I: FOR SALE"" I Real Estate CONTINENTAL BUILDING. LOAN A I.WTvSTMK.VT " 'r do nm advertise nnvthlng exeep I'Hrk'ains. Note the- following $1300 Modern seven room brick, pood lo Cation. M000 New brick bungalow, lot 50x12; m handle. $4f)0 Seven rrvxn brick excellent lora tlon. hip lot. tOiadc trees. $300 cnsl will handle, F.ny payments. Good two room house with cemen basement, big lot $mo will handle t0 monthly. II any other mce homes, reasons bh prices, easy terms. Wr Inauiance, automobile insurant life. accident und health, plntc glff. l r gUury, surct) bonds, nil forms Seven and 8 p-r cent Investment aecur Ities. Good sornd real putnt1 first mort cages bearing x per rent Interest. t'ONTI XKXTAl. J'.t ILI'IN'J LOA N A. IN KSTMGVf CO 111 Twenty fourth St. rhonc S.V FRO El ' "' IV UES Ial Estate Loan Insurance New five room utrictly modern brick bungalow, bnllt with newest architoe tun I Ldrriffn There is a flra place built hi Varpbv door lwl. Ironing board; hard i wood floors, in fret everything possible L for home. Price $orm Terms. 1. Seven room modem brick home In ex . . Ilent condition ). itn;.t.. on InrrMv I Ihiproved lot. Mxl6 Two ct nrx dandy 1 lawns niul fhnd.- Tbls If lb- h-st value T-oselble for 15300. Term.-. Immediate possession. Practical!) new five room modern bung; alow located near Speery mills iood leWIM and .shade. Price $275". Easy terms. FTtOERER FOWLB8 1409 Hudson I venue Phone 017 3RS0 BY OWNER -Beautiful six rcrom mod ern hone hardwood floor, built-in fea lures, full basenu-nt Will be romptt'd in about 15 day. Corner Twenty fifth mid Iowa Inquire on premises or Wheel 1 1 1 ' i i.. b J"; ,l nJH B1 OWNER Five room cottage with re. HfcJ-BJ ccptlon (mil. bath and built-in kitchen w , ,hlnel Lmi;' lot .-iii-l good location In quire .it 319 Twent? Lh - ' 1879 8MTTH-FLINDEB CO ,V- r , Baundert City Department t fjjB Thirteen room cement blocl strictly ,f. fll modem apartment housi located i, ft I on b ucli H yW 'fl Seven room modern brick, clOM in on lb H brncl ?Kf2 Two five 100m modern bricks on rwen- Mr eighth iH5? Two ' i triii mom modern buck pouses, H M7,.- four room modern while brick. Bar ;Vm' lomL large sleeping porch good base & JmT in. ni. ' " i lerni ; '' f $",".00 buys n li '- rooi-i modern brick house. full basement. sleeping porch Inrpt- lot chicken coops. 1 fruit trees, nice lawn, n south port of town cast of Washington nve niK Ti'nns. THE GUAR 1NTT MORTG ;L (.O. 416 Twenty-fourth St. Phone FIVE room modern brick In select r si d. nee district on bench, at bargain if tnken quick. Can handle five passenger auto a part payment Terms rt-ason able. Call Twent 3 1 rth HOI BE and lot V"f0 cash or terms. 966' f lanklln n uy 0 WNER SI oo 77- n FARMS I ' i . F M' VIS We have sold several pood farms with In the last few days, we can yell yours I We have several pood ones left. Look over the following list. Come In and we will show you some more. 20 seres, four room frame houne base ment etc. cood tam pood water right Mavis and Webci canal stock, close to ricfleti This la :i snnn. $7501. j 30 acres alKuil elpht miles out. five j room house, fine land, pod writer ripbt Must be seen to he appreciated. Price j SOfiOO Cnn be hi.nlled on easy termi, , . r..A.. . . .Il.v- T anrnm In eroBS. 4k tlmothj meadov slfolfo grain potatoes et sonn paafvi i I. right g I buj at Jm Listen to this Idaho rarm 160 scr 55 tfi7 close to church schools. 50 acres grain ft K 40 acres summer fallow, balance bay. po ftt tatoes. corn, family orchartl. pood watet t I iIkM seven room modern pressed brlcK x bungalow gai dea-all H bouse, good outbuildings, wagon calls i v aLV er' morninp foi mill for rondenser. first lB rrbp of hay In stack Price with crop. J1S.000 and terms, will consider trade r'lB for small idsce n-.i Cn,'dcn Come in "Lot us rx-ason togetber. HX SMITH A FLINDERS CO. 'QIbbE Over Com mi rcial National Hank BY OWNER 1 ' " bou HsBBBB ment basement. ater and IIkIus. barn 3g chicken yard, lot 246xR7'. to first class condition, plenty ol water 368 Elgbt" street KOOMINC hoiif and 1""' I -JUj Well furnished; modern Apply at once -)(, Pwenl I 98850 Bl v-s foui room frame hmi. i'r acres land, all In seed f;irdrn; water right 570 Si vi nth stn I (T 66x132 a oargnln Cornet t : seventh and Quit $1000 St i wm sjgrj Qreggr 2188 Wasntogton, Phone 2737-M. i nWM.r :.. .-. si en room mid n (Xffll brick house with four acres of land. Four Ml room modern brick on car line. Call 89TI- mmfk FIVE room modem 3282 Wall Bee me h befoi , H. Van 308 Thjrtj fifth j oeil your cat ' tah v ;1, gxchani 2224 W i ' , ton e 5-ROOM n b I hon v 1 rd M floors, full basement, on bench Snap KM- 4 ! Her; i- h , - t ROOMING house, nine roo nicely fur S m-hed. u.i- .t.i. ir.r,i Tw. i.ty-tifth st .PARTMENI housa close In on Wash inpton bv -mi. : b.. . -ml ' 1 ' Lsl room apartments. Furnished Income , MM 1 I 1 11 ' Might consider part exchange. Box , Standard fx'.miii. r ' ;:iOHT room hon.. sleeping porches W - j Phone 8870. -2 BY OWN Kli l itu ' 11 room MM ment hoUSO, furnished, slccplig porches. StSH kos range, finest location In town. J110 r JB u moniji Income. Good terms. Phoni 108 BURLEV IDAHO FARM LANDS WE hav 11 larp: u.t of Irrigated farms 4B for sale 01 trade. Write or see WONfs fc-IVl ORISVVOLJJ IN'V. CO .. Bui ley Idaho I) 374S E tmA V. I PORTEP K' a I 1. tat. :nd l'inj ?jPS 2370 Wush!n.7ton avenue Phono 1876. ;ia 12M iBM 1 Mi.xl'X HH?J9 . , Ti nf-.-crond rni'l r.u io avenue : BY OWNERFlve room mod 7a fui MTl H nfihed hoUSO, H7 James Court. Phone 8674 8603 ! IMPOTENT?, reprieved Wonderful sur & ' plcol splint wlmpus. results positive, Im- K j mediate. Ouarantoed See doctors, drug HI Pls.la. write lllgrnd. Specialty Co. St. . Ia'uIs. ?,:?, CARD and character reading 149 Twon 1 ". 37T FOR iei 1 Ice, Hoi iteln bulls 1916 1 i ' .. . 86j (! MONEY on city property. No commis- B .ion. Plioiie la ;:t j 37C3 1 ij c icu i" opia v. it bou 1 nee-jrlty 'o 1 others on pianos, furniture, bonds, etc " I . "I o 11''. I'li.ine i::i4 ?49 t VIONE "t to 10.. n -.11 iuij.l. . ,-1 ubUi (Cell & Harriett, T7J WANTED j I Situations n--' 9M J 1 ptuntlr.c, deeoratlnK and calrlnnnim: kjTO of nil klnd.s Call room 23 Washington - . ' 1 ' . . - ..v . : . ... tlieiit.-r, UI17G HOUSE painting. Call 945-J, 3517 l FOR SALE i Lv Miscellanccu innrSEHOLP furniture at rvrKln If tk eil at once. Phone 081 J UTC 1 i1-M house for (tale cheap. I'nrh or t. rm.. irr, y ranltlln "c'-" IlANCtE, heater, bed coU'-h. chairs, tnhle. the, harness, oil ranpe Phone I22ft-.T. 1 REFRIOEftATOR 120 pound espacltv. . w hitr- enamel Inside In irood .-ondltion. .tr kpvi.w. Wright a 8871 AlAs new jfol.le'i oak dlnlnp set. rocker.", hrass Led and carpets. Rear 2f.4f, .leffer I son OAS Stove. linoleum. wardrobe. enp hoard, at ski. Twenty seventh ssr.3 UK VI Tin i . m 1 r bab carriage, nenr l nsw f'..,iie 1668 T TVM '"T. 'f U ( turn -'. - Cnll V ishlngton. Good shapi 3R47 1 1 RNIT1 RE fontsthiK of ro-,i rangeSi H'.s ranpe. Ieds. sprlnps. snltar COUCh, Wash Stands chairs dressei tables, riips, Jetc No dealers Call 451 Sixteenth 8848 EVERET1 upright piano Bargain. 2.r.?r, , :nms Thor. 354') I CW choice hone bes. IncUlre Wedell VI ishlngton 8844 TlHH'K 1 Crr-Ii milk COWS Po A Urn Vmi phone W 01 1854 IMS i'u Hsrlej Davidson In first riass .on illlion U ' i.vnc r.i tor Speedometer , tandem I'heap foi S2ni.i if taken at onee 8341 Child sven 884 6 ;.s range, rap winter heater ioai range, (on I leatlnrr stove und all acressorles for I sale at barpaln. No 56S Twenty-fourth 8808 .,. rabbits r-.w- cheap Call after o'clocl ' 5 Van Buren " ". v .. .. i - ' . l.lnds I sanitary bos pen, et Phone 2260-R Jjfi CHEAP Automobile at a sacrifice! one I Ivory wlrker bupp' in pood condition: one ! wringer, one lsnsre. Call 43!) Chester. 8796 1 1 1 ' I .( i ', F S o' - $ t p. r load T 'phone 11! 4 Er i V. Steed. Clinton rj2i Indian motorcycle In K'ood condi t;on. $50 Call Ogden Baking between 7 ::.i ri v. mi r, v ,,, fga I OAS range, four plates and oeen, rugs and other furniture 610 Cnnvon road j 8733 I I cowj 2526 Harrison avenue. Phone I 8734 'm'.i cacuum cleaner, chiffonier, fruit lj-rp. child's desk, rocker and outh's Icb ilr Very reasonable Phone 350 M 8781 ODD dOOVS, SOme lumber r!rieg, rhalr . ' '' - m' i ' ".732 ' 1 1 : i cli Indian mptorcj ) 21 2s let fersoi I 36"S . virii piano, pood condition; 1 bai B 1 n Addresi .v. sare Standard-Examiner 8479 1 11- 1 . e.i 1 i t ih nto Tire & Exchange, 2 124 Vashlngton At "''r) 1 ANARY birds, singers 221 rwents fifth 1467 it'.i good uncalled for suits two pairs of pants T.i'h .erv suit, cheap. Scotch .- ' ' V.. I. 1. ! Nm '!':71 I HOSE rountet m-cycle, smokestacK cuincra, tripod, surveyor' tape. P 333. 3209 riAY.i.-. -in. 1 oit.. r musical Instruments Terms r.-iiliyiu interest. Pantono, 274 I n 92 CNCALXJ'D -or r.uit- la.lor made. Liu r du. tion Oordon s. 2ii-j; l'wenty-f'f h Phoni 419, JIS7 PAINTS AND VARNISH fluv your paint ot Stowi 's and wive I I I onej lfcOO waahlnoton avenue. Phone ; r,tr.. r nu 1 P WANTED j Female Help 5 : 1 1 1 , . 1 r .i 1, ..ii-. v. or; to k" out ! I Ol town no cooking. Rood wages Phone 66. 1 .' j 9 1 I'Ol SQ lad to 1 r.-.i. f -..lib mir.Hnp at Lynn Brothers hospital, Pocateiio. Ida, 3S"0 i p 1 ,i i.T' Fir:. iTT . . . lm.v. 1 8481 OGRAPIIER must l" i xperleni ed !sk for Mr. Robots Glen Bros Roberts , Piano Co 2IL I IRL or woman v bo understands cooklltp - j ..11 ... . nue ' I II'.' I . . 1 ei met i-ess l IlH'll Pa i rlfl.- fo;.-mlsnsry I .-.undry 3751 Ml . . 1 i-.il U I .... ' .,' h DRESSMAKING I HEMSTITCHINa and plcot edge All v. 01 k Runranteefl Piompt service. Phone 24 Singer Bewlng Machine Co. 3743 unn.i ;ir". .ir. 1.. . u i ra u- I'f. ih i ; 1 ' M.I. knite pleat. Tf. Photuj 2318 M J53S HEMSTITCHING AND PICOT EDGE The Lighthouse 2152 Washington Ave., opposite ihe Pingrcc bank Phone 581, 1 Hematite hint; plcot edr' . outtons p:m. 1 !ng and pleating SeconJ tloor W. H. v. tirht K- Sor Mrs H l.vmnn UJ r " ' ;' lost LLEWELLYN binl dop white with black fpiit on head and tail. Reward. 2567 ; i 1 i. K 1 f.eketbook containing papei and silvet money and cheek ljok. n corner of Twenty-fourth and Washington 212! Vdam I ' ' I I I I I .1 11 - . . In South Fork canyon. Return to 631 Twenty -first . ! 1 ..1 1 hone .117 H ly-ward TWO bai peidlngM nr.- about 9 weight about 115(1 and 1300. strayed from V.'i i rren i.nsl .seen near Kenesvllle. Kind er notify John K. Enlpht. West Warren Reward ' si 1 STOI.KN Irom 27ne Grant. l.r lohnson bicycle. Kinder return same. Reward 3768 jAN Eastern Slur pin surrounded hy pearls on Twenty-third street or along Woshlnp ton Axe Reward Phone 8OJ89 858 I" ' SALEAutot CUTDOWN Ford, cheap for cash. 676 W Ci ; Tw c-ntx foui ili, 81 1 FOB roadste , on.li ion n w top and upholstering, electric starter, shock absorbers, demountable wheels, five new tires; cheap for cash. Sec Abbott & Co, Commercial National Bank building 8861 bll 1 '! M . v. ell Mllf t sell In, I mediately 8684 Qulncy. 3852 ISMAl.l. sp.'i ! 1 ".1 1 . 1 1 1 . A 1 fhipe Pli. ni-l-7i 1: uv, FORD touring car i.-d onlj two months Has storage battery 2550 Hudeon avenue Phone 1642. 3765 LJSED CARS FOR SALE C. E. YORGASEN. 425 Twenty third Phone 1861 W rrS 1 .1 ' 1 ' - '."ii i n I t.,h Aut.j Tire 1 Mi i.Re. 2221 Wuahlngton Ave. 3601 3CONaHAGOJ WU tuko your old ranve as flret payment on any new rani;.;, or will buy your old rni onuicht. Homo Furniture Co. 67j 1 'rati go Fr Btatt often hna de- strut tive locusl plagues, J roiTRENrT j Misceilaneous I THREE Ohio vacuums. day Phone 2 ' M I. " GARAGE Reasonable, 221:; Lincoln Phon- lf.f.P-.M as 05 k.mj.nt garags 214 Tw entj 1 Ighth 3736 OHIO vuiuimn, Jl ,).. Pnono 31 I 212S STORAGC room for lent Call Asbesto- I !alo Products Co.. Phono 1416-W, 3673 ' FOR RENT r 1 Funusjiedl J APARTMENT for rent N'o children 222 Twent; third "ts;7 NICEI..Y furnished ap.-rtments two and fOUl loom;., and bath 27 'irant 1X6 ("ci. r rooms nicely furnished. $15 rr I week Phone MU gfaahlngton "i1 THHKP, room furnished apartments, mod ,crn Phone 1489 inquire 8825 Qulncy, " " .ton MODERN room for gentleman, close in. J3.S0 per week. Peferences. 2341 Adams avenue Nit KUV furnished room for lady, with or without hoard. 732 Twent. fourth. 888 ' TWO room apartments with gas: also sleeping rooms 22in'j Washington aye- . nue ,i1h MODERN housekeeplnp apartments; no children rimn Apartments. 2G18 "ejb ! inpton awmue -Kl s ROOMING house furnished best of shape and rooms for housekeeplnR. -US Tw. n j t? fifth TH I TWO furnished rooms for rent 574 Twcn tv foin th ! Mi ELY furn'shed front room. Dath snd I phone 578 Tv . nh frmrth a I 17 WELL furnish"" room onin phone In ! private family, reasonable Phone ins T72n jSlNOl: or double rooms for sleeplnp or ; housekeeping S468 WajOmgton Aye 8881 I KIRGANTLY furnished room. 586 Twen- fourth st 212 TWO room apartment; as 536 Thirty j first street 32? I Ft RNTSHFD 1 pn rtmentf. 254 Washing , ton in rime ( J " APARTMENT and room. 2"7i Lincoln. Kt "RNISHKP i-r unfurnNhed apartments rent I1.!' Wanblnton 3110 VI KY desirable rooms r7a7crrhl7T7e"s, two minutes from iostofflcc. Catcs Tlo I tel. 2448 Cr.int avenue 3riw ' rj 11 . .1 580 Twenty third Nil i; larRi modern rooms breakfast if 'deslsed Rtfc-rencc reciulred 2630 Jeffer ( pon " 21 j foiTrent i I Unfurnished APARTMENT and parage. A couple , without children, 8108 effjerson 88B8 TWO large rooms, $10 per month. In quire 8T88 efterson 8745 TWO and 3 room aparttnents. private I bath Newly knlsonilncd. Close In Phono 1 - t 2i2j I TWO 100ms. gas 536 Tbir v ilr:-t str. e 8204 I'OuMS modern hovi.- keepinK .lose In . Hi . rich 1032 T J 1 1 : 1 . 1 ,,r lour re. ,1,1 flu 2'i and $"n ri 52 2011 Washington 8878 TWO housekeeping rooms, 2025 Liberty yenui 8872 r waFtted I Male Help j YOUNO man with bookkeeplnp experl enci 1 i 1 1 1 1 at jjtsj a Thonias, CARPENTERS .-in.i laborers for three months v.i.rk out ol town Good condi Hons. Apply 2H Bccles building 38S1 ,rsn 128456 78901 12845 128456 128 I'iiY . ..ii r,. .- d 011 eboeolritO enrol.er K .lensen ''nnd Co. "'"12 I JCPERIENt ED rirni hand who under stands fruii Profit sharing basis. W B Wf dj II. L-1 s a dnmrr.'-i 3781 FLTINQ m cisrht weeks M C A AUtg Bl hool Ixis Angeles 321 8 BEL1 boy at Healy Hotel IW WRINGER man and lince che. ker. 1' P I. . Hindi 264S i r 1 Information Bureau S2 00 PRR LINF PER MONTH . ANYTHING New or OlO ANVTHING A to 2 new or old r-oecht sold or irn' Phono 333 ; tJGOKS AND ST AT ION ERY Rramwell Hook and Stationery. 21KJ Washington A-e. Phone -HO 2054 ' f l A N K I NO I tah Natltonsl nnnk. southeast coiner Twenty -fourth and Wa.-hlnpton Phone CI CHIROPRACTOR Pr Heber 3 McKay, Chiropractor. 212 Pol H i ! on Pu'ldlnk- 3243 I CARPENTER AND JOBBER F Strupplclt. carpenter and Jobber 158 Twi ni third SI Phone 1018. 3122 CARPET CLEANING K. Van Kompcn lor upholsterlnR. csr pets cleaned altered and la'd Remaking j of rnattrettea Phone 272-J. Expert carpet cleaning, mattress reno vatlnn, upholstering. and springs re islrel. bed Ca" K J Hampton Co. Fcath i lenovr.tlnir Phone 2SS6-W CITY JUNK HOLSE- Phon- i3 S2686U Washlngrton Ave. 793 I CHOP SUEY AMD NOODLES Matsuba & Co leading; Jnpr.neja rcs- taursni "i Ogden. 278 24th st I DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING and silk shirts made to order Phone 10?5 M, 622 Thfrtblh St 2753 C E N T I ST S The New Method Dcntbt re special Ists m al! branches of Dni.try. 9464 Vo;.li!nc:ton 4ve. 2J0il ENGRAVING den Engraving Service . makers ol fine cuts In ono or mo.i olors 419 Twenty-fourSh street Phc, i3. LIFE INSURANCE i :. o ri Bennett, corporation and group ( Insurance a specialty. Phone l2t-v. 1614 i JINK AND HIDES Wcntcm Hldo - Junk Co.. 2 3 23 Wash- : ington av . phone XI. Ogden I rnk Hou.ie. 050 Washington Phone 21fi ROOFS REPAIRED I Koofs icpuiiud and painted. Call 910 J. 3018 ; REAL E8TATE Wlllard Kay, real estate and loans ! 2474 Voohl.-:,;ton Ave Phono 403. ii74 i SCAVENGER Garbagu ar.d rubbish hauled, cesspools snd toilets cleaned John Chlpp & Co I Phono S2li. 2348 Hud.-oi. Avenue 1733 TRUNKS AND BAGS Trunk and bap repairing, round cor ner from Standard Gallachcr'a. '373 Hud son 211$ WINDOWS CLEANED CXPFRT window and wall paoer clean Inp American Window Cleunlng. Ph T3 Wm Van Her WbUdOi lleensed sewer dipper and water scrlce. Sewer clc-anlnp, etc . . ess pools. Phono 2115-W fC'5 Rush j ton St. 30: I To Buy j I HIGHEST prices paid for old clothes Send I postal New York ClothlnR Store. 888 w .-ut til ih gt 3421 ' ri I.IJ.rS iinl h.-n.- i.ll ;i;-i Phone 1243 , Western Grain & Peed Co.. 2304 Wash ln,noii Av 338R I WE ul y ail cam regardless of condi tion Auto Salvapo 2141 Grunt Aye 1IS1 BUSINESS I Opportunities J 500 Per Cent per annum In a safe busl in .s cnterprtae. Vrltt Box 984. Burkbur m 1 1 . Texas 3S31 J WANTED To Rent WANTED, by responsible part- with two Children, foui or five room furnished 1 house. Phone 103 before 6 p. m. 3834 WANTED PARTIES snipping furniture to Psiifor nl.-. Phone 3;r,;, j I POR SA1E or will trade for farm or ei i property Opden and vientl. 60 r.cres l eholee Idaho farm land, 2'j mlle.s from j POod town on rallioad. plentj wa!r frame snd concreb outbulldlnge, black j smith shop. hrn, chicken house, pump I house, ete , (rood well, plenl .-"0'l water 'and paeotlne pump, fruit and fhade, ma t ehlnery and ll c-.ioiU $2nr. per acre, .terms most attractive ever offered This Is rare opportllnh lo secure a irorvl i farm Better Investigate quickly, 88500 In rash or city or farm pVoperi will han die CONTINENTAL, Bl n DINO LOAN & INVESTMENT CO. 111 Twenty fourth St Phone 30'' 8886 KOR car or city property small loesl .manufacturing business now producing dally. Make sour offer I3o 41". Ogden i -tv-;', WH L trade teo nlc lots for Kord I truck Stadelmann. 3074 Hudson ave nue 3S1N I 120 ACHES near railroad station, pood lond. 100 acres cleared. CO aeres plowed, thiee room hous, ptsbla for six horses, pood welli close to pood stoek ranpe Price $fi000 will phe part time or take small place In part pav R P Hunter. 3 1 Twenty fourth. 8T88 a jrion apot.ian piaver-plano for good ! ear Phonx 2761 W. OOji LEGAL NOTICES AN ORDINANCE Consoildatinp and romliinlne the offices of County Clerk and CoUhtJ Auditor In Weber Counts State of I t.-.h I The Hoard of Count s ( 'ommlssloners of the County of Wehcr. In the State of Vtah. ordains n: follows Section I. That the offices of County ;i"leric and Counts Auditor of Weber ICounts- In the State of 1 tali, he and the same sie herebs consolidated and com i,in. .1 as provided under and bl virtue j of Section 1452 of the Compiled Iawa of Utah P'17. and the respective duties of the County Clerk and Count! Auditor In Weber County, State Utah, for the I s ears 1981 and 1022 .shall be performed by the p rson who shall be elected Count lvlerk of Weber bounty St-iti .f I tah, ,i l the general election t.i be held nn No ember 2. 1920. nnct the person who shall bo eo elected shall he ex Officio Auditor of Webet fount. In thi State of Utah, for the years 1021 and 1922. Section 2. This ordinance shall hr in effect on and aftr the first Monday- In January A. D. 1921, said date l.rlnp not I less than tture nunths after the passaR. hereof ; Passed this 12th day of Inly. A P. 192" Commissioner Ic),r M hlld otinp aye. Commissioner Datus H En.ipn sotlnt- ayo. MAP. TIN P BROWN Chairman -f the Hoard of founts Commissioners In and for Weber Countv, State of Ptah. (SE Kit) Attest WALTER N EARR. County Clerk and ex Officio Clerk of the Hoard of County Com mlr-sloners In and for Weber Countv State of I 'tah. 3fi67 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice la hereby given that Ogden fits proposes to make the followlnp puhlie Ini proement. lO-Wltl Construct pnsenient In Pa' ing District No 121. together with work Incld'-ntal thereto, according to plans, specific t Hons and profile on fil In the office of the City Enpineer And sealed hlii nr. invited for snid work and .will ie received nl the office of the cits Recorder In the City Hall at Oj.;,)on 1'tih until ton o'clock, a. nr. on the jnth dav of July. 1920 Instructions to bidders, plana and spct Iflcotlons for said Improve ment an bo seen and examined at the of flee of the City Engineer In the CItj Hi I of said city The rlphl Is reserved to reject any and till bids and to waive- ans- defects B order of the Hoard of 'oinmlsslon , ers ol upoen iii. unn, tnis. tnc Jth dav of Jul; . PJ20. C T MOVES fits Recorder. Eirst publication. .Inly 9 1920 I,ast publication. Juls 2H 1920 Published In (ho Ogden Standard Examiner. Mil jotice of special stockholders' meeting of bon soldat MINING COMPANY Notice is hereby plven that a special j meetlnp of the stockholders of the Bon ISoldat Mining Companj i-o held at jth.- Weber County fourt House, in the court room of Department No 1 thereof ir. Opden City, Ptah. on Monday, tho 2nd das of August 1911 t h o'clock p. n) . for the ;.urpose of electing nesv directors and I considering and acting upon a proioaltlon i to sell the patented mining claims of said .company and reorganising the same. This notice is plven by virtue of au fhorlty vested In me us the owner and i bolder of one third of the capital stock of I the said Bon Soldat Mining Company. I . I iROE v MILLER ! Pate of first publication, July 18, 1920. Last publication. August 2. 1920 FINANCIAL STATEMENT. To the Honorable Hoard of Eduo.-i t Ion of ; tho Web.-i Count) School District: ' Gentlemen; in compliant-, with section 'lf.91xl7. fompiled lasvs of I lah, I h r with submit my report (being the six tecnth annual report) of the recelpta and I expenditures of the Hoard of Education : of Weber County for the school sear com I menclng July 1, 1919, and 'ending June Hi 1920. i Sinking fund on hand July 1 1919 . $ 1.35S.03 Slnkinp fund on band June JO, 1920 1.412 70 RECEIPTS. Cash on hand .hily 1. 1919. ..$ 3. 554 25 I District taxes Ofi.691 fi9 'State school fund 49.320.90 1 State high school ft.nd 1,880.00 .Tuition 391 43 ,Salo of books 870,46 I Damages collected oo.s2 Sale of coal 620 68 I Interest on slnklnK fund 01 fi7 I Rent on real estate and water 40.20 Contributions for pianos chairs, j etc lOS.oo Sale of materials 816,46 I Sale of real entate 300 00 'Sain of auto truck 170.00 . Interest on dally balance 76.99 Collection of note 391 no Insurance, rebates, etc 94 70 Eoans 41.623 57 $155. SH 54 EXPENDITURES, Teachers' ealarles $ 78,660.80 ' janitors' salaries s 693 Officers salaries ... 10.360 90 Building! and sites 19.709 Rent 445 70 Furniture and apparatus 6,370.26 Library hooka 61 1 56 Text books 4.104.63 School supplies 1.996 44 Repairs and Improvements ... 7 47K 42 Current expens 730. S3 I Fuel 6.3S0.20 Transporting pupils 5,413 SO ' Enumerating census 207 70 ! Interest on bonds 320 00 iTrasellnp expense of board members ... 500 00 I Sinking fund mV,; i Insurance . 366.41 Water tax and tent of water . 68 ' ! Teleephon.- rent and tolls 126.65 ! Office expense 527 07 I Recording deeds 12.70 Busses for transportation 300 22 I Janitors' supplies 573 06 ! Interest on warrants 605 66 I Electric power and light .... 440 25 ; Expense of superintendent 323 25 Expense of supervisors . .... 12R.55 i Tax refunded 40,36 I Institute cxpenao memberships V. E. A 115.00 Refunded Insurance 24 00 Puicbase of water right 100 00 Health offleer 225 00 3100.814 64 state of Ptah founts- of Weber, BS I, L- H Froc-ier, helnc first dnls sworn, deposes and says that the foi-egolng la a full true and correct statement of all moneys lec.-lsrd and disbursed by the Board of Education of Weh.i founts-, for the .ncliool sear commencing July 1, 1019, ond ending June 80 i92" L ti FROERER, Clerk. Subscribed and sworn to l.-.fore me this 26th day of Juls. 1920 J. A. SNEDDON, Notary Public. My commission expires November 26th. 1988 (SEAL) MINES TRADING IS FAIRLY ACTIVE Eureka Lily and Silver Shield Decline During Session on Salt Lake Exchange Trading today in mining stocks on the Salt Lake Stock Mining Ex change was fairly actWe, The two l showing the moat si length wore Sells and Tintir standard, the former open ing nt r.c and i-ciiing as high as 8( I weakened H trifle before tho close. Uvith only 7c bid and 7 Vic asked The i latter was active as high aa S3. 37, (Eureka Lily and Silver Shield were j about the two weakest of the day, the former selling as low as 6 ',4c 10,000 hares changing hands nt this price, I while the latter opened at 24c and sold as low as 22 c. Nalldrlver weak ened to a certajn extent, selling as low as 72c. Alfa fon sold from 5 to o'ie. Eu I rrkn LUs was very active at 6 and l8C Columbus Rexall sold from 36 to 3 7c. Nalldrlver sold off to 7 2c, Eu Ireks Bullion wan a little weaker, it .changing hands as low s 7C, Prince i Con. brought 26 and 26c, Sells ad vanced to 8c, nnd Tintir Standard jchang'd hands at $3 36 and S3. 37. ( Quotations furnished oer private wive of J. A. Hogle & Co., Bering Building. ) Bid Ask Alta Con S .06i f 0 6 jAlblon 06 07J4 I American Con 02 02Jfc AH.'. Tunnel 04' 044 Beaver fopper oovi 00 I IMp Hill 02 ,t . 024 Big '"ottonsAood . .. 00 Vs 00 1 bullion 03 06 1 Ulack Metals 05 05 M I Columbus Hexall , .. 36',s .37 i Crown Point 02 hi 08 Coluiado Con 02 .04 I Cardiff 1.20 1 40 Dragon Con io 13 I Daly West 4 .0714 4 25 ;Eu.st Crown Point . . .01 02, East Tin foul 00 01 '4 I East Tin. Con 05 .09 Eureka Mines os',4 ' .06 Eureka Lily 0G .06 Bureka Bullion 07'j 07 Emm 1 Silver 05 V .05 Gold Chain 06 Va Howell 06 .06 Iron Blossom . 26 .29 Iron King 21 231ra Judge- Mining 3. SO 5.00 Kennebec 10 .13 Keystone 67 .78 Leonora 01 .01 Lthl Tintic 08V? Mav Day 02 02 Miller Hill 02 Mn in moth ........ .35 .70 Moscow 02 .10 Michigan-Utah 02 .02 North Stan 03 .03 New Quincy 05 .05 Opohongo 00 .01 No I bl river 71 .73 Plutus Z2 .36 Prince Con 2b .26V2 Provo 04 .04 ',2 Palomu 01 Htco Argentine 01 .02 Rico Wellington is .20 Sells 07 07 Sll King Coal'n .... 1 40 1.60 811 King Con l . 40 l ',0 Sioux Con 03 .04 South Hccla .97 1 . 00 South Standard . .. .2lVi 231 Silver Shield 22 .23 To r Kn hv A I L hi 1 "1 n .vi Tintic Central ... .01 .02 Tintic Standard . .. 3.35 3.40 Utah Cons. .01 .02 Victor , 03 . 05 Union Chief 05 .07 West Toledo . ... .05 .06 Walker 3.10 3 15 Woodlnwn 11 .15 :nikce 02 .03 I Zuma 16 .17 Empire Copper . . ... 26 Opening Sales. Alta Con. 1000 at 5c; 2000 at 5c; lOti at 5c. Hig Hill 600 at 2c. Eureka Lily 2500 at CV&c. Columbus Uexall 1700 at 37c. 100 nt 36Vic; 2-Ji'O at 3Sc. Lchl Tintic 1000 at 8 4c. May Day 1000 at 2c. I Nalldrlver 100 at 76c- 20 at 71c. Einm:i Silvci lllOO at f; c. Eureka Bullion 2500 at 8c. Prince Con. 100 at 26 c; 900 at 26c Sells 1000 at 6c; 2000 at 7!4c; 1000 at 8c; 50 at 7Jac. Silver Shield 200 at 24c; 900 nt 24c North Standard 1000 at 3c. Tintic Standard 200 at $3.35, 250 a: $3.37. Clnsine; Sales. Black Metuls 1000 at 5 'Ac; 9000 at 5e: 7600 at 5c. Eureka Lily 10000 at 6c t'olumbtiH Hexall 2100 at 37c. New Qulncy 2000 at 6c. Nalldrlver 200 at 72c. Eureka Bulflon 1000 at Sc; 1000 at 7c. Prince Con 1000 at 26c Silver Shield 2100 at 23c. 100 at 23MzC, 2500 at 22c. Tintic Standard 1000 at $3 37 ; 39 at $3.60 CHIC GO FUTI HI S. HP. AG . July 27. Open High ljw Close Wheat Dec. J2 40 2.44 2 33 2 35 March 2 43 2 46 2.36 2 37 Corn Sept. 1.4212 I 434 1 38 1 39 Lc l 26 1 27 1.23 1.23 Oats Sept. 70 71 ,68 .68 Dec. .70 .70 68 ,68 Pork July 26.75 Sept. 26 10 26 95 26 10 26 75 I-ard Sept 18 00 IS 62 IS 00 18 40 Uct 18 40 IS 92 18 40 IS 80 Bibs ,ept 16 00 16.32 16 00 1 6 l 5 Uct .... '6.62 16 25 16-60 CASH PRICES. CHICAGO. July 27 Wheat No. 2 red $2 7 4 ft 2.77, No 3 red $2.76. Corn No. 2 mixed $ 1 . 4 6 S 1 . 47 . No. 2 yellow, $1 4 71 48. Oat No 2 whlto 76VitB79c, No. 3 white 7677c. l;e No 2 $2.08. Barley 11.0591.10. Timothy seed I9.00Q11 T.f). Clover seed $30.00(5 35 00. Pork nominal. Lord $18 .10. Ribs 15.60fo 16.60. OGDEN LIVESTOCK MARKET. Cattle Recelpta 62 j choice heavy steers $9f? 10. good steers, $8ft 9; fair steer. $7&8; choico feeder steers, $6 jt7; choico cows und holfora. $7fe 1 " fair I., ciod cows and heifers 86 Q cutters, $4 Q & scanners. $33.76. j choice feeder cows, $6 Si-6; fat bulls 1506; boloRna bulls. $4-&6, veai calves. $9( 9.60. Hogs Receipts 173, choice fat hops 175 to 250 lbs.. $18018.75; bulk of s.ibs I18.S5O18.50; feeders $11&12, Sheep Receipts 6227, choice lambs $10. 50 'ci 11 50. 'wether.- $ 7 'H 8 ; fat owes $5 gf'6. feeder lambs $8tj 1,1 CHICAGO ;rain. CHICAGO. July 87. Heavy margin calls resulting from yesterday's Bmash m values led to continued llquloatlon today by lioldefs of grain. Wheat prices were also bearlshly affected by fresh comprehensU e reports indicat- The Ogden Auto Directory WHERE THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY DO I Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Washington. 3772 Cars of all makes. Terms. Let us sell your car. Utah Auto & Tire I r Exchange. 2224 Washington. 3771 Automobile insurance. R. G. Agee. Phone 69. 3774 ; i jWillard Battery Station, 2454 Grant avenue 3738 j j Commercial bodies, automobile painting, Sidney Stevens Imp. Ct. i Northeast Service Station. Cheesman Auto Co 3786 f Oldsmobile trucks and touring cars, Briscoe cars, Gramm-Bernstein jj trucks. White-Robinson, 2300 Washington. Phone 340. 3739 f Ogden Auto Radiator Co., 2329 Hudson Avenue. 3740 i j All makes of batteries repaired and recharged. Exide Battery Sta- 1 tion, 2359 Hudson Avenue 3741 Weber Taylor Motor Co., 2333 Hudson Avenue. Chalmers and Max- k well sales and service. Phone 143 3742 McLaughlin-Storey Auto Painting Co., 1715 Washington 3773 . 1 - ing that crop damage in the Dnkotas! and .Minnesota would be very slight, not to exceed probably 10 per cent. I .pening quotations, which ranged I from 4 4 to 8c lower for wheat, with December $2.40 to 2 43 ind March $2 43, were followed by rallies to an average of about five cents under yes terdays finish Corn, llko wheat, had no support except from nhorls who were in a po-1 nlllon to collect profits After open-1 Inc Vj to 2'4c lower, Ith September1 $1 42 to 1 43 and December $1.26 to 1.27 V. the market rallied a little but then sagged further than before. Oats sympathized with the nc-ikn of corn. The mnrket opened c off to c up, including September at 70 to 71c, and then underwent a material setback all around Some strength developed In provis ions after moderate declines at the outset. Packers wore said to have bten buyers. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO. July 27 Cattle Re celpta, 11.000, market, steady to 10c higher on corn-fed steers, otheri draggy, top carllntrs $16.70; topi handyweight $16 50. best heavy, $16.25, bulk early sales. $16.255. 16 3u. grassers. $ 1 1 .00 14.50, bullsj and best she-stock, steady, medium' cows and canners, weak, calves, 50' to 75c higher vealers, $15 6017 36; stockers slow, nteady. Hogs Receipts, 30,000, light and butcher hogs, 50 to 60c lower, others 35 to 60c lower than Monday's aver-l age; lop, $15. 60, bulk light and butch-1 . ire, $ 1 4 50 1 15.50; bulk packing sow s, 1 $1325 (a 13 65, piga, mostly $13.50 ii 14.26. sheep Receipts, 30,000, market, "low earl bales, native lambs, uround 25c lower, western held steady; bid ding lowei . sheep strong to 25. hlgh- r, toji native lambs, $15 00; bulk, I13.7&914.76; aslung ner $160 tot lies, western range wethers, 10.00; choico native ewes, $8 008 8.25. OMAHA LIVESTOCK. OMAHA, .Ni "b.. Jul'. 27 Cattle Receipts. 4.S00, good and choice fed sti-i-rv. .ibout steady; others and .she stock, 10 to 25c lower, best yearlings, $16.40 bulls steady, veals, strong stockers and feeders, weak lo 25c , lower Hogs Receipts. 1 1,000; market, I ulna' nnarillv ? R In RHr Inwur- mail. lum and light butchers, mostly $13 7'. ffl4 50; top. $15.00. pa. kers bulk, . 1 2:. ' 13 :. Shep Receipt?, 15.000; good and .-holce lambs about steady, others 15 to 25c lower, bulk western lambs, $14.7515.26; sheep steady, feeders 25 to 5flc hlsrher; best early pales of feeder lambs, $13 50, some held higher. KANSAS (HTl LIVESTOCK. KANSAS CITV, Mo, July 27. it nlte.l States Bureau of Markets) Cuttle Receipts 14,000; beef steers Steady to 26c lower; earl sales $9 00 crl3.0, around 21 cars due In tjuar r.ntine, butcher stock, and feeders steady to weak; bulk she-stock $6 . 50 09 00, good heavy cows $9 009. 50, canners mostly $4 25 94.50; calves active, steady to 50c higher; top vealers $1-1.50, bulk $13.0ifli 14 . on. Hogs Receipts 5500; market mostly 50c lower; top $15 50; bulk light nnd medium $15.00 15.40; best heavy $11 60 ff?. 15.10. Sheep Receipts 5000, good and choice lambs fully 25c higher, others 15 25c higher, few sheep on sale; markel steady feeders and breeders strong, top lambs $15 50 FLOUR MARKET. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., July 27 Flour 25 to 50c lower, in carload lots famlU patents quoted at $14 IE .1 borrel In 98-pound cottott ?acks Bran $4'- . 0" BI TTKR NI) I t.c.s. CHICAGO, July 27 Butter unset tled, creamery 44 fa 53c. Eggs unchanged; receipts 13.217 cases Poultry alive unchanged CANADA WAGE SCALE. OTTAWA, Ont . July 2 7. The schedule of retroactive wage Increases granted to United States railway men will be applied to the Grand Trunk system throughout Canada within the next two weeks, according to the Ot tawa Journal today 00 NEW YORK SUGAR. NEW Y RK, Juiy 27. Raw sugar nominal; centrifugal 16 56c; refined quiet; Hit- granulated 2 1 . 00 Q 22 . 5Cc. Sugar futures were irregular early nnd prices at midday were about five points lower to ten net higher. The; 0 was only a modeiato trade MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK, July 27. Mercantile paper unchanged. Biz change steady; sterling Demand $3 7S"; cables $3. 79 V Frand Demand 7.82c; cables 7.84c. Belgian francs Demand 8 2Sc; ca bles 8.30c. Guilders. Demand 34 30c cables 8 33c. Lire. Demand 5.52c. cables 5 54c. Marks: Demand 2.45c; cables 2 46c. New York exchange on Montreal l 1 K per cent discount Time loans strong, unchanged. Call money strong, high 9 per cent; low S pei cent, ruling rate 9 per cent, closing bid 7 per cent, offered at 8 per cent, la st loan 8 per cent X. V. SILVER NEW YORK, July 27 Bar silver domestic, 99 l-2c. foreign 93 l-4c. Mexican dollars Jc POTATOES CHICAGO. July 27. Potatoes firm; re.elptt. 73 cars. Virginia cobblers I7.360 f8.26 per barrel. Kansas and Missouri erly hlos $ 3 . 00 ri $3 2B cwt; ditto cobblers $3 50'f?$3 65, Kentucky cobblers $3.85 Ti $4 10 LIBERTY BONDS. NEW YORK, July 27 Final prices on Liberty bonds today were. 3 His 91.04; first 4s sr. su. second 4s S 4 60; first 1 s 8 5 . f. . second 4 V s 84.70. third 4',is SX.70; fourth 4'4s 85 02. Victory 3-)is 95.66. Victory 44-s 95.62 PRICE TREND IS I AGAIN GOURD 11 1 Heavy Selling Is Followed by New Low Records for Year I in Many Issues I NEW YORK. July 27 The trend of prices wns downward again at the ' opening of today s stock market. Sen timent among traders ancl commission jp houses with out of town connections waa IncreasingK bearish because of I the strained credit conditions. Cru- L cible Steel, ono of yesterday's weakest I features, recorded an initial loss of 1 1 points and other active industrials I were lower by fractions to one point. Mis were moderately supported, how- H ever. Royal Dutch gaining one point. jH Rates of exchange on London were IH Selling for both accounts became more urgent after tho opening. dea4- Ir.KS during tho noon hour swelling to the largest denominations In sev rial weeks. New low records for the year were made by United States Steel H and several other loaders. Lhjulda- tion continued to center in steels, equipments, motors and oils, and many affiliated specialties also gave way. Extreme declines ranged from 1 to al most 5 points. There was little pres- H sure against rails, but the last as a H v. hoi,, lacked support even at pro- nounced concessions. Another money H flurry wns foreshadowed by the nine per cent opening rate for call loans. Activity slackened at midday when the shorts evidently found it advisa- If tie to convert their paper profits into cash This resulted in rallies of 1 to H 18 points, Mexican and Pan-Amcri- . ..n Petroleums, Baldwin Locomotive, H :&tudebnkor and United States Steal H leading the rebound. EM YORK STOCK LIST. t I"""" ' ov 1JJJJJJJ American Beet Sugar 84 SfB)J-H American Can .. 37 H I American Car A Foundry 133 H American Hide & Leather pfd . . 81 f (American International Corp. .. 7S94 H American Locomotive 92 Ajnerlcan Smelting & Refg. ... 56 f Amerlciin Sugar 120 American Sumatra Tobacco ... 84 H American T. & T 94 H American Woolen .. .. S3 H I Anaconda Copper 53H H lAtcblson . . 79 H j Atl . Gulf & W. Indies 151 Baldwin Locomotive 110 H Baltimore & Ohio 31 j Bethlehem Steel "B" . ... ... 84 'Canadian Pacific 170 Central Leather 59 H I Chandler Motors 90 H t'hesnpcake & Ohio 53 H Chicago, Mil . & St. Paul 32 I Chicago. R. I. & Pac 34 , H iCblno Copper 29 I Colorado Fuel & Iron 31 I Corn Products 92, Crucible Steel 148. Cuba Cane Sugar 43 H Erie 12. 1 General Electric 1 39 General Motors 21 H Goodrich Co 59 H I Great Northern Pfd 68 H j Great Northern tire Ctfs 35 1 Illinois Central 82 H Inspiration copper 48 IH Int. Mer Marine pfd 77 1 1 ni ernationaj Paper 79 LsiLsfl Kennecntt Copper 24 IH Louisville A Nashvillo 97 tH Maxwell Motors . 14 IL Mexican Petroleum 179 lH Mi.nnl Copper 20 Middle Slates nil 21 H rivals Btet 1 40 Missouri Pacific 24 New York Central 67 H N V . N. H. & Hartford 28 IH Norfold & Western 88 B IH Northern Pacific 71 sl Oklahoma Prod. & Ref. 4 jH l an American Petroleum . ... 96Ji 1 Pennsylvania ,. 39 1 People's Gas 31 Pittsburg & West Va 27 i j Ray Consolidated Copper 15 I Reading 87 Hop. Iron & Steel 86 H Royal Dutch. N. V 74 Shell Trans. & Trad 68 ; Sinclair Con. Oil 27 Southern Pacific 90 Southern Railway 27 Standard Oil of N J. pfd 105 Stu lebiiker Corporation 65 lH Tennessee Copper 9R I Texas Co 44 Texas & Pacific 35 .Tobacco Products 63 Transcontinental Oil 14 - Pti 1 13 ' I V. S Food Products 61' H U. S. Retail Stoics 67- H U. S. Ind. Alcohol 84 United States Rubber 90 United States Steel 8 9 l tah Copper . 65 Westinghouse Electric 47 Willy's Overland it1 American Zinc, Lead and Sm . . is Butte and Superior 21 l et: Oleum 2 SB ; Montana Power 69 B Shattuck Arizona 98 " METAL M AR KI T. NEW YORK, July 27. Copper steady, unchanged. Iron firm, No. 1 northern $49. 00 50 00, No 2 northern $ 18 00 g 4 9. 00: No. 2 southern $ 14. 00 4 5. 00. Tin easy, $48.75; August-September pSsH $ 58.50 Antimony unchanged. Lead steady, uncnanged. Zinc steady; East St. Louis 7 . SO -a" At London: Copper unchanged; electrolytic unchanged; tin 207 5s. lead 36 15s; zinc 41 15s. STEEL DIVIDENDS. I NEW VtiRK. July 27 The United States Steel corporation at its quar terly meeting here today declared reg ular dividends of 1 '4 per cent on com. jmon stock and 1 ft on preferred stock.- h isjjsM, I a,, I