OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, July 03, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-07-03/ed-1/seq-9/

What is OCR?

Thumbnail for 9

,ofj v Real Ftatc
IK Twenty fourth rlmnci ;t'l J1
! jt 41740 FWl room i odern bunn'no
m.nt --Hji r. U'ork hop rlctr.nl
: fitted, Chi'krn coop an1 run
Oaa n hiu. Ii-t of beth gtaturee,
in excellent condition 1-O.nlP.i clos
BH bl 0Q good .- lot T'ntu
ltiy- night room meKlrrn brick, Hot
Mrr hest. Cement hvr- nt
irc. J Imtb fixture n Ideal
H iom end in r irrational buj. worth
110.000. lnt-d rln In on I SflCfl
In ht f' IO-nr. ,nmrl t of the rlt.
ggggj Trm.
2, i' Tten'' .(nurll I . r
1'our room nio4rm hon with Itrf
7 A - i..nk- iiitI. hullt In fatur- rood lot
close In. S3000 If Ukcn At OOCe K
Kivr ioom brick on Grant arenua $3S0:
BHI N- four room modern lrlck. larrc
' 'nine por-b. (rood hflemrnt, no-todite
ggggga In evo repe"t rx-er.t (leal 40t; term.
BH 3 riiy Department Phon-
BY OWNER Plvs room modern
IgggSf borne. ca term. Leaving dty. 1W o-v
- ' 1
,Jfi S"EV " roon
gggggflf modern buigalwi. 2101 Monroe, rhone
v 1
H I WHICH IS IT Fivf room -ement block. (
gggggnf on bench, full haaement. full front parch
Igggarfl an'l bo k t orrh arreened. gurag ,J'
l Ki-tvnt lx room residence on IM m-r.
ggggga 4 Lri-k. two stories, aaat front. $". I w
ggggS J ,, r pond two room hnus. 00 heailnc
IggggS j 'rea. juat outside city UmHr. ,
na. Phone HI 4. 8. 8. Smltl
I OWN'ER s "nm n-arh mi
Iggggfl I ,. me w .lb rxtrn inrx-e lot. baa three
Jtgggfl , atrret front, over 1000 front feet Prop
- , ertv In vlrlnltv seiint for xm rrr front
for 1 n-ll-
w , r 1 1 si
r : . . inmr lione ftirnl"hel.
K afreet $2100. $1000 or more. Call 1804
HB or write !2? Kirkham street. Oakland
2fJ 142
WV ' V OWNER Klve room modern furnln
BJ ... , ., taffa, naar union depot, Phont 1674
1 i. n. i rl.' v. i ...
L4)A f,8:' Tv.c-nt) fourib f.trcet.
R 211 v
r itret !' 1 1 f. -"if tt
v p roi i j i k sal fo caah i
IrYt pnrtlei.. rlajht In the aelert dUtrlOt.
t bolro lot on JaCKaXm. ofl f" front with
M feet alle. hI..o h .eant on TWCnt
fourth, is feet with all Improvement. In
- IQOj T -V ei I ,m.. I 'I.
RIVE room etrlctK modern brlclt hou o
i bench lr.au ire Wall avenue.
R rooi - i a
lrh. on barn h . hi ap, with i rata Phone
. !
SEVEN toom modern borne. rloe In on
pfd atreet. all epeclall paid: well built j
homo In excellent condition. Best buy In j
Ouden. Onl JSji'0, $r.d0 cash down. J4f'
pat month,
J250 Wa.'hlntrton Ave
' v.' oi 2304 j 1 1
bam chickens end chicken coop BBPS ,
VI aahinon nv.-r.n.
SMALL frame hou at i ool i"t njr
railroad district Price $1000. Terms $300
( Aih and htiirtn-e rnonthly Dayman ta to
suit customer A Kennedy, basemen I
Ptnh National building. Phone 913 or
2213 J M
i! i -. KH.in ftuct o sis lol i e Ith Bl I foel
front Good for lrdon or chickens. Irrl
0B eating water oi reaeoi ihle
! una Inquire Owner 101 Thirty fifth.
turpi: acre chlcktn run..
VPAPTMKNT 1 In on NVneli
inirton avenui ; hn.s nine two and three
room apartments Furnished. Inr-ome
$225 a month lrlc,. 111.000. Half cash
Might consider part exchange. Box It.
; Sj ilnet tOBfi
1 ; ;HT r ... 1 1 1 horn.-. ; Hi.' t'.'i
Phon.- MTO
REASONABLE fumlahed five room mod
ern brick; shade tret? fruit trees, grapes. 1
herrles. garden East Twelfth street. I
$500 DOWN, balance monthly, t III buy
like six room modern home all special1
tasaa paid In full Choice location. Imme.
dlate poaaealon. II V Bratz. 417 Dccles,
building 1888
A PA HTM I NT Iih . inodern. IP. '
npnrtmenfs. fine location on brnch. pa-s
10 per rrnt net on ottr investment, Flaei
to leaVD town on account of sickness. Will
nail cheap. Kelly eV Herrlck 861
",' i u : y ; r - , t o In' "l.i I "n
Ion avenue, cheap Terms or cash. Phone
1880 J 273s
I! VCR159. crops Implei ents horaee, on
fgjg stale nnnwav. ' nine norm icc.riieirj.
Phoni m 1 i
Bl OWNER Ooo en i ipan
H1 uicnt houso, furnish, d. IOt -.'lite porches.
HI 4 ' I '
BljSr r ii, until ini'Mii.', Good terms Phot;.
HJ r : f.f i
its new addition to
H i:'.Khth street. Good soli. dra!r.-p- and lo- :
HI cation. CJ9 Seventh. lh.one 2135-M.
s; : : . . dem brlcK houet dou
HHJ ble Karage, paved street Teimi on i .rt
1 . : ; I''" '' M ' . 1 - - r. r.
H HK UN loom brick, H e oti some -H
i! ng to trade. Small house preferred.'
H Y. a , hi bo Of mtltM'il Ueiteflt bj dealing
HHJ direct Aso have Grand piano. 1325 T'cn
fifth ti .-t Phru.e I R
M WE hnve m large lut of Irrigated farms
HHB for or trade. Write or see WON'Kii '
KTjf ORISWOLD IN'V. CO . Burlei. Idaho
i r 1 : 1 r r I . ' ' ! t . : i
RB 2.17."' Washington IVCnUa, Phone 1076
T. TTt Cm m.t iTTTci T
if1 t m -.-ond and Reeres avenue '
Bik Plione 3076. 379 ,
Pfor sale or trade!
FOR SALE OR TRADE Cood grain and '
H tock ranch well loi nted adjoining monn
sin range and only four miles from rail
o-id station, water avollable for stock
H IM acres, half cultivated. 00 acres good
j$a sheai. dwr-lllnc. stahks, corrals, seven
n-ad of horses, farming Implements all !
roes. IndudmK crop. If taken before hnr
B -est Will sell on terms or exrhanjre for
imall place. R P Hunter. 431 Twnt
HH onrth street. Phone 1S03 J. Price $000. 1
rWELVE cr ; doaen unused buahel fnin
)aketa with covers fl the dozen, or
rade for fruit. Phone 969-M or cu'i
Twenty-first street 3072
Hemstitching, plcot edge, buttons, pink-
nc and pleatlnic Second floor W H
Vrlght A Sons Mrs H U)mnn.
host MH
H UNCH Of kevs between po-atofflre and
HH Slant avenue n.-nr Twenty fourth -ire.-t
HH Indar will fal reward. C. Kawaguchl
4?i Orant Ave ItH
LRMY wrist "atrh. P. S A. Elgin 1
O'lliim fare Phone 23H P.r v, , r. I
"Ki;PI. mnr.- with white fh, e nhoiit l '
,-tr- Phoi... 3.t&p jJg
"M(iN;i iavaller at t-rln Puir prk
ii'-sdaj afternoon after 3pm Pleas.-
't,urn to o47 Twenty-eighth street. He j
. rrd' , 2U '
Bgst' IEEE marc 4 years old brnnd Ti an l-ft
kf houlder, at Rlverdale W. j Coy Mar '
lvlllc. Tel r,7 J 1 Hhiiih.' ' 317; '
I ,.CK leather po. ket boo'.: contalnlm; i '
f?HI bout $17 or $1S Return to 2620 i
j i rd - .. -
y Bate ire valuable a? moequlto da-
I t troycri.
: Farniohed
IIOIX: ,E:PIV: rrtn,n fl -lep
Ing rooms, no rhlldrvn. 2272 Madison ve,
DESIRABLE homes at Paik Apartments.
MODFTRN sleepln. room, private home,
with phone .-.' i .Irani Phone 2012-J.
TWO room apartment: gaa. 53 1 Thirty
first ureal j
HOUSEKEEPING rooms 2220 Elnrotn.
FTVB room furnished hons fine loca
tlon on bnch. Inquire 732 Twenty ev
enth street 3:?S
SLEKPIN"! room 533 Twenty seventh
" ' ' " .
NO f, r. . , apartment Three rooms
Pj ni i R-le $84 ft. 3H4
' . ii R ,. i ni ii furnished. v h
icepmc porch. No small children. J0J2
, Gramer. ) S19t
i 1 f : md sleeping
rooms. 2203 Washington $15'
TWO rcKm lurnlahed apart ti.ent Phone
87 I18S
PL.J5ASA? room in n.f.
borne Phone 1032 J, 31SK
pi nvisiiEii mi. . Twentj fourth
Street. SIS'
fl KMSHl'li ar-t'if.ei,- . : Wasbinit
ton avenue. ;'ift
VPKTM!:T an I 2.".7i E'ne o'r
NICELY furnished mor.. with bath. 2Rfiri
Orchard. "-entemen preferrei 114
TWO modem sleeping rooms for rent at
:i :..fr. reon ton rd II .i -ired 3143
Ri im r7' I treel
THREE room modern apartments. r 1 1
1001 Qulnc) venue Phone 180$), 3in
FITRNT8HED apartmenl Kff6 Washing.
Ion avenu. Corey Apn rttnenta. 3111
n Rr ISHED or uni epartmental
ro rent. 3".ts WaahlngtOB 3110!
two furnlahed houaekoeplng rooms.'
1 none ii.v. .'.i irnn sixin sireei
lil JeIcEEPING rooms suitab'e for Fam
1 II v or bachelor: and sleeping room.-. 2214
W ' v?
VERY desirable rconis renor.shlo rates,
two minutes from postofflce. Gates Ho
tel. 241418 Grant avenue. 31R7
TWO loom apartments for housekeeping.
1 also on.- room suitable for one, lady pre
Iferre.l .330 Twent -third street. Lincoln
Hot; '
ROOM 580 Twenl third 3M
i in," r: 01 iwt t i .... rig apart
ments Sleeping rooni. no . hildren 2272
T O housel i-pii 2353 Monroe,
THREE .... i : n n I 1 I ou e 164 Ti.cn
.n.i 'i-i . 817
MODERN bun aiow, teckeri Bridge.
' . ' . PhC 1 27
. ' . i li : .. -I rooms i reaki tal n
desired Reference required. 2630 Jeffer
j J
si n- ; i " leeplnsj or
h.virt U. cnlnc 24CS Washington. 2425
THREE rooms and rleeplne porch; lights,
water, toilet Hnd cellar ;no children. 2748
reffereoi 3251
NEAT 5-room modern, f.ortly furnished.;
clnae in. on car line C. V Zlnn. Phone
'151 W
SIX i i modern honn choice location I
rive blOCtta eouth E E riratz. 417 Eccles I
Bldj ) i : ' . "
'1 V i i i,, .p. - riurp. lir.t street
3204 I
BTRICTLT modern eight room house. :
two sleeping porches: pas and coal kltch
n stovii Instilled; new hoi ahr ftirnace.
llnoleuin on klti heii and Inill floors. Ap
i.i 86 T rtl 1 3 Pe.
TWO modem rooms. No children, 71
v. ilker avenue. 3107 1
NEW three r.ni modem apartments for
171 V M PI, in- R. 31S2
4 ROOMS modern houscke ping i i" In 1
Kellv ft Herri, k 1032 '
To Buy
QROCERY store up to $2500 stock In
Ogden or Salt Iake City. Give full par
ticulars. Box O care Standard-Examiner i
E have cash rii.:oni-n tor desirable
CltS and farm lnnd. Elit your nropertv
Vlth lellabli people keiley a; UTrlCK
Wti fci all cars, regardless of condi
tion. Ajto Salvage .... 2148 Grant Ave.
I WANTED r "j '
Tc Rent 1 i
WANTED iuni coupli no chll
lunfuralahod house or apartment. Phone
55' diif ing in'. ,i hi u 220
v i SfTi i i ' 1 r5 nt
By reliable couple, no children, three
or four room ap.-irtment or bungalow.
Refer, iv furnished. Box F.. care Stand
' 1 ilnei 8221
BY JEEV li Mrwiern four or five room,
OnRirnlahsd house, good reDldttico sec
tion: mun and wife. Box E. M.. core:
i i .li
By man and wife, lour or five room mod I
crn furnished house for four months. 237
Marlon Hotel 31 I
BY THE 1st. three or four room modern)
unfurnished house; no children Call 3324- I
ONE of the best Markamith shops In!
county: work for three men the ear
round, and all necessary equipment Bes
ioea'c,n Phone S10T-J, ::i"i
Coll i b are frequently ui tlficlally
produced in agate articles.
OARAOl buali iss on Washington avt
RUt for sale Rensonable rent, good lo
cation. Will sacrifice for quick sale Call j
1 : H v. or2418J 1 1 h r 6 p m
waFTted j
WORK for few hours each evening Am
kind of work. Box 75. care Standard. I
1 'i -IT!' ' I . l.-i .... v ... . .. ;
anxious to locate In Ogden fan give best I
of references. Address New York care
2n foot lengths,
14 pieces Cx6
27 pieces 2x10.
38 pieces 2x12.
Phone 1223 21M
sfcK'i'N'D hand grwids bought and sold T
C. lverson. 1640 Washington. Phone 49.
i-oi s ;
W t'. r.f jour o!a renKC :irt pajnaUMII
on n new range, or will buy your old
rang outright. Home Eurnlture Co. 47
li- e":;i: i ' al rM3tf' K F r!:y
i'kj wiispuj ptsoi v I thou t security, to
others on planus, furniture, bonds, etc
T lliifl.-ow HM; Phone li
MO.VHV to lonn ji u.piov.u ti euisu
E-'l. A. HerrlrK 779 '
" '
BVERY 1 11 1 '1 V 1" : n th ." ' - ,1.,
Jlccratlon. bleeding or li. hing piles, write 1
for free trial, p-itn'ess pile cure. R E
Tiurno. .';an jO80. Cal. 7 . 7
Waeasaaisakaajeassaga r'
'101' INDIA N motorcvcle. twin H7 lark
A . 1J47
. 108
I street, phone 270 324fi
LEAVING rity Five room house rbeap.
' ChlekggM harter Oak rang and refrlg
FIVE -PaSSFN;ER Ford for sale cheap
'for caah First class condition. One
v'"iana phonograph and 2f good records
cheap for cash. Box 291. 3671 Hudson
LARGE gas range, coal range and Oar
man heater. 'all 1088-J 8l
1 1 live burn- -1
new. 840t 2540 Washington avenue. 3335
, HENS for sale. ;$e . pound. Phone ?v7fc-
15; n'lilncmr avenue 3 I TO
1 I I ' ' . I furniture lor - sale.
a ' Hi. r- 17l
T " '' ... - , . f - - " ' . '
I M El LENT bargains on fine lollns.
new or old Pantone. Twent ninth and
I I 1 . - 1 8174
WILL gain. 1
! slot alcctrJe piano. Pantone. Twenty
ninth r-rd Hudson ' ' " "
'AL1 ED i fee 0 i''o.e
exc,.fnf Dundee tailored suits, various
llsea one frock: selling at cort. tundee
Woolen Mlils. Hudson enue SIS"
i;fiO(i ptr of am.'. :.hf' . lz'- t S$:
1 yarda of rag carpet new. $12: also one
oak cupboard. JJ3. 1345 Grant avenue. 1
I 1 ', : I , dj, ;'.r : I ' 7 ! . r
I ' 31 73
t'HERRIES !''': Tw. ':th rtrcrt prne
:'. 8173
M 1 V 1 fiour . 25 r" pounda
poundr or more. 8 15 per hundred. The
Star Market. 26 Twrnt v jcond street.
WICKER ba bugj and 1 Ininj ', i
''7 Twenty sixth street Phone 3250
'HERRI ES. all h - n.ng or Sun.; 1
Hnng !Kxes C A Jones' Ranch. North
Ogden See Mr Himnell 31 C1"
VW' i l .-j milk i eivv. ; 57 W :." 5TS
IF VOT ' wan' a good se.-ond hand blcjn '
rhenp, -All at 3341 Chlldi 8 '. 3 I
PLATER piano Seii or trade for auto.
1 7h"l' ! irt r'ho'ie C'T'l W ': 1 'V
8EWING machine, piano libra rv thle,
.heap Phoni 2915. M 8BB4 Rrlnker, "III
RIGHT piece .lining room sal Phon
8081 w Address 8473 Washington 1117
i'A.VARY birds. 212f. Lincoln avenue,
EXTRA larre round native rrcrtr or''
I Wheelwright's Wood Yard. 234S Hud. -on
avenue. 294 1
m iT' R IfCLE, Harle; 1 lavldaon good
I condition, a bargain for cash if taken af
one Call for demonstration at 2524
W hhurton avenue or phone 173. Ask for
, Frank Madsen. 2?07
V 'I N' . While I-?horn pullets Phone
1243 Western Grain Rl Feed Co. 2354
' Washington avenue. 2430
-U poles. Se en. I up. 16 ij Vashlngton
BOHN SIPHON refrigerator M'hlto en
ameled 75 pounds capacltv, Cont $100
Will sell for $35 Mr Fowler. Wright's
llasement. 2207
PIANOS and other musical Instrumepts.
Terms Without Intereat. Pantoti. 2374 '
Hudson. 909
I'NOAEEEI' lor sulta tailor mndo. hlg
r.-dur:lon. Gordon's . 1 1 - Jo Tv. en ty - f 1 f ' h
St Phne 419 2187
Buv your paint at Stow6's and uvc
money. lbOO S'ashmt,ton avenue Phone
88-J i3ig
If 20 Chevrolet 4 90 model 37on
Overland seven passenger $850
Reo seven passenger .0960
Pain seven paasengrr .81450
Hudson super six toadster $1850
Many others. Come In and look them 1
2347 Hudson avenue Phon 160
FORD truck with Smith 'ittochment and
estal.li; h.vl transfer business Big money
mak-r as soon as freight traffic goes bock
to nornuil. $:i'i'i 1 ii5h. $250 ut $50 per
month. 1727 Gibson avenue Phone 6102 :
CA1 ULLAC. PM2 modi I auto. $J."'i Coil
57 8197
' 'M'n.ot.il, . ...u... 1.1..- .,, w. .., ri
I'M fadillac S. perfect condition
1"17 8tudebaker touring. A-l.
P.'is Buick tlx touring, like new
ir,is Studebaker ton truck, a 1.
P.MS Two ton Nash truck, good os new.
1917 Modal N Hupcooblle, cord tires.
winter and summer top.
2200 Washington Ave.
5E 1 N passenger Cadillai touring car,
ixcellent condition, cheap. Inquire 813 1
rw.-nt v ,'if t h su-e. t 31 15 !
1 917 model ll ton Indiana inn I. . . r
Jltlon jcod for two or three years' hard
t usagv Cheap lor cash. 210 Eccles Bldg..
mi ) liotn 1 7t". 311j
FORD ton truck In good condition, Cush
lion and pneumatic tires Cheap for cash
I 2886 v ashlngton j:m j
SNAP ne si cylinder car In exccllenl
j shape. Vcr.v cheap. Phone 577. 28S6 '
EIGHT 1 Vi .11 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 I:, TTi 1 lu.lfon.
StUdebsikar 1017. New Franklins First;
cla.ts auto shop. Barlow Brothers, 2166 '
; 1 ; n t : ?i nue, 959
Buick light six i" 1 ter
Rulck 4. live passenger.
Overland 55. five passenger.
verland S3, five passenger.
All these can are guaranteed to be in
first class condition Will sell at a bar '
2bH Washington Avenue
FOP. SALE P o.vriir, ood fnml'v auto
cheap. Phone 1427 237S
invai.i 1 . hai- i-i-.-m. 1 r.-;
THREE Ohio vacuums In flral class 1 on
ditlon. $1 day. Call J. Barlow. 2384 J
OHIO v iLUiiim Jl das Phone 314S
'Jill ' 1 1 pasture for horses, close to Ogd
Smith A.- Flinders. Commercial National
bank building. Phone 1147 or 28S8-W eve- I
STORAGE room for rent. Call AsbestO-
r- i Co. phone 1416-W. 367? ,
Notice Is hereby given, that pursuant
to a resolution of the board of directors
a special meeting of the stockholders of
the Hooper Sugar Company will he held
at the office of the, company, bl the M4
sonic Temple building. In tho City of Og
den. County of Weber and Slate of Etah
on sionday, the 12th day of July, A. D
1920. at the hour of 4 o'clock p." nr. tor
tho purpose of considering and acting
upon and confirming or rejecting the ac
tion of the hoard of directors of the "com
pany In having heretofore cold to Erneat
R Woollev tho plunt and all of the prop
erties, rights, and choses In action, of ev
iry kind and description, for an agreed
amount of the capital slock of the Inter
itate Sugar Company, a Utah corpora
tlon. and lor the transaction of such other
business as may properly como before
the meeting, or an adjournment thereof
Dated. June 25. 1920.
IAMBS 1 1 RILEY. Se-retary
Date of flrj.1 publication. June 26, 1020.
Date of ln.-t pulille-itlon. July 10. IfJQ
PENSION Olflce of Constructing Quar
termaster. Ogden; L'tah. Room 317 Col
Hudson building. Ogden. Vtah. Sealed
proposals will be re elv-ed here until il '
i m., July 21. 1920. and then opened, for
tho construction o! about ten miles of 1
railroad, to le located at Ogden Araen
il. Ogden. l'tah. I urther Information on
U'l'll.iMon i i
There ar. 588 submarine cables lnj
various parts of the globe, with a total
length of 262,015 miles.
Male Help
aae , -.-.-y---,--, n ,-, ,- , lai.,-,.,-,r.i-i
LYnG in e!ht week. Y. M C v
' ' r t,r . y , , , . .
PP 8 .' Tv. nt .,th street -v
I lot) "lit
FRM hand, alai and proMt sbarmc
proposition W, B edell 2468 Wash
- . '.
Krapher to go to E
perlor. WVo. Appl I7crtes Bldr
- tn
I t " p 1 1 1 L " ' ' I ! f i a". - .-- .vine
i-'Itf-i k-.-i.-s pi.ig ".au
pr I. I n W ...
p Twmty fonrtjj and Hudson :r3a
VOI SG man at American Linen Co 194
Twen'v yth street
in to do general office work for
lurgw manufacturing concern Address P
II B ; -
RI:.';i:R nan and linen . heckT I F
Laundry. ?R43
raSasiSaaSa ataaaaaaMaaaaMMi anaaaaisaSaa SSalai aSI I
Female Help
BXPERIENCKD stenographer wanted
Apply- filen Bros Poberts Piano I'o ??A
r .iT.i:'-1-F.f K--' jo rn' :)2K
" 1 1 , -.- t - enr
old. afternoons. Apply 2173 Adams nve.j
nue. .1207
Jl PI. for l.ltrl,. n V i.i.: I .. e 1 b.sp'i
LAI NDRBS8 lake rcronai laundrv
'or Mi - . horm r-."
WAITRESS Appiv at Ranch Cafe ir-chT
hours. J4 a da. 11?:i
WOMAN who run ccoi. to work four or'
five hours :i day, for small family. I., can
von cottage. Apply Commercial Jatolral .
EXPERIEN' ED stenographer for lare
manufacturing concern. Address P. O.
Box 707 giving references and experience I
i :
Information Bureau
ANYTHING A to or old
bought, sold or i-nb-. Phuno 332
Bramweli Rook and Stationery. 236;
Washlnrton Ave Pbone 360. 2051
l'tah Natltonal Bank, southeast comer
Tv. entv-fourth and Washington Phone bl
I Dr. Heber .T. McKay. Chiropractor. 212
Col. Hudson Euildlnc 3213
' F. Struppick, carpenter and Jobber I5x
Twenty third Phone 1018, 2619
KL Van ICampen for upholstering, car
pets cleaned altered nnd l?'d Rc-maklng
of mattresses. Phone 2732-J.
Expert carpet ripening, mattreaa reno
vatlnc. upholstering. and springs re
stretchrd Call E. J. Hampton Co..
I-.e.thoi renovating Phono 23it-W.
Phone 133 22oS-Cu Washington Ave
Matsuha & Co . leadlnc Japanese res
taurant In Ogden 273 24th St.
DRESSMAKING) md silk shirts mnde to
order Phone IOL'3 M. CJ2 Thirtieth St
CHILDREN'S sewing Phone 1410 2W
Monroo Ave. 2840
Tho New Method Dentists are special
ists In ai: branches of Dentistry 246.J
Washington Ave 2108
Ogden F.nrravlnB Service. Co . makers
of Cine cuts In one or more colors. 41$
Twenty-fouri street Phone 463.
Ceo. D Bennett, corporation and crroup
.rr ir.m. :i t, pe.-lilt y Pb,,n 121-W, l.'.ll
Alex. H. Bloycs, re; i.i. i t seen! New York
Life Insurance Co., 142 Binford avenue
Phone 14C7 and 1577-W 2S67
Western Hide & Junk Co.. 2323 V.'nsh
mwton Avf Phone s r. 1 .
Ogden I jnk House. 2iJ53 Washington
Ave. Phone 210.
Paper hanging palnlinc. kalsomlnlnic.
,apcr cleaning. Reasonable. 3220 R
WiUard Kay, real estate and loans
2474 iiahtntrton Ave PI.qdc 40J. Ii74
Garbago and rubbish hauled, cesspools
.'nd toilets cleaned. John Chlpp c Co
Phone tv2S. 234S Avepuo, K73J
Trunk and bag repairing, round cor
ner from Standard. Gallacher's. .'373 Hud
f-on. 2ii j
KALSOMININO and paper cleaning. Tel.
.'3-K-ll. W , Ab.or.i ' v. i Adams 2421
EXPERT window and wall paper clean
Inc American Window Cleaning. Ph CSJ
Notice la hereby given rry tne board of
. commissioners of Ogden City. Utah, of tho
Intention of said board of commissioners
to make the following described improvo
Iment to wit. To create f' avenue be
tween Twenty fourth street and the south
city limits of Ogden City. Utah, as a pav
Ing district and to pave tho roadway
therein with Portlnnd cement concrete
I pavement twenty feet In width, also to
build all culverts, Irrigation and dralnago
systems, and to construct private water
i setvleo connections from tho main to
the curb line at tho expense of the Indi
vidua! ow ners opposite the lots or parts of
lota or houses not now supplied with such
connections. The above named work shall
include the necessary grading therefor
and all other work necessary to complete
, the whole In a proper manner according
to the plans Specifications and profiles on
tile In the office of tho city engineer, nnd
' to defrny the whole of tho cost and ex
penso of the abuttor's poitlon thereof bv
I a levy of a special tux to he assessed
. upon the lots or pieces of ground within
the following described district, being tho I
district to ho affected or benefited by1
! such Improvement, namely: "All tho land'
Ivlng between the outer boundary lines!
Of said street and B line drawn flftv fee'
back from and parallel to said outer boun
; dary lines on both sides of "F" avenue
between Twenty fourth street nnd tho
t-outh city limits of OKden City Etah be.
ng Lots 1 to 12 Inclusive. Block ft, Brook
Ivn addition; Lots 1 to 12 Inclusive. Block
It, Brooklyn addition: Lots 1 to 1" In
I elusive Block 10 Brooklyn addition. Lota
X to S Inclusive. Bio. k 11 Brooklvn addl
tlon; Its 1 to 3 Inclusive. Block U I
Brooklyn addition; Lots 1, 2 31 and 32
Block 13 Brookl-n ad.litlon. Lots 1. 2, 31 '
and 32 Block 14. Brooklyn addition; Lots,
1. 2 31 and 32. Bloc- 15 Brookl-n addl I
tlon and Lot 12. Block 14, West Ogden
addition, all In Ogden Cltv survey.
1 The estimated cost of each water con
l neetlon Is $50 00.
The estimated cost as iriven below doea
not Include the cost of constructing prl
I vate water service connections, which
.costs are to be assessed amlnst the prop
erty benefited In ud.jitlon to tho regular
, assessment.
Tho total cost of said improvement Is
estimated at $12,980
All protests or objections to such im
provement or to the OHrrvlnir out of such
Intention must be presented In wrltlni? .
signed by the owners of abutting property1
describing the samo together with the I
numbei of abutting front feet and be filed
with the city recorder on or before tho i
,th dav of July. 1920
Tho beard Of commissioners at Its first,
regular meeting thrrenftrr. to wR the 8th
day of July. 1320. will consider the. ' pro-;
poied levy and hear and consider such
proteats and objections to paid Improve 1
ment as shall have been made
By order of the boatd of commlalaon
crn of Ogden City, I t ih
Dated Juno 15. 1920.
... . .,, , Cltv Recorder.
Mrst publication June 16. 1920
I-ast publication July 5. 1920
Published in the Ogden Standard Exam
iner. Paving District No 1
The world has 73O.000 R11I4M of railway.
In the District Court of the .Second Judi
cial District. tn and for Weber County.
Male of Etah
Alfielta Wright. Plaintiff. VS "harle J
Anderson, and the unknown helrt. de
vices, legnte and creditors of said
v. linrlea J. Anderson. A J. M Ander
son, and the unknown heirs, deviseoa.
lauate-a and creditors of said A 1 M
Anderson; Florence F. Nelaon. and the
unknown hefra. devlaeea. legatee and
ereliiors of said Florence E Nelaon:
Angle Shilling and the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees and creditors of said
Angle Shilling: Margaret Thompson
Mccjnarne Merrill, the widow of Nell
McQuarrle. and the unknown heirs, de-
I'ee legatee and creditors of Nell
M QuarrV Maty Bovle. the widow, and
N 'I I- 1 aire. Mary Roy l Scow
croft. Clare Bole. Eida E. Iloyl and
I. Ionard Rov !e. the surviving children
of John A Boyle, deceased, and the un
known heirs. devisee. legatee and
creditors of aald John A. B de
ceased; Anna Bovle. the surviving wife
of Lcrin Boyle, deceased, son of said
John A. Boyle, deceased, and the un
known h'ira devisees. legntcea and
creditors of said Lorln Bovle. de
caaaad! Ada Bov le lale the widow, and
Norman Boyle, ivv Bovle Mosbv Hsr
v Bovle. Ada R Boyle Elgle. Ruth
lola Royle, Wlllard Snow Bovle and
John Allan Royle. surviving children,
of Norman Bovle. a deceased son of aald
John A Boyle, deceased, and the un
known heirs, devisees. tcgatees and
creditors of sold Norman Boyle, de
OHUMdj V H. Ferree the husband of
Rhea Boyle Ferree deceased, and the
unknown heirs devisees, legate. -a and
creditors of said Rhea Boyle Ferree a
deceased daughter of said Norman
Boyle, deceased. Samuel Horrocks. Mar
garet Horrocks, Ixwery Leonard.
Jcorrte V. Horrocks and Leroy Hor
rocks. the surviving children of John
Horrocks deceased, and the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees and creditors
of aald John HOrTOCkS dereascd. r.nd of
leorge E. Horrocks. a deceased son of
said John Horrocks, deceased: Par
ley Moore, the husband, and Harold
Moore. Lillian Moore Jarvlas. Doroth
Brlggr Eugene Moore, Glen Moore,
I'nm Moore Eva Taylor, laa bells Moore
McGulre, Vera Moore, and Violet Moore,
the surviving chlldron of Elizabeth E
John Horrocks. deeased. and the un
known heirs, fla tIssss. lantteee and
I creditors of said Eliiabeth E. Horrocks
Moor ; Adam Patterson: John D01 nnd
Mnrv Roe whose other nnd true names
are to plaintiff unknown, and anv and
all other persons who have or claim to
have some estate or Interest in and to
all or any part of the property hc-r. 111
after described. Defendants.
jThe State of Utah to Said Defendants
YOU are hereby summoned to appear
I within twenty days after MrVlce of this
I summons upon you. if served within
the county in which this action la
brought; otherwire. within thirty days
inft-T service, and defend the above en
i titled action, and In case of your failure
so to do. Judgment will be rendered
'against you according to the demand of
" i.mplalnt. which has been filed with
I the eb rk of said court.
Tlila notion Is brought to obtain a
Judgment and decree adjudging the plain
tiff to be the owner and quieting h. 1 title
against any and all claims of the defend
ants in and to all of the following de
scribed real estate, to-vvlt:
A part of Lots Eleven til), Thlrty
x 1 .'.) n u.J Tw.-nt;. -n (J.,), in I'll K
Ten (10) in South Ugden survey of Og
den City Survey; Beginning nt the inter
sectloii of the north line of Thirtieth
Street nnd the west line of Grnnt ave
nut In said Lot 2fi and running thetice
north along the west line of Grant ave
nue 140.69 feet more or less, to a point
yin ii Is 181. 9C feet south of the north line
of said Lot 11. thence west 118.91 feet,
more or less, to a point 6 94 chains west
I of the eaat line of pnld Lot 11. thence
south 140.58 feet, more or less, to
the north line of Thirtieth street,
lie nee cast along said north line of
Thirtieth street to the place of begin
ninr. 1 mate in the southeast quarter of
Section 32. TOwnshlp 6 North, Range 1
West fHalt Laktt Meridian. U. 8. Survey,
In Weber Counry. State of Utah.
Thai 1 he de'ondanta, whose names pre
t'.. plainilif unknown, claim an Interest
in sold premise! as to the owners there
of, ani that th same was derived by
COnveyar.ee or succession from the said
defendunts, Cha.lee J. Anderson, A, J. M.I
Anderson Florence F. Nelson. Angle
Shllllnc. Noll Mt-tjuarrle deceased, Jonn
A. Boyle, deceased, John Horrocks. de
ceased or Adam Patteison.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
P. O, Address- Suite 51S David Eccles 1
Building;. Oirden, Utah.
No 7212
In the District Court of the Second Judi
cial District, In and for Weber County,
State of Utah.
Th.iUH - Ar.M Plaintiff vs. Eamonte I v t -brow,
If not deceased, and If deceased,
hit unknown heirs, devisees and cred
itors Harry M. Durbrow, if not de
ceased, and if deceased, his unknown
balra, devisees and creditors. Clara E.I
Durbrow Briggs. If not deceased, and If '
deceased her unknown heirs, devisees
and creditors, and George H. Durbrow. 1
if not fieteascd. nnd if deceased his un- 1
known heirs, devisees and creditors a-s
the aur-viv ing children of Hetty W Dur
brow. deceased, and any unknown heirs,
nnd the devisees, legatees and creditors
of said Hetty W Durbrow. deceased;
En tiny E Durbrow, Louise W. Dur
brow , Ruthie T. Durbrow, John Doe and
Mnrv T?ne wbo.ie other and true names I
are "to plaintiff unknown, and any and
all persona who have or claim to have;
some estate or Interest In and to all or
any part of the real property hereinaft
er described. Defendants.
The Stato of Utah to tho Said Defend
ants: You are hereby summoned to appear
within twenty days after service of this
summons upon you. if sorved within the
county In which this action Is brought,
otherwise, within thirty days aftor serv
ice, and defend the abovo entitled action;
and In case of your falluro so to do. Judg
ment will be rendered against you accord
ing to the demand of tho complaint, which
has been filed with the clerk of said
Tills action Is brought to obtain a
Judgment and decree adjudging the plain
tiff to ho the owner nnd oulctlng his ti
tle against any and all claims of tho de
fendants In and to all of the following
described real estate to-wlt:
A part of Lot Eight (8) Block Three
(3) Plat B of Ogden City Survoy, begin
ning nt a point 2 rods North of tho South
East corner of said Lot 8, running thence
West 132 feet thenco North 60 feet,
thence East 132 feot. thonco South 60 feet
to the place of beginning, all situate in
Weber County, Utah.
That the defendants, whose names are
to plaintiff unknown, claim an interest in
said premises as the owners thereof, and
that the sam was derived by conveyance
or 8ticreoslon from tho said Hetty W.
Plaintiff's Attorney
P O Address- 518 Eccles Bldg, Ogden.
In 1 he nistrlct Court of Weber County,
Stato of Utah.
Maude Petet. Plaintiff, vs. George M Po-
tet. Defendant.
The State of Utah to Said Defendant-
You are hereby summoned to appear!
w 1 ' h 1 n twenty days after service of this
summons upon you If served within the
county In which this action Is brought,
otherwire within thirty Java after service,
and defend the above entitled action nnd
in case of your falluro so to do. Judg
ment Will M rendered against you ac
cording to the demand of the complaint,
which has been filed with the Clerk of
said Court.
This action Is brought to obtain a
iudgment of tho court dissolving the
onds of matrimony now and hitherto ex
isting between you and tho plaintiff, and
for the custody of the minor child, and
for all such other relief as may bo prop
er in said action.
Plaintiffs Attorneys 1
P. O. Address: Suite 605 Eccles Build
Ing, Ogden City, Etah
Notice Is hereby given that pursuant
to a resolution of the Board of Directors,
a special meeting of the stockholders of
the Wyoming Sugar Company will be
held at tho office of tho company- No hi;
David Eccles building, in the City of Og
den. County of Weber, and State of Utah
on Saturday, the 19th day of July. 192i) I
at the hour of two o'clock p. m., for tho
purpose of electing a Board of Directors
for the ensuing y. nr. and for tho trans
action of such other business aa may
properly como before the meeting, or uny
adjournment thereoT.
Dated this blh day of June. 1920
To Whom It Mv Concern
Whereas on the 14th dav of Mav. A D
I ISO the following deaerlhed animal.' to-1
! wit. a newly born white faced rod bull ,
ralf bearing no brands waa left with S.
P Christenaen on his farm In Wilson
l-ane-. l'tah. for pasturing and feedlnr bv
me John Do then the owner of aald ant
roai. That said animal Is still being pas I
tjir-d. fed and eared for by the aald, S B I
tlirlstensen That a reasonable sum iras 1
charged for said pastutlnr. feeding and
1 iare. That there Is now due and owlnc
t.i the aald, s. p Christ, nsen the aum of
S3O.00 for pasturing, feeding, and rare
charges from the said 14th day of Mav U
the date hereof, ana that the true name
1 of the owner or of any person having'
an right title or Interest In and to said I
; animal la unknown.
I Now. then fore, notice la hereby given I
:that of Mondsy. Julv 12 T;n between
the hours of l? m. and 4 ociock p m at
'the premises known as the s r hrlsten I
an place situate in Wilson line Weber
ounty. l'tah. tho eld S P. Chitatensen
1 will sell at puhllc auction the said animal;!
, said auction and sale to be made under I
and bv virtue of Nectiona 3""3 and 3771.
Compiled laws of l'tah for 1917 and for
the purpose of satisfy Ing the Ii, t, of the
1 said 3. P. t'hrlatensen on the aald calf
in the said sum of $30.00. together with
,the reasonable expenses of said sale and
1 the coat of kfeptnjr. aald calf from the
dale hereof up to the time of aald sale
Any persons having or claiming an
right, title, or Interest in and to said c;,u :
will Vleas- take notice hereof
Dated at tgden City. Etah. June 21
No. 700.
In the Citv Court of Ogden Cltv. County
of Weber. Stnte of Etah
I Merchants' Credit Bureau. Plaintiff, vs.
H. R. Prouly. doing business under the
name and style of I'routy's Auto Hos
pital Company. DefendsnL
The Stale o? Utah to tho Said Defend
ant; You sre hereby summoned lo appear
(within ten days after service of this sum
1 mons upon yon. if served within the coun
ty m Which this nctlon Is brought; oth-
f service, nnd defend the above entitled ac
I tlon; and tn case of you. failure so to do
j the plaintiff In this action will apply to
1 the court for the relief demanded in the
complaint of which a cop Is hereto at
' tached and herewith served upon you, and
Will take Judgment agnlnst you for the 1
sum of $213. S3, with legal Interest there-
on from February 29. 1920. together with 1
plaintiff's costs and dlaburtv ments herein. I
tor the recovery of which Judgment this
action is brought
Plaintiff s Attorney
I P O. Address: Eccles Building. Ogden.
I Dated 0K-den Cltv. Weber County Etah, ,
this 27th day of May 1920.
In the restrict Court of Weber County
I State of Utah
C. V Saltsgaver. Plaintiff, v? Lillle Salts-
gaver. Defendant
Tho Stale of Utah to Said Dnfemlnnt:
You are hereby summoned to appear
1 within twenty days after service of this
I summons upon you. If served within the
county in which this action Is brought,
.otherwise within thirty days after serv
, ice and defend the above entitled at tlon;
and In case of your failure so to do. Judg
ment Will bo rendered against you accord
I Ing to the demnnd of the complaint, which
I has been filed with th- clerk of .ill court
i The above entitled action has been
I commenced and la being prosecuted for
; the purpose of severing the bond'. .f mat
j rlmony now nnd heretofore existing bp
! tween plaintiff and defendant.
RIOTT Plaintiff's Attorneys
P O. Address. Commercial National
Bfink Bldg . ' gden. I 'lnh
Consult County Clerk or the Respec
tive Signers for Further
Estate of Charles A. Burrows, Deceased.
The petition of Joseph J. Harrison for
letters of udmlnlstrstlon. In the alovo en
titled matter, has been set for hearing
hefore Hon. A W Agee, Judge on Tues
day, the 0th da of July. 1920. nt 2 o'clock
p m , at the county court houso. In the
court room of said court. In Ogden ity
Webei county, Utah
Witness- tho clerk of said court with
the seal thereof nfflxer). this 23rd dnv
of June, 1920.
By Agnes Smith, Deputy Clerk.
John C Davis. Attorney- for Petitioner
Estate of Anders J Eredson Deceased
The petition of L C Aahton for tho Is
suanco to himself of letters of adminis
tration In the ubove entitled matter, his
been set for hearing beforo Hon. A W
Agee, Judge, on Tuesday the 6th dav of
July 1920, at two (2) o'clock p, rn.. at thu
county court house in the court room of
said court, in Ogden City, Weber county.
Witness, the clerk of said court with
tho seal thereof affixed, this 23rd day of
By Agnes Smith. Doputv Clerk
Joseph B. Evans, Attorney for Petitioner
(Seal )
In the District Court of the Second Judl
clal District. In and for Weber Countv
Stato of Utah. J '
In Ro Applicntlon of Frank Hasson to
Clmngo His Name to Frank Von Mohr
Tho petition of Frank Hasson, praying
that the court make and enter Its decree
permitting him to change his name from
Frank Hasson to Frank Von Mohr will
be heard by Department 3 of eald court
on Monday, tho 2nd day of August. 1920.
at 10 a. m . in tho court room of said
court, at Ogden City, Utah
Witness ruy hand and tho snai of thla
court hereunto affixed this 2T'th day of
June. 1920.
C. R. Holllngsworth, Attorney for Peti
tioner. NOTICE "
Estate of Christina Ilium, also known aa
Kristlna Cox, Deceased.
Tho petition of Ellvloua lllum. Edgar
Ilium and Retry Ilium Booth for letters
of administration to bo Issued to W R
Skeen. in tho abovo entitled matter, hui
been set for hearing beforo Hon A E
Pratt, Judge on Tu.-sday. tho 6th day of
July. 1920. at ten (10) o'clock a. m at tho
county court house, in tho court room of
said court, in Ogden City, Weber countv
Utah. "
Witness, the clerk of said court, with
the seal thereof affixed, thla 23rd day of
June. 1920.
By Agnes Smith. Deputy Clerk.
W. R. Skeen, Attorney for Petitioner
In the Second Judicial District District
Court of tho State of Utah, in and for
the County of Weber
In the Matter of tho Estato of Vinson
Knight Bel nap. Deceased.
edltora will present claims with
vouchers to the undersigned, at tho of
fice of Hyrum A Belnap. Suite 402-403
David Eccles Building. Ogden. Utah, on or
before the 6th day of August. 1920
Date of first publication June 6. 1920.
e of Iftft publication June 26, 1920.
Hyrum A. Belnap, Attorney for Administratrix.
Prison Sentences for
Hair Tonic Company
NEW YORK. July 2. Prison sen
tences totalling fifty-nine months and
fines aggregating $8fi,000 were given
three officers of the (Jramatan air
Tonls company and the Herba Product
company by Federal Judge Oiubb here
Theyw ore charged with having .''li
for beverage purposes part of 125,000
gallons of high grade alcohol with
drawn from warehouses supposedly
for manufacturing purposes
Of Mexico's 600,000 square kilo
meters containing oils, only 60.000
iiave been explored.
Arguments For Recognition
Anchored to Wilson's Prin
ciple of Self-Determination
AUDITORIUM, July I. Debate on I
the Irish plank l.eRan as soon as the H
convention had settled down again to
I'uslnesa. Thomas J Spellacy. Con- H
tie, ilcut'fl member of the platform H
committee, took charge of the fight
for the minority plank and Introduced
Representative Augustine Eonergan of
that state as the first speaker. H
Anchoring ti Ih argument to Brest- H
dent Wilson's principle of self deter- H
ml Hon. Mr Lonegan declared that H
tn do lest than recoxntaa the right .f H
full self -dt-tormlnai ton In Ireland H
would bo to throw overboard the H
tea.-htngs of the party's leader. H
" The principle, of self-determination fl
wa accepted by all the nations a--,
dated .villi i...' I.e continued, and fl
Shnll It be aalu thai duCtrUlS IIU . I
bo applied to the foo but not to lhu.-.( H
Who havo been our friends?"
T, J. Duffy of East Liverpool. Ohio. H
took up the argument for the minority H
in-ii plank, declaring that it seemed H
to have become .ipp;ir.mt thxt it wa 1 I H
impossible for Ireland to win llj In-
dependence by the .iwoid.
Charles F. . O'Brien ol Jersey cu-, M
another sneak e for the lrisn niaak ; aS
assured the convention that. aim. .ugh i
his state was furced to disagree with H
the majority on several subjects, the ; H
New Jersey Democrats were Demo- ,
crats first and last, and would sun- t
port the platform adopted and trie ; H
candidate nominated.
Hlj .Hpeech was followed by another f
round of cheeilng while the band '
Dla: 1 a medley ut Irish melodies.
leading off with My Wild Irish
Rose." L gfl
Walsl) Takes Stand,
Senator David 1 Wulsn of Masaa-
Chuaette, who had led the unavailing
fight for the Irish plank In the .m-
nntt-e. looiv the .-land to conclude ihc - H
argument for ito adoption by the con- ;
nt ion. Hggl
' Circumstances connected with tho gfl
fight of the Irish peoplo ror freedom,'
ho told the convention, "require that
there- be something more than a mere
expression of ympathj. No word
spok n during the war ao thrilled the gH
oppressed pvopio of the world iu the gga
statement that America was In tn gga
war to apply the principle of self-dc- gfl
' Is there a people of self-determlna -
tlon? If theto la, where on the face
of the Qod'S earth should thit prliul
pic ! applied If not In Ireland, where
we find the only English-speaking
l""i'.e In all the world that are fight-
Ing for a government of their own: "
00 H
Alabama. 21 Yens H najs Hi .
Arizona, u Nays 6. I
Arkansas, ih Nays 18.
California, 20 STeas 7, nay- 18; 1
olorado, 12 Nays 12. I
onm th in, II N.iv u. 1
Delaware, 6 Nays 41.
Florida, 12 Nays 12.
Georgia, 28 Nuys 28. i
Idnhn, 8 Yeas 8. I
Illinois, oS Seas .', nays 33.
Indiana. JO Nays 30. 1
Iowa, 26 Yeas .", nuys 20; 1 no
Maine, 12 Naj 12.
Maryland, i Nays nt. I!
Ma.wM:liu.sctt.s, 30 Yoa 2. nayi 3, p
lilchlgan, 80 Yeas . nays 23.
Missouri, 30 Yeas 9 '.j ; nays 25 .
Nevada, 0 Nays 6.
New Hampshire, 8 Yeas 1. nays 7.
'c-v .!tr-ev., 88 Nuys, 28.
Now Mflct, 6 Nays t.
New York, 00 Yen y, nays 87.
North Carolina, 24 Nays 24.
Ohio, 48 Yeas 2, nuys 26.
North Dakota, 10 Yeas 5, nays 5.
OkiaJbonta, 20 Yeas 20.
Ori'irnn, to Yeas 2, nays 8.
Pennsylvania. 76 Yeas 7, nays 67
1 not voting and 1 absent.
Rhode Island, 10 .Nays 10.
South Carolina, 18 Nays 18.
South Dakota, 10 Yeas d, nays 0. ,i
Tennessee, 24 Nays 21.
Texas, 40 Nays 40.
Utah, 8 Yeas 2. nays 6.
Vermont, 8 Nuys 8.
Virginia, 24 YC4M 1, nays 22'i
a.shliurton, 14 Yens 8'j, nays r U
'ot lrtcinla. 16 Y'eas 2, nays w
Wlscon-sln, 26 Yeas 4, nays 22
Wyomlrur, 6 Nays 6.
Abuska, 6 Y'eas 2, nays 4.
IHstrlet of Columbia, 6 Nays 6.
Hawaii, 6 Nays 6. i
Philippines, 6 Nays 6. I1
Porto Rleo, 6 Nays 8.
Canal one, 2 Nays 2.
Wine Case Found to
Contain Woman's Bones I
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. July 2. A
wlno case containing a woman's hones
was found today burled under twelve
feet of earth In the rear of what was
formerly a saloon. The bones ap
peared to bo those of a young woman.
The police arc attempting to con
nect tho finding of tho bones with the
disappearance twenty-six years ago of
Mls.s Maude BonesteeJ, daughter of a
Kansas City physician.
Victims of Whipping
to Sue Pine Bluff
ST. LOUIS, July 2. James S. Eu-
bank and the Rev. Nelson Aregood. a
Baptist clergyman, president and
chaplain, respectively, of the Si Louis i
Yardmen's association, who were H
whipped by a "citizens' " committee of
Pino Bluff, Ark . Wednesday night, to-
day announced their intention ol H
bringing suit against the city of Pino
Bluff for nileged failure of tho au- H
thorltics to afford them protection.
The two men had gone to Pine Bluff
to address a meeting of railroad em-
ploycs. They returned here last night. H
no ggggml
Americans Safety H
Out of Hadjin '
the Americans arc safely out of Had-
jln. where the Armenians were still ( H
holding out against tho Turks June 13, H
according to adv ices received today. " gggga
'3 1

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