OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, July 20, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-07-20/ed-1/seq-9/

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Thumbnail for 9

9"- j FOR SALE
Real Estate I
iH BY OWNBK Six room modern brick
r :-i;m. :on vjr.
1 BRAND new five-room modern on bcni h
45rin gwaner Phong sceo
t hp be no m Houm modern except
-nh. Dan Bl 366
41 Twenty fourth St Phone." 280, 2K1
$1001 Buys r 5 room cottnpe with bAth,
close In. on Adnma avenue, south
of Twenty esenth street Rasy
J3200 Htiys 5 room brick bunrnlovv full
basement, sleeping porch, furnnre
heat, lirnutlful Invvn nml K-nrden.
on tho bench, in fine location.
416 Twenty-fourth St Phones 2S0. 2S1
OWNER Savs tommiwlon new flee
Jrtom modern bungalow Phone t232 M
tOU Monroe avenue "fr,$
7 ROOM moJern two tory brick 00
bench. Swanrr Phone 146 3661
Ut:v OWNER Modern home, five inrfcf
rooms, bath, pantry, -iosrts. sleeplnie
i r.r. h. fruit trees, flowers, fmrden. Ol
.-ifu-rnoons or evenings. 1333 CapltOI
rf ' tre(. "
BY OWNER Strlctls modern five room i
brick bungulow. larjre lot. Klrsf cKs out- j
buildings 2621 Ulim Phone 3139 W ,
3696 ;
$3fio ca.-.h with rmv f rirm on hnlmce
buys a good brick house In excellent loca
lion. . .
45fpO huv .1 S mom modern hnngBlow
, . u .Utfiran run ..leonine I'Orrn ,
R', block from street enr
Ret us help vou in errurlnr a house
With our savins and lonnlng plan
f, ROOM mod- r-i find g.-vrnpe of the very
Meat Dutch design; cement basement,
rurnace heat, cement walk and driveway.
1 rented on bench Bwaner. Phono 1463g5R
' I
i'V OWNER Ne modern ' room bung ,
NT low. Arlnms Ave nnd Twenty-sixth St
:$m ( 'ASH S.V. p.-r month will buy nice
6 room modern bungalow located lJ
loams avenue Price WsOO. Swnr
Phont Ug. . 5222
THREE room frnme house snd fifty rool
iaafr .lose to shops: city water, electric
407 . iit-ht WOO caah. $700 on term?. Possession
once. Call MM g ""pr ' '' "' ,
KrvERrmM mcKi-rn luiek on bench f !
i,.et residence district Pri. . .iid t.rrns
reasonable. Call 1073 Twenty-fourth St ,
room n.-w house: idi fenced and plant
V, . , ., ... r lights lot 76x150 By ownei
. go Monro; Wl' WOO i ugj '
Ji j g5 ,M f, ii youi car! Utah Auto Hw
- .'rVr.f"! ' "l.'.'r.' Tv mv in -i st SBflj
s room modern brick home hardwood
t floors, full basement; on bench, snnr Kep
W - frame house, wate. right r.7o Seventh 8
ROOMING house nine room npif,y..fur i
tifc'.tl nuhed. for sale rwenty-Hfth St. I
rHKEEacn chicken run, Phoni 28M
W, ff PARTMr:NT ho.. .- I In on Wash
Ington avenue; has nine -o and three
room apartments. Furnished iTnfC,n?
r 25 . month Prlc? I1L500. Hall cash
Mlpht consider port exchange. "0X1CV
Kl.mdnrd !:- tv. '.n.- s '"
' ;HT ro'jin hoi. I""- l-O" 1
I'hone 2S70 - ' '
BY OWNEI Gooa sixteen room a pari
ment house, furnished, sleeping PO'n,
gas ranges, finest location In town $140
q month Income Good terms Phone 103
269 I
WE havr. a Inrjtc list of lirlpnt-d firm
t for sale or lr:,d W rit- or SCC WOKRS
ORISWOLD INV CO . Builcy. Idaho
vv L. PORTER Real Estate and Loan
237G Washington svenus Phone 18T8
l,i OW.'KH-Cormr lot H-.-.l'S f t
Twcnt"-socond nnd Reevfi u'.-n.ie
Phone -fi7f. 379
BY fX NER Five room modern fur
nlshed houso. 147 Jnincs Court Phon"
2674. iSM
TWO fresh milk cows nnd four 6prlne;
era J A Lee Plione ISot. 3672
A JC'O.'i Uj M.i f'Ri er-pltr,o for i.
,-ir Phono 27r. 1 W 8666
WILL trade my S7.V msl.og n finl:!i
player plnno with $30 worth of rolls for
Ford tourlnp rnr in good condition Appl
1951 Grant Ave., afteT r. p m, KM
12 ' Unfurnished
rijigY TWO unfurnished houseUeeoing rooms
2'6 'I'w.ii' . - j
APARTMENTS i.m ..v. r Wilson
sfl Eroe. store. Inquire at store. 27S1 Wall.
KL'' 1'ARTRV ftirnli-hed new thr'.- room -o'
I fcil tngo In Ok"Jen canyon, Range nnd cltj
I water inkWrhcn. ?80 for season. Phone
A 'M rN'Fl'HMSIIER modem ;ip:u ; m. nt. with
K R li3(mcnt: also furnlshi-d room1 160
L Twenty third St. Phone 27'i(. J 'ir.j.s
tHt T STRICTLY modern 4 100m apartment,
' close In; no chlldreii 2327 Adams Ac
r; r. .". t
V TWO nnd S-room apartments; private
'. bath. Newly kalsemined. Clone in Phone
1 IHlS j - 1 ,-,
'1 WO rooms, g is 536 Thin flr.t street
320 1
4 ROOMS mo-lr-rn housekeeping close In
KelU H.-rrol. KHJ
o.ROOM modern unfurnished house. Rood
residence district: mnn and wife. Phone
Exchange 2500 Room &. or Box 20. Stand
urd Examiner. 3655
JiV Ac. gust 1. three Tour or five. room un
furnished hou.se; permanent nn:.. r:. no
children. E. R. S , standard Examiner
' Mflce C29
B OR 6 ROOM house foT tWO months
Phono 2915 R. 3604
. .
iBBS POR service, Molstctn bulls. 1 915 Grant
i y A-l painting, deroratlng nnd r.ilrlnuniriB
' of all kinds. Call room 2'. Washington
' ' Apartments over Coiy theater 867S
j ill KEiyWAm j
1, '( HITHER sex. J3 u cay guaranteed A N i
PBmI 1 food line for Salt Rake. City and Og
BbB den Address Sales Manager. P. O. Box
iiilj CLERKS (men women) IS upward, for
1 f postal mall service. $135 month. Pxaiul-
4 i nations July-August Experience unnec
IIH es3ar' For free particulars il I
1, ' Leonard itormiT civil seiwice examiner)
V V7 Equitable building. Washington.
l CO salaried propi trithout security, o
J others on piano furnltur':. bonds, ete
tl; , H"d-.on I -I K Phone 24 249
MIl.M.i ..i io.ri sjU UnUlVVWI f.M SSUI
1; k'iu k- Herrtcjj m
IftSaa , ; BICYCLK on Morroe Owner mnv have
i!'i$tn9 'v Idetitlfylrtg nnd paying lot this
I'M TV flit l qui 'I 1087
HBgi' two hic- eies Phone 2903 u. scss
I SMALL alerping room. 2612 Monroe
I :,7ii
iTHKPF furnlFli-d i..om. niodfin 2r'Tl
1 OUR room rott.Tpe nlrr'v fumlehrd no
hlldren Phon.. 8668 g 8078
TWO nicely furnished rooms In private
I homo Gentlemen only. S37 Twenty
f h i r 1 8078
(FURNISHED apartment, trery nice; prl
I vats hath, 4 rooms: alro 2 rooms. 8781
r, i Hnt Ave. 3r-,7
I P.N1SHRI' 3 room mo-J.-rn nparluu ni m
Oulncy PhoiK ns9 r.c.i
MODERN house, furnished. 20fio cole s
' Court i8JjW 3590
.I'd 'I P.N housi kreping Rpartmcnta. in
Tilldren Plaza Apartments. 2518 Wach
Ington Ave 3S92
NETW Louse furnished or unfurnished. In
puire :.-( Thiitieth si 617
i i RNISHED housekeeping nnd sleeping
rooin.. 33'l Twnl thlr1 St. 3r.7S
Mi ' El A' furnish, d room with hath 2f.0
Orchii rd A l 3Rfi0
WELL furnished apartment on bench
piano, hath Apply 5 to S p m Phone 190
' 557
y i rmhkii room. 2R22 Orchard Vve.
Phon. 2r.''' M ')r.tf.
OVn furnished room, references r --mii.''. d
7?2 Twent fourth gl .".''.4 3
3 HOUSEK1 EPING rooms furnished, in
autre 21 Tyler Avenue after 6 o'eiork
MA'ii.r, or nun..." iuuiiio lur Biccnik
I housekeeping, 3468 Washington Ave. 8861
1 ELEGANTLY furnished room, r.66 Twen
ty f,,..irlh Pt 83 1 1
OKNTS sleeping porch and room. P.
TWO room a.artmenti gOS Thirty
first i"'
Pi PN ISHKI Mi.iii tpitnta. 2051 Washmc
ton qyenue, .Rft
APARTMENT and rooi-i 8571 Lincoln
ROOM 580 fw.-nty third Mr.-et 1091
FURNISHED or unfurnished apartments
for rnt. 234V Wnnhlncjon 3110
VERY desirablt rooms reasonnhlo rates
two minutes from poatofflcc Gates Ho
t.-l 84jtj 3riit n venue. 8067
it( m Pwenty third 8091
NICE large modern rooms, breakfast it
desised Reference reouired. 2639 Jeffer
son 2698
f CJils j
EXPERIENCED! Jnnltor at once good
wages. Appl Washington M trket. 81
First i .n-h .y -.-ii. r T-hon. 327'
Mr. V al Wi it. -m Market. 868a
FLYL; In f.i.'lit v ek: V M C
Auto S hog l' An .' if 8218
ptn.i. 1.-.. iii )! Hot; 1 319 1
EXPERIENCED stenographer; irounfl
man pr. f. rr. .1 . V. ch-s i;Mg, :;il
VYi;ivr;f".R mnn t.nd lln. n checker U P
L Lundrj . 8643
Female Kelp j
! HALL girl and chambermaid. Apply in
on Hi 1- Hotel. 1713
SMALL I. Ml... to : I with
; housework and . hlldren. 2560 Gnnnefcy,
, -;7u.'
EXPERIENCED woman lor cafeteria
I work. Pall In pi.ron Stliuon' 'af- 361".
I '..VTI?1) Comp.-teni vy.iiij.n (or house
work in the canyon Phon- Mrs. Blnford.
.-. ) 3 He
CHILDREN'S dresnnaklng: 2C1C Monroe.
Phoni 1440 37' iQ
VI I '. Ki ll Phone 8818 M
I 333S
I The Lighthouse 2452 W-.i-hlnrton e,
; opposite the Piiig.-ee hank. Phone SSI.
Prompt service 33H
HemstltchiiiK, plcot edge, huttons. Dlnl -!
Inr: and pleaOhg, Second floor W. H
I Wright & sons ir ii Layman. 1161
To Buv !
j MODERN house or. bench, three bed
I rooms with large cIojt-Ri, possession Au
gust 1 5. Phone 2477 871 5
ii;- lll'ST pri. - p.-. -I for old loth.-.;
s,.r,ri ;i irfitnl New ork ClotLInK Stor-
269 Ty, gnt) tilth St 3t 21
ITLLICTS nnd h ns. all .y. .t Phon-- 1243
esiTn i.rain vc reeu o -Joi r m 1 1
j im-toti a.. .".3 sr.
j WE UUY all cara. regardless of conOI
tion Auto Salvi.po S 148 Grant o
I 3197
j FRIDAY" morning hlack leather traveling
hag at entrance of Lewis camp. Orien
canyon rontalnlnp' clothing, namo and
I address of owner inside hag. Finder call
1 108 between 8 and .'. Reward 8690
I PA. 1 ("I I. r-ontalnlnc piano so.-irf. Return
to Sylvia Doe Art Shop, Reward. 3695
IpOCKTBTBOOK lost at Hermitage with
Identification cards C P. L. Fitzgerald
. Phon 14 R -. Reward 8689
LONG black pin seat puree, containing
Irh'fl; hook nnd key. Return to exchange
!; Wi Ight'a R v. ard 8693
ll.S TIKI'. ioo,,rif d sizf 36x4'j. K. -turn
to The National Outfitting Co. Re
ward. 3611
AN Eastern Sin i in . irroundf.I hv p. -iris
on Twenty-third street or along Wosltlnfr
I .ri . , p.-v. i. rd Phoni- --'I I.VI1
LOST A tr.ipshoolor's trophv or medal.
'Finder return to O.-orKe 10 Urowning nnd
be . srded 8619
I STENOGRAPHER wishes position Cni
I 1 OS I M j .1,7
PL A' I' 1 1 ' A I . l.'irs..- v.li-li." osl t -.r, ",",r,
I Fraiiklln Ave 354S
HOl -SI', puint.nf ' '-'ill r'T. T 3517
W.r.lr.n 1'nlnr.il enffr..!.,. In Vn,.. '7 n t
I land In T.Q3
for'rent j
iTIIRIIE Ohio vacuums In first Class con
idltlon. fl day. Call J. Earlow. 2S84 J
i :"177
OHIO vacumm, Ji .iny Phone 3i.
(STOP GE loom for n-nt Oe.ll AlbeStO
;lnto Products CO., Phone 14P.-W 3673
i SRi "i i.D hand frood-i houcht and sold T
c. Iverson. 1C40 Washington. Phono 49.
; W'R tako your old rs.nte ns llrbt payment
I on uny new rane, or will hjy yoiir old
run;.. OUtTlght Homo Fiirnlturo Co 467a
MMiiK" I i ' f Si :, . it, ,, I, ,m r,-.
structlvi locust plaguet
VN Ogden Examiner of April 2 1020. Tin
Standard Examiner 8S50
; KKI.IAP.LK -i..,i V' ill . :ii-'- I. r npi Ight
il:.ii' I'U us.- Cull telephone 3112-J he
twceti G and 7 evenings. 3f.4l
The i.plu un. .i .i ll.ard-llke ;ml
muj found only In New Zealand, Is
the oni' modern representative of the
I great reptiluxn order -living at tho
t !ostc of the Carboniferous age.
COW and calf. 1021 Wnshlnrton avenue
371 1
TWENTY per cenl discount r-n ail re-
f ripe r.-iiot r Miller Fvirnlture Store
IQI'ART fnilt Jar us.-d. 1" ..r.ls dor.en.
, Nf , 1 1 . r Furniture Store 8707
i WI.'KKP. 1. I.iil t:-. 1..-rT:ln for msh
! 2713 (Irani WOs
ONE fresh rns :mrl one da' old calf for
si.le Apply or,; Twenty, third 8704
iAPKH"OTS nnd potatoes. Finest qualify-
ir.Ql Canyon rond. Phono SCO 8697
FOl 11 burner Oil taniee with oven Phone
I R'Jd I 8691
FURNITI lor 3 rooms, pood as new.
j 167 Tw.-nty B4 yentli St 3P.S3
BICYCLE almost new Call 8177-J, 3652
GOLDEN oak china cabinet Rear 73R
Ty gntj Myth 3'4
' ONE (earn yyei;lil about 1300 lh.. e.-ch.
I $00 takes the two .T H Brfyn. Hooper
HOME COnAfOTt range, washing machine,
writing desk, wasli stand, dresser. SOB
Wn fch Incton Ave 3651
11 GEESE 'or sale henp, 3!3i Washing
ton Aye ' 3600
PRACTICALLY nott v. Irker htigfrv rhonp
I 6,15 Twenty fifth St 3f,iri
ROl ND oak combination eoni and gnu
stove practically new 114 Twenty eighth
I St 364S
1017 INTJIAN motoi cycle, twin. A R C
generator, speedometer, tandem. new
i for r-22;. Call at 262 West Twentieth 8L
'FIRST clr.ss Indl in motorcycle 212 Ji f
I ferson Ave. 3608
Il.iWAKI. p'.'.no good condition a hnr
Kaln Address X. care Standard Examiner.
i.tT 1 1 B sell your ear. 1 tub Auto TMe &
Exchange. 8884 Washington Ave. ' 8609
THREE-SPEED Harley Davidson motor
Cycle i I i 1 1 I ca 1 1 y equipped, In 1 eondl
I tion Will sell i heap for rash or trade In
j on enr 3311 Chlldj ' j563
i2ii WALL tent I8-ounce duck, almost
! n.w ?27 819 TwOTty-fonrth8J S5T8
ICOOD ,,eirinl Innd retnillt hlc-.cl.--i rlirip
1 twin Indian In good condition. 33ll
; Mld.l.-I A I , 8S70
P.l RROT'iUT'fc n.J.Hn machine for sale
; Inquire 119 Twentj third 81 8678
1 YOUNG fresh milch cow ibTS Grant Ave
NETW fumed enk piano Ohio vacuum
cleaner and other furniture 460 T ( I '
ninth St Phone ' 1 18 8SS6
3 ROOMS household furnltuo cheap If
I taken --it onm ggsg Washjngton Ave 8561
BOY SCOUt uniforms A few well tailored
I scout ). D sei'ge uniforms. Very low
priced. Sm.-ill sizes, Dundee Woolen Mills,
1 24"U Hudson Ave. g
CANARY hlr.ls. slncors 223 Tyveaty fifth
St. 34.r.7
PEW good uncalled for suita, two pairs
of pants T'iMi even suit, cheap. Scotch
Woolen Mills 8309 Wnyhington Ave 2371
HOSE, counter, m-cycie, smokestack,
camera tripod, ynn-eyor's tape. P 333
UNCALLED for suits A fev Ot ttiose
excellent Dundee tailored sults.j various :
idzes. one frock; selling at cost. Dundee
... - n Mills, HtldSt n y CnUS 3'60
CANAR1 tiirds. 2.'20 Lincoln avenue.
PIANOS nnd other musical Instruments.
T rms wlihout Interest Pantone. 2874
Hud on 90'J
I M.AI.I.IT. for huIIm ta.loi ii..ide. hlij
' rrOuction Gordon's. 211-25 Twenty-fit h
I Phone 110 1157
BllJ your pnlnt at StOWO'S nnd -inve1
money 1S0O Washington avt nue. Phon
rsr,-.i i,in
Tor sale Autos 1
BABY 1 Bttlrk roadster. $600.
Studebaker touring 16, $650.
Willys ton truck
Bulck ton truck.
2300 Washington Phone 340 1
c E. YoROASEN, 42S Twentv third
1 lion. I i 51 -. ;is
EORD hug. good condition, good tires
j Phon. '.: I 1 M 3.-.y
FOR BALE By owner Oakland tourlnt,
jenr. practically tyew phone ?',7 W 8626 1
. M E P SSEjfi IER 01dMii.il.llT front
i sci i cut to maki' bed. the enr you -will
want for jour vacation, 412 Seventeenth
SI 3C69
NEW and used can curs for sjiIc Haynes
2u model chummy. Utah Auto Tire Ex I
change. 2224 Washington Avt 3602'
LET 1 1 i '.i II your cur. I tnh Auto Tire
Exchnnpe 222 1 Washington Ave 3601
i nininer.s ' i" i n in inn i
Maxwell 16
Bulrk C 37.
Ford hup.
All In MrM clnis condition nnd pooxl ears
."33 11. i l..r.n 360" j
FORD roadster, good shape, hargnln at
$400; electrically oqulpped, Oakland tour
Ung car overhauled this spring, new paint, i
inew tires: 2 extraH. $i00 Willard Service
1 8tation 84354 Grant Ave Phone rM6. 3j90
BRAND new latest model '., passr njrer I
Chevrolet ylth extra tire nnd tuhe. $45 1
Inquire 319 Twentv fourth St 3:66
TO 7 Fi i p. 1 1 . o-ipe. AppL vT Tvw n ;
fifth 31
Al'TO.MfiRlUi: lor ;nle cheap Gallacher's '
2376 Hudson Ave 3527
FOR BAl I P.-' owner Good f.uidlv auto
. hi u Phong 1427 ::':v'
Benled hldn will he received hy the Ojr
den City Board of Education at 538 Twen
ty fifth street, Ogden. Utah, until 8
o'clock Friday July 30 1920 for tho erec
tion of, a manual training building in con
nection With the Osden HlKh School.
Separate hlds are requested for thi
,, ni ral construction of the hullding; the ,
heating, and th- plumbing ail ns required
hv the plans nnd specifications prepared
by Leslie B. Hodgson and Myrl A Mc
( lenahan Architects, at 806 Ecclea build
inK Ogden, l'tah.
Bidders mtist comply with the Utah
Stul. R'vws pertaining to certified checks
accompanying bids nnd bond required
with the contract
The Board reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
By order of the Board of Education of
Ogden. Ptah.
President ;
Published July 20. 1020. to July 80
1920 Inclusive, 8708
Take notice that John S Keating of
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, has commenced
an action against you In the King's
i Bench Judicial Idstrlct of Snskntoon.
I claiming $2111 86 unci Interest at 8 per
'cent per annum on $ 1 !.". from Janu:n'
20. 1310. under two promissory notes
I mode by vou In his favor dated May 21
1013. for 8368.50 each. jnd under two fur
ther promissory notes cf same, dote ond
amounts made by vou In favor of 1
Turnbull 0l which John S. Keating claims
; to be the holder.
And take further notice that unless
you enter an appearance In the office of
i the svld COUrl within 30 dnys after four
publications of litis notlci and within six
!day thereafter file your d fotl.se. Judg
rnent will bs entered agiilnbt you for hald
I amounts and costs of action.
Dated ot Saskatoon this 14th day of
Julv, 1020.
Plalntlfrs Solicitors
The adjourned un i-tlnk' of stockholders
of the Went Cache Sugar Company ha
been called at 2 p. m.. July 21 at Com
nierclal club rooms, Logan. Ptah All
I stockholders nrc urged to be pr.-sent
37 IS
LU-'hlv polished silver la the beat
lurhi reflecting surface
Cameiot. the Beat oi King Arthur
and the Round Table, i nupposed to
huve been lii Corn wall, but has never
been definitely placed-
Information Bureau
ANYTHINC, New or Old
ANYTHING A to Z nw r old
I bought, sold or Irs led Phono 3SJ
Brnmwell Rook nnd Stationery. ?3fiS
I Wash'ntrton Ave Phone 360. 205S
Utah Natitonal Kank. BOtttheosf cornr
Tw-enty-fourth snd Washington Phone 61
I Dr Hobcr J McKay, Chiropractor. 212
Col. Hudson Building. 3243
! F. Strupplck. carpenter nnd Jobber. 15S
Twentv third St Phon.- 1018 3122
K. Van ICanipen for upholstering, car
pets cleaned altered nnd la'd. Remaking
I of mattresses Phon S768-Ja
f-'xpert carpet cleaninr. mattress rcno-
( vatlnw. upholstering and springs re
stretched. CaP E. J. Hampton Co ,
! FeatMi renovntlnr Phone 2686-W.
Phone 133. 225S-80 Washington Ave.
Mafsuba Co leading Japanese res-
Uurpnt In Ogden 273 24th St.
DRESSMAKING and silk shlrt.t mnde to
order. Phono 1035 M 622 Thirtieth St
CHILDREN'S sewing Phone 1440. 264C
Mbnrde Ave. 2840
Tho New Method Dentist sre speclsl-
Ists In all brnnehes of Dntlotr 24EJ
Washington Av 220S
Ocdon EngravlnB Service " . maivers
of fine ruth in ono or mo.,i olors. 411
I Twenty-fourtT street Phot. 63.
Geo. D. BennotL corporation nnd rroup
' Insurance a speclnlty Phone 121-W 1514
! Alex. H Moyea, resident nn.-nt New York
; Iifo insurance Co 442 Binford avenue
, Phone 14G7 nnd lf.77 W 2s7
Western Hide & Junk Co.. 2323 Wash
ington Avi . Phone kf,l
Ogden 1 jnk Houso. u&9 Washington
; y. Thone 210
Paper hanging, pnintink kalsomlnlna,
paper cleaning Reasonable 3220 R
Roofs repaired and painted. Call 0)5 I
Willard Kay. real estate nnd lonn
2474 Waahlnrton Ave Phone 409 1874
Garbage ar.d rubbish hauled, cesspools
1 snd toilets Cleaned. John Chlpp & Co
Phone V'28. 234S Hud n, Avenue 'J732
Trunk and bne rvpe.li Ir.c round cor
I ner from blondard QaJlacher'a, -373 Hud
son. 2U8
EXPERT window and wnll ijmer clean
I Intt. American Window Cleaning Ph E 33
I Wm. Van Dc-r Woilde, licensed sewer
jdlfrjrer nnd yater service, Sewi r cleaning
etc., eeHd pools Phono 8115 W 926 Ru n
ton St asa 1
Consult County Clerk or the flcspec
tiv Signers for Further
Fstnte of Leona A. Ppton deceased
Creditors will present claims with
vouchers to the undersigned at the oflii e
of S. T Corn No. 311-312 First National
Pink building Ogden. t'tah. c,n or be
fore tho seventh day of September, D
HENRY ' 1 PTON Administrator.
Notice a hereby given thrtt the assess
ment of taxes levied hj the Board of
Commissioners of Ogden City, Utah, by
ordinance adopted and passed 011 the 15th
day of Julv. 1020. upon the property abut
tlmr on both sides of Thirtieth street be
tween Washington and Lincoln avenues
the soulth side only of Thirtieth street be
tween Lincoln nnd Plngree avenues and
both sides of Thirtieth street between
Pingrce avenue and a point 857A feel
vve.st of Wall avenue for the pTirposo of
paying for paving nnd roadway of said
atreet with two Inches bltulithic wearing
surface laid on a six Inch Portland cement
concrete foundation, and also for grading,
constructing combination curbs nnd gut
ters. and private driveways, rfdewalkil,
drainage and Irrigation systems to nrr
water along and across streets and Inter
sections, and lor extending private vv.it. 1
and sewer service connections from the
mnlna to the back of the curb line, to
gether with ail .f.her things necessary to
do and to fully complete said work In
Paving District No 13". has hoen com
plated .mil ii., lists ol the property and
the taxes levied made.
The Board of Commissioners. as a
board of equalisation and review, will
meet at the office of the minor In the
city hall on July 21. 2J 23. 2fi and 27.
1020 all dates Inclusive, between the
hours of 10 n. m. nnd 12 o'clock noon,
and on said days will hear and consider
any objections and make corrections of
any tax which said hoard may dee,m un
efpinl or unjust.
That during said davs between tho
hours of 0 a. m. and 5 p m said list.? nnd
plats shall be opened to public Inspei tion
at the mayor's office, In the city hall.
Hy order of the Board of Commission
Dated this, the 20th dav of Julv 1020
City Recorder,
Published July 20 1020.
Published In Ogden Standard-Lxnminer
Paving District No. 130 3720
Notice la hereby given that a special
meeting of the atockholders of the Bon
Soldat Mining Company, will be held at
the Weber Counts Court House. In the
court room of Department No 1 thereof,
ir Ogd. n City, Ptnli, on Monday the 2nd
day of August, 102'- at S o'clock p. m , for
tho purposo of electing new directors and
considering and acting upon a proposition
to sell the patented-mining claims of said
comnanv and reorganizing the sami
This notice Is given by virtue of au
thorllv vested In me as the owner nnd
holder of one third Of th. capital stock of
the said Don Sold at Mining I oortpan
Date of first publication. Julv 18, 1020.
Last publication. August 2, 1020.
Notice Is hereby giver, that Ogden Clfv
proposes to make the following public Im
provem.-ivt tu wit Construct pavement In
Paving District No. 133. together with
work incidental thereto, according to
plans, specifications and profiles on flla
In the office of the City Engineer And
s.-aled bids are Invited for snld work nnd
I will be received at the office of the . v
Ri order In thi 1 !itj Hall it Oj di n 1 tah
until ten o'clock, a m . on tho 20th day
I of July, 1920, Instructions to bidders,
I plans and r-peclflcatlons for said Improve
ment an be seen nnd examined at tn of
fice ol the city Engineer in the citv Ha.i
of snld city
Th.- right Is reserved to reject anv and
all bids und to waive nny delects
by order of tho Poaid of . m, mis-Ion
crs of Qgden City, L'tah. this, the 8 til day
of July, 1920
Cilv pi.cirder.
Plrat publication. July 0, 1920.
fvt publication. July 28, 1920
Published in the Ogden Standard
Examiner. 3-111
j In the District Cuurt ol the Second Jurll
clal District. In and for Wi b 1 County,
State of Ptnh
In He Application of Irani- Ilnsson to
Chango His Name to Frank Von Mohr
The petition -if Frank iia..on. praylnir
that the court maki and cntei it 1 decrei
permitting him to change his name from
I PranU. Hudson to Frank Von Mohr will
I..- heard by Department 2 of said court
on Mond) Om 2nu ila of August, 1920.
nt in 11. u., in the court room of Mild
court, at Ogden City, Ptah.
Witness my hand and the seal of this
court hereunto a Viaed this E9th day of
June, 1920,
C. R. HOLLilNOSWORTH, Attorney tor
P' tlt I I, 1.
June 30 1920.
To the Honorable Foard of Education of
ogier, City, Ptah.
Oentlerm-n .
In compliance with 4f7i9 of the Compiled
1-a.ws of Ptah. 1917, I herewith submit my
annual report of the receipts nnd dlsburne
mento of the Hoard of Education of Og
den City Ptah for the school year corn
menclng July 1, pio. and ending June 30.
; Ogden City district school taxo$254.510 H
j State dlitrlct school taxes. . . 102,853.09
State land Interest and rental
Hind 17.011.56
State high school taxes 8,220 00
Redemption tnxes 10 471 3".
' Fodersl vocational education
fond 123 67
Mills payable loans S Onn ftfi
Bonds 200.0110 00
Bonds Harris Trust
Co. $1,267 20
Daily balances Pin
grec National Bank 6,104 15 7.371 35
Sale of rrrs.de text hooks 3r.
Snle of high school text books 4,167.65
Sales In manual training and
domestic art departments S71 40
Receipts cafeteria high school 8,26B,T6
Fees, etc night school 710.00
Miscellaneous receipts (refunds
on Insurance, Grant school
rent for houso at 2116 Mndl
son. misccllnneous refunds
and collections 6.001.62
1619.761 54
Balance on hand Juno 30.
1919 253.30
Teachers' salaries $29i,Ri2 7S
Janitors' salaries 17.012 71
Officers' salaries . 10,950. 16
Expense buildings, (insurance,
light, water, phones expense
laboratory departments, etc . 12.s09.30
Cener.-il supplies and printing 7,028 74
Furniture and apparatus
equipment 12.6S6 30
Coal 11.186.68
ood 143 50
Repairs and improvements 19,41 t 71
Grade books 2,610 97
I High school books 3,490.10
'New buildings and sites 121 511 "i0
Interest . 26,106.75
j Bills payable loans 5.00000
Office expense .. 1.69.13
General miscellaneous expense 5,296
1 Kc funded taxes . 3.210 18
!afct( rl high sehool 3.651 12
I Bonds , 724 91
Ogden public -.chool sinking
(Proportion of redemption
taxes) 301 91
Bai.incc- on hand June 30. 1920.. 64,354.32
II 20 01 I U
.Balance general mr.lntenanee
fund ...$63.099 31
I Balance Interest fund . 1.25173
iBalance on hand June 30, 1920 . $6 1 35 1 32
195 bonds, denomination slooo
each, dated July 1. 1902, due
In 20 years, optional after 10
years, drawing Interest at
rate of 4 per cent per annum? 93.000.00
1 60 bonds, denomination 11,000
each, dated September 1. 1908
Aon Oft ... ,1
10 years, drawing Interest at
rate of 4 per cent per annum 60.000 00 '
2 bonds, refunding, denomina
tion 1,000 each dated De
ccmber 1. 1912, due In 20
years, optional after 10 years,
1 drawing Interest at rate of
4'i per cent per annum.. . . 20.000.00 1
IKS bonds, denomination $1,000
each, dated Jun I L, 1917, duo
in 2n years optional after 10
vrnrs, drawing interest at '
rate of 4V4 Pt-r cent per annum 188. 000. .10
100 bonds, denomination 81, con
c , h. datel Jul 1. 1919, due
In 20 years, options! after 10
,-ars drnv Ing Interest ru
rate of 4',; p. r cent per sn
m1m 2CO.000.00 1
Balance cash In fund June 30,
I 1919 $ 3.268 59
Ogden City district school
; taxes 7.824.24
Redemption taxes 801.91-
Inter.-st on daily balances Irom
j Plngree National Bank 283.14 j
I Interest Liberty bond coupons 35.on
$ 11.712.SS !
I Redeeming two $1000 bonds
dated June 1, 1917. Nos. 6 and
! 6 at 96'i 1 ?30-0"
BeJ nc- .ash in fund. June nr,
1 20 9.782.S4
$ 1L712.8S
I Balance cah on hand
! June 30, 1920 $ 9.7S2.JS
Invested in Pnlted
States Liberty bonds
j of June. 1917 1.000.00
I Total fund 110.782.SS
Stale of Ptnh. Countv of Weber, ss
Viol. 1 M CPn.v being first duly sworn.
.L-po-es and snv- that she Is the clerk of
the Board of Education of Ogden City.
Ptnh that she has prepared the above
and foregoing Statement, and that same
contains -. (.. and correct report of th..
receipts and disbursements of nil moneys
by the said board ol education during th
achool vear commencing July 1. 1919. and
ending rune 80. 120 m clancy.
Subscribed and sworn to before mc this
16th dav of July A. D. 1920.
(Seal) !2!2
Ogden Petroleum Co, principal place of
business. Ogden. Ptah
Thi re are delinquent on the following
de;.ci Ihed stocks on account of as.-es.-
ment No. 11 levied on the 22nd day of
May 1920. the several amounts set oppo
site the numus of the respective sharo
holders, a-s follows
No. Shares AmouT '
Allen E J 410 1000 I.B.00
Abbott. G H 681 1000 6 00
Abbott, C H 6S3 1000 6.01
Brandon M. H. 665 711 3 65
Bybee. Emma 651 1400 7.00
Bauchman, Km 11 ... 376 500 2.5
Child. Mrs C. C 657 6000 30.00
Child. Mrs' C. C 162 2000 10. nO
Combe, James 648 1000 5.00
DaVlS. F. C. 318 260 L 25
Davis W. E 342 600 2.50
Doyle, A B 529 500 2 50
Doyle. A. B 571 250 1 25
Francis. Frank 20 4000 20.00
Farr K W 472 1000 6 00
IFarr, C. L 454 600 2.00
Fair, C. L 631 400 1 25
Ji n.s. I, David IT 1 5 "'
Jensen David 325 3000 15.00
Jacobs E. H. 140 250 1 26
Jones. B M. 531 1000 6 00
Knradlmos Tom .. 262 1000 6.00
light. Lilllo 46 1"0 .50
McCormlck. J. L. ...304 1000 5 00
McBrlde, Helen 601 2n0 U00
I Powell S C 286 600 2.6')
,Pldcock. J. W 550 1500 7.60
Perrln. Thos D 623 1000 6 00
Pi 1 rln. Thos. D 623 1000 6.00
Sorcnaon, Nols 57 2000 10,00
8orenson, H ft. 274 3r.o 1.75
Wysong Mattle . ...170 500 2.50
'Wilson, W. XI ... 626 217 1.58
And In accordance with law so many of
each parcel of such stock as may bo ncc
1 ess.ii-' will he sold at the oflco of tho
company. No. 864 Twenty foutth Street,
Oevi.-n. I'tih on the 2.3id day of July,
1920 at the hour of twelve o'clock noon
' to pay tho delinquent assessments, to
gether with the cost of advet f l.slng and
expense of sale.
Socretar Treasurer,
P. S The nliovr dcllniiuelit.s are p:i
nhie tu the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer,
J H. IHnchcllffe, at the Plngree National
Bank, before the above mentioned date.
TENSION Office of Constructing Quar
termastei Ogden, Utah Room 317 Col.
'Hudson building Ogden Utah, Sealed
1 in iipo: a Is will la received lure until 11
I a. in,. July 21. 1920. and then opened for
I the construction of about ten miles of'
railroad, to be located at Ogden Arsenal.,
1 Igdi n 1 tah further Information on ap
plication M 99
st it. of I "I ah. Office Of State Road Com
mission. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Reeled bid.- will be received by the
Slate Load I'ummlsslon of L'toh. State
CapltOl Salt Lake tilv. Utah, nt I o'clock
: p in Julv 27, 1920, and nt that time
I pui.li.iy opened foi grading and con
iiueilnG an eighteen fool (18 foot) bltu
Prince Con. Heavily Traded in
and Depreciates Slightly
During Session
The trading today In mining stocks
Ion tho Salt Lake Stock ft Mining Ex
change continued quiet with no fea-
tuiea. Prince Con was the most ac
tlvc stock on. the board, being very
I heavily traded In It depreciated In
IvulUC from 28 to 26c. Tlnt.lc Stand
ard shoued a llttlo strength, closing
.strong with $3.37,4 bid for IL
I Alta Tunnel sold at 4 He Eureka
iLlly brought 7ic Columbus Rexall
I changed hands at 45 Vi and 46c, Iron
; Blossom sold at 80 and 31c, Now Quln
cy was steady at 54c. Provo sold t
4V4c, Sells changed hands at, 5c. Sil
ver Shield was steady at 30c and Yan
kee sold rvt 3c.
( (notations furidslrl opr private
wire of J. A. Iloglc & Co.,
l-cHi"- Uuib I iiu: ;
Bid Ask
Alta Con $ .05 $ 06
Vlbiou U6V2 .07Vi
Ameiicfin Con 02 02
Alta Tunnel 04 .06
Hcaei copper oOVa 01
13lg Hill 02 V -03
I Ulg Cottonwood ... .00l,j .01
Bullion 02 .03 '4
Black Mctnls 06 06
Columbus Hexall . .. .45 .46
iCrown Point 02 .05
I Colorado Con 03 .05
iCtntrni Eureka 01 V4 .02
Cardiff 1.20 1.40
1 Dragon Con 13 .16
(Daly West 4.40 4 55
! Last Clown Point ... . 0 1 02
! Bast Tin Coal ... 01 01
I East Tin. Con 04 08
1 Eureka Mines 06 .07
Eureka Elly 07 .08
Eureka Bullion .... 08 .09
Bmma Sliver . 06 .06
Gold Chain 0G 09 I
Grand Central 35 .46
Howell 0C .0iJ-
'Iron Blossom 2 9' 31
j Iron King 23 26
j Judge Mining 3 90 5 00
j Kennebec 10 ! 22
Keystone 68 .76
I Leonora 01 '4 .014
I Lchi Tlntic 08 . 09 t;
Mas Day 402 .024
j Miller Hill 02
! Mammoth 30
Moscow 12
I Michigan-Utah .... 024 024
North Stan j.. .03 '4 .04
New Qulncy 1)6)4 .05
Qpohongo 00 .01
: Noildrlver 80 .83
I 'nit ns t o e
Prince Con 26 .27
Provo 04 '4 ."4
Paloma ,ni
Uico Argentine 02 ',4 .o.'t
Rico Wellington .... .17 .23
Cells' 044 05
vil King Coal'n ... 1.40 1.50
811. King Con 1 40 l . 12 'a
Bioux Con 03 .04
I South Hecla 06 1 00 I
South Standard 20 .24
l silver Shield i'9 .30
Tar Baby 03 04
I Tlntic Central 02 .02
iTIntlc Standard .. 3.37'i 3.40
1 Ptah Cons 00
I'ncle Sam 00
I nlon Chief 05 . 06
West Toledo 05 . 00
iWnllter 3.10 3.15
Woodlawn 08 .10
'Yankee 02 .04
Zumn 1G .20
I Empire Copper 30 .40
1 'j.i iiiiig Sa I. a
Alta Con. 1000 at 5c.
Eureka Lily 1000 at 7-c
Columbus Rexall 100 at Ab-jC 2000
.at 46c.
Easl Tlntic Coal. 1000 at lc. 1000
at Ltf c
Fn;t Crown Point l'.OO at 2c.
Howell 1500 at 6'. 4c; 500 at 6c.
Iron Blossom 500 at 30c; 500 at 31c.
Nt w Qulncy 1500 at 5Vc.
Prince Con. 1600 at 28c, 200 at
27 ,-, 1300 nt 27c
Klco Wellington 200 at 20c.
Sells 1000 at 6c.
Silver Shield 1400 at 30c.
Tlntic Standard 700 at $3.35, 300 at
C losing Sale.
Alta con. 1 00 at 5 c.
Alta Tunnel COu at -ic.
Columbus Rexall 200 at 45c,
Bast Tlntic Coal. 3000 nt lc.
Prince Con. 800 at 26c; 1600 at
25 lie; 500 at 26c.
Provo 2000 at 4 U c.
Sliver King Con. 100 at $142.
Sioux Mines 1000 at J'.c. 5o0 at
North Standard 1000 at 4c: 1000 :u
Tlntic standard 100 at $3
I tah con 1000 at lc.
West Toledo 1000 at 6c.
Yankee 1000 at 3c.
Cattle Receipts none; choice heavy
steers :: " I0j -ood steers $8 9; fair
st. .th 7 (M, choice feeder steern $6
, , choice, cows and heifers -50,
fair to good cowg and heifers J6
7, cutters -i'ii5; canners ISQt.76;
1 hoice feeder cows 5f?'6, fat bulls $5
(I Bj bologna bulls 1-145; veal calves
Hogs Receipts 57; choice fnt hogs
175 to 250 lbs.. $13 75 fV 14 60, bulk
of sales 14814.26; feeders $11012.
Sheep Receipts 1429, choice lambs
10 5ofi 11.60. wethers $7&8; fat
ewes $5)6; feeder lambs J810.
Andrew Patron, East Ely. Nev , 1
load lambs; George Glanapolus, East
Ely, Nev . 2 loads lambs.
PITTSBURG, Pa., July 20 The
principal oil purchasing agencies here
today announced an Increase of 25
cents a barrel In Ragland crude oil.
bringing the price to $2 35. The oil
comes from tho Kentucky field
CHICAGO, July 20. Butter firm;
creamery 4406636c.
Eggs firm, receipts 12.906 cases,
firsts 43 i'h Nc. ordinary firsts 39 i 4 1c!
a', mark, coses included, 43c; storage
1 1.1 eked extras 46 c; storage packed
firsts 4 5c.
Poultry nllve lower; fowls 81c;
broilers 404Sc.
mlnous concrete roadway on the statu
rciad between tp.l.n and Huntsvlllo a dis
tance of 7 3G miles, in Weber Countv.
State of l'tah tho lotm- being designated
as Ctali Fcxionil Aid Projoct No. 30
rinns and siiccificotions urn on file In
the office of the State Bond Coin nil
Salt laki. City. Utah, and the offlc, of
Bdreau of Public Roads, 406 Hudson
1 Building, Ogden. Ptah.
The RDOVe phmr and specifications mnv '
be obtained at th offl-.o of the State
Road Commission on depositing Five
$5 00) Dollars. Any additional lnforma !
I Hon may be secured from the State Hlgh
, vvmv Engineer nt Salt Lake City, L'tah
The riKht to reject sny or all bids Is re !
I perved.
I Cash or certified check for 1-ive Thou
Isnnd Oollnrs ($5000.00) mndo payable to
the L'tah Stnte Roid Commission must nc
company each bid n evidence of BJOOd
fnlth and ns a guaranty that if awarded
the contract, the bidder will execute, tho
contract nnd give bond as required
Secretary. 3436
Publication of Awards Has f
Little Effect on Wall - k
Street Quotations
NEW YORK. July 20. The course F
of today's stock market was not ap- F
preclably affected by the publication K
of the railway wage award. Transpor- E..
tatlon Issues were relatively strong.
Sales approximated 300,000 shares. ;fe'
Announcement of the $600,000,000 F
railway wage award, mado Just before
tho opening of today's stock market. I
occasioned moderate selling of the f
railway group. Traders acted on tho t
assumption that the award would bo f,
unsatisfactory to the railway work-
era Eow-prlced speculative Issues, Ir"""
such as Southern railway, St, Louis ifj
nnd Sun Francisco and Missouri Pa- K
clflc. common and preferred, were P-
lower by one half to a full point. An- at
tomoblle shares and steels and equip- p
mentH were inclined to react. O'
No material change was shown by ff
tho market In the apathetic dealings 9
oi the final hour, leaders holding at i
or wnnin range 01 tneir host prices on :sa
continued case of monej. The closing
was firm.
(Last Sale)
Alis-Chalmers S6 il-
American Beet Sugar 88B
American Car ...... 39 S t
American f ar Foundry 134-, jfc
American Hide & Leather pfd. .86 1 S
American International Corp. .. 844 tl
American Locomotive ...... 98 f;
American Smelting & Rcfg. ... 60 I
American Sugar 125,,i I
American Sumatra Tobacco .... SOVs t'
American T. & T 84 j
American Woolen 90 !
Anaconda Copper 35'?
Atchison 80
All . Gulf & W. Indies 152 ifl
Baldwin Locomotive tllVi y
Haltlinore A: Ohio Sl- f-
Bethlehem Steel "B" 88
Canadian Pacific luo
Centra Leather 63 'j
Chandler Motors 98
Chesapeake & uhio 54 u
Chicago. Mil. and St Paul 33 ' f
Chicago, R I. & Pac 36.
Chlno Copper 28!i4
Colorado l-uel & Iron ixk
Coin Products 93'
Crucible steol 154
Cuba Cane Sugar 50
Erie 12Vs iH
c-tir.ii Electric 143Vi afl
I Genera Motol s 14 jH
Qoodtich Co 60 . 'LbbbbbI
Great Northern pfd. 6931
Lreat .Northern rc t tis. ..... 3aV
Illinois Central ol'-, H
Inspiration Copper 50
int. Mcr. Marine pfd 82 rs
International Paper s 1 'a jH
Kennecolt Copper . 2j IH
Louisville & Nashville 99Vi
Maxwell .Motors 20
.Mexican Petroleum 191
Miatni Copper
Middle- States Oil Sdi
i MIdvale Steel 40,
! Missouri Pacific 26
New York Central 68 v
N. Y.. N. II & Hartford 30
Norfolk & Western : . . . . 8B
'Northern Pacific 71 14
Oklahoma Prod & Ref 4
Pan American I'etroleum 102Vs
Pennsylvania 39 it
People's j JH
Pittsburg and West Va 2ti'3B
Kay Consolidated Copper 154
Reading Ex Dlv 89 Yt
Rep. Iron ft Steel 91
Royal Dutch. N. Y 110 H
j Shell Trans & Trad 72 'a H
I Sinclair Con. oil 30 kiill
Southern Pacific 93 IbbbI
Southern Railway 29 IjH
Standard Oil of N. J. pfd 105 M IH
studebaker Corporation 71 lH
Tennessee Copper 9S pH
Texas Co 4S
'Texas & Pacific t9
Tobacco Products r. ; M
Ti anscontlnental Oil 14
I nlon Pacific 1 1 5 J
U S Food Products 65'
U. S. Retail Sl ues 7-1 :t
U. S. Ind Alcohol s.ii,
Lnlted States Rubber 93
United States Si cl 91 1
l'tah Connor . . sbbbbbI
Westingbuuso Electric 43 H
Willy's Oveiland js-'
amerlcan Zinc, Lead and Sm... 13 i
Ruite and Superior
iCala. Petroleum
.Montana Power 59B
Bhattuck Arizona 10
NEW YORK, July JO. Mercantile
paper unchanged, 7 q s percent.
EfZchange Irregular; sterling: Dc
mand 3.8lVs; cables) ll.sIK
Pranos; Demand 8 . 17c; cables
Belgian francs: Domand 8.76c; en
bles S . 7Sc
Oullders: Demand 3 1.60c, cables
Lire: Demand 5 76c; cables 5.78c.
Marks Demand 2.55c; cables 2 -
N w York exchange on Montreal
1J 3-16 per cent discount.
Time, loans strong; unchanged
Call money steady; high 8 per cent;
low 8 per cent, ruling rate 8 per cent:
I closing bid 7 per cent, offered at 8
I per cent; last loan S per cent.
NEW Y KK, July 20 Copper
steady, unchanged.
Iron steady, unchanged.
Tin quiet, unchanged.
Antimony 7.75c.
Lead steady, unchanged.
Zinc quiet; East St Louis dcllcry
spot 7 . 9 5 Q 8 . 00c.
At London: Spot copper 91 7s 6d;
elcctrolvtlc 109
1 tniPTv nnvnc
NEW" YORK, July 20 Final prices
ol Liberty bonds
3 Vis DO. 94; first 4s 85.45 bid. soc.
ond 4s 84.70. first 4 lis 85.80. second
Vs S4.90; third 4 Us 8S-96; fourth
-His 85 12, Victory 3;s 95 82; Vic
tory 4s 95.84. 1
KANSAS CITY. Mo. July 20
(United States Bureau of Markets.)
( 11 1 tie steady.
Hogs higher.
Sheep steady. j
LONDON. July 20. Bar silver 63d
per ounce
Money i per rent.
Discount unchanged.
J4Hogle A ft I
Iwl ESS c; I .

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