I. Continues
--still time to get
your new suit for
I the "24th"
Celebrate the day right. Go
forth in a new Dundee suit
you'll be supremely confi
dent then that your attire is
correct in every detail,
Follow our suggestion of
wearing white trousers with
your new blue serge coat,
and when fall comes you will
have saved practically the
price of a new suit Besides
blue coat and white trousers
is the most popular combina
jUTi tion for every summer Deca
ff ! sion-
A I '47.50
H buys a $60 Blue
t You can wear it summer and
fall every day in the year.
I ! Medium weight, highest !
) quality. And you save over
H i 20 per cent.
' Big discounts on every fab
J ric in our shop. Order now
for the Twenty-fourth.
On Hudson Ave. by the
Alhambra Theater
L .
MB Elks' Chief Here On
mr Way to San Francisco
W, M. Abbott, of San Francisco,
grand exated ruler of the Eks. was an
' Ogden visitor Inst night for a short
UKvK time en route to San Francisco. He
L:MJJfc lq returning to his homo from the Chl-
NKHK cago convention and was met at the
mPH local depot by a delegation of local
IjnH "The Chicago convention was by far
Lged In this coun-L-
try ind even goes on record as sur-
i -asslng the historical one held at Phll
H adelphia few years ago." said Mr.
S Lbbotl "The parade was tho rreat-
J and nlo elaborate evil staged."
Community Service Worker
Outlines Plans: Wild West
Show Discussed.
At the weokly meeting of the Rotary
club today at the Weber club R. W.
Arbury of the Com m unit) Service was
I the principal speaker. Mr Arhury
Outlined his plans before the club and
his policy ami plans were discussed
by the members.
'Community Service" was the topic
chosen by Mr Arbury in his address
'lie told the members of the meaning
lot the organization and of the plans
i !r all parts of the country for the bet
terment of the cities reprceented.
I The Rotary club went on record as
'indorsing anything which may bo at
I tempted In Ogden by Community
Tho Wild V'cst show was dlSCUSSSd
!by Otto Meek. He stated that the
'gdcnltes Interested in the affair are
lout to make it a success and that -my
Ogden man wanting to join with them
I in making the show a success will be
I welcome. A corporation will be formed
'according to Meek, with each man
; holding a specified amount of stock.
I At the meeting yesterday afternoon
I the city officials Indorsed the show
and stated that they would lend all
I possible aid.
Whether or not the citj will con-
struct tho stadium as planned has not
been definitely decided. This phase
of the show will bo threshed out this
r, r
I Knights of Columbus
Hold Annual Outing
The annual outing of tho Ogden and
Salt Lake councils of the Knights of
Columbus was held at Lagoon yester
day the dav being featured with sports
and games A large crowd from the
two cities and from other parts of the
state was present.
Salt Lake won the ball game from
Ogden with an overwhelming score.
The game was marked by ragged play -ilng
on both sides In the field games,
'boys of scout troop 5 of gden de
i foated troops from four parishes in Salt
Lake, these being Cathodral, St. Pat
rick's, St Anne's and Lady ot Lourdes
The Ogdon lads took every event on
the car.l excepting one In which they
were disqualified.
Winners in the events were Senior,
100 yards Francis Storey. Junior 100
yards, Julian Lnucerica. wheelbarrow
race Julian Laucerka and James Mc
Carthy, firemen's lift and curry, Kran-,
cis Storey and Oralca Melvenna; re- 1
lay race. gdcn scoul team composed .
of James McCarthy. Charles Carr. Dan i
McCarthy. Julian Lnucerica. Han Ken-1
nedy. Ed Dowllng. Francis Storey and
f'ra Smith official Scout knives were
presented to the winners.
Canners and Bankers
Talk Over Finances
I To arrange for the financing of this
I season's canning crops, representa
tives of the I'tah Canners' association
met with the Ogden Clearing houso
this morning, according to Wnrren L.
I Wattle of the I'tah National Rank
I Mr Wattls stated that another moot
ing will be held betw ecu the Ltah
Canners' association and the Salt I-akc
'"learlng house for the same purpose.
Conditions have arisen which ne
Jctssitated prompt financing, Mr Wat
jtis stated, but are not of a serious nature.
He said that under arrangemonts
I which would be made, that plonty of
I money would be available to the Utah
CannerB' association to carry them
I through this season
Indiana Delegates
' Leave For Homes
Three cars of Indian delegates to
the Democratic convention recently
held at San Francisco spent eight
hours in Ogden today en route east
from Yellowstone National park
where they have been enjoying the
sights of the wonderland.
THhe party Is seventy strong and
enjojed a trip to the Hermitage where
they all were served chicken and trout
dinner. They departed early this
afternoon for the east.
M Security Stale Bank
Located at Ogden, in thr County of Welx-r, State of l iah, at the close of
business on the 30th day of June, 1020.
H Ixians and discounts $1,058,885. 13
BJ overdraft , l.2r,0 6
ZBRJB Stocks, bonds ami securities, etc 81 89(1 40
BH 1 'S- bnd 54.'l00'.00
81 War savings stamps 723 72
Furniture and fixtures 10 964.96
38sB nher real estate owned 1 437 40
Jjyj Due from other banks 74 SI'i S
L.changes for Clearing House Li on 1 I
rtElfl Checks on other banks In same town 2,211 99
I Cash items , 3.22&T6
!-'-.'il Gld , 20.485 On
flrtl MU' r 4.114 94
H Currency 6.332.00
1 Total cash on hand 36.363 08
Total $1,298,358.17
I Capital stock paid in SlIOOOOOO
p'us fund 35000 00
WM Undivided profits . 4 415 II
S Lue to other banks r0y j ..
Bn I- Deposits subject to check 415.814 67
Cashier's cheeks . 3ol576!4b
Certified checks 14 94
HHHn Dividends unpaid 58 00
HHj Total demand deposits j-k ft7
Time certificates M. 510 78 4"-6
Savings deposits 350,291.76
Total time deposits fin, , .
Xr'b..:;;:::::::::. S;S:
HtH Total ... r
State ...f I tah. County ..f Weber .S,S0S.17
S. C. Dye, being first duly sworn according to law. deposes and k
that he is cashier of the SOOTS named bank; that the above and forcroinc
leport contains B full. Hue and correct statement of the condition of ' m ,i
$BU? banH f'1 lhc c,osc of business on the 30th day of June, 1020.
1BB A s 0 DTE
Correct Attest:
L. K. BITTi 'N,
Bubserlbed and sworn to before me this 10th day of July 112$'
' . Notarv Public.
-NI commission explros 24th dav of November, 1912
Hf stat.- of I'tah, office of Hank Commissioner.
I. X. T Dorter, Bank Commissioner of the State of Ptah. do herebv
lertify that the foregoing Is a full, true and correct copy of the statement
6f the above named company, filed In my office this 12th dav of July 10"0
Tourists Experience
Harrowing Time In
Desert As Car Fails
Chewing peach pits and drinking tile
Juice of canned tomatoes to relieve
their thirst and staggering In the fiea
ert for an entire day to water wnen
their nufomoblle broke down, were tuc
harrowing experiences of Mr. and Mrs
1 L, C Burton of Washington, D. C.
tourists, who are now In Ogden await
ing repair of their eat .in'l rei ovei-ng
from the effects of their strenuous
Journe. The Couple arrived here ai
weakened condition and with Mr?.
Burton, who had Just arisen from a
sick t'-d two days before the accident,
in hysterics
The tourists are on their second trip
Across the continent In one of the
smallest roadsters manufactured and
the tiny car has won a wide reputa
tion In touring circles for its stUrdi
nfi It is called Nancy" ami vu -cording
to the owners has run more
than "0,000 miles without a break
down until the accident of s few dsya
With the eastern couple are two
tiny dogs and a canary bird, who were
given the last of the water on the
desert In order that they might sur
v ive. although Mr and Mrs Burton
were suffering intensely from thirst.
Mrs. Burton, who drives the car ana
has toured in all parts of tlv Initio
States with the tiny roadster told :ec
c pc lie rices 1 11 is morn in n 1 11 1 11 1 i u r "11
camp at the automobile Camping
grounds near Lorin Farr park.
W had taken a short cut north 01
Great Bait I-ake on the advice or a
person we met and later found w .
were on an untraveled road. How
ever, we kept Kolng until we met a
stranded car containing a small boy.
The boy said his father had gone to S
ranch for water and had left him with
the car. He was thirsty ond we save
him all but a few cupfuls of our Wl
feeling that soon We would arrive at a
ranch where we could fill our water
"We had gone about eight mites
when the car suddenly stopped. We
spent some time in an endeavor to
locate thr trouble, and failing, decldeu
that we must soon find water or per
haps die from thirst The dogs and
the canary were already suffering anu
we gave them the little water whlcn
remained in our bag
"It was decided that we would w lilt
back to the stranded car where we
left the boy, feeling thut his faliicr
would return with plenty of water, v, 0
began our trip in the heat of the day
and had to walk In the heavy, hot
sand and dust which scotched our
Mr Burton was eorttpelled to carry
one dog who soon gave out and tne
Canary, while the small bulldog who we
For Subscription and Advertising
Department, Call Phone No. 56
Ogden Typewriter Houro ror typi
I writers and repairs, 2i22 Hudson Ave
1 Phone 236.
Cigars Stolen Fd Munsey, proprie
tor of the cigar stand at Hudson ave-
nue and Twenty-fourth street, report
ed the theft of 100 cigars to the police
this morning. The thieves hud appar
ently broken several locks to gain SC
j cess to the cigars
Headquarters for berry cases, cups,
fruit boxes ;md baskets. Grout's Grain
J Store. 332 Twenty lounh street 11911
Auto Thlcc Up Four boys ar
rested recently on a charge of having
attempted to steal an automobile, will
appear before the Juvenile c ourt this j
afternoon for trial. The youngsters
were captured last Sunday at Corlnne. i
Utah, after havitg been gone from
I gden for four days.
I Phorc E02 for messenger.
Called Home Peter McKlnnm of
I Randolph, returned to Ogden yester
day from Long Beach, Calif., called
by the serious Illness of his daughter,
Venlta. Mr. McKinnon is a mls&io.i
ary for the L. D. S. church In Cali
fornia. Electric Wiring and Repairing. Call
Phone 787. ; 0 6
Going to Yellowstone M and Mr-
I D. A. Smyth, Mr. and Mrs Walter
Smyth. Edward Smyth and Miss Mary
8myth with Henry Toller, chauffeur,
J plan to leave today for a motor tour
of Yellowstone park.
Icr Pure artificial ice Wholesale
or retail. Dellverod or at the plant.
After using it you will use no other.
Leave future orders with us. We as
sure prompt and courteous service
Phone "37, Ascael Farr & Sons' com
pany. Grant avenue and Twenty-first
1 . 1. ounsel lien 1 1 a n andretl
valuation and commerce counsel for
the Union Pacific system with head
quarters at Chicago was an Ogdsn
visitor for a short time yesterday en
route east. He is traveling In a pri
vate car.
Burokbaltef Her P. l. iturck
halter assistant general manager of
the Southsrin Pacific System with
headquarters at San Francisco was an
gden visitor lor several hours toda)
prior to departing on a business trip
to the east. He conferred with local
railroad officials while in Ogden.
Outing ,tt Hermitage -Three hun
dred employe of the Bennett Glass
company of Salt Lake City will Jourm )
Ito this eit Saturday in a special train
They will spend the day at the II. r mi
lage, returning Saturday evening,
Baseball games between the varlou"
employes of the concern, boat races,
swimming races aod other forms of
amusement will bo on the card.
Traffic Violation C. W. Brewer.
207 2 I rchard avenue, 20 years old,
was arrested last night on a charge
of traffic violation. It is aihged that
he passed an automobile on the wrong
Towers rrested J. Towers, 4 1 ."
West Twenty-first etreet, 58 years Old,
was arrested last night at 10:16
o'clock between Twenty-fourth and
Twenty-fifth street OM Lincoln He U
alleged to have been Intoxicated. f
flcors Walter Moore and W' A Taylor
were tho arresting officers.
Senator OJnrk Here Senator W. A
Clark and party wcro Ogden visitors
yesterday afternoon en route to Butti
Prior to the war all tho powers ex
cept Gieat Britain and the United
States had compulsory universal mili
tary service.
call, 'Jazz' walked the entire distance.
We almost ran through the Sand in
the Mistering heat, knowing that If tin
I'oy s father returned, they would soon
Journey on and wc would miss them
The speed in which we travelled
soon tired us out and our lips and
throats soon became swollen und pain
ful. My head throbbed with the heai
and 1 felt weak and felt that soon 1
would give out My husband hsid two
peaches and he made me eat one anu
retain 1 he pit in my mouth to relieve
my swollen throat. I became excited
after we had walked for man) mi.es,
it seemed, without reaching help. , nu
without realising it- 1 down on tno
peach stone so hard I broke off three
front teeth.
For eight hours we walked ana
Staggered through the hot sand and it
.'.eerned that w must have passed tne
car. Each step seemed th last that
could possibly be taken, but still we
continued on. By this time We were
almost too weak to make headway anu
felt that soon we must stop.
Wp sighted the cai at last and 11
was tho most welcome thing I nave
ever seen. There was another car
close ly and soon the tourists reached
us and poured water on our faces and
gave us cooling drinks. The dof
Slmpl vent r r.'UJ when they saw the
W.ilei nnd drank mid d rn n k .
We found the second car contained
two professors from a California uni
versity and they took us back to our
machine. AfUr again tailing to locate
th. trouble they hooki d on to Us an."
to our surprise our car started. Our
newly found friends, however, Kept
Close to us and several times on our
trip to 0den they were compelled to
haul vis when our car f ailed at various
times. They brought us Into nation,
refusing to leave us even for a min
ute, and when we arrived here at lasii
I guess I gave out."
Mr. and Mrs. Burton said they have
been touring California and are now
on their way to Washington. They
Will continue the trip in their tiny car
as soon as repairs are completed. They
have travelled more than 15,000 miles
With the small machine loaded With S
complete camping outfit and tent.
son IN 145TB.
It was learned that tho son of the
Burtons. Ambos was a membe r of the
H6th field artilery during the war
and returned from France as orderly
to Colonel William C. Webb, regiment
al commander. They said this morn
ing they have received no better treat
ment during their months of travel
than they have from Ogdon people
who have done all In their power to
make ih ir slay h n pleasant Mrs.
Burton said.
Second Contribution for Ogden
Stock Show Announced
At a meeting of the Ogden Clear-1
Ing House today a donation of $1,000,
was made to the ogden Livestock 1
show. A similar amount was recently
donate.! y the Ogden Livestock Ex-1
I change.
President Charles H. Barton stated
today that plans for the show were'
fast maturing and that tho show this!
on will be tar superior to the one
held last year-.
Committees for the various positions
will bo named at s meeting to be
called this week, according to Presi
dent Barton and work started Imme-1
It Is stated that more than $10,000
w ill bs donated by Ogden merchants I
tor tlu- show. The dates and other!
Information will be announced follow
ing a meeting this week.
Mark Anniversary of
Second Marne Battle
1 1
Two years ago tomorrow, July 15.
J91I, units of the First. Second and
Third divisions, establish..! cluims ror
1 unuyniK glory when, at the Battle ot
I the Marne, they checked the onrusn
of the German army In the vicinity or
Chateau Thierry and paved the way
for the reduction of a salient thin
spelled collapse for Germany's victor
ious dnslaught.
The anniversary of the Battle of tne
Marne, called the Gettysburg of tie
world war. has been officially desig
nated as 'Marne." day. and about 3 -000
soldiers who survived tho struggle
will observe us memory throughout
the l niteel States.
A. P. Masters, 2011 Adams avenue,
wa a member of the First division
and In a letter to the Standard-Rx-amlner
says 'While the second battie
of tho Maine has receedod In the
, memory of some, and may have been
I forgotten entirely bv others, that til
boys of the First and Second division
still remember." Forgetting the n
OOU American bo-H who gave thr,r an
In that struggle H not ,aaVi evon ,f
one wished to easi from his mind r--eollsotion
Of tho horror and bloodshed
of tho event Memory of the glory ot
those boys will live forever, ftlastsn
Masters suggests that men of tho
1-Irst and Second divisions unfurl flags
on July IS In commemoration of tne
Battle of Boissona
- nn
30 Cars of Cherries
to Be Shipped East
Fifteen ears Of cherries from Brig
ham City and fifteen ears from North
' 'L'doi. will I.. Mhlpp, , , 1 ,,vcr the
Union Pacific this week for points east
"I 1 'I'"' 'k'o Tho cherries w 111 lie
hlppsd In express cars.
Woman Passenger
Slightly Injured
Mrs. E. Parker of Los Angeles,
aboard Train No. 19, westbound, suf
fered severe Injuries to her left hand
last night when a door on one of the
passenger cars was lossd on threo of
her fingers. The fingers were badly
mushed Her injuries were treated at
the Union depot toduy.
(The Shadow of the Rest- I
l s 1 'TO the woman
1 " MMfiM A who battles dirt
'.MiliCw1 "W'J with yesterday's j
I broom, dust -pan and i
P carpet-beater, "Spring
sflKfflf Ifc ! Hmp n a muon happy
(p WrMH Shjro has made "Spring
" p.:q 'y.' 'B: Housecleaning" only a i
- 1 shadow of the pact.
What woman seriously ques- our word for it. Simply pu
tions the advantages of a good the Premier to the test in
electric cleaner? Not many your own home. That will
but most women ask the per- be your answer. jl
"wlircZner ThTu,T I Wk mAK, ,t easy for you to
rr off u 1 do this. We arrange a dem-
iiflve. . , ,
onstration at your conven-
Because there are different ience without obligation.
cleaners. YVhile all are good If you like the Premier keep
every woman wants the best it And you will surely like itl II
And'th p nly S firt lF Y0U Prefer to pay for it
And the Premier Electric a little at a time-while
Vacuum Cleaner is "first iVs paying you dividends
among cleaners everv- , ,1- r .
where ai'J every m health, comfort, conven
ience and economy you can
You are not asked to accept do so.
Have your dealer show you how "Spring Houseclcaninf
can be made- only an unhappy memory now 1
Thi im PREMIER'S motor The Premier u cold by the rcprceaUtivc stores
rfnmn floor broth -with many j
phabl rubber finirr th
bnii tt ilea Sctfl up Uat i i
2422 Hudson Ave. '
21-29 W. 1t So.. Salt Lake City. Utah
IWiik Consumed Here
Tests Satisfactorily
That milk consumed In Ogden Is
rapidly Improving due to the activities
of the city and stale food departments
In making frequent tests from sampler
taken from dairies. Is made evident in
a roport received this morning from
Walter M. Hoyden, state food Inspector
by John Kelt, city milk Inspector. The
report shows that twelve samples were
tested and but three failed to pass
the required mark. Theso fell below
bv 1 1 1 1 a few points, two bolng below
standard In food solids and the other
slightly dirty.
Brigham Peach Day
Set For Sept. 15
September l.'i Is tho date set for the
annual poach celebration at Hrlgham
City nceordlrrg to word received hen
today from Loroy Shelby, secretary or
the Boxolder Commercial club Rates
on all railroads r-ntt-rlng lirlgham City
will be in effect It Is said.
The features this year will Include
air sports, baseball, and other events.
Deaths and Funerals '
CQMBJB Funeral Bervjces LY-
man Combe, tf-year-old son of John!
Combe, who was struck and Instantly!
killed by n train at Uintah Tue
v. ill be hold at Z o'clock Thursday at,
tho Uintah meeting house. Hcv. J. B.I
Carver Will Officiate. Interment will
be In the Uintah cemetery. The body!
may hi viewed at tho homo at Uintah j
this afternoon and tomorrow until 111
o'clock. Flowers may be loft at uind
quist's until noon tomorrow
NEW YORK, July 14. Final price
3Vs 91.08; first 4s SG 20 hid; sec
ond ls 86.41; first -I'is S6.4G
DQd -ls 85.56; third 4 89.02;
fourth 4 ,4s bs 78; victory 8 Its 'Ju. 9t;i
Victory 4s 95.96.
Breezes Cut Down
High Temperatures
Breezes again this morning brought
Ogden relief from the blistering sun
,and although tho thermometer reach
ed a fairly high point this morning,
I the heat was not nearly as intense
jas during the past four days. Yes
tsrday's maximum was 91 degrees
with a minimum of 59 degrees. This
morning the mercury stood again at
.'! degi . . at the lowest point
"Generally fair tonight and Thurs
day." is the weather prediction which
r ichod igden this morning. I
l 1 ' 'i- 1
Sues For Possession H
of Her Automobile I
Charging that the Lindell Automo
bile company has refused to return
her automobile after completing re
pairs. Mrs. Annie E. Stone has filed
suit In the district court to recover
the car in her complaint Mrs. Stonf
alleges that on March 1, 1920 she left
tho machine at the Lindsll company
tor repair and the still hold It.
She ssks tho court to recover the
car or ?750. together with $250 dam
ages and costs of suit.
Katherine igSfN LAST I
mm VV- times
MacDonald ags- today
TOMORROW "RIO GRANDE," Ono of the Best Western
Pictures Produced I
Hough's" Great Story
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