OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, July 02, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-07-02/ed-1/seq-3/

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The Tale of the Sale
It started out as Ogden's first sale on blue
Serges. It still is. Men want blue serge suits
4m they are in good taste everywhere in business ir.
fmM the social world. And Dundee showed the wzy to
W remarkable saving: on hand tailored Blue Serge
y suit-
A We bought at a special figure as much blue
fierge cloth as we could get. -i is a regular $60
grade. We're lurking it into three-piece uits to
" , your measure for $17.50 With two pair cf pants,
I if you want them, at $58.00.
All other fabrics are reduced 10 per cent
from our regular prices. Nothing is reserved. But
the sale is fast coming to its end the special Blue
Serge is almost all sold. Get your suit ordered be
fore it s too late.
J On Hudson Avenue by the Alharnbra Theatre
i i1
si: - , .
J Suffrage Plank
f Given Approval
h SAN FRANCISC". July 1 Tho suf
frage plank, as approved by the plat-I
form committor. Is understood to fol
low the lines of that framed In the
sub-committee, calling on the Demo
cratic governors and legislatures of J
Tennessee, North Carolina and Florl-I
ia to complete ratification of the suf
irage amendment in time to permit
the women to ote next November.
GKNKVA. July 1 An aerial ser
vice between Paris and Geneva was
opened today! The plain- carried two
passengers and mail and negotiates
the distance between Paris and
Geneva In three hours and fifteen
From 1S00 to 1 f 1 ?. the foreign
trade of the lulled States increased
by 6261 per cent
II ilk jiljj!edgmrnii le K C. D.
w Here's where we
9 ; call a spacls just iha&
x& ' & m
Br i m
W- '
I THE POET Bays a ro:e. POOR TURKISH tobacco.
kVs ... ...
4 BY ANY other name. WHICH IS less expensive.
. .
WOULD SMELL as sweet. AND NOT bo good.
... .
. AND THAT'S all right AND THIRD, tobacco.
1 V '
... ...
I1 t WON'T CHANGE Its smell. BUT GREW thousands.
. ...
AKin i.ui . 1 , AND DOESN'T ovon.
AND I'M not knocldng.
DDT JUST 'fl'tog roil. TASTE LIKE Turkish.
RIGHT OUT. AN lT'S. l5 f00'1 Turkl?h
THATS REALLY from Turkey.
THAT THERE are only. ... f
in the cigarettes.
OF TURKISH tobfecco.
FIRST, GOOD Turkish.
WHICH IS mighty good. 0UR resident bu?rs in Turkey
, , " 2V a,e experts. They know we
AND ALSO exnonolvft V'?nt the bpst and w it And
ALsoexponeive. thsame with Domestic leaf. Blend
AND SECOND them together by that can't-be-copied
method and you get a
Big Companies Employ Them.
This- Ogden Man
"Editor Standard-Examiner. Your,
, reporter In hi write-up of the 9tory i
of the arrest Of UlS two deaf mutes.)
find their trials and tribulations seem :
I in have a very poor idea of the deal
las a rule, especially when he men-1
! tioned the fact that 'on account ( !
their affliction they could not secure I
work '
I "Of course, the deaf nre in a class
by them.Hol ves, as far as then- loss of,
I hearing goes, and in many cases it Is
a blessing to tht-m instead of a handt
Cap. Those that nr.- deaf ar. divided
I Into clas&es Just like normal people;
some are ambitious, others are not.
in the case of these two boys it must
he remembered that they were drlf?
I Ins: around from place to place, not
I Caring whether they secured employ -I
ment or not. Just s.- they secured
j enough to keep body and soul to-p;ether-,
and they erred. Just like any
i one else would do The actions of
I these two boys need not reflect upon
j the deaf as a elaSS
The Goodyear Tire and Rubber
company of Akron has over 600 deaf
men and women in Its employ, and are
advertising for more. Records of tllC
I Goodye'er company show that in the
I phychologlcal of mental alertness
; te.t7 similar to the army s 'nut' test, i
jejven recently to all employes, the
; der-if mute men and women In the fnc- ,
torv attained the hichpst grades.
"These deaf mutes have a colony i
of their own, and many of them own
! their own homes, many of them are'
I members of thp Chamber of Com
merce, and it i said that anions the
company'e (wenty-elghl thousand em
Iployee, (b It expertpess in tire bulld
' ln has demonstrated that their af
tllction doeS not constitute a handi
cap, and that It Increases rather than
diminishes mental and physical alert
ness. The company has recently Btart
: ed another Cai toi -v in Los Angeles, and
j Is anxious to start another colony.
'"Besides, the Firestone company, of
; the same city, is employing all Che
deaf it can. And just recently the
rlcan Car and Foundry company
of Milton i Perin.; the Kxiie Battery
company of Philadelphia, nnd many
oihi-fs have awakened to the value of
I the deaf as exper workmen.
'And the salaries' Which they rc
I reive w ould put many normal people
I to shame. The preat publishing house
i of Rand & McVil!y. of Chicago, Is also
I advertising for deaf printers, and any I
ocieii printer will tell yon that they
i are making more thnn they are. and
there are hoys seventeen years old.
ritrht out of the local school, making
I $.". oo per day.
'So what do we deaf care" Tf one
of us should en wrore. why let It go
; In the same lluht as if It ".ere a per
son who can hear. It need not reflect
i upon every deaf person In the countrj
"And Tom ESdlsop Is deaf. too.
Falsely Accused, Star Serves
Prison Sentence for
Girl's Sake
I Robert Warwick's role as the star
Of Thou Art the Man. his new photo
'play, is said to be one that appeals to
jail classes of moviegoer's The pic-'!!!-
is now playinpjbal the AJhambra
I neater.
The ex fishier is a soldier of fortune
(in the Pouth African diamond country
innocently involved in a diamond
sniucKllng business, he leaves hu
crooked employers, only to mee' a
ll.r-tly girl and discover that her
j brother is imolved In tho same dls
reputable game Later, a packet of
s tolen diamonds are discovered on
hfffl, and to pror rt the girl he serves
ii jail srnteno Her mind is porsoned
j l:i his absence by her brother and
others. Comlns, upon him after h's
release, and when he is rehabilitating
h.asel( ns the manager of a plantar
jtion, Bh denounces him. The truth,
however, comes ut, and she is glad
to b bis forgieness and admit nor
I reborn love for bim.
I Lcia Wilson is the leading wora.in,
land the supporting cast also includes
: uch players as Oldrence Durtou, I
m. rnjmqnt, 'and C. H Geldart. Mar
garel Purnbull adnpted the story from
b novel by P. K Mills Young Thomas
i ii. :n directed. It is a Paramount
: A rt( raft picture.
Bosses Decide Ticket
to Defeat McAdoo
(Continued from Rage 1)
general impression seems to be that:
there will be anywhere from twelve
to fifteen ballots. rainier will b
the first rolled out. then Cox will
ake his drive and when he ia through;
the VtcAdOO onrush will taUe place.
! if he can be stopped with Marshall and;
Smith, well and good; If another com-j
'lunation Is needed, then, after the:
! first few ballots, WheU It Is evident:
how the alignment rxlsts. an attempt
will he made to form It, and this Is
the hope of Ambassador I (avis
(Copyright by Washington Post.)
Sen. Reed Hailed as
An Unconquered Hero
KANSAS CITY. Mo . July 1 A tele-1
gram addressed to Senator James A .
I Reed at San PvanciSCO, In which the
signers, "as rcmo rkts," hail the sen
ator "as an unconquered hero," was
dispatched toda) by Colonel Arthur J.
Elliott, Major E. YV. Blusher and Ma
jor Archie Johnston, returned over
s' a ett-rans.
The telegram asked that the send
. i be Informed of the time of the ar
rival hire of the train on which Sen
ator Reed will return from San Fran
cisco, and informs him that a demon
stration and parade will greet him.
in ohc day, last May, d.ooo.oo'jJ
I marks were placed as ucls on raecsj
Lu C nrnmjiv.
Now Playiog
wSi. sK&ssssssljsftfrft. M
H Bfl9HsBBSwl
M n r
Lewis J Selznick rrecldnt
yVdarttd from the play by
LouTdleoi and "Wlllaid Maclo
Sccnoru. by Katharine R?e
Direction by Ted Slomui
One of the Strongest Photoplays
of the Year
MENT Also "Snub" Pollard Comedy
den Tliealrc
Sunday, Tom Mix in
Former Service Men and
Women Get Liberal Chance
to Be Reinstated
WASHINGTON July 2. A ruling
defining new conditions under which
lapsed or cancelled war risk Insurance
policies may be reinstated by former
service men and womjn had been is
Btied i the war risk Insurance bureau.
Under the rnliiiK applications for
reinstatement made within eighteen
months of discharge and prior to Jan
uary 1 1921, need only be accompani
ed by mil;, two months premiums and
a statement thai the applicant is in
as good health as on the date of the
discharge or resignation No medical
examination is required.
After Januar 1. 1921i and until
July I, 1921, In cases where insur
ant c lapsed or was cancelled prlot
to July l, 1920, regardless f length
of tunc- since discharge, the applicant
must forward two months' premiums
and also the report of a full medical
examination made by a licensed phy
sician at the applicant's expense.
Insurance lipsmc or cancelled after
July i, 1920, ma) be reinstated on
statement of physical condition with
in three months, after three months
and within six months the application
for reinstatement must he accompan
led by a short medical examination i
certificate and after six months and
within eighteen months M a full med-i
leal examination certificate. In all
i i. s two months' premiums must ac
company the application for reinstatement.
oo I
NEW YORK, July 2. A 125,000.-1
000 l"art to Switzerland will he raised
In the United States as a result of ne
gotiations concluded between the
8WlS8 government and American bank,
ers, it was announced here today I
i l
; Girls! Make beauty lotion tor !
-i few cent i Try It! J
Squeeze the juice ol two lemons into
a bottle containing ihree ounces of
orchard white, shake well, auu ou,
have a quarter pint of the be3t freckle
and tan lotion, and complexion bcauti j
fier, at very, very small cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and anv
drug store or lollet counter will sup
I 1 three ounces of orchard white fo
a few cents. Massage this swcetlv I
fragrant lotion into the face, neck. ;
arms and hands each day and see how
freckles and blemishes disappear and)
how clear, soft and rosy-w hite tho
skin becomes Yes! It is harmless and I
never irritates. Advertisement,
Apply Zcmo, Clean, Penetrat
Ulg, Antiseptic Liquid
It is unnecessary for you to suffer
w ith eczema, blotches, ringworm, rashes
and similar skin troubles. Zcmo,
obtained at any drug store for 35c, or
SI 00 for extra large bottle, and prompt
ly applied will usually give instant relief
from itching lorturc It cleanses and
tlv- the skin and heals quickly and
eflectivcly most skin diseases.
Zcmo is a wonderful, penetrating,
disappearing liquid and is soothing to
the most delicate skin. It is not greasy,
i i easily applied and costs lit tic Get
it lodav and tavc all further distress.
The L. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland. O.
C. E. Gunnels Will Address
State Meeting to Be Held
in Salt Lake
That C. B Gunnels, former aKit-.-nt
rhicf of western extension wbrk, I
department of agriculture who l now
assistant secretary of the American'
I farm Vmrtfui federation, will adlre
a meeting i" I hi M m S.. I i . r . sunn.
was Information given out yesterday
w. p Thomas. Weber county agri- ,
' cultural agent.
Mi- Gunnels visited ppterday at ttv
;l"tih Agricultural college ,t Logan!
land was in conference with Dr 1-. J
Bvana of the U- A, C. extension db i
I sion.
! Mr Thomas said that all members
of the State farm bureau in Weber
County, 900 In number. WSTC alSO
i members of the national organization.;
He a1d that .f t too f.irincrs in We.
: brr county. 900 belonged to the counts
farm bureau
Thllty-tWO states have taken up the
' national farm bureau movement, and
I the national enrollment Is approxl-
mately OO.OOO, according to Mr. Gun
I nel.
I Matters of cooperation nnd metho'l
Of developing the farm bureau move- j
ment will bo taken up at the Salt i
i Lake meeting.
The principle purpose of the feder-1
ation is to act as a clearing house for!
I all farm problems. There are now
being established separat" and di-
I tinct bureaus in the federation for
special problems There are: The bu-
i reau of farm economies and statistics.
j bureau of transportation, bureau of
' trades relations and the bureau of eo- i
I operation and legislation. Ea?h hu-1
reau will act in it-? particular field to
make all information on the subject
available for the use of the farmers j
The economic situation and statistics
concerning crops nnd production will'
be given out by tho bureau of econ
omics rnd statistics Rates and ways
of transportation come tinder the sec
ond bureau, while the other two take
up the fields of selling and buying
and all laws that are enacted coer
intr the field of agriculture. The ln-
' formation thus accumulated must
necessarily have a powerful Influence!
i for more lntellleent farming
In TUind Toulh." die National Pic
tures feature, which opened a three
days' engagement it the OsfflSli !
t theatre yesterday, Die he-'o ts art ex-i
cpption to the rule that every mother I
thinks her own goose a swan.
Shortly after he comes to man's ea-1
imp ne is caai pii ny -m niutiiei. uuu
other women seem t like him He
marries his model in 'arts, ahtl when
he comes back to Anv ii - i a failni e.
he Is picked up from a park bench,
by a young woman, whom he larer
man ies. How ever, l.e ia ,io blgumlSlj
thero are extenuating clrcum-j
But the dead past has no: burn d
its dead, and one of the most fermid-1
able ghosts of it the Tarl model I
Is not laid for some time. And the
complications that arise both sp:)oim
and humorous seem to be almost
impossible of solution. Lovy flm) a
way, however.
"Blind Youth" was adapted bv
Catherine Reed from the play of
the same name by Ixni Tellegeu and
Wlllard Made. Ted Sloman dire, ted
It, and Walter McGrail and Leatrlco
Joj are the featured playera
Six White Men Are
Adopted by Crows
RED LODGE, Mont.. July 1 Six
white men, well known characters who
have had a share In the life of the
Crow Indians of this section. ha e been
selected by the Indians fr adoption
Into the tribe. The selections were
made at a recent meeting of the tribal
council and the names of the men
chosen will be sent to the commis
sioner of Indian affairs at Washing
toil, D C. Tf he approves, formal
adoption of the white men will take
The men are. Major Pease of Ab
sarokec; Tom I-aKorge of Wyola
A Morrison, of Prior; Bernard Prove
known as Barney Bravo, George
Deputee. of Lodge Grass tend J. W.
Cooper of near Billings. All of these
men have intcr-marrled with the I
Crow and have grand children who
are members of the tribe.
The dean of these men is Major
Pease, who In early days was an army
scout and led tho expedition of Gen
eral Harney. Later he became the
first Crow Indian agent. Torn La Forge ,
one of the most picturesque white men
in eastern Montana, was one of
the soldiers sent against the Sioux nt
the time of the Custer massacre al-
though not with Custer. himself
Provo Is a veteran of the Civil war and
Of numerous Indian wars as well. He!
Is of German descent. Morrison also
Is a Civil war veteran, while Cooper
has scrxed as an army scout, Deputee
has been an Indian trader and clerk ;
tor 3ii years.
Several years ago two white wo
men who had taught in the govern
ment school at Crow agency, and had
married educated Indians of the Crow
tribe were admitted to the tribe.
Negro, long in government employ, i 1
so has been adopted by the Indians.
Congressional Medal j
Awarded to Marines
WASHINGTON, July 1 The con-1
gresslonal medal of honor was con-1
ferred today on Lieutenant Herman
H. Hanneken and Corporal William
R Button both of tho marine corps'
for "extraordinary heroism" displayed
in leading the force which killed the
Hilton bandit chief, Charlemagne'
Peralte last October. Presentation of
the medals was made at the navy .
department by Major General John A. I
Lejeun. thy new commandant or
Orleans was without street ear aer- I
vice as a result of a strike Of the
0,000 employes of the New Orleans,
Railay and Light company, which foi- j
lowed a failure of the union workers'
and th federal receiver for the com- I
pany to reach an agreement as to
The borough of Manhattan. New
York, spends $3..r00.000 a day on
More Men will Wear I
Good Clothes Now 1 I
Suit Values that will H
take the town II
by storm II
Suits that were $80.00 are now $60.00
Suits that were $75.00 are now $56.25
Suits that were $70.00 are now $52.50
Suits that were $65.00 are now $48.75
Suits that were $60.00 are now $45.00
Suits that were $50.00 are now $37.50
Suits that were $40.00 are now $30.00
Suits that were $35.00 are now $26.25
Suits that were $30.00 are now $22.50
Remember- I
A Money Saving Event H
YOU Cannot Afford to I
Overlook H
Don't Poison Baby. I
FORTY YEARS AGO almost every mother thoucht her child mut har !
PAREGORIC or laudanum to make it sleep. These druys will produce
sleep, and a FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce the SLEEP
FROM WHICH THERE IS NO WAKING. Many are the children who
have been killed or whoao health has been ruined for life by paregoric, lauda
num and morphine, each of which is a narcotic product of opium. Druggists
are prohibited from selling either of the narcotics named to children at all, or
to anybody without labelling them " poison." The definition of "narcotic"
is : "A medians which relieves pain and produces sleep, but tchich in poison
ous doses produces stupor, coma, convulsions and death " The taste and j
binell of medicines containing opium are disguised, and sold under the names
of " Drops," " Cordials," " Soothing Syrups," etc. You should not permit any
medicine to be given to your children without you or your physician know
of what it is composed. CASTORIA DOES NOT
CONTAIN N ARCOTICS, if it bears the signature 0 "
ofChas. II. F. her. SJffl
Genuine Castoria always bears the nature of -Juzf-yX occU44
Engines Collide
and Driver Killed
M LTA. Mont . July V. Kred Buck
man was killed when an engine which
he was attempting to run into the
roundhouse at Bowdoin last eening
collided with another engine. He was
pinned beneath the wreckage, and be
fore help nrrled was badly burned by
escaping: sleam.
He is survived bj a family residing
at Wolf Point.
Former German We II
Routes to Reopen I
WASHINGTON. July 1. The agree
ment between the Hamburg-American
line and the American ship & Com-
merce corporation, by which the for
mer German trade routes are to .be
opened tD American shipping, has
been submitted tQ 'he shipping board
forjts approval, Chairman Benson an
nounced tonight.
Watch I
this week I
2347 HUDSON AVE. PHONE 460 j jH

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