il UTAH THEATRE Ta'vng j
j "The Thirtieth Piece of Silver"
fc3 A play of love and mystery from the novel by Albert Payson Terhune
J l Thirtieth Piece 1
I : I The Thirtieth Piece of Sm4rv . 1
ij ' He didn't but YOU S
j I Also Fox SainshtBie Comedy &
hsjBjjpfcPfcsBsjBMJIj i
I Arsenal Plans Arrive;
II Sign Contract for FL R.
II Construcllon work on the ten miles
I of railroad spurs nt the Ogden arsenal
I Wtll be started this week, according to
I statements this mornlnp by .Major r;t
I liundy and Captain V. P. Katz, In1
I charge of construction work for the!
v.ur department The contract culllnir
l6T $94,i00 awarded to Taylor and
Child of ogden was signed today.
This announcement has been await-
I cd with keen interest In Ogden and j
I biands as false reports of the rumor-
I cd abandonment oi the great war
I riant.
I Plans for the construction of si.t
huilrtlngs at the site at Suriset arrived
today from Washington and tilds will
tc advertised in all leading newspa
pers and magazines in this section be
r.nnlng with issues of August 10, It
v.:i8 stated today by the officers In
The plans call for the erection Ol
j sixty buildings, one concrete reaer
P voir, one water distributing plant.
Government's Award Received
1 on Recepil of Discharge
j Papers
B Victory medals are now ready for
H distribution to nil BOrVlQC men who
iiOUl an honorable discharge and serv-
B c during the war, according to an
H jnnouncement made today by Lleutcn-
H ant It. V. Laughlln. victory button
B commissioner for the tnl ermountaln
B district who was in Ogden today.
H Lieutenant Laughlln was in conference
1 nh J. (? Llttlcfield. adjutant to J.
H Ray Ward, commissioner of public
H ifet. and arrangements were com-
B pieted whereby the medals may be
B awarded to all former service men who
meet the requirements.
B Less than ten per cent of the Serv-
-Ji Ic men entitled to the niedal in ibis
v district have applied for them, Lieu-
Q i.nant Laughlln said. Tho requlre-
j ments are the same as were In effect
'M when the Victory buttons were dlstrlb
uted They may be obtained by aend-
J ing the army discharge to Lieutenant
"9 Laughlln at the at my recruiting sta-
3 lion in Salt Lake The me.lal will be
M pent and the discharge returned wlth-
,4i in twenty-four hours and the dls-
j charge papers will go no farther than
W Lake, the officer said. It la bc-
jm lleved that many former soldiers are
;cl not making application through four
their discharge wtll be lost. Extreme
3 precaution is being taken In this re-
-j ;rd, th0 officer said Men may ap-
:3 pQ in person with their discharge pa-
pcrs, it was announced.
"'M Commenting upon the prompt ac-
3 tion in connection with the receipt of
n U.c buttons tn Utah Lieutenant Laugh
,4 Iln wild that approved application was
:M made on the second of July and the
, medals received ten days later. It was
. J necessary for the application to travel
jH by mail to Philadelphia and return of
'.'"S the medals to Salt Lake.
'VjB The medal Is bronze, one and four
tf nths Inches in diameter and su:-
ia pended from the ribbon by n rlnK. the
..JB some as most of our medals.' Jn the
jn one side a winged Victory st-iiag"
lull length an2 iull o- - me re-
l vero side. Inscription, "'The Great War
i2 for Civilisation" together with the
I M immcs of the allied nations.
I jl The ribbon is a double rainbow,
sewer tanks sludge beds, sprinkling
filters, steam distributing plants and
outside electric layouts. The entire
construction work, including the rall-
ioad: will cost about S2.096.00U.
Ordnance storage magazines, obser-j
ation tOWers, Kuard houses, stables,
re-packlng houses, general store
houses fire houses, heating plant, ma
Chine shops, locomotive house, gar-,
ages, pumps, together with a 200,000
gallon emergency tanii, will also be
lUlis I BY SEPT. 4.
Bids for the construction work will
be opened at the offices of the 'g
den arsenal In the Colonel Hudson,
building at 11 a. m. September 4, ac
cording to information given out to
day The bids will then be forwarded
to Washington whore final action on
the awarding of the contract will bo
The entire enclosure, comprising
12ot.i acres, will be fenced with non
climbnblo wire fencing. The buildings
Commissioner Ward to Place
New Ordinance Before
Ogden's new traffic law and park
ing system will probably become re
ality before the end of the week. J.
l:u Ward, commissioner of public
safety and originator of the new sys
ti m, has completed drafting of thc
o. uinance and will present it to the
board of city commissioners within a
jday or so, according to un announce
jmrnt made this morning.
Under provisions of the ordinance
the system Installed here two months
ago which provides non-parking areas
and "stalls" where parking is permit
ted will go into official effect and vj
letors will be punished. Motorists
have been given nmplo opportunitv t.,
acquaint themselves with the demands
of the system. Commissioner Ward
BOldi and the plans have proven suc
cessful In addition to the parking
requirements, the right of way of mo
tor vehicles will be changed to agree
with a system which Is more univer
sal. With the passing of the ordi
rance the motorist approaching from
I the right will have full right of way.
In order that motorists may more
roadll) grasp the new right of way
system, Commissioner Ward explained!
that when a driver is approaching a
crossing another vehicle to the driver's
right has full right of way. This -will
eliminate the old system where cars
proceeding east and west nad rlerht
f way over those going north and
south. The old ordinance way drafted
for the purpose of allowing drivers to
gain speed to take the hills east of
Washington avenue, but is no lonKer
necessary, it was said.
having the red in the center and with
a white thread on each edgo. H sym
bollses tho dawn of a new era of calm
after the storm. All countries par
ticipating in the war on the sldo of
the allies rcif adopted Identical llb
bona through an inter-allicd commis
sion that met ;,riR following the
jav This commission also de-,-red
on uniform specifications for
I the medals
Lieutenant Laughlln estimates that
V500 Victory medals will bo applied
for through the army recruiting sta
tion, i
will be of modern type of fire-proof,
semi-fireproof construction, oil walls
to be of brick, hollow tile and reln
fOrced concrete.
Slabh-s for the housing of 200 horses
will be erected at once, the horses to
be used during the construction pe
riod. ( Ol ( i;ITs WORD.
Telegrams from Cnited States Sen
ator Reed Bmoat and Congressman
Milton H. Welling received today by
the Ugden Chamber of Commerce stat
ed that work would be rushed on the
new arsenal. Congressman Welling In
his telegram stated that Colonel Bax
ter had assured him thut the arsenal
would be rushed to completion.
With the arsenal buildings complet
ed soldiers will be constantly placed
cr. guard at various positions of the
arsennl. Til and rails for the con
struction of buildings and the railroad
;.i- arriving daily. When completed
till arsenal will employ between 800
land 1000 people, It is said.
Girl Tells Police
of Attack by Thug
f-eized b an unknown man. an 18-
j year-old girl escaped from her assail
ant Saturda night, only after the man
,had bumped h-r head against the wall
of n nearhj building. The attack hap
pened on Blnford street, between
Washington and Adams avenue
The girl, accompanied by another
Vouiik lady were going home at 11:0
last Saturday night, from Farr
i park. The girl said that the had
watched th" man. who started follow
ing them when they turned east from
Washington avenue. The man ap-1
proachod, it Is stated, and insisted that!
ihe knew one of the girls. He called1
her Elsie several times, the girl said
Then, as his advances were repulsed,
he seized her. she told tho police.
In the struggle, the girl's head was'
Injured b striking a building Her!
companion screamed for help and the
man ran through an alleyway and
t escaped.
Police are searching for the man j
v. ho was" de.srnb. as being about 30
years old. and dressed in a light cap
and a dark suit.
Minnesota Man Dies
of Lengthy Illness
Donald Edward McClellan died of
tubereulosM at Sylvan park last night.
Ho had hon here five weeks, coming
from Minnesota for hia health. He
was born In Minnesota. Juno 10, 1903 I
Ills relatives have been notified. The
body Is at Undqulst's and funeral ar
rangeipenta Will be made later
I a
Call and See Me for Your
Lowest Prices Consistent With
Quality Work I
2423 Hudson Phono 792-M
I, Henry Bell First to Get Stiff
k Sentence Since Beginning
of Campaign
, j Three days In the city jail, with no
B alternative of a fine was the intenco
I Imposed on Henry Bell, iv foi Bpeed
I ing.
r Bell was arrested Saturday and is
L the first violator to appear since the
police started then- campaign against
speeders and other traffic violators
i The defendant pleaded nor guilty
but according to testimony he crossed
the Ogden river bridge at a speed of
25 nub s an hour
Judge D- K. Roberts ruled that six
I miles per hour, the same speed thai is
permitted at street Intersections In the
L I business district. was reasonsable
9 speed at the Ogden rivet bridge
' Mat hew Todd. 1078 Twenty-first
i I street, failed to appear on a charge of
f operating without on automobile rear
i light, and his bail of J5 was declared
I forfeited
W. Farr of West Weber parked loo
i close to a fire plug and was fined $5
I I G. L.. Qreen was the only traffic vlo
' I lator who appeared and escaped with
k out a fine or forfeiture. Green wa
) charged with running his machine
' with but one number plate c jdead-
e-l K-ullty and said thai be had torn Ma
' number plate from the car about an
i hour before his ,-iitcsI because a rlvel
f had broken and the number was In
danger of being lost. He was glvon
I a five days suspended sentence.
Captain Jonathan Jones said this
I I morning that traffic violations werel
f becoming so numerous as to become a
j menace.
L "Last night, between 9 and 10
'o'clock, 68 automobiles without tail
i llchts crossed the Ogden river bridge
If this is the case tonight, tomorrow
night, or any other night there will be
an arrested motorist In Jail for every
' j missing tail light "
i i War has also been declared against
I j autoa with but one head light, and
r.Kainst motorists with but one num-
i ber plate.
oo .
Youth Waives Hearing
1 1 in Auto Theft Case
1 j William Howe. IS. waived prehmi
nary hearing whQ he appeared before
Judge D. R. Robe-Is in the city cuur
thifi morning Howe was charged with
' second degree burglary. He is alleged
tr. have broken Into the gar.ige of
.George R. Whitmeycr and stolen an
! automobile.
William Neuteboom, not yet IS, who
Was with Howe, will appear before
Judge Han Sullivan of the juvenile
court on a similar charge and it is said
that he may be bound ovYr to the dis
trict court on a s.mjlar charge
Howe was bound over to the distric
couri. iws dbu oei.ig iixeu at s&00.
The boys, it is alleged, stole the au
tomobile earlv Saturday monung ano
made their way to Salt Lake. Howe
aa arre3ted in that city and was re
turned tn Ogden. Neuteboom s hat.
'which was foun 1 in the stolen ma
chine, was identified bv the local po
' lice.
GamWirig Charge
j Brings Fine of $50
J. J Browning, arested when tho po
i lice raided the PatrlS club and who
I entered a plea f not guilty to a charge
i of gambling, was fined f 50 or the al
. tentative this morning by City Judge
i D. R. Koberts.
-ttorne Royal Douglas, represent
ing the defendant, changed the plea
j to one of guilty this morninR and
. asked foi lenlenc
Browning was arested with George
Manos, who attempted suicide in the
I city court Friday, tho polite sa .
Three Members of the Class;
Receives ihe Week's
t the class in canning that is being
held In Y right s downstairs store,
three of the ladles in attendance re
ceived the fruits and vegetables that
were put up during the week. The
fact that the store has no further use
for these products after they hao been
used In the class, is the reason for this
This week the products will be di
vided among six of the ladles Instead
of three. Everyone who attends Is a
participant In the distribution whether
they are at the class ut the time or
Those who were fortunate this past
week are Mrs W. T. Lewis. 62 2 Tw cuts-third
street Mrs Kcv Qdrver and
Mrs, Seth Griffin of Twenty-third
Mrs Lewis who was In attendance
at the class today, gave the ladles a
number of vers valuable points about
canning without sugar, that were
greatly appreciated. The classes are
rather mutual in their character, while
the expert In charge gives the demon
stration of the sugarless pack, the
members of the class also phe the
benefits of their studies or experient '
Tho expert in charge la ory eager j
to have all young wives, and those
who expect to become wives, come to
tho class. These girls havo. in most
cares, had little experience, according
to the instructor; and the lessons the
receive here are Invaluable
The elavse.s are held each morning
nt 10 o'clock Anyone ma) attend,
whether for one class or for the entire
series, there is no charge and nothing
to sell. Next Saturday the fruits an I
-ngctables that aro put up this week
are to bo given to those who attend
during the present week.
See Jack Dempsey in action.
Three rounds of boxing at the
Lyceum today. Also Dorothy
Gish in "Boots" and Ben Tur
pin in "Saucy Madeline."
WktodAy '
jffijBj A Wife'
llBr I'iKnMI AdaPted From Eugene Walter's Powerful Play
''hH With Ry Sl8wart- Kathlyn Williams, Leatrice Joy
Man" i
Ogden Women Home After
Several Days Spent at
Lava Hot Springs
-Mrs. Kvelyn GHasmann and Mrs B.
G. Blackman are hom- after several
days spent ut the Riv e, side hotel .-;in-
Itarium ;it Lavb Hot (rnga, Idaho.
The ng.icn women .vers enthusiastic
over the possibilities if that resor' tor
rest, recuperation nod fationinc:
The development of th possiliiii;
ties at Lavs Hot sprin.u an.", the pa
trnnnge obtained by thr resort; there
point a lesson to Off lei i, whlcit Is ren
lecting similar resources,'' M i, ijias-
mnn snld today.
" Under the management of Mr T
AVilesworth. the proprietor iho
Riverside hotel ihore drawing pa
tronage obtained by the resorts there
were many Oaden and Salt Rake citi
zens there, ail of whom praise the
facilities and the service of tho at
taches." The Ogden women made the trip to'
and from the resort by automobile. I
Auto tourists h rr , the main road
McOimmon when bound for Lava Hot'
Firs! Registration
to Take Place Today
Voter of Weber county will be
.iveii the opportunity of registering
for the first time today. The book will
be open in all precincts, from S a, m.
to 9 oclock this evening. Although
there will be seven registration daytl
to follow, voters are urged to "regis
ter early and avoid the rush and
I waiting."
The registration days set forth In
addition to tod.iy are Tuesday, August
17; Saturday, August I'S; Tuesday.
October 26 and vX'ednesJay, 'October
Precinct committeemen have com
pleted a t-ranKements to take enre ofi
n large registration today and are urg
ing that every voter nave his name
on the books the first day. All in-
formation regarding registration maj
be obtained fro:n worker In the pre
cinct, it was announced.
1 Returned Sc'fe
I Succumbs to liiiiess
Henr Everett Lutz, Ogden soldier
recently released from (he army, died '
al tho residence, 3407 Adams avenue,
Sunday morning at 9.30 o'clock Ho'
had boon 111 several monili-.
He was born at Vernal, July 26, j
1S90. and was the son of Mr. and j
Mrs. Merrill Lutz. Ho was a member
of th American Legion. Surviving
arc his parents and several brothers
and sisters.
Funeral services woro lo be held to-j
day at 2:30 o'clock Burial will take
pldce in tho city cemetery.
Idaho Man Succumbs
Following Operalion
Frank 0 Dalby of Dnccs, Idaho,
d!ed at a local hospital Sunday morn
ing following an operation Ho was
born In Kansas in August, 1886, tho
son of Mr and Mrs William Dalby.
Funeral service ; will be held at the
Lindqulst chape1 Tuesday al p ni
The body ma be viewed tomorrow
forenoon. Interment will bo in the
city cemetery.
oo (
There will be a special meeting of !
stockholders of the Ogden Petroleum j
company at Ihe City Hall (upstairs)
Wednesday at 8.3 0 p m., to consider!
very Important business matters. Ev-
erv stockholder requested to come
A. L. GLASMWN, See'ty-Treas.
Music Lovers' Attention
Bo at the Community Service Of
fices. 3rd floor Utah National Pank
Bide., at 7:80 Monday evening Por
further information phone S2 Ad.
! Priest hood Meeting
Held at 14th Ward
- -
A successful priesthood convention
was held In (he Fourteenth ward cha
pel yesterday morning and evening
WltD large eongrvnt Ir ns in attendance
Bishop Clarence Morris conducted the
sessions which were attended by Pres
ident John Watson and members of the
lilgh council.
At lh llinrn in. Maaa j a
...w.,.,,, , ..-..juji ,iU (innress
on ihe 'New Priesthood Movement"
was delivered by Joseph C McFarlane
chairman of the high council Depart
ment work fol'o-.Tod a short prelimi
nan service when the subjects. "Ihe
Restoration of (he Priesthood" were
discussed in Aaronle priesthood'
classes and "The Duties and Privi
leg) a of the Priesthood" was discussed
In ihe higher priesthood classes.
At ihe evening session the subjects!
discussed were 'The Priesthood lie
slored." Joseph Rirje "Tho Power of!
Iho Priesthood, 1 Thomas A Shreeve.
"The C? II ing of a Ward Teacher,
George Shorten.
Special music at ihe evening session
Included a io'n solo by Josephine)
Royal w;ih Clara Owens accompanist.!
A piano solo by Madeline Huth.
Have you Insured your hay? Very
dry. much danger of fire. Kato 3 per
cent annually. See me at once.
Altriart Society to
Stage Pageant Mere
At a iueorin? the officers and di
rectors of the Altriart society, yester
day afternoon it the University elub
rooms, community service was thor
OUgbly discussed It was decided that
tho Altriart society In co-operation j
with other clubs of Ogden would su-:
pervfse the preseiitatlon of a tall pa
geant in Ogden
Talks on community werei
given by H W. Atburv and Harr r.ltir-1
risen, who are ip Ogden for tho pur
pose of developing an Interest in this
work. Both of Hie men have (raveled,
extensively through the United States'
and in ihe interest of community serv-l
ice work The p.agent was suggested
by Mr. Arbury and Mr Murrison and
suggestions were made that the work
be supervised by the Altriart socirtv
Further plans ind discussion on the
pageant will be derided today when a
special commiltte. appointed by Bob
Major, will meet with the communnv
service v.-orkers The committee in
cludes Miss Mar.. Fisher. .Miss Lil'ianl
Thatcher Lester Hinchcllffe. William !
H M-inning and Superintendent B. A.!
Music Lovers' Attention
Be at the Communltv Service Of-
I I . ' r t t FTl. U - , - i t I
1 1' ' a, oiu iioor cian .vimunai nanK
Hldk' . at 7:30 Monday evening For
further Information phone 82. Adv.
Kffie Shannon, Robert Edeson. Wk
Amelia Bingham, Katherine Kaelred. f,
Ida St. I.eon. George Lc Guere and (EftS
Liittle Billle, seven of the best known "TB
;siars on the American stago today. BUS
vvho comprise Oliver Morosco's orlgl- H
Hal famous all-star cast, will be seen Bu
at the Orpheum theatre next Wednes- wSb
day night, Aug 11, in Rachel Barton Hi
Butler's successful Harvard comedv
Mamma's Affair." This is one of BB
the biggest laughing successes of tho
-New 'loi k and Chicago season. In fact
the finest, smartest and moat brilliant
comedy that has been seen on the Am-
crican stage in the past ten years. W
Kach and every one of the players WM
has leen seen at the head of their own HE
companies several in fact have star- Ml
red in more successes than space per- WM
mlts u3 to recall and their appear-
ance together in this comedy affords H
tin mos. Interesting and important
a'traction of the current season Their B
engagement :,t the Orpheum Is duo to MB
the fact that Oliver Morosco's earnest
desire to present the play throughout Rj
the country with the entire original HB
a'l-star cast and production made It H
necessary to complete n iranscontlnen- I
tul tour within the next four months , '
and sden Is one of the few cities
thai will be visited -n this whirlwind Ik
tour. The seat sale opens today. W
President SliuriM to I
Talk at Zionist Event
! President D. W Shurtliff will be the
Speaker at the Palestine celebration
::t the Rex theatre on Twenty-fifth
.street this evening. The event will WtWi
Istart at 8 o'clock.
Samuel Blitz of New York, lender In
the Zionist movemei.t. will tell of the HI
purpose of the undertaking to restore BB
Palestine to the Jews. HE
i EJmll Rosenberg will act as chair- WWt
I Siereoptican slides, ' Life In Pales- B
' tine." w ill be show n, giving Ogfioriitea H
an insight of the Zionist movement H
and also pictorial Information of pres- H
ent conditions In the cradle of Chris- H
Miss Josephine Shorten, contralto ifl
end Miss Oladya Peterson, pianist, wiii BJ
part in I he rau J
Both Jus a mi Christians are invit-
ed to attend. iH
There will be no admission charge. '
co XtU
Cooper to Be Tried , E
on Forgery Charge I
I P, L Cooper pas bound over to the I
district court or. a charge of forgery I
(by Judge D R Roberts of the city
; court this mqrnlng. He waived his pre- B
limiuary hearing. Cooper. It is alleged.
!pas8ed a check o,: 1. Miyamoto for ?6.r! fl
to which he is alleged to have forged
the name of R A Slater. Cooper, it J
Is claimed, ordered a suit of clothes, B
costing $60. from Miyamoto. In pay' 1
ment for the clothes ho ehvp a r,
check, receiving ?5 in change, the ohor p
iff says. I
ORPHEUM, Wed?.,AiigBgf) J
Shannon Edieson Bingham I
Kaolard St. Leon Le Guere
In the Harvard Prize Comedy Success
Direct From Its Long New York and Chicago Runs
Thl3 wonderful cast and play appears only in Denver, Ogden, Salt
Lake, Los Angeles.. San Francisco, Portland and Seattle during Its
whirlwind transcontinental tour.
Prices, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 75c, and war tax
Seat Sale Opens Today