OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, July 06, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-07-06/ed-1/seq-3/

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P Without America the League
! of Nations Is Bankrupt:
Other Phases
1 ' j ii. 1. 1 M L m i i IBAR
International Xewn Berries smrr
LONDON, July :. The league of
HH nation ha rothlnjr but costly offl-
ClaJfcj comnilMlona and resolutions."
"To protect a small state It has no
more power than the Society for the
I'rotection of Women and Children."
It Is now certain that America will
never work out in Europe tho WUeon
iiL inn covenant."
H "Wlthotrt America tho league
N ' Th .' .ire l.ut a few of the points
made bv Frederick Harrison In an
nrticJo written for tho Fort nightly Re-
JUL irrlaon Is exceedingly wii kno.wn
in England as a thinker and an au
tlior. He Is lght -eight nrs of
age, but In uptte of his yearn has an
K3 i xtraordlnury vigor of mind and body.
Kj Ii. 1901 he was Washington lecturer
Chicago now is rlce-preeldont
of tb Royal Historical society. As an
nnthor he has written Inrjie number
It Is not for us to Judge the po-
1 nticai problems and parties within th
republic of the I'ntled States." con
jssH tmues Harrison "There la much to
JB Justify both sides In the deadlock be-
I J twecjl president and senate Demo-
PrT I i rat and Uepubllcnn it is entirely'
s' lor them to settle thinga tn their own j
. .i in their own home
fe "But see the result of the deadlock
i i he oi Id i ound
KgS "It Is plain that the covenant and
H ih. fourteen points were the Amerl-;
Ii can condition on which the republic
HH brought Ms enormous weight, its In-
gJB exhaustible armies. Its wealth and lis
IH inateriul resources Into the war."
" - 'i . 'Bui for i hat coven nl B
PD tain, France and Italy would have!
IV F" their enemies in some form. But thej
y ! rms of the American Intervention
had entirely transformed the whole
The peaci w n II came- had
ii) hound up with the American i
ri 1 topis I nd rif t3 rac in I urop
In Asia were fired with tho passion of
elf-aesei Lion al thi call ol the blg
ulB Kost of the entente powers."
H Then the domestic quarrel In the
H states broke out. It withdrew In ac-
H tion and In council. it left its de-
H serted comrades in war to deal with
the confusion of Europe and to pacify
H the furious hopes and hales of races." i
H The republic withdrew In action; It
H did not withdraw in words Refusing
LR to meet in council, refusing men, '
money or goods to its own creation,
1 viz., the league of nations. Haloes not'
fl cease to crltlolae, to complain and to
Bfl Interfere ho'h officially ami unofficial-
B ly in the doings of lis late allies and
fl in the execution of Its own treaty
H It will not ratify Its own treaty,
H yet it condemns the allies who have
HH theirs.
K9 The president will do nothing, meet
H no one. discuss nothing: yet he claims j
H to dictate to us his wishes and his I
H OUUWrM from his sick room.
H "Senators, mayors and the press J
HI hark . nd Kt'owl .ihoiit I!rll:'h aitemp'-
HV 1 to settle convulsions In the world
M which the repuhllc will not tOUOll, i r -
Ksfl Rsmuch as it passes by on the other
A side
HH "And the Journals and even Ini-
HHBi portant public men use Ireland. In-
dla. Egypt and the sea as counters In
HHHH their own parly game.
"We well know the necessity of a
HHflH good understanding between our peo-
HHBj pies, and our public men and press
bear Insults and Injuries In silence.
M i Bui man ma; falrlj .i.-k Is It an
I honorable part of so r'orlous a nation
HHEB I to Jeer at tho Good Samarlt&n while
UQ I It prefers to 'pass by on the other
Hfl I side'?"
HBb Referring to Armenia and the re.
HHSV I fusal of America to accept the man-
1 ilate for that country, "Harrison o-1
VjHj I ' It was an American president and
HrH A i mti- . i. u ho, during
Ha HbII l he wat and during the conferences
HHRII most passionately pleaded for a league
HHlHJj of nations to protect the weak peo
HHlHjl k plea of tho east. The belief of the
HHHjrl world) wa.s that whatever other task
WBnlfl u,c republic undertook the mandate i
L-jkA ( (t! sa-e Armenia would be their ob-
HHHI vlous duty."
HHl'l ' And now an internal dispute seems
AHHb to reject that and every European
HHDJJI I cause until after March. 19 21. at car.
!S1- .
(By International Newe Service. )
H MEXICO CITY. During lyiy Mexl.
HVfl ' .ol!eil tO th- United Slates .". -
jA 1 370.307 pounils of copper, Valued al
HX 577,393 this out ol a total of,
HHHn 136,465,000, tho entire Importation1
HHJk Into the United States, according to al
HHHZ statement Usued by the Secretary of I
HHH3 C'ouirnereo and Industry.
HHHH I Miring the .same period sfejctcp pro-
HHHjl duced 7a.noo.ono oum-es of silver.
HHHb ounces more than 1318, and 16,-
HHa 000,000 ounces more than produced In
HHa the United stat.-n during the same j
HHHl Mexico's cotton crop this year will I
ie In of 2 bale B0,
HHHJ bales over last year.
HHHl officials records show that since th
sAHjl revolution against the government of
5HHB I'orfirio Diaz in 1010, Mexico's i.m-
VBI ports and exports have Increased more
KXJ than three hundred per cent.
US TOLEDO Sleuths here are search -
HHHJ ing the bookstores for clues to those
HHj1 most given to read lug the yellow backs
HHH of other days. They think that'.'- ih-
31 way to find the folks who pinned
HHHl skull and erossboncs note to Mrs
HHH V. H. Ruhr's door. The note said
HHHl "Fair lady beware. Death is near.'
i 1
! Giant Machine Assigned to
Make Daily Circle Covering
400 ' Miles Daily.
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. July 5 So
SUOCSSSful has the patrol by airplane
'of the national reserves in southern
'California proven to the government
(that the fianl machine. operating
from Ifareil Field, near Riverside, has
been asslgjnsd the task of making a
I daily circle tour coverlnK approxi
mately 400 miles I'nder the new as
signment the air scout 7-one has been
extended gre:itl both to the nmlli and
to the south of the operating base .
Flying as far south as San Diego
and reaching to the north as far as
Santa Mafla, 'he scout patrol keeps an
ever watchful eye on the forests In
the government domain My mentis
of trlreUMs equipment any blase on
the hillside Is located by its tell-tale
smoke, reported to the nearest station
I. means of wlreles-i telegraph and US
career promptly ended by ranfcrs a ho
rush to the location In automobiles
To make the service more effective
Is private landing rtage has been con
structed al Santa Barbara for the use
of the patrol plane and u complete ra
dio station I'.'ih been installed there.
On its northbound trip the airplane
covers the west end of the AjlgalSS
and all of the Santa Barbara national
reserve On Its southward flight from
March Field to San Diego the' east
end of the Angeles range and all of
Cleveland Past come under the gaze
of the trained observers.
Since the adoption of the "bird's
eye" method of detecting and report
ing forent fires none than a half dozen
small but menacing fires have been
detected, their location flashed to the
radio stations and I heir destructive
paths effectively blocked.
Will Demand Satisfactory Set
tlement For Massacre of
Seven Hundred Japs.
WASHINGTON. July 4. Japan har.
decided to occupy such points in the
province of Saghaltcn, Siberia, as it
deems necessary pending the estab
lishment there of a legitimate govern
ment ?tnd a satisfactory settlement for
the massacre of TOO Japanese at
The government's decision was pub
lished jeterday In the official gazette
ai Tokio, and at the same time an
nounced by Premier Hara in ills ad
dies., at the opening of the special ses
sion of the Imperial diet. The premier
announced Japanese troops would be
withdrawn immediately from those
districts of Siberia where they were
no longer needed.
Japanese troops w1H not be with
drawn liom the V.olivostok region.
hoveer. il.i ki i riiiin nt holding that
l lu Stands on R different tooting be
cause Korea i an b" menaced from thLs
direction Many Japanese live there,
end Harborovsk, Within the region,
constitutes s point ol strategic im
portance on : he way io Sughahcn.
Premlei Haras speech, as made
public toda by the Japanese embassy
horo. said.
Special sessions of the diet being
brief In duration, the government in
tends to propose onl bills whose, early
passage is In the interest of national'
demands, viz: Those concerning the)
national defense, the Increase ot sal-j
Ules, the revision of the pension sys
tem. tht Improvement of the judicial!
system and the development of na
tional power.
The question of Chinese loans, the
government is gratified to note, has
been solved by formation of a new
"The event of Nikolalovsk is heart
rending In the extreme. The govern
ment laments the fate of those who
fell victims of atrocities, and the hon
or of the nation naturally demands
positive action."
Money Campaigns
Growing Tiresome
CHICAQOi July 5. No campaigns
to obtain funds for carrying on the
Knights of Columbus ( duc.i '.lonal pro
gram have been planned, William J.
SfcQlnley of New York, supreme sec
retary, said today, at the closing ses
sion of the first national educational
c onvention.
"The country Is tired of drives. " he
Bald, "and the Knights of Columbus
has no intention of adding to their
number. We have mono enough to
satisfy all lhe demands of our educa
tion program."
WASHINGTON; July 6 Represen
tative Dick I. Morgan Of Woodward,
jokla., died at Danville, 111 . last night
I from lobnr pneumonia He had rep
resented the eighth Oklahoma district
in congress for twelve year:;
The fastest trip across the Atlantic
Was made bV the Maurstanle In 1910,
I in 4 days, 10 hours, 4ft minutes.
Even if you arc, ynu will find Don' t hesitate for the healinp;
that a touch r.f Kesinol Oint- Resinol balsams were intended
mrnt now andthentendsfopre- to correct just such defects,
I vent rouyliness, burning, etc. and thry rarely fail unless the
But if Jour mirror reflects trouble is dur t some internal
g blotches, filled in porei. or a disorder.
H Rrav, oily skin you need Rci- Relnol Ointmmt tdoctor'snrMGiip.
nol Soap and Ointment at once. nJ;',.nnrm' " ttc-
I S?es-In.ol J
I 1
TF A BETTER tire than
1 the Silvertown Cord is
ever made, it will still be a
SilvertownTireyand Qoodrich
will make it.
cAmericaj First Cord Tire
j I
cIhc Goodrich Adjustment 'East's - Silvertown Cords , 8000 !Mi!es ; Fabric Tires; 6000 iiles
Sister Mary's Kitchen
(Copyright, 1920. N. E. A ) .
If one is . r ing a rather formal
dinner with a hot meal course and sev
eral vegetables, a jellied consomme is
nicer than n hot soup.
In hot weather it's best to take no
I Chances, but add gelatin to the broth, j
I Dissolve l heaping teaspoojofUl of j
granulated gelatin in 3 tablespoohsful I
of cold water Heat over hot water j
till a liquid is formed. Add to the
I boiling soup and ftir unlil thoroughly
mixed Remove from fire, strain and
cool. Stir slightly and break (hp Jelh
Then serve in bouillon cup?. The poup
should be quite highly seasoned before
the gelatin Is added. While lean meat
in needed to give the soup flavor use
l plenty of well cracked bone The bone
furnishes the gelatine and mineral
Menu for Tomorrow
Breakfast Orange Juice, baked cod
fish halls bran muffins, coffee.
Luneheon Shad roe and hearts of
lettuce, coasted muffins, pplced rhu
barb, tea.
Dinner Ham baked in milk, new
potatoes, beet greens, cucumber salail
I raspberry short cp.cke, .coffee
My Own Recipes
A whole smoked ham is a good In
m Btmenl for a housekeeper One saj
!to use it would be to have the butcher
lent out several nice -dices in the cen
ter, plain boil one end and bake with
spices the oilier The many ways to
luse bits of cold boiled ham add variety
to the summer menu.
1 shad roe
Lettuce hearts
r'rench dressing
Cook roe In salted acidulated water
for L'O minutes A slice of onion add
led to the water gives a delicious fla
I vor Drain anJ blanch roe When
cold cut in quarter-inch slices. Cut
leimce hearts In quarters and sur
roumJ slices of roe. Serve with French
dressing poured over the whole.
fi cups rhubarb diced
1 cup seeded raisins
l cups granulated sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
'j teaspoon ground cloves
1 cup cider vinegar
Skin rhubarb and cut in Inch pi i
l Tut in a granite Iron preserving kettle
j Add other ingredients and bring slow
ly to tho boiling point. Let simmer
until lhe consistency of marmalade
Kill Jelly glassed with mixture. Let
cool and seal
True hospitality is like .i river, with
it source in the kitchen and mouth in
the parlor.
The pirates used to ronif; the sea
With sk ill and cross bones flying
Spending half tlu-lr time In robbing
And the other half Jest try ing.
They had red hankcrchlffs around
I their heds
I And nives between their teeth
'Ari'l Innocent ships left the ocean top
j Koi the bottom underneath
And meny a vlctum wawked tho plank
Without a funeral wroeth
I The;, showed no mercy to enyone
; Bspeshllly to children and wimmln
I And altho there was water rile there
all the time
They never went in swlmmln.
Some had mustashes and somo had
red sashes
And they took the greatest dellto
In hording ships full qt trezzure irovc
And filing the Millers with frlto
Wile they sang Yo ho and a bottle of
And If they hcrt themselves in the flic
Nobody pitied them hardly at all
Because It certcny served them rite .
O there are no pirates eny morn.
And its safe to sail tho sea
So let us ! than kf 111 we wasent horn
In tho days wen there used to be.
LON'DON. "I have married many
people whom I would have much
rather buried and 1 believe It would
have been much better for them and
for the world if I had buried them,"
declared the Rev, V 11 A. Hawkins,
jvlrnr of All Saints', Hlghgatc, In an
address on the divorce laws
The old method of handling B boyj
who had broken the law was a chain
land a cell. If these failed, sterner
I methods were invoked. The Idea was
Ithat society had to protect Itself
against the little terror. He wus dan-1
The chain and tho cell were the1
method of barbarism. The result was
usually to confirm a first offender inJ
insure his continuance In n career ol
crime The nature was hardened. All j
ithe ugly moods of tho offender were
I aroused ugalnst society. The state in
iits effort to treat crime cultivated and
increased crime.
The new method of handling a boy
who has broken the law in kind treat
Iment and an institution In which, as
; fnr as possible, the home and the
school aro reproduced This Is what
'the reformatory stands for. Society,
! Is not scared, hut solicitous It is not
i trying to protect Itself, but to restore
a life that, under stress of temptation,1
I has gotten Into trouble. The reforma-j
TheTBeauty "1
f The Lily PNgf X
can be yours. Its 3 xfefvl '
wonderfully pure, Vj4r , gfcF1
soft, pearly white ap- yJ WQj
! pearance, free from all T f WjC.
blemishes, will be com- A . f-M
; parahle to the perfect r . Tlr'JttS
j beauty of your skin and tnJrr m
jompioxlonif you will use-"-'rIfer H
for HAIR
On ef Uj otrnt logrvdltnu rf
CPV tit, Thtrc ire olhrr (cUtn InfrMlrnu
JTlr r,ol fourJ In iny cth.T t,lr pnSlM
'-Jm vioa. Kotilio ' i mm Mttod In miny
cr of bjlir.tn fjl'in hjlr LOd
dondcuff wl.ru e-.rr oUirr hilr loilun or trl
mi-Jil hit iioirj tutll. fKrO Cuirtntn. Aroit
Irm rrulu la run ronjUarcJ rtoptltu. Yu
nntr uw a bald Indian 1
Wliy i" or ' ... bali If tou ran sm
i tialrf If olt.tr liar "b(lnl a nw emmh or
In ronqueiT'l dandruff, or iloi r 1 falllor hair
ihrouult KoltlUo irAy may not vtut Cirl a box
of K OTA LK 0 at any huy irul ilarc or Mod 19
rmtv tllTr or ttarsM for UUOCUIUF. wlu
paoor nox or Kounra to
J. Q. Uriltain, Inc., Station F, New York, N. Y.
tory is not a place of despair, hut of
hope. There the kindlier moods of
human nature are cultivated. The of- j
fender Is not taught to hate, but to i
help and helping?, he learns to love. !
I nder this method the state, Instead
of promoting criminals, produces citi-l
zens sfanj Is ih.- lad who has been
made Into a man by the new method..
And yet yesterday I saw the high I
sh'-rlff of my slute taking f i lads,
between the ages of 12 and 15 years.,
to the reformatory In chains and !
handcuffs. The lads sat there in the!
car Wearing their manacles and look-.
Ing IS 11 they had no friends. The 1
rimes for which they had respectively
been convicted wore stealing a jiony,
stealing B dollar, stealing ohewingl
gum and candy, and breaking into a
storo, anrl scrapping When I hotly;
protested to the offleet he asked me:
"What would you hae me do when
the kids run shoot f" As if the only 1
allot native to handcuffs is a gun'
To the reformatory In chains! When!
will we learn the way which says . j
Thy goodness hath made me great! "I
(By International News Service )
9PRINQF1JUL.D. 111. All was 'hun-ky-dor
' In the married life of .Mr.
and Mrs Hi nt s DauhArd until Mr. !
Daubard brought Julia Mason, bis af
finity, to his home. That was the
end of a perfect day.'' Mrs. Daubard j
oharges In a bill for divorce in cir
cuit court hero.
Made Young
Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body
full of youth and health may be
yours if you will keep your system
in order by regularly taking
Th world's standard remedy for kidney,
h er, bUdder and uric acid troubles, tho
enemies of lifS and looks. In use bines
1596. All druggists, three sHes.
Look (or Ike name Cold Medal n IIMJ koa
and accept no imitatioa
Stops Hair Coming Out;
Doubles Its Beauty. !
A few cents buys "Dandenne." Aftr
nn appllcitlon Of "Panderiue" you car.
not find a fallen hair or any dandruff,
besides every hair shows new life, vit;
or, brlghtneea, more color and thick
"California Syrup of Figs"
Child's Best Laxative M
Accept "California" Sjtup of Figs
only look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure our H
child Is having the best and most
harmless? physic for the little stomach,
liver and bowels. Children love its '
fruity taste. Full directions on eacn
bottle. You must say "California,"
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
"Dayer Tablets of Aspirin" Is genu
ine Aspirin proed safe by millions and I
prescribed by physicians for over 20
years. Accept only an unbroken "Bay-
er package" which contains proper di
rections to relieve Headache, Tooth
ache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism,
Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes 0; I
12 tablets cost few cents. Druggists j
also sell larger "Bayer packages." As-
Ipiriivis trade mark Bayer Manufacture
I Monoacetlcacldester of Salicylloacld.
Don't streak or ruin yonr material n
m ! a poor dye Insist 011 "Diamond Dye "
Lasy directionn in every pacKago.
T f
j Lemons Whiten and Double
1 Beauty of the Skin
a ee ' '- ' -a-- ia a a a a
Squeeze 'he juice of two lemons into
a bottle containing three ounces of
Orchard White which can be had at
any drug store, shake well and you
have a quarter pint of harmless anrl
delichtful lemon bleach for few cents.
.Massage this sweetly fragTiint lotion
into the face, neck, arms and hands
each day. then shortly note the beauty
of our skin
Famous stage beauties use lemon
juice to bleach and bring that sof,
clear, rosy white complexion. Lemons
have always been used as a freckle,
sunburn and tan remover. Make this
up and try it. Advertisement
To Get Strong and H
Put on Flesh
People who have tried it say that
on' of ihe quickest and surest ways in
which those who are weak, thin, nerv
nus and run down can grow strong and
pul on pounds of solid stay-there
flesh, is to take a 5graln tablet of
Hlooil Iron Phosphate with each meRl.
This is doubtless due to the well
known fact ihat Blood-Iron Phosphate
rjuit kly builds up depleted nervous en
ergy and at tho same time supplies
the iron necessary to make rich, red
strength building blood. If you are
weak, thin, nervous., or are lacking Id
the old time isor, endurance and op
timism, go to Mclntyro Drug Co., or
any other good druggist and get
enough Blood-Irou Phosphate to last
three weeks and take as directed. If
at the end of three weeks you don t
feel one hundred per cent better and
aren't in every way satisfied yon can
have your money back for the asking
Fair, isn't it? Better try it today.
The largest refracting telescope tn
the world is at Ycrkc's observatory,
Williams Hay. Wis
.More thtn 1,000.000 person in the
United States profit directly by tho
dailv weather forecasts.

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