OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, July 06, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-07-06/ed-1/seq-7/

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I Exuberant Celebrator '
N V Let Go By City Judge
Taking cognlr.Ance that Sunday was i
tha Fourth. City Judge D. TV Roberts
fory v Fr1 McKlnney's exurbemn .--rpresaed
by placlnr torpedo on
ttrMtmr track bv riving htm a five
days' suspended sentence In city court
I & thl. morn In.
I Mi-Klnn j.ill lie plavctd one torpc-I
1 m do on the car t-nck nnd It Wa ax
plodd. Ry the tlmr He h.iH i cofl
the second explosive en th truck hi
J nriTic smote him ana he removed
J It, b4it not bafor Tom Hurt, U t. C
1 speclaJ nj-int, placed bim undr ar
il mat, he a Id
00 1 .
1 There are more than 2.000.000 mem
I hers of the Masonic rder In tlv-
T I'nlted SUtes and Canada
I I la obtained from one trc.
Rappy fs the
Hostess Who
Uintah Supreme
4 It;8
I everybody At the little ai
I gatheringor for the family?
I supper dessert this siuoo'h.
I pure Ice cream is the refresh
I ment par excellence.
H Four delicious flavors
I Carmel Nut Vanilla
H Delivered post haste any
H time of the dav. Just
call 548.
I Call 548
I The Summer Food
for Oid mi Young
For the small babe lo Ihe
A veteran of ninet.v, rich ni ilk i."
J always the mosl nourishing
JM food l'intah Supreme Milk,
i A purp and fresh
a new delight fresh fruits
with fresh, rich l'intah Su
preme (ream Direct from
H our modern dairy to you. Try
gH some todav.
I Uintah Dairy
I Products
J Combe . Nelson, Props.
H 3667 Wash Ave. Ogden
II joyful EATING I
It Unless your food 1b directed with- $
jR out the afterrm-th ol painfcl acidity, I;-"
IV I lie joy is taken out of both r.tir.r; i'v
and living. ' j
II Ri veras I
are wor,derlul in their help to the I
stomach troubled with over-acidity, ul
Pleasont to ta.ko relief prompt rd R
definite. hi
Mj KERB OF 5 01 I 5 EM: ukw j ,
I Mew discovery m drr,ii'
torlen. Will positively stunt
and weaken hair oiowth:
pui i in te j -..r...n h
I bottle nomovti hnlr per
J fCt I y clean vithout the least
oiln or d scomfort Easv to
jpply quick and efr'cWnt In
U octlon. Don't hesitate to
ue It. On sal? .-it
i-uQ stircs and beauty Oir
lor, prii o 11.00, 1 1 unii bli
to obtain m its th" t.irtor
Salt Lake City, Utah.
a Ma J
'Vou will enjoy
refreshing relief
and comfort after
an application of
rifT rfjej I Bn-w)
. Q hi. LcenajAC.. N Y.
Carnival Train Is Due Here Tonight;
Show Opens Tomorrow At Lorin Farr
, . 1
The blR Clarence A. Wortham show
which come io 'gden ur.dor auspices
'f Herman Baker Post No. 9, Ameri
an Legion will visit thLs city for the
Irst lime. They will arrive here late
onlKht or early tomorrow to lrlng
he city of attractions that played to i
spaelty business In California since!
anuar until two weeks ajro. when it
tnrted Fast.
In ther rputlng they made all the
Careless in Ninth After He Had
Beaten Leonard in Open
ing Rounds
Charlie Whlto of Chicago, six times
contender for the world's lightweight
boxing chr. niplonNhlp realized toria
i hat yesterday he hai lost his great -
"st opportunity to win the title
through sheer carelessness1.
The Chicago lightweight complete
ly outfought Bennv Leonard, the
champion, In rive or the firii eiKht
rounds only i he knocked out In the
ninth when h- rushed out of his cor
her with his guard down and gave
LtOOnard the opening he has been seek
ing. W hite had hern growing stronger a.
the bombardment progressed, while
Leonard apparently was becoming to
rct red and feel the effects of White's
vicious left hoikx.
White ilfi !.tr, l ind.sy hal he could
clainied the chajnpionshlp on
: I foul i;i ihe fifth round when Leon
ard's seconds went to his aid in push
ing him hack Into the ring. This is
not allowed, but Whte asserted that
no had no desire to claim any fouls
and wanted to win by a knockout If
It w:is the first time White had ever
! sen knocked out and h- has been
liM.ed in 145-fighte. Leonard p!;ms
I to leave for Mew York today. The
i i loiinpion declared he was ready to
I accept any matches offered.
.More Compensation
j for Disabled Soldier
Every cx-servlec man in need of
i increased compensation mil''1 report
jlii case io the District Vocational
Officer not later than July 15 unless
he does not wish to share in the
prolcelkm afforded in Ihe Deficiency
Appropriation bill passed by congress
Bj 'his bill, according to the com
mitlee lor aid Io disabled veterans
1 which CoL Henry L. Stimson
im-mer secretary (.f war is chairman,
the fx-senice men who are taking
vocational training "where main
tenance and support is above the
average and comparatively high" may
receive an additional allowance of
520 per month to help solve their
own hich coal or living problem.
"Owing to the fact that the Voca
tional board is unable to conduct
t detailed investigation of the needs
of ever;, man concerned," the com
mittwe said yesterday, "it is vitally
necessary thai these men help them-1
-elves by helping the government.
No man will be wilfully overlooked. I
but each one entitled to this in
creased compensation will be much
more sure of receiving it if he per
sonally reports his case to his Dis
trict Vocational officer The most
Important thing is that the men re
port Immediately this is one case
where do it now" tells the whole
toi- . rceport immediately!"
The Commiltee for Aid to Disabled
I Veterans is making every effort to
I notify all vocational training men of
their duty to themtelves, and hope
I that none will fail t0 avail them
selves of the increased oompenaa
j Hon.
SALT LAKE, July 6 While try
ing to pound home made powder into
shell yesterday, Kred Kempton. 9-rear-old
son ol Mr. and Mrs. F. H.
Kempton. 115'J West Fourth North
street, produced an explosion which
Injun-d his ft hand. He was taken
to the emergency hospital, where
the Index finger was amputated at
Hie second joint and his second fin
ger at the first joint. His thumb
srai badly mangled, but it is be
lieved this will be saved.
I r.;i r ( UiARIES in Kr .i
PAULS. July The chamber of
deputies today voted an additional
L'0.000 francs a year for cabinet mln
rs and 15,000 francs for secretaries
of state, m rec ognltlon of the Increased
cost of living.
larger cities in California Two weeks
was spent at Sa:i Diego, Los Anseles.
.San Francisco and akland The last
named oltv was scheduled for only
one week under the auspices of
Arhmes Shrine of that city, but be
fore the close or that week the shows
were orfered a return engagement at
the earliest possible moment. The
returned to Oakland six weeks later to
rind as hearty welcome as If they had
showed there every season.
TIiIm picture of unloading the nhow
I Expenditures for Suppression
Last Year Amounted
to $290,000
Fore3t fire expenditures on the in
tei mountain na'.'onal forests during
the fiscal year which closed June 30
totalled 290,000, it was announced at
the Ogden office todav This figure
represents the actual cash outlay for
labor supplies and equipment used in
suppressing over 700 fires, most of
which occurred during the hazardous
period of last July, August and Sep
tember It does nor include the cost
of the time spent In fire suppression
by the regular forest organizations,
nor the damage to the foerst resources
which amounted to approximately an
i ')ui alent amount
i Iver 60 per cent of the forest fires
which caused this heav economic loss
were due to careless visitors to the
national fcrests a big share of iheru
b) campers who "dldu't know their
campfirea were loaded." or in other
words went away and left them unex
The hazardous season is here again.
Natural conditions are somewhat more
favorable than a year ago and forest
service officials are reiving upon this
fact, improved methods, a vigorous
campaign to secure public co-operation
and absolute enforcement of the state
and federal laws agains; careless or
wilful seitinc ol lirci; io hold down
the fire losses between now and fall.
Branch Library to
Get Appropriation
An appropriation of $2. a month
for the maintenance of the library In
the Mound Fort district was ordered
(his morning by the board of city
commissioners who dsslgnated that the
amount shall be paid each month un
til the end of the year The decision
of the bujard followed i petition sub
mitted by a committed ol the Par-1
ents-Teachers" association who ap-j
pealed for financial aid.
Property owners of Twenty-fourth
s-rcei between Adains and H.irrlson
avenue, petitioned the board to create!
theli street a boulavard and eliminate1
iriH of heavy ehicles The mntteri
was referred to the commissioner of
public safety, the city engineer and
the city attorney.
C Bonvlcln filed application to op-'
erato a momiiiKhouse at 270
Twenty-fifth street The application
was turned over to the commissioner
Of public safety for investigation
Make Changes in City
Patrolmen's Beats
Changes in city police boats now
effective are as follows
Bare Farr. patrolman, shift starting
at 10 45 p. m.
j m Hawkins, patrolman, shift
xtartlng 2 4 0 p. m beat No 4.
James fleam take the beat No. 1,
on the afternoon shift
Gasoline Explosion
Victim Passes Away
Elinor L. Berg of Salt Lake, who;
was severely burned in a gasoline
accident at Drigham last week, died!
this morning at 7 30 o'clock at the
Dee hospital He i survived by hisi
parents and several brothers and sin
ters. The body was taken in charge!
bj 1,-irkin & Sons and will be shipped
Bait Lake for services and burial
To Henry and Jennie DroA.ver Bek
ker. 33267 Wall avenue, girl.
To Orson Parley and Florence But
ler Allrod. Weat Twelfth street, girl.
To Drastas Samuel and Mildred
Ackley Pefley, L4 Twenty-first street,
To Kred and Ruth Macy Osilee, 401
West Seventeenth street, boy.
To Elmer Ieo and Sylvia Salmon
Burton, Dee hospital, boy. '
trains gives one an idea of the magni
tude of the shows. Extending waj
lnti the back ground are thirty-four
cars, each carr) three wagons like the
one in the f oreKroujid. The shows
carry thirty-five cars, five noveltv
rid, three hundred and fifty persons
and a quarter of a million dollars in
show property Their home while heir
will be in Lorin Farr park, where they
will open tomorrow and will he open
afternoon and night for the balance
of their visit.
National Convention to Be
Held in Chicago Beginning
Next Sunday
Representing the Labor party in
Utah; Ogden willl send three delegates
to the national convention which opens
In Chicago next Sunday, according to
announcement todav by Wm. M Plp
goi Those chosen are Mrs. Alice Sm II
Mover, alternate delegate and national
committeeman; Joseph Young and
?eorgc Crosby The rirst two named
will represent the state and Mr. Cros
by, once candidate for city commis
sioner, will be sent by the machinists
organization Mrs Mover left early In
order to attend s meeting of the na
tional committee on Friday morning
Parley P. Christensen of Salt Lake,
who has been active In organhtating
I the party movement in this state, has
also announced his intention to b
Delegate1 expenses are paid by con
tributions from the various workers
orga nlcatlons,
A county convention at which dele
gates will h. selected for the state con
vention in silt Lake oit July 24 will
I be held here in the near future
As explained by Lecturer Williams
recently, leaders hope lo bring about
a consolidation of the non-partisan
party, the war veterans and other so
cieties into oiu- united party at the
Chicago convention, having in mind
the betterment r conditions for all
Ogden Men Honored j
i At N. E. A. Convention
W. Karl Hopkins, superintendent
of Ogden schools and A M Merrill. I
principal of the Ogden high thool
I with Oscar Van Cott and J Challen
Smith ul Salt Lake, weiv named yes- j
jterday as a committee on speakers i
foi the next meeting of the Ftah
Educational association at a gather-,
inv; yesterday of the board of trus- i
tees of the stato assoriafion held at
the Hotel J tab
Action on ihe time for the next
convention was deferred until Fridav i
night at ft o'clock, when the board
will meet again at the Hotel Utah.
Minutes were approved and re
views were given by J. Fred Ander
son, president of the Utah Education
al association, Superintendent G N.
Child and Secretary Smith, Others
present, besides those already named.
Included D W. Parraft and Guy U I
Wilson of Salt Lake and Henry Pe
terson of Logan.
Woman Stricken in
Local Theatre Dies
Mrs. Emillv Kate Ambler, wife of
Samuel Ambler, died at 2:20 o'clock!
at a local hospital of acute dilation of!
the bean. Mrs. Ambler had gone to
the Ogden theatre Monday afternoon!
with her husband and children, when;
he wan stricken. She was assisted)
to a local hospital, where she de-
dined, rapidly, and death followed
thla morning Mrs. Ambler was 45
years old. and was born In England
May 2 1S7S. she was the daughter;
of Mr. and Mrs. John Atkinson and
was well known In Ogden. having!
lived here for 2 0 years. She Is sur
vived by her husband and two chil
dren Harold Ambler and Mrs. Nellie
Btratton Th bodv was taken in charge
by Larkin & Sons, and funeral an
nouncement will be made later.
South Weber Wins i
Over North Ogden ;
The South Weber nine of the county
league defeated the North Ugden team
by a score of 8 to 5 in a game played
yesterday as the feature of the North
I 'giten Independence day celebration.
The game was marked by considerable
wrangling, but aside from the inter
ruptions, was fast and interesting. The
score !
North Ogden O'O "20 200 5
South Wber ".'2 100 200 $
Batteries Chadwt. k and Marshall;
Fcrnellud and Warner.
"A Cumberland Romance" H
jj Th aTfr X Doors Open 1:45 1
Ti Mf til Iff tEfiXg CURTAIN AT
Gaming Tomorrow I
A CmjdZ Special I
v Below The I
- Surface1 I
"She's inv daughter am' he'6 com-
mg home to her husband - jtf 1 CpQramounl rtaxiftQiciiwe
Then the grim old sed-dOg dragged H
from the gay cabaret the beautiful.
evil creature who hail wrecked a lad a 1
life Dtagged her aboard the home- v'fi&V"v rA?i I
The Greatest Drama of the Sea Ever Filmed
CurtaKiXnV2iP5U41005 5.45,
o - y
Favette. Ida. Julv 6 Ellis Bar
tholomew, 13 year-old aon of Mrs
Araasa Bartholomew, was accidentia
shot and Instantly killed yesterday
afternoon while be and a companion,
Earl James, were plavlng with an
old-fashioned ihotgUQ.
The two boys had discovered the
gun, which had not been used for a
Considerable period, and were explod
ing paper caps, such as are used in
toy pistols, upon one of the barrels,
nbl realizing that the weapon was
Finally Elli? Bartholomew said he j
would look down the barrel of the)
gun, and as he placed his eye to the
muzzle the weapon w.ts discharged,
blowing off one side of his head.
The tragedy cast such a gloom over!
the little town that a celebration
planned for today was called off. The
bpy is survived by his widowed moth
er and several brothers and Bisters.
kill; i rs MRPI.WK.
BANTA ROSA. Cal , July 5. alack)
Kitchen of Oakland. Cal . was killed
and Reynold Frosh. of Berkeley, end
L. L. Honn wore perhaps fatally in
jured todav when the airplane which
Honn was pilollng crashed near So-:
There are 39 towhshipa In Colorado.;
covering 1400 square miles, that arej
underlain with oil shale, averaging 33 i
feel In thlckne3. 1
have a very real need when you're miles away
from a garage.
Check over your supply of accessories, ;
r, Accessories
'j3S repair parts, tools, oils and greases
0) even at the "eleventh hour" we can Emergency
furnish what you need; we're open ev
GrsiSl ery hour of the day and night. Repair
2440 Grant Ave J W NICKSON, Prop. Ogden
, lj

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