OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, July 02, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-07-02/ed-1/seq-6/

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BHIHHiHmffl 1 Patriotic Air Medley. Introducing j
j PHHawMT jf jjpi I the Gem of the Ocean, ' Reveille.'' 'Yankee
BfBBlL fl 1 fl Doodle," "My Country. 'Tit of Thee'
'hI (Prince Band) A22SA 10
UB WBWISIlwBfll B3 jnlflla 1 Patriotic Ats Medley. Part 11. introducng
V I jjfM 'ft- ht M "Asembly," "Amcricjn Patrol," Gu.ird
' ry2jQvWnV '31 1 Mount." "Marching Throuqr GeorUi.i
55 - yfjfftliJStf&i ScJn Dixie " "Retreat," Star-Spangled B.m
itflfri TrKli'Jl 111 nr " Prln' Band) $
SSPnA rfil'wKl'ii ''Amer c.i." ( My Country. 'Ti of Thee") .ind
H JtWT S I' aTPS "Battie Cry of the Republic.' (Columbia fi i
jfvfiSi ffi Mlxed Double Qu.mettei A2012 10 jjj
j -jUyfeU i-l'l. U Lr 3fo I "Arrival of the American Troop In Frjnc."
1 r-? , "tPBlftTiM ' '-"O B Jn3 Depjrturc ' tn mcr,can Troop for
li EJSR I France," (Prince" Bind and Columbia Male G
rJfMll ... iM) 0 "Battle Cry of Freedom." and Tramp, Tramp.
' r f--! f? Tramp, the Boy Are Marching " (Charles 0
) -l'?V m Harrison and Columbia Stellar Quartette). A2357 10
sLV-t J'', i'-W&JA 1 Medley c f Patriotic Air. (Columbia Band) and
MwjjBug D The Star Spangled Banner. (Margaret
NjKjflvrT 13 Wr 1 Woodrow Wilson) A16S5 ;0
-VV Z"--"-- ill H "Tenting Tonloht On the Old C'mp Ground,"
V 1 I and "The Vacant Chair." iColumbla Strliar
1 Octette, A1808-I0
I y--y7jjJ I U. S Army Calls and U. S Navy Call (Vln
ftvT '.T',t' cent Buono. Bugler ) (Harry E. Humphrey.
4 .jJ'VWl Announcer) 10
fP 1 r 3 I J "Yankee Doodle," (Charles Harrison and Broad
' I I ' yv U 'A way Quartette) and "Dixie." (Stoddard and iv
1 I Broadway Quartette) A2277 10
ill fijfifi I "Where Everybody Goes" V
I Call and Sec Mc Foi Voui
I ! Lowest Prices Consistent With 1
Qu lity Work. a
1 2428 Hudson Phone 792-M
Standing of candidate in i i
Legion carnls. il populai II y i-.ni.ii ,i'
I noon today.
Mr. W. H Cahill 4100
Mm. G I' McLtod B7IB
Miss Hfl.-n Wood! 1576
Miss Hi--.. Mlks 1 4
Mlsa frin M..i)-oe
H Miss Blanch Barton
Mrs. Ruth Dunn
H Miss tttaco iiurton liso
Miss ini InaTebrctaen I2&I
M Is Mr-rl .larrei! . .
B Miss Luetic Morrlon
! Miss Kuth Fife
H Miss Ort Wcioflni). 100
Mn. Rose P, Oamjp 1 00 i
Miss Esther Harrl
Miss Marv llhodea 50
Mrs. H. Dnlf T.01
H Contest closes 1" .Hi p. in . Ji.lv 11
01 W SOUTH :
Montana School Teachers on
Trip to Little ZiOn
lllklngr is attracting thousands of
sport sffker.M throughout the coun-
Irj according to Kaael smith, one of,
lour aigtart who arrived in iij;dcn to-1
daj en route to Little Zlon's canyon
1 1 u.'ii 1 iilon. Mont.
The si.-t.-r-, (li::fl. Altn. Mine and'
LUdla, have hlkfd from Illlon to,
Ogdtn. The departed shortly after!
noon today for the south, eager to!
rench Salt Lakr. wliere they will takel
0 rest prior to leaving for their des-l
The four young women are all
n liool Iimi Ii-ih In Montana and 8t.it
ed today that hiking In their state i
u.im fa.st hecoming a major sport.
The largest known snake, the :
Python, occurs In the Malay pen-1
Insula, Java, Borneo and Sumatra.
The Arabs have a superstition that
the stork has a human heart.
Ht nt Ssfl . ,
tr.. ofkeplns of your iiuabln
R It's a good tl 1
I teds. Insurance j
'I K if kept In
I and
K small sizes at ?: n ..r c.n.l 'ip
I m I Rrsl National Bank
lH CARTALURPLUS 350,000 DPOSiTS 4,000,000?
J .
LV 11
Lively Sessions Follows Close
of Court When Youth Is
Bound Over
The preliminary hearing of John
Kdtuond Donaldson was concluded
yesterday afternoon and the defend
ant was bound over to the district
court under bail of $50u to face trial
on a siaiuinry churge. Following
the close of the hearing, the defend
ant was walking out of the door of
the city Jail. The father ol the girl,
Donaldson, is alleged io have
wron.d, stepped toward:! the defend
ant and slapped him violently in the
face. The girl's father and mother,
and (he father of another girl who
attempted to bring action against
Donaldson on a similar charge to
the one with which he will now face
trial, expressed their opinions to
Honaldson regarding his actions, in
no uncertain lerniK.
Judge D. R. Roberis, al the hear
ing yesterda reprimanded the girl's
mother for alleged neglect of the girl.
The mother claimed that unless the
Klrl went without her knowledge,
she had alwaps been in company
with either her girl ft lends or adult
20,000 TRAVEL l
Despite th fact that the Shrln
ers" convention at Portland end
ed some time ugo and the Demo
crats delegates arc saf.. at San
Francisco, truffle on the Union
Pacific and Southern Pacific con
tinues to b unusually heavi, ac
cording to officials of the two
Thirteen cars. Including one din
er and one baggage car departed
on No. 19 thin mornlnp for San
Francisco with more than S00 pas
sengers aboard. Iiurinx the per
iod of travel of delegates to the
convention at San Kranclsco four
teen cars was the limit on the
W. G Wilson, special agent for
the Southern Pacific lines, stated
today that traffic over the South
ern Pacific lines out of Ogdcn had
shattered all records. for the
month of June. Wilson said:
"As far as I can determine, the
June records as far back as is 10
have been shattered. While tho
records have not been completed
as yet more than 20.000 passen
gers were handled on our line
out of igden in June, tvhlch 1n
Itself is some record."
To ( gden Canyon, cars leave Dgden
Sam. T 15 sm . 7:30 a.m. Sam and
eer twenij minutes until 9:15 p m.
See printed schedule No C 2. 3:31
The White House was modeled aft I
Creed Haymond Thinks Pad
dock Will Cop Century Race
at Antwerp
Creed Bttyiuoilfl. national 100 and
220 yard college champion In 1I1?.
member of the Ogden A. A. trade ag
gregation, returned to Ogden yester
day from Ixs Angeles. Haymond tore
a muscle In the trials for the western
team nt Pasadena staged last Satur
day, but due to his record In past
events was chosen as a membe r of the
wej-tern team to compete In the finals.
Clinton Uirson hisrh Jumper and Aim
Richards all-around star, will also en
ter the finals under the colors of the
local club.
Charlie Paddock Is one the world'
greatest runners. according-to Hay
mond. and Is likely to cop the 100 yard
dash at Antwerp
"I look for Paddock to cop the cen
tury In the finals and believe that the
west will have four sprinters on the
team that departs from New York this
month." said Haymond.
Alma Rli hards in my opinion will
cop the all-around title. He Is show
ing a world of clnss again this season
and took five points at the meet laxt
Saturday. Larson Is my choice for the
high jump. Although my leg Is In
pretty bad shape 1 am confident that I
will malic the team. I hope to win the
furlonc "
Huvmond will in all probability de
part for the east Monday where he
will be under the care of Lawrence
Robertson. Penn coach, until the date
for the finals.
Utah Elks Join Coast
Party for Trip East
Klks numbering 135 from San Fran-I
Cisco and other coast points arrived
in Ogden shortly after 1.45 o'clock
today en route to the Chicago con
vention of tho Elks, which will be
held at Chicago next week. They j
were, met at the local depot by local
Elks ,
P. P. Klrkendall of tho OKden j
lodge. 719. will accompany the Oall-i
fornianfl east Snlt Lake representa
tives will also Journey east with the
local party. The party is traveling in
a sneclal train.
Deaths and Funerals
BOWN Alice Eliza Bown. wife of
William A. Bown of Salt Lake, died
at 2 o'clock at the residence of her
sister. Mrs. Samuel Bullough. 295
Twenty-first street. Mrs Bown came
to Ogden a week ago to vl.lt her sis
ter, and she attended Old Folks day
at the Lorln Parr park Wednesday,
Mrs. Bon was not feeling well and
sti ulll K'ew worse- until death cam,
this morning She was born In Lon
don. England. August I, 1863. and Is
survived by her husband and the fol
lowing children: (ieorgo V. Ord Of
piepni; i nomas vru ui tic iu.w
A Bown of Salt Lake. Mrs. Mary A
Hodge of Los Angeles. Mrs. Fannie
ii I ell of Silt LuUe; twelv e grandchil
dren and the following brothers and
sisters'. Wllll.nn Hunt of Salt Uiko.
Mrs. Jane Sairclough. Mrs. Emily Fos
ter of Salt lake. Mrs Samuel Bul
loiigh of i igili-n, Mrs. Carl Ben Schnei
der of Salt Lake, Mrs. Sarlah Fish of
j Lou Angeles, Mrs. Belle Wilson and
John Hunt of Salt Lake and Mrs. Nel
lie Luinn of Wyoming. Mrs. Bown
was a worker of the Twenty-eighth
ward of Salt Lake City. The body will
l.e shipped to the Lirkln undertaking
establishment in Salt Lak Saturday
morning, where It may be viewed un
til the time of the services Sunday
TURNER - Funeral services for
Lillian Broadbent Turner, wife of
George Turner will be held at 12:15
o'clock Sunday at the Sixth Ward
meeting house with Bishop J. Howard
Jenkins officiating The body may
be viewed at the Llndquist funeral
chapol Saturday until 1 p. m. and
then at the home, of the father,
j Enoch Rio.idbent, 1755 Twenty-second
'street. Interment will be In the
j Ogden City cemetery.
BLASDEL Funeral services for
i Gladys I. Blnsdel were held at tho1
Klrkendall Fndertaklng parlors to
day with the Rev. J. E. Carver offl
;catine. Miss Faye King sang "Oh
.Dry Those Tears' and "Nearer Mv
God To Thee'' Interment was In
I Mountain View cemeterj.
GRIFFIN Funeral services for
Helen Bernlce Griffin Will be held
Sunday at 2:30 o'clock at the Mcth
odlst church with the Rev. C. R. Car
ver officiating. Interment will be
made at Mountain View cemetery.
Afte' you eat always use
one or two tablets eat libe candy.
Instantly relieves Heart burn. Eloo ted
Gassy Feeling. Stops indigestion,
food touring, repeating, headachcand
tho many mitrics causcc by
FATONIC 3 the best remedy, it takes
tho harmful acids and jjascs ripht out
of the body and, of course, you get
well. Tens of thousands wonderfully
benefited. Guaranteed to satisfy or
money refunded by your own drug
jrbt. Cost a txide. i'lease try ttl
is at the bottom of most
cL pesth e i"s.
RmioidS !
for indigestion afford pleas
ing and prompt relief from
the distress of acid-dyspepxta,
'1 '
Of If ytxj an tnbjeo io raB pun to Lh t ni.
v 'ininfclsaJfasltlnd
Wwhcr 7jr. . ili.Mt uil I i y .
I w l i, 3l r M lT, , V
MKoala. At a fntf lastctr It hM Bo encai.
tk for Hnvrr i.rar Aromatic- Laif at nr
ftlar or arat by dail for at CI. SasaaM niL
AadrMotOrarC.UlTr. I
mma , o -- Sjl'fc oej
j I
Tomorrow ! J
j One Hundred Brand Tl
i New Hats For To- 2 I f
j morrow Selling at M
j Just before Independence day. Most extraordinary
j values in georgette hats and classic basket weaves, j jfl
j the hats of the hour. Come early. Choice at .... $5 j H
All Other Hats 25 Off j I
jf With the exception only of taffeta and sport hats, you j
j may take your unrestricted choice tomorrow of any j I
j hat in the department at a price one-fourth less. j H
FAROO, N IV. July I, With
the sr;ibrnatorlal contest virtual
ly conceded n non-partin.in -ic-tory.
Interest In Wednesday's pri
mary election turned todnv to tho
contest for the United States sen
atorial nomination on the Repub
lican ticket.
The early lead established by
Senator A J. Gronna was dwind
ling somewhat at noon, his total
f 738 out of i'06-t precincts in
the state beine 1'0.823 as ajrainHt
i be 1.8.724 polled by Ir. E. F.
l.-add. the league candidate.
I'redlctlons today by the Farjro
Forum, which has supported the
candidacy of William Langcr for
governor, placed tho estimated
majority of Governor Lynn J.
Praaier, the league choice at from
f 000 to 7.500. Langer had a lead
of 1.602 votes In 1.622 precincts,
but the missing precincts were
recognized as Frazler strongholds
almost entirely
The center of population of the
United States in 1910 was the city
of Bloomington. Ind.
Coast Athletes to Be
in Ogden on July 11
Twcnty-fl athletes of tho Loa
Angeles Athletic club and the San
Francisco Olympic club will be Ogden
guests for a short time Saturday. July
11. en route to the finals for the
American track and field team at Har
ard stadium. July 17.
Coach A. Foster of the Stanford uni
versity will bo In charge of the men
the western aggregation Is composed
of high-class talent, the men being
picked to trim the eastern men In the
finals. It is expected that more than
75 per rent of the men entering ih
finals from tho west will make the
trip to Antwerp.
Woolley to Deliver !
Oration at Hooper
Arthur Wooley. Ogden attorney will
deliver the Independence day oration
to be delivered at the Hooper cele
bration next .Monday
The oration will be one number on a
program that will extend throughout
the day.
Body of Fifteen-month-old Son
of John Miller Found in
Culvert A
Fifteen-months-old George Ray- wc
mond Miller wandered from his moth- It V ,
afternoon The young- 'I'
mlaet I ind hortl) later his i
bod) erae found lodged in the culvert
of an Irrigation ditch, on th Harris- m
iiie road. He eraa the eon ol Mr. M ik
and Mrs. John Miller. 2'1! Man street. M 1
The child had evidently been p - M!K.iSi
Ing on the banks of the dltrh whl. Ajb
flows past the Miller home and had Bvv
The force of the running water cai-
rled the body several hundred ardf K&st
fruni Lhi .Miller home. W.m
The funer.il arrangements mere tak IK' "tt
en In charge by l,irkln & Son. E.Ml i'-
oo '1
Thousands of Mexican families are yfjjf;
crossing the border to till tho soil HCa '
and otherwise build up the south-
west. MSB
, J
Prepare for Your
ill Fourth of July 'fffft jl
JLj at Geo. A. Lowe Co.'s big hardware store. M U fl
V Get some new Gennett Records that play on any W ftt I I!
phonograph. If you have no phonograph, get the beat ml U,
, fj jj For the kids (and we are all kids on the Fourth) gel ljcr '
I r automatic pistols that make big noise. No caps, no J-wyf- H 1
J danger. Only 25c. -C
Sec S
J 'l''),kS fl'""
yjjj , B

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