(Continued from Preceding Paqe)
rods; itifno Kant SO r.x1 thrnri- S -uth 10
K tlieneo Kt .T50 r.idv thence North t
r.id: lb fori Knf 40 rods , thonre S 'iitli S40
r.x) ; thence Kail 100 rodi . thence South 40 1
rd ; thence Kail 80 rod lo the plucc of be i
At said rlsctlon ihfri- shall be elected thre..
directors of and for the said district, hold j
inch offire f..r th irm preTibrd bf law. j
one from eeeh of thr mid three iHrii'n
thereof, by the land 0 .ners of the srholu dls- I
trirt, and the followm; utrurd competent
permna, er, brmt the owner "f lands with
III the ri-jpeetire dlviiom of the aid i rri j
ration district for which he is named, and
U) which wat r has been allotted h tbc said ;
order ilrtrrtnininf? listine nnd plstttnf said
lands, will be voted on at ihe said eleir
tton. for directors of ihe said district, to
wit: Division No 1. 1 I, Robon of Hin
City Wrbrr county. L'tah : R T Rhee of
I'leasant View, Weber county, Utah
Division Ns 2 .tames R. Beua of Hooper.
Webar county. Utah; T. R. Jones of Kanea
ville, Vvrbcr eouofy. l'tah
rirision Vo 3 -D D McKay of Hunts
rille Weber county I (sb 11 B .-'f.illlnc
of Fden Weber county, l'tah
Tho ballot to be used n! -.aid election tiliull
bo In substantial! . 'h. following form.
Election Aiiuit 10, l'-'20
Question Suhmil'ed
nrmii tor lanui ncicrtTtineo nsiea nn
water allotments and platted by the Board
bjfl of County Commissioners of Weber Count.
IBB Utah, pursuant to the p.'.inon of the Hon-
H .Table Sim n Bnnilirrer. GOToraOT of the
H State of Utah and nil application! for tho
flP eTolusion of lands thercfnin ami 'be inclu
sion of lands therein, bo organized Into so
BLfH irrlatinn district under the laws of the State
H Irrifrntion District Yol
H Vamp Acre Kert .
H Irrigation District No
Name . Acre Keel
H Vote for three directors one or.ly from
H division:
H Division No. 1
FJHI J L. Robson Acre r-t
R. T. Rheos Acre I of
KHf ..Acre
Rtfl Division No. 2
.Toars R. Beus Acre Teet
i ft, Jones 1 1 1 '
HmI Division N'. 3
g?M D. D McKay Aor Feet
WmfM H R. Stallinca Acre Feet
mM'jm Trial at said election each elector ihnll bo
H&fl entitled lo cast one vote for each ncj-n foot
WWM of water or fraction thoroof, allotted to the
I' land owned by urh clect-ir, an shown by the
H-Cfj said order and Hat of Ihe said Board of
i'f i' A County Commissioners, and shrill sien the bnl
j m lot ami indicate alone wl'.h hjs her or Its
mBs" - name tho number of acre feet illotted to tho
t land owned by the ejector ravine the qiil
ballot Each land on in r ma ite for Ihrei
it I directors, one fur each division, and shall In
f dica?e his vnte by plnci -i' a ranr,'irnl 6rOtl
upon the ballot lor or n;rilnM tho QUSStlOll
submitted or name voted upon and opposite
U At 1M .1 ...I , - .11 . U . 1 1 U- -
U titled to vote who arc and pimeri of ajrl
rultnrivl Inr.ds to which vatCT hi', been ai
,, lotted within th iald Irrigation i i s i
lM corporation! owninc lands wi.liiu the -:iid 'I I
jH triel shall be considered person! v.lthln the
H nieaninc of (his acclion Land owners not
residing wi'.an: the district shall be entitled
H to vola only In the division of such diMrict
1HH v herein their lands, or thr major portion
(hereof, aro located, ond eacb laud owner
shall bo entitled to cast or,.- oi- for rnc;,
THH acre foot of water, or fraction thereof, nl
lotted to the land owned by such doctor as
iSH shown by the said order of thu and Board
jBH of County Commissioners listinc and plnltln
raid lauds and (hull slirn (he ballot and in
H dicalo alone with jlls, her or its name the
(HBH number of aero feet allotted to the lands
MH owned by the elector casting the said ballot.
VS Guardians, executors and administrator of
ERttH estates, who have been duly appointed as
Hj such under the laws of Ihe 'stoic, and WJ10
flH as such cunrdian, executor or Sdmfnlltrsl r
B is entitled to the possession of the jandS
belongluj to the Crttaie hirh he represents
HMBt- may on behalf of his ward or ilo BStSI
Sif'll'W which he represents, upon belnr authorited
rfMj .', by Iho proper court vole si such election.
U fei. X The polling places for said election and
for each of the said divisions will be located
HH within the said respective divisions, as ,
PaWaHf low
llfJB Division Ko 1 at Publi- Srhool II
r larr West, Weber Court I tr!i
J-- Division No 2 nt Public School II rUBC
H Kanes'-ilic. Weber Count) I tab
M , Division Ko 3 at Public School Hju',
Eden. Weber Cotn';, Dtb
KTH Each division of Raid district will con
stilnte an election prceino! for said election
BJjH and the following ramed eonipetenl persons
H will act as lodges of Ihe said election for th
respective divisions named, and one of the
GH judges of eseh division will a-t as clerU of
Hf' the election of audi respective division, to-
UK Division No 1 W. N Barker of North
tlfl'fe Ojden. Weber County, Utah; M. D. Harris
ISC 01 Harrisville. WeheT County. I'lah, C. E.
HSP Palmer of Plain City. Weber Obunty, ! tnh I
jKOT Division Nc. J Joseph fcL Belnap of Wil
gjt son, Weber County, Utah; .1 D. Hooper of
W Hooper, Weber ConntT, Utah, lienrv Pen-
E man of West Weber. Weber ConntT l'tah.
B Division No. :t Jesse M. Wilber of Kd-n.
V Weber County, Utah, David Chard of Liberty,
Wobcr County, Utnh Lewis Wangsgard of
Hanlsville Weber County, I'tuh.
gA Tho polli f..r laid eli in I
Mm opened at the hour of sven o'clock A M and
njsjji fmsin open until the hour of seveti o'c'.ocU
nU P. M of the raid doy when ther shall be
i'vl closed.
.sj2 Dated at Ojrden City Weber Counlv, Utah,
Ully this C:.th d n of .Tun. ) lp-jn
'CTCW ' Chairman. Board of Countv Commissioners
flHj Weber Conntv Utah
Kt" Attest Walter V. l'arr. Clerk
jfB Si 1.1 .
In tho District Court of tho Second Tudl-
'lal District. n and for Welicr Conn1
Stnfrj of Utah
i Alfrctta "Wright, rmintlff. vs. Charles J.
7 Anderson, and tho unknown heirs, do-
I liK-es. lcigatces and creditors of raid
HlH ' hark- J Anderson A. J M Ander-
Oon, and the unl.iiuwn holrn. il'l?
j lo.gtGOM and creditors of nild A. I ,M
AndiTson; Floienrp F Nelson, nnd the1
HCI? unknown hoirs. devisees, legatees nnd
fUW i creditors of said Florence. F Nelson: i
Angle Shllllnc- nnd Ihe unknown heii -Milt
devisees, leifMlcpa nnd creditors of snl,j
f Anjcle Shilling;; Ms.rgn.rei Thomppon i
1 McQurxnie Iferrlll, the widow of Nell j
H KcQuarrio, and the unknown ltclra il-- 1
Hl vlaees, legatees und creditors of Neil
I McQuarrlo; Mat;. Boyle, the widow and !
H Nettie Boyle f'alne. Mary Uovle Scow- 1
rcft. Clare noylo Ildr L Boyle rnd ,'
P. Leonard Boyle, the surviving children i
of lohn A. Boyle, deceased, and tho 'in- '
ajBmV. known heirs, devisees. ltsHte-s and
I ' redlfor! of Hid Tohn A Boj le, de-
ceased: Anna Boyle, the lurvlving arlfe
SBB of Lorm Eo lo, I'C ir.od, non of sold
Tohn A. Hoyle, deceased, and the un- j
known heirs, devisees, legatees and
ivn creditors of said Lorln Bovlc. de-
cens, ,j : ,fin Boyle Gftle. the widow, nnd i
! Norman Doyle Ivy Bovlo Mosby, Har
vey Boyle, Ada R. Boyle Elgle Ruth!
21 Viola Bojle, Wlllnrd Snow Boyle end j
I John All n Boyle, surviving children,
of Norman Bo!" n de eased son of said
Ml John A. Boyle, deceased) arid tiie un-
II -) known heirs. di-vinfes. legatees an 1
creditors of said Norman Bolc. d -BflBr
erased: V, H. Ferree. the husband of,
I Rhea Boyle Ferree, deceased, and the
I unknown heirs, devisees, legatee! and j
creditors of said Rhea Boyle Forree, H
decensed daughter of nsld Norman 1
Bolc. deceased. Samuel Horrocks. Mar- I
Karet Horrocks. Lowery Leonard.
George E. Horrock3 and Lerov Hor-
ll rock.H. the surviving children of John
I Horrocks. deceased, and the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees and creditors 1
U of said John Horrocks, deceased: nnd of
I Oeorgo E. Horrnckn. a deceased son of J
j iaid John Horrocks, deceased Par
I ley Moore. Ihe husband, and Harold i
Moore. Lillian Moore Jarvlas Dorothy
Brlggs, Eugene Moore. Glen Moore.
gB I Cora Moore, Eva Tayloi. Isahcllo Moore
McGulre. Vera Moore, and A iolet Moore,
the surviving children of Elizabeth E.
Horrock. Mooro. a di-ceam-d daughter of
, John Horrockn, decoused, and tho un
known heirs, deviates, legatees nnd
editors of laid Ellzaleth E Horrocks
f looro ; Adam Patterson; John Doi and
Mary Roe, whose other and true names
pre to i-lalntlff unknown, and any and
all other persons who have or claim to
hove some estate or Interest In and to
all or any part of the property herein
after deocrlbcd. Defendants.
Tho State of L'tah to Said Defendants
BH m You are hereby summoned to appear
within twenty days after service of this
summons upon you, if served within
the county In which this Hctlon (m
brought; otherwise, within thirty day
Biter xervici , and defend the nbovo r n
titled Jieilon' and In cno of your failure
irei1 I ' ,0 Judsjnaent will be rendered
sgainsl you according to the demand oi
the complaint, which has b;en filed vvlth
1 ' the clerk of said court.
This action is brought to obtain
Judgment nnd decree adjudging the plain-.-
a I tiff to be the owner and quieting hi. tllJi
acalnst any and all claims of the defend-
I ant.-. In on ) to all of tho following do
lecillrce) real estate, to-wlt;
I A part of f.ots Eleven (11). Thirty- I
Six (.10) and Twenty-six (26). In Block
; Ten (111) In South Ogdon survey of Og
Iden City Survey; Beginning at the Inter
section of the north line of Thirtieth
I Street and the west line of Grant ave
nue. In sild xX 2G. and running tln-nee
: north along the west line of Grant ave
nue nn,iv feel, more or less to a point!
which le tM OS feet eouth of the north line
of said Lot 11- thence weft MS 91 feet,,
moro or less, to n point C.94 ehnlns west,
of the east line of said It 11, theneo
south 140 58 feet, more or lens, to
Ithe north line of Thirtieth street.
! thence cast alone s?ld north line of
Thirtieth street to the place of begin i
mng. r mate In the south' -ijit qnsrt;r of
Section 31 Township 6 .Venh. Rano l!
Wi r-uit Meridian V. s Survey,
In YVehei Countv State of l'tah.
Thai ihe de'endants. whose names are i
( plalnilff unknown, claim an Interest 1
In in Id i rem if es as to the orders Ihere-j
of. Hfl I that th samo WSfl derfve-d 1 y
conveyenee cr succession from the mid
defendant! Charlei J. Anderson A J M i
nderson. ' Florence P. Nelson, Angle
Shilling. Nell McQuarrlo, deo.jajpd. Jonn I
A. Boyle, deceased, John Horro:k. de
ceased, or Adani J'atteroon,
Plclntlff's Attorney.
P O Address: Suite jiS David Eccl i
Bulldlnr. "')-d. n. 1 U-li I
To Whom It Mm Coneern:
Hiereas. on the 14th day of May, A D.
1020, the following do.scrlbeil animel to
wit a newly horn white faced red bull
calf bearing no brands, was left with S.
p Chrlstensen on his farm in Wil ton
Lsnn. T'tah, for pasturing and feeding by
one John Doe. then owner of said nnl
mal. That srvld anlnv I is still being pas
tured, fed nnd ei,red ur bv- t!'e snld S P.
Chrlr"tc nsen ; that B reasonable sum was
ehargv-d for snld pasturing, feeding nnd
care that there la now due and owing
to tho said s. P. Christen d the sum of
$30 On for pasturing feeding, rnd care,
charges from the snld 1 Ith dny of May to
the date, hereof, and thai th. true name
of the owner or of sny prrson havinp
anv right, title, or Interest In and to said
animal Is unknown.
Now. therefore, notice Is hereby given
that on Monday, July 12. K'lio. between
the hour. of 12 m and 4 o'clock p m. at
the premises known as the P Christen
sen place, situale in Wilson Ine Weber
Countv'. I'tnh the said S. P. Chrlstensen
will sell at puhr auction the said animal'
eild auction end sale to be nmde under
nnd by virtue of Sections .177.1 and "771
Compiled Laws of It:'h for BM7. and for
the purpose of satisfying the lien of the
said S. P Chrlstensen on the said enlf
In the Bald sum of 130.00, together with
the roasonabl'' expense of said sale nnd
the cost of keeplncr said e;iif from the
dat hereof up to the time of said sale.
Any person! hnv'nc: or rlnlm!ng any
right, title, or intrroM in and to said calf
ivlll pleas, tnke notice hereof
Dated at Osslen City TTth, June 26.
In tho District Court of Weber County.
Slate of Utah
i Maude Relet riai,itlff, v ? George M. Re
let. Defendant,
The State of Utah to Said Defendant
You are hereby summum-d to appen"
within twenty days after service of this
summons upon you. Il serve-l within th'
county In which this action la brought.
otherwise within thirty days after service,
and defend the above entitled aetlon: and
In case of your fallnro so to do. Judg
ment win be rendered Against you oe
cordlrg toj the demand of lh complaint,
which has been filed with tho Clerk of
said Court.
This action !s brought to obtain a
Judgment of the court dissolving the
bond.i of matrimony now and hitherto ex
iting between you onl the plaintiff, and
tor tho custody of the minor child, and
for all such other relief an may bo prop
er In said action,
I Plaintiffs Attorneys.
P O. Address: Suite 005 Eccles Build
lag, ' igden Cll Utah
In the Disti l, t Court of the Second Judi
cial District, In and for Weber County.
State of rtah.
In Re Applie.it ion of Frnn! IIn-on to
Change His Name to Erank Von Mohr
The petition of Frank Hason, praying
that ihe court make nnd enter Its decree
permitting him to li:nce his name from
Frank Hasson to Frank Von Mohr will
be heard bv Department 2 of said court
or. Monday, the 2nd day of August 1920.
at 10 a. in. In the court room of said
court, at Ogd.n City, Utah,
Witness my hnr,u and the seal of this
court hereunto affixed this 20th day of
June. 1020.
C. R. HOLL1NGS WORTH. Attorney for
Pctll oni r
Ogdon Petroleum Co.. principal place of
business, Ogdon, t'tah.
There are delinquent on Ihe following
described stocks on account of assess
ment No. 11 levied on the 22nd day of
May. 1020. the seYCral amounts set oppo
site the names of ihe respective share
holders, as follows:
No. Share.j Amount
Allen. E. J 440 1000 $ 5 on
Abbott Q, H ,681 1000 5 00
Abbott. G H 1000 5.00
Brandon, M. H. ... fifi-S 71 1 ,Hr,
Bybee, Ernma 5.11 1400 7.00
Bauchman. Bmll ... 376 noo 2.61
Child Mrs C C ... 657 C000 20.00
Child Mrs. C C 462 200H 10 01)
Combe James 64 S 1000 5.00
Davis. F C 3 1 8 250 1.25
Davis. W E 342 .V)0 2 50
Doyle, A, B 529 500 2.50
Doyle. A U 571 250 1.25
Francis. Frank 20 4000 20.00
Farr. R W 472 1000 5 00
Fa it. C. L 484 500 2.50
Farr. C. L. 631 400 . 1 2
Jensen David 47 1000 5.00
Jensen. David . .. .325 3000 15.00
Jacobs E H. 140 250 1.J5
Jones, R. M. 531 1000 5 00
Karadlmos. Tom . . 262 M00 5 00
Light. Lllllc 446 100 .50
McCormlck. J. L. . 304 1000 5.00
McBride, Helen 601 200 1.00
Powell. S. C 286 500 2 50
Pid'ock. .1 W 550 1500 7 50
Perrin. Thos. D 688 1000 5.00
Perrln. Thos. D 623 K10 5.00
Sorenson. Nels 57 20n0 10 00
Sorenson, H N 274 350 175
Wvsong. Mattle 170 500 2 50
Wilson. W M .686 217 1.68
And In sccordnnce wlih law o many of
each parcel of sneh stock as may he nee
es.-.ary will be rold at the oflre of tho
company. No. 31 Twenty fourth Stn at,
Ondeti, Utah, on the 23rd day of July,
1920, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon
to pay the delinquent assessments, to
gether with the cost of advertising and
expense of sale.
P S. The above dellnqui iitH are pny
able to the AsS'lstSnt Seci i-lary-Tre.Hui r.
j R Mlnchcliffe, at the Pingree National
Bank, before th- above mentioned date.
Notice Is hereby given, that pursuant
to s resolution of the boa-d of dlreelors
a p-elnl meeting ol the stockholders of
tbe Hooper Siiir Company will be held
at the office of tho company. In the Mr.
sonic Temple bulldlnr. In the City of Og
den. County of Weber nnd Slate of Utah,
on Monday, tho 12th day of July, A D
1020. at the hour of 4 o'clock p. m.. for
the purpose of considering and acting
Upon and confirming or rejei ting the ac
tion of tho hoard ol directory of the com-
i.-'nv In having heretofore sold to i, ,
R WoollftV the plant and all of tho prop
erties, rights, and choses In action, of ev
ery kind nnd description for an agreed
amount of Ihe capital stock of the Inter
state Sugar Company, a Utah corpora
tion, and for tho transaction of auch other
OUfflness as may properly come before
the mooting, or an adjournment thereof
Dated. June- 25, 1920.
JAMES H RILEY, Secretary
Date of first publication, Juno 26. 1920.
Date of last publli itlon. July 10. 1020.
Notice in hereby given thut Ogden Cltv
proposes to make tho following puhii'- Im
provement, to wit- Construct pavement in
I'nving District No 133 logeiber with
work Incidental thereto, according to
plans, pp-'"IIIeatlons and pi-ofllos on fll
In the office of th Cltv Engineer And
sealed bids are Invited t'or anld work and
will be receive.! at the office of the City
Record, r Ir, the Cltj Hall at Ogden. Utah,
until ten o clock, a. in., on the 20th dnv
of July. 1920, Instructions lo bidders,
plans and specifications lor said Improve
ment can be seen nnd examined nt the of
flee of the City Engineer In the City Ha. I
of "old city.
The right is reserved to reject any und
ull bid.' mid lo waive any defci t
By order of the Board of Commission-
lers Of Ogd-n Cltv, L'tah. this, the Sth day
ol Julv. 1920.
City Recorder
First piiblice.tlon. July 9. 1920
Iast publication. July 2S. 1920.
Published In the Ogden Standard
Examiner 8411
State of T'tah. Office of Stat Road Com
mission, Salt lJik Cltv. l'tah,
S. nled bid- will be received by the
f-'iut. Road Commission of itnh State
Capitol. Salt Lake Cltv, l'tah. at 2 o'clock
P, m . July 27 1920. and at that time
publicly opened for grading and con
structing an eighteen foot (IS foot) bitu
minous concrete roodwny on the -t.it.-
road between Ogden and Huntsvllle, n dis
tance of 7 3fi mlle. In Weber County,
Slate of Utah, 'be same beinir designated
as t tah Federal Aid Project No, 30
Plana and specification! are on file in
the office of the State Road Commission,
Salt Like city, I'lah. nnd the office of
Bureau of Public- Roads. 406 Hudson
Building, Ogden. Ctah.
The alov,' plan- nnd specif Icr, Ions mav
be obtained a.1 the office of the State
Road Commission on depositing Flvo
($5.00) Dollars, Any rddiflonal Infonn-i
tlon may be secured from the State High
way Bngineet at Seit i,ike city. Utah
The right to reject any or all bldi u re
Cash or eeriiflerj rheck for Five Thou
."and Dollar- ($,".000. O'i) made peynhle to
the Utah State Road Commission nm-t .-vi-
I company each bwi as evidence of good
i faith and as a guaranty Ql&t if awarded
the COntraCT, the bidder Will execute the
j contract nnd give bond ns rsQUlred
: Secret ary, 3t3fi
In the District t'o-irt of the Second Judi
cial DlstrlCl of i tnh. In and for the
County of Weper
in the matter of the Qstati of William
Drysdale deceased
, Creditors will present claims with
vouchers to the undersigned .-idmlnisirn
trl of the above entitled estate at the
office of w. R. Skeen attofhev, 402 Ec
ciei Building, Ogden. T tah on or be Tore
September 15. 1920
Date of first publication, July 10 1920
Jiato of Ia.st publication. An -rust 7. 1920
w r skeen. Administratrix
Attorney for Ad:n'niat,-atrl:
In thr District i out! of tho Second JUdl
clal District of I' tali In und for the
i Countv- of Weber
;In the mntirr ! (he Estate of Christina
Ilium also known a3 Krlstlna Cox do
ccarofl. Creditors will present claims with
voucher6 to tho undersigned administra
tor of the nhov.- entitled estate si the
office of W R. Ske n. 102 Eccles Build
ing. Ogden, l'tah. on or before Septem
ber 15. 1920
Date of first publication July 10, i?o
Date of last publication August 7. 190
Admlnlwt rn tor.
, ConGult County Clerk or the Respec
tive Signers for Further
I Estate of Mvrn Brown, Minor
The petition of Celestla Peatherstone
letters Of gunrdlnnshlp, In the above
entitled matter, has been set for hearing
In for - Hon E Pratt Judge on Mon
I dny the 12th day of July. 1920. at ten
I CI 0 o'clock n. m., at the county court
house. In the court room of paid court. In
Ogden City Weber county, l'tah
Witness, tho ep-rk of gaJd court, with
the se:il ther. -of affixed this 30th dav of
June. 1920
By Agnes Smith. Deput) Clerk
jThurman & Allen. Attorney for Petl
! Estate of Chauncoy R Dana. DSCSased
i Tho petition of Mary Ellen Dana fori
leturs of administration, in the aho-.o
entitled matter, has been Bel for hearing
before Hon. A. W. Ager, Judge, on Mon
day, the l'th day of July 1920. at two 2)
o'clock p. m.i at the county court hou-e
In the court room of snld court. In Og-
i den City, Weber Cunty. l'tah
Witness, the Clerk of said court, wl'h
the seal thereof affixed this 30th dav of
Tunc. 1920.
By Agnes Smith. Deputy Clerk.
W H Reeder Ir., Attorney for Peti
tioner. -ill
Estate of Bertha N. Lscnhart, Deceased.
j The petition of Frances R Abbott, for
letters of administration, in the above en
titled matter, has been set for hearing I
before Hon. A E. Pratt. Judge, on Mon
dny the 12th day of July 1920. nt ten
(10) o'clock a. m , at the county court
house. In the court room of -.-iid court. In
Ogden City, Weber county, l'tah
Witness, the clerk of said court, with
the seal thereof affixed, this 30th day of
June, 1920,
Bj Ignej Smith Deputy CI rk
Chez & Barker. Attorneys for Petitioner.
(Se 'i i
Filiate of Arthur J Stslllngs, Deceased.
I The petition of Bertha Stalllngs for let
jters of administration to be Issued to Ar
thur D. Stallings. In the above entitled
matter, has been set for hearing beforo
I Hon. A. E. Pratt. Judge, on Monday, the
i 12th day of July 1920. nt ten (10) o'clock
a m., at the county court house in the
j court room of said court. In Ogden City,
Weber countv I'tnh
Witness, the clerk of oald court, with I
Ithe seal thereof affixed, this 80th dav of
June. 1920
Bv Agms Smith Deputv Clerk
W H. Reeder. Jr., Attorney for Petl'
I tloner
j Estate and Guardianship of David Eu
gene Tavlor. Albert E Taylor and Thel-J
ma Tnylor, Minors
The petition of Eva Cotrell (formerly I
Eva Tavlor) praying for the appointment'
of herself an guardian of the perilous und
estate! of David Eugene Taylor Albert
1 E Taylor and Thelnoa Tavlor, minors, In
the shove entitled matter, has been set
i for hearing beforo Hon. A W. Agee,
Judge, on Monday, the 12th day of July,
,1920, at two (2) o'clock p m.. at the coun
ty courl house In the court room of said
'court. In Ogden City. Weber Count),
I Witness, the clerk of snld court, with
the seal thereof affixed, this 30th dav of
June, 1920.
By Agnes Smith. Deputy Clerk.
Harris & Jensen Attorneys for Petl
t loner
fS. al)
SPA, Belgium. July 9 Ger
man contentions that the list of
German accuser! of violations of
the laws of war must be reduced
If the collapse of tho Berlin gov
ernment wa-s to be ftVoldOd were
discussed by a commission which
mot here this afternoon, accord
ing to an official announcement.
LONDON, July 10. News that
the German delegation at Spa had
signed tho agreement to except
the allied demands relative to dis
armament was received quietly In
Berlin )csterday afternoon, says a
dispatch to tho London Times,
filed at the German capltol late
yesterday. Tho people, the mes
aago says, generally recognized
Germany must accept tho allied
terms, although there was much
activity In political circles und
some popular feeling against tho
disbanding of the security guards
00 J
I DENVER. July 9 Fire which dc
Istroyed East Turner Hall and the Scott
Auto Body company late today sot fire
lo Heven residences and a prlntshop.
causing an estimated loss of $260,000,
Reports that a fireman was hurled be
neath .-' crumbling wall were erroneous
f Real Estate J
I Four room modern gUngalOW, on bench, I
heap for cash.
Four-room modem stucco, in-ce sleen.
Ing porch pool basement, pood tot $3000,
easy terms.
Two 8 -room modern homes, close In. at
a bargain,
Cltv Department Phone U4T
'i: Sawjiders ' 08
j I
Frnall payment down
Ilalanee like rent.
PRICES $1000 TO 510.000
Buy From Owner.
2337 Grant Ava, $139
80 acres choice lend; irlll lake email'
'house In cilv :vs pari l-av
1 1-5 acres land, good 2 mom hOUSO.
fruit A bargain 11500. Three of the
'best lots 011 the bench. $1500 cash. Loav-1
i Ing the city,
I 1 nder First National 1 m-. 34 18 1
$1200 nn.v.i a R room new inorlern except j
Iv-nt good t'-rr.is ,
.t240' BUVB n S room frame, 1 block from 1
ftir- t c.-ir $ ca:-b balance ,
JiSOO Buys 7 room brick modern OKCOpt I
heat on bench, half cash balance
terms Yaennt and a good buy
14500 Burs a good 6 room bungalow l
ir.odorn except heat garage chick- ,
en run. large lot. The bcsl pui m
the cltj for the money 11000 casn.
Phone 369 84
$60Oi Buy! hew morlrn 5 room brick sit
uato 5Vi blocks from Reed Hotel.
Half cash. ' .
SS500 Bye beautiful 6-room modern prlcK,
with full sleeping porch, double Ka- ,
rage, lots of shade ond lawn; lot
SRxlfiS. . . I
$1700 Buys practically new S-room mou-1
cm house, situate on bench.
Real Estate. Louns. insurance
2409 Hudson Ave. P'10"0.,,'1,7,
riVB-ROOM made of brick for sale by I
ownrr about to leave city, fall aftr o p.
m at 1073 Twenty fourth St. Bargain on
t,rlc,- -1 nil tr run, if trk- n a I Ih ' ' y
KORTV gores land in nlfulfa st a bargain
Will tske in exchange modern bungalow j
in Ogden Phone 1M W
IJY OWNER Four room modern hi
with Bleeping porch, coal and fruit 1
lar. cheap With terms. 2031 Monroe Ave
Phone 8447 till
RoiiMIN'I bouse nine tooni" nicely fur
nished, for sale 155 Twenty fifth .
OWNER leaving city. Will hi cheap, on
easy terms, new 7 room house, near Oin
wood; 1 1-2 acrei orchard and gard I
with crop; also chickens and pigs Phone
isoj w 12
i i iFORNIA hon s and I irm for sali ,
city and country. All sl.es. $2000 to
$73 000 Ideal climate, soil and "Oter.
Large list and pictures free Calmtn o ,
621 Von Nye Bids B3 Angeles. Cal
three a. n i hli kt .1 farm. Phone
W iL
VTAKTMENT house toy In on W..-h
ington avenue; has nine two nnd three
room apartments. Furnished. Income
$-5 a month. Price $110. Half cash.
l"ght consider part exchange. Box 18.
Htandanl-ExMiivner. oe
BIOHT room bom.-, sleeping poi
Phone 70 5252
THI'EE room cottage, two lots. 3121 Un
, avenue, cheap. Terms or cash. Phone
1650-J . 5222
13 ACRES, crops. Implements, horses or.
state highway, M mile north Clearfield
phone n g i 5222
I : , . . v I i . i :. i .!! 1 I' '
ment house, furnished, sleeping porches,
gus rangeg, finest location In town, $140
a month income. Good terms. Phone 102
WE have u large list of Irritated fnnin
for sole oi trade. Write or see WONES
UR1SWOLD INV. CO., Burley. Idaho
V L por.'i n; p.. ,il );.-.t;i t . and I... M
I37C Washington avuins Phono 1S76.
TI 0 A . ' ER Corner lot llixlTs f L
Tv. .nt- -second and Reeves avenue.
i 'm.. i, rn
J Unfurnished
F1RNIPHED or unfurnished oottngvs up
Ogden Canyon. Inrpilro R. Catheri Hei
mitagfl p. irk Phone 198, 8 -7
i NFURN1SHED apartments over West
on Uros.' store. 27S1 Wall Ave Phone j
2filf. R B3j '
FOR RENT 2 or 3 rooms upstalri 1136
Tv . :r nnd ?t :.''.l
NEW 7 -room home, 1 1-2 acres orchard
nnd garden Want leaso. 851 Canyon i
l.'.md. blo.-l: north of . 1315
'I i rn.iin--. ,- I Ihi : l ir-.l .l r. ' i
4 ROOMS morlern housekeeping' close In.
Kelly H-rrick. 1032
Situations i
WANTED Position as typist Phone'
408 W, n4 o !
MAN and wife winh position on furm '
Man all around ranch hand especially ex
perlSnoed In handling .stock Bo: C, rnr
- ' in. lard E:;nmln. r 3380
TYPIST v.m:.x p... if ..n Phone 'j pi W
jj 168
POSITION b- i bust, lean wemnn, v. ho Is,
anxlour to locate in linden I'.in rl'-e bri
of references. Address New York, car" !
Standard Examiner. 3 OS 6
I Miscellaneous j
$2a FOR the :enon a ten frnme in cn '
' mi Phone ITiTO :v2S7
THREE Ohio vacuums in first class con
dltlon. $1 day Call J. Barlow, 23S4 J
OHIO vaoumm, $1 day phone .his.
STORAGE room for rent. Call As bos to-1
bite Products CO.. Phono 14lt"i-V 1671
I To Buy I
HIGHEST prices p;dd for old clothes.
Send a postal New York Clothing .c't..r. .
2e'i Twenty fifth St 3421
PI 'LI.F.TS :,Ilf l,, n;,. ,, ,-,n. . Pn,.ne T.,l.'!
Western Grain &. Feed Co.. 2351 Wash
Ington Ave. 33S6
GOOD medium sized safe Railroad Port-j
ers and Walters' Club, ici Twenty-fifth I
St Phone 1805 3320
TV( or tin .1- month :ld L-ghoni pull. t.-.
Phone .iJl" K 330S
yv K tiLV hII ciirw i t-j;iirille.,.i of vni. I
tion. Auto Salvage u. Grunt Ave
In ill.'itnnnrl mining the iiiatertul
from the m,lnee Is exposed to the ele
m Dta ami disintegrated.
Furnished 3 I
ROOM mcdr-rn li aise, v, Ith good ."hade 1
Phone 8257 M ? i I
FIOUBEKEEPI NO rooms suitable for fani
ily or bachelor. 22iou Washington Avi
U7 .
SLEEPING room sultablo for two gentle- )
men, nt 234IS Washington V.c . , : r, ,
S-ROOM modern apartment- also one I
housekeeping room 3C.'i Twenty eighth SI '
8 1 1 r. : I
MODERN housekeeping apartment,
grov;H flonr 2213 L'ncoln Ave. "ill I
LARiil-', cool room for nni rani Tvvi-rit-fourth
St. 3H01
KEM house furnished or unfurnished, in
quire 370 Thirtieth St. 1898
VI m nli furnl hi d r pn 1 1 ment, I room i
Nle 'I'lni..- i nr. h hath 2785 Grant Aye. ' 198
Mm 'ERN housek'-pl:ig n pa i t im nt r : no
enlldren Plasa Apartments 8518 Wash-:
ington Ave 840l
FURNISHED housekeeping rpnrtments:
reasonable rent. 2:'.2'. V'nsh:nKtc,n Ave .
8895 1
two nicely furnished rooms facing ivT
tor Park- suitable f'r one or two gentle
men 2466 Madison Ave .inn
TWO ROOM furnish..! apartment for t-T
sciw i ii Apartments 2785 Qranl v e 1394
ESPECIALLY desirable cool room ai 5 8
T ' nl third St '. ! Ifl
MODERN room for gentleman; close En!
$3.50 per week; references. 8341 Adams
Ave. j ips
FI RN I?I 1 CD r-leeplnr? room for gSI tli
Tinn 121 't-venty slvth St. 3,r7J j
COOL room modem home, close In SIR
T-.v ent; . er 1 h st 8882
SINGLE OT double rooms for sleeping or
housekeeping, ir.S Washington A ire 83 6 I
THRETC ROOM modern apartments. Phone
H?0 or cull .I 'r.tS Qiitrn-v A ve
RTEGANTi Y furnished room BM Tv. en
t.v. fourth St 3341
3 ROOMS furniture for sale cheap, hous-S I
rent inmifre 3515 Llrn oln v 8335
"' - : -" I o.l , ,.,. one .TP i t-
11 i 231 17i h gt 8808
' KENT'S sli ping pn h and room P ".
' 320i '
i ROOMS nc.nP fnrnl.ib.ed. Sli eplng
poiv-h; no small ehlldren 2032 Gramercr
TWO rooni apsrtmeni gas 586 Thirty
fir: t st feet. 3221
PURNI8HED apartments 8064 Washing
ton o etiue 3121
ATaRTMENT and room C'Ti Lincoln i
p.- M ' M. .'In Tv. e.,r y ihlr.l ?l r- i 3Dfl
Fl RNISHED or unfurnished apartments
for rent 88H8 Washington 3i io
VERY desirable rooms reasonsblc rates,
two mlnute from postoffice Gates Ho
t. I t I4C r ;r-, nt SVSnUe 31 '.7
: 1 '' 1 r.V T . ,-nlv ihinl
'i'li'lKI, r,-,o.., rui-nLhcI house. 1M Two
ty-second street. 2M7
MOId.RN iiiingaiow. linkers Rrblr.
C -in von Phone S08. 27Rn
NICE large modern rooni.-i, hi enkf.ist if
desired. Reference required. 2C3& Jeffer
son. 2R93
I . SALE Auto
r.'iirk Touring. 5 passengier
Studebaker. 7-passenger touring.
Chalmers touring, fi-passenger.
Chalmers touring 7-passenger.
Ilupmoblle model N, -j-pussenger.
Oldsmohlle coupe.
Case touring
Cadillac 8 tourint;
Nosh 2 ton tnick.
todehnker 1 ton tri'Ck.
All In first ohif-K mOChanlCSl condition
2200 Washington Ave Ogden, l'tah
a go
I'l'ipQ tourliiir . nr Cull K'U .T
l ' '1:1' inn-mt,- cur. first clnK.i condition.
Just overhauled Inquire 209 Twentv sixth
St 3431
; I I 1 '1 1 1 .1-1, Six to trade for motum v b-v-'ib
side car. 8861 M 8368
FOB SALE Bj owner Good family auto
cheap Phone 1 127. 3359
seven p sseni;;-:k Cadillac touring
car in excellent condition cheap. 818
Tvvi nl.. I Hth St I860
-, -p VSSENI IER oTeriand Sr A cor il
lion, sale chenp. Owner leaving town. Box
2u Wilson Lane. 3368
pop sale -i nc in 2-1 Moline tractor
with plows practically now, at a dis
count 2300 Washington Ae. Ogden
ii 140 7
A-l FIVE PASSENGER Ford car and
sewing machine, cheap Phone 2915-M.
FORI) ton truck In good condition. Cush
ion and pneumatic tires. Cheap for cash.
2886 Washington 8918
i IGHT Coini.-ic iru. k, lf'H Hudson
Studebaker 1017 Now Franklins. First
class nuto shop. Harlow U rot hers. 24f!i
"rent avenue. 'JZ9'
RAILWAY mail clerks wanted Orrden ex
aminations July 14; $150 month; list posi
tions tree. FTanklin Institute. Dept 491F
Rochester. N V 8480
VTl',1 i M.'.n for esTabUshed tes nnd
coffe route In Ogden: grocery laundry or
milk wagon experience preferred: guaran
tied salary of $2.' per week and commis
sion Live wire salesman enn make $50
ii v..ik Splendid chance for advancement.
Apply J. J. Green, care Crescent Hotel.
Ogden, or Jewel Tea Co.. 41 P. O. Place.
Sell Laki Cltj a 10
WANTED 20 white men for track work
in tjgden City: 50 rents per hour. 8-hour J
dav Call Room 412 Eccles Building. 8 n m, i
Monday, July 18 2.7
RELIABLE boy to wnier lawns 8652
Washington Aye " 1 1 s
10 MEN to put up hay; good wages Mid
bo.nrd Phone 8870
PLYING in eighi ween, y. m c a
,.uto Srhool. Lov yngelca. 32 1 K
PCI.l. I rn. it 11. iU H.-it ! 81 4
I ; p 1 I'N'i '1 :i i M. m.c-r ph- r vriiinc
i, mil ..-f, ir- .l .'21 P. . ! - Hl.h- .H'12
'.VRINiiER inaii and linen checker, I". P.I
In und rv 26 4 '
Female Help
EXPERIENCED mangle girls. Troy
Laundry 3 125
i ;" ",i;ii;.i'i;p b. Ip w.-mtr-l n tin- Ornv
U lUrrery, 8848 Ws hlngton Ave. j 1 1 8
W o.MAN to t ike enre of tvvo yen r-old boy
at her home Box G. S.. Care Standard
I XI lll.rn r 8402
LXPl 'KI I:Ni'I-:: ' v.ail.r HO Twentv fifth
gi City !afe Phone 8 24-W rt 1 1 J
'i n H girl :i t I In v !;. Stand, Tvvent
fifth St. end Or.'iU .yv 332
WANTED A l.'Ut to lake cure of B yeaf
old girl in your home. Call Grunt Hotel.
Pop II 3332
."IT; I , mi i.. to i a! hon . work 2.'.:t7 T' Icr
.yv.- piinne -7i : :n'n
CHAMBERMAIDS at N e w i iealy hotel
Apply In person. Highest wages paid
3810 1
I Male and F-ale 1
LN or woman to take care of aged man.
Phone 84. or 2-b'.-' On. i.l Am :: n I
SECOND hand goods bought ond sold T
C 1 . i rson, 1640 Washington, Phono 49.
W K fiki-i your oiu rariije us tlrat paymeni
on any new range, or will buy your eild
r8nn outrleht Home Furnlruro Co. 4173
TO salaried people without security, to
others on piano-., furniture, bunds, etc
7 Hudson gldg Phone 88 1. L'
MOJi'E'i Lo loan iiu UllpitlVUU .c;il (Hi1-
Kelij a: Herri ck. TT
for'sale T
Miscellanecu !
ECLL size jros range 4 humerr.. slni
ner, large oven and broiler; nearly new; .
" Ills Twenty -Stxth St j , I C. fi
IANGB, hr nter. gu.s stove, fumltur.- '2' I
'1nmn Ave
rON and half Ludlow wagon end double 6
larnoss. aloe, one bay mare Weighing I20ti
bs., all in good shape, for sale chenp
156 Polk Ave. J420 f
tOI'ND Onk range, buffet stove, j
(ltchen taiile, good as pew phone 1474-.I "
8441 I C
-IALF horsepower Centurv motor 110. -120
volts; 50 1b. relrlgerator Cull ll-J-2
1LARK Jewel i-.me llhere ?07 T 1 r,
84 I
Cpeoleon he, , . m r TTiT tTt ' .,
Vvvelflll St j J
vHITE g.is riuv.e loundrv l.-.ni.-", bibv
liurrgy nnd milky. 807 Lincoln Ave 117 1 r
liOLL tr,p office de-,. , heap Phono 3221 T
2t 15
FOP. SALE Bab; hugsn fn ven go id j 1
condition. Phone 8467W. 3J0S j
.'On VOI NG breeding SWOJ . weigh 100 lbs" I ,
Phont j 1 A. Lee .1377
ONE-HALF interet in established busl-
nepj no experience neeensn rv ; J3r.O re-1 1
SUlred, Address Rox 606, Ogden. Ptah. j
3 -i on j
A PEW enorl Uncalled for SUltS, two pnlr? I
of pnnir. with evnry suit, cheap. 8cotch I j
VVoolen MIUS n-?Q WSJ blncton We 3371 j ,
2 ROYS snd I men bicycles In A 1 I on I
dition. cheeu; ato expert bicvcle repaie (
worh i'I-hqp Ave "'v;i
l.Niri' r new hi.-vcio also a r ream ? r i.
rotor, nil :ii77 J 888
LTSED very little, two-wav Oliver plosr
two-section barrows, one hand cultivator,
two sets work harness. 137 Twenty fifth
St : r.
GARAGE fnr sale Call ttftOT 4 p ta 173
Poplar ve r,,3."ir',
NECESSARY articles for Bale oil stove
hnrnevs. tugs, cellars, transoms Phone
lL-o .1. 8885
" GOOD milch cows l'k Harrison Ave
Phone 8H81 M 3324
1 HERPJIES S m a- per pound If v ou pick
theni. Phone S-R-l. H. Ii, Child, Rlvemale
BABY grand piano S700. and gas range
820. 1152 Twentv sixth St Thono 2767 .1.
CHART1 I Onk ranee cheap 044 Twenty-1
second St. 32.3S
PIANO rofrigeralrr and vacuum cleaner.
460 Tvs. nt;. ninth SI Phone 8148. 3344
CALL at the orchard between 5 and 3
P. hi,, opposite Lorin Farr park. Canvon
Road, Merlin J. Stone 3.301
Vl TROLA and sewing machine Inquire
8054 Wash Av Pnone 1150. 330.3
HOSE, counter.. m-cjele, smokestack,
camera, tripod, surveyor I tape P. 333
LEAVING clt My $300 mahognnv plaver
Piano chenp for cash also housenold ar
tlcles H2i Tvv.ni' fourth 51 32m
IF you wish lo dia)Oie of your fuml
ture, stoves etc call us uri Highest
prlc.H guaranteed Thone 2iC4 The Furnl
ture Exchixnge 'Jf.3 Twenty filth t 3.3S
WATER motor washlny mocnme. small
cook stove, refrigerator, bed fruit Jars
and other furniture, suitable for canyon
Phone 2370 32SS
HIPST cns. i:.ng.- nnd furniture. Call
after 5 p. to 8858 Waahlngapn Ave, 326.3
HORSE. Wagon;-;, Harnesses. 10S7 Twelfth
street. Phone 2796. 8848
WILL sell or rent at a bargain, nickel
slot electric piano Pantone, Twenty
ninth and Hudson. 3173
CNCALLED for suits. A few of tho.n?
excellent Dundee tailored suits various
one frock selling at cost. Dundee
Woob 11 Mills, Hudson a-. 1 nue i 1 88
CHERRIES 10S7 Twelfth street Phon.
2700 3172
CANARY birds 2220 Lincoln avenue,
PIANOS nnd other murlcal Instruments.
Terms without Interest Pantone, 2874
Hudson so?
UNCALLED for suits tmlor made, big
1 reduction. Oordon a. 211-25 Twenty-flPli
i St Phone 410. 117
Pny your pnlnt at StOwCs ond mvc
money " 1800 Washington avenue. Phono
CSfi-.l. LT-S
i To Rent
WANTED 5-room modern unfurnished
bouse, good residence district, by man
and wife. Phone Ehcchange 2500, Room 8
or Co.x 20 Standard Examiner. 3434
or I room furnished house, box 665,
nrn St nndard-Exa mln.-r 3401
OR r LOOM unfuniiNh.Ml house. C.ill
Mrs Knowles, Phone t S G from 8 a. m. to
6 p. m. 3I1K
3 ROOMS or three or four room house
furnished or unfurnished, with yard ad
joining Mrs James C. Hale 10 South
Fourth West, BrighsPj 3 113
COI'PLE w.mta 2 unfurn rooms; also
place to keep team Box 20. care Stand
r 1 t I r Mm- 3313
I Opportunities I
oOO PER CENT per annum In a safe bust
ness enterprise Write Box 084. Burkbur-
nett T 327i
-- - -
T Lorln Farr Purk on carnival ground
Thursday evening, black patent leather
canteen bag containing about five dollars
In sliver and Commercial National Rank
Checkbook Notify or return to Slandnrd
Exarnlner Reward. 8 132
T UiiMon Thursday 'venlng. checkbook
on Deseret National Bank containing $103
In currency ahd checks Return to Stand
ard-Examiner and receive reward 8488
LADY'S brOWn leather purse on canyon
car. Finder can keep money If you will
kindly return purse. Phone ifipl. 3H3
PL A Tl v.' I M b 1 r pin .1 :o Phom-
24?1 R P.cvv nrd 33''
BROWM coat between Ogden and Brig
ham on county road. Phone 1326 J. Re
yy m 1 1 1 3 17''
pi NO I .f ! Return to 3011 Jeff.-r
non Ave Reward 3323
Board and Room
HOARD and rooms: large unfurnished
room for rent 21 4S Jefferson Ave. Phone
1.32'iM. 3357
1 LADY from 33 to 40 years as housekei p
Musi give good reference, By widow
er; no children. Marries Included If suit
la good Home for the right party Ger
man or Swedish prei erred. Write for par
tlculars D Knapr Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Eagle Rock Schoolhouse. 8887
P ERVI'.tiDY suffering with piles fistula,
ulceration i'leedlng nr Itr blii;,- piles, write
for free trial, putnless pile euro. R 10.
Tarney, Ban fose, CsJ. 8701
The Lighthouse, 8461 Washington Ave,
opposite the Plngvee bank, Phone r'M.
Prompt service 83W
Hemstitching plcot edge, buttons, pinn
ing and pleating Second floor W. H.
Wright M- Sons. Mrw II L-vumn. , 110"
ST. LOl'IR. July 10. Roland Rob
erta of San Francisco, defeated Fred
Jostles. St. Louis, in tho semi-finals
Binglei at the central states champion
ship tennis tournament here yesterday
artd will contest for the title tomorrow
With Kolund Hoerr, St. Louis. The
scores were 6-2. 6-4 and 6-3.
The Akka pygnilea of the Congo
forest rarely attain a height of four
" - J
Information Bureau I
ANYTHING A to Z nerr or old
Ought Rld or tTSded riioni 332 1
Bramwcll Hook and ti linncry riKJ r
Vashingion Ave. Phone 30. 2051
I.'tnh Vat'.tonal R-nk. BOUtbeftst coiner
"w enty - fourth nrd -V., . hlngton Phone 61. in
:hifiopsactor- f
I'r II -her .1 McKay, Chiropractor. 212 t
"el Hudson Building. 3243 I
tf. Stmpp'.ck. carpenter and Johber "158 it
"vyonty-thlrd St. Phon.- 1018 -3422 f
F, Strtipplek cnipcnter and Jobber 16? f
"wentv third. iTicne 101S. 2519
IC Vsn Kompen for upholaterlnc. cur- f
iets cieincrl a'fered and l.i'd Remklng
if mattresses. Pho'ie !7f2-J. L
Kjxpert carpet cleaning, mattress rono- H
aflnff, upholstering. and .springs re
itretchrd CaM E. j. Hnrnpton Co,,
rcatliei renovn'ing Pnono j.JSi'-W. I
Phone 133. 225S-CO Washlngaon Ave J
' 799 I
:hop suey and noodles
MiTnuba Sr Co. leading Japanese res-
taurnnt In Orden. 273 24t'h St. jf
IjUSSMAKlNG and fllk pihlrt.x mode to
irdcr. Phone 1035 M 622 Thirtieth St
27f,3 j
pHILDREN'3 sewing. Phone 1440. 2C4S i
Monroe Ave. 2840
The N'uw Method Dentlstfi are gpcctaW H
ibIh in si! branches of Dentistry 5469 irffsi
Wajhinarton Ave. 2208
Ocdn Engraving Service Co . maVers if
01 fine cuts In one or more colors. 416
Twenty-fourth street Phone 463. 1
Geo, D. Bennett, corporation and group
Innnrnnec a specialty. Phone 124-W. 1514
Alex. II Moycs. rcslrietit agent New York I
Lifu Insurance Co., 442 Blnford avenue If
Phone 1467 and 1577-W scf
Westorn Hldo & Junk Co.. 2322 Wash
ington Av . Phono 8Wi
Ogden I -jnk House. To69 Washington I
Ave. Phont 210.
Paper hanging, paintlnc. kalsomtnlng,
paper cleaning. Reasonable. 3220 R I
'lllard Kay. real estate and loans.
2474 Washington Ave. Phone 409. 1874 ;'
Garbage ar.d rufcbLah hauled, cesspools H
snd toilets cleaned- John Chlpp & Co
Rhone 82$. 2348 Hudson Avenue. &733
Trunk and bao repairing, round cor
ner from Standard Gallacher'a. C373 Hud
cn. ' 2118
EXPERT -window and wall paper clean- H
Ing. American lndow Cleanlntr Ph 663
Unionists Appeal to Sinn Fein
Tribunals, Lack Confidence j
in Those of Crown
DUBLIN, July 9. Evidence Is pll- F
Ing up hero which seemingly would
Indlcute that the newly organized Sinn It
1'. in courts rapidly are superseding if
in power the crown tribunals. A great
jnumbei' of cusps on appeal are being f
, vithdrnwn front the 1 rovvn supreme I
1 court because it Is stated that the liti
gants have little confidence in the
power of that court. For the same
reason It Is alleged that unionists are
appealing to the Sinn Fein lower
Courts One unionist attorney Is cred
Red with saying that it was useless to
take a case before the crown court,
and that as hla client desired quick
action he took the case to a Finn Fein
In many parts of the provinces Sinn
Felnera have taken over control of
liquor selling and have issued orders
to saloons regarding tho hours of clos- I
ing Sinn Fein pickets have been ef
fective in stopping Sunday drinking by
checking up bona fide travelers who
ore entitled under the lawto drlnk.
The policy of serving drinks on Sun
day hitherto has beeii spasmodic. Now
it has been made regular by a code
issued to license holders by which they
mad do business only from 8 a. m. un
til 9 p. m and which prohibits the
selling of liquors on Sundays or church,
pension of work in many steel
plants throwing thousands of
workmen out of employment Is
threatened because of car short
age. tho interstate commerce com
mission was told today by J. F.
Townsend, representing morn than H
a score of steel manufacturers
in Pennsylvania and Ohio.
BUDAPEST. July 7. The long
awaited trial of Communist conimissa-
1 es opened here Monday with Dr.
Peter Agoston, foreign minister dur
ing the Bela Kun administration and
I nine others facing charges of murder.
i he defense asked for a delay pond
ing the arrival of tho allied diplomats
who were In Budapest during the
Communist regime. Tho prosecutor in ,
reply said the Brlntlsh government
was unwilling to have its i-epresenta-I
lives here and the United States had
sent no word.
Stephen Szanto. counsel of one of
tho commissaries, died of apoplexy
I following a dispute with the prose
Icutor shortly after the negotiations
'opened. Tho proceedings vvero devot
I ed to establishing how communism
started in Hungary and the part tak- 1
len in it by the soviet government at
Judge Stockcr of the supreme court
Who Sentenced two "Lenine boys" last
autumn, la presiding at the trial which
Is b-dng held in the court room whore
the Communists conducted revolution
ary trials.
FAF.GO, N- D . July 10. The com
plete unofficial returns of the North
Dakota Republican primary election
five Lynn J Prnsier, Non -Part leani
59,446-for governor and wlillam Lung
er, Independent. 54.172.
The returns of stale treasurer with
four precincts out give John Steon.
independent '' ml R. II. Walker,
Non-P;irtlBan, 53,tlo. I
For staio L'&i.,wu commission, N.
McDonnell and Prank Mllhollon, Non
Partisans, and J. Williams. Independ
ent, have been nominated on the fac6
I ol almost complete unofficial returns
- :- Fr7 l . I