Order designating nam of the Irrlgntlon
District and determining, listing and
platting the kinds to be included there
In; and calling election of the Innd own
era of said proposed District for the
purpose of determining wh-ethcr such
district, shall be organized as an Irrlga-
tlon district and for the election of three
directors thereo
III the Mallei of (he Organize tlon of;
,' Weber Oountv Irrlirntinn Idstrlrt
f "Wherenn. on th. 17th dy of October. I
A P. 191?. there won filed With this'
Roard. n, petition o' the Honorable Simon j
I nnmberper. Governor of the Stole of
j l'tah. 6tatinc that II la the purpose of the !
' petitioner to nrunnlzr nn Irrigation di j
: trlct within Weber County In the State of
I Utah eomprlsiriK lands within ts-ald Coun
I tv which are art out ami de. 1 n
the snld petition nnd in the plat annexed
1 hereto, under the provision of rh:ipter
Session Laws of T " tnli 1911 nnd al""
.ettlnc forth In Ftieh petition nil Of the
matters and thins required bj law to ba
Ml out therein, and.
Whereas, upon the filing of such pet I
tlon with this Hoard they sent a certified ,
opy of the same to tin Stn'c Fntrlneer '
of the State of ltnh with e request that
I he wnter survey and allotment he made
I i provide! by law, and.
1 Whereas, the Plat F.nrineor of the
State of Utah haa made a water survey
:m.l allotments of r.nd fr all of the land? ,
. lnpOSed by BUOh p. tilioner to be In
rluded within such Irrigation dlstHrt for
the purpose of determining and nllottinr
to said lands the maximum amounts of
water which could he beneficially used
j, i hereon, each forty-acre tract or smaller
tiaet In separate ownership helng sep.T
rately surveyed and allotment made there
I fore: r.nd
Whereas, upon the completion of such
purvey and allotment the said State Kn- '
I K.neef filed wlih this Board his return of
survey and report oi water allotment
mndo by him In the form and manner re i
'1 wired by the laws of the Slate of I'tah
wheivas. upon receipt of such report
,-.nd return from the said State Engineer
I this Board did. on the 2?th day of March (
A. D. 10in. enter an order fixing the 86tH
da) of April 1P20. at th hour of two
o'elork p. m.. at the Roard room of the
.-iid Board of Countv i ommissioners. In,
the. County Court House, ni Ogden City. '
Weber County i'tah as the imi" and
place for the formation of the said
Irrigation die-trie, and also, and aa
well as, for thr hearing upon all
applications for the exclusion of lands
therefrom and the Inclusion of lands
therein and the revision of the said water
allotmenta; and,
Whereas, this Board, in compliance
j with Section 2. Chapter f.S. Session aws
5 of Utah. 1010. theri-afl-r CHllsed to be
published m the Ogden smndsnl. & news
paper printed and published dellj Sun
days excepted, at Occh-n dtj in said We
her County, and of general cirrulnllon i
within said Weber County, once a wi eh
'.'or three consecutive nrt the !: pub
I llcatlon of which was at least one week
I prior to the said 2f.th day of April I92K
i a notice tliat said petition for the forma -j
tion of an Irr'frxtlon district had bet 11
filed, water survov and allotments i idi
and that the said 2'ith da of April. .
t!20. at the hour of two o'clock p. in.'
at the Board room of the said Board, in ,
the County Court House, in Ogden City.
Wetr Cunty. Utah, had been fixed as
the time nd place for the hearing upon .
i the said petition as well as for the hi I
I inp upon all application! for the ex Insion
ol lands therefrom and the inclusion of
lands therein and the revision of the wnd
i water allotments, proof, by affidavit of
I' the due publication Of such notice now
' being; on file with the Clerk of this I
Board- and.
: Whereas, the sold matter came on rej
J Olarly for hearing 1m-. ore this Board nnr-
sunnt to the Said notice, on the sRid ?fith '
1 'lay of April. 1920. al the hour of Ho
o'clock p. m at l In Board room of the
aald Board In the County Court House in
Ogden City Weber County. Utah, and the
said hearing- was held upon the aald day
and uron subsequent day I to which the'
, same was respectively from time to time,
adjourned, until tin date hereof, to wit.
June 15; 1920; and
Whereas, the said Board having he i d
A all of tin- evidence with reference io the I
J said matters, and having duly considered
" the said petition and the applications of I
1 the several land owners for the revision .
J of their several allot:nvnis RJld a) SO, and
1 aa well as. all qf the oppllcations for the
J xchi8ion of lands from such district .1
! Uie Inclusion of lands within the said die
i trlct, and having on the said several davs. I
heard and considered the evidence ro In
troduced and taken the raioc under ad
vlsement and liiiMnq from such examina
tions and conalderatlons determined lirt
'. ad with water allotmenta and platted the
lands to be included within "tid Irrigation
district, Raid land being situated within
Weher and Box Bldei Counllea, Stale of I
Vlah, said list being attached hereto and 1
made a part hereof and marked ' (Exhibit
I A", and.
Whereas, It Is hereby foimd and deter
mined that each ol the said parcel" of
j land set out anH described In the said al
taihed list marked "Kxhlbit A." Is sup-1
1 eptible of irrigation by the s stem of
I waterworks prOpOMd for the Mid irtlK--,
I tion dlatrict ;ind tiiet the s.-l water al-j
1 to'menls can Ik- bene f lclall used upon I
I each and everv of the said parcels of .
I land, that the said list of lands will rvt
I so alter the llfcluded lands shown bv thf
m pi a t accompanying 1 he aald etltloh
the Honorable Simon Barabergei Govern
or of the State of t'tah. as tc changl lh'
objects of the said pi-tltlon. and that no,
jjjjjjjjj I lands which require water and are shown!
11 on the said rdat attached to the aald pet I- I
Hl tlon as Included within aald proposed in) i
j cation district and susceptible of Irriga
tion by the wmi ayateni of waterworks '
applicable to other lands In such propoi 'I
dlatriet have been omitted from the said
Hl attached list so an to exempt them from
H Hie operation of fhapti-r SR. Session l.m i
1 of I'tah. 101). nnd that no lndy have
1 beast Included wlthm the said attached Hal
for said proposed district which v ill not I
Fj In the Judgment of this Board, be bene
HI flted by the said proposed ayatcm of
Hj P waterworks, nor hae any lands the
Uj State of I'tah not held under contract of
JJj whirl) the State Board Of
Bj j i jind Comndaatonera Have rot petitioned
Hi! for inclusion within such Irrigation dis
V ; trlct. hern included within the Mild at-1
B' 1 tiiched list of land' for such propoacd dis i
And the Boird now being full advl
IIIH in the
Hl 1. That the of the
district shall ) the "Weber County Irrl i
C-1! ion ! '1st i I" I
ni; 2. That tin- land! so listed in the list
Ji t marked "Bxhlhlt A nod shown tmon !
JH the attached plat marked "Kxlwlut V,
m ' are heret determined as tin- lHnd to I
B, included within the said ii ilea Con dis
trlct said lends alluatod Within " t-- r
Pll: nd Box Blder Counties. State of i tab,
bavlnc been determlnel from the aald pe-
Hi tlon of the Honorable Simon Bamber
. ', i..:-. Governor of the State of I'tah. as'
J I well as from all applications for the ex-1
H ! j elusion of lands from the xaid district anil ,
B ; the Inclusion of lands within the said dis i
SB ' j trlct: and that th. water allotment to1
A rid lands set In aald llal opposite each
BBT; parcel, respect I vel Is herein deternuin-d
PBH I lO le and made th- water allotment with
BBH i in slid Irrigation district for eath of the!
Hfl ---ilil parcels of lami Tin- anl lial of said;
Jl Inuds Is bcrehy ivfcrred to any by such
BBBH ' s reference is made a part of this order eel
BBVB I -1 fully and completely, as though it were
H ) rj-t out at length herein the said lis. ,
H t being marked "Exhibit A" and Further
C marked "Lists of lands with water allot-
B ' ment within propored Webei Count Irrl-!
BLBBB cation Plslrlct as prepared bx the Board I
B of County Commissioners of Weber Coun-
H . That the plat of the lands set forth
H and described lit the said list, which plat
B J la marked "Exhibit B" and further
BB marked Tiat ol lands of proposed Wetx
BLBBB County irrigation District as prepared b:
BBBfl j toe Board of iount- Commissioners of
H , Waher County, t. tab." is hereby approved
B and in all respects confirmed, and the
m same la berebv made the plat of the
BBB1 lands to be Included in the said proposed
li ideation district, and a part of this order
BLBBJ as fullv and completely as though It were
entered at length herein.
1. That all lands set forth and dr
1 scribed In the said petition proposing th
I organization of the said irrigation district
j and in the said plat thereto attached and
J which are not Included in the list of l.in-1-
herchv made and determined aa the lands
IB" to be' Included within the aald irrigation
i1 district, nor shown upon the said plat
masked "Bxhlhlt B" as Includ.-d within
BBB sin h dlatriet, have been found from the
Id examinations held and made by this
Board and the nn i uddm-i-d with ret
crenco to the same to either be at present
B fullv watered, not susceptible of Irrlcn
H tlon. nut suaceptihle of irrigation by the
BBBJ same system of waterworks applicable to
H other lands within said district, or to be
B lands to which wator can not be bene
tlcially applied, and each and all of such
1 lands are. therefore, hereby excluded
from the said proposed district and Irom
all lighti and privileges relating to the
." That an election of the land owners
Of s.ild district, to whose lands therein
Wab r has been allotted as shown by said
order and list of the said Board of Count
Commlaalonera, for the pumose of deter
mlnlnir and voting upon the question as
to whether sin li district shall be organ
lxed ns an Irrigation district tinder the
prov isions of Chapter fiS. Session laws of
I'tah. inil relating thereto and tin- cec
tlon of three ill rec I ors for raid district, la
hereby called to be he'd therein on th?
lenth day of August A. l. IfiM
fi. That for the purpose of the said elec
t'on the said district Is herebv divided into
thie( dlvlalona to be known aa Division
No. I. Division No 2 and Division No. 3.
said divisions having been ascertained
nnd found by this Board to he as nearU
equel In voting strength as in prsctlrable.
and each Is respectively bounded mid de
si" r i bed as follows
Division No 1. licrripnlng at a ooint ap
proximately 3000 fect North of the quar
ter section corner between Sections SO
and SI, Townahlp 6 Korth, Range i East,
Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and fur
ther described as being the point where
the Middle line of the Weber River Inter
sects the western houndnry line of the
corporate limits of Ogd"n City, I'tah.
theneo In a westerly direction along and
Following the middle line of Weber River
to Its intersection With the south bound
a iv line of Section 2S. Township fi North,
Range 1 Weat, Sail Lake Ilnc and Merid
-ii which po'.nt Is further described as
being approxlmateii SO roda Weal of thel
Soutneaal inrtiT o' said Section 2;:
thence W'a t G2C rods to the Southwest
corner of Section 2?. said Township and
Range! thence North 1 mile io the North i
west comer of said Section tjS; thence
Weal ico rod? to the Quarter section cor
ner between Si-rlion i 22 :'nd 27 said j
Township and Rong'; thence North lfiO
itjdj. thence West l'-j miles to the quar
ter Bet "c n coi-ner between Sen lens SO and
21. said Township and Ranre; thence j
North IU ndlrs to the Northwe.it .or
nr of Section IS. said Township and
Range then EEaal i mi'e to t;c Nbrtheaat
coiner o; M .section 1 r, ihenie or'h 1
mile io the Soutlv-ast coiner o- Section 4, I
aald Townahlp and Range- thence West lj
mile to lh Southwest corner of Section
'r. thence North 1 mile to the Northwest j
corner of Section thence East a mile!
t-i tin- Northeael corner of said Section 4
theme South ) mile to 'he Southeast cor
tier of said Seition i: thence Baal l mile
to the Southeast corner of Becllbn 3. said1
Township end Range- Qience North 2 i
miles to the Northwest corner of Section j
3." Township 7 North. Rang- .'; West. Bait
Lake C:ise and Meridian; thence East 21
miles to Ihe quarter section corner he- !
tween Scrt'.ons 30 nrd 31 Town'hlp 7:
North Rang'- 2 ViM. Salt lake Base and
Meridian; thence North i mile to the
nuarter section corner between Sections
l'.i and SO, aald Township ami Rsnge;,
thence Rayat t4 n In to the Southeast'
comer of Section 20. said Township nnd,
Range: thence North 1 ml'e lo the North- i
cast corner of said Section 20; thence
Weal 'i mile to a Quarter section corner
l S" tic is lr and 20 said Town
ship aid Rani,'- iVncc North 1 mile to
Ihe Quarter section corner between Sec-1
tiona B ami '7 "-id Townahlp and Ranire-'
llicnce ISaat ml'e to the Southeast coi
per o.' said Sc tlon f. them e North along '
the aect'on line 3000 feet, more or les ,
10 the Easterly qhore line of Cirnt Salt
Lake thence SSTprtherli aio-ig and rolow
insr the Easterly shore line of Great Snlt
l-ake to a point approximately 500 feet
West of the quarter section corner be
tween Sections "t and 36. .Township B
North, Range 2 w i at thence East 270 rods,
11 or li-: to n lioint 2ln rods East of
aald Quarter section corner between Sec-1
tlons 3-1 and 33, said Townahlp .--nd P.ange
thence South 10 rods. Ihcncr East SO
tods ;o the Southeast romcr of said Sec
tlon 33 thence South 'j6'"i rods, to spulh-
caal corner or Section m Town. hip 7
North. Renge 2 st Salt likf e
ami Sdertdlan; thence l-'ast 1 mile to
Southeast' corner ot aald Section J Jt j
thence south Ro tods to the West quor- :
(e- comer of Seetion IS Township 71
North Range I W St. Salt I-.ke Base and 1
M ridlm: tie n. l-J'ist miles to the quar ,
lr.r portion corner between Sections 22 '
rnd 23. fid Townahlo and Range: thence
South 1V4 rrtllca to the Nortlieeal rorner
oi Section 14, said Townahlo nnd Range:
thence West 80 "ids thence South ir.01
iods: llu-nec V.'c.-t yfi ;imI: thrnic South
jo. rods; then Wofil in rod: thence south
SO rods, thence South' ICO rods, thence
West SO reus lo the Qunrl r m t'cT Corfter
between Sections :: and . To-n.-hin "
o:tii ttange i Wesi Salt LaKe Base end
Meridian thence South I"' m'lei to lln
IKilnl of InterSectlcn of the North bound
ery line of th corporate ti-n!t of said
Ogden City Wit'l t1' " rei t'r.n lie betwci n
Seel oni 9 and 10 aald Townahlp ami
Range: thenrt Baal l mile '.! nee Sot h
approximately 2 miles to tlte Inte'raeclion
of the Beat iwundary line o' raid Ogden
en w ith the mlddje lines o: Ogden River,
which point Is appioxltn-i'.elv ; oi a mile
North of the S.i itl cat ioir-.-i of Section
tt, said Townshlu and Rnne- thern e In n
Westerly dlrcctlo) along nnd following
th.- center line ' said Ogden River to
point at its Intersection with the West
boandi i line of Ihe corporate limits of
said Ogden City, v icli nolnt is spnroxl
matelv 10 rods NOi!b Of 'he Ctiarter si e j
tlon cornel' between SWtloht H and 30,'
said Toitshit RaM thence South
approximately twent! three hundred and
fortv- feet to the piece or beannlng
Division No. 2 Beginning at a point
approximately 3000 tool North of the
quarter section corner between Sections
SO ami :ii Townahln t North, Range i
Weat Salt U-ikc liasc and Meridian.
which ioint Is further described as being;
the intersection of the middle line of We
per River, with the wt boundary Hhe
of the corporate limits of Ogib-n City;
Ctah: thence in a Westerly direction
along ard toio-.-ng the middle line of
Bald Webet River tc Its tniersecllon with
the Eaaterly ahore line of Great Salt i-ake
being a point in the Northeast quarter
Of Section 1C. Township .". North Ring- 31
West. Bait Lake Base and Meridian:!
thcncealn a Southerly direction along and I
following the saul Baaterl shore line of;
fjjeat Sail l,Ve to "h point of its Intel
section with the South Imundarv line of
Webei Counts', and the North boundary,
line of lais County, being a point In
Section 22. Township 5 North Rsng 1
Weat. Salt I. ike Base and Meridian
thence In an Easterly direction fo"owinrt
vnid So'.ith bounder) line or aald Weber
County to n point vheio said fount;, line.
Intersects the seiion line between Sect I
lions 23 nod ."" Township North Range
I West Sill Lalo ESase snd Meridian.:
Which point Is i.pproxlmiitelv 50 rods .
North of the Southeast corner of said j
Setioa '. thenc North 190 rods, thence
Wi -t B0 rods: thence North 200 roda:
thence West tn rods; them-r West 40 rods;
thence North 20 rods: thence West 40 !
roda: Ihenc North 20 rods to the ndddle j
of Section 2.3, snld Township and Rangv; 1
thence in a Northwesterly direction to
the Northwest corner of Section 21 said
Township Hii'i Range: thence North so
rods- thence East ISO tods, theme North 1
I 1 roda: thence West 1(0 rods to the iii;r
trr section corner between Sectlorm 11
and 15, aald Township and Range, thence
north 2 miles lo Southeast corner of the
corporate Inn"' f Ogden City which is!
furthi r deacrlDed a the quarter section
inner between Section 2 and 3. said
Township and Ringe: thence Waal 3'-.. ;
miles to Southwest corner of corporate
lirnita of said Ogden City, thence North
MO rod.-, to place ol beginning.
Division No. 3. B ginning et the quar I
tr-r .-.-etlon corner between Sections 27 and I
2s, Township C North. R-ang-e 2 East. Salt
Iike Raje nnd Meridian: thence North1
H' miles to the Northwest corner of Sec- '
tlon 22. aald Townfhlp and Range thenr
East 80 rods: thence North to rods'
tlencc East SO rods: thence North 40 j
,rodj: thence Bast $a rods: thence North'
'40 rods: thence East 40 rods- thence
North 40 rods: then East 40 rods to thai
quarter section comer between Sections
14 and 13. said Township and Range:
thence North 160 rods to the Northeast
i rorner ot said Section .' thence West
'380 rods, thence North 40 rods: thence
! West 80 rods; thence North 40 rods,
thence West 40 rods: thence North
'80 rods: thence West 40 rods; to
'a point so rods South of the
Northwest corner of Section 3 sold
Tovcnshlp and Range: thence West
,120 rods; thence North SO rods: thence
10 rods: to a point SO rods South
of the Northwest corner of Section 9
sjild Township and Range: thence West
40 rods: thence North 40 rods- thence
West 40 rodr-.; thence North 40 rods to a
point So lOd West of the Northwest coi
ner of said Section 9: thence West 40
rods: thcnCf North 40 rods; thence West j
40 rods: thence North 40 iods: thence
West 4u rods; thence North 240 rods to
a point 120 tods East of the Northwest
corner of BeetJon 5. said Township and
Rnncp; thence East 10 rods; thence North
40 rods: thence East 80 rods: thence
I North 40 rods: thence East 4u rods,
thence North 80: thence Vest 840 rods to
la point SO rods East of the quarter sec
1 tlon corner between Sections 35 and 3S.
I Townahlp 7 North. Range 1 East. Salt
I-akc Uasc und Meridian: thence North
ltd rods: thence West 80 rodaj to the
Southwest corner of Section 75. ssld
I Townahlp and Ranfte tl.cn. e Korth BO
I rpdSi thence West 120 tods; theme North
! 120 rods, thence West 120 rods; thence
I South 4H iods; thence Wc.t sn iods to
I the quarter section corner between Set!
I tiona 26 and 27. said Township .ind
Range, Ihence North 2!" rod?: thence
West 40 rods, thence Korth SO roda:
thence Wea'l 12'i iods. thence North 160
I rods to the quarter Section corner be
tween Sections IS and 22 snid Township
ar.d Range, thence Weal I 1 j miles to the
northwest corner of Section 21. said Town
ship nnd Range, thence North 1 mile to
: the Northeast corner of Section 17, said
Township and Range; thence West 80
rods; thence North 160 roda; thence West
'80 rods: thence North SO rods thence
I West 40 rods, thence North 40 rods:
tlnnce West o iods thence North 40
rods; theme West 80 rods to the South
east comer of Section t, srtld Township
'and Range- thence North 160 rods to the
Ounrter section corner, between Sections
ii and ft. said Townfhlp and Range; thence
Wl Bl ' Ods; thence North In rods, thence
I West 80 rods thence North In iods thence
I West 160 rods; thence South alonrr tin
1 Township line between Ranges 1 . t
and 1 Bast, Salt Enko Base and Meridian.
ISO rods: thence East 160 rods, theme
South 160 rods thence East 40 rods,
thence South 2U rods; thence West 40
roda; them" Sotltl 10 rods to 1 he quarter
section corner between Sections is and
10. Township 7 North Range 1 East Snlt
ljV:e fia and Mi rldinn: thence W est 10
rods: thence South 40 rods, thence Weat
10 rods ihence South in rods thence
Wryi 10 rodai thence '-outh 10 rods
ihence East J 0 rods; thence South 40
rods, Ihence East 411 rods: thence South
160 rods- theme East ui rods; thence
South 10 rods to the quarter . sect ton cor
ner between Sections R' and SO. said
said Township and Range; ihence Basi
40 rod: thence South 120 iods. thence
East 40 rods thonce South 41 rods
thence East sn rods to the quarlcr section
coner Iwtvveen Sections 2 ami 30 ,:nld
Township nnd Parte thence South 80
rods; thence Baal 50 roda. ihence South
411 rode; thence Beat I2i roda: thence
North 40 rods: thence East 120 rods
Ihence South 20 rods; theme Baal 10
rods, thence South 2n tods. th:nc,
East 40 rods, thence Sout'i 40 roda;
Ihence East 80 rods to the quar
ter section corner between Sections 2
nnd 11 rld Township an-l Range thence
South 120 rods: thence East 80 rods
thence South 0 ro..s: theme East SO rods,
thence South ico roda to the Southeast
corner of said Sec Hon 33- thence Bart 80
rods thence South 160 rod -, thence Beat
140 rodv; thenci South mi rods, thence
East 20 roils. llepce South 240 md;-:
thence West 80 tods, thence South 240
mi", thence East 160 rods: thence South
SO rods lo the qur. rter section forner he
tween S..ction ll and 15. Township 7
North Range 1 East. S-jlt tkc Base and
Meridian thence East 120 rods: thence
south 160 rods; thence East 200 roda to
the Noilhwest corner of Section 24. said
Township and Range thence south !2o
rods thence Eej-t 1G0 rods; thence South
to rods- thence East so rods- thence
South SO rods: thence Bast SO rods to the
Range line between Ranges 1 Eat nnd 2
Beat, Salt Enlto Base end Merldlsn
thence south 10 rods, tbence East 160
rods thence North in iod thence Baal
.0 rods; thence North 10 rods: tin net
East SO iods: thence South 40 roda:
Ihence East 2'.n rods Ihence North 40
rods: Ihence Beat 40 rods, thence South
240 rods; thence East 160 rods thence
South 40 rods; thence East 80 rodt to
the place of beginning
All lands within the .said respective
boundaries of said divisions to wjilt h
wati r haa been allotted as shown bj said
Order and lu:t as will as lv the said plat
are included wlih.lt: faid proofed distrlcv
and nnrt or -nid respective divisions
7 That for said election each of the
aalo dlvlalona shall constitute an election
precinct and (he follOWllfg named per
sons, each of whom Is coinnelcnt and a
land ovv ner lo whose lands therein water
hnx he'ii nl'otterl at shown bj said order
and list, within the respective division j
foi which h- la appointed, arc hereby ap
pointed Judge 01 nnd for said election
in the respective precincts: one of which
Judges for each divi'lon shall n- t n Pbrk I
o.' the election in such division to-.wlt
Division No. 1-
W . N Barker Of North Ogden. Weher I
County t tah.
M i llrrls or Harriavllle Weber i
Counl . Utah.
C, E. Palmer of Plain Pity Weber!
( !oi nt . I'tah.
I'iv is!on No. 2:
Joseph H. Belnap of Wilson. Weber
County i'tah.
J, D Hooper of Hooper. Webei CoUntj
HentJ Penmjii o: West Weber, Weber
County. Utah,
j i.-. Islon No 3-
lesse M Wllher of Bdcn, Wober Conn !
t; . t 'h.
!..- viil "!i rd of I ibertv W eb. i County. .
l-wls in't. g.ird ol Iluntsv lllc, Weln r
County, rti h.
8. That there shall be pdlling place I
'or said election r lihi.i and for each of j
the said di"IVons and the aame shall be
located a: I'ollovvs
Division No I at Public School Mouse.
Fair West. Weber Oountv. I'tah
Division No ! at Public School Mouse
KanesvilkV, Weber County, Utah.
Division No S at Public School House,
Bdcn Weber Courityi Utah
9. TJlSf at mIJ election there t-hall b.-
el. 1 ted three directors for the said irrl :
gatlon dlatriet. who siviii eacli hold auchi
office during the trm proscribed by law.!
one ol which dlreotors shnii be a land
owner within and elected front each of J
the ald divisions b; the land ovvniij
the whole district, and the followinK I
named competi nt ivrsons. each being :i
lend owner within the reepeotive divislona
of the said irritation district for which he
la named, and to which water has been
allotted b the said ordrr determining,
listing and plat tint- said lands -ball bl
submitted to the land owners, at the aald I
election, to be voted for as directors, to-
wit .
Division No. 1:
.1 L, Rohson of Plain Olt Wbc-
County, Utah
R. T. Rbees of Pleasant View, Wl her
County! Utah.
Divlalon No. 2
Jamea R Beua of Hooper. Weber foun-
ty. Utah
T R. Jones of Knnesvllle, Weher I'oun
I... Utah.
Divlalon Mo. 3:
ii n McKnj of IXuntavllle, Weber
County! Utehi
H B. sin nines 01 Bden, Weber County.
in Thai at said election nil persons!
shall be entitled to vote who are land I
owners of agricultural lands to which
water ha; been allotted within the said j
proposed Irrigation district, and that COT
DO ration! owning lands within the .-Hid 1
district shuil he considered persons within
Ihe meaning of this section. t-and own
ers not residing within raid district shall 1
be entitle to vote only in the div ision Of I
such district wherein their lands or the
major portion thereof are 'ocnted; and
any Individual entitled to vote as afore
said shall also be iliplble to election as a
director In and foi the division In such
d'.Mlrirt in which the major portion of bis
lands tire located. Guardians, executors
and administrators of estates, who havt
been duly anjKilnted as such under the
laws of this State, and who as such guard
ian, executor or admlnlstrntor is entitled
to ihe possession o( the lands belonging to
the estate which he represents may on
behalf ol his ward ot the estate which he j
represents, upon being authorized by the
proper court, vote at such election.
11. That at said election each elector;
shall he entitled to cast one vote for each j
m r 1 fcevt of wnter. or fraction thf reof. !
allotted to the l-ind owned by aucb elector
as shown by the said order and list of
the Board Oi Countv Commissioners, and
ahal sign the baliot and Indicate alonK I
with his. her or Its name ilie number of
acr feet allotted lo the lands owned by
the elector castlnc the tatd ballot. Bach
land owner m;v vrte for three directors
one for each dH-islon and shall Indicate
his vote Lv piscine; - marginal crossupon
thi bsllot for or against the question suh
inltted and names voted upon and oppo
site thereto.
12. The ballots used and cast at the
said election shall he in substantial! the
following form:
Election August 10. 1520.
Question Submitted
Shall the lands determined, listed w lib
water allotments and platted by th
Board of County Commissioners, pursu
ant to the pitltlon of the Honorable:
Simon Bamberger. Governor of the SUue
of Utah, end nil applications for the ez
CllUUOn of lands therefrom and the inclu
slon of binds therein, he organized Into
an Irrigation district under ihe laws of!
the Stat of 1'tah
Irrlgatlon District Yes.. .. !
r Nt.me Acre Kcct !
Irrigation District No I
Name Vrre I 'eel
I Vole for three d'toctois one only from
, each division :
Division No. 1
; .1 I.. Rohson Acre Peet
R, T Rbccs Acre Keet
' Vcre Peet
Division No 2
I. lames R. Items Vcre Fee I
T R. Jones ere Eeet
I Acre Keel
Division No H
D D McKay Acre Peet
H. B Stalling Vcre Peet
Acre Feet
1 Thai nt snld elei tion each elector shall
'he eniltled to cast one vole for eaih acre
'fool of water. 01 fraillon thereof, allotted
10 the innd owned hv audi elector as
j shown by the said order and list of the
Hoard of Counts Commlaalonera, nnd ahall
sign the ballot ami Indicate along with
1 Ids her of Its name the number of acre
feet allotted to the iinds owned by the
elector Casting the snld ballot Rneh
land owner ma) vole for three directors,
one for em h division, and shell Indicate
I his vote iiv placing a marginal cross upon
the ballot for or against the Question BUb
! milted and names voled upon and oppo
'slte thereto
; 11 The polls for the said election shall
open at the hour of seven o'clock B m
and shall remain open until the hour of
seven o'clock p m. of the said dav when
they shall be clpsed.
ii Public notice of the said election
the time and place thereof, and the mat
Iters submitted to the vote of llv r.nld Innd
owners shall be published by the Clerk
o' this Board once a week for three eon
'cruilve weeks In The Ogden Standard
1 Kxamlner. a newspaper printed and pub
llshed dailv at Ogden City, Weber i'oun
ty. t'tnb. und of general circulation .with
In said Weber County. and also
'in the Box Elder Journal, a new,
ipaper printed and published trl-weeklj
at Hrighnm 1 V.v I if v. I ".'! 1 ,,,t I tab.
end of cm--: i! Ir matlon w ithin said Box
Elder County, the lr.t publications of
which shall be nt torsi one v.e.k prior to
the dale of :he said eot:on. which said
notice shall be algned by Iht Chairman
and ClerH of this Board an-l shall l In
substantially the following form:
Notice of Election to Determine Whether
Such Proposed Irrigation District simii
1 Bt Organised and to Blcct Three Di-
ic tors Therefor,
in th. Matter of the Organisation of We
bar Count) irrigation oniric;.
Nolle- la hereto given that pursuant to
Lh( pr isioni of an order of the Board of
fount Commissioners of Weber County
'm the state of Utah, duiv made and en
tered "! the 2Sttl ' ' of .tune A D.. 1920.
! determining. Hating With water allotment
and platting the laniD lo be Included
Within raid district md calling nn elec
tion for the purpose of determining
whether the said Weber Count) Irrigation
District and the Inndr as listed v lib w iti 1
allotments and inciuded their 11 by the
Board of Oountv commissioners shall he
organized as an Irrigation district, under
the provisions of the laws of the state 01
1 tah relating then to. and the ' Ii , tlon of
three director.'! of nrd for ihe .--aid district.
mi, eh 1 tion will l e held for sili( pun - 08
Within Ihe snld district on Ihe tenth doy
Oi' August. A D 1?2U
That it said .lection there will be -oih-mltted
to the Sand owners of the said dis
trict to whose lands there water has
been allotted, ns shown by the sold order
an 1 list of the said Board of County
'Commissioner:! the following QUOStloh:
sikiM tin- landa determined, listed with
water allotments and platted by the
1:0 ,1.1 01 Countv Commissioners of ebei
Count) l tnh. pursuant to Ihe petition of
the Honorable Simon Bamberger, Qov
ernor o' the State of l lah and nil appll
rations for thl exclusion of lands th.-rr
from and 101 the inclusion of lands there
in. be organised Into un Irrigation district
1 under the laws of the State of Utah?"
For the purpose m 'i" said ectlon tin-
said district has been divided into three
division of as nearlv equal votinr. strength
as la practicable imil all agricultural ImiD
therein to wb'ch water has been allotted
us show n bv the ..-.li: order and list ol l In
said Board oi County Commissioners. I
llAVe been included within sa'.d district
and urc a part 01 o bt respective divis
ions, cai li ol whit h divisions is respec
tlvelv bounded as tollowa. to wit
Division No 1 Beginning at a point
approximately 3000 feet N'-rlh of the -uor- j
tor section corner between Section-- 30
and HI. Township S North. Rni- 1 BjisI
S;lt lake B.1S1 and ! 1 Idle 11. and fur
Ihe 1I1-. rilie I :e- belle: the 1 olnt where
the middle line of the Weber River Inter ,
scitM tile we-tern boun'lniv line of the
,1 rale limits of Ogden City, t tah j
thence In a westerly direction along and ,
following the middle line of Wober River
to it.' Intersection with tin '011th bound '
hiv line of Section 2.".. Township li North.
Range I West, s n 1 1 Lake Bus.-ami Merld-1
in which point la further described aa
b illR approximately Ji rod.- West n( the
Southeoat corner of said Seellon 25.
tin nee West '2U ro.1" to the Southwest!
1 orner of Section 2G. sr.ld Township and j
Range theneo North 1 mile to the North-1
w est corner oi said Seetion 26 thence j
West liiti rods to the nuarter seetion cor- !
iter between Sections 22 and 27. said I
Township and R-irik".- tltenCO Ninth 100 !
rods: thence West l'j miles to the quar-1
ter section corner between Sections 20 and 1
jl. s.ld Township ml Puie thence'
North i'i miles to the Northwest corner
of Section 16. said Township and Range:
thence East 1 mile to the Northeast cor
ner, Of said Section 16 Ihence North I I
mile to the Southeast corner of Section 1 j
said Township 'iiul Kange; inom-e west 1
mil. to the Southwcsl corner of said Sec
tlon I: thence North 1 mile to the North;
weal corner of said Section 4.; ihrnee
Bast a mile to tho Northeast corner of
aald Section t: thence South 1 mile to the
Southeaat corner ol said Section t: thence
Kust 1 mile lo the Southeast corner of
Section :t. . id Township and Range
thence North 2 miles to Ihe Northweal
ornet Of Section r.5. Township 7 North.
Range :i West. Salt Iuke Base and M-r
idlan thence BSaat 2'b miles to tin .u.ir
ter seellon corner between Sectioha 30
and 81 Township 7 North. Range 3 NV'est.
Sail Dal'.'- Base and Meridian: thence
North 1 mile to the quarter ac tion cor
ner between Mictions 10 and 30, said
Townahlp Range,: ihence East t's
miles to the Southeast corner of Section
211. sahl Township and Range: thence
North 1 mile to the Northeast corner of
said Section 2n then.1- West I- mil.- to
a quart, i section cornier between Sen tlom
17 and 20, said Township and Range:
thence North l mile to the quarter sec
tion corner between Sections 8 and 17
aald Townahlp and Range: Ihenci Baal
j mil' to the southeast rorner of said
Section 3: ihence North along the section
line 20IIH feet, inoiv or less, to the Kust
cil shore tin-- Of lireat Salt Bikr. IhenCS
Northerly along and following the East
erly shore line of Ureat Salt Iike to a
point approximately 000 teet west of the
quarter section coiner between Sections
.14 and 35. Township 8 North. Range 2
West. Salt LatMe Base and Meridian;
thence Baat rods, more or lens, to a
point 240 rods East of said quarter sec
tion COmer between Sections 34. and 3."i
aald Townahlp and Range: thence south
160 rods: thence Bast sn roils to the
Southeast corner ot aald Section 33;
thence South 9C0 rods, to Southeast cor
ner of Section 11. Township 7 North.
Kane- 2 WcM, Salt Bake Base 11ml Merid
Ian thence Beat 1 mile to Southeast cor
ner of shIiI Siclion 1! thence South 160
rods to the West quarter corner of Sec
tion I?. Township 7 North. Ranee 1 V, 1 -t
Bait Bake Ik.se nnd Meridian: thr-nee Bast
4 miles to the quarter Section corner be
tween Sections 2 end 2.1. said Township,
snd Range; thence South i1- miles to the I
Vnrlhonil cornel- nt Scelion 11 or. ..I I
Township and Ran", thence ,..si sn
rods: thence South lCn rods: thence West
80 rods: ihence South 30 rods; thence
West SO rods; thence South 80 rods;
thence South 161 rods; thence West 80
rods to Ihe quarter F--etion comer be
tween Sections 3 and 4. Township 6 North
Range I West. Salt ?-ik Base nnd Me
rldinn: thence South ll mites to the
point of intersection of the North bound
ary line of tho corporate limits of t-nld
Ogden City with tho section lines be
tween Sections 0 and 10. said Township
and Range: thence East 1 mile: thence
South approximately 2 miles to the Inter
section of the East boundary line of said
Ogden City with the middle lines of Ok
den River, which point Is approximate
H of a mile North- of the Southeast coi
ner of Section 22. said Township and
Range; thence In a. Westerly direction
along and following the center line of
said Oksdcn River tr a point M its Inter
section with the West boundary line ol
the corporate limit -i o' nald Ogden City,
which point is approximately 10 rods
North of the quarter section corner be
tween Sections I'J and 30, said Township
and Range: thence South proximately
tweniv three hundred and fortv r.-et io
Hie pi ice of tif-glnnlng.
Divlalon No. 2 Bcclnnlnr at a point
at a point approximately 3000 feet North
o: tho quarter section corner between Sec.
ttona 10 and 3L TlYTJBahlp 6 North. Range
1 West. Salt Bake Bare and Meridian.
which point is further described os baling
the intersection of the middle line of We
'" i River with the West boundary line of
the corporate limits of Ogden tTty. I'tah
thence In a Westerly direction alone and
following tho middle line of said Weher
River to its Intersection with the Baaterlv
ahore line of Jrom salt Bake, heme n
roint In the Northemt quarter of Sen ton
,11. Township 'i Noilh. Rank'e 3 West. Salt
I Bake Base and Meridian thence in a
Southerly direction along and following
the said Basterty shore line of Croat salt
Bake to the point of its Intersection with
the South lioundar: lino of Weher County,
and the North )un.)ar line of Bavls
i"onntv- beings point lh Section 22 Town
ship ;. Northr Range I We.t ait t-ake
BaSI '.ml Meridian: thence in an Easterly
idlreetfon following said South boundary
: l-ne of said Weber Countv to a point
'where i-alrl Cotinty line intere-ecls the
, section line betwe n Sections 25 and 26.
Township ". Noith. RanKO 1 West Salt
t-ake Base and Iderldlan which point is
; approximately 50 rods North of the South
east corner of said Section 26; thence
'North 100 rods, thence West KO rods;
thence North 200 rods: (hence West 40
:iods: thence North 2n rods; thence West
40 rods. thence North 20 toils to
the middle of Section 23, said Town
ship ami Ranue Ihence in a North
westerly direction lo the Northwest cor
ner of Section 23. said Township and
liimce, thence North 30 rods thence East
; 16fi rods; ilicnec. North K0 rods. Ihence
j West 160 rods to 'he quarter section cor
ner between Sections II and 15. aald
Township nnd Range: theme North 2
I miles to Southeast corner of the eorpo
rute limits of Ogden ity which is fur
I ther described as the quarter section cor
I ner betw-. en Sections 2 and 3 said Town
ship and Range theneo Wesl 3's miles
mo Southwest corner of corporate limits
of sn Id 0jden City: thence North 660 t ods
to place of beginning,
Division No. 3. Beginning- ot thr quar
ller section corner between Sections 27
land 2S. Township t North Range 2 East,
.Salt Uake Bae and Meridian thence
, North I'i nillei to the Northwest corner
or Section 22, said Township and Range.
thence East 80 rods; thence North 40
'i-ods: thenci Baal 't- roils theme North
, 4ti rods: thence Rst 30 rods; ihence
North I" iods. '.heme Rat 40 rods:
I Ihence North 40 rods: thence Host 10
I rods to thf quarter section i orner be
Itwecn Sections H and 15. said Township
and Banco: thonce North 160 rods to tho
Northeast comer of raid Seetion 15:
thence West 8(0 rods, thence North 40
rods: Ihence Wesl SO rods, thence North
in rod. thi in . We.--! I'l rods: thi nee
'North 80 rods: thenc. West 120 rods:
I thence North 30 rods thence West 10
iods to e point so rods South of the
Northwest corner of Seetion 3 snld Town
ship and R'-nro: ihen.-e West 4(i rods:
j thence North 40 rods thence West 40
rods, theneo North 40 rods to a point 80
iods Woi of the Northwest corner of said
Section i thence Wesl to rods thence
North 4" rods thence West 40 i od theneo
North 40 rods: thence West 4n rods
thence North 40 rods thence West 40 rods:
thonce North 210 rods to a point l!n rods
Kast of the Northwest -orner of Section
5 said Townahlp and Range; then East
lit rods thence North b'i - ods: theneo
Bast SO rods: thence North 40 rods,
i hence Bast to roda: thence North so
rods; Ihence West S40 rods to a point 8n
rods East of lh( quarter section corner
I between Section" end 16. Township 7
North. Range i Bast Sail uk- iin" ami
Meridian; thence North 160 rods thonce
Weal s" rods to the Southwest corner
of Section 35. said Township nnd R.-mcr-.
thence North SO rods ihence West 120
rod! ihence North 120 iods: thence West
2Q iihIs. thence South 40 rods; theme
West SO rods to the quarter Section cor
ner between Sections 26 and 27. said
Township and Ranre; I hence North 240
rods; thence West 0 rods: then' e North
80 rods- thence West 120 rods;
thenoe North 160 rods, to the quar
ter section corner between Sections 15
n'ld 22 Mid Town-do, and Ri hT- tie lee
Wesl 1'- mllCS tO the Northwest corner
..( 9 .tlon 21. aald Township and Range;
thence North i mile to the Northeast cor
ner of Section 17. said Township and
Range: thence est SO rods: thonce
North 160 rods: them e Weal SO rods
thence North rods: thence West 10
roda: thence North 40 rods, thence West
10 iods thence North 10 roda ihence
Wei 30 tod-i to the Southeast i orner o.
Section 6. raid Township and Range; thence
North' 160 rods to the quarter section cor
ner. between Sections 5 and C, raid Town I
shin and Range thence West So rods,
(hence North 40 rods; theme West 80
roda: theneo North 40 rods, thence
160 rods; Ihenci South along the Town-.j
.--hip line belw.ii fiances 1 Wet and t
l i t unit Lake Base and Meridian 4vn
rods; thence l-st 160 rods, theneo South
160 rods, thence Bast 10 rods: thence
South 340 rods: thence West 10 rods;
H South 40 rod.v to the quarter see
lion corner between Section's IS and 19.
Township 7 Norlh Range 1 Bast. Salt
Bake Base and Meridian; thence West to
rods; thence South io roils: (bene.- w . ,t
4n roda; thenc South to roda: then e West
10 rods- thence South 40 rods, thenc BaSl
4(1 rods thence South lO rods; (hence
East 40 rods lhVn. South 160 rods:'
thence East 40 rods: thence South 40 rods
to the quarter Section corner between.
Sections 10 and 30. said Township and,
Range. Ihence East 4n rods, theme Smith
i2'i roci. thence Blast 40 rods, thence
South 40 rods: there- I ast 80 iods lo the
nuarter section corner between Sections
20 and 30, said Township and Range
thence South SO rods: thence Kast so
rods; Ihence South 4i1 rods; thence BasI
120 rods, thence North 40 rods: Ihence
Bast 120 -ods; thence Sooth 20 rods;
Hume Fust I'l iods- thence Soi. ti 2" rod
.. c- ... . Cnnlh All,
nn in i i. mm . i....- - . ........
rods, (hence East SO rods to the Quarter
section corner between Sec tion A 28 and
:iid Township and Range, thonce
South 120 rods- thonce East 80 rods,
thence smith 10 rods thence Cast SO
roda thence South 160 rods to the Soulh
, ., I i ni-p'-i ro said S-ellon 33. Ihence
East SO rods: thence South 160 iods"
thence East 140 rods: theneo South SO
rods: thence East 20 rods- thence
South 240 rods. thence West '80
rods: thence South 24n rods thence
Baal i"1 rods; thonce South SO
iods to the quarter section corner he
'Ween Sections 11 and 15. Township 7
..rlh. Rune. 1 f.nl Sal' Bake Pn r.nd
Meridian: thence Baal 120 rods thence
South 160 rods thence Beat 200 rods to
the Northwest coner of Section 24. said
Township and Range: thonce South 12'i
iods ihen-o Bast 160 rods, thonce South
in ihence Kn.st SO rods thence
i South SO rods: thence East SO rods to the
' Ranee line Iw-lween Ranees 1 East and 2
! alt 1-oke Base and Meridian
I thonce South 40 rods thence East 160
'rods, thonce North 40 rods; therire Ka.rt
ISO rods: thence North 40 rods- thence
r,(U mi ml.-, th no South (" icul
thence l"-ast 3G0 rods, thence North 40 j
rods Ihence Bast 40 rods theneo South,
I n rod: thence East 160 rods: thence
I South 4n rods, thence Bast SO rods to)
the place of beginning.
1 At said election there shall be elected
three directors Of and for the said dis-
J n i, i. to hold BUI b office for the term pre
I scribed b) IgW one from each of tho said i
three divisions thereof, by ihe land own
. . r,r Ihe whole district, and th. follow-1
! inc named competent pcrn. each being
I th- owner of lands within the respective
divisions of the said irrigation district for
which he Is named, and to which water .
has been ii Hot ted hv the said order de
iiiuiinlnk- li.-luiK arid platting :uiid lands..
Will be voted on at the said election, for
dl rec tors of the said district, to-wlt:
Division No i!
.1 B Rohson of Plain City. A eher
Countv. Utah; " "
B. T Rheoy of rhasant lew. eher
County. Utah.
Bl vision No. 2:
James U. Reus of Hooper. Weber Coun
I ' T R Jones of Kancsvlllo, Weber Coun
tv. I'tah.
I Division No 3:
U. P. McKay of Huntsville. A eher
I Count v. I'tah.
H B Slalllngs of Eden. Weber Coun
tv. L'tah.
' The ballot lo he used at said election
shall lie in substantially the following
form :
Election August 10. 1P2Ci.
Question Submitted
Shall the lands determined. llstM with
water allotments and platted by the
Board of Countjf rommlssloners of Weber
Pountv. t'tuh pusuant to the petition of'
the Honoiahle Simon Damlwrger. Gov-,
ernor of the State of Ctah. and all appll
cj-dons for the exclusion of lands there
from and the Inclusion of lands therein,
be organized Into an Irrigation district
ii inter Ihe laws of the Slat-- of l'tah"
Irrigation District Tcs
Nam Acre Feci
Irrigation District No
Name Acre Feet
Vote for three ducctors ono. only from
each division;
Division No. 1
J. B. Rohson , Acre Feet
R T. Rhces Acre Beet
( .Acre Feet
Division No. 2
.Tames R Reus . . . ... Acre I-'eel
T R Jones .- rre Feet
Acre Feet
Division No. 3
ID l UcKs Vcre Feet
II B StalllngS Acre Feel
- , . . .. , -. .Acre Feet
That nt sid election each elector shall
he entitled to cast one vote for each acre
foot of water, or fraction (hereof ailotted
to th" innd ownen by auch elector, ss
j-hown bj the ,arl onier and 1st of the
.-nel Ro.nd ' County Commissioners, and
shall slrn the ballot and Indicate alone
vvltb his. hir or Its nn mo the number
Ol acre fet al'olted to th" latid ow-.ie.l
I bv. Ihe ecclo-- caslltig the said ballot
j Each Innd owner ran" vote for three iji
rectors, one for each division, and shall
: indicate his vote by placing a marginal
cross iinin the ballot for oi against Ihe
rptcKtion suhn-ltted or name voted upon
and opposite thereto.
At said election all persons shall be
entitled to vote who are land owners of
lagrlcultur.il lands to which water has
been allotted within tho said IrrlRnllon
district, and corpora t Ions owning lands
Within l!io said district r.hnll be consld
and persons within (he meaning of this
i section I-and owners not residing within
ilhc district shall ho entitled to vote only
j In the division of such district when In
their lands, or the major portion thereof
I are located, and each land owner shall be
entitled to cart one vote for each acre
foot of water, or fraction thereof, allotted
J to the land owned by auch elector aa
shou n by the said order of the said Board
j of count. Commissioners listinu and
platting ssld lands and shall sign tho hal
lo! and indicate along with his. her or Its
iname ihe number ol ocre feet allotted to
I the lands owned bv tho elector casting
the r-itd ballot. Guardians, executors and
.administrators of estates, who have b
dul' appointed a- su-b under (h, laws of
I this State, and who as such guardian or
eeutor br administrator Iv entitled lo the
possession of (he lands belonging to the
I estate which h- represents mnv on behalf1
, of bis ward or the est:ite which lie roD
.resents, upon being authorized by the j
, protier ro'-irt. vote at such election.
' Tho polling plaeea lor said election nnd
I for each of the said divisions will he lo
I cated within the cyld respective divisions, i
as follows ,
Division No 1 it Public School Honf .
Farr Weat; Weher County t'tah. i
Division No I al Public School finnan.
Knnesvllle. Weber County I'lnb.
I Division No 3 at Public School House.
1 Ed op Weber Countv- l'tah.
I Bach division of aald district will ion
stilute an 'loetlOT precinct for aald OlOC
tion and the following named comoetent I
persons will act n:i Judges of the snld elOC j
tlon for the respective dlvlalona named, I
jand one of the Judge of raeh division I
will act ns Clerk of the election of such
irispeotivo division to wit
Division No. 1
i W N Barker of North Ogden. Wober j
i Cotinty. Utah
i M D. Harris of Ifa rrlaville. Weber
; Count Utah
C E Palmer of Plain City, Weber
.County. Utah
Division No 2
' Joseph It Belnap of Wilson. Weber
Count . I tnh.
1 I D Hoop'r of Hooper. Weher County.
Henry Penman of West Weher, Weber
County, Utah.
i iv Ision No
I Jesse M, Wilber of lb n. Weber Coun
, d Utah,
David Chard of Liberty, Weber County,
I tewU Wangs gard of HuntavlUe. Webei
County, Utah.
! The po ls for the snld ele tion Will lie
,, . io ; 1 1 tin bom of seven o'clock a. ra.
and n main open until the hour of aeyen
O'clock p. m. ot the said day when the
; ahall bo closed.
! Dated at Ogden City, Weber County.
Utah, tins r.th da) of .tune A D. 1020.
Chairman Board of County Commis
sioners Weher County, Utah,
V A I iTBR N FARR. Cl rk.
15 The Clerk of this Board Is hereby
authorised ami directed to prepare for
said election a sufficient number of of
ficial ballots In the form herein specified
and a poll H-Jt for the use of each di
vision of -.r i prOPOSed district which
poll Hfel ahall be certified by thi Clerk
of this Board and shall show the num
ber of votes entitled to he casl bv each
land owner therein as shown b the order
of tills Roard listing sold lands and. at
le:;?l ten unw orioi to snld election, the
clerk shall transmit said poll llat and a
sufficient number ot such ballots to the
Judges of each of the respective di
visions. The forego, nr older was adopted bv
unanimous VOtl 0 the Board of Countv
Commlaalonera ot Weber County State of
I'tah a a meeting of aald Board regu
Irnlv culled and dull held at I la office In
the County Court House in Ogden City
Weber County. Utah, on tin i.'th day of
June A. D. 1020 .at th. hour of two
o'clock P. M.. all numbers being pros.-m
and voting thereat
martin p BROWN. Chairman,
J M cnii.D
u. 1 1 ENSIGN
Board of County Commissioners of
v. eher County, Utah.
(SB vl.i Cl-rk
In tho Ma'ter of the OrganUstlOD of
I ber ( ounf Irrnstioa District.
Notii-e of eli-riiin to Doierminn Whether
I Such Proposed Irrigation District Shall Be
: (iranired ond to Kle.-t Threo Directors
Notice i hrel.v civen tliat nnrstianl (n the
provisions cf n Order of (ho Board of OoDBtJ
t omni itlooari of Wsber Cuinty in the siHie
; of t'tsh duly nisdo and entered on the 25th
' dy of June. A. D 19'jn. .Jeterniiniiir btine
1 with wstor llotmrni and plaiting the Undo
!- he ineladed fithtn aid distrirt sml mlnne
n eleclion f.ir Ihe purpose of d'-lerminmc
! whether tli nd Weber Oeeaty Irrigation
Dilrirl and ibe land ns listed with ater
. allotments and inrludrd Ihorein by the Hoard
of Com tnCymomiionrs shall lie nrenmred
'as an irrigation distr;ri. under the proviaioaa
of th lans of the Stale of Utah relating
I thereto, nod th elo.-iion of throe directors of
J nnd for the jjid district, nn election v 1 1 1 lie
hold for said purposes w ithin Uie snid district
on ibe tenth dav of August. A D lOjo
That at aid election there -will be sub
mitted to the land owners of the said district
to whose land therein water has been allot
ted. aa shown by the said order and list
th snid Board of County Commis c. errs Itie
following qusstlens
' Shall the lands loi rrmi ncl. lisled vriih .
nator allotmonts end platted bv the Poard
of County Commoi-ionors of Webor County. ,
l'tah. pursuant to the petition of (he Ran- j
orable Simon Bamberger, (iovornor of tho
State of t'tah. and all applications f.ir lh 1
eiclmion of lands iherofriftti and for the in I
elusion of lamls therein bo nrranned into
an irriga'ion diktrie; uuder tho la-a of the
State of L'tah I"
lor tho ptirpovo of the aaid elorlion tho I
aid district hos boon divided in'o iliroo ill I
flalojia of as nearly equal voting strongiii nn i
in praoticablo and all ngrii-ult oral lands tlici,
in to which wator has boon allotiod. as shown I
by the said order .ind list of the said Bonril
of Ooaaty Conualnlonara, have boon inriudoa ;
within said dutriei and are a part o( ap
rrpee(ire divisions, each of which divisions 1
is rospoelively bounded aa fullowa, to-wif :
Division No. I. Rrginnin? at a uomi nn :
proximately 3.000 fort nnrli nf ib qaarter
I section cornor. botwoen Seelirfns 30 and Bl,
I To-xnship fi Nnr'h. Range I Kast Sah Lakl
I Base and Meridian, and further dosrribr l a
hoing the point whoro tho fiddle line of tho
.Weber Kiver intersects the woslem booadarj
line of . tho rorporato limltt of Ofdon Ti-v.
Utah: then- in a wostorly direction s'.mr
and following tho middle line of Weber Rlvr
to lta intersect ion wj(b the south boundarv
lino of Seoiion - . Township 6 North. Rang'
3 West. Salt LaVo Base and Mrndiau. which
point it further described as being approxt
irately CO roda West of tho Southeaat croer
of said Section 25. thence Want 620 rods
10 the Southwest corner of Section 26. aaid
Townahin and Range: theneo North I mile
to th Northwest corner of aaid SaetlSB IB"
thenci. Waal ISO rods to tho quarter aecllon
corner between S'rtiona 22 and 27 snld
Township ond Ranre; ihence Norlh ir.o ruds
ihence Weat 1 1-2 miles to tho quarter aec
(ion corner be(ween Sechona 20 and 'J I si .1
Township and Range: thence North i I '.' I
mdea to the Northwest corner of Sec' ion If,, I
aald Township and Range: thence bal 1 I
mile lo the Northeast corner of aaid Section
Iti. Ihence North I mile to the Southeaat ror
ner of Section 4, aaid Township and Range;
thence Weat 1 mile lo the Southwes; . r . -of
aaid Section 4: thence Norlh I m le la
he V,.r:he-st corner of aaid Seetion 4: (hear
Kaat 1 ratio to Ihe Northeast corner of aaid
-Seetion 4. thence South 1 mile to tho South
east comer of said Section 4, thence East
I 1 mile to (ho Southeast corner of Section 1. H
a i 'I Tow nship and Rang.- IBSDCt North 2 f I
miles io lh"o Northwest corner of Section j. saaVari
t ownship 7 Norlh. Range 3 West. Salt LskS laah
BaaS ond Meridian: thence Kast 2 1 2 mile Bj
to the quarter section corner between Sec- LaaaB
i tiona .10 nnd 81, Township 7 North. Range BjaV'
3 Wet. Ball Lake Base and Meridian: WWJm.'
li -.r-h 1 mile lo the qnsrti-r section yr TL
corner between Sections 10 and 10, said Lafltw
Township and Range, thi nee Kast I l '- o!sb3s.
miles n the Sunt he at corner of Section iaaaBl
snid Township nnd Range; thence North 1 BMB
inilo lo Ihe Northeast rorner of said Sec aTnT
'ion 20 i thence West 12 mile in a quar'rr oaarsFl
si-'-'iin corner between Sections 17 nnd 20. ssVxT
, seid Townvhlp and Range; ther.ce North I aaaisaf
mll to (he qufttrter aeetlen corner helos aaV
Beetioni 8 nnd 17. t.sid Townvhip and Ranee: B -j
' . 1-2 mile '" th.- Soatheaal eoi KJjS
I ner nf said Section 8't (hence North along flLvla
Ihe section line 2.000 feet, more or less, aaaEh?
10 (ho Kaetarly shore line of rtroa' Salt alaasriiS
bsk( ilicn.-o Northerly along and following 4bbb4
i the Bsaterly shore line of Great Salt Lake B!l
to a point approximatclv .'on feet west of aPor'l
thf- quarter section corner be(wi-oT Seetions "laig ,
'i I anil 85, Township M North. Range 2 West, StS.'.-J
t Salt Lake Bao und Meridian: thence Fast 'Blv
, 270 roda more or less, to a point 240 rods MfcaZ
Kist of said quarter section rorner between HrV
Sections .''.4 nnd IS, said Township and aaVll
Rango! ihence South 180 roda thanee Fast BV r
Jo rnli lo the Southeast corner ol aid So,-
. tion .1", Ihcr.r,. Sonlh 9() redo. to ' e Mi 1
Sontheaai mrrn of 8eetlon 11 Township 7 WakaV
North. Range 2 West, Salt Laka Base ami 1 T
Uerldlan thence Tast t mil" to Southeast
corner of snid Section 11 theneo S mih IflO ?T
, roils to the West quarter corner ol Section e-'tsO
19 Township 7 North. Range I West Salt -,
I bah o Base and Meridian; thence tast I JJ'S
miles to (he nuarter section corner between vsja
Sections 22 and 38 s.iid Township and. Range; ;R
i)ic-ie . Bonth I I J mile , to the N I'ihea't v
'corner of Section 1. - i 1 1 Tosmthip anil J
Bangs; thence VI SO rods, (lie-ice S-iuth
ll.n rods; tho-ico West n"i rodv. thence
Sooth 9, rodd thrnee Weal vri rodi tkenoe
So-tih 0 rods; then South 100 rods: thonco j
West 80 roda to the quarter section corner 'SI
hptwron Baetiona B nnd 4. Township ft North. Lt'?
Range 1 Wesl Snlf I, a'. Bait nr,d V'ertdlan , -
- jth i i i milt lo the point ot In;
tersection of the North boundarv line of the BKsS
corporate limits of said Ojden City with the W''?'-
soejtion lines bervreen Sections 0 and 10, aald igtfSl
Township nnd Range; thanee Kast 1 mile; RCfl
;iienoo South nop-iximately 3 miles to lh- j faSjSj
inlerse-tion of the Kaat boundary line of enid I Ta '4
I; ho City with I'm middle lines of Ogden lis'.'
River, which point ia approximately 1 of IWPr''
a mile North of the Southeaat corner of Seo- Ihow'
lion 29, said Township and Range: theneo omExJI
in a Westerly direction a'nn? and following BeSjSG
the center lino of said 0:den River to a BHnzia
ooint at its intersection with the West beua Iflsxit!
darv line of ihe corporate limits of snnl Ogden 2fj Ji,"
City, which point Is approximately 10 cnti BTtoSi''"
I .-( be Quartet So tion corner betsreen 4
Section 1 (i and 80, nid Township and (j
Range theneo South approximately twenty bbT-' '''
io . hundred ctnl forty feel to the ptaee of
Ho- n So, - Beginning al n point ap j, '
proximal.-ly .tOOO feet North of the quarter Hi- ''!
focti.m corner bclween Seetioni 80 and 31, eKdil'
Township 8 North. Range 1 Weat, Salt bake S' i,"
base and meridian wh,,-li point is farther n ' -
described as being t:ie intersectfnn of Iho .
middle line of Weher river, vvi'h the Ves( Si'i' i
boundary line of the eoiporete llnita f Og- SX' ' ; ' ;
Ian City, 17 tah; fhenee in a westerly direr xBa'," i'.
Q (; nnd f.llowlnr the middle I ne d j
.aid WebCT rlrer to ith Intersection wiih the Gaw
rn't.-rlv ahore line of Great Sail I.ake, being acRTlof
- point In Ihe north sal quarter ol Section 18,
Townahln S North. Range ?, West. Salt I, nice Ml ;
base and meridian : the-ie.. in n southerly di- Ht'5if'J'-
rectlon along nnd following Ihe said eaaterly SsECB
ahor' lino nf r.real Sail I.ake (o (he point r'f aWf'f'
i(s Intersection eitb tho south honndary linn aaor ''J' '' 'rl
i i-licr county, and the north boundary aBEr!" 'i''-
lino of Davia coonty, being a POlal hi S. c aaKjji' 'W
I 7ii.ii lo'viisnip .M.rui itange .1 west, laTir-'-- 'f
Suit lake base nnd meridian: thence In an affir-j"-', 'Cf:
east.r'-.- direction following tsid aonth boan wl-
drv lino of said Wi-ber county ( a pntrt fifc' '"rji i!
vhre "aid cuml- line intersects th,- section I fig. -V
lino between Sections 29 and 26 Townshio lf li ''" r'i
Sferfh Range I Weat, Sail l.nlte bae and alCS'-' 'Hf
meridian, which point u approximately SO
n-.s north of (he viiithrasl COrUOV of said Bt2fH
Section 20- (henco north IHO rods; thence ' ffi
.-et B0 rods thenc.- north 200 rods; thnce VC-'5t"
we-t to rods tb.'tn-o north 20 rods: thanee aaESnaaV
treat 10 rods. Ihonee north 20 roda! lo the Jki ';,.'
middle of Section 29 1 townahin and W.
rai c thence I i a northweaterly ilirectiia V
lo the northwest c ,mrr of Section -n. said i
I townahlp and ranif,- then north R0 roda! r
Ihei tal if-11 rodi thence north B0 rods! R
111 toe rodi to Ihe quarter tii.e B;
m a n,l 15 isid town I ,r
shin n id range . thepea north 2 miles to south- saYaAff'jSill :
j aaat corner nf (he corporate limits of Ogdi-a CI Jv ',
'ri(y winch is further described ns the quar- yl 4; ' i1 . :
ter lection noruar between Section 2 and n, I . .
I said townshin and rnnge . thence west 111 II AxC f .!.',
niib s to southwest corner -if corporate limiM MaVS
of vnid Ogden OUyi thenee north CdO rods t4 tiHSjrT-i
be '
Diriaion No. 8: Beginning at the qnar(e WMiWwBSSi
seciion corner between BactlOOfe and 2", BaBaaaar(K
Townshin ll North Range i Kast. Salt t.aV.4 B HS'
Hose and Meridian, (hence North 1 1-3 miles f jBhfl.)
In tho Northwest coraei paid
rownahip i d R i a Ihenci 80 rod I
I Ihence north 40 rods Ihence K.mt hii rods, KS
'ihence North 40 rods: thenee RsSl 80 rods; BBUnllK
thenc.. North 40 rods, thence Kast in rods; aaaSJaM?
ihence North 40 rods, thence Kast 40 roda H aBBBrlr!?
the quarter section corner between Secdont BB'a& '5
14 and 15, said Township and Range; the&ffi LJlb "'S
Norlh IiiO rods to the Northea't corner o BBBrSl
-aid Section 15; thonce Weat 880 rods; BBBkMB4r
IllOUCe Norlh 40 rods; thence West HO rods; BBoSdlili
thenc.. North 4o rids; thonco West tn rodai! BBK? ''i
hen ci Korth 80 rod thonce Weat 120 r !
Ihence North 80 rods, ilicnc- Waal 10 ro.1i ' ElB&
lo a point "0 rods Smith of the Norlhwe.i BBfruuKl
corner nf Section 0, said Township and BK1B4BM
Range : thence West 4n rjds . thence North BttttVsS
1 r-its theneo West 40 roils: thence North BSMxIi
40 rods lo a point SO rods West of the North- BBSSBEBBli
west rorner .if said Section 0: theneo Weat BBnaH
in ron- iiirnci. .ortn rnur. . in.-nce nn; H--fiTW
140 rods; theneo North in rods, thence West nT5'T
l 40 rods: Ihence North 840 roils to n point KB'i 'l
120 r.ois Kasl of (ho North west corner of at
I Bastion '. said Township nnd Range thenc , ' '
Kosi 4 i radai thonco Norlh 40 rod thonce "vf
, f f, s t kii roda; thence North 40 rc,., thenc,. ig
1 Kast 10 roil- :hence North " r,-d 'hence 1 ,
! W.-st Hlo rodv to n point B0 r .ds Kast of thi
quarter lectio corner between Sections t . staa
I 1 - I ' I - ' I ' " lb J
i mm
ro.l thauce Wi 30 rodi lo th- 8 fM L ;,-
corner of Section 2.1. said Township and I JM
B0 rodi thanee Waal JB-jfjijf
120 i (for b 120 rodi then" rR I
,-.. 120 roda; thenee South 40 rodi thence wf
Wol " r. d- the quart, r s-"-tion creer VaA Hl
between Sections 2' and 27 said Town-.hii I S '
and Rsngo (henco North 240 rods th,-n, - TV.
Wi-t in r ,d-. th,ne Ni.r'li SO ro.li then- KBBBBBV
'A i si 120 r,,,v thincn North 160 r-ols to lh RPSaV
quarter tertion corner between Sctions 1 ' JaV
, -ni'l said Township ard Range, then,.- HsflwaaV
Weal 1 1 -' m.les to tho N'or'hwost corner of 'Vr
Section 21 paid Townahlp and Range: lat''!' '
Ibe If! Worth 1 mile to (he N'ortb,-ast comer j
of Seelion 17, aaid Township and Range; "tfc
them-.i West SO rods; thonce North 1G0 rods;
(hence Weat 80 rods; thenee Norlh BO roda. 'Ver VM' ' -
lli.'ncn West 40 rods thence North 10 rods; A ' ' "'
theneo Wesf 40 rods thenen North 40 rods; A
thonce West B0 rod' 10 the Southeast cor f!
ner of Section 6. (aid Township and Range; Sjg
thence. North 160 roda to the quarter see- erX' 'li'fi :
tion corner, bctr-een Src'iona ". and 6, said Sss.' V :)
Townshio and Range; thence West "0 rods. sf rV.' '' j
theneo North 40 roda; thence West CO roda. Bat; ?o'j; -
thence Norlh 40 rods, thence Weat 160 rods. Kajaanaoi ' '
ihence South along ihe Townahip ice h.- q . ' -
tween Ranges 1 West and 1 Kast. Salt I.ake BBC 1$
Baee ami Meridian. 4x0 rods; thonce Kast a? s
180 rnl; thence Sooth ir.ll rods thence t V
Kaat 40 roda; thence South 240 rods; thenee er1
Weat 10 rls thence Bouth 10 roHs to the
iiuri,-r section eornei bstwssn Bectioni 18 if
and 10 Towifahip t Range i Eaai
gall I.ake Base nnd Meridian: thence Weat -iJLw
40 rods; ihence South 40 rods; thence West ''Vjfffl5
40 rods, thonce South 40 rods; (hence Weat " '(SbbbC
10 iods, (henco Siuth 40 rods; theneo Kat LJBBBBBt-'
40 r- da! IhsaWS South 4n rods: thence Kast L-tBaaar a'
40 rod ihence Booth 180 roda; thence Kaat ,
n ro.ls tliei,,-e South 40 r'ols to the quar Lv
ter seetion corner between Sections 10 and F-laBBBBBBBal
HO, said Townshio and Range; thence Kast ibaBaBaaaaam
to rods: thonco South 120 reds; ihence Ka: iaBaaaaaaaaa!
jn rod' . thenen South 40 rods, thence East BBBBBBaaaaV
MO rids to the quarter aeciion corner he- QeuBeaBBB!
, twrin Sections 21) and said Township and i.TT''B
'K:iWgr. thenee S"uth 80 nd; ihence Fast w r--f
I HO rjd thenci Bouth 40 rods; thonce East : ;--'fr "-'v.
120 rods: (hence North 4-0 roda; thenee Kast KOjvSi'Jafl
1 120 rodi thence Bouth 30 rods thence Kai
idi thence Eael
ko rodi i 8 nth 10 rodi than m 8 ill
B0 r,,ds to the quarter aeotion corner be-
I tween Sections 2B and 33, said Township and BBBrBO
South 120 rods, thence East Mr JEy
B0 r-ols. thence South 40 rods thence East I .
BO rods; thonco S,-ilh 100 rods to the South -y
eorner ol aaid Boctioo 88; thenee Kat , 'ii I
; 80 mda; thenee gouth 160 rods: ihence Ea' j jfm
i -Is: thence Sonth SO rods, thence East
I 20 roda. theuce South 240 rods, thenee Went iV3
i HO rods, thence South 240 rods; thence East
ICO roils; thenc South 80 rods lo thn qusr jfvT-Jf i
lr section corner between Sections 14 and j O.v ?
15, Towuship 7 North. Range I East, Salt L-.V
I, site Base and Meridian ihence East 120 f ' '
roda; thence Sculh 160 rods: (hence East ('Al "
200 roda to the Northwest comer of Section. ferl.
aashln nod Bangs; tksaoe Bos v , '
180 roda; thence Kaat 160 roda; tbence Soutl al sv - ' i
in r -I theory. K,.,t t"1 ro-U .-nth aaall
80 roda. ihence Kaat 80 roda to Ihe Range M'a JSt '
Line bsfvsea Ranges I Kaat and 2 East. Salt V Bt
I. ass Base and Meridian: thence Sooth 4n aTn ar
rods ihrnco East ISO rod. thenee North 4 WkAlk '
rods, (hence Kaat B0 rods, (hence North 40 amfg J
(Continued on Followlna Page) j