fcai Entatc
MAMM JIV nwNSR-MMfrn wfl built
H home In Ht ln-ntlnn
H HultuMe In mnke four piiiaII npart
PPH m ni.. w Twenty fourtA.
H SIX room m(xlm briek hou- with ,ecP-
PPPfl inu poi-rli nml ffnrxK'-. Corner lot.
PfPfl 133. on Wohlnmon SVSMNI NIC Inwn.
PPPfl 10 fnilt trees, lienutltul abode trees,
PPPfl 1 1 r 1 1 jrnrelen Must be eo!d ftl ""
gPJ i" oni n ... ; "i SB
B mi'lt room house larre lot. porchej. ion
6v MAw l I '"K
W Rajiv terms,
r 4 Two eltfht.rooni modern brick homes.
AMAM wKlkinL; distance Horn business nlstrb-t.
' M
PflPPK Klvc room partl modern south Wash
LMm- Inpton svfnuH. lot &"xisn. $2500.
PflpPMi I Ivc room, not modern, sewer hih! wslk
PPPsft park, Tlie lot Is vorth one-hnlf the men- j
PPPH $2700. tinis
i ,
TM i-oni forts hi hi winter? II
1 m
Mm : ,- una 1 - r.i.ic j
Kf M ' K 1
Hvs room house, and Other outbuild-
iM . . 591H1O Is lb' I'm nd I i n Rood
W m
S sf property as part payment.
Four mom houm n ind other out-
i bulwtinK This place Is being offered I
V ,t .t ion prlc ol I ""
JrWtl over Commercial National Bank
1 n.-re irlth ood ' room hi
,JmM fruit, berries. outbuilding; cheap for
1 nVB-ROOM modern brick In jeleel r
PH nrnre district on bench, nt bnrfroln If
iiBBBBbV taken quick. Con handle five pnssenser
Mmm iuto pnrt paynwnl TernM rmmmaMf.
f . nil 1Q73 T.vent fOUTth Bl
m , , .v. m-:r- r. r "
if Lot 66x182; good location At 2249 Madl-
nfw tire room, i S r""" "n'1 n, ,fnur :
W room bungalow ! It ' " '
lal uiLii
I. lhr room linu"'- cement baae;
ment. front and back porch. 11500 IMi
PTVB room modern. 3262 Wall. See me
tofon you buy. i have ""i
In city property anil farms. H. an BraaK,
3ri2 Thirty fifth llL
I.KT us sell your car. ' Auto Tire
change. 224 Washington Ave. 8697
6 ROOM mmli rn brb-k ' 1 1 "'
floora full basement, on bench. Snap KOI
L iv & Herri, k lL
H homing house, nine rooniB. nicely fur
nlshed. for anlc. 1C6V4 Twenty-fifth St
iPARTMFNT boii.n- In or. Wahh
InEton avenue, has nine two and tbrre.
room apartments Furnished Incorno
MiTa month. Price $U 500. Half cash
MlRht consider vrt cxthunge. BOX M.
gtandard l-'xi.mm. .
yi i, Ikhih, r Ii Hi
Phonj Ml
); HWNI'I i Iii' i IM' ' ii : "I
ment house, furnished, sleeping pon bes
gas ranges, finest locution In town, $1'
a month Income. Good terms. Phone o.
vv i. r'K'i i:k ii i: u.n- en.i i... n .
I37C Viihln;;ton avenue Thono 1S7CC3
Si OW i i:U ("uinir HdxI'X i T
,'33 TAvcnf-aecond and Reeves avenue
l . : '22
jTv i iV NTR-Flv. ro.Mii modi I m fur
nlshed houso, 147 James Court, j"
raOENT j
I Misce'laneous I
g6WJ "HREE Ohio i Phoni
mfm 884-J .'tso2
OHIO vacUmm. $l nav )-r..ii. 31 ,
I ft, 23211
MWm t r iii - ;i. n fm a.- i..
Into Produi ' 1 " Phont I 4 1 - w 3r.7,
card and character caadlng (41 Twsn
HW POF service, n . imix :--r, nt
UTt vvj
thi o poi
Jfd ,;f) have returned to ihr-lr homes
j Wanted 1
.l emale Help .;
WAJTRBSS wanted ,u Uv iiiulson N'oo.
i:I N $1.1 wcil.K. v..ire time, writing inr
wm w wapapera, magai enci
j. 1
VNTED Qlrl for general house work
- ' 1903
OMBINATION stenographer and bool
' i " i Stat i experience and aalai
HH to start. Pox 22. care Standard Exam-
J ' 1
I M A M 1. 1 'KM VM .-mull bun I
t a Roi n, 1 27 T enty fifth
jP KINQ and remodeling ::tt
Qrsnl avenue Stlllwoll Apartments, No
Ey ii m - .i
LILDREN'fi drci rnaki 1 i
IA. -sl2 Ulilt'e pleat. nj,- PhOD 2311 M
VM The Lighthouse, 2452 Waahtngton ,v
IHI opposite the Plng.ct bank Phono 5S1.
I'l omi't si r Ii ' n.';2
I' llein.-llr. In UK. I'll '-' I, "j i lony p:ni
IfMl tig urirl rilc-i tint: -icnd floor ' H
A rU-hi A Sor Mi 11 Im man UC9
1 rABGE green and blue sailor hat. Phone
II! M LY 27 Shrinei'H pin rei lib sniall
IHj llamonds. Reward. Phone Cheesman.
IjjJl i . 'K :. .ibei i in In rn. b .11 pal K K
q ward for return to Standard-Examiner
I ' -i:i. 'i.i..-. in po ioi icl w day
1 9 1 1 ' 196-V
. Baste rn Stai i In r rounded b p Iri
"n Twenty-third street r.i along Nvashing
J; ' e Key, . P)-,r.rio 200. J j
l I Miscellaneous
JBM partiks shipping furniture to southern I
J Callforola. Phone S265-J, 1061
I ii?cellariccu7 rjwJ
' VKRV cheap for immediate sale, a a
ook stove and coal heater. "71 Waal)
'rik-'nn nvi-nue. ur T . fiS2. 1
TWO good cows. 2526 Harrison, phone
r m
CANARIES and supplies. 23154 Washing
ton. 4075
, TWO good aecond hand bicycles for sab
I 'I l a v-nue. 1071
Tv l. i I '. II. i l"71
VLMOST blcj d al 7 d Tn enl
fourth I0T4
md shed - i
,11. .I,. ,,n 1. 1'. i le. good .-x m v
21.il I'.icn . .ui-inif. between C and S
1. 1 I I '
FTl: . i. I ' ' i - Ml". Ti:R
Highest prices pid for furniture, ranges
and he.iters Appraisements free. Phone
','if.A rurnltnre Kxchange. 253 Twen'.y
ru ) " i
I'l "n'i . w hite w ii ker furniture. Rrnns
i i k phonograph, o.ik chiffonier, bed and
I spring No 3. Ilrownlng Apartments.
nd 1 1-.' i lei i
1007 j
KOSKN 1 tilnnt Ing. Ih.hi - ,
- . 121 T-ventN fourlb St, 00t
I 1 1 1 1 .- i 1 ' f ' 'i 1 ' I .nu i I
i i rtl 3?7r. ,
"i i ' i ,i a ru piano ii iulr ' i-'.
rwen j It I
PIjA V I'll I re i t.i 1 . ' i r ilill.ni ;
I pfo lSlGranl T".'1
MOTORCYCLE and slde.-nr .'.(C Ogib n ;
i 1 i i 2 I : I
(TANA I i rani I ngen
lx LUMBER 1 ling tove an II
furniture, fall s lo C 1043 Twenty-first.
. )i tfi r. bull) I'u J ii S f ' 1
- . i i ' I i '"' "
COW ni If. Inquln T if! ii
rb. n. u.72 i:. 103
RANGE b ' ug stove and dining i . i
i ti . n rnfo i
I ruMTl 1(1' .-ons'tl-.ny of .-oni rnnges
ggs range, beds, srrings, sanitary couch,
wash stands, chairs, dresser, tables, rugs, I
etc. No dealers fall 51 Sixteenth
i VERETT upright plane Bargain 252C
i ru choli h b i Inquire edcll
i - Waahlngtoi '1s ' ;
I efl .1 I IS ,.' -Iff!'' 'I l-.-l lo-l.l T. le
phone 1IJ 4 Ezrn V. Steed, Clinton.
' 371
lll -.i plum t-on. .ondl'lon 1 1 11
gain Address X. oare Standard-Examiner.
- 17 i
.1 .T 111 -.11 VOUI U Utah AUtO Tire fc .
' -t. b. r .-. . . : .'. i . b i.g-.ni v
i ; - i : v birdi 1 rs 2 J? l'w nl j fifth
St. 8467
HOSE, counter. Rvcvcle, emokeatacjk
camera, tripod, surveyor's tape. P 333.
I L'
IfOS and other mu leal Instruments.
Terms without Interest. Panlonf. 2S71
I I jdson '
1 NIAl.l.' Ii for i.ultn tnilor made, ru
redaction. Gordon's. 211 :j Twenty -f if ih
Bt Phone 415 7lb7
rjiiv vour paint at Btowets and pjivo
money " 1800 Waihlnglon a'-rnue Phone ;
r.gr.-.r UM
f "wanted 1 i
i Male Help , j '
I WANTED at once, first class plumbers
, and steam fitters T E. Thomas Print .
Ing Co., Ogdcn. L'Uih. Phone 093-W.
I i 1 i JNCE1 fai mi I i isn v 1th small I
family preferred Stewart W Kccles. '
Bdi n n ih !).. i 26 " ' 016 j
JPERIENCED young man fur general I (
wort soda fountain Kearn's Cafe, 2459 j
v .,!,.,;,.. -, , ton j
PLYING m Wi 5 . 1 M- C A p
.Viitu S. buul. nK 401 9 I
I I S -I nn. lei " 1 e r 1 1 ' i tin - '
Mirv TrJivel. make secret investigation.!.
! reports Salaries: expenses. Write Afherl- jt
mn Korc-lgii DctCCtlVf Agency. 641 St.
I 4"!'' "
;pi i iem bo farm hand who under
stands fruit Prof't sharing basis W B.J
v. .leii. gjjg v i i. n ti n :'7 -
' . Ii .1 !' T I 31-i I j
; i ,: i n -,n. linen chOI k- I 1 f y j
; I.aundiv. fj jf
Male and Finale )
('bl-)llKS (men. women) 18 upward, for
postal mail aervlce. $135 month Examl- I r
nations August 1 pei lence unnecessary. J
Kor free partlculsii, write J. Leonard!,
(former civil BOrvlCS i-xaiiiiner) SS7 EQUtt- .
ibli i ildg . v ashlngton 4 4 1 ' 1
GOOD cooh ni once ..i. -anch In Wyom-1 .
Ing, eltuutivl aliout 12 mib-s from Qran-1
ger; either lady or Japanese cook consld- I
ered. Musi fin Immediately. Write E i
i 12 ii ing i Wyo 891S c
To Buv
BEEF cattle, veal, sheep, bogs Will calljp
at our ard Ous Jensen. 3134 WaKhlng-ie
. i Phoni 23 1 1026
HIGHES1 prices paid for old clntlvi
Send a postal New York Clothing Store. h
. 5 ' Tw eni j il-ib Bl 3 I J I S
i i i.i irS and hens, II agi H oni 1243
Western Grain (& Feed Co.. 2354 Wash- i
n Avi 188 j
Salesmen j
IP nou are a young- man. ambitious and
want to get Into something with a big
rutin c for you r.elllng phonographs and
pianos and have an automobile, see Mr.
Holland. Glen Rios -Roberts Piano Co
! Opportunities
ONE of the best paving places of business
In tho city. Will consider real estate or
part pay. Hox fcS.V care Standard Exam
ine ;
;,ni) p.. i Out p.-i annum in u safe husl
ncss enterprise. Write Box P84, Burkbur
nett, Texas 3vii
SMAIL fruit and vegetable farm: hnr
gain. .51 Canyon Roai. 4032
WILL havi 20 hteud a i milch cows ni xl
i week. Kolsteln and Jersey Phone 1851
A " 1 El 'I.IAN ila;.er pluiuj lor (-'..,. I
, car Phone 1751 W ?R55
I UNFURNISHED Imuno no rhlldren; best'
-' r. fer.-ni c . 1 1 1410 I , 1
v- ; ' nun iuriii.-i,. i ipartmi ni '
.or small cottage. No children, Addrasal
I'.'.', i .He .-.inndni.! I iinirii i IQ3
Bl young couple with two children al'
j four or five room house Can give good
ni Muv -1 f. are Standard
FTN I' im .-it room strictly modern OT u Od
jtrn house on east side. Will lake lomr
Ii i with first class reference. Address
I ' ' !.. v 7'iJ 0j I !
I ' CONDH NI' e Is bi-)urTTTnT'nVTS i
C Iverson, 1040 Washington avenue
- 1 -
i WE iHK. sour oi.i raaga ni rimt pskymeni
j on anj ni.w range, or will buy your oit
ran;e OUtMghJ gtoms Furnllure Co 4672
K ntu as foi merly o counts 1
of Virginia.
Hi: I TIFI LLY lurnlshed room.
T. j
I THIlKi: rooms bmh room, basement, hot
M 00
I F't'RN' ISM l"I or unfurnished rooms
il ngton "6 '
DELIGHT! room, for refined
cntlemsn 7't fr. hi .l Thone MM M
i .. - . .. ooms 564 Twi
liflb Or- ' ' ' '
MODERN room foi gentleman. lose In
$( , i p. r week 14efrences 2341 Adams
: TIKI i.i.v furnished room,
, rwenj i Phone 120-M
ll'il'SPK'r F PI Nf ; ii'U!mni-
W'nshinirton avenue 1 1 1 2
MODERN ' ping spartn enti
children Plaza Aiirtments 251 Wash
Ingtun . tOM
III ii M K'rrPIV'l rooms !8B2 Monroe
Axe. I02
ROOMS especlall) adapted for renllemen
Gates Hotel, 2446 Grant Ave. Phone S050.
I . - , , . ' ' '' ' ' '
ru-,-. w 12
- 1 .1 :' pi , -... n. : n n- :"I71 Vdarns
h"i KNISMFIi housekeeping rooms
Monroe Phone "i.- M
TWO furnished room.- fur renl r"i rwen
t foui tb '
SINOl B or double rooms for sleeping or
, . ping 2401 Washington .w t"11
ROOM r.," Tw; nl third n?1
NICE Iihk- r.odeni rooms, breakfast If
deslseil Pcforenco iee,ulred. 2639 Jeffer
fon MM
j forTrent
strictly modern small apartments,
ground floor, closu In Buck range l
lox and dresser will sell cheap to the
r nti r Inquire at 2.'.C Twenty fifth stn-et.
i iii k roOm modern C"'1 Washington.
i 'luxe Iii phon. 62 ur 2602 '
TWO room ho.ne. pnntr-. cement base
ment, screened porch. J12 per month. 670
II .ii . 4M1
THREE i' modem ipartments three
rooms each. Including heat and hot wa I
it. also Murph.-. b- I'l-une 214" I"'''1
i i and S-room apartments: private
bath Newlv kalsomlned Close In. Phono
l gj i MOB
4 pi 'O- IS niodein l,uuek. i-ing ..lofie In
: . H. r rl. k 10M
FIVE passenger Podge in r-od condition
Phone 2i'GI It 511 Washington. piS 1
i . 1 1 ) 1 1 I tin- k $2-".u cash Plume :,! I
pi ;
1 'H'l I Ibeil ro-u -I i r
1.118 Bulck lourins
1916 Cadillac touring
1918 Studebaker 1-ton truck
191 'J Nash 2 ton truck
And others.
All In first claS mechanical condition
2200 Washington Ave , Ogden
i P S I . i : IK ierlnnd In cr eondi
Ion. 5200 cash Call 2S6S-J after 6 p in.
TVE p '-i:n ;kl six cj iindi i aiitom?
lb in first class condition Apply 2715
k dams e 3990
IUP roadster starter, generator, lights,
i300 cash. Persona; reasons for selling
Vddrc&s Standard-F.xaminer, Box 64.
i: EN ria.".iene;er Cadillac in excellent
ondltion. for sole cheap Inrjulre S13
rwent fifth. ''.-lis
I'li'l' car. pond cor.dltion 21T Jifr.r
on, 3907
'iip ru ul i. -. eri f 1 . omll Hon new toi
.ml upholstering, electric starter, shock
hsorbers. demountable wheels five new
Ires cheap for cash. See Abbott & Co.,
'ommercial National Bank building
IMALL sport roadster. A I shape. Phor,.-
71 R.
I : i i vP.S Pi K s,U.
E. YORGASEN. 425 Twenty third
hone IQBI W 871j
We loan money. We now have several
ippllcations for good loans as follows:
rwo for $1500: one for $3500, and one
arm loan for $4200
Over Commercial National P.ank
11 sui tried people without security, 'o
ithors jn rlanos. furniture, bonds, etc
7 Hudson Bide Phone 2S 1 249
ilONEl io loan on mprovrHl ai etjii..
Clh ft Herrich. ut
NDTJSTRIOUS young man. 23. wishes
osltlon of any kind. Uox 7.'. Standard
' undni i pgj
IARRIED nan, II' years of hc wishes
osltlon. Have had five ears" hardware
xperlence: three ,.rs banking Bo 3
' '" ' I : i.i mln.-i 0$5
IDDLE i ed woman wllshea position as
ousekeeper for widower. Box O, en re
tnndard Kxamlner 39.'7
IO SE painting 1 Mj .i 3517
A1NTINO, decorating and kalsominlng
7.1 Grant avenue Stlllwoll Apartments
0 1 Plum.- 1 51 g M. 3fli4
V INTED Day 01 hour woik 2216 Lin
"'" upsl 1 ioru5
Ogden Bench Car.al & Water Company
Location of business, Ogden. I'tah No
tice: There nre dellnuent on the foliowlnp
described stock, in account of assessment
levied on the thirteenth day of April
1020, and any assessment levied previously
thereto, the seven! amounts set opposite
the names of the respective shan.holder.-i,
as follow
Certlf " Shares Amount
i"u7 d .1. Sheehan 10S $14 is
HS4 c. C. Raamuas.cn, 2Ti 3 3R
97.1 A E Helms g 1 9,1
1192 Don Magulre 9;, 4 95
J26 N. C Chrlatereen. . . HO 4 00
1315 iouisa Marriott 61 1 65
1 10 BUen Compton 44 2 2n
745 Emily Blake 27 1 35
825 Mrs. John Ollmore .. 6fi 2.8(1
4S Oscar Wllllamo 32 1 60
1357 Charles ClnrK 25 1 25
592 Edgar D, Stcne . , 80 4'no
1312 J. L. LimoirHUX 36 I SO
lint? Murlln Cullen 16 1.36
860 Fred Anderson 32 4 32 '
1237 Martha Kussee 30 1 50
866 John P. Peterson 20 100
977 H D. Brown 80 4.00
And In accordance vrllth law and an
order of the Board of Directors made on
the llth day of ApilS, 1920. so many shares
of each parcel of auch stock as may bo
r.e, c., rv uiu be sold at the office of (he
Company SS7 Twenty third street. Ogden.
Utah, on the nth day of August. 1920, at
the hour of 5.30 p. Bl of tho said day to
pay delinquent assessments thereon, to
gether with the cost of advertising and'
expense of sale.
Secretary. 1
Ogden. I'tah. July 81. 1920.
Department of the Interior U S 1-nnd
Office at Salt Luke City, Utah July 21. 1
Notice is herein given that Charles W
Brown, of Ogden, I'tah, who. on June 22. I
1916. made homestead entry. No 017850.
for NE. t;. Section S, Townshllp 7 North
Rangv 1 East. Salt Lake Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make three
year proof to esbiblish claim to the land
above described, before W H. Reeder,
Jr., United States Commlsioner. at Og
den. I'tuh. on the 31st day of August. 1
Claimant numes as witnesses:
1), D. Dunbar. Lei- Shaw, Robert Mont
gomery. Louis Shaw, all of Liberty, Utah
1 Information Bureau
A NTT Hf NO A to Z nw or old
tvourht sold sr tradd. Flions 3J2
riramweii tiook nnd Stations ry y.fs
Washincton Ave Phone 360. 2061
, f . A N K I N O
Utah Natltonni Hunk. ot)t h-a t coiner
Tv enty -fourth end S'.'n Khlngton Phon 61
It Heber J McKay Chiropractor. 212
Col Ibid-un rtulldln? 3343
' 'cden Carprt Cleaning Works. here
i you get results Phone 416 or 1829-W.
F. Stnipplck. carpenter and Jobber 15
' Twenty third St. Phone 1018 3422
K. Viin Knmpen for upholstering, car
pets d-ined altered and Is'd Remaking
of mattresses Phone 27KJ-J
Kxpnrt carpet cinnninp mattress reno
vating, upholstering, and springs re
stretched. CaM E. J. Hampton Co .
Veathi renovTiinp Phnne 25S6-W.
Phono 133. 22SS-ii Washlnrton Ave.
Mafsuba & Co. k-adlnft Japr.aese res
; taursnt In Ogden ;;i ;4th St.
The New Method Dentins sra pedal
Ists In al branches of LntlL-y. 246J
W sshlncton Ae jjos
Ogden KnK-ravInq Scrvlc . mnaers
of fine cuts In one or mOM olors. 41$
I Twent--fourCi street Phoi. 63.
j Geo 1 1 P.. nn.tr i i.rporr.tlon and croup
llnsur-inces specialty. Phone 121-W, 1 5 1 1
Wi fem Hide Tunk Co . 2323 Wash
Inrrrm Avi Phon.- m:i
Ogden I ink House. ?159 Washington
I'rion? 210
Hoofs repaired and painted Call 94S J
E 1 1
Wlliard Kay real estate and loan
.474 Waahlirton Ave Phone 409 U74
Gurbase ar.d rubbish hauled, ccsapoois
and toilets cleaned John Chlpp & Co.
Phone '28. 2349 Hudsob Avenue fc73?
Trunk and Lip r-palrlng. round ror
;ner from Standard Gcllacher's. "373 Ilud-
8cn- 211S
. XPERT vlndow and whII paoer eiean
Inc. American Window Clcr.nlnc Ph CSJ
Wm. Van Der Woude, licensed sewer
digger and water service. Sencr cleaning,
etc., Cess pools. Phone 2115 W 025 Bush-
1 ,on St 3r,4
No 6063
In the 1 nlted Btates District court In and
for the District of I'tah. Northern Dlvl
ln.'t(d States of America. Plaintiff, vs
barrels of Wine and 2 Barrels or
W hiakr
A libel "of Information having been filed
in the above entitled court proving for
the seizure nnd condemnation of 22 bar
rela, containing 50 gallons more or less
,01 intoxicating llouor. to wit, wine, and 2
barrels containing 15 gallons more or less
.or Intoxicating liquor, to wit. moonshine'
lor white mulo' whiskey, now within the
l' u of Ogden. in the State and Northern
ipmalon of the District of Utah, said in-
toxlcatlng liquor being contained In said
City of Ogden State and District of Utah
which said libel of Information charges
(he said 24 barrels of Intoxicating liquor
In l"'.-"--'d enlili:ir In I In provisions ol
the Art of Congress approved October 2S
jlMO, commonly known as the National
I Prohibition Act and that said Intoxicat
; ln; liquor at the time of the filing of
aid II hoi of Information, wns within the
Clt) of Ogden State and District of Utah
Northern Division, ind within the Juris
diction of this COUI 1
And v.her.:a.i Ihn said court, on the 28th
I day of July. A. D. 102n did Issue an or
Ider directing .the United Stute-i marshal
for the District of I tah to attach and
I seize the said 21 barrels of Intoxicating
I liquors imd each of them, and did fix thr
8th day of September . D. 1920. at 10
o'clock a m. of said ilay In the court
room of said court in the Federal building
I Sri Ogden, Utah, In the State and District
of Utah, as the time and place for the
I hearing of this libel of Information, and
did order that said marshal, by publica
tion and posting cite that all persons hal
ing, claiming or pretending to have nnv
right title or Interest In said property, tb
be ami appear befon the said court ut
the time and place aforesaid, then and
there, to make known their claims and
allegations In 3ald matter.
And whereas, undei and In pursuance of
I said order and the due and regular pro
cess of the above entitled court. 1 have
seized the properly herein described and
I sold proi-eity ik now n m KiS.s,-Sfllon
Now, therefore, In pursuance of said
1 order, you. G Abe. Colonel Thimls I "-hi
I mats and all persons cialmini, or pre
lending to have right, title or Interest In
I said property, are hereby cited and ad
I monlshed to be and appear at said time
and place then and there to make known
the claims to said property, and your al
legations In that behalf
United States Marshal for the District of 1
I tub
Hv W B Wilson, Deputy.
Sealed bids will be received by the Og
den City Boord of Education ut 538 Twen
ty fifth street. Ogden. Utah. until 1 1
o'clock p. in. Friday. August 13. 1920.
I for part of the general construction of
(the Washington Si'tkOOl, in Ogden. Utah)
I all as shown by drawings, described In
I specifications, and as. further modified by
written Instructions prepared bv Leslie
IS Hodgson and Myil A McClenahan. nr
ichitecte at 306 Ecolos building. gdi-n.
The bidders must comply with the Utah
state laws p-Naliilng to certified checks
accompanyirig bids nnd bond required with
the contract.
A $15 deposit is required to Insure re
turn of plans and specifications
The board reserves the right to reject
nny or all bids
By order of the Board of Education of
Ogden, Utah.
President ;
Published August 3 1920 to August 19
1?20 Inclusive
Consult County Clerk or trie Rcspeo
tlve Signers for Further
In the District ''ourt of the Second JudK
clal District. Slate of I tah. Within and
for Weber County.
In thl .Matter of the Estate of Maggie
MaeMartln, Deceased
Creditor will present claims with
vouchers t tho urderslgned, adminlstro-
tot- of the estate of Maggie MaeMartln.
deceased, at the office of W H Reeder.
Jr.. 629 David Eccles building Qsjden
City. Utah, on or before the 4th day of
October. 1920.
Date of first publication August 3. 1 020.
Date of last publication September 1, 1820
W H Reeder. Jr Attorney for Admlnls
Instate of Leona A. I'pton. deceased
Creditors will present claims with
vouchers 'o the undersigned al the office 1
of 8. T Corn. No. 311312 First National!
Bank building Ogden. Utah on or be
fore the tcyenth duy of September. A D.
HKVnvr UPTON, dmlnlstrator
WASHINGTON. 1 t . "I II marry
her yet. Why not I get $35 a weok."
declared 20 year-c.ld Louis Ora Carter,
of Richmond, Va.. when arrested hero
after he had taken out a license to
marry Neltlo Virginia Stanley, of
Guinea, va., who. her mother pays, Is
onli 16 years old
Sight Changes in Values Are'
Recorded During Session
on Capital Exchange
Trading today on the Salt Lake 1
Stuck Mining Kxchangc was not ;
I uulte as active as It haj been for the I
: p. T.st few clays. The prices In the'
: majority of tho stocks were about,
steady. Prince Con. nnd Silver Shield 1
were practical lv the only two stocks,
I to change. The former sold from
I 23c up to 26c, while the latter!
opened ut 18c and sold as high as
I 19c. Tlntlc Standard wan off n trifle.
changing hands t J3.42L, an( clos
I Ing with $3 40 bid for It.
Alta Tunnel brought 6c, bullion'
hanged hands at 3c, iron King want
nt 22c, Michigan-Utah wa the heav
iest trader of the day. 1 7.000 shares,
I (.'hanging, hands at 2jc New Qulncy
wh3 steady at 5c. Km ma Silver
brought 14c, Sells changed hands
nt Be, North Standard brought 3c,
Union Chief unld at fi'c, and Wood
lawn brought Ifi' and 17c
Hd lAsked.
Alta Con 06 05i
I Albion .06 07
American Con -OlVi 021,-4
I Alta Tunnel 05 .05
I Braver Copper 00V4 OOLj
j Dig Hill 02 .02L.
I Hlg Cottonwood 00 .01
I Hulllon 03 .01 jt
I Black Metals 05 .064
I Columbus Kexall 33 .35
Crown l'olnt 02 03
! Colorado Con 03 .05
C-irdlff 1.32V4 136
I ragon t 'on. .11
! Daly West 4.05 4 45
Bast Crown Point - .01 02
Boat Tin. Coal 00Vi .01
East Tin. Con 06 .08
Burkea Mines 05 .06
Kureka Uly 05 .06
Burcka Bullion oa .oeVfe
Kmma Silver O0V2 05
Bmplre Mines 04 05
Howell 05 6
1 Iron Blossom 26 .28
Iron King .21 .HVk
j Judge Mining 4.00 5.00
1 Kennebec 10 .15
I Keystone 75 1.00
Leonora g
Lchl Tlntlc u7 07
May Day 01 02
Miller Hill 02
Mammoth 35 .70
Mlch.-L'tah 02 .02
North Stan 02 .03
New Qulncy 06 .05 Vi
hlo Copper .35
'pohongo .OOVfc .01
NhII Driver 72 75
Plutus 31
Prince Con 24 L 2n4
,rovo .04 ia .00
Paloma qj
Klco Argentine . ... 02 OHi
Rico Wellington ... .17 '20
Sells 06 !o6y4
Bll King Coal'n. . 1 45 1 50
I 811 King Con 1,86 140
I Sioux Con .03 o-l
i south Heola s 105
South Standard . g o
siher Shield .ISM 15
Tar Baby 02y, 0.,v
I Clntlc Central ()i qji?
1 Tlntlc Standard ... 3.40 8.482
I Utah Cons 01 01"
j Uncle Sam .00 .02
I nlon Chief 06 06A
est Toledo 04 Vi 05
Walker 3.00 3 20
Wood lawn .ig 17
.yanlee 02V4 02V-
,unl 14 17
hiniure Copper . . .25 50
Opening Sales.
Alta Tunnel, 4,000 at 5c.
Iron King. 300 at 22r,
Michigan-Utah. 10,000 at 2Vc
New Qulncy, 5,000 at 5c.
Bmma silver 4.000 at 5V
Bureka Bullion, 1,000 at 64c
Plutus, l.loo at 31c.
24Prmce Coni 1.500 at 23V&c; 500 at
.ilco Argentine-. 2.000 at 3c
Silver Shield. 1,200 at 18c; 900 nt
1 .s 1 1
Tlntlc Central, 1,000 at 2c
Union Chief. 0,000 at 6-4'c
Woodlawn, .00 at 17c.
Cloauia Sales!
Bullion 4,000 at. 3c.
New Qulhcy, 1,000 at 5c
Michigan-Utah, 7.000 u uc
Prince Con., 1,100 at 25c" "
Sells. 1,000 at 6c.
Siher shield. 200 at 1 ftt
North Standard. 1,000 at 3c
Tlntlc Standard, 100 at $3 4
Woodlawn, 500 at i6Vic.
Cattle Receipts 33S. choir-,, heavy
steers 910. good steers 8809 fair
steers $7 8; choice feeder steers
f choice cows and heifers $63
fail to good cows and heifers $ r,
8 cutters $4&. 5, dinners ?33 7K
tal bulls $405, veal calves $9fl9 50 '
in";'H;, HH;;:,,,s 33J-b,,1K of
J"' "" " 1 50, wet hern $ 7 ft S f-,t
"cn $65 6; feeder lambs JS'WIO
M Jiicob. cresplnes, nl 8 enrs
cattle M Ia obsen, King city Cnl :
Carloads cattle; Handler Bros, Cnr
Ull, Nev.. 14 eurs she-eii. S. Sellpe. Ab-
w:NevS 8 cr" 8h00- J (i QeorVe
Westward. Cal., 6 cars sheep, A j'
l ife. Junction, Utah. 1 car cattle, Og
den Packing Company, Omaha, 2 cars
hogs ,
CHICAGO, Aug. 3 Sharp new ad
vancei n the f,rlco of J
Plf ' todaj Owing more or le..s to sur
mises that Kuropean war coiSJSa
m ,ndnf K lr "'inK abo,lt enlargad de
"', V . "J from th
n'f'l Sm es SpecuiHtive trade con
tinued to broaden, and this morning
whs a few days ago. un the h,
ly'llghj t ' bus,,less relatlve
Opening prices, which ranged from
I t0.,?2fth,nr ul,h December ti 1 7
to J2 20 and March 82.17 10 J" 2
were followed by moderate further"
Son8 "n something of a reac-
Com moved up with wheat and as
a result of continue,, drj nhr
r "pei.lng 2e to 2ir higher with
September $1 88 Ui 1. 3 Vn6
"' 1 tH to 1.25 the market
ored a slight further advance
oats were governed by the ascent
of ether grain, starting - to nTgh
er with September 89 to 70c in
remaining firm. 8 "C' and
Provisions reflected the strength of
OMAH Neb.. Aug. 8.-(United
States Bureau of Marketa Cattle
Heceipts. 3.200; ln rkatgeneSS v
yon all classes bed fed yearlings
?lfi00; veals 2..'g:50c lower
Hog3 ReceiptH I0,00o: market
Mow mostly 15925c lower; bulk of
medium and light 114.26014.7 top
115.25; heavy butchers and packing
grades ? 1 3.60 fj 1 390.
sheep -Receipts 20.000; kllllna
jfcTff W,e,,,kL t0. 26r ,OVVer- iP lambs
$14.25. bulk I18.608J 14 00. 'reding
grades slow "s
NEW YORK, Aug. 3,-Rar .liver,
domestic, unchanged ; foreign 93A.C
Mci:Jcan dollars. Sl"ic '
The Ogden Auto Directory , I
Oldsmobile trucks and touring cars, Briscoe cars, Gramm-Bernstein
trucks White-Robinson, 2300 Washington. Phone 340. 3739 r
Ogden Auto Radiator Co., 2329 Hudson Avenue. 3740
All makes of batteries repaireo and recharged. Exide Battery Sta- I
tion, 2359 Hudson Avenue 3741 I
Weber Taylor Motor Co , 2333 Hudson Avenue. Chalmers and Max
well sales and service Phone 143 3742 f
McLaughlin-Storey Auto Painting Co , 1715 Washington. 3773 I
Hudson Auto Top Co , 1717 Washington 377?,
Cars of all makes Terms. Let us sell your car. Utah Auto & Tire I
Exchange. 2224 Washington. 3771
Automobile insurance R. G. Ageo. Phone 69 3774 I
We buy all cars regardless of condition. Salvage parts for sale ,
Auto Salvage Co , 2348 Grant 4040 I
Auto repairing and welding. L. J. Haight, 2579 Grant 4044 I
Willard Battery Station, 2454 Grant avenue 3738
Commercial bodies, automobile painting. Sidney Stevens Imp. Co I
Northeast Service Station Cheesman Auto Co 3786
Selling Movement Halted by
a General Inquiry tor In
vestment Issues
I new YORK. A.fg, 8. Yesterday's
I losses were partly retrieved In a num
ber of cases at the opening of today's
stock market. L'nlttd States Steel,
Read Ins;, American International and j
Baldwin displayed temporary strength
! injt the entire list soon weakened when
bullish traders found they could not
advance prices without getting a lib
eral supply of stocks Particular
weakness was noted amonc the Indc
i" nilont steels, especially Bethlehem
and Republic, Railroads moved in a
cot, fused fashion, with Northern Pa
cific nnd some of the low-priced shares
losing ground.
A break of four oents in sterling,
due to the unsettled Polish situation,
together with rumors of new ftnum -ing
and poor earnings of various in
dustrial corporations, tempted addi
tional short selling The market, how
ever, showed plain evidence of being
o im -sold and when support nppe , . i
foi certain stocks, prices rallied brlsk
ly. The rebound carried the leaders
up 1 to 4 points with marked strength
In certain of the steels, equipments,
oils, motors and rallroailK The Inquiry
for the standard railroad shares im
parted a stimulating Influence, but
general buying was rather cautious
because of the sensitiveness of sbms
of the speculative Industrials and the
Unfavorable credit condition. I'nlted
States Steel duplicated yesterday's low
figure of 85. but rebounded to near
8 7. Baldwin and the Investment oil
fitocks also displayed pronounced
The market was again upset by ac
tive selling of Bethlehem. Baldwin and
'orn Products which fell 2 4 to 3
points Denials by president Grace of
the Bethlehem Steel eorporatlon that
any new financing was contemplated
caused a rally in that stock, but the
list elsewhere Continued to be sub
jected to spasmodic selling.
KANSAS ITY, .Mo.. Aug. 3
(United States Bureau of Markets.)
;ittle Receipts 25.000; beef steers
steady, top $15.00; bulk $9.50
13.00; she-stock weak to 25c lower;
bulk 8. 0009.60; yenrllnp heifers
$1 4 00; canners 25c lower; bulk $3 50
fc 4 00; calves most I v $1 lower; bulk
$11 .',11(1 12 .",0. odd lot . arlv 1'( J.iKlT
14.00; Blockers ami feeders weak to
25c lower, quarantine 3" cars.
Hogs Receipts 7500; market loft
25r lower, mostly 25c lower, top $15 -50.
bulk light and medium $15 15fj
1" 50, bulk heavy $ 14 . 50 15 . 35.
Sheep Receipts H0u0; better
rrradea lambs steady; others weak to
lower, quality plain, bulk ood
and choice natives $13 36018.50;
bulk culls $6 76g7.00; fat sheep
steady to 25c lower; best ewes $8 00.
NEW YORK. Aug. 3. Mercantile
paper, 8 per cent.
Exchange, weak; sterling Demand,
$3 65)4 cables, $3.66.
Francs: Demand. -7.38c cables,
7 40c
Bclglun francs. Demand. S .
cables, 8 06c.
Guilders Demand, 33 3Sc. cables.,
33 50c.
Lire Demand, 5.19o; cables, 6.21c.
Marks: Demand, 2.22c; cables
2 23c.
New York exchange on Montreal,
1 1 per cent discount.
Time loans strong, unchanged.
Call money steady; high, S per
cent; low, C per cent, ruling rate, 6
per cent; closing bid, 6 per cent; of
fered at 6 per cent; Inst loan, 6 per
CHICAGO, Aug 3 Wheat, No 2
red. 2 89; No hard 92.81 Uifl
2 33.
Corn. No 2 mixed. $1441.44U
No 2 yellow. $144 -1.454,.
I 'atp, No 2 white 76tt077c; No
3 white. 71 8 75Vic
Rye, No. 2. $1.775 5 1.79.
Barley, 93c to $1 08
Timothy seed, $8.50g1100
Hover seed, 125 00 Q 35.00,
Pork, nominal.
Eard $18.50.
Ribs. $15 26 16 50.
NEW Vork. Aug 3 Copper, Iron,
tin, lead unchanged
Antimony, 7.50c.
Zinc, steadj . Boat 81 Louis deliv
ery. 7.62 H 7 76c.
At London Spot copper. 92 pounds
12s 6d. e-lectrolyilr 111 pound?, tin,
273 pounds 5s; lead, 3 7 pounds 16S'
zinc, 11 pounds 10s.
LONDON, Aug. 3 Bar silver. 57d
per ounce.
Money. 5 per cent.
Discount rates, short bills. 6ff6Vi
per rent; three-month bills. 6 1 1 -1
69i per rent.
,NtK,k' y,,r'K- 3 -Final prices!
of Liberty bonds today were 3 Us 1
91.00 first 4s. 85.46; second 4s
84.40 first 44s. 85.60; second 4id
84 64; third 4Vis. 88.68; fourth 4US,'
65.10; victory 34n. f5fi, victory
18. 96.68 y
SAN FRANCISCO. -if, a WOddln
r a crime!" cogitated Cop one to
Cop Two here. They followed tho
white trail of rice for several block.i
and through several alleys and then
they raided a Chinees store and ar
i, ted eight )rlentals for stealing rlcel
from the Tal Yuen company.
(Lnt Sale.)
Allls-Chalmcrs 3V IH
American Beet Sugar s,,'.a Lljl
American Can 35 i 'sl
American 'ar & Foundry 133 H
American Hide v I Bath ' pfd . . 76
Amerlcuii International Cory... 13j
American Locomotive ........ 95 H
American Smelting ft Rafg.. :.:,'-t Mmm
American Sugar 117V
American Sumatra Tobacco .. MM
American T. ft T ' -4
American Woolen MM
Anaconda Copper 51 Wmt
Atchison SlVfc I 1 ll
All., Lriilf ft W. Indies 148
Baldwin Locomothe 108 Mmi
Baltimore ft onto 34
Bethlehem Steel B" 78 mM
Canadian Pacific ....121
Central Leather 53
Chandler Motors 8534,
Chesapeake ft 1 ihlo 57
C hicago, Hil. and St. Paul 3lU 1
Chicago, 11. I. ft Pac 36-
t'hino Copper 21" j
Colorado I-uel & Iron 3oV;
Corn Products 68
ruclblo Steel 126'4
Cuba Cane Sugar 4 4
Erie i3- JM
General Electric .. 139Va mm
General Motors , 22 MMt
Goodrich Ro. 56
Great Northern pfd
Ureal Northern ore Ctfs 33'
Illinois 1 ontral, Lx-dlv S2
Inspiration Copper 46-rs Mm
Int. Mer. Marine pfd 70', mMM
InteMnatlonal 1'aper 78
: Kennecott Copper . .
Louisville ft Nashville 97 S
.Maxwell Motors ... 13 WmM
Mexican Petroleum, Ex-dlv. ..15yt
Miami Copper . l'j Mmm
Middle States OH 20 1 LMi
Midvale Steel 3ja LMm
Missouri Pacific
New York Central 7 8 "m Mmm
N .. N. II and Hartford'..... 847S MmA
Norfolk ft Western 8Hva. Mmm
1 Northern Pacific v, . 73
1 Oklahoma Prod, ft Ref. . . . a
Pan Amer Petroleum, Bx-dlv, . 88)4 IMmm
' Pennsylvania a S
People's Gas 2V
Pittsburg and West Va 27 WWm
K.i Consolidated t opper 155 mWg
! Reading S94 MMw
I Rep lion ft Steel Mmm
Royal Dutch. N Y 71. MlM.
Sh 11 Tnuis. ft Trad 64
Sinclair Con t i 4 M
Southern Pacific 93'2
Southern ' M
31 ind ird 1 HI ol N. J. pfd 105U
8tud bakci C01 poratlon . 84 fl
Cenni 1 opper yy- ! IMA
Texas Co 43W Mm
T-.vas ft Pacific 37
Tobacco Products MfU
Transcontinental 1 ill ... 1-', Mm
I nlon Pacific 116V
U S Food Products 60-ts mmmt
I S. Retail Stores 55
U. S. Ind. Alcohol 82 V LbbbbI
! L'nlted Slates Rubber 85
United States Steel w-" km
I'tah Copper $2W Mm
Westlnghouse Electric 4 61 MAW
Willy s overland i82 MmU
kmer Zinc, Lead and Sm .. . nil
1 Butte and Superior i;i Amm
j Cala. Petroleum jt;i' AmTt
Montana Power, bid go LAu
j Shattuck Arizona, bbl U
Open. High Low. Cose. mmW
Wheat AM
Dec . ?2.17 88.80 $217 $229 WmW
Mar. 2.20 8.88V6 2 20 2 92U mmWM
Com " n AM
Sept. 1.3S 1 42V, 1 . 3 8 i 142
Dec. 1 23i 1-36 1.23 1.254 kBBsl
oacs MM
Sept .09 .71H .69'8 .70 MAM
Dec. .68 -70 68V8 .70 MAm
Pork MAM
Sept.. .. 25 90 25 85 25.85
Oct... 88.10 MM
Lard pH
Sept. 18.20 18.75 IS. 20 18 75
Oct 18.67 PJ.20 18 67 19.15
It lbs AM
Sept. ... 15 92 15 75 15.92
Oct... 15.95 lfi 32 15.95 16.22
CHICAGO. Aug, 3. (United States I
Bureau of Markets) Cattle Receipts 1
11.000; very slow on all but choice AM
steers; earlj stock steers $17 25 bulk J
3teers. $125S 16.75; grassy cattle
I mostly I9.00O14.50; good cows
jHteady. other she-stock weak; bulk
16 '" " l" -' .umei-.H $4.004.25; H
butcher bulls. $4 00 ?i 10.50. bolognas.
I6.50O7.25; calves opened strong, MM
stoi kers slow- Amm
Hcgs Receipts, 28,000; market
active, steady to 85c lower; light off
least; top $16 10, bulk light and but
chers $1 4.S0JI 16 00. hulk packing
sows, $; pigs strong to
higher MM
Sheep Receipts, 17.000. Bheep and
best native lambs steady, other lambs
slow to lower, top native $14.50, bulk
$ 1 3.00 (ft 14.25 ; native ewes sales rang
ing lower, fat native ewes $8.00.
NEW YORK Aug. 3. Rnw sugar, 1
steady, centrifugal, 16 30c. refined, fmrn
M'Jlet, fin. pr.inulated 2 1.0" -a 2 2 :.iu- mm
Futures were less actlvs early and JH
prices were easier under scattered 'Wt
liquidation with nrlces at noon abouf
10 to 12 points lower for active poal-
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Aug. 3. -Fiour
2f.c lower, in carload Iota, fam
Hj patents, quoted it $12 10 to 12 .rn
a barrel In 98 pound cotton sacks.
Bran $46.00. . M
CHICAGO. Aug. 3. Butter, lower;
creamery, 42 & 52c. AM
Fggs, unchanged, receipts, 11,031 1
Poultry, allre. higher; fowls. 32c, I
broilers, 3942c. MM
CHICAGO, Aug. 3. - Potatoes, firm;
receipts, 22 cars; Virginia, $7 0ng
7,60 barrel; Kansas and Missouri
early ohlo. $3.6098.76; Californl
wtutaa $4-o0-