OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, August 09, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-08-09/ed-1/seq-7/

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1 Irrigation District
f Formation Will Be
! Voted onTomorro w
With the. election which will deter
mine whether or not the Weber county
Irrigation district shall be organized
taking place tomorrow, three state
ments bearing on the point In ques
tion were issued today ai uie offices
of the Weber county f irm bureau. De
fining those who have the right to cust
a vote In the election, the first state
ment says:
Only persons whose names appeal
on the polling list can vote at the
election for tne proposed Irrlgutlon
district for Weber county tomorrow
(August 10th). Thlb list will give the
names of land owners as they appeur
i rd on the county records In October,
fa 1819. Any changes of title since that
H date will not appear on the official
W" polling Hat
In case a farm has been purchased
since date mentioned. the original
owner will be the only one who can
vote the water allotted to the farm.
Where the title Is held by a number
of parties conjointly, the vo.es will be
divided equally- This Is true where
the names of the man and wife ap
pear on the record.
In case of companies and corpora
tions, the board of directors must au
thorize a certain Individual to vote for
the company.
0 The places to vote tomonow are:
Ogden Valley At Eden at the
school house.
North of Weber river. Including the
area petitioned Into the district from
U Box Elder county, will vote at thei
Y school house at Farr West.
I South of the Weber river will vote at
the Kanesvlllo school house.
Answering an Inquiry made by W 1
Preston Thomas, Wober county agri-!
cultural agent. W. J, Mitchell of the I
firm of Richards A: Mitch' 11, attori sys
for the proposed district, write
e jB Wo have stated In our former
I communications, the district When or- j
v ganlzed will not Interfere with the use!
j und enjoyment of the present water
rights of land owners within the dls-'
met. The law was enacted In the In-1
tcrest of conserving and putting to a;
berfeflclal uso tho public waters of the
state and It Is contemplated by such
an organization to acquire and supply:
the necessary uddltlonal water requir
ed to beneficially Irrigate the lands
R concerned. Property rights, as you
are aware, arc protected and preset -1
cd by the constitution and this district
will hae no more power to Interfere
with such rights than will an tndl-,
vldual. It will control the property!
and property rights acquired and own
ed by tne district.
With reference to your question re-1
gardlng the procedure following the
crgamzatlon of the district, permit mo1
to say that after the board of direc
tors have qualified and organized, It
will be their duty to determine the'
amount of water required for the land
within the district as well as the
amount of water available for suchj
uso. Upon the completion of such
survey, a final allotment Of water for
each forty-acre tract, or smaller tract,.
In separate ownership will bo made,
which allotment for each such tract
Will not be less than its proportion of
.,- the amount of water available, unlng
M-"' tho stato engineers allotment as a ba-
sle. This final allotment will be the'
basis for all assessments, tolls anctj
charges levied against the land and
r will also serve ae a basis of the vote at,
all elections thereafter.
With reference to the power of the
board of directors to obligate the dis
trict, you are advised that the board j
v 1 1 1 be prohibited from making a con
tract or purchase Involving a consider
ation exceeding $ 10.000 and not ox-'
ccodlng $26,000 unless such contract
or purchase Is first authorized and rat-1
i ltied In writing by land owiere of the
I district having a majority of the votes
according to the number of votes cast :
In the last election: nor will any such:
contract or purchase in excess of $25,-1
000 be binding until the same is au-J
KM thorlzed aud ratified at an election In
manner as Is provided In the issuance :
of bonds.
Tou are also reminded that If bonds
should be voted for the construction
'm of the irrigation works of the il.urlct,
the expenditure of this money will bo I
jj supervised by a commission consisting
jfl Of the attorney general, the sUite on-
gineer and the state bank commU-;
sloner of the stato of Utah. It will
thus bo seen that the board of dlrec- I
tcrs will flrnt ascertain the amount Of
HI available water, which .'.ill mi -
oaearily Include theroln complete en- j
gineering details a to the project and ,
the coat of the lame. After this In
formation Is available, the question;
of the issuance of bonds will be sub-1
' - mltted at an election called for that
UB purpose Alter the bonds are, Issued.
the proceeds will bo expended by the
board of directors under the super-
p,' vision of the commission above re- j
'K forred to. for the purposes for which
ff?jM thoy were sold. So that not only must
the land owners bo consulted and their,
approval obtained when any substan-i
tlal expenditure Is to be made, but!
also the funds for the construction of
the project will be under the general
If upervlslon of the stato commission, j
1 The land owner not only chooses the,
directors, but as above Indicated. has;
a direct voice in tho conduct of the
district's affairs.
'"Irrigation and Irrigation Districts"
Is the title of a paper written by A.
y F. Parker, chief engineer of tho Utah1
IlJ Water Storage association. dealing!
with the objects, ecope and power of I
the proposed district. Engineer Par-j
JpC Iter writes:
jVy Utah seems to be overlooking the
99 fact that every' state, as a common-
IJ9 wealth, depends primarily upon Its ng-j
mWgjfgW J ilculture. agrlculturo depending upon
Rf" irrigation. Our ctate Is an empire of
potential resources awaiting develop
ment, but our best Intelligence and en
Hri crgy appears to bo directed, mainly,
toward the fostering and expansion of
tttkde, commerce, manufactures and
mines, with their commltant Indus
H J When the welfare of tho state de
pends upon a practice so fundamental
ly necessary as Irrigation. It Is plainly
'he business, not ulone of landowners
tut of all; such practice .-mould be
come one of Me great concerns of the
'state, like education or the protection
Of health. This aspect of Irrigation
lhas been proclaimed by high authori
ty, but there seems to be need of re
stating it.
Business ami professional men and
men of all degrees should Join land
owners and farmers, even to the tem
porary sacrifice of convenience, time
land money, if need be. in an endeavor
to develop the resources latent In our
water supply
I Such development haa been left to
ifuimiug communities to make, until
the time l come when all the canals
and reservoirs they, separately, are
able to build, are long since finished,
j While great possibilities remain, all
,urc of such magnitude and cost as to
t-i- beyond the powers of local commu
nities to attempt. tu ganlz itinn to di
rect co-operation is needed, for this
lt a matter that should not be And
cannot be done piecemeal or left to
I private or corporate exploitation the
state and Its people must see to it
that the problems are considered as a
I .'holc and lull development made.
I Bi.K ( -1 -. ,' i AND IRRIGATION
DI8TR1C i S.
There are certain definite steps io
be taken
First Preliminary work must be
done to outline possibilities and point
out the way.
Second Detailed .surveys, plans,
and accurate pielimlnary estimates
must b's made
Third The plans and costs must bo
approved by the people- interested.
Fouith .Money to meet the costs
of construction must be provided
Fifth Actual work ot construction
must begin
These steps must be taken one at
a time and in their order. The Ilrst
b p, in the matter of (he Weber and
trovo rivers, is now neaiiy completed
by the Utah Water Storage associa
tion; the final report, now In course
of preparation, win outline possibilities
and show what is best to ao.
The second step can best be Liken
by the lormatlon of Irrigation districts
under the state law. There are twelv e i
such districts proposed under the plnnl
to be formed in eight counties, une
district is organized and three others,!
one of which Is W eber county, are In '
process of formation, un August 10th j
the election will be held in Weber
county to organize the, whole county
Into an Irrigation district.
The object of this election Is solely
to form an organization with powers
to complete tho second steps and to
provide means for doing tne neces-
sary work by a possible tax of $2 pci I
acre, probably this lax will not reach
$1 per acre This tax, strictly limited
in amount, is the only obllgutlon as
BUmed In forming the district at this i
first election.
The other steps may then be taken,
if thought best, at the will of the
membership of the district. No pi. n
can be adopted except by the people,
no bond Issue can be made except by
a special election and no money can
be expended except for the purpose
designated at such election
It Is apparent, that tho other dis
tricts proposed will be formed in due
season, It is all a part cf the grand
plan to realize, to the fullest possible
extent, beneficial ueo of tne waters of
the Weber and Provo river water
sheds if Weber county should fall to car
ry the coming election anil so fall to
Organise as un irrigation district, It Is!
plainly evident that this Section will I
bo placed at a serious disadvantage, a
disadvantage not easy to overcome, for
the other districts will likely organize
and reap tho benefits of pioper co-operation.
Unorganized districts will
surely not stand as good a chance at
new sources of water supply as will
those organized and co-operating.
In none of this is there anv possi
bility of interference or diminution of
presont water rights. The object Is
to develop a greater water supply, so!
that those having an insufficient sup
ply may have what they require ad
ditional and those land owners having
no water may have what is needed of
Irrigation water wheie possible for
water to reach.
A. P. Blgelow, cashier of the Og
den State bank, says regarding the n
nanclal aspects of the undertaking:
" As the proposed irrigation district
has been explained to me by Ir For
tler and his associates in government
service, tho plan contemplates the pro
viding of sufficient water to irrigate
all the hinds in Weber county, suscep
tible of Irrigation. Suggestions for lo
cation of reservoirs to be constructed
and canals to be built are detatls
which must be worked out by the dis
trict at a later date Sufficient pre
liminary Investigations have been
made to Indicate that there is avail
able sufficient supply of water. If
properly etorad, to provide an ade
quate supply for all the Irrigable lands
in the counts, estimated at 90,000
acrej. We now have about 16,000
acre9 of land In Weber county parti)
vvatored, that Is, about sufficient wa
ter during tho early part of the sea
son, but in hardlv any case sufficient
water to completely mature the late
c rops
Thcrefofe, the result to be obtained
will be the irrigation of twice as many
aces of land as now are irrigated, and
a sufficient supply of water each and
cery year to adequately water all of
thOM acres; whereas now. only half
the number of acres are only partly
Irrigated Embraced In the Irrigation
I plan Is a comprehensive drainage of
j the lands which now and will here
after require draining.
It Is not often that work can be ac-
compllshed which may be considered
sufficient and final for ali time, but It
does seem that we have an opportunity
to secure Buch an Irrigation svstem.
w hlch will fill the needs of not only
j the present generation," but will be a
I Loriii Farr Park
j August 11
Sheriff's Force Out on State
Road Looking for
With members of the sheriff's de- ,
partment patrolling every road lad-1
ling Into ogden and police officers on
the alert within the city limits, the
campaign against automobile speeding
and other infractions of the law re
garding motor vehlclec. was In full
Wins; last night.
Sheriff H. C. Peterson said this;
mornlns that no highway was left
unguarded last night and his officers J
will continue the activity until the un-
lawful practices of motorists are
Deputv Sheriff Dick Wootton who,
was one of the most active of fleers
on the countv highways reported this
morning that few instances where mo-
torlst were known evading the la'v
were discovered during his vigil.
There were a few cases, he said, where
cars were being driven with one head - j
light or with tall lights not burning, !
but in most Instances the drivers had
no knowledge the lights were not
j burning
Deputy Wootton declared that most 1
I motorists apparently were anxious to i
comply with every demand of the law
and agreed to correct faults Immedi
ately. Thre were no cases of exces
sive speeding found during the vigil
last night, he declared, but a few
drivers had to be cautioned against
careless driving
The campaign will he carried on
with all Intensity in the future. Sher- I
Iff Peterson stated today and not onlv
will the officers watch for speeders;
' hut for drivers who use but one light.
no tall light, wrong numbers or glar
ing headlights.
Engineer Figuring on
Bigger Water System
With City Kngineer Joseph M Tracy
completing IK'ures and estimates for
the enlarging of city s water dhfrl- j
but ion system and the erection of a'
municipal eleciri; lighting plant, May I
or Frank Fraud! announced this
morning that hc date of z city bond j
election will BOOl) be determined
election v.ill bo held with th? hopes
that the city commission v. ill be au-1
thorlzed to enlaigo the water system j
to r. point where the? city may be sup
plied for years to come in its rapid
growth and the l.;:ilding of a municipal
lighting plant so that OMlen residents
may bp glvpn cheaper rates
The firrures ard estimates are r
DOOted lo be in the mayor's haml.s
within a few days and the bond elec
tion date will thea be announced.
Hold Up Compression
Test at City Wells
Tests to determine whether or not
the water flow from the artesian wells '
in Ogden canyon cau be accelerated'
with pump.; and air compression Willi
be held as soon as the low water pe-
r.od .is paesod, according to Mayor!
Fr-nk Francis No attempt will be
made which might hamper the flow j
until the city has ceased to draw so
heavily upon the preeent BUpplj and
the warmest weather period 16 over,
Major Francis said
Motors and air compressors will be'
loaned to tho ;lty fnr the tests by the j
Amalgamated Sugar companv and thei
L tah Agricultural college so that the I
investigations can be made with but
small expense to the city.
First National Is After
Mary, Doug and Chaplin
H. B Stoneman, representative of
the Associated First National Pictures.
Inc., arrived in Ogden todav from Ien
iver. Stoneman sold that his firm nas,
j dickering with Mary Plckford. Douglas
'Fairbanks, Cheney Chaplin for con
Stonenian said the thref stars wil)
I hold a conference at Denver during
the week Chaplin who is now in Salt
Lake will Journey to Denver this w ek,
; according to Stone-man wherp he will
iconTer with Fairbanks and Mary
I Plckford who are now in that city.
To Frederick Carl and Mary Mud
Stratford Rabe. T020 Monroe avenue,
To David Keith and Savina Konold
Buck, 235fi Monr-rf avenue, boy.
To Gilbert C and, Esther Bernice
Hill Stuart, 252 Thirtieth street, girl
To Merin and lice Pauline Martin
i Valentine, Dee hospital, boy.
To Thomas and Christina Van Baten
berg Van Drlmielen, 32ba Wall ave
nue, boy
i To George ?nd Christina Tlmmor
man Schreven, Per- hospital, girl.
rich heritage which we may leave to
i coming generations.
( " The work will necessarily be ex
' pensive, and it will require consider
able time- to accomplish It. It is not
I a favorable time to attempt to raise
the required money, -but I think that
should not discourage the voting for
the creation of the Irrigation district,
because the preliminary steps will re
quire considerable time, ,and it is
hoped when the monej will bo needed
for the construction of the work, a
more favorable market will be found.
"It Is not possible to estimate the
i advantage such an added supply of
i water to the land In this section will
be, to not only the land owners, but
to the citizens of Ogden as well,
whose prosperity Is largely founded
upon the productiveness of the soil
surrounding tho city
Means d Escaping the
Heat of Summer
A number of tho people in Ogderi
are escaping the Intense heat of sum
mer by installing asbestolate Insula
tion over their ceilings, which render
their homes cool and comfortable
The cost Is nothing compared to the
comfort Call Asbestolate Product
Co. Phone 1416-W. Adv.
JfisW! VALUES TO $8.65
yHW Slloes- 0:Aord;, Pumps, White
Satin Slippers, U S Canvas
Keds," Babies Shoes and Bare
foot S'indals
FTl n TT This is the grand wind-up of our
II P V I J il clearance sale shoes that have
I h M I i U been on our bargain counters and
X It U U II II J which we are moving at this nomi
nal figure of Obi DOLLAR PER
ONE DAY ONLY pair rather than put them back
in stock.
2356 Wash 4, OGDEN,
Avenue &&$tyd&B' UTAH
For Good 5Aoc4
mra bumch
Visitors Lambasted to the
Tune of Seven to Six
"W L Pet.
Lavton 15 2 82
Oden 11 I 6SRI
BrlKhum 10 5 .6fi7'
Tremonton-Q 8 s .500
Monew ille . . , . . 2 12 .113 I
Bountiful 0 11 .000
I W coWx rtruults
Aug. 1 Trcmonton-G.. 2; Brigh.-vm.
Aug. 7. Layton, 6. Tremonton
Garland. 8.
Aug. R Ogden. 7; Layton,
Ogden vs. Honey ville, postponed.
Brlgham vs. Boimtlful postponed.
Th "gun elub won from Layton
yesterelay in ten limning! of nip and
tuck bnxeb.ill at Lorln Farr park.- the'
Kcore being 1 to ii From the first I
Inning to the tenth both aggregations
were on their toes and the 600 fans(
were treated to several thrillers during
the rmitlncc
French and Myers were the stars of
lli day for Ogden, e.-rch hitting a la
Babe Ruth and fielding like regular
big loaguers Collins, who finished
the game for Ogden on the rubber, af
ter Shipley had been driven to cover,
heaved high-grade ball. He was ac
corded good support Williams, Gren
and Sandal he.ived for the visitor--With
the score 6 to 5 in favor of tho
visitors In the ninth the olenites tied'
the count and won out In the tenth.
Score: R. H. E.
Lavton 6 8 3
Ogden 7 14 2
Batte-rlrs Bandel, Williams, Green,
'and Mann; Shipley, Collins and Miller. I
I nrv
Meeting on Sewer to
Be Held Next Monday
To consider wLat 8teps will be taken
In regard to ihe construction of the
outfall sewer, residents of the Third
v ard will meet w:th tho board of city
commissioner? next Monday night ;it
7 o'clock In the city hall. No decision
i has been tirade 111 i ni to the MWer
construction since- the submitting of a
bid for the work of ?969.f00 by a local
contractor This bid was the only one
: received.
The meeting will be held to deter
mine the views e.f the property owners
land decided whether they want the
sewer constructed at this flguvp At
presont there Is a fund of but $325,000
available for the work,
j Mayor Franci; stated todav lhat
'many larg'j contracted aave earned
,od Investigations ;nd compiled figures
in regard to the Bewer and following
I Investigation have imported that they
I did not care to rid for the work. Un
certainty as to the future in regard
I to labor and material is believed to
I have beon one of the greatest drawbacks
Hampton to Appear
for Sentence Monday
Walter M. Hampton, former book
keeper for the Oolden Rule store and
who was recently convicted of forgery
for filling in two company eh1 k and
I cashing them la scheduled to appear
for sentence next Monday morning it
JO o'clock befor-- .luelg A IS Pratt in
the district court. Tho penalty for
the crime under the law is from one
to twenty years in the state peniten
tiary It 1 expecte J. however, that motion
for a nen trial will be filed by Hamp
ton's attorne.v-s before dale of sen
tence. Hampton Is now In the county
Three hundred and forty -three death
sentences were carried out In the Brl
Uh army during tho war.
Moran Gets Ready to
Pave Canyon Highway
With the calling topether qf work
Ing crews and equipment by the Mo
ran I-'rvlng company today, the tear
Insc up of the Ogden canyon read anet
th beginning of paving operations is
expected to begin before the end of
the week, according to predictions of
members of tho local office of the 1
state road commission. It was stated
that the Moran company Is calling In
labor crews from other contracts and
the equipment is being concentrated
to be taken to the canyon within two
or three days.
During the actual period of con
struction traffic will he held up only
during short periods It VU laid The
type of surface to be Installed
makes it possible for travel to proceed
almost as soon as It has been laid,
and travel will bo held no more than
one hour at the longest. It was stated.
W hlle the contractor has 200 day3
In which to complete the work, it Is
believed that the road will be laid at
once and fall will probably mark the
completion of the new surfice from
the mouth of th canyon to a point
near Huntsville
Rain Spoils Plans
for Outdoor Session
Rain spoiled plans for an open air
service in Lester park last night ar-i.tngj-d
by members ef the Sixth ward.
The first part of th- service was held
in the Sixth ward chapel and It had
been planned to adjourn to the park
but when the storm broke Bishop O,
M Sanderson announced that the
meetlnir would continue In the chapel
Announcement that President Brig-
ham H. Roberts, well known orator,
would be the speaker drew a lartje
congregation thai filled the chapel to I
Capacity, President Roberts dis
cussed the question of young people
falling avvjy from re-llplon on account
of the acts of men. He declared that
the people were personallv responsible I
for their own falling away and could'
not lay the blame on other persons.
During the evening a chorus sang,
My Honv Beloved." "School Thy,
reelings"; "An Ancci From Heaven."
The chorus consisted of Wm R. i
Wright, Win. P. Pickett. Parley Car-:
ver, Arthur Halverson. Stanley Rob
bins. W m N'orton. Kva Foulgrer. Gerad
Klomp. Roy Tribe. Porter Tlllotson.
I ink Foulger. R. E. Puffller. Harry
S. Peart accompanied the singing n
I the organ.
Mother of Accident
Victim Reaches City
! Mrs. Ed. Rowe of Butte, Mont.,
mother of Thornlev Thompson, who
was killed by Union Pacific train No
1 1, second section. In the yards near
(the Rlverelale road last Saturday after-Ir.o"-!!.
arrived In the city today.
I Thompson, In company with .larns
I Wilson A2. rode from Sail Lake to
Ogden in an auto truck, uccording to
Wilson's story, both leaving the auto
mebilo at the Flvordale crossing. At
tbp point both men started walking
j north on the east truck.
Un arrival at Thirty-third street
they encountered a south-hound
fieltrht train, one stepped to the west
bound track The train hit both men.
Wilson receiving h fractured shoulder
und Thompson a fracture of th skull
and other Injuries which --esulted In
Ihln death I few minutes lutnr. The
:ialn was In chare,- of Engineer E
K'noder of BSvanston nnd conductor
'J p, W'lnans of Ogden An Investi
gation of the accident Is being con
ducted by railroad officials today.
The barn owl. when she has young,
1 brings a mouse to her nei't about
6 sry 1 '-' minutes.
;to the members of the repub
lican county central commit
, tee district secretaries, and
to all republican voters of
weber county.
In H'-cordancc villi th action of tho
Republican County Central Committee of
Weber County Utah, Republican rrtnisr.
les are hereby celled to tie lie-Id In the
Several election districts of Weber CoOBi
ty on Thursday. August 12. 1020, at 8
O'dOCk P. in. for tiie i;uiDOi0 ut electing
legal notices
' delegates to a Republican County Con
vention which In hereby called to be held 1
on Saturday. August 14. lnjo at 2 o'clock
p. in in Depsrtmnnt No. 1 of the Count;.
Court House Ocden. t'tsh. which nld
I'ounty Convention will acl'e-t the fi:t;.
two delegates from W'cber County to the
Republican State Nominating Convention
to be held on Aurmal !, 1120, at Salt Lake
City, t'tah and to the RepubllcBn Con
(rresalonal Convention for the First Con
pesslonal District of Utah f.0 be held at
Salt Iakf City, t'lah. on Auiruxt 27 1920.
and to transact such business s may
properly com before the convention.
The .ipporUonniont of delegates from
the siM-ral districts of Weber Countv to
said County Convention hll bo upon iho
basis of the vote east for Hon. W II v. v
lis for congress at tho general election
of 1D1 8, eneh district being "nfftlod to one
delegate for each twenty five vote, or
major fraction thereof, cant for suld W
H Wattis At said election provided that
each district shall h-- sntltled to it Isasl
one delegate, raid delegates being appor
tioned among tru virious voting districts
as follows
Number of
rti'.i , Delegates
District 1 1
District 2 1
.District .1 j
District 4 ' ' j
District 5 1
District 6 " o
1 District 7 1
Dlittllrt S ......
District 9 "' ?
District 10 . , .
District 11
District li 1
District 13 1
District 13 , 1
I District 14 ... 2
District 15 '.. 1
District 16 " 2
District 17 " 1
District 18 2
District 19 "" j
District 20 . . . . j
District 21 J". 1
District 22 .', 2
District 29
District 24 t
District 2'i . 1
District 2fi . . 1
District 27 i
District 28 2
District ?9 j' " 2
'District 30 2
District 31 ...:. 2
District 32 J
District .13
District 34 ."'2
District 35 . ... ... . I
District .in , . . . 2
i Dlrtrlct 17 2
District 38 2
; District 39 . 1
' District 40 3
District 41 3
District 42 2
District 43 3
District 4( 2
District 45 3
District 46 4
, District 47 . . , 3
District 48 ,. . 4
District 49 2
I District 30 3
I District 81 1
J District 52 2
District 53 I
uiBinct, 04 2
Total . 107
Number of
District Delegates
riur-h Creek 2
Eden ... 2
K.irr West 1
rtarrlsville 2
Hooper No 1 2
Hooper No. ' 2
Kuntsvttle 4
KanesvlUe 1
Liberty ...... 2
Marriott l
North Opden No. 1 3
North ndsn No 2 . . . 3
Plain Clt 5
Pleasant View 2
Randall 1
Rlverdale 2
Roy J2
Slatervlllo 2
Taylor 2
T'tntah 1
1 Warren 2
I W est Warren 1
West Wehcr 2
j Wilson 2
Crand total 156
I The primaries for those election dls.
irl-t in the leversl wards In Og In Cttv
trill he; held as follows:
First Ward (Di:t 1 to 11 Inc ) City
1 Hall.
Second Ward fDlsL 13 to IS inc.) Th'rd
Wnrd Amusement Hall
Third Ward ( f"lsl 19 to 27 ln) Seventh
Ward Amusement Hall
Fourth Ward iDlst. 28 to 41 inc 1 Coun
I ty Court House
Fifth Wurd ( DIM 42 to 51 Inc.) Fifth
Ward Amusement Hail
Twelfth District. Baptist Mission, West
The members of the County 1 "'Mitral
1 -rn;iilttce of those districts without Of
den City will arrange suitable places for
the holding of s i id primaries In suld dis
tricts nnd t'ive due notice thereof.
All ouclifieel voters believing in the
, principles of tho Republican pai t are re
Bpetfull) lnvlt,;d to ntend and partici
pate In the primaries for the above pui
Immediately after the election of dele
getes the District Committeeman and Sec
retary of each primary chnii certify to
the- County Convention the names of the
persons chosen as delegates to ald Con
, v ntlon,
Seci etn rv
To Whom It May Concern:
Cnder authority of Section 27S of the 1
Compiled Laws of T'tah. 19fi7. and us dl- 1
rected by Section 1056 of the Rev ised Or 1
dmanc.;-.i of Ogden e'ltv I'tah. 1915.
The undersigned treasurer of Otn
it. I tali. herb gives notice that a spe-
ciai tax lur the purpose of paying tho I
costs of bullr'ing bltullthic povlng. cotnbt
nation curbs and gutters, private drive j
ways sidewalks, diainagi'. and sewer and1
water connections, etc.. In Ogden City. I
I tah, has been levied und ronflrrnod by,
in ordinance of the board of commission- '
era of Ogden City, Utah, adopted and I
pc seed Julv 2'i 1920. and published Tul ;
2S 1920.
Said spcr-lal tsx Is levied upon all prop
erty abutting on the following street, to- 1
Both sides of Thirtieth street between 1
v ruhlngton a.nd Lincoln avenues, the .
south side only of Thirtieth street, be
tween Lincoln and Plngree avenues and
hoth sides of Thirtieth street between
Plngree avenue und a point 857 8 feet
ue-.t. of Wall avenue, and more particu-j
lariv described s follows:
Part of Lot 36 Block 10. South Ogden
Survey, Lot ll Block 10. South Ogden
Survey: Lot 13. Elock 10. South Ogden
Surrey; Lots 26 27. Block 1. Dunn's Add
ttonj Lots 1 to 19. Inclusive. Block 3.
Dunns Addition, lota 27 to 52. Inclusive-. I
Block 2. Central Park Addition; Lots 10'
to 31. Inclusive. Block 1. Central Park
Addition, l-ots 0 and 21. Block 1. King's;
Addition Ixits 1 to 19 inclusive. Block 2.
Kind's Addition and )--ts 1 to ?., Inclll
slve, Block I, King's Addition; all In Og
den City Survey to a depth of 50 feet;
back from the street line.
Said tax is payable in ten installments !
Tho first installment becomes delln
rjuent on th" K.th i!oy of September. 1920
The se-cond Installment becomes dr-hn
quent on tho 28th dny of .TnH . 1121
The third Installment becomes delln
quent on the 2ith day of -Inly. 1922.
Tlie fouith Installment becomes delin
quent on the 28th day of .lu, 1923
! The fifth Installm- tit becomes delln
quent on the Mth day cf July, '924.
Thu sixth Installment becomes delln
quent on the 2Mh day of July, 1925.
The seventh Installment becomes delin
QUent on the 2Mh day of July. 1926.
The eighth installment becomes delln
quent oil the 8th day of July, 1927
The ninth Installment becomes delln
quent on tho 2Sth day of Julv lOilV
The tenth Installment becomes delln
, (ii.nl on th" -Uh day of Julv 1919
Baoh 'f .suid 'nstaliments draws inter
est "t 'li n te of 6 per cent per annum
from the 2Sth day of July, 1920. until do
1 llnnuent. and If sld tax 01 any InM. II
inent thereof Khail remain unpaid after
! tho delinquent) of the earne. Interest
thereon thereafter Will he at thf rr f
1 . cent per anr.um until such assess
ments are fully paid.
All special taxes are payable at the of
flee of the city treasurer in the- c it hall,
at Ogden City. Utah
City Treasurer.
Puhllshed in the Ogden Standard Exam
First publication August tV 1920.
Last Dubhcatlon August 10, 1920.
ORden Kcneh e'iir.ul A Water Oompsnv i
IKatlon of business, Ogden, t'tah No
tice: There are deiiquem on tho followlnw
described stock, on account of assessment
levied on tho thirteenth day of April. I
1920, and any assessment levied previously
thereto, the sever! amounts set opposite ' I
the names of the respective shareholders,
as H
No, Shares Amount
1007 D. J Sheehsn 108 113 I
11M C. C Rasmussen 2S J.38
975 A. E. Helms 38 1.90 H
1192 Don Magulre . 95 4.95 I
924 K, C. C'nrlsteracn 80 4.00 Mm
1315 Louisa Marriott Rl 3 K5
650 Ellen Compton 44 H
74S Emily Blake 27 1 '-S H
126 Mrs John Ctlmore. U
484 Oscar William 32 lffl
1357 Charles Clark 25 1 25 H
592 Edsrsr D. Stone, SO 4.-00 H
1312 J. L. Lamoreaux 38 10 , H
1106 Martin Cullen 18 136 H
860 Fred Anderson . 33 i.i!
1237 Martha Kussee 80 1 50
66 John P. Pclwrson 20 l.on H
977 H. D. Brown 80 4.00
And in accordance witth lew and Y
order of tho Board of Directors made on
the nth day of Apii:. 192". so many shares
of ea h parcel or such stock as may
nere:.?.-i ry will be sold at the office of tho
company, R7 Twenty third street. Ofcden. H
I'tah. on the 14th dsy of August. 1920, nt
the hour of 5:30 p. m.. of the said day to M
pay delinquent assessments thereon, to
I iher with the cost of advertising and
expense of sale.
Ogden. Utah, Tulv 31. 1920. l
Pealed bids will be received by the Og- LH
dn City Board of Education at 538 Twcn-
tv firth Ftreet, Ogden. t'tah. until 8 1
O ' h" k p. m.. Friday August 13. 1920. '1
for part of the general construction of 1
th' Wnshinglon s, hool In Ogden. UtfK;
all n. shnvn 1 ' iwlngs, described In 1
Specifications, and as further modified by 1
written Instructions prepared by Leslie-- ,H
il. flgson and Myrl A M-t""lenahan, ar-, H
chlteets, at J6 Eccles building, Ogden, H
The bidders must comply with the Utah
state laws p-rtiininr? to certified cheek.
accompanying bids and bond required with
A 16 roslt Is required to lnsvire re
turn of plans and treciflcatlons. 1
The board reserves the right to reject H
anv or all bids H
By order of the Board of Education of
Ogden. Utah.
P-Jbllshed August 3. 1920. to August 13.
192i"i, in lvislvo
Big Pine Mining Company, principal
place of business 2449 Washington ave- "
nue. Ogden City Utah. H
Notice Is hereby given that at a meet
Ine of the board of directors of tho Big
Pino Mining Company held on tho seventh
day of Julv, 1920 an assessment No. 2 ot
one half cent ( i cent) per share was lev- H
led on the outstanding capital stock of the H
corporation payable on or before Augu.it
21 1920. to Fred J Vlcka secretary And H
isurer, at the PlngTce National Bari!-.
Ogden City. Utah and that any shares H
upon wnh h paid assessment shall remain
unpaid on the 21st day of August. 1920,
will he delinquent "nd advertised for sale
at public auetlon. and unless payment Is H
made l.efo.-e will he sold on the 18th day llJH
of September. 1920. at 10 o clock a m.. to
ptiv delinquent assessment, topether with iJJia
I the cost of advertising and expenses of H
?. r r - t.-i rv and T.-c-isurer.
---7 Ogden. Utah.
Consult County Clerk or the Respec- I
tive Sioner3 f0' Further j
Inlcrmatton. I
In the District Court of the Second Judl
clal District of Utah in nnd for the
County of Weber.
In tho matter or the Estate of William mmMm
Drvsdalc deceased
Creditors will present claims with psJH
von hers to Uu undersigned administm--.,
Itrlx of the above entitled estate at the,
'office of W R. Skeen. attorney. 403 Ec-- iJJiJJJ
eles Building Ogden, i'tah. on or before
October 9. 1920. IH
Date of first publication August 8. 1M0
Date of i&rt I'ublientlon August 30, 192'. J
;W. R. SKEEN. Administratrix
Atto tv 1 for ' tj ntol trat rlx.
In the District Court of the Second Judl- -H
cui District, in and for Weber County;'
State of Utah mmmj
Ir the Matter of the Estate of Nepld ..
Hardy, Deceased.
Creditors will present claims with
vouchers to the undersigned at the office
ol Hdrrls Ac JensOn atlornevs for said es
tate. Suite 313 Col. Hudson bulldlnp. Og
den Cltv, Wehcr county. Utah, on or -t 1
tore October 3. A. D. 1920. Jj MM
Date of flr3t publication August 2. A mMMM
D. 1920. MMM
dmInlstrator of the Estate of Nephl
Hardy, De-ceased
Harris & Jenson. Atlornoys for Admln.'n- mMMt
;.. u.i in t 1 0 e-i the Second Judl
I clal District of Utah in nnd for the MMMM
I Countv of Weber.
In the mstter "f th Estate of Christina-- mMM
Ilium, also known as Krlsllna Cox. do
I Creditors will present claims with ppj
voUcln-ra to the undersigned odm!nlstra ,
r . U hj,,,. An , I 1 A.e Jal I a ar Mi.-
office of W K Skeen. 402 Eccles Build-' Mm
Ing. Ogden. Utah, on 01 before October mMm
1920 '
'Date of first purllcatlon August 8. 1920., H
Date of last publication August 30. 1920,
Administrator Mm
In the District Court of the Second Judi--
tlal Dl 1 h. W I thin and
for Weber Covnty.
In the Matter of the Ertate of Arthur J. MMM
Stalling!. Deceased. mMM
Creaitors will present claims with
vouchers to the undersigned, at the ot .
ftcc of W. H Reeder. Jr.. suite 639 Ec- UMM
cles building. Gsden City Utah, on or b'n mMM
fore the 19th day of September. 1920. . .
Al'.TH K D ST. l. LINGS. fMM
Date of first puhllcatfon July 19. 1920."' UMm
Date of second publication August 23. 1920 fMM
W. H. Keedcr. Jr. Attorney for Ad- mM
minlstrator. ifMU
36S0 fM
In the District Court of the Second Judl- . M
rial District 111 nnd fo: Weber County, mMM
State of Utah. fMM
In the Matter of the Estate of Amoa "J. WMM
Stone. Deceased.
Creditors will present claims with UMM
vouchers to tho undersigned at tho offleu
ot Harris & Jenson. attorne.vs for said,
estate. Suite 312 Col. Hudson bulldinc, mMM
Ogden City, Weber county, Utah, on or
bMcn October 3. A. D. u?J0 fMM
Date of first publication August 2. A. MMU
D 1920. mMM
Executrix of the Last WUI and Testa UM
ment of Amos I Slono. Deceased MMM
Harris Jenson. Attorneys for Executrix.
In the District Court of the Second Judi I
clal District, in and for Weber Coun- UMM
tv. Sum -of Utiih. mMM
In tne Matter 11 the Estate of James M
Thomas. Deceased.
Creditor., will present claims with
vouchers to the undersigned at the offico.
of Harris & Jenson attorneys for said es
tate. Suite 313 Col. Hudson building. Off
den Cli Wober county, i'tah, on or ba
ton December 3. A. D 1930. fMt
Date of first publication August 2. A. WMW
D 1920 MM
Executrix of the Lost Will and Testa
ment of James M Thomas. Deceased.
Mori is & Jenson. Attorneys for Exucu-
tr .
In the- District Court of the- Second Judl-
. Inl District, In and for Weber County. UM
Stato of Utah. MMm
In the Matter of the Estate of FrsneiS
H Wright. Deccnaed.
Creditors will present claims with uMm
vouchers, to the undersigned at tho offlco. Mm
of Harris & Jenson, ultorneys for said est- MMm
tnt Suite 113 Col, HiuUon nullellng. O.; MM
den Cltv. Weber county t'tah, on or be- MM
ton ( u tobsr , A- d ljM) .
PaU of first publication August 2, A.- jH
Vdmlnlslratrix of tho Estato of Francis:
II Wright. De-ceased - - - MMm
Harris it Jenson, Attorneys lor Admin-e - mM

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