I school eras
Girls Show Gain of 177 While
Boys Tag Along With
Thn si hool census for the ( k Ten
city schools for students bvtoon the
apes of 6 and IS Years has been com
pleted by the workers in the five wards
of the city a total registration of
8541 was recorded, which is nn in
1 crease of 202 over the registration of
The figures show that of the total
I 1?7 arc gilts and 26 boys in the first
wnrd an Increase of 3 3 boys and o prirls
ever last year is recorded The sec
ond ward shows a decrease of 9 boys
and an increase of 15 girls. In the
third ward an Increase of 10 boys and
IQ plrls Is noted The fourth ward has
a decrease of 27 boys and an lncr use
' of 86 girls. The fifth ward his an
increase of 18 boys and 3C girls
Of the total city registration 4191
art boys and 4350 are girls, accord
ing to Supt. W Karl Hopkins, The
tllfrh school registration is nut com
pleted but will be ready during the
coming week.
. oo
Deaths and Funerals
ANDERSON Mis. Marlon Amanda
Anderson, widow of the lute Chris
Anderson, died Tuesdny afurnoon. She
was born In Michigan In lb 70 and was
a resident of Cardston. Canada, for
i several years The family moved iu
Ogden in 1912. Mrs. Anderson was the
mother of seven children six ol whom
arc living ltobert, Rescue, Mrs Flor
ence W. Clark, Irma, BmDU and Beth
Anderson. She was a daughter of
Emma and James "Wilkinson and a
faithful member of the I.. D. S.
4 church. Funeral services will be held
at the Lindquist funeral chapel at
Z o'clock Thursday. The body may
bo viewed at the chapel this evening
and tomorrow until noon Interment
.vlll be in the Ogden city cemetery.
NFXTjING The body of J..nn B.
N'elling. who died at St. Ixuls. will ,u -,
live this afternoon In Ogden on the!
Klo Grande No. 3 The body will bel
1 token in charge by Llndqulst's under-1
taking establishment. Funeral serv-1
I ices will be held at the Masonic tem
, pie, Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
The body may be tewed this after
noon and tomorrow morning. Inter
ment in the Ogden city cemetery,
HADTjETV Funeral "-Tvices for Ii
von Hadley, daughter of Mr and Mrs.
Somuel Hadley, were held a1 t lie Hoy
ward meeting house Tuesday after
noon. Bishop Tounsilor C. J. ;.ir
ner officiated. "1 our Sweet Kittle
, Kcsebud, "Guidf .Me to Thee." and
"Abide With Mij,' iverg sung ' th
. choir. A solo, 'My F;ither Knowi
v ivas sung by Arnold 11 inly The
i speakers were G Jones, Lysle W Lai -
lns and C. J. Gai ner. Burial was in
ho Roy cemeton, where Lysle Lar
kin dedicated the prave.
THOMPSON Funeral services for
I Thornley Thompson were held at 2
o'clock Tuesday at the Larkin funeral1
chapel. Bishop's Counsellor C. J :
I Brown offlciatid "A Perfect Iaj"
J was sung bi Jane Lin berg 1 Knov.
: That My Redeemer Lives," bj Lorene
Snyder. 'The Blue Bird." by Lucile
I M. Comer and "Shall We Meet Be-
ji yond the River," by Loreni S:
The speakers were Moroni I'oulter, E
A. Larkin and C. J Brown. Inter
ment was in the gd-ii city . . n,. -tcry.
Members of the Fifth irard Re-
I lief society attended the funeral in a
I body and acted as pallbeanis
Thompson was killed by a Union
Pacific passenger tram last Saturday
I Former Ogden Man
I Is Visitor in City
W. E. Zuppann formerly of Ogden I
and now of Salt Lake, was in Ogden
today on business Since the Bait Lake'
Herald, of which ho was city editor
suspended publication in July, Mr!
Zuppann has been engaged In publi
city work. He was accompanied to
Ogden by Joseph A Chccketts, also
formerly of Ogden.
1 Put your best foot forward
S .every morning !
I Start your day right with
M a cup of good coffee. Start
J by enjoying things. Start
J with the invigoration and
J set-up that only good coffee
J can give.
fI Ask your grocer for one
'I of the coffees in vacuum-
6ealed tin? (the only way to
J get the full fragrance, flavor
ij and strength to you).
Schilling's is one of them.
J Is it the best ? We try to
1 have it so. But the real test
.m for you is to try it and see
how you like it.
Your grocer pays your
'jM money back if you don't,
:Jm A Schilling s? Company
9 San Francisco
Kneipp and Rutledge on Pro
gram of Range Manage
ment Conference
L. F. Kneipp of Opden, recently ap-
pointed assistant I'nitpd states for
ester nnd R it KutlcdKe, his successor
hi rr as district forester will he speak
ers at the range management confer
ence to bo held at the Utah AKrlcul
'tural college at Logan August 13 and
Paper." will be read covering erry
I'll ISC f range nia napeiriont , Including
grazing, handling sheep, and cattli on
the range, poisonous plants, expert
Rl Dtal work and local problems.
ltar.KO experts from Utah. Idaho.
Montana Wyoming and Colorado will
i be pre.' i ni
The program Is as followsr
First Session, August 13.
Importance of Grazing in the West
and Its Relation to Other
Branches of Agriculture
1 P. Kneipp. District Forester,
, OraziiiK Administrative Policies of
the Forest Service ... Mr. Hatten
or Mr. Douglas, Denver. Colo.,
District Forest No 2
Results of Range Experimental
Work at the Oreat Hasin Experi
ment Station Dr. Arthur W.
Sampson of the Forest Service, in
charpe, Ephralm.
Second Session, August 13
Poisonous Plants on the Range...
Dr. " D Marsh, In charge expeH-
mental work, Sallna Canyon.
Handling Sherp on the Range
i Bryant Martlneau, Logan
Handling Cattle on the Range. ..
R u. Rutiodce, nistrict Forester
Missoula. .Mont.
Third Session. August 1 4
Legislation for the Improvement of
Livestock on the Range i
E. J. Maynard. Animal Husband
man. Colorado College of Agricul
ture, Fori Collins. I'olorado.
Spring FcedlnR for Range Protec
tion E F Rtnshart Boise.
Field Animal Husbandman for
Idaho Agricultural College
A. F. Vass, Laramie, Wynnilng,
Agronomist. Wyoming Agricul
tural College
Fourth Session, August 1 4
Sublet ts Needing Investigation in
Connection with the Range. . . .
C. N. Arnett. Bozrman, Montana,
Animal Husbandman, Montana
Agricultural College.
Local Range Problems Needing At
tention Colorado. E. J. Maynard. Idaho.
E. F Rlnehart, Montana, O x
Arnett, Ffah. R. J. Becrafl, Range
Manacemf-nt Agricultural College
Wyoming. Prof Hayes, Animal Hus
bandry. Wyoming Agricultural
i topia n.i p.
Mrs. H. S Gwtlllam will bo hos-1
toss to the members of tho Utopia
club Frldaj afternoon at her homo in
'gden canyon.
The Elks will give another dance
Thursday evening at Lorin Farr park.
Spanish War Ladies will hold a pic
nic at Lorln Farr park, Thursday af-l
ternoon. All members are requested
to be present. A basket luncheon will
be served
A special meeting or ihe Home Cul
ture club will be held Friday after
noon at 2:80 o clock at the residence
of Mrs. W S. Craven. 1544 Capitol
avenue All members arc urgently
requested to be present
Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rasmusson of'
Los Angeles have been visiting here I
at the home- of Mr and Mrs Carl Ras- !
mus.s.m They l.-rt for in,;,-!, Mon-1
j day.
Meml.ers of the Daughters of tlx
Mormon Battalion will meet at La-1
goon. Thur.-Jiy .ifternuon ( ars will
leave the station at 3.30 and 4:301
I o clock.
Fiyers to Take Part
in Road Celebration
Eddie Brooks and 11 l Bullen, I
Denver filers, will be featured In the J
LOad celebration at Lagoon August 18.
according to Information given out
en today. Brooks was in Ogden a
i' u months hbo. Bullen is now fKing
In Myiitlx rn L'tulu Both nx.n are ex
perienced filers and were In the serv-1-
t during the vvoi Id v. ii .
The celebration August IS will be
held at Lagoon, the completion of the1
Ogden-Salt Iakc highway bclni: f ea-f
tured This, together with Trl-county
day, will make the day a day of days
m i '.rdlnic to thos-? In churgc. Ad
uiis.se3 on the completion of the road
will bo made by Governor Simon Bam
berger. Ex-Governor William Sprv.
James II Dcvlnc of ogden and others
The highway has been completed with
the exception of a detour of 200 yards
around the viaduct, which is now un
der course of construction.
Boy Scouts Expected
Back Home by Sunday
Ogden boy scouts now hiking
throuKh Yellowstone national park are
scheduled to return to Ogden Sun
day afternoon, according to Informa
tion given out today by Acting Scout
t-xccutlve Lysle Larkin Tho youths
have been in the park for more than
ten days
With tho return of the 3couts from
the park plans will be Immediately
made for tho camp at South Fork
whero tho scouLs will spend two weeks
in scout craft. Ten tents each capa
ble of housing 16 scouts, will be used
at the camp.
Another Elks' dance Thurs
day, August 12, Lorin Farr
Park, Members may get in
vitations for friends at office
of secretary,
lr ' 1 nil
ill I
1 Take a Victrola on your
1 summer outings
,,1, $3S
Sec and hear these portable styles
of the Victroia today at any Victor srv
dealer's. Then you'll appreciate the -' '-'''k
' pleasure they will give you CB( '""
when you go camping ym "
aboard your boat SH
at your bungalow -
y 1 rS Viccrola VIII. $50
on your porch
I out on the lawn
flS R-G. U. S. PAT. OFf. r M Effl
h j
-rj -y j i. - "ft r 4 ymn This trademark ami the trademarked word
II v ictor Talking Machie Co 3rtjrj$sr 1
M Camden, New Jersey Camden, n. j. p.
Ogden Sleuth Assumes
Role of Baby Tender
. A Jones, filam lotho man "ins
honors not rnl as a Bleuth lut as tho
possessor of an extrcmel) winning
Ho sui rcssfully acted n nurse to
an eight -months old younexlcr 'n the
city court this morning whll tho
babe's mother, Mrs Louise Gilate, of.
curded the .witness stand
Aside from, holding the baby In
manner peculiar to unexperienced
males, Detective Jones made h pood
Job of it as nary a whimper came from
the infant.
WASHINGTON". Aug. 11 Special
permission to file blanlcrt schedules to
makt; effective the new passenger,
puUman, excess baKgape and milk
rates recently authorized was granted
the railroads today by the interstate
commerce commission Similar per
mission as to blanket chedules cover
ing the Increased freight rates ai
re a. lj had been granted and the roads
are preparing to put all of the new
rates Into effect on August . j
The roads are required to Issue the
printed schedules, local tariffs bv
March 1, 1921, lnter-dlvlslon tarlfi
tfy June I, 1921, and lnter-line or Joint
tariffs by October 1. 1921.
Census Report
WASHINGTON, Aug 11 Dover.
N. EX., 13,031, decrease 239, or 1 2
per cent.
Alleghaney county. Pennsylvania,
containing Pittsburg 1,18,832. in
qrcase 166. 369. or 16.3 per cent
Salinas. Cal.. 4,308, increase, 07 2, or
15.3 per cent.
In China the ceremony of naming
a baby is accompanied by the shav--Jjig
of all its hair. 1
NEW YORK. Aug. 11 Jack
Dempsey worlds' hamplori
heavyweight todaj signed an
agreement to meet K. O , Phil
v Brennan. Chicago boxer, before
January I. 1921 The 'late, place
anrl number of rounds to bo
fought were not specified.
1 oo
Special meeting of It N of A held
:il the I. O 0 K hall. Frldax A up 13
.', p m. Election of new recorder. Full
attendance expec ted
SAN' PEDIJO, Coahuiln. Mexico.!
Aug 11,. Via 1nredo Junction (By'
the Associated Press) Francisco Villa
surrendered bandit leader an:l his ap
proxlmateh uon followers left today
on specail trooj) trains for Tlahualllo. ',
state of Durango, where they will be
paid off and disarmed
Thero will bo a special meeting of
stoi kholders of the Qgdon Petroleum
company at the City Hall (upstairs)
Wednesday at 8:30 p. rn., to consider
ery important business matters Ev
trv stockholder requested to come.
a. L. QLASMANN, Bec'ty-Treas. '
Mrs. Harriman to
. . Be Ogden Visitor
Mrs. E. H. Harriman. wife of the
late E. H Harriman, railroad king, in i
company with her son Poland and his I
famllv will arrive In Ogden Thursday
morning on train 19 en route to San I
Francisco according to information
given out today by railroad officials.
Dr. A H Aland, formerly practicing
In Cleveland, Ohio, announces the
opening of his offices, 26-27 Lewis!
building. Practice will be limited;
strictly to eye, ear, nose and throat.
in 13 j
Allen's Fooi-Ee, the aotlecplic pwiUri'i bo
b&ken Into the hoe and tprlDklcd lu tbc fooU '
blh. Tho rialtsborg Camp MaDnal ndviere mon
Id tralniDg to ue Foot Ease In their iho.-s fiicu
morning It prevenle bllftern andorc ipottai.d
r,Me' painful, nrollalsmsrthig fssl (""i icaes
the rllni; out of rums nnl hunlun Anj4
utt AUcd'i iooUhuo to break In new aboca
The Best Becaus-No-Spcllcd-Food
After you eat alvavs use
for "your stomach's sakQ
one or two tablets eat like candy.
InstantU'relievesIIeartbum, Bloated
Gassy Reeling. Stops indigestion,
food souring, repeating, headacheond
tho many miseries caused by
E ATONIC ts the bestremedy, it takes
the harmful ncnJo and ga3es right out
of the body and, of couree, you get
well. Tens of thousands wonderfully
benefited. Guaranteed to satisfy or
money refunded by your own drug
gist. Cost a trifle. Please try itl
fZZi 6 Bell-ans
L4'-i Hot water
jCTYf ' ZZSA Sure Relief
and enjoy life whether In the borne
'or business world if they can keep at
bay those allmonts peculiar to their'
sex. If every woman realised bow 1-y
dia E Ptnkhsjn's Vegetable Compound,
that simple remedy made lrom roots
and In rbs, goes o the root of the Irou
blq ad overcomes auch symptoms as
backacl e, headaches, nervousness, and
IrrltsbUlty, they would be healthier,
happi.r aud strongir. If you suffer
from any form of (female ills why don't
you try It? It will pay you to do m
Lite Long Resident Tells
How Her Health Was
Tdlre n .ist forest fire, sprlng'n
from a dnjrle spark, the fame of Tan
lac has spread fr'm a sinKle testimm
Is given In Its behalf a little more
than five years ago, until now Its
praise Is bcinc beard throughout the ft
I American continent More than font bkS
t rn million bottles have hern sold and IB
the wonderful d'-mand continues to in-
I Remarkable though it may seem, HC
jriRht her in Salt Lake City alone,
I where Tanlsc wns Introduced but a lit-
He more than two years ago, over for- A .
ty-flv thousand hollies hav bren sold fbsl
land distributed at retail, and numbers Bflfl
! of well known men and women are H
I calling daily to purchase the medicine Hfl
land to tell of tlu benefits they have Lsw
I derived from Its use.
Mrs. Mar;. E L It S Of 18 North Plrsl W
street, West, wbo has lived In Salt
Lake Cltj all her life and is biglil) ..r,
I esteemed by i who know her, in
relating her experience with Taniac, Bfl
I "Taniac restored my health when I fcsw
had almost despaired of ever bi-ing
'well again, and 1 certainly think it is
the grandest medicine in the world.
I'or ten or twelve years 1 had been In
a completely inn down condition. My ibbbI
appetite was very poor and nothing 1 RSI
ate seemed to do me any good. Cakes, Lsl
pastries, and other sweet things were
like prison to me. for I could never eat ssssfl
i hem without terrible afterwards. I
j had awful hcadurheo and spells of diz- WmKk
ziness. when everything turned black SlP
I before m eyes. I never slept well, aBM
) was weak and listless all the time, LsH
land life was a burden to me. ILbbbbI
I bad Bought pell f In every dlrec 2
tlon, '"it nothing did me ;:ny good UD H
'til I began taking Taniac. This medi- :
I cine lielped me right from the start,
' and, now that I have taken four bot
ill s, 1 am eating cakes, pastries, or
'anything else I 'ant and never have
any trouble from indigestion after-
.wards My headaches and dizziness "
j have left me, and I sleep soundly at IsH
! night and wake ip in the morning re LHtI
freshed. I feel so much stronger and Bflllfl
I better that I go about my work w.lth wrl
Interest and pleasure and the day don't BOBS
j seem long enough My eon, who was IBS
I In a run down condition, is now taking HH
Taniac, on account of seeing the good fflraS
it did me. and It is helping him loo
After getting such results myself, 1 HBrj
I can't help praising Taniac." mi
j Taniac is sold in Ogden by A Tt ilgB
iMcIntrc Drug Co. Two busy stores slLsw
I Advertisement. LssssW
Careless Shampooing
Spoils the Hair Ml
Soap should be used ery carefully, j
If jou want to kep vour hair look- P fssfl
i Ing its best- Most soaps and prepared SSrsai
j shampoos contain too much alkali. IKl&il
This dries the scalp, makes the hair HKi
brittle, and ruins it lLM
The best thing for steady use Is IBBb
I Muleifled cocoanut oil shampoo
(which is pure and greaseless). and Hra
Is better than anything else you can SMBh
use. BlRk-
One or two teaspoonf uls will cleanse B'
tho hair and scalp thoroughly Simply BQIa!
moisten the hatr with water and ruh if IKf
In. It makes an abundance of rich, BBBnfii
creamy lather, which rinses out easily, M$$C
removing every particle of dust, dirt LsVS
dandruff and excessive oil. The hail LssHn
dries quickly and evenly, and it le:ri flfif'
the scalp soft, and the hair fine and LbbMm
silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy K
to manage. tfffyjc
You can get Mulslfled cocoanut 11 ilCTyii
shanipoo at any pharmacy, it's very SBBBBBH
cheap, and a few ounces will supply bbV
every membor of the family for mtK
months. Advta 9fisV
jft Right Off Without Pain
a Drop llrtli SSBBBK
Proezone on an chlng corn, instantlj ,
oat corn stops hurting, then jou lif
it right out Yes, magic! 1 1
A tiny bottle of Freezono costs but i
few cents at any .rug store out is sul
ficlont to remove every hard corn, sof
corn, or corn between the toes, ant
the calluses, withou soreness or lrn
tatlon. 'B
Freezone Is the sensational disco? 1
ry of a Cincinnati genius. It is v. on J
ft rfui Acvortisemen'- BssmBft
oeautify tfi Complexion
r-SJ: lll UmJ and EnJorteJ
V vili Guaranteed to remove
y tan, freckles, pimples,
liver-spots, etc. Ex
, 'remc ca.,c3 2D days.
RIdi ror and tissues of impurities. r
Leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy. At
leading toilet counterj. If they haven't
It, by mail, two sizes, 60c. and 51 TJ
IXWiYt'rrfHf Br ir frB I Jto K