HH - 2
Question of Reorganization
Will Be Thrashed Out in
SALT LAKE. July 5 Although thoy
Will not hold their firm formal sr
1 Hlon until tonight member of the Na
tional Education association guthered
here for their annual convention al
ready are drawing their lines for a
renewal of the contest brought Into
prominence last year on the question
of re-organh'-atlon.
In all quarters it la admitted that,
this Is the principal issue this year.
The specific question Is whether the
body shall transact Its business!
through :i liO'l of lel-g:ili-s -1 . -1 . -. 1
from state education botflss affiliated
into one national unit instead of
through the vote of all members at-
! idliig the. national convention as atj
ffJKj Six cities have invited the next
H meeting. They arc New York. Chl-
tJMfc i.tifn, Philadelphia, Ies Moines, SI.
H Joseph, Mo., and San Francisco.
H Educators arriving from all over the
H4 country for the forty-eighth annual
M convention of the national educational
Kl association were discussing two steps
f ;.t taken by t lie conference of state sup-
H erlntsndsnts of public instruction
H The first of these was adoption of a
H resolution declaring that certificates
H permitting instructors to teach in
H schools below the grade of colleges
Hj should not be granted aliens. It add-
LVB cd that eltiaena should take a special
HM I oath of allegiance prior to receiving
V"J Oertiflcatea Some Mipcrinten'lonts
said they regarded paaaagfl of this res-
HQfe olulion as a pledge to work for laws
JH in their slates which would carry out
H its provisions. They also said thai
HflR the only reason It had not been so
I 'M drafted as to apply to college lnstruc-1
HB tors was that in such event I might
mr r, ........ -1 n c nntn s.n loll. .,!
Kmmu change professor- from foreign lands
.'! I I P kRl ! ICS FAIL.
W 1 The othi i action and the "ii- which
HL was causing most comment, was as.-
w MM 1
mas, slate superintendent of public
y i Instruction In Maine, which said
' i- deplore the fact that the two
great political purtles failed to give
in their platforms adequate rec-ognl-tlon
of the importance of education a
mm related to national welfare and sccur-
In all quarters it was admitted thai
9M the principal Issu to come before the
H convention was that of reorganization
B on deJcK.it. plan ' plan
H the buelnea of the body would be
H transacted by a meeting of delegates
H from state educational bodies affillat-
H ed into a single national association.
WM Mis Margaret Haley of Chicago was
jWl credited with leading the opposition
J '' Ihls move line objection raised
WM was that it might Interfere
Hl with the powers of local teachers fed-
Hl erationa some of which have affiliated
1 with the American Federation of La-
fl bor. mi.-.s Hale) ami s QiUan of Mil.
H waiikee, led an unaucccsful fight
H against the delegate plan last year,
B Hugh S Magi I of Washington. D.
Hjj C, fltki secretary of the association.
KH Is expected to present the plan, which
H is under consideration by the assocl-
JH atlon's board of directors.
H This is the eoi.d tun.- the educa-
j tors have convened here, the other oc-
4i.fi M i caslon having been lh 191 J !x cities
t have Invited the body to chouse them
f foi Its nexl meeting and the Invitations
1 will l i ented ornja lly latex In the
week i hi are New YorV Ch
RjH Philadelphia. Dos Moines, SI Joseph!
H Mo., and San Francisco.
The educators will hold their first
M formal session tonight, but prellmln-
fM ary meetings have been going on for
HHj several days and a patriotic program
WL i scheduled as the tirei general Besjlo'n
I I was carried out last night.
fl litfflBE
V MANILA, June 22. (Delayed.) j
HK Resolutions asking the American Fed-1
KflHK eiation of Labor to urge the congress1
KH ot h United States to grant lnde-i
H pence to the Philippines' were adopted1
im. today at a mass meeting railed by the
f labor congress of the Philippines.
The resolutions stated this was
asked In view of the federation's ac-1
nun in endorsing the Irish republic.
mM ZAKSVIU,E. "h.o. July I M t, r
LJ being on the road nearlj twelve hours
Hi! Benator Harding, (he Republican can-
M dldate for president, and Mrs Hard-i
IHh ,nK reached here tonight from Cum-1
qgmjji berland. en route to their home In I
KHu Marlon. Ohio by automobile
ai "Boss of the
Flying Hw
"The Silent
The Century
Wonder Dog in
"The Tale of a
1 Dog"
and the last episode of
"The Invisible
H Hand"
Former Ogden Man Is
Suggested by Commoner
(Con tin aed Prom race One
I convention of St. Ixul four years ago,
ami Snnator Walsh Is one of the big.
! progressive Democrats In the senate.
I f we want a great Jurist, why not
if o to the supreme court of the L'nl' d
States and invite Justice LJrandels to
1 head the ticket".' No American cltl
I zen Is more Idealistic, no constructive
I statesman more practical, and no one
I in the nation more passionately de-j
1 voted to constitutional liberty.
Then thne is Judge Seabury of N m
Yoik, who waa a few years ago hon-
ored with the Democratic nomination
for governor of the Empire state, and
who had the courage to speak out
against the recent 'Democratic state
convention's declaration In favor of,
I nullifying the Volstead law by state
I statute The supreme court sustained
hU contention.
Honorable Samuel (Jntermeyer nf
New York has been a promising Dem-!
ocrat for a quarter of a century and i
is one of the ablest lawyers in thl Q
United States. j
Ex-Senator Shafroth of Colorado I
m ule a splendid record In congi. N
and In the senate. He came into the, I
ieinoir.it partv in 1K96 when gold I
Democrats were leaving us, and has
bc-en a tower of strength to our party
over since If could mule Demo
crats that left us In 1896 for Etopub-1
Means like Shafroth, who came to us,
the ..i r i could well afford to make
I the exchange at the sacret ratio of 14
I of such Democrats to one such Ite
publlcan. II - ni, OEA ORD.
If we prefer to go to the house of
representatives Congressman H. T.
Etalney ol central Illinois deserves con
sideration. He has a long congres
Mional rei oid and has been the peo-1
jile's champion for more than two de
cades. If he were our candidate, he
w , 1 1 1 . be a sufficient amendment to
tho antl-profiieering pi. ink of our;
There are oilier governors and e.
eovernors, Judg ' -Judges. Iaw-
it is. senators and ex-senators, con-
great n and ex-congressmen. I only,
mention thes-- in show how man we
hn.vA samrdes of an inexhaustible i
supply. Hut nuppose we want to tryi I
the experiment of nominating a busi-l I
i nss man instead of a man in politics"
Honorable D B, Musgrove of Alabama j
came near defeating Senator I ruin- .
wood a few weeks : go lie is a su - j
cetvsful business man ami had Ui sup-j
port of the undeceived dis (iho.-e j
who knew that the wots are planning:
to capture, if possible, the national'
convention while they begged the drysjl
to believe that the. question was set-:!
tied . and I he wage earners. He re-ij
duced Mr Underwood's plurality from II
something like 40,000 o considerably -less
than 10,000 'lol his in ijority to
le.vS than 1,00'J, noiVMihsi'indlng M;
I ndei wood .. long legislative careei I
and his pies. ni i osmium is leader ol
the minority in the senate. ,
Colonel l' H. allahan of Kentucky!
is anotlier rosperous business man
who enjoys a national reputation with
out occupying a national oili. He
has been conspicuous for his lender-j
snip in co-operation with employes,
mid in profit-sharing '
l.einember tliat these men do not
exclude others; they are simply illiis-
tratlons of our wealth of available;
men I have already spoken of Sena
tor iiwen. whose name Ih before the
convention. He ls b Virginian by birth,
a western man foi a quartei 'i t cen-j
lury, and better acquainted with all
flnaricisH questions than anj Wall
street authority. He led the fight In
the Senate lor the ..iiirenev law which,
was enacted ovei the oiposition of
the financiers and wnich has vlndl-l
'-..terl Itsrll In cp, r .'. ion II has been
a ploneei in prohibition and woman's) I
suffrage and lie is .i.i iit all the
schemes of NN'all street he would not
deserve to be considered as a candl-l
dale if he was not.
K l he leaders of this convention
want someone closely connected with
the adminbti ilion. why don't thej
support Secretary Daniels, oi Sscre-
Ini-v M ft r,. i-l illi '' The frirmnr uimnpln. i
tended the transportation of the troops Q
across the oqean with a minimum of B
Ioas, end the latter la in close contact a
with one of the largest of our Indus- C
trial groups, l he farmeis Doth have jj
prohibition records; both are support- B
en 01 woman suffrage, both are on' 9
j the people's side against Wall street 0
"n not Honorable John Skelton Wil-j
Hams the best comptroller o'f the cur-
rencj the country eer had?
If we need a man with special:
I knowledge of our diplomatic needs,
jthe names of former Ambassador Ger-I
lard oi Ne. r.. and former Ambas
sador Shnrpe of i'.uo occur to one
The former was fill Uerlln durinp thoj
pie-war period, and Ihe latter at i':irls I
while the war raged if all of the1
above names are challenged for cause
and rejected, 1 shall be glad to furnish
another list longer than this, altbom-h
I cannot promise to name belter men.
Will the leaders of the convention
(longer evade the Issues of the carn
Ipalgn? Will they come out into the
open and gle the Democratic party a
I chance to appeal to the American
people? it used to be said in cnti-
Icisin of barbarians that thov carried1
women and children In front of the;
army to prevent attack. Is It less rep
r.luimtbie. for political wanlors to
I shoot from behind a sick bed? The
h a 'v no monopoly of sympathy for the
Pteeident The nation, regardless of!
section or party, mourns the presi
dent's affliction and their grief Is ln-i
Ii reused because the president has'
'been compelled to present his cas.
through the substitutes upon whom he
ha to rely, but it Is time that these
I men appear in ordinary uniform ln-
I oi in the garb of hospital In-1
In closing this article, already tool
0 IB 1 real but how can I compressl
" much material into shorter spacc-
I permit me. dear readers, to assure I
'you that there is much to cheer me In
! I hat come from the drv
delegations, at the command of some-.
body, dodged (he prohibition issue. I
J ,, v are becoming more and more!
's as the daj approaches w hi n
they must meal then- constituents audi
explain their course. A story Is go-'
ing around that seems to fit their I
case A farmer, starting out to his
' oik, , ,i ,,: .ine his dog sleeping
peacefully ut the door, thus advised1
"' U have an easier time than I
1 have. ,ave to work while vou !
lie &l on ml anil sleep 1 ha ; e to go
oul m i hunt something to eat while
ire fill three times a day This
got s on until we both ,h. an(j , nen
you are done, while I have to go
well, where I'll have trouble, yet." !
Idaho Athletes to i
I Join Olympic Games
NEW FORK July 4. Five western
collegiate all-round athletes and one
from Georgetown University earned
the right to represent the United
States In the pentathlon contest at the
Olympic sanies iii Belgium at the
final tryouts for that ecnt which were
held at McGoldrlck Field, Brooklyn
Among them were Leon l'errine ami
!: H Irving, both from the Unlversil
of Idaho. " I
Last & Thomas- -
We are closed all day Monday. Opens Tuesday Morning With
Decisive Price I
Affecting All Departments, Made Possible Through Foresighted Large Purchases. Vast I
Quantities of Popular Merchandise for Women, Misses and Children. Comprises Ready-Made
Wear Apparel and Piece Goods Radically Reduced to make July a Record Breaker from a
Selling Standpoint. The Cut Prices are so Exceptional and Extraordinary that one can scarce
ly realize how important it is. We have Sacrificed all thought of Profits and Cost to make I
these Redued Prices unparalleled and irresistible for value given and make buying an easy
matter for conservative shoppers. The following list gives you an idea of the great savings I
possibilities: j
Cut Glass Sale HJt , Satin Plaid Poplins I
Dilk bloomers, pink only,
90c EACH elastic top and hemstitching $2.25 YARD
Values up to $3.50. .Clear, ringing Cut Glass, trimmings. Only a limited 36 inches fof g te g
choice assortment of 12 items, offered for a Quick amount to sell at this Spe- Dresses. Handsomely designed Satin Plaids in
Selling at this Remarkable Sale Price. Such won- cial le e. Prachcal colors, Black, Brown, Copen Blue, White,
derful values as Celery Trays, 2-b. Candy Jars, P A M1SOT F; and Navy lt W yu to W one of these Silk
Comports High-Foot Whipped Cream Bowls, CAMISOLES Dm Patterns. This silk L made for wear and
Comports Low-Foot Fruit Bowls, 7-inch Print AT endurance and the sensational Cut Price will no
Bowls. 8-inch ango Dishes, Nappy's Shallow TWO ATTRACTIVE doubt be foremost selling point in this Silk Sale
Fruit Bowls, 7-inch Mayonnaise Bowl and Plate SALE PRICES
Pickle Dishes. Every one a Bargain at this Phe- Sale Ot Silk ShirtingS '
nomenal bale rnce. 7 rn q nn , C1 Qn O
high Grade bdks a ? f
r Lfamty Pure bilk Camisoles, -i c . j u- l i , . . ,lVB "
for Beautifully Trimmed in St-'P d High Colored Combination Stnpes
r-r. r ,,, Fine Laces. Georgette n I"trouS fmish after washing and
Fine Dress Wear Band,ng and Salin RibbonS. a mT0hn:;scat y wcarlng Tub I
Actual $5.00 values, 36 and 40 inches wide. This If m. T
selection comprises Satin Plain Bangelines, Serge Dainty Silk Undergarments CLTXCL W llltB UfeSSCS
Satin Changeables, Khaki Kool Pongees in such at unusual Reduced Prices.
prominent colors as White, Belgian Blue, Navy, Here is an opportunity to All in the Catastrophe of Price Cutting.
Ocean Blue, Black, Rose, Changeable Serge Sat- j select Fine Silk Underwear Intrinsic values at Tremendous Savings. Silk,
ins in subdued color combinations, Lavender and at Less than Wholesale Satin and Wash Dresses for immediate and future j
Silver, Buttercup and White, Brown and Gold, Prices. wear Beautiful styles, up-to-the-minute in every
Purple and Black, Navy and Black, Pink and taste. Dresses for hot summer days; dresses for
White and many other selectable dress colors. .A tiNVtLUflL CHLIYilbt, street ancj evening wear; fashionable silk gowns
high lustrous purple finish Serge Satin for fine At Qne Remarkable Sale fr discriminating women who demand quality and
dress gowns. Ask for these new silks at the Great price $2.95 style in correct tailoring will find their choice at a I
Price Concession. pjnk Crepe de Chine on a comparative saving of money.
" ' Wash Satin Chemise. $4.50 .
. ,nrtr.n to $5.00 values. Undersell-
SILK ENVELOPE IMPORTED CHINESE ,ng the market quotation,
CHEMISE PONGEE by offering such wonderful
. i ,. , i i Silk Under Garments at this 1 1 1 R-qh -m gnk S3 -2 rm
Values up to $7.50. Special- A special high grade qual- Great Sale Price. IgH ft? ft? OSS
ly priced $4.25 ity. regular $2.00 and $2.25 gj
Pink Crepe de Chine Lace on sale for . $1.33 Yard IMPORTED PONGEE I
on a Ribbon Trimmed En- Genuine all Silk Pongee. 32 That Genuinc japaneSe I
velope Chemise, made of inches wide, smooth woven. Quality. Special .. 95c Yard SLJ BH A B M.
an excellent quality, all h,Sh grade all Pure Silk pu,j 37 inches wide naturaJ M W
Pure Crepe de Chine hoice Pongee. This Quality coors Qnly A heavy grade BjF ML ML JBLsJI
of Styles and Sizes to select shows the Perfection in imported pongee( regular
from. Wonderful Bargain, weaving without flaws. $ .50 seller. For wear and
Long threads of silk are 1 sm vm. ljm nm n -
satisfaction none better. faPffik Wa 1 f8 TBT
OUR SILK SALE IS THE used in this quality only J H JB H M S
TALK OF THE TOWN and hJ entire crocheting cotton -3i ILllrijlS
istaction lor wear and en- Awn ptrpvqttb-
Notice These Marvelous durance ?wo D FIBRE
Reduced Selling Pnces t . Ck. , ,Y Regular 20c ahd r,r ,
t 1 r c 11 ror Men s ohirts and Worn- Sale P irp lf)r nnnl
Imported Pongee Specially . o4ier. ee iuc bpool
o j A,. Yarn en s olouses and Dresses. ' lain 811,1 wiangeable crochet Women s pumps, with plain tw jga sx mm
Reduced ...... oc Yard fibre silk. SikI, famous .,ual.- ill gf fl If
32 inches wide, natural Jap genuine I ongee at a Bar- ti(s as ijUXIir;t flhn, Sllk ai(, fronts or nbbon ties, with W. H g L
Pongee, Regular $1.25 a gain Price. Dexter crochet cotton. I I
yard An Excellent Qual- flU1 or baD' Louls beel3 ox' eft V B
ity Pongee for wear and LEATHER rOCKETBOOKS COLORED EEACH SUITING fords m black or brown, full
1 . p, 11 55c Yard S3
washing. Uesirable foi Special $1.65 Louis or military heels. Val- Of W ZIZZZ
Dresses and Children's 30 Laches wide regulai c ,
wear Wonderful Bargain. Rc8ular 2-?0 leather pocket- grade colored Btriped beach ues from $11 to $15 i
hooks, snlr and lop straps; fit- suiting Washable suiting for I
v a mp v uatt) Tjnw ptrron ,"1 Avl,h mirror and inner com summer wear A splendid vsri- 1
FANCY HAIR BOW RIBBON ()f (;,int Btppiea o
38c Yard h'u'"- t J
r,o, and i , Plaid . nd C0IN PURS AND POCKET DRESS FASTENERS ft AlL
flowered hair ribbons m an ex- BOOKS, 55c 5c Card Big girls' pumps in potent or kid leather I
cellent varittj ol colors, ilcn- Sr 0 off D
did quality; will wash and Coin purses that every wom- Our regular ipc sellers in white Regular $7.00 and $8.0C values E oJt J
wear. an or miss requires to hold spe- and black; all sizes. Genuine
, sale price. ,
eiai change,
HOOKS AND EYES White Fabric Oxfords $3,95
BEDSPREADS, $2 68 CRIB BEDSPREADS - 2 Cards for 5c
as Ior 0C With Military Heels $4.95
$3.50 regulai Red and blue cro- Excellent Value, Special $1.75 Our best quality hooks and eyes V Ufl1
cheted bedspreads. Easy to $2.25 crib style crochet bed- in a variety of colors Will not welt boles $6.95
handle Ideal for camping and spreads in Mhile ouh Hemmed rust; give' entire satisfaction. SPECIAL
outdoor sleeping. Special re- Bpreads for children's beds, stock up at this remarkable sale f
duced price. Splendid bargain. price. 1 -
Last & Thomas- I