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1 eTiTYear-No 1777" Price p:ve cent," dGDENITY7uTAH TUESDAY EVINa JULYliTloT '. LAST EDITION 4 P. M. L BOLSHEVIKI TAKE MORE STRONGHOLDS I MINSK TAKEN BK I RUSSIAN TROOPS, I VILNA TOTTERS S, American Relief Association ; and Red Cross Quits Menaced Cities. ALLIES MAKE PROPOSAL TO POLISH GOVERNMENT M -4 Powers Desire Armistice Be- V tween Belligerents; Border to Be Mentioned. 4 LONDON, July R la '"- orci i!i authoritative quarters In M I spa that Premier Llojd Gcorg If lias received from ,j George Tchltchcriii Bolshevik commissary fr "' :ffh8, accepting the propo nls ol the allies for an armistice between Poland and Russia, according to a Spa dispatch to Exchange Telegraph. LONDON. July 13 Minsk has been captured by Russian Bolshevik forces, jH according to an official statement ie- eclved here from. Moscow, which says BH tho soviet troops occupied the town R&K on the morning of July 11 mfll The communique also announces HHS ' the capture of the town of Svcnts.any. mk 5,6 mlles BOUth of DvlnBk und 50 mUes northeast of U , j The statement continues: -In the direction of Uschltso w A captured a section of the rail ' rr"tn ,1 Qukhevltch station to Bobrt Hon In the ttovno region ' m pursuing the enemy, o copied Olyka SflsH village In the .:ir. ctlOn of Tumopol wo occupied the station of Charay gUK Ustroff (50 miles east of Tarnopoi) SHcjSRc capturing an armored train' HHS Minsk Is the capital of the Russian jVRa government mate of the same hHB and Is situated on a branch of the aBttBjj Bereslna river appio.xini.itei .: miles ffWWB northeast of Warsaw. For some time BhB the Russian soviet forces have been aRfisggl converging on Minsk from the north and south and the position f the Wm city has seemed to be serious. Tho vj fall Qt Minsk would : to Indlcau J that Vllna, about li" n "SsS northwest, is in Immediate- danger of ISKsSlr capture by tho feolsheviki AMI EUOAN6 LE WE IwHffi WARSAW July 12. (Uy The As- Wsfc-jfrl ' social- i Press) The Am i relief IffijVK association and the American rted lJrrff5jl Cross have completed evacuation oi nl Vllna In the nortu and of Lemberg on HH the southern front. At last accounts B tho Bolshevlkl were forty kilometers I from Vllna Extensive preparations I havo been made lor that City's de- Cense. Lemberg la not yet In danger Tho Bolshevlkl hae occupied Fon latyose and Vlasyn and are approach ing Bfolodetchna They arc pressing the attack despite enormous Iosj, the statement says. While the evacuation of Warsaw La being considered by foreigners snoulu it be menaced by me Bolshevlkl, con fidence is expressed In American circles that the bolshevlkl will never pas the line of ethnographical Po land as the peasants are reported to be organising to Join the army. PROPOS Jj t ONFIRMED. LONDON. July 12. Further offic ial confirmation was given today that ti.e allies had made propOSSla to the Kus sian soviet governmonl for an imme diate armistice on equitable terms im tween Poland and Russia It wus given In the house of commons by Andrew Bonar Law, government spokesman He alo declared that the soviet gov ernment had accepted Great Britain's terms for a resumption of trade. When asked to state the terms of the agreement Mr. Bonar Uw de clined to say more than that tie message to Moscow dealing with the Polish armistice dealt aHo With trade. The question was raised whether the allies had threatened to d fcild Poland If the BOViet declined an arinis tice. Mr. Bonar Law would not niw details, but he said that the British negotiations did not luvolve i i na tion of tho soviet. POLES DISSATISFIED. SPA. July 12. The Polish delega tion at the conference here Is under stood to bo very much dissatisfied With the terms of tho allied note to Ihe Russian soviet government proposing an armistice between tho Bolshevik and Polish armies They fcl. how ever, they will be obliged to '.ecept. Dispatches have announced the sending of a proposal by the allies to Moscow lor an armistice, with Poland on condition that the Poles retire lth ln the natural Polish frontier. WASHINGTON, J ub 12. Doubt is entertained In some official quarters In close tOUl ii with the situation on the Polish-Bolshevik lront aa to the ultimate ability of the Poles lo hold as an armistice line, the tentative boundary of Poland fixed ny the su preme council. Poland, in advancing ).. . troops beyond th's iir , offered us Justification, the absence of strategic defenses on tho border determined lor tho Polish tdate by the allies. Promise of substantial French and British support lo Poland, eondltb ncd on withdrawal of her army o the armistice line, in discounted in i hi same quarter by reason nf what I bald to be the ability of the allies lo give to Poland munitions an I i ,i. j Ilevel of prices j I PAID TO FARMERS DROPS BUT LITTLE! WASHINGTON, July 13. "The level of prices" paid farmers for principal crops de-1 creased about 1.7 per cent dur-1 ipj June, said a i sport issued1 today by the department of "iricu'ture. On June 1, how-1 lever, the repoil added, the in dex finger of prices paid farm- ers was otill more than 20 per : I cent higher :ha'i n year r.go. 37 j per cent higher than two year--ago, and 1U2.1 per cent hJghei than the ten yeai average. MEE SAILORS SENTTOASSIST PEKlNCpiNES Will Augment Guard of Amer ican Legation During Threat- ened Hostilities- WASHINGTON. July 13. A detach ment of loO American sailors has been ordered lo Peking to augment tho Am erlcan legation guard of 2"0 marines ar a precaution against tlireatened l evolutionary hostilities ihcf Admi ral Gleavfs, cbmms)ndpr-inrchlef of the Asiatic fleet, also reported ho v.'nr. proceeding to Peking to confer with th American minister there The cruiser Huron, Admiral Gleaves' flaMlilp. and three destroyers, are now :il Taku. about 100 mlles from the capital Th- bluejackets arc be ing sent to Peking unarmed, but It Is understood there will be availabh arms for them there. PAIR CARRIED LARGE SUM WHEN KILLED BY REDS tyEW YORK, July 13. Dr. Israel Priedlander and Dr. Dernard Cantor of New York, Jewish relief workers who were killed by bandits In the Uk raine on July 7. are believed to have had about 1400,000 In American monej UpOh them 'vhen they were at tacked, Felix Warburg, chairman of the joint distribution committee, said here The only means of g- tting funds to war sufferers in the section to which Ihe two men were working. Mr. Warburg explained, is by carrying it i In person. Mr Warburg announced the receipt today Of a cablegram from the War saw branch of the comi. itlee conflrm- ling the Associated Press report of the murder of Dr. Frledlander and Dr. Cantor WOMAN IN SALT LAKE SAVED FROM BIGAMIST NORTH PIjATTJB, Neb , July 13. ' Merle i: Ipskeep, local automobile' salesman has pleaded guilty In district court to having a wife in North Platte and one In Monroe, Mich . anil to having had his plans to wed a Salt .Lake City woman frustrated by being arrested at the latter place, lait week on B charge of bigamy Inskeep also admitted outride of court that he had proposed to a young Woman of Cheyenne, Wyo.. and grimed his acccptanco after his marriage to Wife No who-was formerly Miss Pern Wilson of this place. Inskeep was taken to the Nebraska penitentiary last night to serve a sen-' tence of from one to seven years. GRASSHOPPERS SWARM OVER STREETS OF CITY TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. .July 13 Grass hoppera which have been de-' restating farm crops in this dlatrlcr, I invaded Traverse City yestordav. Thousands of the insocts swarmea through the streets, both in the resi dential and business sections. Dam- age to crops has been estimated at 1, 000, 000. j uu DALRYMPLE DECLARES BREWERIES STILL BREW CHICAGO, July 13. Major A. V.I DSlrympIe, prohibition commissioner for the central States, who returned from Washington where he attended meeting of supervising agents, an nounced he would lnst.tute proceed ings to close as public nuisances all' Baloona and breweries where liquor! law violations occurred. "Thousands cf gallons of beer are sold dally by the breweries In defiance I of the law," lie wiL ' (TEN THOUSAND JEWS HOLD HUGE DEMONSTRATION I Thank Allied and Associate ! Powers For Services Ren dered to Jewish Nation. PALESTINE WILL BE REBUILT, THEY ASSERT Support of Entire British Labor Party Piedged By Member of Parliament. LONDON. July 12. (By the Asso ciated Press I Ten thousand Jews in a decionsti allon in Albert Hall on the occasion of Great Bi Itain'S acceptance of ;ne mandate tor Palestine, tonight unanimously adopted resolutions ex I presslye of appreciation of "the IlluB ; trlous services rendered the Jewish nation by the statesmen and peo I pies of the allied and associated pow ers, particularly Great Hrltuln." The resolutions pledged the Jewa "to spare no effort or sactltlce for ihe re building of Palestine as a Jewish na tional home, in collaboration with the Inhabitants of the country." Arthur J. Balfour, lord president of th council; the Lord .Marquis of Crewe, Dr. Chalm Weizmann, head oi the Jewish ad in inisti atlve commiHston, and Jewish leaders representing 2b nations, who are holding a Zionist conference here, addressed .the meet ing. UPPEAL FOR SUPPORT. The J us appealed tor support of ih- hUh comi'i isslonei' In Palestine. Sir 11 i ben Samuel, and the Jewish , leaders there. Mr Labour, who was accorded an ovution lusting several minutes, Sam i be hoped the iriibn in Palestine would remember that Great Britain freid them and make no trouble. He said he anticipated the greatest difficulty SOUld be i in lnubllit of the, Jews lo ! wor,; together and obey their leaders Max Nordau, replying to Mr. Bal four, aaserted that the Jews, as well OS the English, were politicians end thai the British statesmen would be j assured that "we want to be Great Britain's sentry on the Asia frontier, and if you will permit us to grow Strong as We desire we will watcn the Sue, canal lor you and be a useful ally li iieces.-var ." Dr. Weizmann. referring to (he Pal estine Arabs, turned to Mr. Balfour anil said : SrRENGTH M PRIDE. "The Arab and the Jew will collabo rate there on one condition only, thai the Arabs respect the right of the Jews ti Palestine. This done we will prove a source of strength and pride to the ma ndatory pow sr.' When Josiah C. Wedgwood, labor member of parliament, pledged the support of "the entire labor party of Cleat Britain to the J w not only to build a Jewish state but to promote kntei nationalism and bring nearer the brotherhood of man." Baron Roths child, who presided, was uuablu to re strain the audience, which rose, cheer ed, waved flags and Sang. Tho dem- o net ration ended with the singing of Hativka, the Jewish song of hope, to tne air of "God Sac the King. " Wo wl lu ( LINE. Tho American delegutes to the Zion ist conference, who toduy secured the chairmanship of all the Important committees demanded that all the of ficers of the conference i ealgn "so that the movement may be organized lo meet the new constitution." II Is explained thai the move WSS rot Intended as a criticism, but thai It was considered necessary to carry out the new program. The Amerll an women delegates de clined to Join the proposed Interna tional women's organization, saying they desired to remain an integral part ot Zionist America, 'where they are accorded equal rights " SENATOR REED WILL QUIZ SENATORIAL CANDIDATES KANSAS CITY, July 13 Senator J. A. Keed has made public questions which he Intends to propound to all Republican and Democratic candidates foi senator from Missouri relative lo their stand on tho league of nations. The six questions follow the line of objections Senator Bead has made to the league of nations In s statement he offers to debato the question of Whether the league covenant Impairs American rights as ho has charged. 00 DELEGATE STARTS HOME WITH BODY OF DAUGHTER rOSEMITE, Cal , July 13. Sedg wlck Klstlor, or Lockhuven, Pa., who was s delegate to tho Democratic na tional convention at San Francisco, and Mrs. Klutlor, are en route home today with the body of their daugh- tei Gertrude who was drowned here lust Wednesday in tho Merced river, The body was found ufter a fiv e-days' j search. ij8,000,000 BOTTLES OF EXTRA DRY TO I BE AUCTIONED OFF j PARIS, July 13 Eight mil lion bottles of chpmpag-ne will be amongr the lists of commodi ties to be placed on sale July, 28, when the r.eqdostered prop- .?rty of Baron Walter de Mumm will be auctioned off at his es- 1 , tate near 'Iheims. Iris prop erty was seized in 1915 subse quent to the Laron s resumption j of German citizenship when the war began, Mumm was one of the world's most famous wine makers 1 j COURT REFUSES i PLEA TO BLOCK iirs VOTE Disclaims Authority to Pass on Validity of PjQgjsed Federal Amendment WASHINGTON. July 13. Justice ! Ilailey. In the District of Columbia supreme court, today dismissed pro ; ceedlngs brought by Charles Kalr- childs. of New fork, president j the American Constitutional league. to the promulgation of the : ratification of the suffrage amend ment and to test the alldlty of the equal suffrage law. The court held that It was without authority to inquire Into the action of the state legislatures in ratifflng the ; suffrage amendment and that U ha 1 . no nuthoritf to pass upon the validity of such an amendment; Sir. Palr chllds Indicated he would uppeal to the supreme court of the L'nltcd States. PROCLAMATION NOT IMMIMM The court's action followed a peti tion by Balnbrldaje Coifey, secretary of state, and A. Mitchell Palmer, at- 1 torney -general i to dismiss the pro ceedings. Edward Wheeler of New York, argued for the plaintiff and Sollcltor ' General Frlerson and Assistant t'nlteo Slates Attorney Arc her appear 1 for ; the government officials. Government counsel pointed out ; that the necessary number i' states , have not notified the Secretary oi , state of the ratification of the suffrage 'amendment and that therefore no proclamation Is Imminent. , WORK ON M n i SSKE NASHVILLE. Tenn . Ju.y 13. Ro I tqsal of Governor Clements Of Ver , mom to call a special session of the legislature to act on the federal wo man sullrage amendment caused sup . porters of the proposal to redouble their efforts to obtain favorable ac , tlon by the Tennessee general asscm- ! iy- Although Governor Roberts has an nounced ho would convene the legisla ' ture on August 9, he hers not yet issued u form 1 1 call for the session. He has explained that he was wait ing for niember.-i of the assembly to notify htm of . additional legislation ; they wished Included In tin Call, which must be Issued at least twenty I days be'nro th dale of mbllng. The house is generally considered to be for ratification of the suffrage amendment by a safe margin, while I the senate Is regarded as close The statt suffrage law enacted in 1919, 1 passed the house by a majority of i twenty and the senate by a one vote margin Several members of the senate have ! since resigned while some who op posed the state rights bill now are said to favor ratification of the fed eral amendment and several others, who voted for the state bill, nre re ported to be hostile to federal en franchisement of women. n ACTION FROM FLORIDA. PENSACOLA. Fla.. July 12. Gov ernor Gaits has refused to call a special session of the Florida leflsla I ture to act on woman suffrago local suffrage leaders announced tonioht. They said the governor contended such action would be useless. Tho suifraglsts announced receipt of a telegram from the governor which, they said, read as follows. 1 tried lo get this through tho last session The -mbcrs con- jlilutc the legislature now and an ox- tfa session would be useless." oo ILLINOIS' OLDEST WOMAN CALLED AT 108 YEARS BPRINOFIBLD, III. July 13. Mrs Antoinette Smith believed to he the oldest woman In the st did .it her home, in Springfield c--t.-rd.i at the age of 1 OS ears. She is the mother of four children, (ho youngest of whom Is over 65 years old. NOMINEE 10 PRESIDENT WILL MEET SUNDAY Franklin D. Roosevelt. Candi date For Vice-President, Also to Confer. PLANS FOR CAMPAIGN TO BE TOPIC, BELIEF Candidate Declines to Discuss Just What Matters Will Be Considered. W ASHINGTON. July 13. Governor James M Cox and Franklin D. Roose mH. the Democratic candidates for president and vice president, will con '. i With President Wilson Sunday at the White House. Arrangements for the conference were made over the long distance telephon loday by o: rectlon of the president. COLUMBUS, O., July 13. Gover nor James M. Cox. the Democratic presidential nominee, announced to day that he will hold a conference With President Wilson at the White llous. at 10:30 o'clock next Sundav morning. The announcement was made following a telephone conversa tion between Governor Cox and Secre- ttiwrtrumilKjr- v - - - rians for the campaign are expect ed to be discussed at the conference, which will hr the first meeting be- 1 tween President Wilson r. nd Governor Cnx since the litter's nomination by the San Francisco convention. II would not discuss what mutter he expected to consider with the presl- i dent. President Wilson, it was said, toov the Initiative In arranging for an earlv meeting with Governor Cox and Mr Rooscvi It and early today directed Secretar) Tumulty to talk with ih governor on the telephone and fine what day would best suit, his ton- venlerice. it has been common Know ledge that Governor Cox would liatl the president, but Democratic leaden had not expected It to be before Aug ust. Reports that the president and th nominee were apart on tho league ol nations' question was said b p ir' 1 leaders to have influenced thr pr-si dent n arranging for speedy uieol Ing. It was said today that the presi dent had kept in clos- touch vlt early campaign developments nd waj anxious to do his part." Some administration leaders intl- I mated that he would throw his fteight Into the fight and might niak a state, ment from time to time n he otm i hand White House officials deciore th pr sldcnt s couiTHe would be determine! largely by the advice f ihs natlona committee Senator Hardinc; Has Day ol Conferences. MARIuN. '. Jul 12 Senatoi Harding today conferred with Repub lican anil Progressive leaders and ag ricultural experts with whom he dls 1 cussed labor, transportation, economic and social problems. lie alno replied to the announcement of Governor Con I n.n.n.K.ll ..nmliw... tkie If . I'll, a " real dirt farmer" would be ap pointed secretary of agriculture. The senator said if the Republican polii les of "practb il usefulness'' un der which that ib-paiiment vvas creat ed, had been carried forward by the present administration "half our problems of high cost of living would have been solved In advance." The principle conference vvas with Raymond Robins of Chicago, and W, F, Brown of Toledo, 'duo. prominent as progressives in the 1911 campaign, with whom he discussed labor and eeoiiomlc problems especially Later Mr. Robins announced that the con ference had been "very satisfactory" matters Involving the part the pro greHslves would take lie said, were slso dis ussed. On the fundamentals surrounding the general economic situation, Mr. Robins nald he and the senator were I In "substantial agreement." IT FOR SPEECH i Mr. Robins said he had communi cated with several labor leaders to learn their views on the Republican ticket but most of them wished to read ;tho senator's speech of acceptance be-i-..t. committing themselves although some had already done so Ho an nounced, however, ho would support the senator. While l his was understood lo have been the first extended conference at which tho senator had discussed the labor situation at length, It was un derstood tonight other similar confer ences might bo xpected. Senator Harding is understood to be In close touch with labor leaders recognized as being of ihe more conservative Stripe and he is expected to seek their views before discussing the labor prob lem hi his Hp h Senator Harding, when told Gov ernor Clement of Vermont; had de clined to call a special session of the legislature to consider woman suffrage (Continued ou l'go Two.) : J DUDLEY FIELD MALONE, whose -iramctic appeal for ! j unity is said to have played a i ; ijreat part i stemming the tide j ! igain3t tht radical element and paving the way for the amal- j ! gamatioa of factions to form a' new party. RAQSCAL PRAYEH iVIAKES BIG STiR III CONVENTION i Preacher Says G. 0. P. Takes Orders, Not From Jesus. But Wall Street. CHICAGO. July 13. Roy. George JO. Richmond, of St. Loul3, opened the , Porty-Elgnters' convention with a . 1 prayer that was received with cheers. "We are not concerned about Heaven and Hell." he said. It Is this . world In Which we ure Interested. As Jesus tailed, so do we. The prayer charged that Republican I candidates "take prdsrs not from . JeSUS but from Wall street." It M Charged that the Democratic part) I I "baa sold out mose ioio'.h which face i moral ryln and spiritual desolation," , and continued: "We are corrupt, maun, lovv-v isioned and yelfish. 1-or-glVS us, . Qod, and in the great revo- ; mtlon now coining save us Irom na- ! uonul dissolution. ' i Lr. Richmond specifically v-.wv, ' thanks for revolution in Russia, for !"tne new spim ol self-assertlveness 'among negroes ..inl li: Ireland. He 1 isked for tne destruction "of falmer- bin, Peiiroseism and all other kinds I of pagan bun. " Ho also blessed Eu gene 1 ebs in his iiilson ceil." This .j rersrenoe was cheered, oo HAS A RIGHT 10 LOAF, ViCt rrtESiUdiMi 6AYS SAN DIEQO, Cal., July Ik. Vice President Thomas li. Ainrsnall, who is at Cotonado tor .1 si.iv which he gays may last three weeks, made U ilain that he Intended to have a good re.-a "According to the constitution of the I nlted Stales," he said, ' my dolus as vice president are, lirst, to preside over congress when it Is in session; second, to loaf the rest of the time, and I fully intend to exercise my pre rogative with respect to the second duty until next December1 SEC. MEREDITH ADDRESSES TWIN FALLS FARMERS TWIN FALLS. Idaho, July 13- Becretarj Meredith of the department I of agriculture, addressed a meeting of I farmers and citizens here In w hich he reviewed the effect of Ihe cut In ap propriations for the agricultural de partment. Ills speech covered much of the ground considered In his state ment following the action of the con gress In Its closing days. He was greet ed by a large crowd. ' FEDERAL ATTORNEY WILL MEET JACK JOHNSON LOS ANGELES, Cab. July 13. J. Robert O'Connor, l'nltcd States dis trict attorney, announced toduy he and Thomas Green will go to Tijuana, Lower California. to Investigate re- porled plans of Jack Johnson, former heavyweight Champion pugilist, lo sur render himself to L ulled States au-j ihoritlea. J I I COMMITTEE OF 48 VOTES 10 LAG OR PARTY Non-Partisans and Single Tax ers Also March into Con vention Hall. NATIONAL TICKET ONLY PROVIDED FOR Platform Favors Co-operative Stores; Democratic Manage ment of Railroad Lines. 1 CHICAGO. July 13. With plans practically completed foe the for- ination of a new party cfnbrec- Ing all the minority, liberal and radical gronps, the Labor party and Committee of 18 went into II joitii sc n n tins afternoon. R' -.iiK'-. the- two prim Ipal groiix, the meeting was Joined bj tne Single raa part World War Veterans, Von-Pivrtlsan league and at viai other organlz- l lie clamor of a bras bnml vorkii!x at Inuh pre-nrt. the din '' feet, voices ami creaJkliig chairs, and the boom or flash- I liiu- marked the assemblage of the fusion convention. They ruled I the ball to it- farUiest corners snd i lie double- sets of suit,- standards wavering up and down trying to rind n at in a place, James IHiucan, Beottle LniHir 11 , beld l be ,-aci. but Park-v P. t hi-i-i nscn, uic 18-er chairman, wa- given a rising demonstration a-, he caune ou tbt platform. The band placed -Hall, Hail the Gang's All Here ' When the .Mui-sclllaLc" was played the delegates sumhI and yelled cm til n was played out. i bree cheers for lebs and the wOrklng class," cried a voice from the gauery, The delegates avo H Wore than an Lour after the ESeSSlOn iva due to convene tilt; dele, i were -tin on tbcir feet i cheering H Pwo brass bands and a small L1 arm) of delegates armed with tin in i be l-av pauses there were . beers for Lal-tollette, Debs and the "working cia-.." CHICAGO. July 13. Amalgamation H of the principal groups attempting to form a new political party was at i' d here today. The committee of -ted to : i.ab.w H party. A large Non-Partisan leagio group and a delegation q( Single Tax- H ; era marched into the Labor convention ' and announced they had decide J to The oommlttee of -13 delegates voted .ad in H , the report of their conference commit- H e "ii the stumbling blocks to the pro posed union. These points wore the. H Plumb plan and imposition of a single Pi ill 1C o KERS1IIP. Luring ila separate session. the H Committee of la voted to recommend H plaUorni plank for "public owner- H Ship and democratic control of lians- poi ration, including stockyards, large H nbbatolres, grain elevators, terminal houses, pipe lines and tanks.'' H Ihe "democratic control" by woikers and their representatives was a Labor H party demand. H IVlth the Forty-Eight convention on H record as agreeing to amalgamate this H afternoon the Labor, with Non-Parti- H I san leaguers end some Single Takers H official!) participating went ahead H bearing reports tor a short time and adjoin te d until this afternoon to hold the first Joint meeting with the Forty-Lighters. Before adjourning the Labor party session indicated that the new part) H planned to nominate presidential H tonight and that be state tickets in some H Evidence of the Labor convention's conciliatory mood was given by soy- H oral motions to give the conference LH committee a free hand." and to b i.-l effort in th direction of .is H Labor Spokesman argued '.I i their cause no harm to L.on H tlnue the negotiations since the Fortv H eighu rs had shown a genuine dlv H position and desire to get together " The convention was thrown into ail H uproar when Robert M Ruck. Chi H cago, chairman of the Labor resolu H 1 lions' commlttc made a motion that H credentials of the Forty -Lighters bi H honored ami the hall prepured for H joint convention. LH MOTION Is CHEERED. I The motion carried amid cheers and H on its heels a half hundred fan. A , delegutes irom the Forty-eight cox- arrived ami were sealed after H a tumultuous demonstration. H Tin- farmer delegates raised a Non ParUsan league standard above their William Ri infer, a1 Non-Partlsiui leaguer from South Dakota, announced th,- farmers after spending five days looking over all the conventions In ties i slon here, had decided their Interests "idehstcal with Labor." 'We have decided lo come over and 1 Stand wiih Labor, fight with Labor and V organise with Labor," Remfer said, The Single Taxers arrived on the heels ol ths farmers and endorsed the a ma 1 Kama tlon movement. NATIONAL TICKET ONLY. A national ticket only is provided ! for In the coming election by the re pen of the Joint conterneee commit ' lees of the minority groups. Rut tin report explained, however, that where any of the parties had organized for State campaign, that organization I shall be the recognized state body for Mo- convention heard the resolu lions committee report and nppioved IH (Continued u Pane Two,) iSeMlBHajw asbni mBmB HkHH sHCKnsSSHaTsVWBsHBBfl