I Rcai Estate :
I BT OWNKR MM,.rn well built
B horn n hst location In city.
SultAhlo to makf four m n I apart
mr-nts. SOO Twcnt fourth Phone
610. 4144
I smith a Flinders co
I Over Commirchl Nations Bank
rhone 1147 EtoOTtll 13 16 17
I We have sold 0V6f llon.OOn of properly
I in the pant thirty days. Busings." la pood
I .-r 2 IjOok at what we have lo offer. Come
I In, talk thing over with uf Here Is
ro' len OPPOTHlllll '
22S acrea rloae to sugar f.irtory. pood
HH four room brick houne l:vrti and garage
W "nrl Mhir niilbiill'llnRa. Kod licet land
j' and clover In pat-lure. Full set of f:irm
H lOOll Including binder, two way plow, four
I row cultivator, beet pullet spring tooth
I ind regular hnrrm , hand plow, beet i
H drill. ?m .vairnna. beet box rultlprartor. I
J four irood hordes, right head of harn i
'ii'-k. pl(r.. rhlek.-n. mower, ba raka
I Krapenf, etc.. all nops now growing and j
harvested, three ivela of work harness, all,
H I tOOII Thin man and hl wife
J re cnlne to Europe in a ohort time and
J -in miko M qtllCH n!e Ion'l eleep on
T this. Trtce $in;,f,n. Term.
J 41 nrro at MorKnn No better land in
H Vforiran county. 2 acres In crops and tire
H extra pood. Including rabhace. hnv. crnln.
Tjl I ic. All cropa go Including team, three
H room houae. barn, rtr This Is n Rood buy
v e rold this r.ian'd f.nher'a farm tM.
week and he la leaving for California. Thr
r ron wants to ro with hta Inlhcr Price In
eluding crops $!5f0. Term.
30 acres on slate road, five roon house.
coori land nnd water riR'nt Price sonon.
I J l.-rr t a Mr chnncr for Incre.ijfvl valTI-
f), .-tlon 40 acres within three mile oi" Or
den New two room houso basement.
h ate., and has li sharea of Weber end
, Mavis i anal stock Can be made a firm
worth twice the cost In a short time.
A Think of buylnR t h i for (8500
M ' acres. Rood sandy loam soil 30
I r hours of water, not far from Ogden, close
W . -V :o atato hTghwaj. Must see this plai e (
P to appreciate Its value. Trice $7500. Eas i
, tonne
Over Commercial National Bank
jfl 4-room modern, cement basement Rood ,
9 lot. east front, close In. on paved street
$;ioi. Terms
Wk fi room cottage on the benc h, half acre
S lot 66x330 feet, water rlRht Included; Rood i
lOl a email -mtui ; j-iv .......
4. room modem ell built on the bench,
narrow flooring throughout house. Rood
papered walls, larre rooms. Rood electric
Rand bath fixture, chicken coops, Jtnnn
5 room bungnlow. close In on pavr-d
street, all paving taxes paid in full llei P
InR porch with built In b.ldiiiR h 'I H '
wood floors full basement, furnace bent
with hot atvl cold air system In each
room; leatherette paper on walls, leaded
Klaas electric fixtures, parage with ce
ment drlvewav, lawn front and tear
6 room rough brl k bunRnlow on bench;
oak flooors, heat large lot. first
rlMS bath and electric fixtures ready for
occupancy In 30 days IGSi'O Terms
416 Twenty fourth St Phones 2S0. 2S1
Real Estate Konns Ineurance
Strictly modorn five room bungalow lo
rated on bench in choice location House
b is rjrr.lknt l.-a'ing p.od rnm nt
a basement and room- re In fine COndl
tlon. Lot Is 50x150 feet deep. Price
$600' E.isv terms.
Seven room modern bungalov. n. nr
I Speerv mills This home is In first lrs
condition. There lo fine bnsernent. Iftrge '
' rooms, good lawn? and new Ellin, Ilfl
mediate possession. I'rlco V-'W Terms
New five room modem brick bungalow
loca.ted within five blocks of Reed hotel
This house is Just complete and reads tor
occupancv Is exceptionally well bunt
Has complete kitchen cabinet linen closel
M snv nmn other built in feature Tbore
II Is half basement and excellent front end ,
M back porches Price $5000. Terms. It Is
ZJt worth more .. -c-
3 2409 Hudson Avenue Phone 1.
TWO homea for the price of one. Double
pressed brick cottage, modern except
heat Call morning Evenings after 6 3"
b, appointment. Monroe avenue.
Phone 1304 liSi
FIVE room strletly phM. in house with
garage. Bee owner 89M Uncoln avenue.
9B ' BY OW NER Almost new flrat claaa con-
dltlon. five room modern except heat
big narape, nice lawns, garden spot $4000
(J $1000 down. $33 a month Phone nbl-ja
BEAUTIFUL Seven room modern home ;
on Jeffen-on b.r,::- lot furniture, nous.-
for quick sale. 16000. Terms. Phono IJWr. I
P.Y OWNKR Eight room m...lerii K
bargain 631 Twenty sixth. Phone 81B8-
j 41 IS
NINE room mb n. hou v J loci 1 I' "
furnished or unfurnished. Thonc 'W-lWj
P.Y OWNER 'tno acre on East Twelfth
Phone me W Vft Twelfth 12g
CHOICE realdena lots Orchard addition
f' or Jefferson rxver.ue Liberal terms
i Would tiike OOd car In exchange E. L.
2 Burton, owner, 2427 Lincoln avenue
Phon. J!
nv OWNER Flvi room strictly modern
hrtck bungalow Up to dte built in lei
S tures Fireplace sleeping porch, full ce
jm ment basement. BrPk parage l.arpe lot
with or without furniture Phone ni .r w
: c : 4111
rSIX room modem bilck houte with sleep
; Ing porch and garage. Corner lot. 22fx
H3 on Washington avenue. Nice lawn.
10 fruit trees, beautiful shade trees, and
small garden. Must be sold at one
Phone Ml or 2 NTt
PA OWN r:P ix room mod' rn brirk.
j 00 266 Monroe
AUTUMN is almoal her.' Have you
eomfortable home for winter If ou
have not. would he pleased to show you
some I have for sale, ranging in price
ironi $Sf'a to '1 'ome good farms
and trackage Have tome money to loan
Real Estate and lcans 502 Eccles Bldg
FrVE lonni modern 1281 Wall see me
before you buy. I have many good dai
in clt property ami fanns. H. Van Break,
3H2 Thirty fifth 3770
LET us s-ll your car X'tuh Auto Tiro
rxchance. 2224 Washington Ave. 3597
BY OWNER Good Sixteen room apart
mvnt house, furnished, sleeping port h.-..
gas ranges, finest loi atlon In town. $14U
a month income, Good terms. Phono 1U2
W. L- PORTER! Ral Eotute and lans
t87i Washington avenue. Phono 1876.
BY OW NFIR El e room modern fur
nlshed houso. 147 James Court. Phone
To Buy j
TENT Phon- 8I 1W. 4in?
BEEF cattle, veal, sheep, hoc Will call I
t your jord. Gus Jensen, 3434 Washing I
ton Ave. Phone 2339 4025 i
HIGHEST prices paid for old clothes
Send a postal New York Clothing Store
;r1 Twenty-fifth St 3421
hqwaFJted j
L " Male and Tizle
I MAN and wife Tor ranch work Inquire
I Lindsay L & L. P. Co.. 61S Eccles Bldg j
I MisceUanecus
WASHER almo.t new. with water motor
, and wringer. ("heap 20SS Ogden sve
pop BALE Secondhand rang--- cheap al
i2'i.i Lincoln Ure iiy
A 1 X' T" u i ' r. Terms. Box pT Stand
rd. Examiner. 418')
ONE work team of mules Weight 1200
each, 7 and 8 cnra old. John Green! Pe
tcr.-on. 1'trih 4181
FLAT top office de:. iff i. a Falrvleii
: A part ments. 413
HOI S EHOLD furniture, 20H Monro.
j Phone 2447. 4163
milk os P'l.' Grant. 4171
' ' ' lit .i r , , . . . ; , -, . , ..,),'
1500; one wagon one surrey; single har
ru t. Ii thini Btn t. 4151
HO BEHOLD furniture for aale
163 Oanvon Road. iltn
I OR vl.K rhop .irtrtr washer almost
tnew Phone 2' R 2. North "pli n I12K
ii"i: t.-.-trr Mb.. of llfin pound-: each $0
takes the two .1 H BartT Hooper
MO hi.P bull. lint; first ,' .onditlon.
'Can be used for gt rage. Call G p. m. 2211
Monroe. 40f7
I FIRST d.T" HpIIi t lm-:s piano for s,e.
' 2r.31 Orant avenue i096
lOAS range roil ,ng. end romblnnflon
Igas and coal rang- 151 Sixteenth street
1 409b j
.'. M.M'T berli o,,.,i l (or .' r, 1 e 1 r.f.r,
, W.-if blnglon 412'''
TWO good "no :.", Hnrrlnn Phone
:ff 7 M 4072 !
' v ARIES ind eupplli s ISS4 Wash In a
ton. , 4075
two Rood mi i h-.n,i bicycles for sole
ch ap 33 1 1 ' Mids avenue. II 7(
I SIX milk COWS for sale Thlrt x second ind
T I. i I . 1 p er 407
I .."! 'S I new l.,r; , V 7 T rcntj
fourth 4074
ROSEN rye foi fall planting Grout1
'Ornin Store, Zi'i Twent fourth St. IO0S
HORSE foi ale, n eight 1100 pounds 862
Pour tb 3076
CANARIES, tuaranteeij slngets 222"
Lincoln in'
LET us sell our car I'tnb Auto T!re A
' i p 1224 e-i.'-bintrton A 1609
iNAPY bird;,, sing.-rr ;;i Twentv fifth
St. 3157
PIANOS md miisiiai Instruments.
Terms without inter-9t- Pantoue. 2874
Hudson. &09
UNCALLFD for suILh tailor made: blR
reduction. Gordon's, Stl-SC rwenty-flftti
Pt Phone 419 WW
Buy your palnl at Stowe'a and wive
money 1 Sf'O Weshinpton avtr.ue Phono
SOT- f 1319
vantS5 I
l Female Help
VIRIS over sixteen years of age. Applj ,
American Can Co. of Utah Twentieth
and Lincoln I22f.
PVPER1ENCPI Rlrl K'em s Cafe. 21.V1
Wnshlngton. 4227
waitress wanted at the Ranch Cafe
GIRL or woman who understandr cook
mR. Apply 1404 Madlaon rhone i a to ;
-Cl 7S
OMPPTF.NT rolr'i.l rJil to assist with
I housework and care of two small chil
dren. On II In person 204 Thirtieth street
IP'. 5
'WOMAN for geni-uil housework Must
I understand, cookinv, small family, good
I home and good wages; no inexperienced
perron m-i rl appp PIio'h 117" 1189
HOUSEKEEPER for wldoweri three -hil-Idren,
1085 Twentv second. Phone 1S69-M
i:PN w, eltly, spare tiror w riting for
niwspapers. magazines: experience nn
neasary; detail! free Press S-ndleatc, Hr
st l,ouiv Mo 4003
Male Help
MWi.-wyw. s, - . t-s, .nri
EXCELLENT opportunity for an ener
getlc and trustworthy man lo establish
himself with one of the great life Insur i
ance companies Field work, canvassing
and objecting P I Boa :i 1224
EXPERJENi MED sods dispenser Koi n
Cafe 8453 Waahlngton. 4225'
PXPi l'll-.i"i;i 1 . -h. er l... p.. 1,1 1 r-
1 ' I,, hui.-toii Mnrki .
I Good positions open for trainmen yard
men and operators Southern Pacific
(Company, for Sail Iake division. Apply
lOlflcc Siicr:ntendent. Union Depot. Og
den. or Assistant Superintendent, Sparks.
Nevada. 4179
, MEN for stove 1 . -pairing Suuum-rill
stove Repair Worki ins
SHOE aalesman with ahill!- Goo, op
j portunlty tor advanoemen t, Last u Thom
as Shoe Depai bjni nt. ; : 1:
V M;ivll 1 1 ninn for general orchard work
i 1 -on, ' ; : 41 1
WANTED at once 10 to 50 experienced
underground coal loaders Wage scale
I pay! 6C to 74 cents per Ion Honest lor.d-
ers make from SI1 to J1S per eight hours.
Mines working every day Wo will re
fund sour railroad fare after you have
I earned $75 by loading coil Onl exper
lencerl nun rvrd apph' First class boa til
and room provided In camp. finest of
IKInp an! working conditions. Present
this advertisement lo J. D. Carr. super
Intendent, Lion Coal Co.. Rook Springs
1 Wyo.. or 723 l'-cle. building. Ogdcn, Ptah
PLYING in i-irhi weeks. M 0 A
Auto School Ixim Angeles 4010
1E Ag- iin-f- . '' epen ne.- unneees- !
sory. Travel make secret inveatlgs I Ion
reports Salaries, expenses. Write Amerl-
can Fori-lgn Detective Agency. C41 Si 1
Loula 40is j
Kl.i.l. at H-il . Hot. I 3PU
' DESIRABLE undeveloped land to trade
for a good used automobile Address P.c
1315. Ogden. z
j PARTS of harness, collnrs. hnrno? hck
, band and breeching chum. 5 Inch stove
I pipe, gasoline stove. Edison grapophone,
21 records, John 1 e, r.. plow 1 Buffalo in
I Cuba tors 250 eggs, and other inlscellnn
icous goods, che.ip If sold at once 01 will
trade for good driving pon. What novo
I you to trade or sell Give us a call Rear
I6in Twenty-fourth nsr,
I A 1900 AEOLIAN player piano for goo. I
car Phor.o 2751 -W 3555
Dried shark fins are highh prl I
j by Orientnala as articles of food.
Migcellaneous I
THREE Ohio vacuums. Jl day Phone
::t J - 3832 I
j STORAGE loom for p nt Call A.- tie.-1 o -Inte
Proiluet5 Co. Phone I41C-W Jj7
; j
CARD and character reading 44D Twen
,v "lxth-
FOP. serv.t. IIoIMl'Iii bulls Kai Cr-.nt
L . L To Rent. j
THREE Or (our room house h 8epte,oer!
15; no children Call 718 petS P7Sd"
0 10 K 4130
WUI pay good rental Address Bex 10
care .strindard Examiner. " .( f 3
THREE or four room morir.rn hou-.p n
Pne":;324M0"ng COUP'C' ?
PNFPKNISHEli h0VM no child,-, n b. st
of ref.-r. nces. ( - ,11 1 i" I f,C3
5 young couple with two chlidran! i
four or five, room houso Can give good
reference. Box 215 care Standard 5026
i Furnished jj
I FOI'R room modem house, no children.
1 Inquire 2763 Madison Phone 2360-W,
I 4 2.1i",
It IE clean sleeping rooms. 55? Twents
leventh. 235
TWO rooms. Ras 10 month Slf. Thlrty
first 4177
TWO fumlfhed rooms for honsekeep'nR
810J Washington. Phone IfOJUW. 41?fi
j 1HOXT room Twenty third St. 4201
STRICTLY modern S rooni fumlsheH
apartment ttt Eighteenth st 42''i.i
I SLEEPING rooms for rent 724 Twrnt
j fourth 1157
KICKLY furnished roonii for tirtit house
I keeping No chlldi'n 312 Twenty fourth
I 1009
SLEEPING loonu over Ogden theater
BEAUTIFULLY lemlshed room. fiPn
Tix antj third. 4001
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. 2-1
1 Washington 069
I I'lEI.irjHTFPE. "ooi room, for refined
I gentleman 2:.6fi Orchard Phone 2194 M.
) .-1 1U8EKEEPING apartment. 3064
; Washington avenue f Z2
Mi ll .I'KF.EPI Ni , moms 2"1 Monro-
u ion
l;MS , .,. r ItII . adapted for Rr ntlemen
Gates Hotel, 2l4f. c.rant Ave. Phone 3f50
191 1
BEDROOM bath an-i telephone 271
H n Mil net on nseruu- Phone ;ii'2-W. 4 17f,
I Unfurnished
FOI R room partu modem houae 2064
I Orchard 1 1 ' 1
I ( 1 mv I 3-ioom apar.;nents. prli'-i-ith
N'ewlv kalsoinlned. Close In. Phon--
1 m t rni;
w -
MAXWELL tourinfr. fine eondltlon1 must
sell nt once 375 or will exchange for
Ford. Phone, .i.ts .W, evenings 1215 J
FORD touriiiR car, Rood condition, for
'Ale rlic.ip ",22 Stevens avei.ue 117".
J1017 Ford touring car. Se circulation
Imanager. Standard Examiner. IK"
' : in-. I i...lKe touring ' '
1016 Overland touring $50f
I 1010 Overland pn.iO pound light de
livery, Just (he thing for light I
hauling, new tires and over
hauled J450,
ilTfl :
Ai.Mf'ST nee Dodge truck panel body.
"nn save you J.inn Terms If desired 127
Twenty-fifth street or 2443 Lincoln ae
nun. 11.'..-.
FORD touring car neari; new, self titnrt
er. two extra new tires Lincoln ,
HUDSON 6 40 auto, 2irl Waahtngton
avenue, 4in7
FIVE paaaenger Dodge in frood condition
rhoiu- ap64 p 543 waajungton ion
, LIGHT trn.-k. 250 cash Phone 6M-J
I 107
FIVE-PASSENGEP slx-cyllnder automo
hli.- In first clasa condition Applv 271 .S
1 Adat.,8 Ave ,?030
SEA EN paaaenger Cadillac in excellent
condition, for salo cheap. Inquire 813
I v. i ntv fifth 30 IS
'S.MM.L sport roadster. A 1 shape. Phon--j
1871 R 3S33
C E. VORGASEN. 4J5 Twenty third
( Phone 161 W 371 1
Situations (
MAN and wife wish position on farm. I
Rj u 213S Jeff.-rson Ave llgj
INDI'STRIOI S ounR man. 25, wlshet
position of any kind Box 75, Standard I
Examiner. 4"sr'
M.VPP.IELi man. 11 years of age, wishes,
position Hne hat' five yean hardware
experience; thre ears banking Box 3.
care Standard-Examiner, 406a I
it'll p i "n? i 'nil r: i v, ; :
( "IQST ;"""J
WRIST watch between Twent fifth and
Twenty-eighth on Crant. Reward Phon-I
' - i i . .
i WOP LP the peisjn who took the camera
I off canVon car No 1C kindlv return to
Si Q llle Pr, , Keu Mid
jiUM I lrooi-li platinum top, set with dla
i nrtond and two small sapphires lost Sat
urdav night at Lorin Farr park Rcwaid
?: i hon i. ISM
SM LL lila.-U purse nl Lagoon Sunday,
i contained $; bill :.nd silver. Phono 2301
w Reward 4 ;i2
MII'rilYST C tin -.In nv.,i r b.-au-i Re
. d Phoni 51 I 1 1 .". "i
DIAMOND bar pin, Tueaday morning P
iward ifo: Eccles avenue Phono 2475
41' I
ONE diamond .-crew earring between
I Madison and Washington on Twenty
j third Liberal -eward. Phone 27 14
JULY 27 Shrlner'i pin set with small I
idiamonds. Reward Phone Chcesman.
4 0 1 S !
SECONDHAND goods l-ought and sold. T I
C Person. 1640 Washington avenue.
Phone 18 3975 I
UK lane jour old r:in(;i' as first pijtiioni
on any new range, or will buy your old
rare- outilchi. Homo Furniture Co. 46TJ i
TO salaried people without security, to
others on pianos, furniture, bonds, etc i
ni Hudfon RldK- Phone 284, 219'
i Vll'NE't to ou inpiovio -tal estAi-.
K'eiiv Herrlck 7TI
! CHILDREN'S dressmaking, 371 Twenty
I seroxid. S700
l.l, miv knlf'. p killing Phono 211S M
The Lighthouse. 2452 Washington Ave .
: opposite the Plngi-eo bank. Phono HI
Prompt service 332.1
Hemstitching, picot edga buttons, pint.
i Ing and pleating Second floor W H
Wright ft sor . Mrs H Layman. 1 1 69
PVRTIES shipping furniture to southern
California, Phono S26S-J. 4066
OAKLAND. Cnl.. Aug 9 -Two all
metal .airplanes that left New lorkj
City on July 29 to blaze a trail for
a transcontinental aerial mail service,
landed at Oakland flying field late
Sunday J U Larson, owner of the
planes, delivered to Postmaster Joseph
i. RoaebrougJi a package of Now York
mall, constituting what was said to'
be the first transcontinental aerial
n.ail delivery on record.
The two planes left Keno. Nev , at
1) 3u a m and made the jump of 187
miles uir line lii three hours.
The fliers wen: met at the landing
crowd estimated at ten thousand
persons nnri reception committees
from the cities of San Francisco and
Oakland and of aviation organizations
of the San Francisco bay region.
General Selling With Heavy
Losses Is Checked in
Final Hour
NEW YORK. Aug 9. Rejection ofj
the allied truce terms by the soviet
government caused a sharp decline in
j stock prices at th" opening of the
market today. Foreign exchange rates
also reflected the situation In an acute
I fashion, sterling falling several cents
The lmproement in local banking
I conditions, reflected bj Saturday's
j clearing house statement, was lost
nIkIu of In the hurried selllnK of
I stocks. In the first half hour losses
; ranging from 1 to S points were xen-
eral Baldwin, Vanadium. United
'Fruit, Mexican Petroleum and Pan
I American were the weakest among the I
Imlusirlals, while l'nlon Pacific, Louis-!
iviile and Nush'. ill, an'i Lackawanna
led b decline in the railroads.
The extreme weakness of a number
of Individual nhiros caused fitful ral
illes at times under the' Impetus of
'short coverings, but the mrun trend
an deflnltel downward United
states steel, ' Bethlehem, Republic.;
Baldwin and Hexican Petroleum were
among the represeni.iti vc- shares which
i established new low prices for th'
! year The depression ran from 3 to
6 points In a largo number of stocks.
Fl'.ln-z orders Affected many of th
seas -tied dividend paving
shares, and there was n large outpour
ing of numerous low-priced industrials
I which recently have been weak Ster
ling exchange rallied about 2 cents
from the earllor low flKuren
Stocks continued to be offered free
Ijr representing t mixture of bear sell
ling, offerings b. discouraged holders
Jand liquidation of weekl margined
accounts. Some of the declines were
Of a violent character American Ex
press fell 10 points. Lackawanna, s.
Atlantic-Gulf. T and Baldwin I I
jelble, Mexican Petroleum, American j
Sumatra Tobacco. American Beet
Sugar between 5 and 6 points. Easier
money rates, with call money belngl
supplied freely at fi per cent caused
an extenslvo rally later In which re-1
cov cries ran from 1 to 4 points.
KANSAS CITY, Mo Aug 9 Cattle.
Receipts. 2,300; native steers, open
to strong, later weak; top. 16 10
quarantine, steady at 110.00 0 12.40; I
she-stock and stocker steers, steady to
weak! canners, bulls and fecders
steady, calves stead to 50c lower;
I best vcalers, 51 2.50 r?r l 3.00 ; bulk med-
hum and heavy weight, $S. 009 50:
stock she-stuff strong.
Hogs Receipts, 7 000, market, tin-!
oven steady to 25c up, mostly lOfiilocj
higher, top, $15.95. bulk light and!
medium $16.60016.90; bulk heavy,
1 114.75 016.60.
Sheep Receipts. 8.O00: market,!
I weak, western ewes. 17.8 5; lambs.
I weak lo 2Sc lower; host native.
$noo Idaho, $12.75 straight; feed-l
lnc lambs. 2to '0c lower; Texas feed-
ers, $11.00.
CHICAGO, Aug. 9 Wheat, No. 2
red, $2 43 T, 2 4 7 No. 2 hard. $2 B6j
2.87; No 2 spring, $2 70.
Corn. Nc. 2 mixed, $1 5 5 Tt 1 5 7. Nn.
1' v ellow, $1 56 (7? 5S 1
Oats. No. 2 white, 7 2lt.1? S0c No 3
white. 71iQi76c.
Rye. No. 2, $2.00 2.05.
Barley 95c $1 05
Timothy $8 0 0 ft 1 1.00.
Clover seed. $35 00.
Pork, nominal.
Lard. $1 S.G0.
Ribs. $15.00(& 16.00.
OMAHA Neb. Aug 9 Hogs Re
CSlpts, 5500; market. 15 to 25c higher
on common grades; slow, steady to 26i
lower on medium and light butchers
'bulk. I14.2516.00; top. $15,60.
Cattle Receipts, 7,600, beef steers
land butcher stock, stcadv to 25c high
er; best bed steers, $15.'40 bulls and
I veals steady; stockers and feeders 2".
to 50c higher best feeders. $12 00
Sheep Receipts, 25.000; choice fat
i lambs scarce; market on killing class
ics opening stead v; best range lamb.
$13.75. feeding grades steady to
Information Bureau
ANYTHING A to Z new 0r olJ-
boi-slit gold or trad.-d. Phono 333
Urnmwoll Rool .md Stationery
Washington Av- Phon 360. I05S
Tnnl' Notlt,?nni BjMk. southesst co.ner
Tvv entj -fourth nnd Whlngtoa Phone 61
.we PJlt In driveways and foundations.
and bund cottage- and garages. Phone
'" ' 1138
"k'Un '' Clennlnrr Works, where
you get results PI. one 416 or 1S29AV
P Strill.riil k l'.irn,.nl... .. J I.I.L.. , co
I Twentv third St Phone 1018 3422
Expert carpet cleaning, upholstering.
mattresses,, ov-.-r. feathers r. n..:.t..
Lftll L. I. Humfilon ,Vr Co . 25S6 M Ll
I K Van Kanipcn for upholaterlnif. car
pet cleaned altered and n',d. Bem&ktnS
or mattresses Phone 27r;2-J.
Phone- 133. ZI58-6G Washington Ave
Hatsuba & Co . Icadlnp Jnpaneao rea
tnuront In OcJr-n. 273 24th St
The New Method Iientlts re pedal"
tats in nl. branches of Dentistry. 2463
I v ashlnKion Ave jqj
I Ocdon Kngravlng Seri-lce . makers
oi nno cuts in one or mo-' olora. 411
Twenty-four rtr-. t Pho g3,
Geo. D Uennett, correlation and rroup
, Insurance a specialty, rhonc 134-W 1614
Western HIdo & iunk Co.. 2323 Wash
ington Av. Phone S61.
' PSG. ' iDk Houae. 2069 WaahlnjrtOD
Ave. Phone 210
Paper hanging paintinp. kalaomining, I
i paper cleaning. Reasonable Phone 3220-R
3908 -
Roofs repaired and painted Call 945 J I
,.W1Jrd KajT, real nutate and loans
:474 aahl.nnton AvePbone 409. 1S74
Garbage ur.d rubbUb hauled, ce.aspools
and toilets cleaned. John Chlpp & Co
Phono 28, 2348 HudSOj. Avenue. V733
Trunk and Ijaiq ixpaJrlng. round cor
ner from bLnndard Galiachcr'e, '373 Hud-on-
K XPERT window and vvaII paoor clean
Ihk. American Window Cleaning. Ph f5J
Wm. Van Der Woude. Ifensed sewer
digger and vnter service. Server cleaning
etc roes pools. Phon 211C AV 925 Rush
lon St, 3524
Demand for Col. Rexall Sets
in and Quotations Show
The trarhni? In mining Mocks today I
was falrh active with the prices about'
the snnie. Columbus llcxull and Tln-
tic .Standard were practically the only
two stocks on the board to show any I
I Change, the former showing strength
land aelllng up to 3. srhlle the latter I
opened at 11.40 and sold off to I8.S6
closing with this price bid for it and'
$3.7Vi asked.
Columbus Rexall brought ?.R and
. ( ardiff changed hands at $1 16,
Howell brought 7-, Iron King sold l1
2ic, Michigan-Utah vvas a' tive at 2Vs
Kuri'ka Ilulllon changed hands at Gc
ells aoltl at BVc. Wallu-r MlnlnK
brought 11.00 and Woodlawn sold at
(tJuotntiniiH furnlslied over private
wire of J. A HorIc- & Co.,
Kccles Buiidiiic )
Bid Ask
Alta Con 05 .03
Albion 08 .08 1 i
American Con 01 .02
Alta Tunnel . ...... .04 0B
Be.-.ver Copper 00'i "O'j
Big Hill 02 .02Vi
L'UlllOn U2-!( -"J
Black Metals 04 .05 i
I Columbus Rexall 38 .38!
; Crown Point 02 Vi .0 4
Colorado Con 03 . .
iCnrdlff 1.32rfc 1,35 I
I Dragon Con 09 ,15
' Daly West 3 90 4.30
Bast Crown Point . .OlU .02 I
i Bast Tin Coal 00- .01
I East Tin. Con .07 .07 !
lEurekn Mines 05 .OR I
I Eureka Lily 05 .06
Eureka Bullion OoVfc .06
Emma Silver 05 .06
Gold Chain 06 .09
Grand Central 38 .46
Howell 0i 07
Iron Blossom 25 .27
Iron King 20 .21
Jii.ik- Mining 3 so 4.00
Kennebec 10 .13
Keystone 60 .75
Leonora 01 .03
Lehl Tlntic .Oft-. 07
Mav Day .01 .02
Miller Hill 01 .02
Mammoth 38 .75
Moscow 03 .07
Mich.-Utah 021' .024
North Finn 02 .03
New Qulncy 05 .05
I hio Copper .01
i.ipuhonjro .01
N'aM Driver .76
Plutus 32 .32
Prince Con 25 .23
Provo 04 .05
Paloma .01
Rico Argentine ... .02 .03
Rico Wellington .... 17 .20
Sells 05 .06
Bll. King Coal'n .... 140 1.50
811. King Con 1.35 1 40
Sioux Con 03 .04
South Hecla 95 1.00
South Standard 20 .23
Silver Shield 17 .17
Tar Baby 02 .03
Tlntic Central 01 .02'
Tlntic Standard S.1G 3 I J
Ctah Cons 00 0IV1
Victor .03
Union Chief 06 07
West Toledo 04 05
Walker 2 It 7 3. ''...
Woodlawn 15 .10
Yankee 02 02
Zuma .13 .15
Opening Sales,
Albion. 130 at 8c.
Columbus Rexall. 1,200 at 39c, 200
at 3Sc
East Tlntic Coal., 1.000 at tc
Michigan-Utah, 4.500 at 2c.
New Qulncy, 500 at 5c. 5.000 at
Eureka Bullion, 2.000 at 6c.
Plutus. lOu at 31c; 1.000 at 31 c,
100 at 3 2c.
Prince Con , 300 at 26c,
Sells. 1,000 at 5c
Silver Shield. 4,000 at 17c
South Standard, 100 at 21c; 250 at
' 'lil.c
Tlntic Standard, 200 at $3 40.
I nlon Chief, 2.500 at 6c.
Woodlawn. 1,500 at 16c.
losing nli.
Columbus Rexall. 900 at 38c.
Cardiff, 100 at 81.35.
East Tintlc Con , 500 at 7c, 105 at
Howell. 2.000 at 7c.
Iron Blossom. 300 at 26c.
Iron King. 500 at 2K
Lehl Tintlc, 2.000 at 6c.
Michigan-Utah, 3,0110 at 2o.
Emma Silver. 500 at oc.
Silver Klne Con., 100 at 51.40
Tintlc Standard, 300 at JT 35; 100 at
YNalker Mining, 200 at $3.00.
Yankee. 1.000 at 2c
NEW YORK, Aug. 9. Mercantile
paper, 8 per cent.
Exchange, weak, sterling; Demand,
$3.62; cables, $3 63.
Francs. Demand. 7.18c; cables,
Belgian francs. Demand, 7 7 1c;
cables, 7.76c.
Guilders: Demand. 33.12c, cables.
Lire Demand, 5.04c; cables. C.06c
Marks. Demand, 2 15c, cables,
0 1 r-
New York exchange on Montreal.
1 1 per cent discount.
Time loans, strong. 60 days, 90 days
and six months. 9 per cent.
Call money, steady; high 7 percent;
low. 6 per cent; ruling rate, 7 per
cent, closing bid. 6 per cent; offered
at 6 per cent; last loan. 6 per cent.
CHICAGO. Aug. 9.
Open. High. Low. Close.
Dec... $2.35 $2.36 $2 31 $2.32
Mar 2.39 2 39 2. 35 2 35
Sept.. 1.48 1.50 1.43 1.43
Sept.., .73' 74S .70 .70
Dec ... .70 .72 .69 69
Sept 25.25 24.75 25 05
Oct ... ... 25.90
I Jird
Sept. 19.00 19.00 1 8 60 1 8 75
Oct 19 20 1 9.00 19. 05
Sept.. 15 60 15.32 15 37
Oct.. 15.90 15.90 15.72 15.72
CHICAGO, Aug 9. Butter, higher,
creamery. 4 3'6:52c
ESggS, higher; receipts, 7,982 cases.
firsts -it'-ii 47c, ordinarj firsts, 4:' 1
lie; at mark, cases included, 43r? 4t'c,
storage packed firsts. 48tS"48c.
Poultry, alive, unsettled; fowls. 30 T
36c; springs, 3S40c.
LONDON. Aug. 9 Bar silver. 59d
per ounce.
Money, 5 per cent
Discount rates: Short bills, r, H-J6
per cent; three month bills, 6 per
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Aug. 9
Flour, unchanged.
Bran. $4 2 DO
The Ogden Auto Directory I
All makes of batteries repaired and recharged. Exide Battery Sta
tion, 2359 Hudson Avenue 3741
Weber Taylor Motor Co., 2333 Hudson Avenue, Chalmers and Max
well sales and service. Phone 143 3742
McLaughlin-Storey Auto Painting Co., 1715 Washington. 3773
Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Washington. 3772 I
Utah Auto & Tire Exchange, 2224 Wnshington. Cars of all maksB: j
Terms. Let us pell your car. 3771"
Automobile insurance. R. G. Agee. Phone 69. 3774
We buy all cars regardless of condition. Salvage parts for sale !
Auto Salvage Co , 2348 Grant, 4045
Auto repairing and welding L. J. Haight, 2579 Grant. 4044.
Willard Battery Station, 2454 Grant avenue 3733
Commercial bodies, automobile painting. Sidney Stevens Imp Co.
Northeast Service Station. Cheesmen Auto Co. 3786
Oldsmobile trucks and touring cars, Briscoe cars, Gramm-Bernstein'
trucks. White-Robinson, 2300 Washington. Phone 340. 3739
Ogden Auto Radiator Co 2329 Hudson Avenue. 3740 j
I Last Sale.)
AIM., - V, -, I ntr
niua-VUWUII -'S
American Beet Sugar 76
American Can 31 1
American Car fe Foundry. . 133
American Hide t Leather pfd. . 74 I
American International Corp . . 68
American Locomotive M
American Smelt. & Hef'g C 3
American Sugar 116
.v rn. 1 ir:m Sumatra Tobacco. ... 78
American T. & T ... 95
American Woolen 7 3
Anaconda Copper 50
Atchison 79
Ail , Gulf & YV. Indies 135
Baldwin Locomotive 103
Baltimore Ohio 32
Bethlehem Stool "B" 69
Canadian Pacific 115
Central Leather 50
Chandler Motors 81
Chesapeake & Ohio 54
Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul . .33
Chicago, R I & Pac 33
Chino Copper 25
Colorado Fuel & Iron 30
Corn Products S4
Crucible Steel 127
Cuba Cane Sugar 38
Erie 12
General Electric 138
General Motors 20
Goodrich o . . ," l
wrrca.i .Nortnern pin 12 1
reat Northern Ore Clfa 30 1
Illinois Central 82
Inspiration Copper 44'
Int. Mer. Marine pfd . . .... 73
International Paper 73
Kennccott Copper 23
Louisville & Nashville 94
MarwelUJMotora 10
Mexican Petroleum .150
Miami Copper 18
Middle States Oil 11;
Mid vale Steel 37
Missouri Pacific 24
New York Central 70
N. Y., N H. and Hartford V.1.
Norfolk & Western 88
Northern Pacific 73 j
Oklahoma Prod. & Kef 3
Pan American Petroleum 77 '
Pennsylvania 40
People's Gas 28
Pittnbirg and West Va 26
Ray Consolidated Copper 13 1
ReaUlng 6R 1
Hep. lion & Steel 78 I
Royal Dutch. N". Y 71
Shell Trans. & Trad 69
Sinclair Con. Oil 2 4:
Southern Pacific ... 91
Southern Itallway .. "...26
Standard Oil of N. J pfd 105
Studehaker Corporation C1
Tennessee Copper ' 9
Texas Co. 41
Texas & Pacific 32'
Tobacco Products 59
1 I .LIIoUN L II IT 1 1 1,1 1,1 1 U 4
Union Pacific 115
1' S. Food Froducts .. 65
U. S. Retail Stores 59
l & Ind Alcohol 79
I'nlted states Rubber 82
United States Steel 85
Utah Copper 55
Westinghouse Electric ... 45
Wiiiy y Overland 15
Axner. ziiu. Lead and Sm 11
Butte and Superior ir.
Cala. Petroleum 23
Montana Power, bid 5 9
Shattuck Arizona 8
CHICAGO, Aug. 9. Higher prices'
for wheat resulted today from Euro-!
pean war developments. Buying, how
ever, was of only a scattered sort, and
the advance was not well maintained.!
Extreme weakness of sterling ex
change had tendency to check bull
ish sentiment. Opening quotations,!
which ranged from 2 to 3c higher,!
with December 52.36 to 2.36 and
.March $2 39. were followed b.v a mod
erate reaction.
Rain reports from Illinois largely
counter-balanced In the corn market,
the bulllrJi effect of war talk After
opening unchanged to 2 --2c higher, in-:
eluding September at $1 48 to 1.49
and December $1.23 to 1.24. prices
bulged all around, but then 1 st near-
ly all the advance.
Oats were governed by the action,
tember 73 to 73r. hardening still
more and then receding to below th-j
Initial figures.
StrcriK'h In the hog market kept
provisions Htc-ady. Demand, hown r,
vvas lacking
CHICAGO, Aug. 9. Cattle Ro
coipta, 15,000, good and choice steers,
steady to shade higher early top.
J17.50, bulk choice. 116.26(916.86;
good beeves, $15.00 15.75. grassy,
steady; mostly, $9. 50 14 50; first
.Montana run on sal bulla Steady to
strong; bologna. $6.6001 60; good and
Ichoice cows, strong. $10.00 12.50.
I canners, $4. 00 4 50; in-between
grades, alow, $6 008 50; calves, slow
to lower; general trade. 50c lower
Hogs Receipts. 32,000; market,
steady to 10c higher; poorer grades
I up most, early top $ 1 6 :; :. bulk light
and butchers, $ 15.30 16,26. bulk
1. acklng sows. $14.00014.40; pigs,
steady to higher
Sheep Receipts, 26.000; choice
limbs scarce, slow to lower; medium
nnti'o and western sheep, 26 to 35c
lower; good Montana wethers. $8.76;
feeders, steady; Kood to choice feed
ing lambs, $11 50 12 00,
NEW YORK. Aug 9 Copper,
steady; electrolytic, spot and third1
Quarter, 19c.
Iron, firm. No. 1 northern, $49 00c? !
50 00; No- 2 northern. $48.00 49.00, ;
No 2 southern. $ 44.00 4 5.00.
Tin, easier; spot and nearby, $49.00,
fourth 'luarter, $49 25.
Tntlmony, 7.25c.
Lead, steady; spot, 8.50c.
Zinc, stead . spot Last St Louis de
livery. 7.06 7 SOc.
At London Copper, 93 pounds 16s
6d; electrolytic, 111 pounds; tin, 279
pottnds Ins. lead, 36 pounds 16s; zinc.
42 pounds 10s.
It is saltl the Koreans made gun
powder as far back as 200 ii. C.
Washington Discusses Situa
tion With Allies Rut No
Decision Reached
WASHINGTON, Auk. 9. Althouga H
press dispatches today indicated thai
the gravity of the Polish situation was
(Increasing, there still was no tntima
jtlon that the American government
;had reached a drdslon on the propos
, uls for aid presented by ihe Polish - .v
eminent or the tentative program fof
helping the Polos outlined by the Brit
ish and French governments.
No announcement was expected
'pending the outcome of the conference
between Premiers Lloyd George and S
iMillerand. Exchanges between Wash-
niKton and London and Paris si ill are
continuing, but officials maintained si
lence as to their purport and also as I
to the views of President Wilson i
The note outlining ih political situa
tion in Poland -wi'.lch the foreicn office
was reported to have dispatched to
Washington, had not been received to-
The latest word the government had
from Poland reviewed the situation up
to Saturdav night The department
announced that "a more hopeful view
Of the situation at Warsaw" was lndi
cated by these dispatches, which
pointed out that while the bolshevik
troops continued tn be within "a dis
turbnig distance" of the capital, the
defense by the Poles was beinc main
tained "with renewed spirit."
The statement said also that somo
American residents bad left Warsaw
and that the American consulate was
reported to be moving to Grauch nz
Saturday mornin,, It was learned that
the American legion was preparing to
leave if the Poles moved the seat of
government H
Applications fer passports from for
mer citizens nf Poland who wish to
return home to aid relatives are being
received at the department in increas-
ing numbers, but no passports have
been issued for several weeks, It was
; said.
oo J
ANTW KRP, Aug. . Trials held to-
day to select the personnel of the Am
et'ean relay team for the Olympic
games swimming competition result-c-d
In the naming of six entrants, tho
final four to be chosen the day of the
race Those selected today were Nor
man ROSS, Illinois A. O; W W. Harris.
Jr.. Honolulu; Perry McOUlivray, I Hi
neis A. C-; D. P. Knhanomoku, Hono
lulu; Kealoha, Honolulu, and F. K.
Kahele, United Suites navy. m
(Bj International New s-n in .) '
CLEVELAND, O. The victorious '.,
United States Olympic trapshootlns
team will be entered in the events' at
the grand American handicap tourna
ment to be held in Cleveland August
2Z to 2S.
Cattle Receipts, none, choice
heavv steers, JSJ.OOfi 10.00; good steers,
$S.00iG0o. fair steers, $7,003 S. 00;
ohfiiff. fppclei- stffr nn of ? oo : iiiiH
choice c ows and heifers. $6.00 7,0(f:
'fair to good cows and heifers, $5.00
tl.OO; cutters, $5.00g6.00; canners.
$3.0013.70; choice feeder cows. $5.00
jtiiio; th bulls, r.oo. bologna
bulls, $4.00ft 5 00; veal calves. $9.00G
Hogs Receipts. 3S7. choice fat
' hogs. 175 to 250 pounds. $13 501
14.86; bulk of sales. $13.75 a, 4.00;
feeders. $ 1 1 .00 fi 1 2.00.
Sheep Receipts, 3.631; choice
'lambs. $10.5011.50, wethers. $7 00 ft
8.00; fat ewes, $5.00fj 6.00; feeder
lambs. $8 0010.00
Arrivals A J. Hornard, Rlrle, Ida..
!on load horses. J . 15. Eichart. Gold-
hill. I't.ih. five loads sheep. Leo John:
Bton, Delta, 1'tah. one load horses;
Glen Whltlock, South Omaha, Neb..
three loads hogs; Thomas Granilla,
' Paxton Cel., four loads sheep; H.
ttrout, Paxton, Cal.. four loads sheep.
NF.W rORK, Aug 9 Raw sugar.
easy; centrifugal, 17.68c; refined,
quiet; fine granulated, 21 00 (5 22.50c
Futures were leas active early, but
ihe undertone was steadier. despite
the easier ruling of the spot market.
Prices Si midday were about 10 to 20
points higher on trade buying
NEW YORK, Aug. 9 Closing prices
of Liberty bonds were: 38, 90.82;
first 4s, 84.60 bid; second 4s, 84.40;
firs! OiS. So. 40. second 48. 84 50:
third l-s 88.60; fourth 4Vis, 85.05;
Ictorv 3s, 95.64; Victory 4;s.
CHICAGO, Aug 9 Potatoes, weak,
receipt.-. 7'i earn Vlreinla cobblers. I
$6.00 6.25 per barrel; Jersey cob-
biers, $3.25 6 3 75 owf Kansas andr
Missouri early Ohlos. $3.00 t? 3.25.
NEW YORK. Aug. 9. Bar silver,
domestic, 99ic; foreign, 96c.
Mexican dollars, 73c-