Newspaper Page Text
- SALE SSH j Real Enta tc , Four room modem gi'nfralow. on brneh. W I lii'nr for ensh. i Pour room modern stnceo Imce leep Intr vorrh jrood basement good lot. $3000, m eaj terms. Two S room modfrn hom'i', close In. at m barpnln, SMITH FLINDERS CO City Department Thonc 1147 W Mr BwUndCTj 3403 f BEDROCK PHICKS Small paymi'nl down jfl Balance like rent. Mjj ' J 'JMfg Buy From Owner. 2337 Grant Ave. 6469 9 160 acres A 1 land at . level, excellent water right good 7 room house. In good condition: good bom nnd our bulldlnns Imiirovrmcnls worth about hail jkrd for the place. This Is pood farm and the price ia very low IncluciinK crops this senson If taken nt once. $13.a00. 20 acies at Roy, pood soil. 4 room house ind other Improvements Price without jopa JK000; with crops $9600. rgt J 120 acres at Malad not far from tornv excellent soil, rrops In jrood Condition water r'.pht horses, harness, wnenn, mo chlnerv and implements etc po with place, small house and Other Improve niontfl. Will exchange for property in or It , 7, neu Opden aj part payment. JlJj AIwpvs see us for farms our peclait SMITH AND FLINDERS co. Over Commerrlnl Nntlonnl Hank 3 f Af n acres choice Innd. will take small house in city as part pay 1 1 acres land. good 2 room house. V?; fruit A bargain at $1500 Three of the best lots on the bench, 11500 cosh. Leav- mM ' i 1 1 . - First Vat on I 1 lank W J4200 Buvs a 5 room new modern except r . heat; good terms , $400 Ruvs a S room frame 1 block from i street car, $400 cash, balance easy . terms M $4500 Buvs 7 room brick modem except heat, on bench; half cash balance terms Vacant and a good buy M I $4500 Buys " a good 5 room bungalow. ; modem except heat, garage cluck en run. large lot. The best buy in the cltv for the money $1000 c.tsh. THE CONTINENTAL BITIL.DINO, LOAN I 6c INVESTMENT CO. Phone tin $5000 Buvs new modem t room brick -II uate 5 blocks from Reed Hotel. .t 4IH Half rash- . , 15500 Byi beautiful 8-room modern brick. , ith full sleeping porch: double gn rae lots of shade and lawn; lot, BH ..... 5SxlS , J. $1700 Uuys praciirau new .i rvu int ern house, situate on bench. FROERER & FOWUES Real ICstate Roans. Insurance 2409 Hudson A.- n,4I0 riVF.nnOM. mad-- of brick for sale by u I owner about to leave cltv. Call after 5 p. m at 1073 Twnty fourth St Bargain on price and terras If Uikcn nt once. .t'l IHS '' F-'ORT sen s land In alfalfa a a bargain. Will tskc In exchange modern bungalow MB i,. Ogden. Phone- ISM an' HL1 .jY OWNER Four room modern house WMM ulth sleeping porch eoal and fniH eel ' lar cheap with terms. 2631 MOIUtX! Ave A rhon- 24 I". L4 I p( k i' 1N ; hou'e nine rooms, nlcelv tur. f jK nlshed, for sale. 155 Twenty-flfth 8. OWVi:K leaving r'.tv VOII sell cheap 00 eav terms new 7 room house mar Glen- tIMNH weod- 1 1-1 acres orchard and garden. rrSML With crop; also chickens and pigs. Phone wf - w nil CALIFORNIA hoirea and farme tor aali LTiMK city and country. All 52ft, 10 to Nwfc ST6.000 Ideal climate, soil an'! water. rjifqK largc list and pictures free. Calmin Co mtilj 621 Van Nys Bldp . Loa Anpeles. Cal THREE acre chicken rami. rhon. APARTMENT house .lose In on Wash rigton avenue has nine two and three Rr room apartments Furnished Income Fill ' $226 a month. Price, $11.50-1. Half cash. HJ lght consider port exchange. Box 1 J. Standard Eiminer riiillT roor.i home. slo -p.r.g- I "-' - " Phon- 2870 iL THREE room oottase, two lot- 8121 Un Mil nn avenue cheap Terms or cash Phon.- 9HR 1B6Q-J 13 MTRBS crops. Implement! horeea, on jflU stale hlflhway. nulfl north Gtearfleld. Phone 11 Rt. -7t) 1 BY tjWNEI. Ooon sixteen room apart Bl ment houac, furnished, leaping porches. If gas rr.ngL-5. finest location In t-wn. S140 iH a month Income. Goo1 rnis Phom Rtt WL B'JRLEV IDAHO vRM LANDS WE have large lb f irrigated f arms . lor saie or iraaei. or sec wvrtjs GRISWOLD INV C ?urlcy, Idaho V R. pe-iKTER. Re.-.. ITsta t- i.nd linnn I27C Washington avenue. Phone 1&"6. OAV . ER -C'orner iot U6XJ ' 8 Tv. :nt: -second tnd Reeves ave-nee WANTED J i Agents J 11 AGENTS Big summer reller. Something' new, concentrated soft drinks. Just add JR water, delicious dririkH in a Jiffy, any- i 'YjM time, anywhere Biu sellers for home, pio- nlcs, parties, socials, etc. Quaranteed un der pure food lnwa. Carrv In pocket jflW Agents coining money. $6 to $12 a day. j I1W rite for fnee outfll offer todoy Amerl- I CnM oan Products Co . 435 American Bldg . I In'lnrntl d MB VANTED--Agerit and reprt-s- ri t ;UI -e s to i sell the famous "BverlOC" tire patch, also Wn other new and attractive acceeaoriea in i this section of the country Rig me. re foi -.'f hustlers Write to W, C S oo-.l Company. '' ' 107 Western Ave.. Minneapolis. Minn j WANTED i Salesmen ; 91 SALESMAN wanted. Good opportinltv for 'lv energetic solicitor and collector; I mual have abilltv and aatisfactoi re l 1 1 ntiato, P 11 '"V v"' 3 1 o I FOR RENT jl Unfurnished 9 Ogdi-n Canyon. Inquire R. Cather.-, Her milage P.irU. Phgni I ' : 427 2 ROOMS 'mil placa for team horeea. 23 B 8 Madli on '-if.."' 1 -Ti I:Nir-I!EI ' i , - nt- -,-.-, r V.TT on Bros ' store. 27SI Wall Ave Phone 'NEW 7 loom home l 1-2 ncrei orch.-.rd mri Pnd irard'. n Want 1-nse S51 Canyon Roau. htOch north of park. 3;;ir. fO I .... i. .ih cct. Thlrty-flral street. 3204 - jwi .. uoucj ii housekeplni;: i iosi- in My i Hi r '. -.032 , I jL.d and Room H& BnATl"? hnd looms- Urrre ur.rurnlshcd III :rtnn or rent. 2148 Jefferson Ave Phone I j ; J S57 ; hns ubout loo geyaeri. !j FOR RENT I Furnished J TWO iteepins rooms and sleeping porch ' elose In 1 hone 950-R. I FURNISHED housekeeping apartments by week or month Gate Hotel 244r e t th n t A i 34ft6 I IVE"ROOM modem apartment, no chil eh'en. f'lione 2TC .1 prlv after 5 p m i nn. 7 ROOM moriern house with good shade Pi.orv 1267 M ?MS HOUSE rCEEPING rooms suitable for fnm lly or bachelor 22le- Wai hington Ave M47 SLEEPING room suitable for two gentle 'men, nt 2248 Washington Ave 342fi ROOM modern apartment eleb one 1 on. i-keepirtg room. 3C.7 Twerit eighth 31 34 4.1 MODERN housekeeping apartment grour.i fioo- 221" Lincoln Ae 3 111 f.RiE cool room for rent 600 Twentv fourth BJ 8891 N'EW house, furnished or unturniahed in quire. 370 Thirtieth St. 3302 VERY nice furnished apartment 4 rooms, M' t nlriK piirch. beith. 270 e;rnnt Ave 3398 MODERN boti.ek'-iinc apartments ; no children PjjatS Apartireiits. 2318 WaSh Ington Ave r. (08 I 1 RNI8I-TED housekeeping apartments; reasomeble rent 22j"2,a Washington Ave 8396 TWO ni 61 furnished rooms facing Les-1 er Parks suitable for one or two gentle ' mm 24W Madison AVI 34 10 I TWO-ROOM furnished eparfmenl for 'wo ?! I'v 1' Ip'r" ru. nts. j Gmnt Ave TO! : r?pr-:e- LI A- desirable cool room .it 5ftG Tv entj thir.i St 8391 MODERN room for gentleman elose Inj '$3 60 per week; references. 2341 Adams 1 Ave 3405 I FURNISHED ..leeplns' room for gentle I man 421 Twenty Sljtth St 3378 1 Of")f, room modern hone, close In 11. i T ent--seventh St 33S2 j SINGLE or double rooms for sleeplnc or i houreke -eping 2468 Washington Ave, a 1 .TUREK I M modern apartments Phone ; Hs: or c tlj at 233V . jin -. e .3173 ; KREt.'ANTI.Y furnished room 5C6 Tv en ty.fourth St 334 i 3 ROOMS furniture for sale rhenp hous" for renl fjiouirc 2616 Uncoln Ave 3335 ONE in, nlshed ottnge arid one an-rr n-ent 231 :7th St. TCi 'il.NT ?. !eC,nr porr h nnd room. P " 320H TWO ro.,in ,pnrt-iv-nt ; mi '36 Thlrf first str. et 2224 Ft "RN : S M 1 I i .-.part ment? 2034 Washing ton avenue. APARTMENT nd room 2i: Lincoln 31fil ROOM 580 Twenty-third street 1091 FURNISHED or unfurnished apartments for rent 2848 Washington, 8110 very ro.-.nia reasonable rates, two minutes from postofflce Gates Ho tl 2t4b Grnnl iivmuf. 8067 Hi "'N.r T - . nt . 3TI01 1'HKKi: mom furnished hou-e 164 Tw.-n '. - t.n.i streej 2R17 MCi:-ii:i:.- i.unc:. m i - er ,- Bride Canyon Phone sr! 27i" NM'K large modern rooms if desired. Reference required 2639 Jcffer son 2332 ! INDIAN motorcycle. 1911. I-Speed, fully leQUlpped; in perfecl condition. A bargain, j ( Inquire - I Indian Ag na 345 1 Bulck Touring, 6-passeng r I Ptueiebiker. 7 -passenger touring. Ohalmers touring. 3-passenger. 1 Chalmers tourinr; 7-paaaenger, j Hupirobile model N. 6-passengcr. Oldsmoblle coupe. ; Oaje touring Cadillac s. touring. ' Nash 2 ton tri'.eK Studobakei- 1 ion truck All In first class mechanical condition PACIFIC NASH MOTOR CO 220O Washington Ave- Ogden. lt-h ' P D LP '..ii . i v. i ' -..i: ' ' ' 'j3j ' j FORD touring ear first class condition. I Just overhauled. Inquire 20! Twenty-sixth 1 st ' I T i I i I i lor vlth i-. . .tr 32ei.M 3358 I'1 ; A i R Cy own t flood family nutn Cheap Phone 1427 :".".i si:-. 'N" 'r ,r.i: cd.;iae iTTTl'irr car In excellent condition, cheap. Twi rrtj fifth St 5-PASSENGER Ov er land car, TTT7,,T7i7 tlon sale cheap. le-avlng1 town Rox 21" Wil on 1. me PORD ton truck In good condition. Cush ion anel pneumatic '.Ires. Cheap for cash 1 2336 Washington 2912 LIGHT Cadllli c trui I. v Hud on 8tudebaker 1917. New Prankllna. Rlrst class auto shop. Barlow brothers. 246i i Oram avenue. 3i5 Male Help il 2 FIRST i loss auto mechanics, Steady work CheesTnan Auto 'o. 3!."i W vN'TED- District sales n pre titi live to organize and manage his own sail I oi ganfxatlon to covei Utah With a high class industrial stock proposition man , ageel hv men with yeans of successful Ulliniircrllipln r.Vl.nrlnn ... r... . .. 1 official penult fiom the State of Utah to I Sell its sioek. Strong advertising clreu- i liar co oporatin. References retiulred Thor- I 1 ough Investigation Of the company and Ita! I merits ur-r Address Sales Monager. i Suit 212 Tramway Rldg.. Denver. Colo 1460 RAH a v mail clerks wranb .1 igdi n i , I ami nations Jul) ll. $160 month; list posi-I Hons free Franklin Institute. Dept. 4031. i Rochester. N Y 3430 ; wTTTrrn Man fo, .- t , I . I , , i, , ,.nd Icoffe route in Ogden grocery, laundry or! milk wagon experience preferred, guaran j I teed salary ol S23 per week and commis si en Rive wire alesm:in run make ' ) .-i week. Sfik-ndlei chance for advancement, j ! Appl) J. J. Green care Crescent Ho tel. Ogden, or .lev el Tea Co., 41 p 0 Place, San Lake City 90 WANTED 20 white men for tr.ick work i In Ogden City: 30 cents per hour S hour I day. Call Room 412 Ecclcs Building. 8 n m , Monday, luly 12 n:s7 I-LYING In elch' v . eii... Y M a" Auto Sj hool Com Aagi Ii 32 1 4 BEES boj aj I i'- ii l ioi. ! 8194 1 EXPERIENCED stenographer young man preferred. 621 i Bldg. 8013 I WRINGER man and llnon '-hcM i p I Laundry ( 1 1 r WANTED l Feijiale Help ji LADIES Do hemstitching at home, all or spare time; attn'hment fits any ma bine. $2 30. Agentn wanted. 1'. Stephen j son i:o 85 K . i City. Mb 152 i BARN 26 weekly, pan time writing for i newspapers, magazines. Experience un- necessary: detail free. Press Syndicate. . U SI Louli Mq 8468 , i ' : ERIEN ED mangle girls, Tro) ! Laundry, 342ri ' I EXPERIENCED help wanted at the Grav I MiUlnery. 2843 Washington Ave 3442 ' EXPERI KNCPI waiter. 110 Twenty fifth ' v 1 jafi Phoni 124 W '1LL I"'- - n houxi-w nrk. L'3 ;7 Tvler '. Ave I'hone 2743. 2331 ' ru will i-:kmaii's ii n. -v Healj hotel f Apply In person. Highest wages paldi- 3310 ' 1 i j helFw anted j ; j JMale ancJ Female j ! MAN or woman lo lake care of aged man ' 'Q. oi : ': ' .i.t 4Q4 When irn? small rubber cushion Inn the base of a tire valve Is displaced In I any way It i.i apt to depress the small Ii core a ehi or the valve so that ;i slow leak results, which the car owner! I probably blames on a tiny puncture. l FOR SALE L. .jLfyJIP.VA CANARY birds, singers 22T Twenty flftl Bt. 345 GOOD team, well matched with hnrncif i 1400 lbs Price J230 Inquire Hansen Fec( Yard Call B7-R-3 Stanley. I TWO fresh milcp cows and four sprlnr 1 era .T A Le, I' I S ',4 j I.V I RAN'eJE. heater Kasstoe, furniture 224 Vdams Ave t;; TON and half Ludlow wagon and doubh harness: also one bay mure weighing 12m lbs all in fcood shape, for solo rhe.-ip 2166 Polh Ue. 3421 ROUND .ik range, buffet gas stow kltihen t.ilile. poi-i.i ii-- new I'hoiie 1174.1 I HALE horsepower C nttiry motor no 1220 volts; 50-lb. refrigerator Call 11-12 8891 CLARK Ji wel urns rnnce Phone 1R97 I. I 340f 1 N A PEG LEON -herrl s for sale. 73 I Twelfth Bl ' "3o; W'FIITL ca- rnne. !;mndry rnnpe. h.iVM buggy nn.i julkj 8078 Lincoln Ave. 8411 ROLL top office desk - heap. Plione 8221 T 8418 FOR SALE Bahv buggy In verv pood condition Phone 2ie;;.v, 1 3 f I 200 VOTJNQ breeding ewes, weigh 100 lbs . ?7 gO Phone 1S.H .1. I Mt 77 "v.i HALF Interesl in established busi ness no experience necessary; $200 re ijuired Addrers I;ox C06 OriI'mi. Ltah 8400 A PEW r-ooH uncalled for suits, two pairs 01 I'inl' With even suit, cheap Scotch Woolen Mills 8309washlngton c 1,171 2 BOYS' and 2 men's bicycles in A 1 eon dlllon cheap also expert bicycle repair , "ork, 1111 Ave "TS2 ' ALMOST new lilc-.el.-, .tso a errant eepa- I rator. Call 1177 .) 3.153 ,1 SEIi er- little two wav Oliver plow, I two section haiTOWS one hand cultivator, itwo seti work harness. 137 Ttv ent fifth ! St i3St 'GARAGE for s.ile ("nil after 4 p. m 173 Poplar Ave. 8866 NECESSARY article? for sale, oil stove, harness, tufrs. collars, transoms Phone 1220 .1. 332o 12 GOOP mlleh cows 2l"2T, Harrison Ave 1 Phone 2007 M 3324 'CHERRIES. S rents- per pound if you pick them Phone SRI. H. R. Child. Riverdnle I 2 BABT Rrand piano $700. nnd kss ransc $20 11S2 Twentv sixth St. Phono 2767 J 8840 CH FTER rnk ranire cheap 044 TwenL i second St. 133S .PIANO. rcfriKer-Htor and vacuum cleaner, j 4S'i Twenty ninth St Phone 11-11 IS 4 4 I NAPOLEON CHERRIES. CALL at the orchard between S end S jp m, opposite Lorln Parr park. Canvon . Merlin 1 Stone .1301 VICTROLA ani sewing machine Inquire 2 ft.'. 4 NVash .Vve I'hone n.'.'V "103 HtiSI', counter, m rycl. .moketnck. -a, tripod, surveyor's tape. P 888 . 320? HORSE. Wncnr.s. Harnesses 1087 Twelfth 1 street Phone 27QK 88 WILL sll or rent at a bargain, nickel slot electric piano. Pantqne, Twenty ninth and Hudson I 1 6 UNCALLED for suit'. A row oi those excellent Dundee tailored suits, various sliee. one frock; selling at cost. Dundee Woolen Mills. Hudson Vvenu.- 310 CHERRIES 1US7 Twel.'th street. Phone "1 72 CANARY 2220 Lincoln nvenu. ); , and oth r musical Inairuments Terms without interest. Pantone. 274 Hudson I NCALLED tor suits tailor minle; nl4 reduction Gordon's. 211 2i Twonty-fif'h Bl 419 1187 PAINITS AND VARNISH Ruy your paint at Stowe's and vave iione ' lbOO Washington avenua. Phone f 131 WANTED j1 s To Rent j WANTED 5-room modern unfurnished ' house. rooH residence district, by m-in and vvife. phone BjX Change 2r.n0. Room R. ' or Ro 80. Standard Hrmii'iK . 3134 :. OH t KiiiiM furnlshe. h..u.-e fio .1 : . t i . I i r , L i n i ' 11 I '. Ii'l " TTk ' ' i"M in'.: I niOe-d I V.ll Mrs Knowles. Phone 4$r from s a m. to n ?416 .1 ROOMS or thr i or four rioni iior-e furnished or unfurnished, with yard td Jolilnc Mrs .Tames C Hale. 10 South j ell'- . . ' ? ' ' M. iJ i'il PI.:; w-ini!. J urrurn. nxuns; also place to keep team Rox 20. caro Stand . r. .1113 j BUSINESS j Opoortnnitiea '.mi PES CENT annum in bus! nc-as enterprise Wtite Box 084. Burkbur nett Texas 37S i f LOST 1 AT Ixrln E:irr Park on carnlal jrrounds . Thursday evening, biacie put nt leather canteen bag corit.'lnlnc about flVC dollars in OR. r and Commerclnl National Rank checkbook. Notify- or return to Standard- AT Lnpoon Thursdax evening checl I took j on lies. -ret Notional Rank, containing $105, In currency and checks. Return to Stand, aj i Examiner and receive reward ini! iADTS i.rown leathei purse on can on car Finder can keep money if you win l kindly i-. inrn pur-.-. Phone Pn) 3 1 1 ; : i i I I hal Tiu Line Phone ' i 1 i; Leu. mi 8888 A I IL WM coat lif t . en ( ik-,, i, ;,,i, ham on county road. Phone 1326 J. Re w rd 76 p.l -.M 1 1 ol kl I', turn to .'("11 1. 1 son yc L' ward. 1 128 MPOTENTS, lepHeved. wonderful sur gical splint wlmpus results positive, im iviedluto. Guaranteed. Seo doctors. druK- I irists. Write Hlgrade CpcclnJty Co . St. 1 I ..iui.-i. 34G6 1 L LLYROHV iUflennK with piles, fistula, ulceration, bb-edlnc or Itching piles, write for free trial, painless pile cuic. R E ' Tarney. S-nn .lose Cl 7:i7 , rEssM aIcing j HEMSTITCHING AND PICOT E DOE The Lighthouse, 24S2 Washington Ave., apposite the Plngjaa bunk. Phono 581. I ' I II '1 H . 332S j Hemstitching, plcot cdse. buttons. tMiii; In.T and pleating, Second floor W. H. ! A'rlaht ft Sons. drs H Layman 1169 1 WANTEi5 To Buy ll EIIGHEST prices paid for old clothes. Si rul ;i postal New York Olothlnu Store, I . ' Twent; fifth BJ 8481 PI I.I.KTS nnd hens all aRes Phone 1 243 , Western drain tz Fecel Co 2354 Wash ngton AVI 238C " M i ni.-dlnni !. .1 ;..-i. Port r.i and Walters Club. 151 Twentv fifth St, Phone 1806 332" r( ,.r tine, month old L'--horn pull, t ' hone 8810 U j IQj . il i ail e ii-:. regardless of eondl Ion A.ito .lllal;e 2 MS Grant Ave 3197 forHrjeInt j1 Miscellaneout i I'll PEE Ohio vacuvinis In first class con iitlon. $1 da. Call J Rurlow. 2384 J 277 'I I H ' V .1. Ullllll. $1 d.ij 3l li 888M i'l'OKAOE loom for n nt. Cell ASbOStO' late Products Co.. Phone 1416-W. 3073 1 Information Bureau 1 J2.00 PER LINT PER MONTH 7 ANYTH I NO New or Olo i ANYTHING A to Z new or old bought sold or traded. Phono 33J - BOOKS AND STATIONERY Bramwoll Reok and Stationery. 23fi3 I Washlnirton Ave Phone. 360 i 2054 DAN KING , Utah Natitonal Rank, southenr.t rot-nor - Twenty-fourth nnd Washington Photi.. CI CHIROPRACTOR t'r Heber I McKay, Chiropractor 212 , 'ol. Hudson Building 3243 CARPENTER AND JO80ER ; P. Struppiek. ( .-irpenter and lobher 158 I Twenty-third S1 Phone mi; .ni'-j CA.Rpf T CLEANING I K- Van Kanipen for Upholstering, fir ; ; pets cleaned. altcre( and laid Rcmakln . of mattresses. Phone 27"2-.T. . I Kxpert carpet cleitninn mattress rono ;ivatlnr. upholstering, and springs re istretchftd. Cab T. J. Hampton Co.. Fealhei renov.-flnir Phone 25S6-W ' CITY JUNK HOUSE Photic 133 225S-GO V.'ash Ington Aa 799 ; CHOP SUEY AND NOODLES llatsilba & Co. leading Japanesa res taurant in Ogden 273 24th St. DRESSMAKING DRE88M IKING and silk shirts made to order. Phone 1095 M 622 ThirtiefJi St 2753 CHILDREN'S sewing Phone J440. 2646 Monroe Ave. 2840 DENTISTS The New Method Dentbt are special- Ists in all branches of Dentistry 24i ! Washington Ave ijns ENGRAVING Ogden Engraving Ser'lce Co makers of fine cuts in one or more colors. 41 Twenty-fourth street Phono 463 LIFE INSURANCE Geo. D. Bennett, corporation and group Insurance- a specialty. Phone 124-W. 1514 Alex. II Moyes. resident bkciU New York Life insurance Co.. 442 Rlnford avenue Phor.e 1467 and 1S77-W. S8C7 JUNK AND HIDES Western Hide & Junk Co.. 2323 Wash ington Av . Phone S61 Ogden 1 unk House. 2050 Washington Ave Phona 210 PAPER HANGING Taper hanging, painting, kalsomlnlnv. paper cleaning. Reasonable 3220 R. 286C , REAL ESTATE Willard Kay. real estate and loans 2474 Washington Ave Phone 409. 1874 SCAVENGER Garbage ar.d rubbish hauled, cesspools snd toilets cleaned John Chipp & Co. Phone 82?, 234S Hudsoi. Avenue. 6732 TRUNKS AND BAGS Trunk and bag replrlng. round cor ner from Staudard Gallachcr'a. '373 Hud son. 2ii I WINDOWS CLEANED j EXPERT window arid wall paper clean ilnc American Window Cleaning Ph 2 SJ j WANTED Situations POSITION by a business woman, who Is I anxious to locate !n Ogden. Can give best of references. Address New York. n Standard n.auilner. ! SECOND hand goods bought and sold T iC. Iveraon. lt40 Washington. Phone 49. 8IH I WE take- uur ola range s nr.t payn-'-ni on any new range, or will buv your "ld ranee ontriahl Home Kurnlture Co. 47a L MONEY TO LOAN TO salaried people I thou I security, o othern on planoi.. f ui-riltur--. bonds, etc "'7 IliicUon PHc Phono JS4 ;-;9 VIONEi to ion ju nipiuM j i-ki oat -KHIy He rrii k T7 i Poultry and Fee SPIMNO MAI5Y CHICKS FOP. S I V 400,000 S C. White Leghorn ha by chl.'ks from heaviest laylnc ( stook; price during 5Iay ahd June. 25. $5; 50. $9; 100, Ml Special prices 500 nnd 1000 lots Safe delivery guoruntecd. You pay only for chicks n-celved alive end In OOd C01l dltlofi. no moivy In advance, pay on de-1 liver Shipped safely everywhere we j of Rockies. Pineal hatchery in the world Established 1833 MUST MATCH NfJUBATOR CO ' 43f. Sey.-nth St 1 -.-t P t;iiuma. (;alif I LEGAL NOTICES PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clerk or the Respec tive Si;)ne,-r, for Further Information. NOTICE In the District Court of the Second Judi cial District. In and for Weber Countv. I State of I tah In Re Application of Frank Haason to I t hange His Name to Frank Yon Mohr The petition of Frank Hason, praying1 that the comt make anel enter Its decree permitting him to change hla name from Plunk Husson to Frank 'on Mohr Wlli be heard by Department 2 of wild court J on Mondnv, the 2nd da- ol ugiist. lf20 at 10 a. m.. in Ihe court room of ild I court, at Ogden Oly. Ftah Witness my hand and the seal of this court hereunto affixed this 29th day of June. 1830, WALTER N. FARR. Clerk C. R. HOLLTNGftWORTH. Attorney for PeUttener. . NOTICE Ogden Petroleum Co. principal place of business, Ogden. Ftah. There are delinquent on the following elescrlbecl Mocks on account of assess ment NO. ll levied on the 22nel day of May. 1020. Hie several amounts set oppo site the namca of the respective share holders, as follows Certlf No. Shares Amount. Allen, E J 4411 inuo $ 6 00 Abbott, G. H RSI 1000 5 00 Abbott. Q II. 683 1000 5.00 Rrandon. M. H. ,1666 711 3.05 Bybee, Emms 551 1100 7oal Ranchman. Emll 376 500 2!fTt Child. Mrs C C 657 6000 30.00 Child. Mrs. c. C 462 2000 10.001 Combe, James 64S 1000 5.00,' Davis, F. C 318 250 1 25 Davis. W. B 342 500 2 50 Doyle. A. H 529 600 2 50 Doyle. A. 571 250 1 25 Francis. Frank . . . .20 4000 20 no Farr. R. W 472 1000 6 00 Farr. C. L. 454 600 2 50 Farr. C. L. 631 400 1.80 Jensen. David 47 1000 6.00 ii n s.-i.. ).... i.i .... is n.i Jacobs E. H 140 250 1.25 Jones. R. M. 531 1000 6 oo Knradlmos, Tom 262 l0O 6.00 Light Lllll.. 446 100 60 McCormlek. 1 L. ...304 1000 500 Mclirlde. Helen r.oi 200 1.00 Powell. S. C, 286 600 2 60 I Pidcock. J, W 650 160') 7 60 : Perrln, Thos. D. .. .623 1000 6.00 Perrln Thus. D 623 1000 6.00 Sorenson, Nell 57 2000 10 0o' Sorenson, if, N . ...274 350 1 7.'. Wysong. Mattlc 170 600 2 60 i Wilson. W. M C26 217 1.58 I And in SOCOrdancS With law so man. of each parcel of such stock as may bo ncc ea.snry will bo sold ut the oflco of the company. No 364 Twenty fourth Street, ttprlen, Ftah. on the 23rd eia- of lul., 1920, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon to pay the delinquent assessments, to I gethei with the cost of advertising and ' expense of sale A. L. OLASMANN Secretary Treuaurer P S. The above d llneiuents are puj able lo the Assistant Secretary Treasurer. t k Hlnchcllffe, at the Pingres National Rank, he-for.- the .ibove mentioned dale. The Cincinnati (Ohio) Automobile flub in to erect h stxen-story bulldinr as It new fjuarters. with a garage as i part to hold 400 ears. oo There are sonic xfiOO building und loan associations in the l ulled Btatea QUIET TRADING ! Ill MINE ISSUES Big Hill Suffers Decline; Silver King Coal. Higher During Short Session The trading in mining stocks yester day on the Salt Lake Stock 8c Mining I Exchange was inor eiulet than It bus jbcen for the ast few days The trend lof the market seemed to be about letead excepting In Rig Hill nd Tin 1 1 1 " standard, the former opening at 4 cents unci with ii downward tendency existing sold ns low as 24 cents, while 'the latter, which closed at $3.30 Fri day, changed hands at $3 27V and Cloned With this price bid for it Sll vei1 King Coal, was practically the only stock on the board to show any Ktrength. opening at $1 50 and selling lurj to 81.55 closing with $1.60 bid snd with no stock offered Alta Con. Hold al 5e, Bullion brought 3Vir; Columbus Rexall v.hh steady at 47 He. Iron King went at 83c, Reonora. changed hands at lHr. Prince Con sold at 32r, Slher Shield went nt 31c and Walker Mining brought $3 20 and $3.25. (Quotation! furnished over private wire of J. a. iiogip At Co., Kcclca 1 iui id lug ) Bid Asked Alta Con $ 05 4 $ .06 Albion 05 06 American Con 01 14 .02 Alta Tunnel 04 hi .05 Beaver Copper oo1 oi Rig Hill . 02 .03 j Rig Cottonwood .01 L.ulllon 08 .04 Hlack Metals 05 07 Columbus Rexall ... .47V -48 Crown Point 03 Colorado Cob 03 V .05 Central Eureka 01 .01 Ci.rdlff 1.32 1.40 Irngon Con 15 17 Daly West 4.25 Eust Crown Point ... .02 .02 4 East Tin. Coal 00 01 East Tin Con 05 .08 Eureka Mines 05 Eureka Lily 07 .0R Eureka Bullion 08 .11 Emma Silver 07 .07 I Empire Mines 05 .10 Gold Chain 06 .07 Grand Central .60 ; Howell 07 .07 'Iron Blossom 2 7 .36 I Iron King 22 .23 Judge Mining 3.90 6.00 Kennebec 11 .20 Keystone 7 6 .86 Leonora 01 .01 Lahl Tlntlc 0S .09 May Day 02 .03 Miller Hill 02 Mammoth 30 Moscow 02 Michigan-Utah 02 03 North Stan 03 .04 New Qulncy 05 .06 hio Copper 30 ( pohongo f. .01 Nalldrlver 75 .80 Plutus 33 .35 Prince Con 3 1 .SI Provo 04 .04 i'aleimn .01 Rico Argentine 02 .03 Rico Wellington ... .17 25 Sells 06 07 811. King Coal'n .... 1.50 Sll King Con 1 . 4 7 . 1 . 50 Sioux Con 03 .04 South Heclu 95 1.00 South Standard 16 Silver Shield 81 .32 Tar Baby 03 .04 Tlntlc C ntral 02 .02 Tiniie- Standard . ... 3 -'7 3.30 I t.ih Cons. 01 Victor 01 Colon Chief 05 .08 West Toledo 04 Walker 3.15 3.22 Yankee 01 Zuma 18 .19 Empire Copper 30' .50 Da Sales Antelope Star 1000 at c. Alta Con. 500 at 3c. Rig Hill 1000 at Ac- 1000 at 3c; 3000 at 3c; 1000 at 3c; 200" ,,t 2c; 5000 at 2c; 1000 at Sc; 28 at 8C Bullion 1000 nt 3 c. Columbua Rexali 800 at 47 c. Dragon Con. 15"0 at 17c. Howell Diuiiiit i;t. Iron Blossom 30o at 28c. Iron King 500 at 23c. Leonora 1 000 at l c. Prince Con. 200 at 32c. Sliver King Coal. lOu at $1.60- 100 at $1 .52: 200 at 81.55. Sliver Shield 2nii at 31c. North Standard 2000 at 3 r. Tlntlc Standard 500 at 53.27. Walker Mining 100 at $3.25. 500 at $3 . 20. Zuma 500 at 19c. I MM MIIIM, smm'Kn. Amal Sugar $ 14.00 $ 14 25 Con. Wagon 102.00 104.00 '"omcnt Securities 119.00 I't.ih-Idaho Sugar S CO Lion Coal 65 .00 75! 00 Lion Bonds 91.00 Amal Sugar pfd. ... 100.00 102 75 Mutual Creamery 11 00 Ogden Port. Cement , 9500 Pi ret National Bank. 330.00 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS N'otlc. in hereby given that Ojrden Cltv proposes to mnke the following public Im provetneiil. l.uil C,,n.l ruct pavement In Paving District No. 133. together with work incidental thereto, according to plans, specifications and profiles on file! In the office of the City Engineer And ' s. aied bids ore Invited for said work and will he received at the office of the Cltv Recorder In the City Hall at Ogden, Utah until ten o'clock, a. m., on the 20th day of July, 1920. Instructions to bidder plane and specifications for said Improve ment cim In. seen and examined at the of- I 1 'he 1 it Liinineer In tho City Hu.l I of said city. The rtfrht Is reserved to reject nny snd All bids ond to waive nnv defects By order of tho Board of Commission. era of Ogden City, Utah this, the 8th day of Jul;. PJ20. C. T MOVES. City Recorder. First publication. July 0. 1 "C Last publication. July 28, 1 920 Published in tho Ogden Standnrd Examiner 3411 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Stats of Utah, nfMee of State Road Com mission. Salt I-ake City, Ptah. Sealed bids will be received by the Stats Bond Commission' of Utah, State Capitol. Salt lAike Cltv, Ctah. at 2 o'clock P. m.. July 27. 1920. and at that time publicly opened, for grading, mid con structlng nn eighteen-foot (18-foot) Mtu mlnous con:retei roadway on the state road between igdcn and Huntsvllle. a dla tnnee- of 7.."f. mllea, in Weber County. Stale ol I 'lab. the same being deslpnated as Ctah Federal Aid Project No. 30 Plnns and specifications are on file In the office of tho State Road Commission Salt Lake City Ctah and the office of Bureau ol Public Roads, (00 Hudson Building, Ogden, Utah The above plans and snecificntions mnv be obtained at the office of the State Road Commission on depositing Five ($5.00) Dollars Any additional lnformn tlon may be secured from the Stale High way Engineer at Salt Lake Citj Ptah The right to reject any or all bld.s Is re served, Caah or certified check for Five Thou sen 1 Dollars (85000.00) made payable to llu I 1 Ii -itnic Rood Cnmiul- Ion must ac company each bid as evidence of good t'lttli .pel a.-. ;. guaranty that If awarded thl contract, the bidder will exeeute the contract nnd irive hond BS lequ'riHl :-'r.'i I-: POM' . ( i.MMlSSI 1 B IRA R BROW NING. St ' 1 ctari fit?6 1 Ellison Ranching 130.00 Security State Bank. 150.00 166 00 Z. C. M 1 33 . 00 Qoddard Packing 5.00 Utah Power & Light 94 On Sup. Rk. Spga. Coal 117 50 NEW YORK STOCK LIST. Allis-Crmlmcrs 38 American Beet Sugar 04 American Can 42 Vmerlcfin Car & Foundry l-u:-. American Hide & Leather pfd. . . 92 American International Crp HH'z American Locomotive 102 American Smelting & Refg. ... 62 American Sugar . 129 American Sumatra Tobacco .... 93 i American T & T 13 American Woolen 92 Anaconda Copper 57 .Atchison 82 AM . ijiilf cv W. Indies 164 .Baldwin Locomotive 123 1 Baltimore & Ohio 81 I Bethlehem Steel " B" ........ 91 Canadian Pacific :...ii2 ' Central Leather ... u 7 1 1 IChandled Motors 102 Chesipeakc & Ohio . . 54 : Chicago. Mil. and St. Paul 36 Chicago, R I. & Pac 38 Chlno Copper 30 Colorado Fuel & Iron , 84B Corn Products 96 Crucible Steel 167 ' Cuba Cane. Sugar 53 Erie 12 General Electric 144 General Motors 27 Goodrich Co 64 Great Northern pfd. 72 Groat Northern ore Ctfs 36B Illinois Central 82B Inspiration Copper 61 Int Mer. Marine pfd 9 4 International Paper 86 Kennecott Copper 26 Louisville & Nashville 100'u Maxwell Motors 26 Mexican Petroleum 196 Miami Copper 21 B Middle States Oil 31 Mid vale Steel 42 Missouri Pacific 26 New YorkCcntral 70 N V., N. H. & Hartford 31 Norfolk Sr Western 90 Northern Pacific 73 Oklahoma Prod & Ref 4 P. ni American Petroleum 106 Pennsylvania 40 People's Ga.i 36B Pltibiirg and W est Va 31 Itny Consolidated Copper 16 Reading 91 Rep, Iron & Steel 96 Royal Dutch, N. T 113 " Shell Trans. & Trad 7 I . Sinclair Con. Oil 31 Southern Pacific 95 Southern Railway 29 Standard ll of N. J pfd 105 Studebaker Corporation 76 Tennessee Copper 10 Texas Co 47 'Texas & Pacific 42 j Tobacco Products . ... 71 Transcontinental 011 16 jl'nlon Pacific 115 4j 1." S. Food Products 70 1 S. Retail Stores 80 I. as. Ind. Alcohol 95 A Cnlted States Rubber 101 United States Steel 94 I'Uh Copper 68 Wc-stlnghouse Electric 49 wniy's 1 iverland 19 American Zinc, Leadand Sm.... 14B Butte and Superior 23 Cala. Petroleum . . 33 Montana Power 60B jSbottuck Arizona $)B OGDEN LIVESTOCK MARKET, Cattle Receipts, 386; choice heavy steern 89(5)10.25; good steers 88ifl-', 'fair steers 178; choice feeder steers 6 . oOifi 7 . 60; choice cows and heifers f 7 jpr 8 ; fair to good cows and heifers fU'fl"; cutters $4f5; canners 13 3.75, choice fcceler cows 856; fat bulls 85 6; bologna bulls ?45; veal 1 .. I eS $9 ill 10. Hogs Receipts. 37. choice fat hogs, 175 to 250 pounds. $13.75 014.60; bulk of sales, 514-614.25; feeders, JlOifrll. Sheep Receipts. none. choice lambs, $1011; wethers. 57 X, fat ewes. $5tfi'6; feeder lambs. Is'alO Arrivals Frank Grlco. Boise. Ida., 4 loads cattle; W A. Allred. Preston. Ida., 1 load cattle and hogs. Billy Wood, Carlston, Ctah, 1 load mules. William Peck, Malad; Ida., 2 loads cat tle J V Rich. Garland. Ctah 3 loads icattb ; J B. Hooky Salt Iikc, Ctah. 3 loads cattle, Leo Peck. Logan. Utah. I I loael cattle. i BICAGO I I I 1 EU S, CHICAGO. July 10. Open High Low Close Corn Sept. $1.65 1.60 1.56 1.59 Dec 1 19 ' 1.44 1.39 1.43 Oats Sept. .7S .81 .75 .mi Dec. .75 .79 .75 .78 Pork July 28.30 28.35 28.30 28.30 Sept. 30.25 30 47 30.25 30.30 Lard July 19.00 19.10 19.00 19.10 Sepl. 19.85 19.82 19.85 Rlbfl . July 16. S2 16 S5 16.82 16.85 Sepl. 17.70 X7.77 17.70 17.77 i'KK I g CHICAGO, July 10. Wheat No. I hard $2.86; No. 4 northern spring $2.75. Com No. 2 mixed $1.621.62; No. 2 yellow $1 . 62 c' 1 . 63 Mats No. 2 white $1,08 6 1.10; No 2 white $1 . 06 1 . 06 Rye No. 2 $2.30. Barley $1.2 5 6' 1.32. Timothy seed $10.00612.00. Clover seed $10.006 12.00 Pork nominal. Lard $19.10. Kibs $16.60617.60. OMAHA LIVESTOCK. i'.l A HA. Nel.. July 10. (Cnlted States Bureau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts r.000; market strong to 10c higher; genera eiuullty common, bulk $14 10 6 14.76; top $16.90. Cattle Receipts 860. compared with week ago, beef steeis 86c highei butcher stock 25 to 50c higher; veals 50c higher, good and choice stockors nnd feeders 25 to 60c higher; others steady. Sheep Rccolpta 250; compared with week ago: lambs $l,00Ol - higher; sheep 25 to 60c higher feeder lambs 50 to 75c higher. AT MINNEAPOLIS. MINNEAPOLIS, July 10 Flour un ch.i iikc.i) Mr. 111 $19 00 Wheat cash No. 1 northern $2 806 2.86. crn $1 64 6 1 56 rials $ 1 . 00 'ii 1 . iij Barlej ?i 0601.86. Rye No. 2 $2 . 28 6 1 29 . Flax No. 1 $3.66(i3 71 ': BANK STATEMENT. NEW YORK. July 10 The actual condition of clearing house banks and trust companies for the week 1 five days) shows that they hold $10,017. 800 reserve In excess of legal roeiulro ments This Is a decrease of $ 13,407. 850 from last week. BUTTER AND EGG8. CHICAGO, July 10 Butter steads receipts 6629; standard 65 c; Others unchanged. Eggs steady, unchanged; roeaipta II. U4 4 ensos. Poultry unchanged. LIBERTY Bo.Mis NEW Y..KK. July lo Final prices of Liberty bond, today wore 3 ' -.. M il. Mist 4s Sri. lo'; second 4s 86.5b; first 4 '4 s 86. 10; second 4 j 74. third 4 h 89 . 70; fourth I -86, 96. Victor 3s 95.98; Vic ton 4s 9 6 0i' I WALL STKEET. NEW YORK, July 10. Stocks wore K, hesitant at the opening of today's scs sion, but became distinctly icactionary BN' before the end of tho first hour. Price LM movements were more confusing lator when rails assumed the leadership. presumably on th" very favorable crop K' prospects. Canadian Pacific, Lacka wanna and sarions low priced Issues, B? notably Southern Railway anel St. LL Louis and San Francisco, were espec ially strong. American Woolen was under constant pressure and reversals K of 1 to 5 points were made by lead Ing oils. Crucible Steel, Corn Products, f. Atlantic Gulf and minor specialties. f Partial recoveries ensued in the final f dealings. The closing wa-j Irregular. f Sales approximated 250,000 sharea F Speculative favorites were again In f the foreground at the opening of to- " If day's brief stock market session. Hous- f ton Oil, yesterday's spectuoular fea- If ture. three points and advances f Of one to two points marked the early trading in Vanadium Steel, Stromberg Carburetor, National Analine and 1 nit.ri States Rubber. Unfavorable conditions In the textile trade prob ably accounted for the pros-euro against American Woolen which soon forfeited 3 points. Union Pacific. Nor folk and Western, Baldwin Locomo- 1 Uve, Studebaker. Retail Stores and Uepublic Iron wore fractionally lower. CHICAGO GRAIN. 'HICAGO, July 10 Ther0 was a I general rush of buying by commission h,-')lh"s a 1 tho start of the, com market today which carried prices upward Tho government report showed smaller figures than the trade had ex pected but otherwise tho report was construed generally as very bearish, Reports of black rust In tho north- w est also helped boost prices. On tho 1 bulge there was some selling bv strong I I local professionals. Initial quotations I ranged from 0 to 1C higher, with .September at $1.56 to 1.67 and De cembor at $1.39 to 1.40. The corn market continued active with a rather firm undertone although the selling against offers caused a re action. The black rust scaro In the I northwest carried tho market upward and tho close was firm with advances 1 ranging from 4 to 5c, with sD- I u "aboi 11 ii t.i l 59 and De cember 51.13 to 1.44. LL Oats followed the upward trend of pH corn, the opening being to .c i higher, with September at 78 to mm Provisions were dull but firm j CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO, July 1 0 Cattle Re- m ceipis 150U; curUllcd week ago. good to best yearlings light and handy- weight steers 60 to 7 5c higher; heavits I largely 35 to 50c higher, others un- m even, steady to higher, better grade j fat cows and heifers 60 to 75c higher' canners and cutters and bulls mostly .steady, xeal calves $1.60 to $L 75 higher; lower grades stock steady; de- siiiiH suable kinds higher. j'M Hogs Receipts 5000. market gfl ly to 15c higher; best light and IRgnt butchers gained most, top $16 -Oi bulk light and light butchers $15'. SO016 30; bulk 250 pounds and over H 1911. 90016.90; pigs steady; bulk de- niiiiiiH islrable kinds $13 . 00ft 13. 75. H Shesp Receipts ( ; over one-half V 1 run direct. 12 cars choice Idaho lambs LH $18.40; one cur wethers $8.50; com pared with week ago: better grades Ll fat lambs $ 1 . 00 to 1 . 50 higher; others I up $2 to $3, yearlings and wethers j mostly 7 5c to $1.00 higher; ewea H $1.50 to $2.00 higher; feeding and m breeding classes mostly 50c to $1 00 isiiiifl -MONEY MARKET. m: 11KK, July 10. Mercantile ifl .paper 7 8 per cent. lilijH Exchange irregular; sterling 60 day tsjijH ( bills $3 90. commercial 60 day bills ll9ijH on banks $3.90; commercial 60 day ll . di 1. nid $3.94 ; cables VmM Frano- l-einand S.46c; cables WM I Belgian francs: Demand 9.04c ca- I bHHIh Dies B 0 6c. Guilders Demand 35.25c; cables bHHH HtM Lire: Demand 6.00c; cables 6.02c kkkV Marks: Demand 2.62c; cables ,L New York exchange on Montreal UgsLH 1- 3-16 per cent discount. H Government bonds easy; railroad mmm bonds steady. 1 IM II I ED Bl SEE ORDERS. NEW YoRK. July 10. Unfilled or- ILI l,ers of i... 1 St.ei corpo- B ration fur the- month ending June 30 f announc- H td today. This is an Increase of 31.- f I p. ious month Ifl I when the figures were 10.94 7.466. f kH I la the greatest since H July, 1917, when unfilled orders ag- IIH , sr. i:-'ti .1 1 a, s 1-1,1 o i Mm . . POT tO 61 kRKET. CHICAGO, July 10, Potatoes re- ccipts 33 cars, market strong; Virginia mmm coDbler $ 1 3 . 75 (n 14.00; North Caro- H Jlna ditto $12.76(916.00; southern fel iriumpl, 1 . iiluos $7 00$ , H LONDON RATES. LONDON, July 10- Bar silver 52 d fl per ounce. 1H Money 4 per cent Discount rates: Short bills 6 & H 6 per. cent; three months bills 6 49 H 11-16 per H M ORK SILVER. NEW YORK. July 10. Bar silver IH 99c; foreign 92 c. Mexican dollars 69 c. 1 m LIBERTY B BONDS INVESTMENT SEOURITIEB J-fi-Hodle & To I CCC'wE 8LDi IC9MMiysT mm WmW&km mm Msl