I Shortest Nominating 1 Speech on Record Made By Jenkins Convention Breaks Loose When Dr. Burns Jenkins of Kan sas City says: "I Nominate William G. McAdoo" Police Called to Get Jam Untangled. IAI IMToRll'M. San Kranclsco. June 29' William G. McAdoo wa plan-d i.i nomination for the pn xuleticj late this afternoon at the Democratic nn iliunal convention In ont of the short ip nitrating speeches on re ord. by I 'i l-iurrl? Jenkins of Ku.n Cltj After Cox. I'almer. Gerard. dim ming, llltchrork anil others had been I'lacerl In nomination. Jenkins took tbo platform nnd told the convention lhat In view of the jjersistent and In sistent demand fr.m McAdoo that no nbrnlnatlng ;e.iri be made for hlni. )r wnulJ cde to thai rC'jL'i-sl. hut that it might he necessary to "draft him fur the service of the nation." I Rumors that McAdoo would not If nominated. Jrnkltm told the convention, could be dlamlasOd a the f'hork of enemies." Jenkins merely aaid: I I nominate 1 1 1 . jh ; McAdoo," hftd the pent-up enthusiasm of the Mc- Adou force broke loose in a noisy lemonstrailon 80 great did the crush become! around the assembling point that the poller trere called on to set the Jam untangled nr.ii to kcap ihe d monstra tors from breaking down tha little I platform need h the speakers. This jutted out from the front line if Ho stage and convention officials set-mod' 10 fear that it would be stripped awa ; entirely. 1 The eimd of thlrt -fi minutes of demonstrating uiv another attemj)t to, get the shoutera Into unison, and for a, little while a, man with a megaphone cot eonslilera hie harmony behind a re )ftitlon of ".We want McAdoo," We vyant McAdoo." ! It was not for Iouk, however, for the sathualaata preferred lo I r-ep tn- dem onstration in their own h inds and to; keep it up from their own diversified I ways Port) minutes from ihe atari of the-; noise, Senator Robinson mad" nil ft rati 1 Insane Man Taken For Assaulting Child . PORTLAND. ro , Jun. SQ. MlltCti Schwarts. taken Into eutody at a '.--I sanitarium late la.u night, who "'as brought to Portlai.d after ha h I I been accused of at tucking u little iclrl in New York, uss today declared in sane hy local physicians, hut wrta onroled on the condition that je be onfined in a private sanitarium uc ler strict surveillance. Srhwartr In aald to have been iori lOted on a i barge of attacking a little Jrl In New York, but was released Jni'. it i v.i iii on condition tl lrougbr to till- State n foniif ed agalnai .- ha iv to rat OO WRhington Union? Adopt Referendum 8POKANK. Wash., Jnn 30 A ref--rendum r'tojos.-ii for election of offi cers of the Washington ctate Federa tion of Labor, by a popular vote of members of all af Ilia ted unions was 4pted by the federation in its an neal convent'ou note after a fight that lsfted throughout the forenoon m B stgn. The proposal now goes to the Jnon for approval A proposed amendriirn' to forbid of ficers of unions from ae'.tng on tlen boards was overwhelmingly defeated. I attempt for ord.-t. It was up, an nl j that the demonstration was dlng out.) ! bUt there "till were many who w anted j to keep ll alire a Utile lonq r, and thO) paid ti" attention to the Civel. j John W. I 'ax is, ambassador to' Great Britain, as the only man on , the li't of those for whom nominating speeches were to be made x ho was not reached on the day's program The candidates placed In nomination were Senator Owen Of tiklahoina. Attornc ;-rii-rnl I'alnur Siitntor Hitchcock of Nebraska, Homer nmmings. chair man of tho I 'einoeratlc national com- ! mltiee, Wllllum G. McAdoo, Governor Smith oi New York. Governor Edward- of New Jersev, Secretary Mere-1 dilh. Governor Cox of Ohio and James; W. Gerard, former ambassador to l iermaiiy. The h's demonstrations of the day came at the preacntailon of Palmer,1 Cox and McAdoo. also there was a spontaneous outburst with the pre aenutlon of Governor Smith. The COX and Palmer demonstra-; Hons were full expected, but the Mc-. iloo nomination, oniing alle: ds of unccriaintN as to whether a noml-' nallng speech was to be made for him. add l ,iu element of inierm and sui -1 prise, ll enil was the loudest, long est and most tumultuous demonstra-l tion of the lot, and kepi 'he conven tion In an uproar for the best part of nn hour. Dr. BurrU Jenkins of Kansas City, who was ready to place the former secretary of the treasury In nomina tion, finally decided to yield to the wishes of Mr. McAdoo and not makej a nominating spei-di for him. He sim ply explalneu ihe situation to ihe con-' ventlon If) one of the rhortest apeeche1 on record, ntnl announced ho had1 placed Mi. .McAdoo in nomination,! fully assured that "If drafted for the service of the nation" he would not refuse the nomination Election of Kvale to Be Contested OLI VIA. Minn.. June 30. 1 1 . ! Bernard of Renville, attorney for 26 1 citizens of the Seventh i ongressslona I district, aniioiinctd today Hint 'action will be instituted contesting the nomi nation on the Republican ticket of th Rev. O. J. Kvale of Henson. who de feated Congreeemah a j. Volstead for renomlnat Ion In the Seventh district In the June g primary. Inferential charges nlleged to have' been mado In a pamphlet circulated a week before th" election in behalf of ltcv. Kvale'a candidacy will form the basis for tic .out... i under the cor rupt practices act. Mr. Barnard statea Kvale vvns Indorsed by the Non-Tar-tlann league. s Eddystone Rifle Plant Is Closed PHILADELPHIA, June 3t Tho Tddv stone rifle plant, on the Pelaware i i v - . near Ihls city, whli li established a record during ihe war In turning out mce than a million rifles, was closed today. , The plant automatical!; reverts to the owner, the Maldwln Locomotive company More than IB per cent of the rifles sent overseas were manufac tured at l-Jdystonc oo me. fourth of ihe people on earth! die before the nge of 6, and one-half before 1C. I Skandinaviske UngdomsFag Will give a dance at Twelfth street amusement tall, Saturday evening, HL ' July 3 Unicn music Refreshments at the hall. Interesting program H beginning at 7:30 p nt. Dancing at 9 o'clock Everybody come and I have a good time Admission 25 t CHAMP CLARK NAMED By OLD LIJEAOEIS1 McAdoo Thought to Have In side Track and Enemies Con spire to Defeat Him. OPPONENTS HOPE TO ENLIST BRYAN'S AID Efforts Being Made By Demo cratic Standpatters to Get in Touch. SAN KRA.VCISC' . June 3f Seem ingly in agrcem-nt (hat Wftliam O. McAdoo has the inside tracU on the Democratic presidential nomination tonight, attempts Were ':. made within the inner circle of old-line. Democratic part leaders to prevent j his selection by the convention. The i plan Includes prominent consideration, of Champ dark, former speaker of( te house of rc pi esentatn es. a a can-J didote. It was understood that efforts were being made to get In touch with Mr Clark lo barn ii h" would n epi th nomination If tendered, and thatj among Ihose whom the combination would hope to enlist in its support Is' William Jenniun Bryan, vvbo encom passed the defeat of Clark at Ualtt more In 191 1 ufter a majority had! vutfil for him, and forced the nomina tion of W'O'.idrow Wilson. Bryan'l acknowledged veto power j over any candidate, through the oper-1 atlon of the rule which requires two thirds of the deb Rates for a nomina tion, made hla support u factor sought by the plnnk mnn.iKer !onfei ences anions Ihe old-line leaders were going1 on actively Immediate! after today s session of the convention, and the.v made It plain In their private expres sions that thev were KOinn to any pos sible length, to heat McAdoo. nn OO SLAYERS OP DEPUTY SHERIFF PAYPEHALTY Two Hundred Fifty Men Al leged to Have Participated in Execution of Culprits. RODIES FOUND SIX MILES FROM TOWN Office Was Killed When At tempting to Arrest Colored Man For Minor Offense. WHARTON, Texas. June 10. Two negroes were shot to death and two' others hanged by unknown parties early this week by unknown parties. I It became known today. They wei e ranted in connection with the Minns of Iieput- .-iherlff S. C. McC'orniK k last Saturday night. Washington Giie and his brother. name unknown, who were accused of tiring- the shot that killeo McCormlck, frera shoi iy pursuers iat Tuesday! hear Diamond Mound The bodies of Jodie Gordon and Elijah Anderson i re found Tuesday morning hanging: fiom trees Mx miles east of Wharton.! Officers here assert the have no clue. It is understood 2b'i men par ticipated Qordon and Anderson, tt was said admitted thev were aiding the Olles brothers to escape. DepUt) berlf McCormlck was shot to I'.-ntti S.tiurdiv uiht vvl'.en h- went to thf Giles home to arrest Washing ton Giles on a minor charge, officers ! said oo A fourth of the debris of warfare in 20j tow ns and vill pi of France I has already been cleared. k July Bargains ! Retrular $8 25 new etork Inner Tubes 3Gx4lc each 1 $4 M jeS Regrular S30 85 plajn tread, 31x4 tires (Ford overage) $20 55 rwB Reilar $35 80 non-skin 31x4 tires (Ford oversize) $23 85 m Regular $49 50 non skid 34x4' tires, hih trradc $33 00 Regular $02 05 non-skid 36x4 1 rei, high grade $34 70 rauoj Regular $53.20 plain tread 35x5 tires, high grade $35 4' vSl Regular $55 90 plain tread 37x5 tires, high grade $37 25 Regular 6160 non skid 37x5 tires high grade ... $4105 i I ' 7yTTrTTTlTrnriTF,TTrTll f I'MI 1 1 t'lUlr 'i'f ... gt'J) l . inisiisisiiiwwwsj 1 ) r 1 Out to-day J NewMctor Records for July 1 I A program of great music such only the Victor can present. li The newcst orTenngs of world-famed artists, among them several who achieved their first American triumphs during the recent opera season. If Look over the list and mark the selections which specially appeal to 11 you. Any Victor dealer will gladly play them for you. I! Kuabr fits Prltt osinon and Delilah 3'aore per te il mio cor 1 1 y Bssrl ' tV-t ivri Voire) U 11 j Gabriella Besanxonl 64S77 10 51 CO D Ml i Grcatett Miracle of AO Sophie Braslau 648S7 10 1 00 Largo (FtosB"Xerass") (IJtnd-1 Cnrica Caruso 83617 )2 I SO I Berceuse Cassia) Tuoo Alfred Ccrtot 74623 1? 1 ;i 11 Scotch Pattorale Vloiis Mitcha Elman 64884 10 1.00 j " Lej FiUe do Cadix (Th: Maid of.Ctcu) AmcLta Galli-Curci C4SSS 10 100 liA ssl I I ir Eohme Racconto di Rodolfo iRuiolob'i Ntrrat Orvillc Harrold 74G24 IT 10 H i! Girl of tho Goldon Wml-ChVlla mi crrdi I Tii fa? Brllrvf Mn flj Edward JcSnson 64886 10 1.00 V U The Barefoot Trail Jolin McCormiick 64378 10 1.00 1 Espafla Rapfodio Philadelphia Orchettrs 74621 12 1 50 D J i Rigoletto Monologo, "Pari iamo" iVe ie EguaH Renato Zoxielli 74622 12 I SO jl j I Think I'll Get Wed in the Summer lr Harry Lauder 70125 12 125 11) ti, Cocd-Byc, Sweet Day Merle Alcockl Pfl Tho Meeting of the Water. Merle Alcock iSl7 10 100 ll I Who'll Take tlie Place of Mary ? Creicent Trio i U It Marion (You'U Soon Bo Marryin" Me) R.chel Grant Billy Murray 13571 10 M Q II Tho Moon Shine on the Moonhioe Sidney Phillips I U It j4 So Lony 1 Oo-Long (How Long You Gopaa Be Gone?) Victor Roberta I 10 Alexandria Foz Trot Joseph C. Smith' Orchestral I Oriental Star. One Step Jo.eph C. Stnith's Orchctra l" 18573 10 85 H Tho Toil, are Pitch'd (Frojn L.dT oi the Lk") Laura Littlefield I I They Bid Mo Sleep fFrom "Lady of the Lkc' I Laura Littlcfiold 18674 10 85 M I Oh! By Jingol -Medley Fox Trot All Star Trio I 1 ffl Nobody But You-Mcdicy Fc3 Trot Palaco Trioj 35696 12 1 35 D I I III Hear these new Victor Records to-day at any Victor dealer's. J He will gladly give ou an illustrated booklet describing them. New Victor Records on sale at a'l dealers on the 1st of each month. sj j SI Victrolas in great variety from 525 to $1500. i ictroio. I j D Rgej. v s. pat orr. This irademark and the trademariced word I ' I "VictruU" idcatify s'l our producti. Look mn I U under the lidj Lo.k oa the label! 1 VICTOR TALKING MACHINE cu. Ciicdcn, N. J. B i j Victor Talking Machine Co. 1 J Camden, New Jersey I 81IIFffllllPlllllilf M'irlHilTf B8BB MBBHH imhjiuiiihiiu iiii..vim.whhw I Villa Followers Dynamite Train EX PA0O. Texas, June 10. Follow era of KrancUoo Vila dnamltd a soul hbound psssenffer train from Chi huahua City, near Armendarlt. shortly bafora noun ferdll., . raptured nno executed a federal officer, but were finally driven off. nccordlng; 10 a re port mad'- puMli toda hy I.ula Montea ica. onaul for Mexico hre Nlnet fip paaeenaera on the train isTajiail Injury. It said Several federal aoldler were cap tured and a lieutenant executed, ac cording to the report Two or three Americana wre re ported on the train oo Three Millions For Giant Ocean Liner i ASHINOTON. June 10 An offer or SS. 000. 000 for the g-iant peaaenner liner I-evlathan and 1100.000 for the liner Ielkalb were the only one that had been reeivd when aeajed blda on tli two former Oerman llnrra wars! opened today at the ahlpplna- board oo Lynchings in South Decrease in 1920 TOIKMBI Ala June 10 There wa a decrease In the number of l- P'-hlnra during- the first atx months' of thia ar. according to a Btatatnai I prepared b R R Moton. principal of Tjkrxe Institute, and made public here today The total waa twelve, rornpared win seventeen in the ror reapondlnf period of Itlt and It In the fame period of I til. oo AtjUsarHtaa ae the average dura Lion of human life as 11 years. i AMERICAN LEGION CALLED TO QUELL i RACE RIOTING MIAMI. Kla.. June 10. Three hun dred member" if the American Uegion 1 railed out by Mayor Smith prevented a threatened rai . disturbance growlns out of the hurling of a bomb Into a negro dwelling la'e laat night from on automobile. vi:d to have been occu pied hy white men. No raaualtlea re sulted, but reports that negroes hud gathered In thr street b the hun dreds and were arming themselves, caused Mavor Smith lo call on the legion meml.rre. who patrolled -ths, 'streets throughout the night. Railroad Terminus Tied Up in Dublin M HMN. June 10 The railroad terminus here waa tied up today as a. result of the refusal of railway men to move, tralna boarded by police or soldier, causing a complete stoppage of all trains for the south The people of Iublln. foreseeing such a situation, had beg-un hoarding food, notwithstanding the efforts of the authorities. ' Delegate Killed in Airplane Accident AN FRANCIS' """. June 10 Three persons, one of them believed to he a Democratic contentlun delegate, were killed In an airplane accident at the Marenn flvinj field here today. Deserter From Navy H Admits He Is Firebug H BOSTON. Mass.. June 20. James tH sfl 3 mmm I he sel fire to fyg hotels Yl9T lthi. tO a state- gH I merit from pollr headquarters. a Don't Poison Baby. FORTY YEAR. AGO ilmut ererr mother thotigbt Ii- r child must hara TARDJORJO or liudanum to make it sleep. These drugs will produce gH slep. and a FEvV DROpS Too MA-NV wul pr.-iu.,, the RLEF.P ggggggal I HUM WHIl II TBEBB Is No WAKINU Many are the ch.ldr-n w, have leen kiilcd or w health h.is U- n ruined for life by paregorie. lauds- H num and morphine, each of whirh is a narcotic product of opium. Drugrtst g are prohibited from selling either of the nan -otic named to child rwo at all, or to anybody without labelling them " poiauo " The de tin I tion of "narcotic" is . "A medicint vhi. k rrlwvtM pain and pmtlucfi U'. hti t u-At A in poiaon- exf dosrs produce thipor. coma, ccnwulmoni and death Tha taste mad m smell of medicines contunlng opium are diaguised, and sold under the name I irdiais, " SKhir(r Syrui- OH should not permit any H medicine to h giTen tn your child red ithout Ton or your pbysictaa know of what it is cr.S3P.d C ASTORIA DOK.S JfOT i T HH N R ''oriCS. If It bears the siguatur -.(ChB II Fletcher s yAT. NOTICE TO CONVINCE YOU that work m 1 in the windoi of the Ogdcn re nni irpet Conptnj r,re fl J DON'T KML IX) BEI THEM M OGDEN CARPET CLEANING WORKS ! I ll MANS Pn 41f I j l w