OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, July 01, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-07-01/ed-1/seq-6/

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Director of Americanization
Reports Ogden District to
Receive $347
An appropriation of $847 has been
awarded Usdcn to carry on American
ization work, the funds coming from i
n state board of education) It was j
announced yesterday. Arert It. Thur
m:in. dlroctor of AmMlr:iiii7.iilin In
ihe school of L'lah, reported a fund
r $6,000 on hand for th American
ization work In the state, which he
had apportioned to v n distrw is on
the basis of expenditures In !) dm
Uleis for ths rlrt.-s of work.
The apportionment folio I
Granlw- district $114. B1
Salt Iike county 162 '
Carbon county IM tl
Jordan district 8141.75
Tooele count 851. 0J
Lcgan district II 00
Ofden district 847.00
' Politics" either of the airing pull
l ing nr. party affiliation kim! shall
play no part In th selci Hon of a man
B ko fill the office of superintendent of
I public Instruction in rtah.
This was d terrnlui'd v-sli-rd-i l
the state board of education, which
neM lis meeting in ihe CepUol and
appointed a committee ol three i"
i draft a resolution to this affect to be
presented at hii adjourned meeting of
the I'oard ached u led for tonigi.t
The committee onslsts of John A.
Wldtaoe. president of the University
of ltah, Oeorge A. Kmon. principal -f
the East HlKh school, and I '. C. Jen
sen, superintendent or the Jordan
school district.
The action, taken on th motion of
1 r Wldtsoe, was couched in the fol
lowing resolution: 'That In accord
ance with well-established educational
policy In I'tah, this loard dclnre ti
If In favor of non-partlsan.-dilp In the
matter of xelectng the state superin
tendent of public Instruction, and to
ibis end a committee of three from
tb' board be appointed to draft a res
olution to be addressed to the various
political partlea In the state in con
formity with this nctlon, and to report
to the board at 3 p. m. Thursday.'"
I Automobile Drives Throughout
Night and Day in En
durance Run
H "The green Essex car pissing
H through gden at regular
H last nlKht and today, hasn't missed an
H explosion since t p. m. vesterday and i
H Is still going strong. This car is not
out for a ap ed teal being pul
H through a 24-hour endurance run
m' v. a H'ms, c ii Jaci baon and G
H Cook, of the Ogden Motor far
H i oni pan Thl
lm connection with the National
jf" week bi Ii Ii being ob
Hb cx ! al'tM tin oimliout -I .
LLLLLT This particular car ha been run-
H n1ng through Layton, ogden and
Brlgham city alnca 8 p m
LW Lnd has stopped onlj t lake
I -.eoK' rs . nd i "i gai and 1 ici
H have been no delays due to troubles
L of an kind.
Bi When 'i tnnlng the trip tta n
Ha pei
miles an hour for
An accurate check Is being made of
I J gajollne used and miles observed
Bm Te-ts of ihi.s kitnl an not ' to
the Essex for an B the
BBBBBS world's 24-hour road record for die-
HJ I tance. having covered 1061 miles l"
HJ I t hnt time ' WT .1 in road
fl also holds the world's 60-hour en-,
durance i r d, as well as innumerable
BBBBBBj local records In all parts of the COUn-
Hj try, 'i for hill climbing
The Essex belllK till (null the
Bt 2l-hour grind bj the ipany
HJ n tin -. two trip
HJ ir Laki pari
of this wee :h firs) I h
BBBBT trips the morning edition of the
HJ Standard-Examiner waj carried to
Ha abs rihers In the cities visited with
HBBHB slip pasted to each copy telling how
BBBBg th early delivery of their paper was'
HHBWfl iosslblo by means of the speedy Ea
Ba BBBBl The second of thesr trips was made
HBHBB. Tuesday morning in a rainstorm which
BHHBB. had made all the roads through thej
Hf canyons extremely treacherous. The'
HJ Essex, however, plowed rilit through
HBBHT without the slightest trouble, helping
HJ many other leas powerful i r.-i along
HJ the way, maklnc the round trip to
HJl Hear Lake in 9
for a bit mm
There sre icooil women and the
BBBHI 'other' kind. In "Hllnd Youth." a
I National picture which comes to the
Bl 'gden theatre today one of the other
I kind, has the wife nf the hero. Maurie
Monnler. at her men
As the situation stood, the other
kui'l of woman m-a married to the
artist In his wild student divs S-h
left him for another, hut r ,ip -., r.- '
whn and where she wis least ex
pected In New York Just ns the hero
having found tmo love nt last. wa
planning to ask another to be his
It was there hjt complications
commenced and they were plentiful.
A Jealous, selfish brother and a BOd ij
toying mother did their best to keep
the pot of trouble boiling In the end
well virtue has a wav of triumphing
from the drawinr rooms of Eifih
avenue and the studios of Oreenwlch
Village to the ateliers of Parle and the
, garrets of Uontmortc mo the charac
ters of the story travel.
"Blind Youth ' was adapted from
tb fitage success of the same name,
written by lou Tcllegren and YYIIUrd
MgcW It was dlrecte.l by Ted Slumsn
ami a highly capable vast headed b)
Walter MeJrat nn.l l-eatrl.e . por
trayed the various roles. The s r. t n
version was wrlt'en br Kstherlne
J Doug Fairbanks in ''When
the Clouds Roll By." and )ack
I Dempsey in "Daredevil Jack."'
J at the COZY today, last times.
Dpi !
Disbursements During June Is
Revealed in Report of
State Auditor I
, ounty of
tate funds on account of roads for 5
iggregaU 44,tSl I
16 .1- shown bj warrants drawn by the 9
audUoi on ;be traaauror of the t
atatt, The total di!urements In the ( I
jstate were S7S,4el.77, the largest J
jamount being drawn by Salt Lake
rounl l'ebci county stand third ' I
1 in regard to e xpenditures for thai 2
By counties ths disburse! la were jf
I as foIIOS . . j c
leaver ' 3.5u6.23
Co 1:1 . r : i : ' I
Cache 20.120.34 I
I'arbon . . 3.1oa ?
Davis 50.278.16
D .08.8J I
i Km. rv 6.880.88 0
Garfield 6.837.78 f
0 nd 23.089.67 E
Iron 5.487.99 J
Juab 887.it Z
" 1
Millard 1.671.03 V
I Morgan 954.84 r
1 I'mto 618.18 II
i:.ch 7.31.501 Q
i Fnlt Uike r.S.693.36 -
San Juan 1 4,874.82 1c
1 Ban j ate 2,71 1.56 J a
Se ier 1,888.14 j I
j Summit 6.334.16 I
Tooele 782.40 ( 2
L'lnUh 2.429.76
! I'tah 29. 558. 63. f
I Wasatch 13.688.18 T
Washington 1.042.1 7 1 I
1 Wav tie 474.53 I f
v . ber 44,361.46
Contlngenl 8,114.49 i
Equlpmen: 1,191 11 Q
Lincoln HiKhway 9.52 s
Suspense 27 c.i a
Total $375,458.77 I
00 1 a
Injured Lad Walks Home j)
Where He Is Taken With
loyal Chappie E years old, the son 1 I
of Joseph and Mrs. Esther Clark 9
Chappie, was injured yesterday when s
id automobile, driven by two voung
man and four glrN. knocked him to , I
Mo- pavement and iassed over his 1 i
body. The boj austalned m vara gash 1 a
1 . 1 id but hd strength enoush I
to run to his home. 339 Thirtieth
nearl half a block from the scene of X
the accident at Washington avenue I
and Thirtieth street. V
Immediately following his arrival at 9
bif home, the bo was taken w ith con- i
ulalona and was Immsdlately rushed I
to the DCs hospital His condition Is 5
reported serious
'i tnci ei claim thm the hoy was II
watching excavation work which was z
going on and was sitting on the edge 7
of the curb hint nrai ip I
proachlng slowly and the bn aroae f
and took about three steps to the 1 S
street dlSCctly In the path of the ma- I
chine, which ho apparently did not see. I
The car stopped hut before the -youngster
could he picked up, he had I a
run to his mother. The car followed, I I
and notwithstanding the fact that II , I
was In the vicinity for fully fifteen ! j
minutes, none of the spectators ob- I
tained the license number nor the 9
names of the car's occupants. -
Bearoh eras made last ninht by thf I
police and aherlff'a department but no
Information which would lead to the 5
Idt ntliv of the car' occupants was de- A
1 1 1 m 1 t I c:i 1 , at 1 ho 1 1 rn tir i nil the I
rest of the party apparently acted In z
Kood faith, stopping their machine and 2
doing what they could to express gym- R
pathy ovrr the accident- The police 1
believe thev will revi-al their Identity. 5
: 1
HBBjBjp H01
SJ j
jBlflL T
Ward, president of the executive I
council of the Canadian War Veterans (
Is leader of the move to unite Can ad- j i
Un and American war veteran organl- I
00 t
Deposits of state and national banks. I
j Including savings banks, in the United
I States, are estimated at (bout $38.
I 000.000.000. I .
Bl-SBSil-SB-SoBB l-SBo--iln.BSU.SMBoeBSBB-ti SOBS1 M-1B SSB I SBSB'aa I'SBamt -ieal l-BSQ.SMBa()-SSSSll.SSSS-( l-SESBS-nHSB., ) mn.11.,,.1,. n
Until Saturday Night 1
Store Closed
Next Monday
These good items and a thousand
others are to be on sale until Saturday
Next Monday we close to celebrate the
Fourth, which comes on Sunday.
In the making of your preparations for
the Fourth you'll find here a wonderful
variety of sale items in things to wear
ready to don.
So the June Sales, which have been so
popular in the month t h ;i t has passed, are
really in effect until the closing of the
store on Saturday night.
Early shopping both tomorrow and Sat
urday should be the rule.
v ;
Step Downstairs;
Shoe Bargains
Girls' White Boys' Tennis Shoes
Ovfnrrlw Boys' brown tennis .-hoes with
UMU1US rubber heels, and good heavy
Children B and mKses, white n,bber soles, good play shoes for
canvas oxfords and Mary Jane nQ, Weather in sizes 2'- to 6
or Pat, In all sizes. 814 - Value to 13.00 "(toOfl
8.50 Monday, $1.5"
Wednesday . . . $2.69 Children's Sandals
B0VS Oxfords Children's sandals in good qual-
...... with heavj leather soles nd
novs oxfords in brown calf with , - ....
Sood heavy soles A gbod dUT bJn U,Ppe"'n 81268 8
Mi shoe for summer wear, Bin - x 1 1 . 10 200 $1 Aft
10 to 5. Values to $6.60. d J QP BpeeW J1.40
sPeclHl ,,ti Women's Pumps and
Women's White Oxfords
Shoes Ladles' pumps or oxfords In high
Ladles' white canvas shoes with or medium heels, black, brown or
while enamel soles and heels, a potent. Tin- end ol discontinued
good shoe for the houae. In low lines, in ell sites. 2Vi to 8.
to J 9K y t0 -:" ' ' fi
Worth On sale J)Z.4j Spec! i J)J.JJ
Cool Things to Wear
At June Sale Prices
I All of your wants in ready-to-wear may be sup
I plied at the June Sale prices. It's clearance time
' on the Second Floor department and some very
I unusual values await you.
All blouses ot silk and of
cotton, the entire stock is
hung out where you may
sec the assortment at a
glance And no matter what
blouse you wish to buy. the
price is lowered
Sport Skirts
I Sport skirts of wash mate-
j rials and of woolens, the
I new attractive plaids and
j the pleated skirts that are so
! popular today, all of them
on sale now The assorl-
' ment of fabrics is very com-
I plete and prices are greatly
Summer Dresses
Dresses of both silks and of
: cottons are on sale, and
some very handsome onci
j indeed are included in the
selling In fact there are
j many that have come to us
I within the past few days
j Wash dresses and dresses of
j silk all on sale.
JAltatvi imniiii;
For a hiking trip, for the
summer vacation, the new
khaki clothing is almost in
dispensable. Breeches, coats,
skirts, hats the entire out
fit may be had of khaki and
in styles that are really at
tractive. All on the Second
Lowered prices are offered
on the entire line of wom
en s petticoats both in th
newest silk kinds and also
the cottons. All new styles
and made to properly fit
under the newer outer gar
ments. Women's Suits
To those who still havr
need of a suit, there is a
wonderful opportunity here
to buy one at a price that
will be much lower than
the garments of this fall.
Indeed many prudent wom
en are buying suits now for
fall use.
Waterproof Aprons
Women's bib waterproof apron;
thes" are spleudul to h:iv- while
bottling your fruit. Special np
Bungalow Aprons
Women B bungalon aprons in as
sorted colors and sizes, iliese are
spit u'li'i aprons to be Offt Sd tf i
! i la I for, each $ I
Jersey Bloomers
niii' n s jt-i -i bloomers wilh cla?
tic top in pink color only, these arn
splendid for summer pe (T
dal, t pair for . J) 1
Children's Gowns
Children's muslin gowns In sizes 1
to II years, these are neatly trim
med. Hiey re splendid for "7P
".nunc, 3 pet lal ... i DC
Sateen Petticoats
Women's bl:ick at--n petticoats of
good weight materials, our $1.23
Spt c lal, 95c
Laundry Soap
Dob White soap tne pertect vhito
laumlry soap In the large lull rf i
biVied bars l"i bars for ... $ 1
Lunch Plates
These are plain whii- snuiporce
laln are seconds; the mm
incli size. Set uf six . QjC
House Brooms
Scoville s best meillum weight
broom, made of the very best corn,
awed live limes Cine to a rf i
pT."'in I
Wash Boards
The Silver Kins, board Is very well
made and has a double crimped
tfl metal scrubbing rQ
surface. . . OjC
Preserving Pans
Made ot extra heavj steel coated
with ihree coats of blue and white
enamel. 17 quart size with i or
roll edge p I.J J
Bottle Cappers
You can cork your beer bottles
quickly and easily If you uso a hand
i 'K"r -nd two dozen or
metal caps oDC
Vacuum Bottles
Will keep contents hot or cold for
24 hours; the pint size, In black en
ameled dene, nickel top and fi
bottom ... $ 1
A Sale of Wheel
The annual sale of wheel goods is
now In progress. Make the chil
dren's vacation days happy ones.
Yt-loi I pedes, coaster wagons, kiddie
cars, all kinds of wheel Roods for
the little tots arc now on sale at
lowered prices.
Muslin Petticoats
While muslin petticoats, made of
good quality muslin, trimmed with
lace and embroidery $1 75 ar
values. Special JjC
Second Floor
Silk Camisoles
Wash satin and crepe de chine cam
isoles, made of splendid washablo
material, trimmed with dainty lace.
$2.00 values f i or
Special J .L J
Second Floor
Women's Brassieres
Women's large size brassieres and
bandeaus, made of splendid quality
material, all large sizes. Val- 1
ues to $1.50. Special. 3 for J 1
Second Floor
Toilet Goods
Creme ii soap, qo
per dozen JL.Z
Jap Hose soap, AO
r i dozen OC
Palm t) e poap, d 1
per dozen ipl
. isen jLv,
Jergen's pumice hand soap. OC-
pf-r dozen OOC
Jergea'i I4 i flower soap. C ri
per dozen . DOC
Rexall Iron and Cascara d1
tonic . . J) 1
Hexall Beof, Wm and 1
Inn J 1
Hiker's Feptona d i
Tonic O i
Lydla Pinkhcm s t orn- tf-i
pound . . Ol
rllBd'l H..ney and Almond AQn
.Terjcen Hand ACr
Lotion UC
onhard QC
Lawn fabric pink, blue, Juff. OQ
45c regular, for LiJC
l ltra lawn. 2 quire CQ
pilar 0C
Cascade linen, full pound 0C
'pulir . L.OC
First Floor
4w mm
Women's Corsets
Warner's rust proof corset, made of
brocade material, lace front anJ
bai k ell qui jo nr
Special tpZ.i J
Second Floor
Girls' Dresses
Children's organdy, voll and French
gingham dresses In a beautiful as
sortment or models and colors
Values la $10. t fr
si tjH.yo
Second Floor
Bungalow Dresses
Women's bungalow dresses and
aprons, made of splendid qualliy
Qincham and percale, light and
dark rnr.:s, m) sizes (J t sip
4)1. j
Second Floor
Long Silk Gloves
Women's long silk gloves. Niagara
Maid, double linger tips, colors are
black, w bite, sand, c. .... ? jj-i-
valnt ipi Cpl.'iJ
First Floor
Silk Hand Bags
Silk hand bags, reduced 25 per ceni.
A beautiful line of moire silk hand
bags, black, navy, brown and taupe
All reduced 25 pei cent
First Floor
Hand Made Maderia
Hand made mud ria 25 per cent off
Our entire stock of hand made ma
deria. Including center pieces, doll
lea, napkins, baby pillows.
First Floor
Scarfs, Pillows, etc.
Scarfs, boudoir pillows, luncheon
sets, table cloth, etc., msde of se
lected round thread linens. 25 per
cent off.
First Floor
Rain Parasols
Rain and shlno parasols, beautiful
quality rain proof taffeta, with ban
dies of ivory and amber In carved
and plain. Reduced 20 per cent.
First Floor
t Garments
L 1" S ganni-nts. light spring nee
dle weave, bleached only, ti on
all sizes. $1.50 value . .
First Floor
L. D. S. garments, light weight, fine
ribbed, bleached, all sizes, for men
..nd v. nmen " J i allies (t -I
I ir t FIOOC )l.y
First Floor
Children's Vests
Children's summer vests, low neck,
no sleeve, fine rlob, sizes 1 tn qo
12. 35c value. Special . l.5C
First Floor
Silk Hose
Women's pure thread silk hose,
elastic top. colors are black and
dark brown $175 value t i Qfi
Special 31. OtJ
First Floor
Women's Silk Hose
Women's pure silk and fiber lacv
hose, assorted patterns, colors are
black, brown and navy -i Qf)
Values to $1.75. Special .
First Floor
40-inch Voiles
85c voiles. 40 inches wide, In beau
nful flowered designs, etc. qq
Bpt i lal, rard . DOC
First Floor
Envelope Chemise
Women's envelope chemise in as
sorted sizes; these are neatly trim
med; our regular $1 25 alm nr
E i " lal, each "DC
Girls' Straw Hats
Girls' straw hats in colors black,
brown and navy; these are neatly
trimmed of good material. ap
Yaluc3 to Jl SO Kich . . . 5jC
Men's Shop I
Palm Beach Suits
Do you know the comfort
of the palm beach suit?
Have you noticed that men
who wear them once usual
ly wear them again Palm
beach suits are good look
ing .easily cleaned, inexpen
sive and very comfortable
We are selling some ver
handsome palm beachers ft!
Cloth Suits
Men's suits of the usual
kind continue to walk out
at a good rate Indeed, since
it has become known that
prices for fall are to be no
lower more likely higher
men who know the true
conditions are buying now
for fall and winter wear.
Silk Shirts
Men who think that silk
shirts are too expensive to
buy should see this line we
are selling at $7 30 This is
exactly the same price tl, i
we paid for them to the
maker. and we bought
$10,000 worth at one clat
ter Wives and mothers are
good judges of silk, let them
make the selections.
-CT mm mmm- mm -amm
Women's Waists
w , mi n' v biti . olli . nd I I
i sort) d mat rial . Um - ere no,i. I
i trlmmi assorted np i raw
JJC ' Wmm
Downstairs Lfl
Women's Aprons j il
Women's tie aprons in light and z
dark colors assorted; these ar- 2 bbbbbL-'
Spct lal, 2 for Jp i I
Downstairs A ft
Silk Voiles I
iml cotton, etc, a vail'--'
fUl d. rt i r( I 1
First Floor
Dotted Swiss H
Dotted Bwlss m solid colors, in
pink, light blue, Alice blue, navy I D'
' ri ' cq i 3 T
Fard ... , DOC A
First Floor
Ne Voiles i if
10c snd y.re voiles in special val- I mmW
ues. ln hen vld-. all ihe season'o c
Bl 'I 7A I 111
ivc I M
Plrsl Floor H
Best Voiles i H
I1.SS Toilet In all the latesi designs, 5 Hi
tlful fine quallt) Bpecial qq i
vard VOC I
First Floor
Summer Skirting I Ii
Summer shirting In white frounds I til
with black itrlpea, good firm qual ,
63c I
First Floor iiHl
Imported Swiss R
Imported dotted Swiss In white
ground With bli k OT blUS dots, slao I 111
i hunip.iicn ;md grwv Krounds, wlih I y
white doti Regul 2.2C ji r.C ' If
quality M.UJ I W'
First Floor mmw
Imported Swiss a f
Imported dotted SwIhh up to $2.60 I
values in light and dark for sum- I
mer dresses, stt ruaraa J i or i II
teed fast color J)1.0J f It
First Floor
Imported Organdie I 1
12.75 imported organdy in pink, ,
p. hro-.vn. Copenhagen bine, I 1
navy. etc. ; '. in. h-.. wi!-. in polk f 1
dots, checkb, etc. d 1 OO X I
Yard J)1.0J I I
t lrst Floor v IHH
Figured Voiles
1 i r .1 v.uli-. u v to values, 10 J
inrii--i arlde, In medium end ro r flv,
dark colors. Special, yard . . JO f: I
First Floor ?
Tussah Silk JM
Tussah llk. 33 InchM Ids In H
beautiful fit v J u (piard patti nu( sll i tm
the meal treated colors ti iq I ( II,
11.50 value, yard . . . iplslaP 1 dfl :i
First Floor 2
Long Cloth J
Longcloth 27 inches wide, medium - fl
dren's wear, etc. I2.S8 value lor f E
$1 75 a bni oi v.irds I
First Floor I
New Ratine
Ratine, inches wide, extra heavy r B
weight, beautiful pebble finish, for lBn
Jackets, suits, skirts, etc , whito V
only. $3 00 value. Jf i
yirst Floor a I
Pongee Silk 1
Tongee silk, 33 inch s uidf. ihe r .) a
Jap q ry walsjht, free from I Si.
i .iijral l ulnr mil.. (J -I nr 3 !j
$2 50 value for. yard tPl.lJ 11
First Floor
Grass Rugs I M
Graaa nj;s In slie Its reen I -III
colored designs on t are c j 1
Kplendld for i urano r ue. flj 1 i J
Special, 2 for P 1 is-
Downst.-'rs bIHH
Straw Hats
It's a great year for straw j Is
hats, in fact the line 13 -
growing very small If you I
plan wearing a new straw i l
for the Fourth, we suggest I
that you make an early se- i
lection. Ji
For the Boys j
TTic sale of boys' suits is as f -A j
active today as when start- I
ed. If you are buying the ' j
boy a suit for the Fourth, I I
see these. Here are suits in I
all sizes. Some of the best I ;
known bmnds in America, j
Suits worth to $15 On sale I
Men's Underwear
In the Downstairs Store n j
the underclothing for men I j
and boys. Some bargains $
are offered on the tables, all I j
good. But we recommend Z J
Munsingwear. Once you I i
adopt this good underwear a j
you will buy it always. If I
fits so well, wears so well 1
and is so generally satisfac- 1
tory. K
mmm mxmt -mmm mm-

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