!, j Society
Dr. W, R Brown has returned !
his office after an absence of a fpw
(rx eeke.
Mm James Bebat announces tbe
marriage of hor daughter. Anna Bf -Knight
to William ii Broeltaer. Th
rfwmonv took place Wednesday July
28. with Bishop o. M Sanderson offi
ciating i0 in on,; llmenl ! Mm Franklin
W D Oiler, wife of the commander of the
B American Legion, officers of the Scr-
vice Star l-eglon Of I gd B Mrs. J. I".
I Eldredge. Jr.. Mra. J. G. Falck and
B Mrs. David Eecles entertained Friday
I nfemoon a a trout and chicken dln
I ner at the Hermitage hotel After an
hour enjoably nll In BOCial chal
ft illnner wu served In the apjclo II
dining room of the hotel The presi
dent, Mrs Eldredge. spoke I M
words appropriate ( the occasion,
welcoming the guaet In the name of
the Service Star Legion. Mrs. J G.
Kalrtc gave a toast to the near and
associate relatives of United Stat
1 .1 service men. Mrs D'ollcr who Is tour-
In the United tSntes. says that ogden
members of the Service Star Legion
j were the first to entertain In her
Kathrn Smih oT Urami e, Wvotn
Inic. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D.
Smth during the last two weeks
I Mrs. Fred Gentach and son Freder-
I Ick have returned from a two month
I visit In the Mst
I v
I The ogden Federate-1 W. T C. U.
k will meet at the home of Mri H
Ik Houtx at 4ll Twenty-eighth
Hk A f 1r,ei i. hi. i
Bil lira nan Tod !
BY n I,
entertained In I omplmient to Mr? W
mM S. Sylvester. Mrs. I N r
Bn daughter. Mildred of Denver, Colo., at
MM a character party Wednesday eve-
MMM nlni. The attend. ng g Mrs
Mmj Crane. Mrs Ida Carre II. Mrs.
Houston Dayluiff. Mr B, tTett,
Mian Fanny Hilton, M bb Dagtnan
Hansen. Mis Father Clark, MfaW Et
BH nie Martin. Miss Mar. one Flenn '
Mian Lillian Roscros. A plcaaani eve
ii'ng was enjoyed In mus.c and games. I
Mmm Refreshments were Barred
Mlas Mary Stephens has returned i
I j from Bear Lake, where an spent M -I
j eral daya at Ideal Beach Mi-. Staph-1
B 4 en also visited several poim in Idaho
I J and Wyoming as the g ' Of f-n-n Is
1 and relatives. Miss Stephens wts ah-1
I j sent about u month
I 1 Mra. c. w. veasy deoarted during
J the enrlv part of th" week for R,C -Bj
f track, Montana, where she will visit
I.Mrs. Clarence Henry jimber- j
son. formorl) Miss Msrthu
I RnffK of Ofrden. vfhoMf we Whig
j tool? pltcfl Mouda) . Jul 26,
I .
I for two weeks. Sho will also visit
points, while ettst and expects. t, oe
gone for one month
A social meeting of the stiver Re
view No. i. W. B. A T. M. will be
reld Vei;ied.i . er.lnp :g is- 4 in
the w v. hail All members are
cordially inviif.t
a, s a
Members of the fjarfle ?tir legion
will meet Monday evening nt.f o'clock
at the home of Mrs. J. O. Falck. 11 Hi
Twenty -fourt h street
Mlas Margaret JenUin. Miss Sadie
Bergerman. Mlaa Erma Davldaon and
Mlas Bra Moves I nf ir ur: - it from
an enjoyable trip thriun Ye;,i-,;or
Herbert George Korndorffer. of
Wa'.erdam Holland. vj, in tnjringl
around the world, was a:i 'xden guest;
laat Wednesduy of Mra William
Mo' es Mrs Moe aOOlatOd b MmnH
Margaret Jenkins. S-.nl le Itergerman,
Krma Davidson and Kva Btoyea Qtar
talned at a luncheon at the Hermitage
hotel Wednesday afternoon In com
i Uroant to the dJatlaguiahad guest.
Complimenting Mrs u Barker
the memberM of lbs Wonifn A' v ,.
ary to the Ka!lwa Mall Association
entertained at a farewell party Friday I
BVaolng at the home of Mrs John
Cager. Mra Barker leaves soon for
Salt Iake where she will make her
home. After sn evening spent In gamea
singing and dancing. Mrs LUrker was,
preaenteil with s ret of silverware by
Mra. Ed Benton. prealdeBI of the as-1
nocistlon. tn br-half of the other mem-I
bers of the aocletv. At the close of
the evening a perfoctlj praPSUred
luncheon was served The following
guests were prenent. Mra. Ed llenton.
Mr John Gagoi. Mrs Hrlght. Mrs.
Black. Mra Charles VWilirn. Mra.
;org it Mull Mr-. V N Pi Tson.
Mrs Uwrttio' 1 le Mra. John Ltrtng
ston. Mrs Itobert BsJtey, Mrs George
Prout and her daughter M rgnret.
Mrs John Manning. Hfl Arthur Jen
sen, Mrs. Llghtner, Mra. Oarmsn. Mra
Ftlbur and Mra Jce LlejuOl
Mi snd Mrs W R. Bell, wltl a
party of friends, departed Friday for
I motoring- trip through Yellowatone
park. They Intend to stav about two
Mrs Marv Ltn and Mlas Anna
Store) are leaving tlita coming SrOk
fst a pleasure trip to Sacramento and
other Parlftr . oast CStlSO
The Masses Nora and afar Pi inn
have been spending the P'- wr. . t
l.os Angeles und th beach ii, rj of
Franklin Duller national rouman
der of the American leg:on m
guest of honor at r baniue. given Fn
lav afternoon ' the Hermitage hotel
by membere of Herman itaker F'ost :
JvJo. Mrs. D OOer waa entertained
jSjBJBJI u SJJSSJ . SSJ jiswst.-
Mrs. Emmett A. Schilling, formerly Miss Nona M.
Blair, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blair, whose wed
ding took place on July 24. Mr. and Mrs. Schilling ar
making their home in Cheyenne, Wyo., where Mr. Schil
ling is established in business.
V ' ' f kH
' i i e , .
" . ': '-'7 ' ' -''
Bl the some time by members of the
Service Btai Legion of this city They
ill parted iifternoon fur Ueno,
Mra. D. I. Sullivan and young sons,
l-'ugene anl I'aul. of Tooele, nte vlslt
lne nt the home of Mrs. Sulllwin'a
mother, Mrs. Kittheryn Parmer, on
Lincoln avenue
M,. and Mm. Arthur L. Hansen huvp
lelurned to this city nfte.- u pleasant
stay In Walla Wallu, Waah.
'. fiml .!r.i liri ii- II Crei nvvell
v uflted during the puol week at ne
eral v.tiea In Idaho.
The annual Field Day of lbs Hlsto
i!ul society vvn.i ODOOI f Od Wednesday
afternoon, when Mr. Uej-lrude furr
opent d ihs doors of her home, on Hut -i
IflVllIe avenue, to the members. The
I ty wnn oboerved in true picnic style,
ai h raemboi sharing In the prepara
tion of a delicious luncheon. Follow
ing the luncheon, the meeting was
culled to order by the presiding presl
dent, Mrs, s. s Smith. A resolution
vvua passed and pjcIs member pledged
t.i Support the l;ation.il Camp Fire
gl U" orrr-in 7 i .on A flee tlio business
hud been ciosed. various to.ists ap
proprlate to th occasion were pro
posed, with n iii.m'ier of the members
r rpomV.nt;.
The Retiring nffl era. .Mrs. B. Blchsel
Out B3 M BS J Seaman
How an Eg t 'ii, 'i;. I; F--e s in 0 Ford
Mrn. S P. Smith
and 11121
Mra. Florence Ncvvcomb
The toasts wen- unusually clever In
their conception and created muclj
nierrltnent umonj fie guests. Mrs.
Smith's toast claimed the honors for
t! I'fternoon. Mis. Joseph Chez pre-'
Bided an toastm latress. In the absence
of Miss Eva Err.lhe original chair
man, this committee was in charge of'
the arrangements lira C. s. Murphy.
Mrs, , N'. Ijwinlng and Mrs. Josepli
Chi l The guests for the afternoon
wet e Mrs. Frai.k M. Drlggs, Mrs. A. I
D Barber, Mrs. Gilbert of Emporia..
K ; as, and M13. Robins of Tonopah.l
Mia. Jar.o Bailey anil daughter of,
f'hicaco. and Mrs. John .!. McHugh
ond son of San Fianclsco, are vlsltlngl
With their parents, Mr. ond Mis.
Klpgsford, 33 Twenty-nlntb street.
Mrs. Lily T liradford of Salt Iake
Is vlsltlnrr for 0 I k tit the Hermit
age hotel In Ogden canyon.
Miss Anna McKnicht of ogden be
came the bride of William H. Smelt
zer Wednesday morning nt tils) county
court house Blsl.op (. M. Sanderson
pej formed the wedding ceremony, The
rouple will make their homo in Og
den. M.ks Mona Smith, music Instructor
of Oyden. lilts closed h-r studio for the,
month of AUgUOt. She will spend the
rei. a!n'r of tlic suiumer lu Yellow -
atone park, planning to return to Ocr
li 1 1 bout Bept, i.
Brigham Society
The marriage of Miss Olive Jensen
of this city and Mr Itae P. Stratford
of Focatello took olace Saturday
loorn'.ng at the home of the bride s
parents. Mr. and Mra. Nela Jensen.
Mlshop H W. Valentine performed the
ceremony, after which a wedding
broaJcfaal was rerved. The oung cou
pie left immediately for a short trip to
Salt lvike City, returning Sunday af
ternoon. l"pon their return Ms. Nels
Jensen entertained the following
gueats at dinner !n honor of the bride
rit.d groom. Mr. and Mra. J. O Strat
ford of PoeatellO. Mr and Mrs. B. A
I 'I nick of Salt Like City. Mr and
Mrs. W. L Hoist. Mr nnd Mrs. E. W.
t unn. Mr. nnd M r Nels Jensen. Mrs.
V. I). Farroll. Mi. nnd Mrs Norman
Ji nsen, Miss Nndlne Dunn, Mr. Le
VerdlB Hoist. Mls. Uuth Jnsen nnd
Mlaa grands Farroll. Following din
ner the young couple left by automo
bile for n two-weeks "trip through
Yellowstone park They will make
their home In Pocatello Idaho, after
September 1st
Mlas Lillian Staines and Miss Ann
Staines of Salt Lake City are visiting
In Brigham as guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, H C. Day
A Japanese lawn party was given
Thursday evening by the Bee Hive
Flrle of the Second ward at th home
ni Mi and M.s Jos. F Hansen Those
In charge of the affair were Mlaa Ed
vsjftla Jeppaon and Miss Vlllndlne
KnudBon The iawn was beautifully
decorated with Japanese lanterns and
euch girl was dressed In a Japanese
costume Games and refreshments
were carried out In keeping with the
decoratlor.s Thoe present were Mes
damea orville Jensen. Bosllla Osborne.
O 8. Dunn. Lawrence Wallace and
Ji s. F Hansen. Mlaea I-red a Nelson.
Buth Valentine. Afton Hansen. Lena
Hansen. Luelta Koford. Mary Jeppson.
Phyllis Madsen. Elvn Crawford, Joate
Hoist and Agnes M'fflen.
Saturday afternoon a small oarty of
"pleasure seekers" left for n week s
outing on Paradise creek. Those In the
partT included Mr and Mra. Shlrley
C. Horaley. Mlas Opal Knudson. Miss
Svdl Eecles of ogden. Mr Douglas
Woodruff of Salt Lake City, and Mr
Bcrvard Nichols.
Mr and Mra J G Stratford of Po
catello were In Brigham for 1 1 - vrok
end to attend the wedding of their son
Baa to Mlaa Olive Jensen of tbl it
Mra Norman Jensen and little
daughter. Kuth. returned Saturdav
from a ten days trip to Idaho Falls
and Iteiburg
Mr and Mrs G. H Kaeer had as
tret dinner guests Friday of last week
Dr and Mra Htevene of Salt Lak
City. Mtsa Dance;, head suparrlaor of
the U D ft hospital nurses, and Mlas
Vesta Facer, who Is a rvirae at the
hospital The party motored up early
In the la Assisting Mrs Kacer were
M.aa Em Kacer and Mrs Bobbin
Mr and Mrs. MilOB North entertain-!
ad at a blrthduy party In honor of
their du'jgl.U'r, Moe. Thursday evening
of la3t syoek, Dancing und gamea were1
enjoyed on the lawn. A tray luncheon I
was served late In the evening. The
gueeis were Bessie Hoist. Bertie
Youngiiulst. William 'luyer. Floyetta j
IToungqulat, Mae North. Ivy North, I
Maurtna 1 Bhurl. Ervln Htndburg, I
Laura North. Edith I'ulslver and le
Gtand Johnson of Newton.
Miasms jro and Rozanna Lee have 1
been spending a Week In Salt Lake
City, the guests of Miss McDonald.
Mr Q EL Facer and daughter. Mrs. I
I i t. Ins. were Malud visitors Wednes-
day. j
Mrs. C. layton of Salt Like City
re'urned home Tuesday after spending
a week st the home of her parents,
Mr and Mrs. C. W. Knudson
s a
Miss lva Steers of Ogden returned
home yeatorduy after a few daya visit
at the home of Mr. und Mra. P. J. Ko
fcrd. Mr Lfimar Koford accompanied
her to Ogden
s a
Mr and Mra F C Holtqulat spent
Saturday and Sunday with friends at I
the Hermitage hotel in ogd, n ijnori.
Mlas Elizabeth Fetty of Ball Lake
1 ,t has been the guegt of Mr and
Mrs. Norman Lee.
Mrs John l-arsen of Park City Is a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mra
George Facer.
The L'nlted States hot I .0Co.-1
000 of Polish bonds, tiken In ex-1
change for food, clothing, arms and '
z v (HBibbWJ
WW mW I I 1 1 m 1 asl I I Br
L SI JJ 3 j J a 1 1 11
3 . - - r ' , n S J
10"fi Will petitUely stunt
Ourrnte .csmpinui each
bottle. Removes hir pr
fesjsjy eleag without tt-e least
oiln or d tcomfort Caay te
1 action. Don 1 Bjealtats to
u it. On sale at It po-tjnt
I start - ly pif
ijrt Pr.;r $1 .. If uasble
te ootaln write toe factory
D C Fr.T cneviCAL CO
Salt La ha City. Utah
i 5J 1
Salt Lake Society
Mr. nnd Mrs. Luther Pntton of Cen-
tralla,' Wash., announce the tnirri-ii1
of their d.tuchter. Inez I'ut'nr..
Lynn S. OlMham of Silt Lake. The
I ceremony took place July IS at tli
First Cnrlstlan church. t'entralLi Mr.
and Mrs Glllham are now at the Nevv
houwe hotel after a brief honeymoon'
at Iake Tahiuv
Mr and Mrs. John C. Howard arc,
spending two weeks at the Hotel Alex
andria in Los Angelas.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Allen and dau
ghter. Phylll". have returned from an
extended vlalt to Illinois, nnd are at
.home at the Lfckevtew n.artmrn;n.
Mr and Mrs Max Johnson and son.
j Wellington, and r.iece. Marion, have
i gone to Bear lake.
is s
Mr. and Mn. Joseph Mngid and
tWO sons. Mortimer and Henry, ar.
spending a week at Balsam Inn, Brlgh-
I Joel Nlbbey spent the week-end with
his feffllly, who have a cottage nt
.Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Schramm and
Mrs. Schramm's sister. Mips Martha
Cciman, are touring Yellowstone,
a s
Mrs H C. Johnson' and daughter.
':ss France? John, of AmeT-iar) For'-.
a.-e guests of Dr. and Mrs. Harrv
I Divld Hlne-v at the Mldgley apanments
for a few days.
Mrs. Ada R. Marks of Fort Wayne. '
lid., and Mrs. L. A. E'.l'.s of Van We-t. ;
Ohio are eueetl of their sister. Mrs.
W. C. A. Visaing. '
Miss Mav W.ttson r.d M!. r r
I ir.e Patrick have ret'imed from lay
c: the Girls' Friendly Inn at Brighton,
a a a
I Dr. and Mrs. A. L. "incent and son.
Delmar. Miss Gnevleve Cottrell and
, Mis Rhea Jensen have gon for a ten
I daya' automobile tour of Bryoe, Zion
and the Grand canyons.
a a
I Mim Maud Sloan of Vermillion. 9.
T.. who. with Mlsi Rose Babl of ths
rame city, h.'s been visiting Miss
! Sloan's sister. Mrs P. J. O'G&ra. of 1GC
I street.
In compliment to Mr. and Mrs. E.
iA. Vandeventef of Oakland. Cal., Rus
! sel L. Tracy entertained last Tuesday
evening at a prettily r.ppolnted dinner
at his home on Second avenue. A large
round table was decorated with a vor
I'ty of garden flowers The place
cards were Japancre scones.
Covers were laid for Mr. nnd Mrs.
Vnndeventer, Mr. n-.id Mrs. J. W. Col-
tbey will return to Brighton to spend
th- remainder of thV summer.
Mr. and Mrs BJarl K Ober are
s; idln?; B few dns at the Honnle cot.
lage. Brighton, as the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh W Smith.
Mr and Mm F. A. Vander-r
left for their home in "kland. Cal.,
Saturday, after spending two weeks
at llu- Hotel I'tah.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Nelson have left
for an automobile trip to Fish lake,
Bryc'K canyon nnd Zlon canyon. They
expect to be gone a month.
Mrs. W S Gammon left Tuesday for
S.in Francisco, to remain a month
Mr and Mrt. J. H. Waters and chil
dren. Miss Florence Allfood and Dr.
end Mrs. J. H Davie have Just return
ed from a week-end trip to Hear lakn
and Logan.
Mrs J. H. Davis will spend two
weeks at Fish lake, the guest of Mr
and Mrs. J. Clifford Nelson of Rich
field, who are occupying their summer
cottage at the report.
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Vandeventer of Oakland. Cal . Mr ar.d
Mrs. Lee Charles Miller entertained
?t a dancing and garden party at
tl sir home oti Fast First So:th Btroal
tVsdnaaday, The guests were re
ceived Indoors. Dancing wss enjoyed
on the tennis court and suppor wa.t
serveii in the garden. tne hundred
were In attendance.
Mis W. F. Culmer entertained Bt
lunoheon at the Country club Wed
aeaday afternoon In honor of Mn
Vandeventer. Luncheon was served at
one long table, with sweet peas In a
basket as a centerpiece.
Covers were laid for fifteen. The
g-jos'n Inrluded members of tho Tues
day Bridge clubs, who wore associat
ed with Mrs Vandeventer during her
residence In Salt Lake.
A prettily arranged home wedding
was that of Miss Doris Aushernian
and Kenneth E. Lyon, which took
place Wednesday evening at the home
Of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mis.
W. c. Ausherman. 85 C street, at
7: SO o'clock The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. Henry M. Mc
Dowell of Phillips Congregational
church. A reception followed.
The living room was dec-orated In
(ni lms. feme end Shasta daisies, ar
i u.c'eil ,u a bower for the wedding
party The drawing room was decor
ated in gladioli and goldenKlow. and
tho hall In red rose-. In tho dlnlmr
room a pink color scheme was lifted.
I'lnk roses In a silver basket formed
the centerpiece for the supper table.
Mrs. Frednc William Steck of Colorado Springs, Colo.,
who has been spending the summer with her sister and
mother, Mrs. C. E. Fish and Mrs. Creveling. Mrs. Steck is
the possessor of a rich contralto voice and has entertained
many during her visit in Ogden.
. ,
I ""'-:Jv-JE? MBBMftr fra Bfa.
i ' ' Bz. sMA'
. . I
11ns. Mr and Mrs. Wesley King. Dr.
and Mrs. H P Klrtley, Mlas Daisy
Ravboul l. Mn George Hale an'! Jul l
Cards and dancing followed dinner
Mlas Myra Cameron entertained at
a large dancing party at the Country
club last TueaJay In honor of her gueat
Miss Julia Krela of Chicago.
Dancing was enjoyed in the out-of-door
pavllllon and light refreahments
were served on the lawn. The hoaleas
waa assisted In receiving by her par
ents. Mr and Mrs Frank Cameron.
The guests numbered 100.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace A. Aven gave
a week-end party at their home In
Bingham canyon. A dinner party Sat
urday evening was followed by a danc
ing party at the Bingham club. Son
day the party enjoyed a trip through
the mine, followed by a picnic luni h
In the canyon. The guests were Mrs
A T re nary of Omaha. Neb . Mr an 1
Mrs. Arthur Graff Egelhoff, Ogden
anyon. Mlaa Harriet McCloakle.
SnanghaU China: Mr. ar.d Mrs FTed
V Oakley. Salt Ukr. A R Knott, I
Wallace Allen and Martin Lee, Salt
Iake; Mlaa Mary Power. Akron. 0;
Mr and Mrs. B. L. Smith and P. N
Shaw of Bingham
Announcement la made b Mr and,
Mrs L H Young of the marriage of)
their dsughr i-'ranees. to Edniund
Wait la. son of Mr and Mra L. R.
Wattla The marriage tooic place Sat-j
trip through the northwest and Willi
make their home In thia ctt
George M Bacon returned from a,
trig east Monday Mra Bacon. r
bos a cottage In Hrlghton. came 'o '
tbe clt to meet her husband and
A eluny lace cover was over pink, and
silver candlesticks at either end of
the table held pink candles. Tbe
porch, where punch waa served. VM
decorated In goldenglow.
The bride wore a gown of white
charmeuse with a lace tunic. Her
veil was caught with orange blos
soms and she carried orchids and
lilies of the valley. The maid of
honor. Mlas Ines Burton, wore flame
colored satin trimmed In alleer lace,
and carried flame-colored aweet peaa
one of the bridesmaids. Miss Grace
Mooney. wore pale blue taffeta veiled
in tulle and carried pink sweet peas
The other bridesmaid. Mlas Hemic
Bird, wore pale yellow taffeta, with
a tulle overdreso. and carried laven
der sweet peas Helen Ausherman.
flower girl, wore white net and car
ried a basket of sweet peas. Maurice
Murphy of California waa best man.
Assisting Mr. and Mra. Ausherman
and the bridal party In receiving wer
Mr. and Mra. Matthew T Lyon, pox-:
ents of the bridegroom. Assisting In
the dining room ware Mtsa Rhea
Brain. Mrs. Dennis Ausherman. Mlas
Geneve Savtlle. Mlaa Helen Murdoch,
and Mlas Peggy Holt t ulusiee. Okla.;
l unch was serv ed by Mlaa Eurlth Holt J
Of OIgBe, okla.. and Mlas Hllma'
The wedding march by Mendsla-j
sohn waa played by Mlas Dolly Wood-'
burr and the Farley trio furnished
music during the reception
Following a short weddjng trip, tho!
couple will be at home at 16 C street.
Mr and Mrs Emmett R. Woolleyj
entertained at dinner last YYedmodsj)
exenlng at their home. Blair sve-:
nue. In honor of Mr. Woolley'a!
mother. Mrs. John Pland of Castle-1
gate, t'tah A bowl of pink ssjsjas
peas was the centerpiece of the table
Cowan were laid for Mrs Pland. j
Jaa.es pLaad, li.J Pland. Mr and
Miss Grace Stone who portrav the role of the Fairy
Queen in the musical comedy. "Stone l egs." to be pre TV
sentcd at the Orpheum theatre during the coming week
The play is given under the auspices of the Ogden Stake
board. I
j Bw
Mrs. Rollln Walker and Mlse Marie
Smith of Price.
Members of the wedding party of
Mrs. Quelle Collier Mcintosh and Kd
gar G. Gibson were entertained at
dinner on the roof garden at the
Hotel L'lah Wednesday evening by
Robert Collier and Wulter Gillespie.
The table was decorated In sweet peas.
Covers were laid for elg.it
Announeement is made of the mar
riage of Charles O. Dell and Mr
Vim,.i Naylor of Salt Lake. The w.d
dlng took plate Tuesday af tor noon a'
3:3l o'clock. at Farinlngton. Th"
ceremony was performed by J. D.
Wood, Justice of tho pence
The marriage of Miss Bertha Baa
sett and James P. Jacobson took place
lutsduy morning. The couple left on
an early afternoon train for Portland
for a honeymoon trip. They will
make their homo In this city,
Mrs Roy Wyland. accompanied by
Georglnnna and Mary Elizabeth Fow
ler, has arrived from Casper. Wyo..
to visit at the Richard SgVagB homo
on Third avenue Mrs Robert Fow
ler of TOXae will .irrlv In a Khor'
time from an eastern visit to Join I
her daughters and visit at the Sav
age home.
Mr and Mrs. J H. Waters nnd chll-1
dren and Mis.-. Florence Algood and
Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Davis have re-
turned from a brief visit to Bear
Mrs. Russell K. Woodruff and Mn
Kenneth W. Yeates entertained at tea
Wednesday afternoon at Mr. Wood
ruff's home on Third avenue In bOBOl
of their sister-in-law. Mrs. W. H Mc
lntyrc. Jr. a raoont bride, and Mlas'
Zorn Anderson of ocean Park. gues;l
Of Mrs. Lynn Thompson.
A Kold and blue color scheme was
carried out In the decorations of thel
tea table. A gold and crystal bank, t
was filled with marigolds, zinnias and
cornflowers as a centerpiece. Holly
hocks a VI other garden flowers were
used In tne reception room
Assisting the hostesses were Mra
Francis Critchlow. Mrs. Sherman
Armstrong. Mrs. H H. Calvin. Miss '
Marjorle Bldwell. Mrs. Paul T. Boise
and Mra. Lynn H Thompson. The
guests numbered forty. 1
Mra Clifford Cannon entertained at 1
L miscellaneous shower last Wednea- '
day night at her home, ion Fifteenth 1
Ktreet, In honor of her sister. Mlsajl
Naomi Smith, who will be married
soon to Jo.inua h laher. The rooms
were decorated In marguerites and
The hostess was aaatated by her
mother. Mrs. J. M. Kersley Light
refreshmenta were served The a- j.-m
numbered thirty-six.
Mr aril Mra W. EL Mclntyre. Jr.
have arrived from their wedding trip
and are guests of Mr and Mr U It
Mclntre. Sr Mrs Milntjre was
formerly Mlaa Miriam E. Stoltze of
Lethi. ridge. Canada. Following a
brief visit in Salt Lake. Mr and Mrs
Mclntyre will go to the Mclntyro
ranch at McGrath, Canada, for thai
summer, but expect to make their
home In thlj city during the wlnti
tetpecUl to The fltanArd-Examlner
iir and Mrs. Charles Bow en and
children returned Sunday from Ma lad
"ity, Idaho They iini Pioneer day
Mia Alia lUrrU a spend. BfJ the
smoIj at dear lake.
Th- MlMfi Bertha HarrU and Ber
tha Bowcutt left Monday for Malt Lake
to spend a month or to
Mr and Mrs Douglas Sanderson of
8t.lt I-ake Bee guests at the home of
Mrs. Sanderson's parents Mr and
I Mrs 8 Cockayne.
horn sfter itmnt tslt in Garland'
as the guests of Dr. and Mra T W.
Garland Citizens celebrated Pioneer,
da Ust ftaturilay All kinds of s;-orts
v er, r njoy ed at the .t park A pro
gram was rendered at the Garland
tabernacle at 10 30 .1. m Muaic was
glren bj the Bent River mllltan band
1 he children enjoyed dancing at tho
Palace hall at o'clock. A league
t'.'ireball game waa played during the
afternoon and the day was closed by
a grand ball In the evening.
I , 1
' ' iBh
her p.uents. Mr and Mrs. R. M. Mac
Mis. J. W. CbambOTB has returned s H
fro -Hr
hlldren left Thursday morning on a 1 JB
flel.lng trip to Logan canon. '
Sir and Mrs Albert Grovor aro
spending the week In Salt Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. M. I'elsted have re
turned from Salt LaJtB, They attend
ed the convention of the I'tah-Idaho
Grain and Millers' association.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Edwards and
family are spending the month at Bear
Mrs. Lucy Clark, of Salt Lake, who
(Special t,i Th- gtand ird Era If
Mrs. 1 C. Wilson waa hostess to the
members of the Relief society Tuea-
a el
and refreshments were served. k
Mr. and Mrs E Brenkmunn enter- (
tulnel Friday evening In honor of Mr.
and Mis Summer of I 'curia. III.
I , rr l'uunj of Huuliiigtoi.. Emery HjSJ
About thirty young ladles of Tre
monton enjoyed an outing to the Hot
Springs at Madsen Wednesday eve- VJ
nittff, on the return th. party stopped VH
1' the home of T. K Haws where
luncheon waa served and games were HH
playes until altar midnight.
Ed Summer of Rlrhflald spent part
friends. fafJ-H
" if
Wm Fowler of the Shields hotel
t(-ent part of this week In Ogden
a' d Mrs E Ivoroen hsva Wmi
A. and R. I. Ftshbum and families s
eek a Tiemontou the guests of A. N bbbbI
arid ilen Flshburn. Bfl
air. ann airs, m Nofsmger of Ohio
sir vlniting in Trrnioolun with Mr WWW
nnd Mrs. Wan. Beyer Hfl
ed 'iefa rives' ''d'frt hr ilt' m
1 I
spending the week in Trrmonton at JmW
th, horn of Mra. fj. A- El wood. mm
Fdie ..rd Kimer WiAOcler ltd for mm
airs, wni are slstera BH
Mr and Mra. Juliua U right of Hrtx- H
ton part of this -
nw thing for montha to cone." mM
traveler smlilngl) Thatn 'SH earn mM
orst thing about HI WW