r i 1 A large prt of our pre6crip- LkJUfciiX CUa tl0n lrade is made up of out I VVvV V of town orders. We send med; Icine9 all over the country, from Alaska to Mexico. Write !' or wire us your needs when vactionmg. Everything for thc Summer toilet equipment must be Ir.rgcr ant! more comprehen sive than In winter. Select articles for hands, face, teeth and body from our complete assortment Perfumes Soaps Talcums Toilet Waters Brushes Sachets I Powders Combs Manicures I Creams Mirrors Powder Puffs CAPS AND BAGS FOR SPECIAL ! BATHING PAGE'S TALCUM Smart, new styles in caps Bags for carrying your own Six bewitching odors. Large 6u,t . boxes. Regular 35c size. ; C?ps, 25c to $1 50 Bag3 75c to $2.50 at 19c TWINK BAYER Wear ASPIR'N GOGGLES I Dyes as it washes -rnc enly genuine j Made by the Bayer. The Bayer Protect your eyes rmkers of Lux Cross is your sfc frm sun, w.na makers of guard '20c a and dust You All colors and dozen; 2 for 25c, need a pair when tints .... 10c 1Q3 f0V 51 25 motoring. All styles. CLEANER Co5ts you 500 10 25c t0 51 50 loco your mm ii Cleanses silk DYSPEPSIA Takc Some Cleans Co s.ik CANTERBURY I waists, stockings, ; Monarch Dyspep . CANDY I lingerie, without ca Tablets give ready rcl.ef from Satisfy that crav- injury. E;sy to j Indigestion, gas, ing for sweets use. 25c and 50c i belc hng or palpi you get on every bottles. tation 5Cc outing. ing showers these warm J PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS V . 479 Washington Avenue I Thirteenth Ward Choir I To Give Song Service f A song service will bo conducted by tho Thirteenth ward choir this evening I at 7 o'clock at the ward nicotine house 1 Twenty-third street and Jackson ave- I nue The program Includes- "Father to Thee" (male quartette) Francis Bthling. Herman Weet brook, William Bugg, William Purdle Tnor solo .. .. . William Pickett "Just As I Am' (mixed quartette Thclma. Higpenbotham. Doris Martin, William Purdle, Heber Oborn. The Lord Hath Redeemed His People ' Choir Reading Pearl Clark Soprano solo ...Mrs Kthel Burks Come L'nto Me" . . . .Mixed Quartette "Rock of Ages-' .Male Quartette "Song of the Redeemed" .... Choir p asawaMBas a aaia aaMB wM Time Means Nothing? Just Scan This Over Road Nebs Get Hefty 1 (By AL WARDEN.) 1 Some peoplo have no use for time. Some arc rich therefore they don't need time with which to spend it some are poor they lack a world of time while those who labor have oodles of time that la the majority of them have but at one of the of fices of the I tilted States public roads bureau In ih Colonel Hudson Build ing, time Is one of the chief assets to each day's toll. Tho door Is adorned with pregnant phrases which in the estimation of those who have given it the once over, are beyond a doubt second to none. PASTED ON Tni: door Adorning the door and pasted with honest to goodness glue, typed with ! probably a late model Underwood Is j the following, the first in this case spelling defeat for the newj hound. TMmc- allowed for Interviews In this office 2 minutes. Time allowed for friendly calls 2 minutes Tlnib allowed for friendly calls ! when busy 1 minute. Time allowed for life Insurance agents 1 second. PrlendH with a scheme 5 seconds Friends with a scheme willing to I let its in on the ground floor no ' lime. Friends to ask us to eat 60 min utes. Those wllllnit to pa) bills C0 hours. 60 minutes and 00 seconds The total number ot mottoes are 1 first rate in every particular accord j ing to some but tbe first , Item which bars the reported spells ruin I and especially to the gent seeking I news on a day when the word news Is a scarce as the old time sold dol 1 ISr, But lo and behold the newspaper man is not the only man hard hit. Take a peep at the Insurance at;ent. 10 RESERVE TO BE INSPECTED Three Government Officials Leave for Ogden to Look Over Project Three government officials connect ed with the fish and gam department at Washington, departed last night for Ogden, where they will inspect S pro posed resting placo for migratory birds. This bit of news was received with great Joy by members of the Weber Rod and Gun association, who have been working on the proposed grounds for some time. The territory Included in the inspec tion will begin at the mouth of Bear river at Corrlne and will embrace the land east of Corrine to the Lucln Cut off. Tho west boundary will Include the entire lake within that territory to the land on the west side of the lake. It is the pl.nn of the officials to make that territory a resting place foi migratory birds and with that end ii vitw th inspection tours will be made. All species of migratory birds Will bp listed on the resting grounds If the federal pluns mature w The sun is hot enough to melt, on lis surface, an envelope of Ice. There arc about 5000 different languages spoken fh the world. The pulse of a new-born child beats 'from 130 to HO times a minute. j fust received I Car load of fltfSL j Talk about a guy bring out of luck Baj what could he sell In 1 second j lie mlffh sell the first ipher on his' insurance policy--but outside of that he would be nillos from home com pared in the news writer an we have' said before he receives a measly 2; minutes which by the way Is plenty j if you are minus news. I But if the girl stenojerapher at - j tempts to drink a oda on a hot day and In so doing. she faints who' I could gel the details her name and the particulars in t-uh minutes? , That is the question before the re porters. ( FRIENDLY CAUL Heh: HFH! I Yep, and Jut think perhaps tho Insurance agent micht become ex hausted bj the h-il and a hundred, other things could happen hat is Just n probability but what we would like to know is what the 'bugs" in the office term a friendly call. It' surely Isn't one of the old fashioned; friendly calls vou know one of thosei old time (hats when the gin phiz and' ' the high ball and the other populsrs brands starred Naw. wouldn't be : po;slble, according to the old timers as those lind of visits require weeks and some times months. FIT THE BILL? The remaining rulels on the chart with one exception seem to fit tho (bill at least that is what toiiik of the wise ones say. Can y'u imagine a 1 reporter taking a guy to dinner for Co minutes not now Steve the H. I C L. wave sweeps this tvaj dally and aGalri a guy requiring 60 minutes to eat nowadays In any c-afe must be j starred to death. Firstly because j the cafes dojl t iclve one the meal for your silver thai requires an j hour secondly because It takes but B few minutes to devour the said 1 ' eats " and lust but not least we don t jail have a Stand in with the girl walt-l ress or the cook. WARNER GIVEN STIFF SENTENCE; Young Man Accused of Petit Larceny Goes to Jail for Four Months G P. Warner, charged with petit larceny, was sentenced to four months jin jail by City Judge D R. Roberts yesterday morning. Warner pleaded guilty. I Warner was arrested with Yerno'i Sanberg In connection with the theft of Jewelry and old gold coins from J. . G. Yanner and La Mont Sanberg, upon I which a value of $2026 had been I pieced. Warner was foud guilty of taking la stick pin and 8 $5 gold piece, of the j coinage of 1 S3 4 and valued bj the j owier at $400. He admitted In court that ho had sen cd IS days, 30 days and 60 days In tho city jail on three petit larceny 1 c barges. In sentencing Warner. Judge Rob erts told him that the court admired his frankness arid for this reason was 1 going to be lenient. Warner's face 1 brightened but when the Judge said 120 das or $120, the young man's shoulder's flumped and he sagged hopelessly SJ he was lead Irom the court room by Detective Robert Chambers, his captor. Warner was turned over to the sheriff to begin his sentence In the county Jail. Sanberg will be delivered into the' custody of the Juvenile court. 00 600 CHAIR PUSHERS AT ATLANTIC CITY I GO OUTON STRIKE ATLANTIC CITY X J, July 10. Six hundred memhers of the Chair Pushers" union struck to day, causing a tic-up of the roller fhalr traffic on the board walk Two strikers were arrested for 1 dlsorderlv ronduct. The men de mand fifty cents an hour Instead of 26 cents. ! Sure Way To Get Rid Of Dandruff There Is one sure wa that never fails to remove dandruff completely and that la to dissolve it. This de stroys It entirely To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, ordl nary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; upe enough to moisten tbe scalp and rub It In gently with the finger tips B morning, most if not all. of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it. no mailer how much dandruff yoli may have You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will ston in rtantly, and your hair will be fluffy lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid nrvon at any drug store. It Is inexpensive, and four ounces is all you will need This sim ple remedy has never been known to fail. Advertisement. LADY OVERCOMES USE OF MORPHINE "Troubled about 10 years with what the doctors called gall stones, often I thought I would die before tho doctor could get here, when ho would give me a hypodermic of morphine and advise an operation. A neighbor told me about Mayr's Wonderful Remedy for stomach trouble, and since taking the first dose 2 years ago I have not had an attack nor needed a hypoder mic." It la a simple, harmless prep aration that removes the catarrhal mu cus from the Intestinal iract and allays the Inflammation which cause prac tlcally all stomach, liver and Intestln al ailments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money re fnnned Advert iernnt. I "Sncl save money H Midsummer's gala day is less ihan two veeks off. There'll be parties, excursions to canyons and resorts and ail kinds of occasions to cel ebrate the day. Whatever ycu do, be dressed to fit the pari. Blue serge coat and white trousers are decidedly the thing at every summer gathering. Save the blue serge pants for fall. Order now get the Dundee com- P . bination of perfect fit, authentic style and quality fabrics. jjL You save 10 per cent i Serge Special- - E H $47.50. OWEN BENNETT. Prep. On Hudscn Avenue by the Alh?mbra Theatre LOOK WHO'S HERE I jjLzrz M yr Of course I'M a 1 i$ Y VRV yOOHQj PARTY ft ( ftOT 'O0 OU CiEEZE-RS i L - -y AW$- UttD ACT SvAARTV- vvv vskmLWJ? 0HeC'' - yLY s&n J 50 uook oot t?OR. N iVfV 5TVJNT5, I PIONEER DAY 10 BE CELEBRATED North Ogden and Pleasant View to Combine in Joint Observance Pioneer day will be observed by North C(?den and Pleasant Vie?. i which communities w ill participate In a Joint celr-bratlon at North Ogden j July Z4 Committee In charge Includes.: 'Arthur B Bcrrett, Henry Storey, J. I I Alma Bailey. Henry Jensen. Nephl P Mathews. A number of sub-eoinmlt-teoa will be appointed to arrange de tail. A league game between North Op den and Pleasant View v. ill bv.- held. Pioneers who fettled In tho com munities before tho advent of he rail roads will bo special guests. rtn CAMPAIGN EXPENSES FOR jVTADOQ $443 1 LOS ANGELES, Cal , July 10 Hx pcnif of thf- ( ain. ilgn to obtain the Democratic presidential nomination for William G McAdoo, former eec-l retarv of the treasury, totalled $4-43 ' said Judge S. B Amldon. of Wichita. Kan . here today. Judge Amldon, who, lo a national Democratic, committee-1 I the San rrnnclsco convention. He aid the money was supplied by hiin- I self and three friends. "The .McAdoo campaign filled be-i-ausn of McAdoos reticence," said Judfja Amldon. "If he hid stld the word, we could have nominated him on the third or fourth bailor. But, ho did not want the nomination ana m wmi pm i consequently we could not make uny V promisee to obtain the nocosaary -iuie Amldon said he most "as- K- Hurrdly" would support Gov. Cox, who, HLfiS I he declired. "had consistently backed H -9!''', the idmlnlatratlon and the (-.-it;Me of I nation's without any dlstructlve roser- , . atioi Annually use these tablets of or VV ganic iron Nuxated Iron to build V-JI upredblood,strengthand endurance. vapST V Dr.If. B.VaU.formerlvPhysidanintheBaltJ". VrKjt135S more Hospital 3r.d a Medical Kxamir.er foys : JfVjjt (y, ) Tbera rc tiiiTUMsda wh"M k dirt re acrLng aol """XK yflW' )S bretklng down it a t.me vtirr. tl.rj should be enjey-T-IFT EttA&mW Ii tiiat perfect bo.th which carrs d. Pance to MXW' ' f' ea imP'y because tl.ty are not awake to the car mr A fUfAJE" SKSSg: ditlca of their b)od. By Jiowing It to remain thin, IvaVfWEl I Vaf pale and watery they are net giving the natural Ufa ; -V. cJ& TfXVS Kyjfsir' force of tho body a chance to do their work. Iron ia fS' fx.lx-'llf yfnT rod blood f cod end in my experience I hare, found no rjurpv xi" 'cN better meam for buiJcHng tho red blood corpuscle or.4 B4'" KiLLI hcipunf to give iacrrjuied powr to the b'o than or. I . ganlc iron Nuxabcd Iron." N uxai cd Iron come in JJUJfJJJ SSkAaZ. tabid -mcr.iy ud ooa not oantata sny try vCajfiOs metallic Iron but only the flncct quality of pro r&ryZln&& b''htCblooa W'"C" uca311'' "s;rQilatrd