Newspaper Page Text
, a MIL OCDKN SrANDARD-F.XAMlNER SL NDAY, JULY 4, 1020, B 11 forTsale 1 Real Estate OOO 5-room modern brick hungnlnw on bench; $500 ruth, helnnre like rent S"00 Jroom modi rn brick, M lot. on Washington avenue; any Umd of terms or uc-pt good automobile or oilier city property In trede. $2350 I) room frame on Alams avenue. $400 cafh. balance like rent. $3400 7 room modern brick, good location . on bench: any kind of terms or irade; Jut a few minor repairs will mnke this place eall worth $'.500. Severn1 other bin a for File or trade. THI COKTINKM AL lU ll.niNt;. LOAN ft I N VESTMENT CO. 411 Twentv-fourlli Bl Phone 3r II i R r, AO EE Insurance Real Estate New 4 room mcm. well located. $3250. I acres fine nrchird close In: $9000. room modern brick close In: 2 r""eH , orchard and garden. Fine home. ItO.OOC , 1 e. re fine land Twelfth street district ?1300 , I 2 acres, email house. garage, poultry house, all kind fruit ! terms. J-wOO R. O AO EE Real Eatate . InSUreni Rssmenf Rroo.u II..!. I Plume . n i 31 , 1 F VLIFfiRNIA horres and farms for sale. , U v and country All slzea. $20(H" to ?S 000 Id'inl climate. oll and water., l-arjre Hat and rldure. free relmdi 'o . ' fMM 21 Van Ns Rldr. I-op Angeles. Col. MMMi FIVE -ROOM modern brtCK, MIDOII new mWa furnace heal Thirty first atreet and KJ f'.rmit avenue. J3n00 riood term. Pt.iell ' . 'A IT V ' Mi THE OUARAKTS MORTO AOE CO. M IK Twenty-fourth phones MO-MI n7;.f Five room modern bunsslow, cc ir.ent cellar Wot k shop. electrically lighted '"iilcken .oops and runs fmJMm ;as In 'hou Llest of bath (fixture. in cxeellenl condition Located close In on good alz- lot. Tone mmm 6200 Elrht room modern hrlk. rJOt bTH water he-t Cement basement vC f hem pud n exceptional buy. worth I tt 0.000 located ' m on Im n V. in i., ,.i resident e dlati 1 ol the city. mXStt THlVoEARANTY MORTO AOE CO. I MM 415 Twent; fourth St. Phones n0'l j 1 . - 1 1 1 .'lew 11 plant 0 I ff. water rti hi mil house; win change lor rood automobile ns part p.W j A, tmwu 10 acres good pasture none to ogden.. WmmW -icrei can be mmle poo l ''"" land: I ' 1 1 on pai ins so Mi n 1 ' " I ' " nrr'- MEmW This place Is .t moo bo;. Mm r. r . wstci rlghl I enta ond me . rhlnery, cows. plge, chickens, good 100m brick house, barn nnd other im-1 J irovem. nts . ele.-'H. I! ht Prk e InClUd j M in crops. 112,600 will exchange tor roo.i B Oeden cltj prop s peri payment. Jft SMITH n INI i RS CO BBH n . . .1 Vr.tlr.nol T'.ink Four room mcjern bouse with Inrpe Sleenlng porch; bullt ln features, good lot. close In-. $C0C0 if taken at onc Uasy Five room brick on Grant avenue. $3S.".0; H ternts. New four roottt modern br'.ck. large sieepinc porch, ipood basement, up-to dnte In cverv respect cxcr.t heat ;o' n; terms. U ' SMITH FI.IN1 EltS City Department Thone im. I MAJESTIC rnnpy. Stationary Wash bor.l; 1 onlv used one month. 21jJ afadlaon Ave. ' Hp i iW'ner Five-room modern brick cav terms Leavtns city, 1133 Oak I . i rw rive i i, four room six i 3 mo lem bungalows. 220i Monroe, Phone 1 1 iI HUH IS IT" I'r. c loom . . ment block. (Mfl on bench, full basement, full front porch B9 nnd back porch screened. pnraRe. $5000. Elegant six room residence on bench. : 1. 1 1. k. two lor e-t. t 1 root S450 1 ' ' j A seres, good two room house. 50 bearing; j M k fn,t trees. Just outside city limits, 11600. i . rms Phone 121 j, 9 B Smith 8205 ; BY OWNER A sbc room nearly modern l!0use with extra Inrp. lot. lmn three j I street fronts o er 1000 froi't felt Ptn I erty In vlclnlt selling for $10 per front I foot AVIll rncrlfice for $5C00 172. I ..Kson n cruc PI. on '.102. JO OWM.r. -; our r.x.m h. fvi ..-! -1 1 fruit, berries gfird.n. blK lot 512 Twelfth, street J2S00. $1000 or more Call 180 t ; or write ?29 Kirkham street. Oakland Cal, UL j BY OWNER Five room modern rum ed cottage, near union depot Plion 8674 ." - ( 'IIK V. nil 1 I .'-lit . j.-..'! Ii 1. I holce location by owner, r.70 Berenth street, m -17x room modern house also new Dodge roadster r69 Tw nt fourth Mr. . t I FOl'R room (run.- 1 1 211 West (ink htrer. Pr. i 1 1 i.ioiern SNAP ior quick sals for cash to pri - I ate parties, riirht In the select district j "holce lot on Jackson. 50 feet front t(th, 20 feet alley, also a beauty on Twenty fourth. 33 with all impiovemenls In quire IQOj Tw.uty fourth 3ir.-r, FIVE room Mrlctlv modern hri k l...u.-. i or. bench Inquire 3002 Wall avenue, t 8086 . i til K room modern hoUF.- v illi sbepinn 1 torch. on bench cheap, with terms Phone J ) llnMP. I.AP.OAIN H m SETCN room modern home, close In on I . mm paved street, all specials, paid well built home In . xc llcnt condition Best buy In Ogden. Only 88600; $500 cash down. $lnj, month 1 ALFRED E STRATFORD ! UmW&H 2250 Wnshlnrton Ave. j Phones 888 W or 830J .1 300 ! THR"K room lions. mi.I rlx lols, with, HQ barn, chickens and chicken coop 3090 1 ( aJhuiK'lou .ncnu' i''1 . SMALL f 1 ; tn hoc '. J....H lot To ur Jm railroad district. Price J1000 Terms $300 oth and balance monthh payments to I W suit customer O, A. Kennedy, basement ' HH Utah National building. Phono 913 or ' FtEE-acrs chn-ken f'lrrn. PhoTiT 288i PA H'l'MENT Lou:., do?" on Wush KIR 'njrlon avenue has nlna two and three mMM room apartments. Furnished. Income' WW 225 1 month Prlco $11 500. Half cash Might consider part exchange Box 18. Standard r.xamlnsr 1856 1 ' li JHT room home sleet. Inp porch' . rhoiio 270 8887 P.I vsnNAHLE fnrnlhhed five roorn mod B ern brick; shade trees, fruit trecc. grapes, KB berries, garden. East Twelfth street. Moor's Line 2i94 , $500 DOWN, balance monthh wSi buy h nice six room modern home, all speclr.i . taxes paid In full Choice location, mime I dlate poscsslon E F. Bratz. 417 Ecrlea buljdlng 8888 APARTMENT house strictly modern, five npnrttnent!.. fire location on bsncll pays 10 per cent net on your Investment Have j to leave town on account of sickness III 1 sen cheap KeUj Herrick, UCl i THREE room co'ta-e two lots. 312 Ln Ion ivenue, Cheap Terms or cash Phone U6Q J. 878 I : ACR1IS, .lops, linpleinents. horses, on' stab highway. Vi mile north Clearfield ! I one 11 R 1. 27: i 1 OWNER Gooa sixteen room npirt mint house, furnished, sleeping porches. 1 )' iriroT'- finest location In town. $140 " tnonth Income. Good terms. Phone 102 LARGE building lota new addition to Bji Eighth 6treet. Good coil, drainage and lo- ' Yl cation. 639 Seventh. Phono 2135-M, j SEVEN room modern brick house, dOU bl parage, paved streel Tcims on pari i :. W Wherry., jimiq Mndlvon. TVfO SEVEN room brick Have von -omc- ' f thing to trade. Small house preferred f W4J enn be of mutual benefit by dealing! direct Also have Grand piano. 1J25 Twen t -fifth hlreet. Phono I42C-R 8808 I BURLEV IDAHO FARM LANDS WE have 11 lurgM list ol Irrigated farms TOT anlo or ttad.?. Write or i-. WOVES OH1SWOLO JNV. CO.. Burlcy. Idaho I v,.i p-;i.ti:i:. K.n,,, ,,, j , j j mwt 237C Washington avenue. Phone 1876 !J FOR SALE Real Estate I Continued L.. i'i:nKui:i: & fowlks 240 Hudson Ave. Phone 17 1 $'.500 Euya one of the best 7 room brick houses In Ogden. Full sleeping porvh. Lots of Fh-de and shrub bety. Lot 5x16. Situate 4 blocks from union depot rotseaslon In 10 da vs. 11700 Buys modern 3 room house located on lcnch J50A0 Buys strictly new modern up to date home, situate on paved street on bench. PRI IERER A- FOWLES Real Lr.tate, loans. Insttrance 21fi Hudson Av. Pttone 01? j SO M L lti:.l I. (,()( . III -ys f room . trl. tl) n.c--lern. rurairc attached, the latest (""Hllfornla Dutch design. J6750. f. rooin brick, .".74n. 5 room stucco. $5?S S room brick. J40nO T. room nucro, JIjo.. These homes are all new and are all of the Inlcjt Dutch deslcn. Terms ran be' urranged. .s am:p PI 1 1 8888 1 , 1 ) . I : ' ..I r.. r loi 1 16x1 ' f. t T nt -second and Beeves aveni.e Phone 807 79 I toOent j j Furnished J lI I-LY furntsb-o housekeeping 100ms 2 1 hthgl Phoi e 261 -J I J ROOM modern house furnished, i.s. i merit Phons M "25? 1 ''. neath furnli hed, sleeping I porch; no small childr.n. 2032 Grnnier . j V' e 28? I TWO rooms for housekeeping ni 821 . 'lil hlli M "HREE L'niTi .11 .1 imeni ; ( 1 0 .di:i: 33SC 4ROQM house, lirnm svsnus, $20. in I quire Dumke BToraj Co.. Phone 827 il S I'K EFPLNV; apartments and leep" llnS" no 1 hlldren 2J72 Madison Ave, 325,1 1 ' 51R AfSLE : em.-. 1. 1 p.. ; ;. .;, , 1 ,,,, j 2. '.rant Ave f 323f M'llil.1:: si. ffiiim loom mnaie home, with phone. 2S30 Grant. Phone 2ftl2-J ' ' .hi' u- r-r. Do-" flr.- t si r- et r?224 1 i"i SI : E EPi N Q room 1 8820 Ldni oin 8225 1 1 1 'i I u rn 15 h I he i-r fir.. Ir.en- tinn on hi nch. infiuire 732 Twentj sev enth I irr et. 3226 SLEEPING room CSS Twenty-seventh street. . Phone 217SM "223 I Rl :. ' i . j.'nr nr.d .vie. ping rooms, 21''''? Washington 8151 F i: . r;H . ir! 11. 1 . t r 2'''.". I V. :..ilnr lon avenim. 3100 I v 1 ' I "i ! i . .-. T .1,1 Lincoln 8161 ' ii i i.v i - 1 ).. d room v Ith bath 2561 ; Orchard, Gentlemen preferred 314' TWO modem sleeping rooms for rent it 1 2148 Jeffei on. Pood if desired 31 13 . i m ITTt7" , t-eet 3 08 1 ' 'HREE room 1. 0C1 1-1 partmcnts " ill : I'.'.IS ijin. 11' Miii- Phoro- 14f0 SIL FURN1 ; TT 1 . 1 apart! nt 8566 Washing, lor svei C01 Vpartments 811 FURNISHED or unfurnished apartment? for renl 2348 Washington 8110 iTWO furnished houickeeping rooms Phone 1183 264 Twenty-Sixth street. ( go FlOi k::K i;i"P1N ; ioo::' aullahle for fc.'-i l!v or bscholoi and sleeping rooms. 221'V 1, m 1 m 308 " VERY desirable rooms reasonable rates. I two minutes from portofflce. Gales Ho t. I 24P". '.i.inl -ivrnui 2fi67 1 v 1 ) rr.otu ni. irti i- n.i for housekeeping nlso one room suitable for one. laly pre Iferred. 33" Twenty '.bird street. Lincoln Hotel 3Q6 S KCh )M r.'.o Tw rt th'r.i 8091 TWO houeke,-.lnr ruows 23S3 Monroe 2S53 VIIP.EE roo.-, f-irim.he.l house. 164 Twen ' ic ond 1 217 'I I'N bi nmou li.iUer-:i Erldk-e 1 11 on Phoni 808 2760 Mi'i; large i.ioLru nvm. breakfast if desired. Reference rejulred. 2630 Jeffer son. 2602 SINGLE or double rooms for sleeping or M u: L epin r. : !' i.-.hlt.gton. 24 .T. Unfurnished i:w strictly modern homt located on I fjeet part of bench. S50 per month 1 Froercr & Fowtes, 2409 Hudson '- I Phone 811 8268 NEAT 5 -runm modern, pn'illx fun. (shod; I close In, on car line. C. Zlnn. Phone 1 j ! ' I2 SIX room niod.-ni home, choice location. I five blocks south E F Bratz. 417 Ecclea Pldp Phone I960 g ' Q I'WO loomr. gu- Z' Thlrtv first streel j njul ; BTRICTLTi modern house; two sleeping porches: gas ami coul kitchen Moves In stalled: new hot air furnace, linoleum on I kitchen and hull floors Apply 5C.0 ' n i'. foui ih Bl 810! ' T' modern roomy No 11 276,.i Volki r i yenui 3107 j I RnoMS modern housekeeping; close In j Kelly & ii-iri. k 1032 ! "WANTED I To Buy i 3 ROC EH Y Store up to $2500 stock In Dsxlen or Sll lake City Give full nar llculars. Box O, care Standard Examiner 3219 WE have cash cusiomera ior deslrab'e city and farm lands. List your prOIH rc w Ith reliable people. Kelley & Uerrlck. S-6-tl v'K V 11 11' regardless of condi tion Ajto Selvage . 2i48 Grant Ave 197 WANTED ToJRent j WANTED TO RENT Ry reliable couple, no children, three or four room apartment or bungalow. References furnished. Box F., care Stand ard Examln. r 3221 BY JULY 10 Modern four or five room Unfurnished house, good residence sec tion: man and wife. Box E M,, care Standard Examiner. 3211 j BUSINESS j i Opportunitiw 500 PER CENT per annum In a safe bUSl ness enterprise Write Box 984. Burkhur- 1 nett, Texas. 3278 ! WM LP j-yii Invest one dollnr a u er-k lor ten weeks on a cr once to moke jmno or! more? Particular? free. No obligation Write J. A. Carlton, box 676, Fort Worth , pNE 01 th- best blacksmith shops In county; work for three men ihe year round, ond all necessary equipment Best location L'hon. 8167 I g094 ' ' - I" '.u-r.tlv .1 rt if K-LtJ 1 produce.) in agate artlclas FOR RENT $20 FOR he season B ten frame In cm yon. Phone 2370. a c- NVALQ3 chal Phone 82Tj .17 I rilREE Ohio vacuums In first .-in8s con diiion. $1 day. Call J. Barlow. 2384 j" 2:77 : OHIO iracumm. $1 day, Phone 311s. 232S I '',,iJ 1 tor horses, close to Ogden 1 Smith .: nindci Eommerclal N'attonai ! b' nk building. Phone 1147 or 26S-V eve- I "'"c TTJJ i -'I 'K.' .1 . L. ..011. r. ol f Ashejsio- 1 late Products Co.. Phone 1416-W. 3673 iMriMAAAA -v- -ev FOR SALE j I CHERRIES for s.Tle Phone 2532 W. 3284 1 FELL alxe Peninsular gas range, 4 . burners, almmerer. large oven and broiler ; nearly new. ?2.'.V I US Twenty sixth St 326J LEAN ING Ity My $800 mahogany player I piano ( heap for cash: also household ar Hi'i Tm antj four'.h st ;2;m If" ou wish to dispose of your furnl turi. stoves, etc.. call ua up Highest I prices guaranteed. Phone 2464. The Furnl I xi hange, 16 t sntj tuin Bl WATER motor washing machine. niall cook stove refrlfrerator. bed, fruit Jars and other furniture, suitable for can von. Phone 2370 32S". . FIRST elSSS mngr and furniture CaII 'i Per ,S p. in. 2'.:i Washington Ae 1 ' ROLL top otfir desk, 1 beautiful c loset, cheap rsr. Weehhtgton ive. 82641 1 Oak wardrobe. 978 TWentj fourth St. 1918 INDIAN motorcyela twin 17 Park' Ave. 3247 ' HORSE! Wagons! HaTr7eaaei 1 -.k 7 Twelfth irvet Phong 2794 3216 LEAVING city. Five-room house cheap. 1 chlckena. C harter Oak range and refrlg erator. UJ1 Tw en t foi 1 1 ' Ii ! I 894E fivf 1 ' I8EN BR Ford tor sals choap for cash. First class condition. One Aelol.nnn phonograi'b nnd 20 good records cheap for ca.-h. Pox 291. S671 Hudson VVC, 24H LARGE rns rang. ornl range nnd if r , - 1. ' i. r 1 , 1 .i-'i ' :;:n ' PTT'K'S five burner gas range, good as t , jr. ?S4n n.'liington avenue. 3233 lfl'N" for sale. 2nc a pound. Phone ?S76 w IG27 Washington avenue. 3i7n I CCELLENT bargains on fine 10llny. new or old Pontone. Twenty-ninth and I Hudson 1174 WILL sell or rent nt a bargain, nickel i slot eleetrl- piano. Pantone Twenty ninth and Hudson 2176 ' NCALLED for suits v few o il-n.. excellent Dundee tailored suits, various : sizes one froc: selhrg at cost Dundee n r.ii- Hudson '.' tuu " r ' ' 1 1 1 . 1 ; I ' I L ' . , -7 Tweluh street Phon. . 27r6. 8172 , IDAHO flour fi 86 per 100 pound-. 500 pounds or more. 86.15 pr hundred, The j Star Market 26 Twenty second street j a ; rVlCKER baj burgv and dlmng table i5C7 Twenty sixth street. Phon 3250. I ' i RKIES full evenlncs ot Suni'.ays isrinr boxes C A Jones' Rtin h. N rth Ogden See Mr B'unneli 8128 TWO i-oo.-i milk cows, 8967 Wall 31::. 17' 1 OTJ wanl a good second hand Lie le cheap call at ?3i Chllds 818J PLACER p.'nn.) S. II or (rnd.- foi auto. '. Thirty ftr-.t Phone 2761 -W 3 IPS .- i". vVlNO i,if,.-hine. piano llbrarv- table, I cl.n.iii P'nnn.. "11 f "Zl ''111, I'MIIT )!..-. dmlr.g room s-t Phone ' :'r'r' v' Addresi MWWaahlngton 8117 CANARY hlrds. 2220 Lincoln avenue K TU. Inrre round nntl'.e cedar pcirts Wheelwright's Wood yard. 2318 Hudson avenue. 294 4 . MOTnp.cyoLr. Hariej DavldsoT good condition, a bargain for cay.h if taken nt on; h. Call for demonstration at 2524 Washington avenue or phono 173. Ask for Frank Madsen. 2007 ' FoUNG v. hit.- 1 leghorn p.uilcts P)To m" 1 1213 Western Hratn & Feed Co.. 2354 j Waahlnglon avenue. 2430 - ll N -oiPW-N'-rator. White , n aineled 75 pounds capacltv. Cost $100 WUI sell for $35 Mr Fowler. Wright's Easement 2207 PIANOS nnd other musical Instruments t Terms without interest. Puntone, 274 I Hudson. 909 I NCALLED lor sulta tailor made, big reduction Gordon's, 211-25 Tv.entj f'f'h Bt Phone 413 1157 PALMS AND VARNISH Buy your paint at Stowe's and save monej 1800 Washinrlon avenue Phonn S86-J ems FOR SALE One 10-20 Bfollns tracior I with plows practically new. nt a dis count 2300 Washington Ave. Ogden 1 P ini Ii 3257 i''l; SAIL I'v iiiui. r '. pnv: iil.t I l. .. j mobile thoroughly overhaul. 1 New top and seat 1 overs, sun shade. 5 tires Front seat lets down to make bod In car $7i".0 cash 112 Seventeenth St 3260 A-l FIVE-PASSENGER Ford car sew ing machine, cheap. Thone 2015 M TT73 1 P. P. INS IN i SL. C.VKS 1 1920 Chevrolet. 4 90 model $790 Overland seven passenger $S50 L'.o .s.-v.n passenger $950 Paige seven passenger s 1 450 1 Hudson super six loadstl r $lS3ol Many others. Come in and look them over OGDEN MOTOR CAR CO. 17 ILid.- .o 11 1 no.- Phone 460 FORD truck with Smith nttai hment and established transfer business money maker ns soon as freight traffic goes back ' to normal. $300 ciiah $250 nt C-50 ir month 1727 Gibson avenue Phone 619 2213 1 l dLLAi '. 'MJ model ToTo J130 ""a.l 587 3197 1919 Oldamoblle coupe, like new, sacri fice. 1916 Cadillac S p.-rfect condition 1917 Btudebaker touring. -i 1918 Bulck rlx touring, like new 1918 Studcbaker ton truck. A-l. 1918 Two ton Nash truck, pood as new 1917 Model N Hupmobile cord Hies, winter and summer top. PAI n i'' N VSH MOTOR CO. 2200 Washington Ave. 8116 m. t. pasaenaer t anuiae touring car. I excellent condition, cheap Inquire 813 1 Twenty-fifth street sns 1917 model l1 ton Indiana truck, A 1 con ditlon. good for two or three years' hard usuge. Cheap ior cash 210 Ecclea Bids: or Phone 176. rn 1 1 FORD ion mi'i; In K"ci condition, Cush ion and pneumatic tires. Cheap for cash 2336 Washington 2912 SNAPOne ix cylinder ear in excellent 1 .-.Vap.-. Very cheap. Phone f.77. ' LIGHT Cadillac truck, TjU Hud. -on audebaker 1917 New Franklins First class auto shop. Barlow Brothers, 2466 Grant avenue. 959 1 : i'. k HiTht Rl 1 oaosl' r Bulck 4 fie passenger Overland 85, five passenger. (J erlnnd 83, five passengor. All theM cars uro guaranteed to he in I first class condition Will sell at a bar grain. HARBERTSON BROTHERS 2614 M'ashlngton Avenue 276S TOR SALE B owner, good family auto . Ill a Phone 1 427 .37 I . LOST rl FOUND Two ba' mares respect'vely 21 and 6 eara old. Call at Ogden Canyon dam. 3272 BUNCH f keys between postofflcs and Grant avenue near Twent fourth Street Finder will get reward C. Kawaguchl 2424 Grant Ave 125 SORP.EL more with whlto face, about 1 '. ypiir.i old riiono 3359-M 8816 I '1 M IND lavuller at Lotin Fa IT park Tuesday afternoon after 3 p. m Please I return to 84" Twenty-eighth stiect. Re 1 vard. .'(i 1 BLUE mare, 4 years old. brand B on left shoulder, at Riverdale. W. J Coy, Hnr rlsj .He. Tei 37 .i i Reward. 3177 BLACK leather pocuethooi; containing about S17 or $18 Return lo 2620 Wall Reward ros.i jMQiNEY TO LQAyr ON Improved real estate, E F. Bratz m: Beeles Hidg. 3079 TO suiarii'd people without aei-.iiity. to i Othera on pianos, furniture bunus. et. Hudson Bide Phona 284 i-jj IIONEI 10 iui 11 on mpiUVOd . iii SOU Li ! K.-iiv a- Herrick 7T ! 1 rl v 3 000 omnibuses :iro operati d in London, j "WANTED j PLYING In elRht weeks. V. M C A. Auto school i.o Angeles. KT'LL bo) al ll-al llot.l 8194 YOf'NO man stenographer to go to Su perlor. Wyo Apply G2S Lccles Bldg. 3Q.'K EXPERIENCED nnoprraphe-; young man pr.f.-rr-d .'.21 E.clcs P.ldg 3Q12 VOIATG nmn nt American Linen o K Tv .-ti iMh street 9989 I ' 1 KG man to do gener.i i c rr i . ihi. manufacturlnsj concei n Address P II Bog 707. i 2S3i j WRINGER man and iln.-n checker 1 P I aundrx ;n4t ' ,.. ,.n..i. ,,.., WAN7ED Female Help j CH AMP.ERM UP) wanted at the Grant Hot. I - -. EXPERIENCED stenographer wanted ppb ' n Urn. Ri.L.tIs Piano Co 321 ri, GIRL 'or kit-h n ppL 1 " e Hospital 320J. . LAUNDRESS to take personal laund fo- thr'. b..n.e C-, 11 2;fi WAITRESS Vpph al Ranch Cafs Eight hours. H flnt 3 1 03 I WOMAN who can COOk. to work four or f l s hours a day, for small family. Itl can- ...i. '. . it ' .opi . Dmrncrciai .hkmiuii i I lanfc 3092 ! BXP1 RIENCED stenographer for largi manufacturing concern. Address P O. Uox 7C7 gl nt: r f. r.-n i 3 and experience 8S1C Information Bureau TOO PER '.(tIF PFR MONTH ANYTHING New or OlO ANVTHINO A to Z new nr old bought, sold or I reded Phone 333 COOKj and ST at lOreERY ' Bramwell Booli and Stationery 2312 Washington Ave Ihone T60. 205.4 BANKING- Utah Notltonal fiank. southeast corner Tw en tv-fourth end Washinicton Phono fil CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Heber .1 MeKav. Cldroprarfr.r 213 Col. Hudson Building. 3243 CARPENTER AND JODBER F S'.njpplck. carpenter and Jobber I ER Twenty third rhone 101 S 2513 CARPET CLEANING K. Van Knrnpcn for upholstering, car- peta cleaned altered and la'd- Remaking of mattreases. Phone 27.r.2-.7. Expert carpet clenninn. mattress reno vating, upholstering, and springs re atretchrd Call E. J. Hampton Co . Feathei renoatlnt Phone 2536-W. CITY JUNK HOUSE- uj. i.uo-ou a.nington av 793 CHOP SUEY AND NOODLES Matsuba Sz Co. leading Jipancse res taurant In Ogden 273 24th St. DRESSMAKING- DRESSMAKING .nd silk shirts made to order Phono 1005 M. 622 Thirtieth St 2753 CHILDREN'S scv, Int. Phone 1410 8648 Monroe Ave. 2S40 DENTISTS The N4TW Method Den tl i ts aro special ' Ista in aU branchea of Dcntlatry. 216il I Va3hlndton Ave 220!i ; CNGRAVING Ocrden Engraving Service Co . makers of tlr.e cuts In one or more coloro. 1 T enty-fourfji street Phono 463, 'LIFE INSURANCE Geo. I) I. nntt. corporation and croup Insurance a specialty Phone 121-W 13H M'x ii Moyes, resident agent New York Life Insurance Co.. 442 Blnford avenue ; Phone 1407 and l r.77 2867 JUNK AND HIDES W( stern Hide d Junk Co , 2323 Wash- ; Ington a. Phone sn Ogden 1 jnk Bouse. JUoJ Washington ; Ave Phone 210 PAPER HANGING Paper hanging, pilnting. kn Isomlnlnii. paper cleaning' Reasonable 3220 R 2SC6 REAL ESTATE Wlllard Kay, real estnto and loans -574 W ash.ti,;!. n J hone 4U3 U74 SCAVENGER Garbage and rufrbldh hauled cesspools nnd toll ts cleaned. John Chlpp St Co Phone S'.'S. 23IS Hud;o. Avenue S73.' TRUNKS AND 13 AGS Trunk and buj repairing, round cor ner from Standard Gallucher'a. '373 Hud eon. 211S WALL PAPER CLEANING KALSOMINING and paper cleaning Tol 29-R-ll. W. Alvord 3S61 Adams. 8421 WINDOWS CLEANED EXPERT Window and wall pnocr clean -inu. Arnerlcan Window Cleaning Ph r:3 wajNted i Situations MAN and ivlfe v.iah poMtlon on farm Man all around ranch hand, especially ex perlenced in handling stock. Box 6, "care Standing l',.:iiiiin. r 290 'Ml'lsr wants poaition. Phone 2S10-"W ' 3265 I rRl'STWORTHY unencumbered widow seeks position fis hous. ke. r.. r for widow er and small family, Arlington Hotel. Not later than 8 p m. Sundaj Room 2" 3270 POSITION h :i l.u.dni won, mi. who is anxloun to locate In Ogden. Can give best of references. Address New York, rare Standard Examiner lust, WORK for few hours each evening An. kind of work Box 75, core Standard 8130 , 1 'i i - t'l v v... v,, . ,. i. i - inxlous to locate In Ogden. Can give beat ! of references. Address New lork. can I Standard. 3086 BECOND hand goods bought and sold T. C. Iverson, 1640 Washington Phono 40 IMj J WE take your old rungo as first payment on any new range, or will buy our old ranta outright. Home Eurnlture Co. 4671 j PERSONAL j EVERYBODY suffering with piles, fistula, ulceration, bleeding or iicning piles, w rite for free trial, painless pllo euro. R E Tarney sn Tose Cal. 2707 i Salesmen WANTED Salcamr-n calling on aulomo bile accessory and hardware dealers in the vicinity of Ogden to sell Reflex guRr nnt. eri vp.irk plur'. on . omuil Ion lut.-is. Side line. Attractive proposition good commissions and exclusive territory Ad vise counties you cover The Reflex Ipnt t ion ( jompanj . I !U land i Milo 2 1 WANTED Balesn in. Gum and peanul Vending machines. Entirely new. big .sell er. Make $20 day cosily Shelley & Brick .son. 433 San Femnndo Bldg , Loa Angeles "al 1200 FOR BALE OR TRADE Good grain nnd stock ranch well located, adjoining moun tain range and only four miles from rail road station. WRter available for stock. 32'i r. s b-.if cultivated, 90 acres good whent dwelling, Htahle.s corrals, Beven head of horsas farming implements, all goes, Including crop if taken before har vest. Will sell on terni' or . hnnge f,,r small place R P. Hunter, 431 Twenty fourth street. Phono 1803-J. Price U 8188 TWELVE or 24 d-17.1 n unused bushel irult baskets with covers $2 the dozi n or trade for fruit Phone 969-M or call 1073 Twenty.flrsl streel 3072 1 Hemstitching, plcot edge, buttons, pinl: Ing and ideating. Second floor W H W right &, Socs, Mrs H. Layman. 1169 1 IF LIBERTY BELL COULD TALK WHAT A STORY SHE COULD TELL! AS IT IS THE INTERVIEWER MUST DEPEND QUITE A BIT UPON IMAGINATION I ItV JAMES Hl.M.E. N E. A. Staff Correspondent. PHILADELPHIA. July 3. 'I have Just had an exclusive Interview with the Liberty Bell. It has been some time nine, she talked for publica tion. Thp last previous occasion Was In 1835 at the funeral of Chief Jus-' tlce John Marshall. Thin morning only the eventful Independence dn -1 sreuaded her to break her long si lence Like main good women, however, the Bell has talked enough In lor time and has suffered for It, as any photograph of her shows. "It munt be trying to be on exhibi tion .ill the time." I ventured. "Every day la 1 month of Pundavs. and besides this Is Philadelphia " the Bell explained. "The minutes go by so slowly you can count them like flivvers on a country' mad They used' lo hae me lu n case but so many I people from Painted Po and Kanka kee wanted to he able to say theV hd touched me. that the attendants! wore kept busy opening and closing i the door of my cage. Now anybody can touch me The other day a rather gOOd-lOOklng j oung person from Wyoming kissed me. That wasn't half bad " "ljOt's get back to the country's welfare." I said hurriedly. "Do you think our public men are as big as those you remember'.' ' "Their heads are bigger." replied the Bell. "Pou t kid me." 1 protested. "Well, if you must know, the boys who are running the country today aren't a bad lot. They are good enough In their wsv. but they aren't satisfied with just being themselvea They always want you to think they are someone else Washington or Lin cola or someone like that." 'But don't you think we are mak Ing progress very rapidly the., days " I Insisted. "Look at the airplane and! Babe Ruth Think how handy his bat Would have come In during the Re olutlonary war." Somehow or other we managed to' get along without him." said the Belli modeitly I'm sure I don't know how we did " "ou weren't ns up-to-date." I re joined. "You didn't have movies or anything." "We got nlong without them nnd without prcMs agents, too.' t-h rt.-d the Bell. "In my time I mean when I was young a public official went about his work and if he did anything I good, the people found It out in duel P WANTED J I Agents SEND for free toilet soap sample nnd $10 cash refund offer. Lacasaia Co. Dep1 j 60, St LOUlS Mo 3L'77 I V .KNTS : - .-. nt profit. Wonderful little article. Something new s-dls like 1 wild fire Carry right In pocket, Write at jonce for free sample, Albert Mills, j-v-n-lei ii manager, 181 American nid.. Cln 1 clnnatl, oino. 3279 I AGENTS Large manufacturer wants agents to aeii hosiery, underwear, shirts, dresses, skirt., waists, shoes, clothing, etc Write for free samples Madison Mills. 503 liroudwav, New York City, n v torHsale 1 Poultry and F.ggo j SPRING BABY CHICKS FOR SALE 400.000 S. C While Leghorn baby chicks from heaviest laying (Hoganisod) stock. Price during Ma nnd June, 25 50 $9; 100 $14 Special prices 500 nnd 1000 lots Safe delivery guaranteed. You pay only for chicks received alie and In good con dition, no money In advance, pay on de livery. Shipped safely anywhere west ot Rockies Finest hatcher in the world Established lfios MUST HATCH INCUBATOR CO. I3C- Seventh street Petal U ma, Cal . 3 I LEGAL NOTICES j NOTICE OF INTENTION. N dice Is hereby glen by tne hoard ol commissioners of Ocden City. Utah, of the Intention of said board of commissioners to make the following described improve ment, to wit. To create "Fv nvenuo b: tween .Twenty fourth sireot and the south city limits of Ogden City, Utah, as a pav ing district and to pave the roadway therein with Portland cement concrete pavement twenty feet In width, also to build culvi rts, irrigation and drainage systems, and to construct private water rervlce connections from the main to the curb line at tho expense of the Indl vidual owners opposite the lot? or parts of lots or houses not now supplied with such connections; The above homed work shall in.ludo the necessary grading therefor and all other work necessary to complete the whole in a proper manner according to the plans, specifications and profiles on file in the ol Hi of ih. i ll cnrlniei . and : to defray the whole of tho cost and ex penso of tho nbuttor's portion thereof by B levy of a special tux to be assessed upon tho lots or pieces of ground within 1 the following described district, being tho district to he affected or benefited by such improvement, namely "All the lanj I Ing between tho outer boundary lines of said street and a line drriwn fifty feet back from and parallel to said outer boun dary lines on both sides of "F" avenue between Twenty fourth street and tho south city limits of Ogden City. Utah, be ing Lots 1 to 12 Inclusive, Block 8 Brook lyn addition; Lots 1 to 12 Inclusive, Block 9 Brooklyn addition: Lots 1 to 12 In clusive. Block 10. Brooklyn addition; I.ots 1 to 5 Inclusive. Block 11, Brookhn addl Hon Lots 1 to 3 Inclusive Block 12. Brookhn addition. Lots I 2 31 and 32 Block 13. Brooklyn addition; Lota 1, 2 31 !nnd 32. Block 14, Brooklyn addition, Lots l 2 31 and 32. Block 15. Brooklyn addl Hon and Lot 12. Block 14. West Ugdcn addition, all In Ogden City survey. The estimated cost of each water con neetlon Is $50.00. The estimated cost ns given heiow does . not Include the cost of constructing prl ato water service connections, which .costs arc to be assessed against the prop erty benefited In addition to the regular assessment. The total cost of said Improvement Is estimated at $12,930 All protests or objections to such Im provem. nt or to the carrying out of such 1 1. ni lon must be presented in writing signed by ihe owners of abutting property describing the SOmt together with the , number of abutting front feet and be filed itvlth the rltv recorder on or beforo the 7th day of July, 1'.'20. The board ot commissioners at Its first regular meeting thereafter, to-wlt, the Mb day of July, 1920, will consider the pro posed levy and hear and consider such protests and objections to said Improve ment us shall have been made By order of tho board of commlslson ers of Ogden City, Utah Dated Juno 15. 1920 C. T. MOYFS. City Recorder. First publication June 16. 1920. Unat publication July 5 1020. Pub!i:.h. d In the (jeden Standard Kx:m Iner. P.i ing District No 13d NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF I STOCKHOLDERS OF HOOPER SUGAR I COMPANY. Notice is hereby given, that pursuant to h resolution of tho board of directors I a special meeting of the stockholders of the Hooper Sugar Company vill bo held at the office of the company, in the Kis sonic Temple building, In the City of Og .don. County of Weber and State of Utah on Monday, the 12th day of July, A. 1 PJ20, at the hour of 4 o'clock p, m., for Ihe purpose of considering nnd acting ut-on and confirming or rejecting th a. t tlon Of the hoard of directors of the com pany in having heretofore sold to Urnest R Woolley tho plant and all of tho prop erties, rights and cho-. s In nctlon. of ev cry kind ond description, for an agreed nmount of the capital stock of the Inter state Sugar Company, a Utah coi 1 0 1 tlon. and for the transaction of such other business as may properly como before the meeting, or an adjournment thereof Dated. June 26 1920 JAMES H RILEY, Sscretary Uatc of first publication. June. 2f.. 1020' Unit) of loit publication. July 10, 1920 jsiBBHe ' , ilriiiiHfliBv mBBilh mmu I lK' -5' ' mmmw liibrrty Rcll as she bxiks tnday. time and remembered It. Some of the men In office today waste most of their energy in t-llliit- what they art 1 going to do. They arc all tired out by the time they get down to work." "I don't follow you there," 1 said "A good guy ncds a good press agent. Look at Mitchell Palmer Whero would he be without his'."' "Where, indeed?" asked tho Bell. "Besides, didn't hear something about the way tho department of jus tloe treated alien-"" Shucks," said I. "they weren't even citizens." LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF ESTRAYS a?y ssUtah' County of "Weber, Ogden I have in my possession the following described .stray nlmals. which If not claimed and taken away, will be old to the highest cash bidder, at 1848 Washing ton Ay. nue In Ogden Clt. Utah, on the fJSL ot JuIv 1920. at the house of 12.30 p m One sorrell hoi-30. about 10 years old roach mane, white spot on face One baj mare branded H on right thigh, about 8 years old Said estrays were taken up h mo In said Cltj on the 89th day of Juno 100 FRANK NAISBITT, round ken p,.r 01 Ogden t'iU, I'tah NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS. OFFICE OF WYOM ING SUGAR COMPANY. Notic is hereby glv n' that pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Dlrei tOrs a special meeting of tho stockholders of the Wyoming Sugar Company will be held at tho offlco of the company. No. 617 David Bccles building, in the City of Og-I den County of Weber, and State of Utah or Saturday, the 19th day of July. 1320. at the hour of two o'clock p. m , for tho purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the ensuing year, and for the trans action of such other business as mav properly como before the meeting, or any adjournment thereof. Dated this ith day of June. i20 A. C LIGHT! LA LL. , SI t-iry PROPOSALS FOR RAILROAD EX-1 TENSION Office of Constructing Qunr term aster; Ogden, Utah, Room 317 Col Hudson building. Ogdon. Utah. Sealed proposals will be received here until 11 a m., July 21, 192'). and then opened, for the construction ol about ten miles of iallroad to be located at Ogden Arson ul. Ogden. Utah. 1'urther information on application. Jly9 DIVORCE CASE Georgette de la Plante Asks: Supreme Court to Reopen Reed Case (By International News Service.) NEW YORK July 3. Georgette de la Plante, modiste, whose whop has I been f reciuc-ntcd by the wealthiest wo men Of fashion, has asked the Supreme- court here to reonen the Daniel Reld divorce case which resulted last February In a decree for Mrs. Mai -garot Carrier Rcld and in testimony I made Mme. di la Plant the co-re-I spondent In a sensational manner, Mme dc La Plante claims that She never had a hane. during tho trial to enter an objection or denial to any of tho charges which Involved her good name and reputation and asks that the case be reopened that she might do so. Mme. do la Plante was said In tes timony given by tho Held servants to have had relations with Mr Reld. These Statements now are emphatical ly denied by the modiste. The Frenchwoman a brunette, slight and vivacious talked with a re porter in the office of her counsel. Mme. do la Plante said: 'The first I knew that I had been 1 so shamefully aspersed was when I j read In the newspapers of February 26 that Mrs Reld s servants had tes I tlfied against me. I was never named as co-respondent in the divorce suit j and so, of course, I had no notice that I I had any Interest In it Otherwise, you may he sure I would have been represented In court. "I am absolutely Innocent of any wrongdoing and I want the court to give nip a rhanco to set myself right before tho world I have no words I to tell you how I suffered when I read I the newspapers nnd saw that I bad I been accused The damage to my I good name and reputation seems Irre parable." I On the trial Tlllle Olson. Amanda, Gunnison, Mrs. Hold's personal maid, and Yli Sandstrom, a waitress In the Reld household, testified that Mine, de la Planto assumed -Mrs. Reid's place in tho household during Christmas week In 101S Mrs. Reld had gun.- to Atlantic r't Miss Olsen said Mme. de la Plante entered Mrs. Reid's suite and ordered water drawn for a bath. Then she told Amand 1 Ouhnison to bring her some of Mrs. Reid's llnfi l according to testimony Yi1 EfctDd strom said Mme. de la Plante slept in Mrs. Reid's bed. Mrs Rold's maid testified that oik day Mme. de la Plante complained of feeling ill When a physician wn.s suggested Mmo. de lu Plante said, sol the witness testified: "No. call Mr. Reid." When Mr. Reid came in wearing al dreealng gown, the witness said. Mme. I r "Would you mind looking at my H inscription0" said the Hell. I I walked about the Hell and read H "Proclaim Liberty throughout all the H L-and unto all the inhabitants there- of Lev. xxv. 10." H "Doesn't say anything about cltl- H zens there, does it?" demanded the H "Well, you ve got to admit there H are some big men today and right here H In Philadelphia, too," 1 returned. H "What about Penrose?" "Don't make me laugh," said the H Bell, "my Hp's cracked." le la Planto began laughing and later In his lap. Mme. de la Plante mentioned this H testimony and denounced the ser vants. She said the household em- H I ployee all hated her because Mr?. H Reld had asked her to institute some H discipline below stairs H She said she found the servants wearing low-necked gowns and H qucttlsh hosiery and footwear and she H ! recommended black taffeta gowns H I buttoned up to the chin . The unl- H 1 form gowns were ordered, but the servants said they wouldn't wear them. Tin n de , loped the violent antipathy in "that Frenchwoman," us they colli .1 MM her, according to Mme. dc- la Plante. 1 H In an affidavit Mme. do la Plante I said she wne a frequent guest for luncheon and dinner with the R. Ids. H She wn.s always treated n.s a friend, she J declared. She had no intimation that any charges were to bo made against H I her because of the visit of Christmas H j week. 1913 As late as October, 1919, Mme. de la Plante said she visited Mrs. Reld at the Hotel Vanderbilt. tak- H I Ing model? with her. Mrs. Reid was H must ordial and made n largo pur- H cha ind other articles. JH Mine, dc la Plante said a prominent society woman first brought Mrs. Reld H into her shop in September, 1919. She. made some purchases and thereafter H I became a constant visitor and regular H I patron. She manifested a friendship H for the modiste and made her many H small gifts. Mrs. Reid gave her fre- Muent invitations to visit tho Fifth avenue home, and one day brought In H her husband, Daniel G. Reid, and In- H troduced him After that, Mme de la H Plante says, she often lunched and H dined at the house, with the Re Ids. H Mrs Reid told her, she said, that H nothing would please her more than to have Mme. de la Plante with her, H constantly as a companion, to help hef H run the house and aid In entertain- ing guests. A few weeks before Christmas, 191 S, she says Mrs. Reld H told her she had planned a vacation to Atlantl City nnd she sought her to run the Fifth avenue household for H the week Mme. do In i'lante said H she had intended to take a trip to H France, but postponed It and obliged H 00 mm TRAIN" BANDIT 11 MPS ON WANE IV MTTXICO (By International News Service.) MEXICO CITY. According to of- H ficlal statements just made public there were 64 accidents on the Na tional Railways of Mexico during the H past year This Includes assaults by H bandits ordinary wrecks and derail- H The greater portion of the H assaults took place in the northern during the first months of the j year and prior to the establishment H 1 of protective blockhouses, since which H ! there has been a notable diminution and at present an almost cessation of H bandit raids on trains. Apart from H I equipment destroyed by bandits, the J 1 total loss from aclcdents for the year if 1 amounts to 500,000 pesos. H 00 H JAPAN M M s STUDY OF MEXICAN FARMING (By International News Service.) MEXICO CITY. A special commis- 1 sinner from Japan now in this conn- H try Investigating exclusively the meth- H ods of cultivating and handling sugar H Cane, honequon. cotton and all fibre MM plants produced in the republic H a view to their introduction Into Ja- H pan. Acordlng to Mexican officials. H this is In keeping with the Hnnounccd H policy of the Japanese government to secure nil possible information regard- J Ing the Industries and products of H Mexico in whatever line. After leaving H 1 the commisloner will visit South H I American countries on a similar mis- J nn LUMBER PRICES DROP. 1 ONSTRUCTION INCREASES (By International News Service.) H out the country have dropped from H 10 to 20 per In an effort by H dealers to stabilize the market and in- 1 At Kansas City a general reduction H j of 10 per cent was made effective in H all lumber yards, the production rang- H ing from $5 lo ?1 a thousand feet. H Quotations are as follows: Southern H pine, 535 a thousand, a drop of I6j H common shingles. $7 a thousand; pine H lathing, $1" a thousand, a drop of Ml H in a POLICE FISHING. (Cy News Service.) H CAMBRIDGE. Ohio. The police H force f Cambridge has gone fishing. 1 The city administration decided to H repair the city park lake The fish. H black bass, were removed to a foun- 1 tain H morning the fish were ml.-.?ing. H want the thieves. MmmmMmfmWl American capital Invested In the oil in Is said to cx-