I TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 10 1920 CHi) tHltb flf-jEUtltUtt, OGDEN. UTAH I (lITAi TH E A T R E 1 I TODAY AND TOMORROW I 1 I" THE THIRTIETH PIECE I I OF SILVER" I I C A MYSTERY Li J ALSO FOX SUNSHINE COMEDY J I Charlotte MacFarbie Given Divorce Basee 1 1 Charlotte Lulu MacFarlane his been awarded a decree of divorce from George S MacFarlane by Judge A- E. Pratt in the district court The case has been under advisement by. the court since the completion of the trial three weeks ago. With the decree. Mr. MacKaiiane is ordered to pay $60 a month for the support of ins wife and $16 additional! for the maintenance of a minor hi id I Thekla, 2 years of age. Mis. M i - I Parlane is given custop.v of the child. I In addition to allmon) Mr. MacFar- I lane Is ordered to pay $100 court costs' 1 and attorney fees In her complaint Mrs. MacFarlane charged her husband with cruelty and inhuman treatment. In Ma 1918, Mrs. MacFarlane allescd that after she had told her husband she would get a dHorce. he said, If you do I'll Kill you." She charged he caused her bodily harm by grabbing her wrists and twisting th m. 9 During the trial of the case, coun- a sel for Mr MacFarlane bitterly fought jH every allegation brought by the wife 2 and practically every detail which had resulted in domestic disturbances wu W f u 1 1 aired in court Mr. MacFarlane In his counter complaint charged h.s wife ith cruelty. I Brigham and Ogden to I Meet Here Next Sunday Urigham City and gden will settle flj their diamond troubles at Lorin Farr j park Sunday afternoon In one of t lu ll final games of tin- season, according to Manager Frank Scott. The clubs have met on two previous Occasions this season, each aggregation having Yron a contest IIJ Shipley is slated to hurl for the locals Sunday. The local twlrler har. been going creat guns this season arid ts bncked to win his game Murium will hurl for the visitors I Elks to Select New Secretary Tonight ugden lodge No. 719. R P. O. Flks will hold a regular meeting thK even ing at the home on Grant avenue to take up special business. Among oth- things n secretary will-be elected to succee I Walter Herrlck, resigned. If Is iir;,'" (l that nil members make B Hpeci.al I'ffort to be present at the meeting. M. I. A. to Be Seen in Pageant Wednesday At a tri-stake meeting held last nljrht. final arrangements were comv pleted for the M 1 . rail v. lo be held on the Tabernacle park at 6.30 o'clock Wednesday evening The spe cial feature of the rally will be the Bee Hive Girls' pageant, presented under the auspices of the Y L M I. A. of Weber, North Weber and Ugden stakes. iwintr to the disorganization of the state Industrial school band, the Ny lander orchestra has been engaged for the evening and music will be fur nished fur the dancing and choruses TtirOUgh the courtesy of A. 1' Merrill, Of the Utah I'oweV A.- Light com pany, lighting effects for the pageant Will .be furnished. ' )n Wednesday eenlng the M. I A. conducted the dance at Lorin Farr park but there Will he no dancing this Wednesday All interested In thej pageant are asked to come New York Man Becomes Manager of leader"; The Iearter inc., is now under a, new management, V T. Clark resign-1 ing as manager to open up a store pi his own. J Lodham succeeds hlmi Mr. Ledham is an experienced mer-i chant of New York In millinery 'and I ill's r id) tr. wen- lines He states that he is pleaser with the outlook for Ogden and expects to conduct the! Leader business In the same efficient manner in which li has heretofor been j handled H" will make 'gden his per-. Ilianent residence Ihe Leader's business will be han-j (died on a strictly cash basis," says Mr. Lodham, "which will enable us to bu and sell at better prices than we could otherwise do." no Passes Check Without I Funds; Gets in Jail Trov F Hauer appeared before' Judge I R Roberts this morning charged with passing a check without funds on the J. S. Lewis Jewelry firm Bauer pelted i hat the case be con tinued before he entered a plea. His bail was fixed at $50 and following County Attorney Joseph R. Bates' con sent, the trial n:i.s allowed to go over until Thursday, when Bailer will ap- ( pear and titer his plea. ) PLENTY F DELIGHTFUL I . vpPV IN BBBBBBBBBBBBsfln I-L iMtfii' HORSE'S NECK rhOlie tOr jj Peel of whole lemon; V flsE WW 1 bottle Standard 3. CclSC rapV&Hr 0m' c C'ub GlnQcr Ale; today gg& GlNGERAli no 3on Is A knob of stem, QfK W ;'- 0 v catch this on rim JUD 7 J of glass, wind re- mainder down the glass and fill. STANDARD BOTTLING COMPANY - u JAIL SENTENCE ! STUNS VISITOR L Mayard Nerlan of Burley Gets Five Days in Jail for Speeding L. Mayard Nerlan of F.urley, Idaho, who told the conn he was In Ogden to swing a large real estate transac tion for two prominent Ogden people, was found guilty In the CltJ court this morning. He was sent-n '.l bj lu.lsre D R Roberts to five days In the city hall, without the alternative Of a fine. Nerlan 11 Is alleged, was speeding between North Ogden and the cltv limits about 1 o'clock this morning Deputy Sheriff Dick YVootton and (Chauffeur Bert Crltes stopped him. Wootton testified that the average speed of the sheriff's car In pursuing Nerlan was 50 miles per hour, with 45 miles an Ihe lowest speed and 65 as ihe highest speed attained. Nerlan pleaded guilty. He said he Was trailing another car I to inform the driver that sparks were flying from the brake hand WoOttOn said the far Nerlan was trailing was at least n mile ahead when 'Nerlan started speeding. Nerlan appeared staggered by 'he SI ntence and intimated that he would I appeal the case. County Attorney Joseph R. Bates j prosecuted the case Judge D. R. Roberts, before Impos ing the sentence, said that Weber I county citizens had spent considerable money for good roads hoping that I' they WOUld be a blessing but they have proven to be a curse." 1 oo FIREMEN GIVEN WAGEJNCREASE City Workers Granted Higher Pay Schedule hy New Ordinance Salaries of all members of the "gden City fire department was In creased $10 a month I his morning when the board of city commissioners amended an ordinance fixing salaries of fire department employes. The In crease sweep3 fiom the fire chief to firemen of the third grade and was considered necessary In order to pre vent the men from leaving the de partment to seek employment where pay Is higher. The new pay schedule which gives un increase of $10 for eaeh man Is now as follows t hief of departmental $200 assistant chief. $160: captain. $160. master mechanic. $146: inspec tor, $I3; drivers. $1-10, firemen first, grade, $136, second grade $.126 third grade, 116. oo PROWLED RIPS SCREEN; SHOT Pciico Looking for Limping Burglar Who Was Nicked by Ogden Man Police today were looking for a wounded burglar, following the re-, port made last night by B. BpllsburyJ 1 "". I o Grant avenue, that he had ftrci j at and hit a stranger who attempted j to g t Into his house by cutting the' screen. ' I had Just been In bed about fif teen minutes when I saw somebody pass m Window sdid Hiie.ik around to the rear," Spllsbury said today. I should have l.ad my pistol then.' but 1 waited Without turning on the! lights I walked quietly to th backi "i the house and was looking for the fellow out the pack door when he I slashed the screen almost in front) of mv fuA-r Then 1 t;.t niy pistol and fired at' his form as he scooted away M neighbor next door has anj automobile. It was In front of his house and his boy was in It. We stained out in pursuit and saw the fellow limping across m alley. Hut there were not enough of US to sur round him and ho got away I feel pretty sure I hit him when 1 fired that one shot " oo MARY Till A! BEST IN BILL HART'S j H PICTURE 'SAND!': Beautiful and Delightful Screen Player Has Appealing Role in Big Photoplay Mary Thurman' The name spells pulchritude. In the Mack Sennrtt Cjomedy days of this charming ac tress she received innumerable trlb- utrs for her beauty and ability, but until now she had really never had the opportunity to display her prow ess as a dramatic actress Hut she I achieves wonderful results in her sim ple 'glnKham frown" as a maiden of i the desert country sweet and demure, I long and faithful. This is William S. Hart's latest starring vehicle, "Sand"' a Paramount I Artcraft picture, directed by Lambert' Hlllyer, which li now at the Alham- I bra theatre Mr Hart has the role of Dan Kur- 1 rie. railroading cowpuncher. He breaks up a gang of bandits and wins 1 his ladj love despite dire handicaps And the thrills are plentiful, even as! ! love tempers the tragic moments and holds the Interest of tho audience since all the world loves a lover. M!p. Thurman has an exquisite' profile. In some of the closeup lews she' evidences the possession of al most classical beauty Sho acts with I restraint and feeling, another evl- dence that comedy training far from being a handicap is a good school for the serious drama. A sense of hu mor is a wonderful thing and it serves to modify the efforts of the dramatic actor or actresa who possesses It, PAGEANT GIVEN " ENDORSEMENT Musicians Meeting at Com munity Service Offices Hear Arbury and Murrison Ttie initial meeting of the song lead ers school for the development "f vol unteer leaders opened last night In th office of fcdiMi Community Ser- ice, on the third flour of the Utah National bank building A representation of Ogden musi cians and music lovers was in at tendance and heartily endorsed the idea of a proposed pageant to be pi -en in the near future by the people of i 'gden. 11. W. Arbury, executive secretary introduced Harry Morrison, who Is to be In charge of the school, and also spoke of the plans concerning the proposed pageant He pointed out the great need for trained volunteer aong lenders to assist In the training of the various groups, in all parts of the city necessary to the success of such an underta king. It was (he expressed desire of those present that the rlass for the train ing of these volunteers be launched at once to meet the needs and Insure the success of the pageant. Mr Murrison gave a general out line of the course to be offered and spoke of the requirements and train ing necessary for the success of song leaders. A few of the outstanding points he mentioned would be dis cussed were the philosophy of massed pinging, crowd psychology, rorre- t ap proach stressing the point of practical class and individual demons! ra t Inns Each lesson Is closely correlated to each of the others in such a way as to require regular attendance. The first regular meeting will be held on Thursday evening, August 12, In the Community Service rooms, be ginning promptly at 7 30 o clock and lasting until 9 and will be continued on each succeeding Monday and Thursday evening during tho month oo FALLS OFF U. P, TRMNJJURED Aged Traveler Started Again on Journey After Accident in Wyoming James Chrlstenson. B7, who fell from Union Pacific train No 21 fiat I urday afternoon In Y ynmlng while the j train was mo ing at a rate of 4! miles pei hour has resumed his journey to j the northwest, according to informa tion gl en out today by railroad offi cials Christensen's home is at Robinez, Ore. Ho was accompanied on thei trip from Chicago to his home at! Robinez hy his son, N. A Chrlstensen. When the train re iched Rawlins last Saturday Chrlstensen was missing I and Investigation which was Btartcd bj railroad officials aided in finding the injured man at Creston. Wvo. The accident occurred Shortly after mid night Saturday night He suffered two broken ribs. He was picked upl bj a passing freight train and arrived j here todav en route to his home. oo Box Elder Sunday Schools on Outing Members of the Box Elder stake S inday schools arc today enjoying an outing at lagoon. This morning twelve cars, drawn by oji electric en glne left Brigham City at 10 o clock and passed through ugden with hun dnds of the merry-milkers aboard. A marled program has been arranged and "111 koep the members of the party busy all afternoon and until B o'clock tonight, when the special train Is scheduled to leave on the return trip. ThU is one of the largest excursion trains ever run by the Bamberger Electric Raliwa) cumpanj. according to information given out at the pas-j senger department of the road Ad-j vance sale of tickets has indicated: that practically all of the Sunday schools In Cache valley will be rep res, nted on t he train. yy Southern College Girls See Canyon Ninety-five girl graduates of Wln throp college of Wlnthrop, South Carolina, were 'gden visitors for more than five hours today en route from Yellowstone national park to San Francisco, Los Angeles and other Coast points. The trip which started at Columbia, South Carolina, will re-' quire more than four weeks, the en tire part', visiting the leading cities' of the United States while on tour.! The party Is in charge of Dr Roy Z Thomas. If. R Eondon. E. P. Bar ron and Prof B E. Bl3er, Instruc tors at tho school, are also with the party They spent three das in Yellow stone national park and all pro nounced the park the wonderland ofi the world Arriving here shortly af-1 tor 6 a- m. today the party Visited! Ugden canyon and other points of interest before departing. Winthrop college Is one of the )arg- est exclusive girls schools In the' United State. according to Dr. Thomas, being the largest In tho, south and fourth largest In the coun try. The enrollment lost year was' 2 267, which did not include a staff of 1&0 instructors. President D, E Johnson of the col lege was for a number of years presi dent of the National Education asso i iatlon and is recognized as one of Americas leading educators. Ogden Stake Elders Plan Canyon Outing The elders of the CRden stake will hop their annual outing at the Her mitage In Ugden canyon on August J", according to announcement made by stake officials A program of sports, including a baseball game and dancing will be provided A basket lunth In the eve ning will be a feature of the outing to which nil members of the stake are Invited to attend. I f Misses barefoot sandals, the Men's tan calf oxford, $10 V J solid leather kind; tan, also value V I X ALyC J black, also smoked horse; tf g0E&a$CZ U-4- $3.25 value- $g85 V ( IX Ladies' white Sea Island fn - -"TV"' Y canvas oxfords turn sole, Slzes 11 2 to 2 T X French heel; $9.50 value J ifU M JB m& Misses' patent pumps, ankle m -V J lOL &m straP with nke buckle; J X mBraZrii& $7 value- V I I A Girls' white canvas lace 0JWO ' o shoes, medium heels; up to P mJPwLMn3 nbssd i $8 values 5Jb ah r ev'e ' - X Mens tan scout shoes, $ Y $f.9B MEN, NOTICE! fgg I A s,zeS ik , to wi "fet m9 X f J? I 5 Girls patent pumps, nickel U KEDS & buckle, baby Louis heel. SkS' U tl f i 2 X , , . i i i a ' JJ S 2 white canvas pumps, aiso V V also low inch heel; $8 L CXvW " t i .. , V value Xiixx2$ oxrords; composition sole; X t X $3.50 value , " Palm Beach, also white can- 1 V SNOW WHITE ( A r -,. k . re vas oxtords, hnglish toe. . . . 0 . 0 . A X The new and most satisfactory i j . i. i Men S fSdm deach Canvas, y white powder c.eaner for all kin. als medium toe. Welt Soles ; white O of white shoes Regular 25c pack- $6 value ti fl va1t. K4 age now three packages for ?i.JJ CUUe J 25C $85 $95 I GdSh 2461 Washington Ave. I I 12? Sign of Good Shoes 5 f mm . , 1 . 1 . YOUNGSTERS ON WAY TO COAST UNACCOMPANIED Three youngsters, ranting In ajr.' from four to seven years, ar rived in ' Igdeii tod:iy from ("lil-..-!(," 61! route to Los AiiKles un accompanied The children are Glen, Carl and George Haxter At the t'nlon depot today they stated that the were en route to Los Angeles from the home of their uncle In fhlcago and that they would be met at the Cali fornia city- by their father on ar rival there. George, aged 7, rs In charge of (ho youthful party. He looks af ter the baggage, meals and all business pertaining to the trip. Ho stated today that It was his sec ond trip unaccompanied and that he "Just loved to travel. ' 0 0 Add Dispatchers to Care for Traffic To properly handle the heavy traf- flc on the Union I'uclfb and Southern I acific lines two dispatchers have been added tr. the prtsent force. The travel on east and west-bound pas senger trains continues to he he.i i with hundreds of tourists arriving here dally. Three hundred and fifty-five fruit can from points in California and nlh'T iV'sNrn stales .iSM,-,t through Ogden yesterday en route to points in the e.ist. Fur the past three weeks an average of better than l!5u cars dally has been recorded "t the local offices of the Pacific Fruit Express company. oo CARD OF THANKS Wo desire to thank those who were so kind and helpful to us during our late bereavement and funeral of our dear husband and father Especlallv: our friends at Tremonton and i )jden ' MRS. JOHN" 'III)i.)P AND FAMILY. I 4272 oo I 14th Ward Primary Class to Give Show The children of the fourteenth ward Primary association will present a vaudeville show at the ward hall Fri day evening A special Invitation Is extended to the parents of the chil dren to be present The children will present several nets that will be of special interest. oo ELKSDANCE! Another Elks' danoc Thurs day, August 12, Lorin Farr Park, Members may get in vitations for friends at office of secretary, Auto Tail Lights Fail; Two Men Fined Albert Jeff had no tall light on hisj automobile and crossed tho Ogden river bridge two nights in succession with no red beacon shining from the' back of tho car. according to the po lice He pleaded ulltv- before Judsre D. R. Roberts this morning and said that he had maae no attempt to re-j pair faulty wiring In his car. ! He was fined $10 or L0 days. A. P Anderson, rmplojc of the' Wrights & Sons store, drove a truck! across the bridge two nights In suc cession He said that the car had never been equipped with tall liKht.-; Se a, so was fined $10 or 10 days. Judge Roberts Bald that no jail sen-' trures had thus far been imposed for people without (ail IlKhta. Ho stated that stiff fines would he imposed where carelessness on the p.irt of the drivers was evident. ' Tremonton Sportsmen flj Form Association mm Al Hestmark, together with a nuna- BifP ber of other Weber county sportsmen, Bfl!?' assisted In the organization of the LBtl Tremonton Rod and Gun Protective LBipi association last night iBi The Tremonton sportsmen met for flaKI the purpose of perfecting a protective MM association and the Weber county men B&ra were Invited to attend and explain the BH policies of the Weber County Rod and BB Gun club. The following officers were elected Jx'"' for the newly organized protective as- jflBSs soi lal ion . I O. W Chrlstensen. president; Ell C. Anderson, vice-president; Geor,;e fTif Chrlstenson secretary and treasurer. fijS Director. were selected as follows Ki-ni Alec Archibald, Garland. Leonard lp- f DBF son. Bear River City; William Stone. IsSm Tremonton; George Abbott, Ellvvoo J, Ff fli and John Compton. Thatcher , We want your banking business and when you give it to us we will give you SERVICE. It is a pleasure to us to consult with our customers on their financial matters and to advise theiu if they wish ad vice Feel free to come in and see us whether or not we now handle your account. We shall be glad to see you and make you "feel at home " JB We invite YOUR Banking Business' OGDEN SAVINGS BANK I 2384 Washington Avenue We pay 4 per cent interest compounded quarterly. li