Ltstett Items of Interest From Utih and Gem Stat
State Vice Chairman and As
sistant Secretary Claim
I. W. W. Control Party
SALT LA KB) Au S. Two Isaders
in tho Utah activities' of tbc I'arnx T
Lobor part) hint nlirht nwd public a
Idler of resignation to Georgo Cro
y ., t,U thiilrm.ui of the p.irty. bc
ruusc. thy churgcil. Induntrtal Work
cm ot tbc World wcr- In control of tho
pt.r!y. The were II. A. Mo'ollem.
L sAulc vlco chairman, und Churlc A.
. .ivcr, uaitant irecrct.iry of the
btuto organisation.
Th- two former officer of the party
il . imj n 1 1 i of fuels which thry
Mid tended' to prove I W. W. influ
ence had been sVCtiVI In the petty, ac
coel some member! f Unit organi
sation of Seeking to mbverl the new
party to their own onda. and made u
Kenernl denunciation of radicalism.
The letter called attention to pro
nouncements by Farley I. Chrlsten
SSn thfl party's presidential nominee,
agalr.ht the I . W. W . and aald he had
lulled to live up to lhes- statements.
PlMf U..tli slgm-ra oi the letter llo here,
which alao la Chrletsn-Ben'a r
slV to uld In formation or the new party,
Ri Ihi I W. W." in tile U p.uiy'a bc-
1 . If. It lontlnued:
JW a lurge numbei ol the nr.osl Lnflu-
toda desUrnats as their choice the Ro-j
WK publican candidate. When members
m If laboi unions begin ta o I
I, L the better educated ntou arusnc them
I '
jt "The Kin D'tr-Lioor party delegates
. trued i (" the
d V i bi lsi i" pursue theli
j sacrificed his -u-grlty to labor unions
I add I W : Tie ktv.-r then ex-'
M plains that t.ie signers u.e noi attack-J
U 'ng all unions, but oi.ly those Inclined
radicalism, it goes on to say that
M -I. w. w Interests" m "ope.atlns
under the mlsnomei or ih. j 'ii'ariuer
U Laboi party and adds "no lawHibLdlngl
U c'tscn would dare belong to it tthej
H BOISE, da., Alig. f. Despite claims
W to the contrary, none of the everul
W, cKiidldates for tho L'nilwU St-uUs so.ii-
HB Uujshlp are In control. Judging from
VH .ittercd reports from various parts
of i hi- stats regarding Tuesdays' pn-
H martin. The vote was disappointingly
BH . it reflects fnvoruble sentiment In the
(fl southeast und south for Frank it.
tfl the
H a. state for Colonel J,. V. Patch and I
mVJ m i
IHkl tor Captain A. II. Cot.nor and C. W.l
LHf BSale, all candidates tor stale
LLWm For governor. I) W. l;iis Is proba-l
Ja bly shading John V. Eagleson, while
1' north Idaho will Klve I'att of Us sup-I
1 port nt least to M. I KK.ei.
Backers of the several candidates
j for senator and governor, especially)
LH tho' ex-service men. nought to elect
ileu Kat- s in t ! oiinl t on eiit Ions to
bg bold August 14. so that they might
control and get Instructed delegates
pHI foi Colonel Patch. In Ada county
E9l tney nominate. I 120 cx-servlec mem
BH out of the total of 176. who will be
seated In the stale convention, and
BH elected about sixty of them. They
rVJ claim control of the county conven-j
tionf but thi
V claim by cither Patch or any of the J
mL other candidates.
m SALT LAK1S, Aug. S John A.
J i ike, iccompanlcd bj his wife and
BBJ thfbr son, were visitors here yester-
I' l.i -ii ionic the r . ifi. coast from
BBC i lie is etijns ini atlOn
Bjr alter seveial e.irs of uninterrupted
BB Work Jn FrSJICS. He Is a building con-!
BBv ti actor and duilng the world war con-!
BH slructcd from 14,000.000 to 16.0d0.00. ; I
BBJ ti acta boards, or duck mats, of which j
W h was Mi.- dei Lg noi The duch m.iis
BBh cl Id wonderful service In aiding the'
so'dlcrs to maintain a semblance ofl
BJB dryness In the trenches He ;lso con-'
wjk etructsd most of the bute used by the I
mm 1 rench and English soldier In the
mm Since the world war closed Mr. Pike'
MM has been retained ly the French gov-t
BH einment to aid In the reconstruction
BH work for mor.. than 2c French cities,'
BJ tOWU and villages, which were proc-'
h tlcall) wiped from th face ol the map
BJ during the war. Rebuilding these clt- i
BJ let and towns will require many years,
BM nf cording to Mr. l'lke. He Is a na
1 1 of i lOulslan i
Framers of Utah and Idaho
Hold Sessions Yesterday
At Salt Lake
1 1 SALT LAKE. Aug. 5. Seeking so-
I lutlons for u altuatlori more alarming.
jand a series of problems more com
plex than has ever confronted Utah
farming circles, more than 100 farm
ers from L'mh and Idaho met )
lerday afternoon and evening -it hi
Hotel L'tiih. n:i!er the auspices of the
' grain comm.ttee of the I'tah f.ir;n
l.ireiu The purpose was to o'ls
cu&x method of relief
Special consideration was gccoi'de'l
'the wheat siuatlon and the oftsrnoon
meeting was devoted to question n-
oernlng nuances, marke jig ..r.d
iransportatlon. authorities upon ih-i
rcsjiectlve subjects leading In tho iii
j cusjlon. Declining wheat pilots fl
ii.'iix lal stringency .ml car shortage
j are some of Hie difficulties win h are
I perturbing wh.at produceis. lo say
I nothing or the high cost of labor, lr -'
rrsselng prices ol farm Implements
'and atoiugo facilities.
Although th wheat prod" -t!on of
. L'tah iind Idaho proiftlsts t J be COIl
sldsrapy In of Ihe LfflO ;iro-
ducilon. growem declare ihat y are
facing piobable loss mile pl.ti :- ar
evolved to '.mil Is Hum to .iii"Jh their
crops with less cxpeiiS" an-i fo gle
ihsm wider morjui of fnrmci.il aid
than they have so far received.
John F. liui ton ol Garland, cbii -man
of the commltee. presided . . the
meeting and, after Cfpluiiilng the pur
pose oi the gathering. Introduced as
tnc first speaker E O Howard, prosl
deni of the Suit iikt? tearing House
association and president of Walker I
ifroiheiii Bankers, stfr, Howard spoke
from tne standpoint tr the banker,
i xplalning tne pivsent tinunci.il silUO
Uon anu lis S.feCt uponlho farming
J. H. Barnhart manager of tl
Olohe Oram A: Milling company ol
Ugdon followed sir, Howard, appear
ing on the program In place of r.. J
.M.o.i oi the sumO coiupcuiy, wiiu was
to have addressed ihe meeting. ' The
gr..ui market it decidedly erratic, "
hu.d mi. Barnhurt. "t 'luciuatlons are
on a wide margin. The condition In
WhICh the gruin -business lines itselr
today is due to the tluahclal stringen
cy which pervades the whole country,
ine export irudu situation and ih un-
i ertnintles . oi transportation.
bUuAi-i rrtiCE S1.85
SALT LAKE, Aug. 6. The whole
i sale price of suguc was reduced (1.86
per hundred by tno I tuh-luaho Sugar
loompany as tne result of a similar
oioji in San EianClSOO. Th reduction
bl iua the pi lie of sugar lo $21.75
wholesale in Salt LsUte. Two &-cent.
rodUCtlOng have been made by the
L'luh-ldaho Corporation since May 1.
The California market price, upon
uMi n i in- Salt lake murkct lb based,
).ah bpen forced down by lh impor
laiiun of hundieds of thousuudu of
poundj of sugar from c'hlua. Formosa,
jap. n und Jaa. W hile tho subui Is
noi o high standard product, It Is hav
ing an effect on me market price. It Is
VERNAL. Aug. 5 i'osses closed In
cn K laneh, Colorudo, last night from
the L'tah und Colorado sides, seeking
lo bring the murdereis of John Dar
nell to justice E Price the tathei -In-law
oi Darnell, with the Utah posse,
claims to have recognised one of the
murder eis whu attacked Darnell inl
later Slaughtered many of the sheep
WblCh he was guarding Darnell leavej
n Wife of 20 and n baby alx months
SALT LAKE. Aug. 6. Mrs. William
H. Stieepcr. 7... was struck b an au
tomobile driven by Sheriff C. E. N I -det
of Payjs county oil tho 6tatc high
way between Farmington and Center-ilb-
laat nlcht. She suffered a broken
arm, Mr. Stieepcr was also slightly
Injured. They were rushed to St.
iark s hospital for treatment bl Shei -
iff Haider.
BAUT i.Kr-;, Aug. 5. Arguments!
weep begun yesterday before the pub
lie utilities commission of ltah In thei
final phases of both the power sched-l
ale cases and the special contract
OS! I The cases ar concerned with
power rates now charged and to Iip
charged by the L'tah Power & Light
company to Its largest customers,
t WARNING The name "Bayer" is the thumb- j
print which identifies genuine Aspirin prescribed by
physicians for 20 years and proved safe by millions.
SAFETY FIRST! Accept only an "unbroken package" of
genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper direc
tions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Cpirjs, Rheuma
r,4r :ism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and for pain generally. Strictly American!
Dandy tin boxes of 1 tablets cost but a few cents Larger packages.
Aplrla U lbs Irade mrk of Bj r M nuictur of Monoacalcacldeater of Btllcy llcd4 j
MISSmL'LA. Mont.. Au. 6 The
..r Cbarlag B. Anderson of Gar
field. L'tah. who wus kllh-d, nsr Al
btrton. 4U mltea weal of heie on Mon
n. is h ing held ut the Mjrah un
Idirtaarlng eslobltahment pending word
from relatives regarding the dlspoal
Iflon of the bod
Ml Anderson, with bin if- and two
hlhln-n wrc en route for Spokane to
visit i Unlives. While oacendlng .1
Keep hill, at the bottom of which was
a nn.ir riiru-, thg tiakea of the An
. il rsoii automobile gav e way. The car
Iruahed backward 1own the hill and
, went oer the twenty-five foot bank
fcl lh- cur.', turning over twice. An
ileraon woe crushed beneath the steer
it. k vrbeel. The d.iught. r Jumped from
the ar and -acaped Injury. Airs. An
IdersoO a badlv brulPcd and the llt
tlc Son. who waa In the machine dur-
mg th- entire time, esestped without
1 O. Llnd and Frank Iminger
i Itiii-MMed th accident, driving on the
km ne "iwi as the Anderaon uutomo-
iblle was crashing to the ground They
immediate! extricated Ande-rson and
nmov-d the ne.ul nn nnl his wife
laitd children to AlbsrtOB
Mr! Anderson resigned as manager
of the Townscnd Meat and Grocery
company si Qaraeld about a m'ontb
ago to go to Taconia, Wash , and make
but home on a farm which he owned
1119 wldOSr and two children survive
POCATEIXP, Aug 5 With the
in nuury election returns Ihoouiplcto
ihe results are Uncertain ana will not
be Blgde KdOWn ir Of least iu vlt".
uccoraing to tho- in cnarge ol ir.o
vuie COUUCfltg here.
'ii inu juinocratlo ticket Jbsi pli
Burns was numiiuiru for stats tr. a
urer. Alyion corjilsn ana 'l. ii c.nr
lor state tepreoentatlves.
On tne ci.y UCKSI v I H. Witty WHS
given coiiaiuciauic majority over j. i.
OCOll, l cpuollcun, lor stale aenator. J.
i bOUriie and Theo. suunmin nave
sufficient leads to inauic tneir no'iu
InatlOn Ihsee men are running tor
stu.te representatli'ss on the Jitpuu
lican HcKct.
POOATELtbO, Ida.. Aug. 5. The alx
ii'uiund oiu ouoy oi All und Alia John
..ifunf was instantly kinou last mght
slien inc- autOinObne driven by tXT.
iJaiSOns tuined lurlio on the slate
.iigiiv..iy i-euvccn AUc.deeu and s'lei -
ine front axle of the machine buc
kled, it is - ild, cau.slng ihe car to turn
turtle, sir. and sirs, farsona und Aire.
kesoa and buby were In the car
a lid received serious injuries. They
wi re rusliea to the hospital at Aberdeen.
hiUivlliMiE 61 AiL IICKET
i:S-:, Idaho, Aug. 5. Non-Partl-ari
league memberaanl labor leaders
of Idaho met In state convention at
tfompa las; evening and nominated a
State ticket headed by H P. Samuels
nf Homier county for united Spates
i nator .md Sherman D Falrehlld of
Ada county for governor. The party
platform favored state owned public
utilities to stop prollteerlng. restora
tion of the direct primary, a workable!
Initiative, referendum and recall, sol-
dler I us paiallt-I 0 r,a, ( Xorth i
Dakota and government ownership ufl
lit I SIC. Aug. 5. The semi-annual
; reporl 01 state treasurer John Bagle-
on Was submitted to Governor DaVls
I yesterday. Tha report bhows n bal
ance of $3. OIL' 164.33 In favor of the
state as against $2,806,307.1 1 January
1 Treasury' notes amounting to $1."
700.000 were Isued July 1 and be
come due Julv 1, 1921.
BpiSE, Aug. 5 After eighteen
year.- nf marled life Airs i iwon Ston
lit we- !. discovered that lnr husband
I had another wife living and yosler-
I day obtained u divorce on thos
, grouiidj before Judge Keddock In the
, Third Judicial court. The Storva wer.
, married jn Nebraska and hue two
children, i boy aged is. and a gin
i ag 'i 1 7
B6IS&, Aug. 5. Two burglars
were captured by a night watchman
l I ' night while attempting lo rob the
White House store One of the men
gae his name aj Harry Clarke of Bait
Lake while the Other declined to tallc.
Both vvero removed to the county Jail
.it Shoshone where they win be tried
for robbery.
Birr an sr nut n
ii5v International Sown Service)
Washington; d. c Mounted
Tollce ufficcr Everett Grimes, of the
Chovv 1'hj.se district, will not have to
make up from his own ppekot the full
alue of the horse which was struck
by lightning and killed while he was
riding H on h's beat, Tin- authorities
ruled that notwithstanding the horse
was kii!"d in the performance of dut)
Grime would have io make good the
loss, but citizens of Chevy Chase who
know Grimes and like him. mad.' up a
purso to defray the cost of another
horse Sr. far ISO has been raised,
r.-ndlng selection of a new mount.
Grimes Is riding a thoroughbred
mount donated for the occasion by a
well-known horse fancier of the nelgn
I'or h J
Grimes was stunned by the light
ning bolt which struck his horse, but
was not senoiisK Injured.
A real test
for overalls
BEXDIXG over the hip; driving- Y ''':'lf
shafts, climbing tho swaying lad- CaWmI
ders it's a real test for overalls in rffii 5En &$Htl
a steamer's engine room. jr I 0Bj
Daniel Canty has .taken over forty "aI
voyages as a steamsliip engineer. Today ffrtg-jt x'm$
he wears Blue Buckle OverAUs on every in p. S?5y.
"They stand the racket better than J Stf j I
any overall I know," says Daniel Canty. JL
AVhether it's running engines on sea or $&k
on land or bringing in crops on the farm j
millions of other men on big jobs have yj
found that Blue Buckles meet the test
of the heaviest work.
Find out for yourself about Blue
Buckles. Test the long-wearing denim
cloth, the wide double-stitched seams. Try (7,, . , ,
on a pair. Icel the comfort ot the big, hcttcr fhan any orerau
roomy Blue Buckle pattern. Blue Buckle know."'
OverAUs and Coats never bind or rip. (Signed) Daniel A. Canty
Solid workmanship in every detail is
bound to give you your money's worth.
All sizes Men's, Youths', Children's.
Ask your dealer today for Blue Buckles.
mm Suckle OverAUs
Biggest selling overall in the world
Q J O. Co.
IM0L1IAM HAY. . Y II wasn't nice to be wounded in the war. Imt still Ilcrt V n group of
wounded Botdiers sketching a 'mermaid'' on the rocks dcbt lifife Uncle Sam supplies instructors, mod
els everything and then pays '1"' soMum's vlnl.- t In arc fitting thi'insph rs nv civil lifp.
WABHlNfjfTON, Aug i. I nOustrlal
i Italy, forced by th'" enormous prcsa
for ImporlocI coal. Is turnlns: uttt-n-jtlon
toward thf utilization of the lat
ent power nf the country's volcanic
area, according to advices rsi SlVsd
I by the Italian embassy.
This Idea of exploiting the natural
; heat emitted from the nll In tht- v1
I canlr regions seemed n dream at first
thought, but already It has been de
veloped to considerable Importum 6
Successful experiments have been con
ducted In the post and today at Lard-
erello. in Tuscany, a heating plant of
16,000 horsepower is operating with
out Interruption and dlftrlbutlng elec
tric current to Florence! Llvorno anil
fJrosaeto. Its capacltj'. It Is planned!
will be increased.
First experiments with volcanic po
wer were mude some years befoXS
the war. by .l't Ince Olnorl-Contl it
I Larderello near the 8.lt mines of Vol
i terra, n region extensively covered with
I volcanic vents, emitting powerful jets
of hot steam containing boric nails
and various gases used In the extrac
tion of boraoic acid.
Instead of limiting the uhc of thcxa
steam Jets to extracting the salts con
tained In the exalatlons of these nat
I urul vapor vents the ejection of the
steam Is simulated by boring hob s
In this way It has been possible to
obtain Jet at a pressure of 30 to 46
pounds per square Inch and In some In
stances as high as "G pound-s s square
Inch, the temperature varying from
160 to 165 degrees entlgrade.
In 1905, Prince Oinori-ConM applied
this natural steam t a 40-horsepower
engine, using only a small taction of
the Nenella fissure, the ejected steam
from which has a pressure of 73
pounds per square Inch Seven years
later another experiment was success-1
ful with a 80S, horsepower turbln al
ternates und later the Larderello heal
ing plant was started with three tru-1
bine alternate of 3,000, kllowats each.1
th.ce being f-d by holler:! at lpl pres
sure healed by the natural steam,
superheated to 105 degrees CfinU-J
The natural steam has beontised.
!!iih far ortly for heating buMuse ' 1 1
cOnta'lnl prfbStance among -them sul-I
phuib. acid, which eorro'des met&lS, j
particularly Iron.
(Hy International New; Service
NEW yOB-k, Who wants to tray
pretl' two-and-orv h:;!f-y car-old M-ir-paret
McNulty for ISftUf ller mother.
Sirs. Katherlne MrXulty, is loo poor
and too 111 to take care of her. w
The mother and her husband came
to America from fsiand several
years ago McNulty has been dead
three years.-'
The. mother, pretty and twenty-nine,
bag Supported Hi' ehlldren since. Put
a' year ago she was attacked with
influenza, which developed tuberculo
sa. Site sinei- has bi-en un ible to work
and has been dependent upon friends.
St-)'- could not Improve and take care
of the children, too Martin was the
oldest and the least trouble, and she
thought she knew of people who,
would take care of him, but not the
The dilemma led Mrs. McNulty to
put this advertisement In the paper
YfM.Ni; WIDOW will part with
lovely 'A -year-old girl. Irish parent
age. $250 absolutely necessary, as
mother in poor health.
Save the Babies
INFANT MORTA LITY ie Bomdhing frightful. Wo can hardly realize that
of all the children born in cnilized countries, twenty-two per cent,
or nearly one-quarter, die before they reach one year ; thirty-seven
per cent., or more than ono-third, before they arc five, and ono-half before
they are fifteen 1
Wo do not hesitate to pay that a timely U60 of Castoria would save
many of these precious lives. Neither do wc hesitate to say that many
ol these infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcotic preparations, j
Drops, tinctures and soothing Byrup9 sold for children's complaints contain
mon or less opium or morphine. They aro, in considerable quantities, 1
deadly poisons. In any quantity, they stupefy, retard circulation and lead
to congestions, sickness, death. There can be no danger in the use of Cas
toria if it bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher
as it contains no opiates or narcotics of any kind. xTTy 1T? . Z ""
Genuine Castoria always licais the signature 61 S4cJU4?
Your Nerves Demand it. Your Blood f
Need It Say Physicians.
There! not notgh phorhoru in mol
rrn food to benefit nearly one half ol H
the m n und women of America, aclcn H
Utx declare. 1
To overcome thin lack of e.n element oi H
oxir IkxIv thnt t. neceaaary to ou H
honlth. your happilMM and even oin H
Bitrcesa In life. w,k. nnu. line, nervoiia.
rundown people- :. re advlaed to take Bl H
tro Phosphate as dispensed In leadlna H
dnir atni- m thr oiifrtnal package H
Sr-e-king of ie ;,e nlm are enallv fa
liKueJ. who lack Himbltlon. nerve and an IJ
ofttlmea thin wmk and audit larklna H
In firm. heulth llrah. Joaeph D llarri Wg
Kfin. formerly vlaltmK specialist Nortl H
Kiiatern IUapenaai. N. Y eava. IIJ
"rati" nis wh.- wr apparently phval
cal irifi Wa. who fooljhl thought tnay
neaded oni n Mood tonle lo enrich th fH
blood, nave come for treatment trem- H
bllnK and shakinK. their nene fore al IIJ
moat ethniiated. and in mnnv such raaes H
lYif n.tin'i i .ru: of ) lit ro-Phosphate ha pH
produenl si-emlnRly magical renulta."
People who feel the heat of summer.
tire en'il m l Mtrn lieeome Irrltnhle and IJ
depresaod will find Intro Phosphate an
ir. rvnslve nnd helpful friend. tt
DniRrirlata report a wonderful Increase H
I In the demand from ru n und women who Hl
are anxious to rCTICW old-llm' nnihltlon Hl
and who are mnklnK' nn honest effort to KB
ht-enme vigorous nnd keen minded with a KswJ
i i met that denotes almost
perfect health. If H
Tho ask for Bl tro Phosphate because I, H
they know they need an Inexpensive or- I
sTenlc phosphate. Advertisement, I
1 i
IS onus
Recommends Daily U3e of Magnesia ta
Overcome Trouble; Caused by Ferv
menting Food and Acid
Ons nnd wind In the stoma-h neec,
pinled by thnt full bloated fei-llnt: nfia
eatlnp are almost certain evidence of the
presence of exee.'ialvo hydrochloric acid In
the atomich. crentlns so-called "acid ln
dlBestlon." Arid stomachs are dnnperous because
too mneli nrld Irritates the delicate lining
oi lh" Btomach, often lendlns; to Katrltl5
ao iminniel b serious Btomach uirern.
Food ferments nn-l .-i.ur.-. erentlng tho dls
tr lni; Ra which distends the Btomach
eti'i hampeia the normnl functions of the
v.tn! Internal oigans, often nffcxtlng the
It Is the worst of follj; to neglect such
a serious condition or to treat with ordl
nets dlgeatlve aids which have no neu
tralizlng effect on th stomach acids. In
stead get from any druggist a few ounce,
of BllUrated Magnesia nnd Uike n tea
spoonful In a Quartsr gla-ss of water right
after eating This will drive tho gaj
wind and bloat rlsht out of the body
sweeten the stomach, neutralise the ex
cess acid nnd prevent Its formation and
there Is no sourness or pnln. Blsurated"
Magnesia (In powier or tablet form n'
er In liquid or milk) la harmless to th
stomach, Inexpensive to tnke and the best
form of magnesia for stomach purposes.
It Is used by thouaanda of people who
enjoy their meils with no more fear of
Indigestion. .vd srtll l nunt.
Ccmbing Won't Rid
Hair of Dandruff
The only pure way to get rid of dan
druff 16 to dissolve 11, then you destroy
it entirely. To do this, get about four
ounces of ordinary liquid arron; apply
Ii at night when retiring; use enough
to moisten the scnlp shd iub It In gera
lly with ihe finger tips.
Do this tonight, and by morning,
most if not all, of your dandruff will
be gone and three or four more appli
cations Will completely dissolve and
entirely destroy every single sign and
trace of it, no matter how much dan
druff you may have.
You will find, tco, that all ltchln?
and digging of the scalp will slop at
once, arrti your hair will be fluffy, lus
trous, glossy, Hllky and soft, and Iook
and feel a hundred times better.
You can gel liquid arvoD at any dru
store. It Is Inexpensive and never falls
to do the work --Advertisement
Be Slender
A tru mmy to t--cm Urxtr. trfl. hMtthy b
now joMrt. S th ik-ttjrti lh Ksdowi sr to j
Jl fuu U)f of bfor r- -STv
j'Hon of trnt No ---i3 f M-rK
strvint TorMl. or ihnotini ri- -V Cl
rr- ' No 'v or -4-1-1. I O VV
U.rrt4. no lo of Hra Juit follow t "
Cb-i iimpl, Hi; Eorrlo tritem u .
xsjCTi. IJ I"' Tou to r- v
gflHrV or. io io fiMSI
a. r-rflnd lwtit-Trr row rxwe to!
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- IT B. who kr.nw tm Unrnmr llhtrr II
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for KORCIN IproroofK-eO teil at sr.v draf tors
follow (h Korr-n rodur vour wslstllna
eVt. hip or 4bU -Mn. Utcan. pKul spi
cttracuir.. Ujow hIm.s Uu ADVtLlIStlsUCKT
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