OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, July 04, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-07-04/ed-1/seq-3/

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' I
l pfc (U nrV' bl AKP--XAXllNE:R- SUNDAY. JU1Y lojo 3 fjjl
1 " r)
Ore of the feature of our erv-
can come from, we ll end our high quality medicine. Rcmm
ber thla when on your vacation.
I fln Qucfe i4Ws Ftrsf J
Jj Qbl Accident will happen. An eTrgency out
,, .-, n9CmU ll ill times, particular
W v vi ' BOW lf fltvv"i', ,ir ',bout- ur ,tock of
'O' -me--nenc need I complete.
V BaalW Cotton Oand.ige
A 7 Ul yHBw Piat-r', dhlve
L L. l Oauzi Antieptic
' J& i J Peroxide
r xv Phone In any kind of emergency.
' - ' N We'll rush material to you
SPECIAL SOAP hold up fJnexrnTng Caps
lb H.oh quality: bene ELASTICS for
ficlai to your km. Abdominal support- Pretty Bathers i
Four delightful er. elat'c stock- e.ithmn equipment
Ki odors. ing. belt all of f.nhlon New
LBi4 Bo of ? Bais made to measure. color and styles.
B3Ba,S S , M sfact.cn as- 25c to fil.50
i e
Maltese Cross French I Delicious Specials at Our j
H Olive Oil I
0H 4 There I no scarcity of lm. hfiW
ported Olive Oil so far .is Cul- wS
y's I concerned. We can Drop in and Tf'-Sf'i'jt
till offer you the very highest f-fllL
grade French Oiivr OH at no Cool Off NT )S
advance In price.
li .?479 Washington Avenue Ogdcn
M -fa1
, B I R Mvl,t D'Ol !1 K.
r jjEj National OinmamltT, I he Ann -t i jiii l.inii.
- Two vim SATO, this day, our .inn I. IS
stood on tho .dame Sm-i ew hesitat
od in ihe balance. Americans at home
I jggi knew mlj that
Ejf8B ' ho
only tin1
ff pi. n I p.h t h
f " w i
iVil 111 J '' ' jmtitied a
0, f . I (nlpht later to
i )t ; i .'. in
1 1"
1 1 M , until i o
V a. UL Ja i c i
F. l , , blui are laid
ij away, bvit in the
1 lir.'irt." of (Li. wli.i i cl rif.il - Mill'
tin- Ideals and hih purposes, the
aplrlt indolntlsalilr, thnt saw them
throufjh the anxious days of 1918,
That spirit love of country, that
I spirit devotion to the Hiik. that spirit
I faith in th fundanientai justice of!
the basic Ihstltut umi . of ou . w ,
I Caution Against Idle !
S Dropping of Matches
rore.vt 8ervlco officials todoy callf.i'
itttentlon to the fact that the annual
forest fire season is approaching,!
warm weather.and lack of rains mak
51 Inp conditions hazardous In event that
a mntch is carelessly dropped, or a
cigarette, or clsnr stub is thrown intu
a heap of infhimnblc material.
Campers ami motor tourists are
urged by the officials to be .tremelv
careful of fires, a csrelessly thrown
mntch cat-ryinc a potential start which
n.iKht cause? the loss of millions of
li-ct of valuable timber.
ment. has preserved our nation
through the yaara it will carfy on
to solve the dlfflculln-.s that perplex,
the dancers that threaten, sm-.i days
as tins we renew our vows of faith in
the Republic. Tin- American Legion
pli dgea lis strength that this faith may
be fulfilled.
Mary Miles M inter, jiopuiar youna
Helart star, will be seen here in "A
C.URiberland Ramance." The photo
play Is an adaptation of the fascinat
ing mountain Idyll by John Fox. Jr..
entitled " A Mountain ICuropa " Sup
pprting Miss nflnter ar such wi-n-known
actors aj Monte Hlue, John
15.iw.is. (Juy iii.-r and Martha M.it
if'X. Charles Moigne, Known for his
fine handling of "The Fighting
Chance" and "The Copperhead,"
wrote the scenario and directed the
picture, which is said to be one of the
most artistic productions In which the
ylfted little artist has ever appeared
Manager Skinner of the Alhambra
theatre announces that Mary Miles
Mlnter will be seen it his playhouse
In "A Cumberland Romance" for three
ill's be -inniiiK lonlshr. The story is
an adaptation of A Mountain Kuro
pa," by John l"ox, Jr.. who wrote "The
Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come."
and "The Trail of the Lonesome
Pine." Miss Mlnter will be remem
bered by picture lovers as the beauti
ful little star of "Anne of Green Ga
bles," "Judy of Roguee Harbor,"
"Nurse Marjorie." and "Jenny lie
Do you not want freedom from fmancial worries?
Then the way to be free is to SPEND LESS than you earn
and to bank regularly a PART of what ou make
When you put money in the bank and always make your
bank balance grow instead of being always hopelessly in debt,
life will be a joy and you will take an interest in your work
Try it.
We Invite YOUR Barking Business
2384 Washington Avenue
V.l cro rr Uvrc are T.'rjnlf lo be fV) A m c j-Sfe 1
Where ct Trol.i ?nJ Jv.-j-Iko need d(rJntf , 6SSk Hk
rcrr9 rlaoncli Declaral.ion be proclaimeJ Sl VN '
In fearless terms of doalbles Indep enJeocc (Ajf q
hc-r Jir.irfant Opp'CMion it enxhrined, itf3Wv5fe
Mw-r-.- Vorcvcr Some fiT' ' to CmiLo . l . KsS fMW
a o)cfrson to k'iov tlie commori min i JfSF JjS f?
yArxi m irnmorb! stroprics to mjict 1 1. fifMr JnSf M
Wfi-rccv tf.-rc is ' Comrncm S'ornc" in: pi red wSr r
In joJcJc 5oulr by Tome cwraeoyr t3rtamov V I
,nd when Che Cooummatior , Icrn dsirJ , VbW
Is born in t'.rr,-. o( trepidanco 3nd" trerr,or,y, pr
Tiiorv my (here b 5omo VJoneocl.'S nevy Cuill, rl ll j J I
Wf o;o Jroko cbjll snow bosv -jturJlIy bo S ign 1 1 -S Js
Siam p trtQ' a nation's v-n- c)' ct Jnt will C$ fJi
Upon Lbo SOl of Gnrc$es bebmd lb I
.'Xnl v.ben Jt: miybo now) we Jronc tbc pKreSI jflBfc
finA doem ib tr to, bffc-aoj our wits l"avo wnercj BpWWjj '
O, let os SPize upon tb.r D.; of dayJ f I pSSsScaM
Jn wrncll Ibe S'pirit of lb sbdll b pondereo ' ' 13 If wfjf
.And when its llant SontencoS are ffcrolled 3 H
it find minds anj Vcjts fo comprcheni it,
Yor lb skall bw a Skeleton, msoulod, Q 5' Jl
Unless ib rouje i I people to AmiirnA ib 1 yjl A M jJj
,.f?.-H- )
"Over the FaISs,, Big j
Feature With Carnival
. j
. i . -
One of the biggest features with the;
I Clarence -. Wortham shows, which
; come.s Wednesday to sUige the Merman'
i liaker Post No. 1. American Legion
carnival, is the rid; "Oyer the Kails"
' Last summer this machine was the
! wonder of Coney 11 mil In New York;
,nl Venice Beaih in California
The one that comes with the
Wortham shows Is only one of twenty-1
,five features, yet It stands out aliove
all others. It is the only one on the:
road, and thus far It has been the.
talk of those sections of the country
1 It has visited.
j "Over the Falls" Va a Yankee inven
tion. It came about by accident, and,
'the routing of Indian legends A part)
of hunters from fhe I'nited Slates
numbered among themsslyee the ln
ventor of "Over the Falls." He vol-;
! unteered to take a canoe across the
MacKentle river in Canada, and with
It many of the packs of tho crowd.
They were accompanied ly Indian
Kuldes that warned him that if his ca
noe was upset he would bo thrown
Into the falls, and no man had ever
Warn and lived to toll the story.
) His canoe was upset, but he was
OgcJen Woman Protests to
City Commission Against
Ruthless Slaying
Complaining that a certain member
Of the Ogden fire department, amused
himself with unmanly practice of kill
ing and injuring robins with a sling
shot, and that her complaint to tho
police department was ignored, and
that Captain of DetSttVSfl Robert
Burk la alleged to have practically up
held and commended the action of the
fireman in killing off one of America'
greatest song birds, Mrs. C. D. Burrell
Orant avenue, 1ms appealed to
the city commission. She also aaks
that her communication be published
In tho Standard-Examiner In order
that full explanation may bo given.
Mayor Frank Francis this morning
turned the communication over to tho
Standard-Examiner with his approval
to have it printed. The message fol
lows: "City Commissioners- I would llko
to have this communication given
space in the Standard-Examiner, lf It
meets with your approval. The writ
er, while passing through the park
near the Grant avenue firehouse, Wed
nesday, saw one of three firemen who
were sitting on the lawn amusing
themselves with a flipper.
"One man, flipping ft stone at a
robin, injured it bo that it fell from
tli tree when the fireman picked it
up and rung Its m-ck. then fllppe.i n
.mother robin, but fortunately mlSSi I
his airn.
' The Incident was reported to Chief
of Detectives Robert Burk at the po
lice station who declared there was
nu law or fine in this stale ajul that
hu would give said fireman a medal
determined to die game. He used H
as a breakwater hi the first plung
into the rapids and when he set about
saving himself he let the wreck go
He had not gone far when he dlscov
er I that Instead of being a thing of
danger di. fails was the most sensa
tional ride lie had ever taken. Any one
who could swim at all could navigate
th. falls.
When his companions had landed
they ran down the bank to look for
the body of then friend.
There they found him, safe, sitting
on a rock, and with i small stick in
his hand, drawing u diagram In the
sand. He has figured out tho falls
mei li inlcally and when he came home
Invented the machine that gives one
all the sensations of his odd ride, ex
ceOI the drenchliiF. Those who ride
It leave it convulsed with laughter
and urge their friends to make the
Iver the Falls" is one of the scores
of attractions with the Wortham
Shows, which aro scheduled to open
i here Wednesday nlht. There are
thirty-five carloads of fun With this
I company, and they come to make I
ihi ir stay at I.orln Farr park.
to sit in his yard and do the same
"Mr. Burk is not well informed as a
poll' eman. for there is a fine for kill
ing robins in this state as well as
My opinion on the amusement this
fireman WSS Indulging in. Is that It is
an outrase and disgrace to the city of
pgclen. and if one can get no satisfac
tion by reporting such matters to the
p.. Hi., would advise that a humane
off 1 r be appointed who would do his
duty. This city Is sadly in need of
( Signed )
"2652 Grant Avenue."
ll 1 BTRIKES (il
NEW Yi UK Strikes ln this coun
try during the pas' five months have
cost. It Is computed here, J157.6U3,
370. I
y III M i) 1,1 IHBBM
I The Commercial
I National B4nk I
1 with thrift by saving
:i miP-h as ou rati
I n hp your income 3
I and depositing it
writb the ( lommercial
National Hank.
D Begin today j
Pom per t - -1 1 1 lnter
IE --l I 'aid on Sa in-.pi
r k Ai i oun1 compound-
il quarterly.
i ggggH
rMh In The City I
T'Bj Has No Attractions I
F-F ' For This Girl
gypfsgri tygp aagwyry
A QTf?' is mountain-bred and j
ttff A JL JL4m. mountain-loving. The high LB
- places next to Nature's heart are home to her. Here
mL3bo0 in a rude cabin that a city person would not care to
live in, she spends her happy childhood days. J
And "Easter" has a strange aversion for the Big
City. She doesn't care to live in it. Its culture does :
not impress her. Up among the peaks, folks are
honest, at least. Nevertheless she comes to admire
a city man. A SOCIETY MAN AT THAT! All
her notions cf love and life itself are knocked gal
ley west.
How could so odd a romance terminate? See for
yourself tonight.
In the Great Blue Grass Play
HA Cumberland Romance' I
From John Fox, Jrs., Great Story I
Mack Sennett's ' V - Ky
A Great Comedy - Jbiv
- ' 'l
5:00, 7:00 9 00 ;
y :'$:'
Celebrate the Fourth at the Alhambra t7K v
if Cv. ??!', t
Doorj Open Monday 12:45 mm S, jgaPi - - HMSfBEJOt
First Show at 1.15 MAR.I E PR.EVOST w
18 M
PI Mil
American Made Shoes Sell for
Less There Than in the
United States
BUCHAREST, Juno 9. ( Mali.
Rumania, is being swept with a vast
wave of speculation, the object of
which is to overcome the high cost
of living, which harasses th. ric hest
unl poorest alike The primary cause
of tho advanced prlc of necessities Is
Itound In the fact that all manufac
tured products have to be imported.
v, ln'nsi m thiTi- Is sufficient amount Ol
food grown In tho country to support
tho population and this food has not
risen lit proportion to dress goods.
I The i-ot of living ln Rumania has
, tM0O tin- occasion of many striken, but
q3 In eiT other country ln Europe.
I people sneui to find unexplained ways
of buying fine clothes and keeping
themselves well dressed.
The wealthy women of this counlry
make bi-annual trips to Paris and re
turn with their trunks tilled with
iboefl nil silk stockings and dresses
of the latent fashion, which they bring
Into tho country despite the prohibi
tion against the Importation of such
ai tides .nut also :i 25 per rent cus
tom! duty which is paid wln-n Bpe lal
permission Is obtained to bring in
goods. When such pti nils-sio'i i t t
obtained the goods are smuggled in
automobiles over the front h i s
1'rincess Elisabeth went t Paris
last winter and bought herself three
hiik'e trunks full of new clothes, but
arrived home heartbroken. While
passing through Jugo-SIavia during
the customs examination, the trunks
rc stolen.
The American Ked Cross has con
tributed to the clothing of a good
many thousands of people in Rumania.
Some of this clothing found Its way to
the shops. It Is not uncommon to
find women who ha e converted)
American army shirts Into skltts, first
dyeing them another color. Blankets,
have also been used for the making
of cloaks and overcoats.
The American shoe is practically
the only article to be found In the
shops These shoes sell i-t a price ofi
$4 to $S, cheaper than In th" I'nited
States Trices of clothing have beeVi
Increased about tenfold as compared
before tho war. Women's dresses
Whli h formerly cost 200 leis or about
$35, now cost 2.000 leis
The actors and actresses are still
underpaid. Rumania's greatest com
edy actress, Mine. Marie Giurgca, re-
ceivea 1,000 leis per month, or half
the price of .in expensive dress. Music H
hall artists receive 20 to 50 leis a
night It is difficult for them to live
and dress themselves well, as they H
have no means of making money in H
side lines, such as in the moving pic-
tuies Industry, which his not yet been
developed ln Rumania.
Cabinet members ire practically the
only ones who have not had their sal
aries raised They still receive the
equivalent of about $200 a year. The
former minister of the interior, Nich
Olas LupU, Was nearly bankrupted on
one occasion when he was, compelled
to buy a silk hat to appear at a royal
I'ap. r manufacture requires the d
tructlon of "j500 acres of forest dall
W When Prices Come Down B I
q Money Goes Up
That's a fact that is causing all prudent people to
' put away every dollar they can. Prices of many
l :ommodities arc already on the downward path, the j j
l lower they go, the higher money becomes. j
Put your surplus money in any one of half a j
J dozen good investments. Our 7 per cent Savings fO
-J Certificates, 8 per cent first mortgages, our partlci- - Jj
pating 7 per cent guaranteed preferred stock, and
3 others of gilt edged security we're offering now. Our
2V payment plans make it easy to start. Ask for com- fcH
plete details 3
f The 6tiar2nltTHor3rAe (ompanu I
.. ,.u , ,AnuVfO" ms 4i-TwtnT rouTH ?t

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