court and Judge A. E. Pratt's dlv islon and consequently the court workers have plenty of time to read the vivid accounts of the proceedings of the( Democratic convention and to laugb, over the juggling of the English lanju- age by King I-ardner and Irvln Cobb ; In Judge Pratt's court tomorrow there w-lll be a setting of cases for the coming term and lr Judge Affee'S divi sion the case of Barker and companv j :galnt Walker I. Hlnes, representing the United States railroad admlnlstra-' Hon, will he on the calendar. oo Montana County Clerk Motors From Kalispel! S. C Bibee. of Kallspell. Mont . ' I clerk and recorder of Flathead conn- ;ty, which adjoins Glacier national park, la in gden visiting at the home, of Lou I .arson, 29SI Adams avenue. With Mrs. Bibee and their son. Hon-; laid, the lllbees made the trip from' Kallspell to Ogden by motor, coming by way of Missoula, Anaconda and) ; Pocatello. i Mrs. Charles L. Keller, formerly of' tigden. but now a resident of Kails-1 I pell, accompanied the Blbees to g- dl n She will visit with relatives hero! I for about ten days. t'pon the return to Montana the motOf party w ilt spend a week In Yellowstone national park. Child Bitten Upon Chest by Pet Dog Florence Katsmeses. four-year-old I daughter of A. Katameaea. 131 Twenty-Sixth street, waa bitten on the chest, lost evening at 7 30 o'clock, by a small i white dog. belonging to neighbor The father of the girl complained to J the police and alleged that the own-, j era of the dog have hidden the anl j mat on several orations when the dog i catcher has called to get the dog. The ' man claims that his neighbor' dogi baa neither license nor musle. STORES CLOSED 1 MONDAY Avoid the Saturday afternoon rush and get, quick accurate service Snutrd.iy morning in our stores and markets. The very best of all cuts of meats will be found in -ur markets if yov come before the afternoon rush. Shop early Saturday. Take home a big roast Saturday to last over Sunday and Monday Our stores closed all day Monday. Some of Our Prices m SPRING LAMB VEAL JWj , . o Shoulder roi it . . . 25 rr.Mit quarters 22 .... u Hind quart ra 25 8 r"a"' :rr . Lamb chops 30 Veal stei ISr' PQRK Shoulder veal chops . . . 2S Wh thou era 22c choPa 30r I Pork roast shoulders 25c 45c LEMONS 33c IS. 1 ork steak 30c v e , , No rourtn pi Julj k rom- BEEF plete without an abundance o! 20c riii boil . . lOc lemonade Gel our choice, large 20c-25c po1 roast 12' o-18c juiej 15c sire lemons ;it dozen lOe rib roaal standard ." . 23c 3Se 40c rib roast rolled . 3fc bakt a ham rump roast, 20r .,,,,1 23c n BAKE A HAM 25c shouldei steak . 20c , 1 " ' ' " customers are hakinp; a hnli or whole bam For r"n"'1 . . . . 30c their MlMi,v outing 10c iirloir, steal 30c Half, mild cure ham, lb llic m,- r-bonc steak .... 32c Whole, mild eun I im lb 10c For the Picnic J Monday Everything for your outing Monday can be found at our stores Don t forget your Becco for the picnic. i 2 15c small bottli s Becco -."c ." 15t small bottles Becco 6."c 12 1 5 Bmall bottles Becco 91.35 2 25c large bottles Becco 35 r 5 25c large bottles Bi 85c 12 25c largi bottli 8 Becco $2.00 Souds Chcao I Nice I"' of larpr. new California pr..;t'"' - i pounds 50c ; J" I pounds fur 95c- Jk ISKAGG'Sj j Clearfield Men Fined on Bad Check Charge Oeorge T Crossman. 32. a resident of I'learfield. appeared before the city court this morning charged with Issu ing checks without funds in the bank. Four chocks, aggregating SCO. SO were in the hands of County Attorney loneph B. Bjites, nnd ronsnuin ,id mlttcd hnvlng presented them. It Is said. eine check for Jo0 is said to have bpen Issued to i ". B Klchaidson upon the Security Stuto bank, and another for $7 upon the Clearfield Stnte bnnk in favor of the Farmers' Milling com pany. Other checks are also said to have been issued by Crossman for small amounts. Crossmun nnld that he b.id t.ik-n B chance that he would have snffl- lent money n the bank to make good his discrepancy but that u.frf ir onmstanees h"d occurred IB- was tine.) $10 or io days, t'rossman said he was married and was the father of five children Gets Ninety Days in Jail in Liquor Charge I Clsy Wltten. who the police siy, bbbbbL looked too long upon the flowing bowl, fassEf was given $9u or !o days by ritv Lssaf Judge D, Tl. Roberts this morning nLsskr Captain Johnathan Jones snd Moore ( ple-adfd for leniency to no avail 1 Wltten. termed S 'repeater" by the ksaaH i H little place on Canyon Koad nnd had BbsaD worked himself ill to clear and plant iaB It. lie has the place planted with SbsbbbK potatoes and tomstoes be said ana un- av Icr fWSCUSd from J tl h hl frkndr V i sw JI- v (i I 'in bl, lime. BB Wltten said thai when bin nine- m overcame him that he tried various romcdlct without reaults. lie tin i ffH took a drink or two which resulted In his inebriated condition. And hSfailSS of the drink. Wltten stands a good . ban "f losing tl,.- rc'ilt' of hla nnd labor through the spring nnd summer. HkT essex I I I Makes Speed Run To Logan t I of 1 Hour, - 26 Minutes ft TIME CARD OF THE T;IP POINTS' MIKES TIMF: TRAVKMKO BS! TTMK Hfll n Ml HOT SPRINGS 9 1 I W I M It minutes BaSBBBal RD I It V M RRIGHAM i i . v vi M MA NT I ' A J 4:M A. M 43 mlnoir. saBBH S' MMIT IA i 0 A M minutes BbHbsb WWJLMV11LM ... l 1:0 A. SI l hour I nttoiwtss H, KOOAN M.I IM A M hour mlautes 1 Thso fifrurc. rati bfl venfi-. hv .I Ward and M M ibbbiS Fox. pssseners OO the trip with off jajg of bhi Ogidtfl LasaStssal alotor Car Co I j: The KsfX tniiriii car usd is a sto.-k model that has mmzt travel, , mure than 10,000 miles B This same Essex is today passing through Ogden on a 24 hour endurance teat Watch for it j Watch the Essex This Week Ogden Motor Car Co. f 1 It 2347 Hoison Awmt mm HO LH BBSBBSBaSBBBBBSBSBBaSBTaBBSaBBa f 1