H 3 THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER. MONDAY, JU1 Y 12, 1020. NATIONAL LEAGUE W. I.. Pel. Brooklyn 4 12 .579 i'tnclniail 4 1 5' St. Louis . . . 39 S8 5fiC Chicago 38 3S .500 Pittsburg 3s 36 .493 Boston 31 85 .470 New York 35 40 .4 67 Philadelphia a 3" II in yesterday's Results New York 3 nt Chicago 2 Boston 3 at Cincinnati 6 Brooklyn 3 at Si Lou la l None others scheduled. HERZOG FUMBLE Pip FATAL 1 New York Defeats Chicago 3 to 2 in Final Game of Series. H CHICAGO. Jul 11. New York de- H feated Chicago. 3 to 2, In the final H game of the series today, Uerlog's B fumble of Benton's grounder, follow m lug Snyder s single, put the Visitors on second and third, and New York tied B the score when Burns doubled H Frlsch'K doulile. Kcllj bunt and King's sacrifice fly gent the winning run home Chicago scored Its runs H on singles by Vaughn and Twombley B and Mcrkle's double. Doyle was put H out of the game bi Umpire Klem lor H arguing a third strike. B Score: R H E. H Chicago 002 000 000 2 8 H Chicago 02 000 000 - 8 B Batteries. Benton ami Snydei H Vaughn and Killcfcr. H CINCINNATI Julj 11 Uaubert's H homer in the ninth inning today broke H a tie score and gave Cincinnati an H even break in the series w.h Boston. H The drive sent In two runs ahead of H Daubert and nil three tallies counted H under the new rules. Bailee, and H Rudolph were both hi: freely. H Score. B K E. H Boston 000 011 1003 3 Jinclnnatl . ...100 001 103 6 13 ' 2 H Batteries. Rudolph. McQuillen and H Gowdy; Sallee, Eller and Wlngo. H ST. LOUIS. 11. St H could do nothing with Marquard m H ter the first inning today when Jan WM vrln tripled and scored on an out, and Brookln won, 2 to 1. for the fourth B victory out of five games plued here. Doak's wlldness paved the way for H the winning run In the sixth. Wheat H walking and scoring after two were H out on Elliott's single to left. 1 Score. R. H. E. 1 Brooklyn . . ..QdO 1 o 1 nou 2 11 1 H St. Louis 100 000 000 1 6 B Batteries: Marquard and Elliott; Doak, Dllhoefer And ('lemons. BJBJsfl oo . GOLF COURSE LIKE BABY SHOW RY EDWARD M. THIF.IIP. Y N. E. A. Staff Correspondent I CHICAGO. .luly II The only youngsters allowed around a golf course are caddies. Fxcept on Grund dad'a Day. Ker try that on the home links" Granddad's Dav at Exmoor Country dub sav1 the first tee the appearance of a baby show fluff clothes. safet I pin yelps, milk bottles and everything i Only grandfathers were qualified to compete In the annual Orahddad'i Day handicap. Every grandchild sworn to added one-half stroke to player's handicap. And. In addition, ever: giemdchlld present at the first tee at Hie beginning ol pi"'- added a full stroke to grandfather's handicap Mcjbe it was grand-paternal worry over the possibility of grandson gf-t-ttng beaned with a niblick anyway, the winner and the runner-up didn't have any descendants present. T. Barber Brown won the IR-hole medal play with a net 74 ij. plus his regular handicap of IS and a half strokes for a prand bild be swore he 'Si nad at home. H H Hitchcock was fecond with a net 752 plus a regular H 24 handicap and another half stroke H for a grandchild not present. 1 R. W. Fatton was the proudet grandfather golfer there. He swore I to possessing six, but none showed up Richmond Dean had three grand rhlldren present, adding three full j! strokes to his harsdlcap, but he oo PHILADELPHIA WINS. TOLEDO. July 11 Th Philadel phia NatlonaJa bunched hits off Ralph I Comstock. former Detroit and Louls llle pitcher, and won from the Rail Lights, an independent outfit, by S'-ore of 3 to 2. here today. Manager H Cravath Injerted himself into the fl game as a pinch hitler and hit u foul. 1 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Pet. J Cleveland 51 26 .662! New York 52 27 . 65S1 Chicago 46 29 613 I Washington 37 .Li .614 Boston 35 37 4S6 St. Bonis . . 36 39 4S0 Detroit . 23 50 .315 Philadelphia 21 58 .266 Yesterday's Results Detroit 5 nt New York 6. Cleveland I at Washington 0. None others scheduled. RUTH OBTAINS ANOTHER HQUfSER Cleveland Gets Five Out of Six From Washington. Second Shutout. NEW YORK. July 11 New York made It three out of four from Detroit today, winning the final game of the series. 6 to 5. The TigcrB outbatted the Yankee?, but with the exception ! of the .sixth inning May? kept the hits scattered. In the third Buth made i his 27th home run of lh" season. -Score It H. E. 'Detroit 100 003 "01 5 II 1 ! New York . . 201 020 Olx 6 7 1 Batteries Ehmke and Alnsmltbj ' Mays and Ruel I . WASHINGTON July li. Cleveland ' made It five out of lx from Washing ton by winnln.it today, 4 to 0, Morton ! scoring his second victory of the riv: It v.as the Jecond shutout of the season for the locals. Score: R II E. Cleveland 1 10 000 200 4 11 0 ashlng:on .000 000 000 0 7 U Batteries. Mo.ton and O'Neill; i Johnson Erickson and Plcinich. Gharrlty. oo ' WHAT THEY SAY j JOHNNY II. son The new middleweight champion is bowing the ngnt kind of spun by ! seeking a letui n match w-th Mike O'Dowd He says 1 would like Dave Mackay or some eastern promoter to ge. Mike O'Dowd lot me Boxlnp fans ar- all wrong in thinking th.it 1 am sidestepping the ! Harp I beat him easily In Boston and can do so again any time, any place, 'for any distance. I'm afraid that, in jbplto of all of u'Dowd's loud screech j ing against mo, ou will have trouble (in getting him to go on with me again." K Kl- UN. i HE I'll . liuth won;.: made a good lineman in football, thinks Doc Karl Knoc'ie. lormer L"nlerslty of Minne K)tS Kuard He says "1 f.uv Buth knock that homer on tne das It rained at Comlskey park. He certainly is graceful In all his movements and has a flue pair of ! shoulders. He shows power and enor mous strength in every move How he icpuld lilt tha; line in football."' smi I I RTDDLE. The greatness of Man o' War has impressed itself on Sam 14c I Riddle, owner of iho blue ribbon running star. I He says: Man o! nr will never be permil : ted to leave this country. He belongs to the people of the I'nlted States, 'who )oe a Rood horse and to whom .he means Just as much as he does to 'me I regard myself merely as a cus todian, having htm in trust for the benefit of the American thoroughbred future." JDUn CAVENEY. Major leaguf glorv- has no c harms for Jin;m Cc rney of the San Bran IcInco S-iils lietroit has an option on fither himself 01 Willie Kamm In ex change for "Slim" Love. He says: "1 had enough of eastern baseball when I was with Bpruigfleld and Co lumbus. 1 know it la nice to be a big leaKncr particularly when you have never been up there, but you can tell the world that the Coast league is Just to my liking " 1-.MI1BITION MATCH. CHICAGO, July 12 Bevy and Wal lace Bates of Berkeley, "al., played loin sets even today against R H Biirdlck and Vincent Richards. New York, in an exhibition match at the tenth annual rlay courts champion ships on the south sidr tennis club courts. The score was 6-2, 6-3, 6-4 4-6. RUN DOWN BY UTO. , s x DIEQO 1 al July 12. Alfonso G Bernard a I'nltfd States Immigra tion officer statlonad at Campo. sixty 'miles from here, was run down and ; killed by an automobile when he at tempted to halt the machine In a search for smugglers. PLUM FOR GIBSON. NEW YORK. Billy Gibson, man j nicer of Bnny Leonard, will have con trol of Madison Square Gardens, I w hich he Intends to make New York d hnxinc Mecca LEVER IS FASTEST ON GETAWAY BY LORR1 V 1 1COB6, N E A Stff Correspondent. . B YORK LOOK OUT FOR HAROLD LEVER, TUB BRILLIANT YOtfNG SPRLNTER OF THE MEAL). I ' A BROOK CLUR With but one day to train In before trying out in the Philadelphia Olympi preliminaries, Lever was barely noseu out of first place in the 100-yarq dish by L. Murchlson, the N. Y. A. C. , star. LACKS TB YT ING Lever, although he has somewhat short rind stubby legs, is R brilliant and powerful runner There was little doubt in the minds of those who saw him work out In the tryoutS here that he would have beaten Muchison had It not been for lack of training. Usually Lever has one of the speofl lesl starts I have ever seen, his leap' at the gun appearing to be at learu I ten feet and giving a lead that It s I hard for anyone to cut dbw 1 R 1 1 S PADDOCK Of course, Lever can hardly ex pect to defeat Paddock, the great toast man. who clipped off the hun- dred In nine and four-fifths seconds; In tho tryoutS on the coast, but he is j likely to help Baudock equal or brca'; ! the record for the century In the flnai, tryouts at Boston this month He has. nearly three weeks in which to train j before that time and his work between 700 IRATE PRISONERS CAUSE ROW IN ANTWERP I ANTWERP, July 12. A force of (seven hundred Russian prisoners of I War who escaped from the Internment I camp and marched upon Antwerp. A (regiment of cavalry- sent In pursuit sin rounded the Busslans and Interned 1 them :inew- 111 one of the Antwerp : forts. The prisoners were to be released jot, Saturday for return home The w-cre informed, however, that owing (to Great Britain and the soviet gov ernment falling to agree with regnnl to exchange of nationals they would have to remain Incensed the pris oners overpowered the sentries. nn Of the total areA of coal-bearing I lands in the United States, seven ! eighths, or 173.000, "00 acres, Is in I private hands now- and then will do him a world of good I SCANS V FINISH, In addition to his sterling abil lty. Lever has a finish that is posi tively uncanny. In the century final at Philadelphia, although half a yard behind a yard from the finish ne came very near breaking the tape first, finishing like a whirlwind He will make a good man to watch In the finals at Boston - lg WE EG EE SAYS- " fC Isnr "If riding counts for anvthlcg Yl wVJ T "? In rolo " quoth Bill Hart, f- tVT "Th0 guy tbat could defeat m sfL Vy)s, a sure The violet blooms modestly, Far in ihe woodland's shade. She doe- not advertise herself Nor swagger on parade. She simplj slicks right on the Job in sylvan dells and nooks, And lets (be haughty blossoms brag About their style and look sbe is a modest little thins Quite different from those Who kIIh 'neath the greenhouse glass And think about their clothes. And yet the humble violet. The fragrant foreflt fay, , With dew upon her petals makes A mighty swell bouquet. Sotnet lines we baseball fans over-1 look players like Everett Scott of the 1 Boston Red Sox Athletes who are' more spectacular seem to monopolize ihe public prims and grab our atten tion by their home run clouts and cir 1 cus stunts. The achievements of those star? ar pien no rhance to blush unseen or lie hidden, like the violet, beneath some fern leaf in a bosky dell Nothing of the sort Far otherwise, as the poet lias sung. So occasionally, it may appear that we do not appreciate thp steady, un heralded nnd yet invaluable services of a player like Scot I. Scott recently established the rec ord for consecutive games played in the major league? He completed his "70th game in a row It was thought that he made the record some time ago when be passed ihe mark sd b I.uderus of the Phillies, who played in u33 games without interruption. -L But always some statistician bobs up to take the wind out of one's sails In this instance it was found that 'way back in the late 80 s one George Tinck ne.,, of 'he Brooklyn club played 578 games in six seasons without a break. Therefore, Scott had to set out again to surpass Pinckney and he Is quite likely 10 co right alone and establish a record that wont be equalled for a long, lone time Scott has been playing steady and consistent baseball since 101 6 and made his record in five playing sea Isons Hf Is a sterling and reliable 'shortstop and has won a promineni I niche in baseball's hail of fano CAN'T PAY FOR DEATH IN MONEY, U. S. SAYS PICKING, lune 27. An unofficial I tender of $-15,000, reported to have jbren made by the Chinese government las compensation for the murder of ' Bev. W. A. Reimert. American mis sion. try of the Yochow reformed church, by retreating government I troops has been refusffl bv the Ameri can legation. The legation Informed jthe Chinese foreign office that a lmone rattlement was not sufficient land insisted that the government hold General Chang Chins Vo. military governor of the province of Hunan. I personally responsible for failure to ("provide protection. I The T'nlted States has ls'iert more I than a million patents sinc the 1 r 'lLshmc nt of the patent office in I 7 1 I Pacific Coast League W L. Pet Sii It Lake 56 to . 583 Vernon 58 -13 .574 Los Angeles 5t 4.1 .57 San Francisco 60 48 .521 Portland 44 45 .494 Seattle 41 5 4 432 Oakland 42 58 .420 j Sacramento 40 B(j .417 ircsterdaj - Results. shM Lake at Boa Angelas 3-3. Sacramento 1-6 at San Francisco 3-2. ! Vernon 5-2 at Portland 4-3-Oakland $- a t, Seattle 7-3. Tho Nrrle I Salt Lake 4 at Bps Angeles 3. ( Vernon I at Portland 3. s. crameritO 3 at San Francisco 4. Oakland 2 at Seattle 5. Sali Lakers Wm Series From Angels L S ANGLLKS. July 12 Salt Lake won the scries from the locals here yesterday when they won the firn game of a double-header, the count belnc 4 to 3 In the afternoon session th" Pees were defeated by the Angels , the score being 3 to 2 Bill Rumlers bar was the reason for the Bee vic tory In the Initial (came the right field er sh.mmlnc out a triple with two nic,, : on the sacks in the eighth The soer. R. H K. Salt Lake 4 13 2 Los Angeles 3 8 0 Batteries. Itaum. Stroud Thurston and Byler. Pertlca and Bassler. Second game R. H F. I Los Angeles 3 i? 1 Sail l-ake 2 5 0 Batteries: Lavercnz and Hyler; A 1 dridgo, and I-apan. Senators-Seals Play Two Feature Contests SAN FRANVISCO. July 12 San Francisco and Sacramento spit even on 'the twin bill here yesterday the locals taking the first game 3 to 1 and the r'cn.itors winning the second affair C to 2. Both contests were good ex hibitions of the national game. The I scores: R H K. San Francisco 3 6 0 Sacramento 1 3 0 Batteries: I.oe and Yelle, Kunz, I Jones and Cook. ! Second game. R. H E ' Sacramento 2 1 0 1 jSan Francisco 6 12 0 Batteries: Penner and Cady; Lewis , and Yelle . j Oaks Win Double ' Card From Seattle SEATTLE, July 12. After taking m games in a row from the "aks tin locals were thumped hard here yesterday, losing both ends of the twin Dill to the Acorns, the scores being 1 8 to 7 and 6 to 3. The scores R. H E. Oakland 8 13 2 ISeattle 7 11 ? j Batteries Artlett and Dorman. Geary and Baldwin. Second game R H E (Oakland 6 12 2 Seattle 3 5 1 Latteries: Boehlinj and Mlte; Pe , maree and Adams. Tigers Split Even With Portland Crew PORTLAND, July 12 Portland and Vernon broke oven on the Sunday double-header here yesterday the visitors winning ihe first tilt S to 4, and locals w inning the second tilt 3 to 2. The Tlcrer victory gave them the series four games to thr-e. The scores R. H E Vernon 5 9 1 Portland . .... 4 10 2 Batteries Pell and DeYnrmer. ROSS and Tobin. Second Kame R. H E Vernon 2 7 0 1 Portland . 3 9 0 j I Batteries Smallwood and Alcock. I Poison and Tobln. RECORD BROKEN. EDMONTON, Alberta. JuL 11. Sigl I Haughdakhl driving a 200-horsepow ei ear, broken the world's 5-mile record ! for .1 half-mile dirt track, at tho con elusion of the autamohllo races her,! Saturday He covered the distance .n1 5:25 1-5. The previous record wa 1 5:26 4-5, made at St. Louis two years! ago. 00 KAUF1 s PI 1 I TORONTO. On the day the an nouncement was made that Bennv Kauff. fiiant outfield veteran, had been trade. 1 for n Toronto younc ter, be hit two home runs I BIG LEAGUES AT If-JJ MARK NEW YORK, July 12. The half way mark of the major league base ball season .lows a cloie strugR)''' be tween an eastern and a western club for the leadership of each league Brookl; n holds a one game advantage over ' inclnnatl In th- N.iiional, while Cleveland though possessing no game advantage over New York, has a lead of four points In the American per- ' cer.tage column All four teams won I yesterday, I St Louis dlSpfayed a strong attack j against Chicago, hut fielded poorly In the Brooklyn series. PlttJburg. after holding Cincinnati even, dropped three out of fixe 10 Philadelphia Boston alto broke even with Cincinnati in four jEi'mca. , In the American1 league, Cle eland appeart to have difficulty in keeping ahead of New York, despite the Van- I kees' recent lapse New' York recov- ! '-red from Itr. Washington setback and toilas made it three out of four with Petroit Washington failed to con tinue It3 winning work again at Cleve land, the Senators losing their fifth game today In the six-game series Boston began the week with heav I batrlng and after a double shutout by Philadelphia pitchers, did little scoi - ! Ing Ihe Ked Sox fielded remarkably well 81 Louis lost several games through light hitting Petroit and I Philadelphia showed imprnv ement. I Babe ' Ruth, star batter of the New , York American?, made- his 25th home run in the Yankees' middle game of the season and yesterday brought his total to 27 Jt was his third circuit imabh in three consecutie games. VOLCANO NEAR MANILA ERUPTING LAVA AGAIN M.vXILA July 12 Bulusan volcano I in the province of Sorsogou has been erupting mlldl) the last few days, the weather bureau hero reports Thp vol cano s activity was said to he not se ilous and attended by no losa of life. There was a similar eruption a year ! ago I MPs OFF COLOR. TOLEDO. That umpiring in the : American Association is away off color I this year is the general opinion or. j the public here The howl is general I around the circuit 1 nn HOY T Is MISSFD ROSTOV- IMi. her aite Hoyt boy pitching star of the Red Sox. may noi play again this season His operation for a strain has left him in a weak ened condition. cio GIBBONS RE81 S ST. PAUL. Tommy Gibbons Is resting at his St. Paul home since his fruitless trip to England to hook up with Joe Beckett. He Is planning u ! heavy fall schedule 00 CAN HE FI;HT? PHILADELPHIA Fans, who have Watched Gorgeous Georges Carpcntler ' w ork on his luxury exhibition tour, are still asking. But can this guy fight. " OO ( KIs to Bl ELD. ST. LOUIS. Plans have l.een defin itely settled upon whereby the Cards Will build a new home for l!L'i It will be second in capacity to the Polo I Grounds and the Braves' Field. S 1 l LL PITCHING. MELROSE Minn Roy Patterson, once a member of the famous White Sox pitching staff la still pitching good I ball. He takes his turn regularly with the Melrose 1 lub Ingraten arr not Infrequent in the sporting w orld. Witness what happened to Johnny Dundee recently. Johhnv, among other things owns 1 YVa r Mask a splendid racing horse that has come through in several start 1 lately Johnny was feeding War Mask im Rich, Red Blood Is Essential to Your Well Being You cannot overestimate the impor tance of keeping the blood free of Im-i purines Wh.-n you realize that the heart is constantly pumping this vital fluid to all parts of the body, you can resdilj see that any Impurity in the1 blood will cause serious complications Anv slight disorder or impurities Is a source of danger, as every vital or-1 gan of the body depends upon th! blood supply to properl perform it functions. Many painful and dangerou.5 diseases are the direct result of a bad condition 1ST SWIMMER f SURPRISES AST j HICAGO Jul: 11 Raj Kegerls of jjj the Los Angeles A. C. a swimmer vir- B3a3! tually unknown to Ihe eastern swim- aBpYJi 1 mlng world, sprung a eiurpriso in the 1 national olympi' swimming tryouta-'.ln 'i I the Lincoln, park lagoon today by w 1 w inning th- 10-mcter back stroke. ' Kegerls stroked the distance in !H 1 one-fifth seconds aai' -9' i iower than ih- Olympic record held IB , I b) Harry Hsbner, of the Illinois Ath- Mf letic club. k- ..'hi of Hawaii, was J Wk md and H, H. Kcuctr of Hawaii. IBn Norman Ross of the Illinois A. C, r, , innk the 440-yard national A A U. -hip from W II. Harris of y , Hawaii, by three yards, who was a Lj-3' 'yard in .-idvan.e of P Kealoha of tho jfe;?i Hawaiian swimming team Ross swam ' the - distance in 6:40 2-8 Jick Howell of the Oakland A. C, Bwi 'who won the 100-meter breast stroke (f , was disqualified after Otto Wahle of ijV; -fj New " . r s protested 'hat Howell ad- I VancBd a shoulder instead of having i . i both shoulders on a straight lino ? I j all times b'lrsl pia. .- In the e-. e- I ; 1 went to G. H. Tavlor. of the ChicagS f j: Athletic association, v ho was three yards behind the Caiifomlan. ' I j Duke Kahanamoku. Hawaiian short I Ik distan- swimmer, who won the inn II meter wwim on Saturday did not ram Hu lodsy, bu.t swam an exhibition 100 bHtV ' meters in 1-5, sHR Coa.-h Wahle sv.l the makeup "f JH the American Olympic team would be " aHHbr' annovinced bv Thursdav B' 00 TODAY IN HISTORY f SLIGHTLY JAZZED J I I )ne hundred and sixteen years ago T' Sunday died Alexander Hamilton, nnc '4 'of the brainiest men America bus Ifc known. A foolish custom killed him, M i the duel Hamilton had told the truth I abput Aaron Burr and that pepper' rascal had challenged him. Hamilton & loathed 'hp "code or honor," and H 1 was well Known that he did. but he I j I thought that to refuse would imperil BRf- . I his prestige and he w ent forth to the 1 Slaughter. 9 OO B l! DEFE M l D IN CHESS I ' ATLANTIC CITY, X. J , July 11 1 it 1 ilarsl II el N'ew 1 orki I nited State ch champion defeat- 1 ' ed T. S. Jackson of Philadelphia in I 'i thetr adjourned game in the master's I chess to urn here today. KlJB About 16 per rent of the area of aBS 'France Is under forest. lump of suc.ir recent l anrl Wnr Mask I got th sugar uid lobnny's flnget 1 j I well, pinching it severely between hut Bl V t m' ii bt the liand that d him." BV ays Johnnj sadlj UH)'' We've heard of such things before HH Keep Your Blood Pure if You Exoect Good Health of the blood iiioiig the most serious ff arc Rheumatism, with lis torturing H na n . Bcsema, Tetter Erysipelas and JK other disfiguring skin diseases Kec- laLVl eral debility, which makes tho strong- k- est men helpless, and many other dis- Bl are ihe direct result of impure J Y6t can in a large measure volJ IHaV liabihtv to disease, by he upe of g g s.. llwi ihe wonderful blood remedy that ha- aaWC been In constant use for more thnp. " Mftj rears S. S S cleanses Ufa blood thoroughlv. It is sold by drug- ' gists everywhere , ""n, K, ' -JjTl For valuable litCTSWs and medics) W'r a.Jire absolutely free write foray to Mr-' jlB t hlef Medical Adviser. 607 S-vift Lab- 1 TaB oratory. Atlanta, Ga. Adv ertiscmenL I ffl SAY POP It Takes a Pic to Raise Uncle Si By C. M. Payne rjtys lrff 1 of, 1 rBrTi va PCO I j ) UNCLE' I I I WOULT3i 3 i Jffai J 7 y&tt. L - ' . J 1 I T