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K This Motor Coat Is of Ribbed Duvetyn,
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99 r ADV DUFF-GORDON. famous "Lucilc" of Loti-
don, and foremost creator of fashions in ihe world.
Short Belted Coat, with Braid Trimming. wr,(cs eah the fashion article for this newspaper.
presenting all that is newest and best in styles for weU-dressed
women. I
Hy Seanhore Gown p ?fA "' Lady DufT-Gordon's Pans establishment brings her into
By Lady DufT-Gordon l"Lucite') of Heavy close touch With that centr, of fashion 1
IT HE time has Ions passed when one could
say with any trutli "It doesn't matter
what we wear for outdoor sports"
It does indeed matter a great doal. The
wave of daintiness in apparel has reached
even to the garments worn for cit-of-door
recreation and relaxation. Even the skirt
and sweater in which one lounges in a fa
mock or stretches on the lawn while she
tickles her nose with a blade of grass 6hould
be neat and whole and possessing chic or
The specimen which you see on the large
figure In the middle of the pago shows how
fresh and dainty a sports dress can be.
I This seashore sport frock is a one-piece
gown of crepe dc chine. It Is made on sim
ple lines, being almost straight. Slight darts
ro taken low in the waist on cither side.
There Is an inset in the front of the dress
of contrasting material. The wide, flat
girdle is composed of both materials, the
crepe de chine of the dress and the silk
employed for the inset. The c-rdle has
fhort sash ends on one side. The sash
ends are fastened by long silk fringe reach
ing nearly to the hem of the skirt The
Tarn o' Shanter is of Angora cicth. trimmed
with interlaced rows of flat straw in two
contrasting shades.
On the left hand you see a model of a
country sport coat. The coat is a short,
belted one, with short sleoves and slightly
open in front, showing the white lace blouse.
The coat is of eilk duvetyn. It is trimmed
about the skirt with four rows of flat silk
braid. Tho belt is adorned with a doublo
row of the braid. Down the front and about
Crepe de Chine.
with Heavily
Fringed Ends,
Is a
Smart Touch.
' far '
Lady Duff-Gordon's American establishments are at Nos.
37 and 39 West Fifty-seventh street. New York, and No.
I 400 Lake Shore Drive. Chicago.
the three-quarter length sleeves is the braid
arranged in single rows. With this is worn
a skirt of heavy outing flannel of the wash
able sort.
The last of the group of three pictures is
that of a ribbed duvetyn motor coat The
fulness of the coat i3 gathered upon a deep
yoke. The long sleeves are full and wrinkled,
like Yvette Guilbert's famous black gloves.
The skirt of the coat is cut away in the
front and finished in points on the sides. The
collar Is a wide, rolling one. The coat hangs
loosely from the shoulders, being fastened
only by two large buttons. Its demurcness
is relieved by a gorgeous, many-colored
lining of foulard. The hat worn with it is
of silk straw, fashioned into a draped tur
ban and trimmed with a small silk bow.
Sports clothes are growing more and more
handsome. Great care is taken that they
be smartly cut for elegant elTcct. But equal
care is taken hat they bo of substantial,
preferably dark, colors for service, and that
the material be not too quickly perishable j
trIkingnole of the new sports clothes
is their ornatencss. For instance, note the
laco collar and cuffs on the gown reproduced
in the middle of this page.
C) 1DC0 International Fcstur? Sttrtd, In. Creai Britain lliht lmt J