2 THE OC0r' Sl'ANDAi '.MINER, SUNDAY, JULY 4. 1920
I ( Salt Lake Society
Mr. and Mrs. Nlghl Btn.IT Jordan of
Provo entcrialnr-d at dinner Monday!
renlng at thi Salt l.ike Countrj dubi
in honor of Miss Mlna Taylor of this
cltj and Franel Let oh field of West
Virginia, whom- nmrrluRe took plaoe
On lone; table was deenrated In gaT
den flowers in tones of pink,
were fold for tweniy-four Dancing,
lollowed dinner
Miss Vera Stanley entertained
luncheon at the Nw house hotel Mon
dav afternoon In honor of Mm. J. W.
Beverly of Pan Diego, who is a puest I
al the Stnniey home, on her Way from
visit to St. Ijouln
The table was decor.ited in AmeH
B can Beauty roses and marguerites. The
H quests, besides Mrs. Beverly, Wl re Mrs
Charles Lambourn. Pr.. Mrs. ilcorti1
Cudgell, Jr., mi Mabel Chrlstenaon
prett) arranged luncheon
Klven by Miss Ho'en HSln and Miss
Dorothy Heln at the Ncwhousi- hotel
Mondas afternoon in honor dl their
later, Miss Mane iii-iii. a bride of the
week. The labia was decorated n
Ilnk sweet peas arranged In a Crystal
basket. Th place cards WSri i"
H deHigns.
Covers were laid for the following
V guests. besides th' guest of honor
Mrs. Llod I.. Bering, Mr. Thomaa B.
Angn. Mrs Rrwln Korth; Mrs, .lohn
r. Baa re, Mrs m. m Ward, Kfss
Gladyi Mumford, Miss oiridvn Tho
Miss Florence Oliver, Miss Minnie
Salmenson. Miss Sara Sdmuelson, Miss
H Mr Holden. Mlaa Anne Mathews.,
Mlaa Jotenhlne Mathews. Mrs. Apul!
iifl Heln and Miss Lillian Heln.
H In honor of a number of small vlal-
fl tors in the city. Mem Efred rlt
H Leonard entertained at a hildren's
H party on the lawn at bar homi
Fifth Beat street MorJa.i from
B until 7.30 o'clock The guests of honor j
were Arthur. Jane. Ku'h and Robert
Behal, children of Mr and Mra. Ar
thur Behul of New York. Thomas
H Benton Hunter, Jr . and H Huntei
H II sons of .Mr. and Mrs Thomas Benton
B Hunter of San Francises; Edward,
John and David Parker sona of Mr
and Mrs. S. M. Parker of Palo Alto,
H Ten was aerved from one long table
H on the lawn decorated in g..rden flow-I
H ers In attendance, besides the guests
H ) of honor, were the three children of
H 1 the hostess, Pegg) Lednard, Mai
Leonard and P. I". Leonard, J .
H liara Halloran. Poll) Ilallomn. ICalh-j
Wilkin. Robert Wilken. Cullen Wilkin.
H j Robert. Rower. Bill MrCrc-a. Beatrice'
J McCre i nd Marion llci
H ; The hostess was oMlstt-d b a num-
H j her of mothers of the chiliir v.. trv
1 ; lug Mrs. Behal, Mrs. Flun r. lira
Parker, Mra. Oarrcti B. Wllklna, Mrs
w. It. McCrea. Mrs Horace H 8mtth.
Mrs. Ruel O. BTalloran, Mrs L B. Ful
let and Mrs T. G. Blat klock.
. . .
H Mias Freda Young, daughter of Mra.
H A. L. Lindquiat, and George F. Dun-'
H ning of Boise. Idnho. were ma
H it 10 o'clock Wednesday morning at
H Bl John's Episcopal church. Thi
H ceremony was performed by the Rev. :
h Hoyt Henriques, and was fallowed by
H a wedding brcukfaat at the Newhouae
H The church was decoreted In Can -1
J tTburj- bells, roses. Shanta daisies and
BBBBBBB9 iems. The bride ivnr , . ... r lm. .
I I ported hand-embroldert-d orKnncl' in :
rose design Her veil was t j - I
k orange blossoms, and aha carried bride
Iroajaa. One of the brldeaanalda,
Charlotte Fre. wore lavender organdy i
B and carried lavender sweet peaa B id
V rypsophila. AnoU er bridaamald, Mies
Nina Young, wore rainbow orgamly !
H and net and carried pink BWeel i -
H Mlaa Vlvina Young, the third brldaa-l
maid, wore pale green charm us? and
H carried white BWOet Qi
Watts was train bearer and
H white linen suit Dcrothy WaAta,
j wearing a white linberic frock, v aa
H i Th wedding mujlc was fnrnls 'l
H by Miss Constance Currea. organist: I
j Miss Lor'-nv Waits, violinist; Mji
1 Kaiherlne Woodbury, s lost.
BBBB Voodbury aang "I Love V"u Truly, "
H Just preceding the ceremoi
B The decorations for the breakfl
table were pink r-.s-s. arranged In
a basket as a cetr- iv
The couple left on an early after
noon train for a weddir.tr trl throng
the northwest, e.iid wrlll bo a: liunn.
'.n Glenn u Ferry, Id.Oiu.
Mr. James Ivera. Jr.. enti rl ned
It luncheon Wednesday ai het home
I East First south u.rc-t in honor
'f r lUss Ann lane cf Luttle Crei '
Mich., who Is the uuest of Miss Flor
ence Sullivan The tabl wnM deaor
ated In old-faahlOned garden flOWOrt
arrange (n silver basket as cen
terpiece Covers i laid for twelve.
Mrs. H. H. .M.uk announce the en
gagement of her daughter, Beaala
Miles, to L. Howard Bwanner. The
wed. ling will take place during the
coming week. Miss Miles was the
complimented guesta last Wednesday
evening at n mUceiianeous shower
given in her honor by airs, Haber
Bwanner and Mrs Nellie Chappie, at'
U.i home uf .Mis Swanner. Cut roses
and other garden rlowers were used
for the decorations of the home. Tho
evening was spent In game and musi
cal entertainment, with a delicious
luncheon served at the close of tns
evening to the following guesta: Miss
Anna LHlckfeldt, mk Mabel France,
Mrs SSundell, Mlaa Elvln Karl, Miss
Nellie Utichdll, .diss Maliel Stuart,
Mrs. h. II Mark, Mrs. Nellie Chappie,
Mrs Lestt i Bwanner, Mrs. Beber
Bwanner, Mrs ITjrank Jaggera, Mra.
i:d Gamer, Mrs Clara Parr, Mrs. c.
Litrson, Mr ituius Garner, Mrs. it
i . Uandershot, Mlaa Martina Shields.
Mrs, Dora Tracy, Mra F J. Goodaell,
Bessie Miles, Miss Crlstlns Peter
son, Mrs flo) Paraer, Mrs. Ed.
Bwanner and .Mik, Charles F.iic.
The marriage of Miss Marls Heln
und Fred C. Muthews look place Wed
nesday ilSenlng at O o'clock at the
home Of the bride's parsnts, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Heln, ll'o V'. o.si Irtrat Xoi ,11
street. The ceremony was performed
b) the Rev. Elmer i. Goahan mid was
fallowed by a wedding supper.
The rooms were decorated 111 sum
mer flowers Pink SWeel peas in a
v i basket formed n centerpiece
for the supper table. Crystal candle
sticks, tied with pink maltha and hoid
imk pink candles, wsrJ at the corners
of the table.
The bi me wore an Ivory taffoiu
gown, trimmed in Chantluy lace. Her
veil wjt.s caught with urniigi blos
soms, ftftd sue carried Ophelia roses.
The bridesmaid, Miss Helen Heln. eis
nr of i ue bride, wore lavender or-;-,and.v
and carried B shower of lavcn
d'r bweet peas. Thomas Mulhcws WSS
best man.
Assisung in receiving the guests
with Mr, and Mrs. Mem ware Mr. and
Mra. J. R. Mathews. Mlfs Ann
Mathews, Mr; and Mrs; M h. w.ir.i
and Mlas Doroth Heln. .usistlng In
the dlnlhg room ffsre a- Thomas B.
ngelli Mrs. Hon R. Scai .-. MISS Gluds
Thomag, .Miss tllads Mumford, MISS
Sara Bamnelson, M.as Minnie Samuei
iliss Josephine -Mathews and MlrS
Evelyn Anderson.
The couple Will sped their honey
moon in Yellowstone park and will
. e at home until fall at the Heln resi
dence. Elaborately .ippolnlvd ws 'lie wed
ding of Mis. Marguerite Mcllwee and
Thomas Brown Trent, which took
I Lee Wednesday morning at i
o'clock at the Mcllwee apartments
at the Hotel Utah. The ceremony was
performed by the Rt- R-v. Joseph s.
tll iss. I Inhop of tho Cat nolle diocese
01 &.st i-ukt. Tha wedding music wus
njrr.lshed by the OiChcetra of at.
;.::ir's academy, directed by Mrs. Ed
ward McGurvln,
(.:ongralu)iltlon3 and a blessing wero
cabled by J 'ope Benedict from Rome.
A cablegram was also received from
Harry Lauder frot.i Glasgu'.- Mr. Mc-
l: ....... t A Mr I -.line,- ,'irp friends.
The Mcllwee MUlto w;jt decorated In
Canterbury b.llo. reaas, ferns and
pa una, Musicians were concealed be-1
hind a screen of palms.
The bride wore a handsome gown
of white satin, draped in lily of the
valley lace, caught with pearla. A
tulle veil, edged with point lace, was
tight with a wreath of otuiu:e blos
ruii!c. She carried bride roses and
The matron of honor. Mrs James
BtSWart Sampsuii, sister of th bride.
-.oro orchid aatln. trimmed in silver
li.ee and pearls, with an orchid mallne
ji..-.h. Raymond Mcllwee. brother ot
the bride, was best man.
Mrs. James McllweO, mother of the
bride, wot e silver and black chiffon
over orchid satin, with platinum and
diamond ornements. The bridegroom's
gift to the bride was " Kold mesh baf;
With u French enaoie top.
A wedding breakfast followed the
iperemony on the roof garden of the
hotel. une long table waj decorated
With a largo. Weddlfl g cuke and baskets
ol i '- nterbu y OtrlLs, Covers were laid
i jr tlfty.
Asoiatlng In lecelvfrg the guests
were Mi. and .lis. L, McGann or
South Bend, In.)., and Mr. and Mrs.
I J. Max :ellus Snow.
T ie i ouple loft on an afternoon
Mrs. J. Earl Bellantyne, formerly Iviiss Day Masaet,
whose wedding took pia.ee in Calais, France, during thr
early part of the week Mr. Bailanlync is the son of Prof
and Mrs Joseph Ballantyne of tins city. The Ballantynes
1 expect to arrive in Ggden c.Hcut the first of August
lj I
W&fBm saaaH WWi. saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal bsH BMmtl
1 1 . . . f '
Mis. Harry Diamond, formerly Miss Anna F.rl ich,
'who was recently married at Preston, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs
J Diamond are en route to New York where they will spend
their honeymoon They will make their home in Salt
Lake. Mrs Diamond is an Ogden girl and is the daughter
i of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Erlich.
T " '
- . ,
,.-',, w-- 'i
til hi for Lake Tahoe and San Fran-1
The will mak" their' home in
iSan I'raticisco. The gOlng-aVray jon ,i
I was a Paul Poire model of Jade green,
with a white hat and white fox fur.!
Miss A. T. RHtn entertained at
lur.ci eon and cards Wednesday at her
! home in the Emery apartments In
i honor or Mrs. m. s. Klsselbunc of Chi
cago, who is visiting her daughter,
I Mrs. George 11. Watson. A SKdor
.scheme In rose for the luncheon table
was canted out effectively m the rose;
pink shades of the candles and deep'
pink i-os-8 usd as a centerpiece. Roses
I wore also used In tne living room. Tho.
, i;u.-.st.: were Mrs. M. Klssclburg. ,
Mra. Geortra H. Watson, Mrs. Wllllnm
I Slllverlck. Mrd. V. A. l oiter. Mrs.'
S. S. Dickinson. Ml'. Michael Motrls
ev and Mrs. John Pa via k
. . .
Mi, and Mrs. s-imue; Makoff, who
I were rnarrl-i! in tirls city at the Hptel
I Utah June la, paascd through Ball
Mrs. Kate Toponce, first worthy grand matron of
the Queen Esther Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star or
ganized in Ogden twenty-one years ago. Mrs. Toponce
entertained past worthy grand matrons of the Miriam
; Chapter and Queen Esther Chapter at a luncheon, Friday
: ai tornoon.
.. :. .. ......... - : i
A - . -ymsrirwtA - - -
; , . , .
Wm ''iii
: K '. .j ;
;! i'
'! '
Lake Sunday on their way from tho
Pacific coast to New York and At
lantlo City, continuing their honey
moon trip Tho couple will return I
to Salt Luke July CD to maKe tlielrl
home. They will he Clcn a large re
ception on their return by Mr. and.
Mrs 9. D. Parver, parents of the!
bride, who was Mies Bugenla Parver.'
well lrnown in musical circles of this
Mrs a Halp.n nr.d daughter and
Mrs. J. Harris of New York nr.. I .1
Splt.er of Denver are guests of Mr.
Sad Mrs. S. -D. Parver They came to;
attend tho wedding of Miss Kucnla!
Parver and Samuel Makoff and wilD
remain for a reception to bo given for'
Mr. and Mre M&koff on their return '
from the Atlantic coast July 25.
j ...
Members of the Welfare club and!
I their friends enjoyed a kenslngton
Monday afternoon at tr.e home of Mrs
I J. Warren Lee, 133i Third East street J
The rooms wore decorated in garden
COSN. A basket of pink and whltel
roes was the centerpiece for the te:i 1
A musical program was furnished
y Mrs, Jacob Rumal, -Miss Hu'.j: Wll,.
llama. Miss EdlM Gannett and Miss
KaTina Groves. Mrs, Leafy Montgom
ery, former president of the club, gave
a talk and some readings.
Assisting Mrs. Lee in entertaining
wSrs MlSB Helen White. Mrs. K. B.
Stockman, Mrs Frank Sherwood. Mrs.
15 A. Wolfe und Mrs. R. H. Mtirtln.
members of the entertainment com
mittee of the club.
Miss Charlotte Lewis of Pocatello.
who has been the guest of her uncle
and aunt. Y.r. and Mrs. MOses Lewis. I
1017 Third avenue, returned to her
hopio Sunday. She was accompanied
by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, who are cues:
Of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Lewis in Poca
tello. The party made the trip to
Pocatello by motor.
The marrlnge of M!ss Kvangellno
Erlckson and Wuyne P.nkr tool: place
Monday night n? 7:30 o'clock at the
home of the bride's parent v. Mr. and
Mra. J. W. Erlckson. 366 West Sixth
South street. Bishop Groeeehner per- J
formed the ceremony. A reception
The brhle wore a fir sh-colorcl teor
getts crepe and carried bride roses
The brldeomald, Miss Lavon Erlckson.
f!str of the bride, were yellow geor
gette craps and carried pink sweet
peas. Chester Taylor was best man
h'ollow'.'ig a weddlnn trip, the couple
will be at home at Idnho Falls. Llaho.
Announcement . Is made by J. V
Young of the marriage of his daugh
ter, Hope Marie, and Bugciw (Ilonn.
The wedding took place .Monday af
ternoon at 4 o'clock at tho home of
the bride's brother. C W. Young, In
Ban Francisco. The ceremony was a
slmplo one, witnessed by relatives
The bride wore a tailored suit of
dark blue lr;rotlne, with hat and
gloves to match The couple will
spend their honeymoon on the coast
and will be nt home athe Caithness
apartments In this city after August 1.
The marriage of Miss Mary WlU'ams
and liobert W. Uowrnan took place In
the Salt Lake temple Wednesday
morning at 10 30 o'clock. A wedding
breakfast followed at the home of the
I bridegroom's sister, Mrs. Fred Heesley,
and his mother, Mrs. R. Uowrnan. Th'-1
i.r ikfast tuhie had for its decoration
a low bowl of pink roses and sweet
peas, and the plaeo cards were hand
painted in rosehudi divers were laid
for the Immediate families and the
bridal party.
A large reception was given in the
evening at the home of the bride's
(parents. Mr and Mrs 1 J Williams,
134 J street.
, The house was decoratsd in palms
ferns and garden ilowcr Th- re
I caption hall and living rooms were
I decorated in red roses and scarlet
i sweet peas. The drawing room, where
th bridal parly received the guests
was decorated In pink and white ron'-s.
BhastS daisies, palms and ferns. An
altfove was banked with palms with
bask St 8 of Shasta daisies In I he fore
ground. The dining room wns decorated In i
yellow eolor scheme The table was
covered with B rluny lnce cover over
yellow satin add had for Its center
piece a tall basket of deep yellow gall-
llardla, with the handle tied with a bow
of .vellow tulle. Silver candelabra con-
Itainlng yellow cathedral candles were
I at either end of the table.
Tlie bride wore n gown of filet lace
over white satin. Her veil was of tulle
with a hsnd of pearls. augh: With
OrangS blossoms She -arrled a shower
bouquet of Ophelia rrw.es and white
sweet peas. Miss Emma Wll lam a
BlatST bf the bride. maid of honor,
wore American lieauty tulle over
metal cloth und carried shower bou
tiet of lavender sweet peas. The
bridesmaids wars MDs carol Hutch
ens, and Miss dive Aveson, M'ss
Ilutchens wore puch-colored tulle
over satin and MVs AVSeon'S gov. n was
pink geogette crepe over tal!n. Both
maids carried pink and white sweet
peas Krunk Mullet! was bet man
I Assisting the bride's parents, Mr
and Mrs D. J Williams, and the 1 ' 1 -d'ng
party In receiving wer Mr and
Mrs. n. Bowman. Mr. ai.d Mrs. W. L.
Worsenerofi and Mrs Mary J ("luff
Presiding lr. the dining room mic
.Vrs. Fred Beealey. Mra. Paul Piatt
ami Miss Ruin Williams, assisted by
I Mrs. E. W. Chrlstensen, Mrs. W. )J
IKendell. Mrs Raj P. D wn- M m Isa-
b lie Halton. Miss Lecn.i Elauerbach,
MiSB Lncile Castleton. MIps Martha
Williams. Mlm Joesphlno Free, Mini
Owen Williams, Mlvi BSSB Howe. Mlsi
Evelyn Mallard unri Mrs. Laroy Parry
Little M.irjorie Williams. Memphis
Hammond anrl Ruth Hoesley served
the- WeddlAg ' nke
Dancing was enjoved on the lawn
which was Illuminated with varl-color.
er Japanese lanterns. Punch was
sen Sd. The Liberty orchestra furn
Ished music, stationed amid a bower
Of palms on the veranda. Two hundred
and fifty guests were iresent.
After s wcddlntr trip, the couple will
be at home In this city.
Th" marriage of Miss Laura Glass,
"laughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Pen
fold, and a v Holman of Bpokane,
Wash., took place Wednesday morning
at ii o'clock at the i-'irsi Presbyterian
church. The ceremony was performed
by the Rev 5eorge E. Davlcs, and was
follow by a wedding breakfast at the
home of the brldesgroom's sIstT. Mrs.
E. J. Shields, on Second avenue.
The tabic was decorated in Shasta
daisies, arranged in a basket as a cen
terpiece, The pl.ve cardr. were In i
bridal designs. Covers were laid for
the following besides the brlrie and
brldesgroom Mr and Mrs. !' A Pen
fold. Mr und Mrs. J. G Holman. Mrs.
A M. Daly.
(Continued from prrmlln; piure. )
Bhaughnessy s. M, Cole, P. a. t'hll-
ton. isella Tree Newman, Nic Par
land. Lenda L. Irwin. George W.
Prout and J H Pecklnpaugh.
A birthday relegation was held, in
compliment to W H Williams last
Tuenday evening at the Williams homP
on Twenty-fifth street. The evenlnT
was enjoyed pleasantly by the friends
and members of the family who gath-'r.-d
for the occasion.
Mr and Mrs. L. G. Shainely of Sid
ney, 1 hlo. have been the house guesta
of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Carson for the
peal week. They lft for Yellowstone
park and will visit Pacific coa.: points
before reluming to their home in
' "hlo
Mrs. Mollie Brown, sister of Mrs.
Minns.. Warrington, 531 Thirty-fifth
street, arrived Saturday morning from
St. Joseph Mo. Mrs Brown is f a-t
matron of the eastern star und Is alsi
an active worker In the Rebekah
The re-.ulnr meeting of the board
nyembere ol J i - - Daugbters of Pioneers
v as held at the Weber Normal college, I
Monday afternoon. Mrs F N Tay- j
lor. preifldent, presided at the meeting
Reports wi re 'iven on ihe dime fund
rind plans were made for the cotniD,;
week of the new year. Plans were alr.o I
outlined for the nnnunl field day, the!
date of which wiii b annoucoed later. I
Many new and Interesting topic were
discussed which will be arranged on
the program of the coming two year.
Every ramp has been urr,' d lo help in I
the 500 membership drive, so ihr.tj
now camps may nr formed for the fail 1
work Hegrliir meetings will be taken j
up again the last Thursday in Sep-1
t ember.
The LariTeo Aid of ihr Knglish Luth-
'ran church met al the home of Mrs '
Peter Swanaou. 275:" Grant avenue
Wedncsdnj afternoon. The regular
business meeting was held and a so
clal hour followed later. Roses wero
used for 1 ho decorations of tho Swan
son home. Itefreshments were served
Mrs Ezra Clark Rich was hostess
io ihe members of the Martha BOCletJ
lasl Monday afternoon at her home,
2852 Washington avenuo.
Members of ihe Royal Purple club
mot at the home of Mrs J. Fensler
maker last Monday evening and spent
an evening in playing hli.'h five Re
freshments were served by the ho.l-
Mrs Sophie Wetherell Reed left Oj;
den Monday for New York hero sho
Will attend Columbia university and
also Study at the Chslif school of danc
lug Mrs. Reed will spend some lime
veiling the municipal l--y prounds
ol New York, Newark and Chicago.
BUe expects to be gone for two
Milton Franci. Wlldman of Ogden
; ri; Miss Evelyn E. Wcstllng of i.'ne.
i nne, Wyo., were married at the . , si
t . . ; .
Mrs O. K. Cochran, an 1 daughter Lucilc, who are
house guests a! the home ot iVlrs. Cohran's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George 1 homas of Glenwood Acres. Mrs. Coch- 'JP
! ran will visit for three or four weeks in Ogden. KJ
I 1 1
!dence of Rev. W L Melllnger Satur
'da last. June 2ti. Rev. John Edward
(t nrvor ol the First Presbyterinr,
jclmreh. performed the ceremony. Mr.
WJldman is an engineer and Is con
neoted with the I'nlted States public
I roads bureau In Ogden. while his hi iJe
wa employed at the district heedqusr
! ; rs of the foresi service Mr and
.Mrs Wildinan .'r spending their hon
cyrabon al Gairirn City.
T r. and Mrs. . p Boyer. who have
teen the guests of Mra. Boyer's par
ents, Mr and Mrs E A. Bowen left
I Monday for Sprlngvllle, to visit rein
itlves there. They were accompanied
I to Sprlngville by Mr Dover's mother,
Mra C A. Boyer, who also has been a
! guest at the Brown home.
Chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs Gale
Pose, a numbei of yountr people en
Jov ed a camping trip to Soutn Fork
canyon, spending Saturday and return
ins Sunday. Those included in the -ut-ln;;
party were Misses Betty Hurst,
in Kenton, Lottie Baker. Zula Baker.
C"audla Roberts, Sherrua Hndershot.
Master Lucian Kay. Kenneth Hess.
I nlph Nye, Adelbert Craven, Howard
! 1 'ndsey and Carlos Chez
Of interest to n large number of Og
oen residents Is the wadding of J.
&irl Ballantyne, son of Prol and Mr...
Joseph Ballantyne J. Earl Ballantyne
way married iecentl at Calais,
France, to Miss Day Masset. '.'able
messages were received by his parents
during the earlj nan of the week n- f-t-,
pouncing the wedding. Mrs. Ballan- R;;,':
tyne is the dausbter of Edouard Mas- , WPfHi
ret. owner of a large lace factory in Be'1
Calais. She is a musician of excep- aft'ifri
ilonal ability. Prior to Mr Dalian- fa! v-
tvnp's departure for France, ho whs f.i ''
: nee at a college in I'lnladel
phla, where he won the K. of C. scol-
; rahip after completion of one year in
architecture study. Mr and Mrs. Bal-
lantync ar expected to arrive in Og- ii'-Vj"'
ili n about August 1 and will spend ii '
one month al the canyon home of Prof ii
and Mrs Ballantyne Mr Ballantyne B
will take up his work at the College of P
Philaedlphia during the coming year. I
ere the young couple will make "Ji
their home.
Mrs. Florence B. Marshall, widow, of oijjije
Drew Marshall, and Charles D Ford. 1 a'; ;
Ogden pt otogri phi r, n en married al
Sail Lake Tuesday afte-rnoon. Th . Kai
newly married couple are not expect- MLl
ing to return to Ggden for the coming EsL,.
two months and will make an exten- PeT
slve trip oer the western coast be- Ig.
fore returning to Ogden. jg
Iceland is the source of the agats
! and chalcedony which are made into Bvp-
for hi.- watches and jB-;
i ct . leal instruments. nT
oo er
(Additional Society Will Be
Found of Page Twelve.)
Mios Estelle Parnell, a charming Denver belle who
has returned to her home after two weeks' visit here with
her brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Parnell. Dur
ing her chort stay she was the complimented guest at
I several delightful functions. v jb