f 1
I Park City Silver Stock Gams
I 25c on Active
I Silver King Coalition was the fca-
I ture of the trading this morning on the
ii Salt Lake Stock St Mining Exchange,
ivhen it showed an advance of 85c over
esterday's close This stock opened i
I hla morning at JI TS and sold up to'
' S 5, closing stron with $1 .80 bid
J uid $1.90 asked. The remainder of1
Ii tho market was about th Home as it,
j - xesterdoy, being :il)out steady
i Albion sold t 9c, Columbus Rexall
I brought 41 and -JL'c Cardiff Bold al
H SI 27. Iron King brought 20c. Lehi
II Tlntlc showed a little strength, scll-
in?,- up to 6c: Michigan-Utah wn ac-,
j ive at 2'c as wns Nov.- Quincy at Sc.
l-'mmn Siler was heavily traded in :it:
1 Bti Slls brought Cc, and TilltlC Stand-'
ard changed hands at $3 3 7l,fe and
1 (Quotations furnished mcr private i
wire of J. . Hoglt- & Co.,
Ecclea Building.)
1 ; Xlta con .054 .064
Albion OS'.-
American Con 01 ', "2
Alta Tunnel 06 .07
I Beaer Copper 00V2 01;
Hlg II 1 11 02'.:, 03
Itlg Cottonwood 00 't - "1
H Bullion 02;t 05
Black Metals " -1 '2 .06
H Columbus Rexall ... -41 4 1 'v
H ; Crown Point 01
i Cardiff - 1 27 4 1.35
Dragon Con 01 14
Daly West 4 00 4.50
East Crown Point ... 01 -01
Last Tin. Coal. 01 014
; Last Tin. Con o7 .
Eureka Mines 03 i'5'
1 Eureka Lily 05
eureka Bullion 07 .08
Urn ma Silver 04 3 .05
3 rand Central 36 47
lowell . 06 'i . U7',
H lion Blossom .... .26
, Hon King 20
ludge Mining . . ... 3. SO
Keystone 97
L I,eonora ol .02
Lchi Tiniic 08 .os1;
jfj May Day 01 .02
Alilicr Hill 01
Michigan-Utah ... .02 .03
H North Stan .02 '4
New Quincy 04 . 0;. A
upohongo 01
Nalldriver 63 7 5
HJ 'lutus H0H -33
1'rincc Con. .
"iovo 04
BS I'nloma ., 0 1
EtiCO Argentine .03
Hico Wellington Hi J .20
sells .05-4 .ut
M' 311u, King Coal'n 1.80 1.90
H 511, King Con 1.35 1.40
Hl S;oux Con .04
South Hecln IS i.00
South Standard 20 .20
Silver Shield 17't .18
mi Tar Baby ... ,u4,2
Jf Tintic Central .02
Tintic Standard . ... 2.Z'2'a - -"'
Ulan Cons
DClC Sam 00 .02
Union Chief 08 .07
West Toledo . ..... .04 .05 1
Walker 8.07 3 10
Yankee .06
Zuma 14 .14"
fl Empire Copper ...
Opening Sal
Alta Con. 1000 at
Albion 1000 nt 9c.
East Tintic Coal, 10f0 at 1'c
Cardiff 500 at $1.27.
Iron Blossom 500 at Za
Iron. King 310(1 at
Judge Mining 100 at )4,00
Lehi Tintic 10uo at 7c
Michigan-l tan
N'( W 10O0 at 5C.
Emma Silver 7000 at 5c; 2000 at
Sells 1000 at Cc.
Silver Snield 3IoC at 17C.
HH North Standard 2000 at 2 2000
HBl it 2c. 6000 at 2c
Tlntlc Standard 400 at 58.87; 100'
Zuma 1000 at 14c.
I e losing Sales
H Eureka Lily 1000 at 54c
H'i Bullion 1000 at 3c.
Hfl Columbus Kexall 100 at 42c. 2700
at 41 C.
Lehi Tintic 1000 at 7'4c; 3000 at Sc.
H Emma Silver 1000 at 5c.
HE Eureka Bullion 2000 at 81
H; Silver King Coal. 200 at $175; 200
U 12.82; 100 at $1 .85. 50 at J1.S0.
J Silver Shield 10000 at 17c
Walker Mining 700 at J3?07.
1 Zuma 500 at 14c.
CHICAGO, Aug. 12.
Open High Low Close
k Dec. $2.40 2 45 2.39 ,i 2.44 I
March 2.48 2.48 8:48 2.47
Sept. 1 48 1.53 1.4S 1.58
Dec. 1.84 1274 1244 1.27 Vi
Sept. .73 .71 .72!
Dec, .70 .71 8 70',, ."ljil
Sept 25.10
Oct L5.90
Sept. 18.25 1S.G5 IS 52 18. G2
'at. .... 19.05 18.87 19 00
Sept. 15.25 15 35 15.22 15 30
Oct. 15 65 15.82 15 62 15.75
1 KANSAS CITY. Mo., Aug. 18.
H r United State Bureau of Markets )
9 Cattle Receipts 6300, beef steers
M steady to 25c lower, top 16 50, she-
fl stock steady to strong, bulk $6 50 (a
jjiflj 8.50. calves steady to 50c higher:
jm practical top $13 50, odd sales $H 00
fi M.SO; all other classes steady.
VI Hogs Receipts 1000, lights and
JH mediums 10 "6 15c lower, h-.x :; . ,,
S to a shade lower, top $15.35, bulk
Hi llrht and medium $15.(J0?i 15 30, bulk
heavy $14,500 15 00
9 Sheep Receipts 5000; sheep weak;
31 l est native evces $7 . 70 . lambs 354950c
m lower; natives $12,50; Idahos $12 75;!
9 feeding lambs active, Idahos $12 26,
''""Tflj NEW YORK, Aug. 12. Raw sugar
HU, nomiual; centrifugal 14.00c, refined
4nll; fine granulated unchanged.
rw There was renewed celling In sugar
futures and as the demand was not
Jm very aggressive prices sold off quite
3 sharply showing declines of 20 to 70
. ' 3M points at midday.
Gradual Upturn at Midday
Followed by Dull Period
and Later Activity
j NEW FORK, Aug. 12. Stocks were
, v.nder pressure at the opening of the
stock market todaj Because of the less
satlsfactoi-N ii ws. ')fferlngs were not,
large, but quite a number of shares
registered losses of a point or there
abouts during the first half hour.
1'nltcd States Steel Bethlehem. Crucl
ble, Baldwin, Pali-American, Amjsri
1 , ii international, Canadian Pacific
and Southern Pacific fell 1 to 1 and
Mi glean Petroleum 3. Some of tho
,iclie shares were higher. Includ
ing Famous Playera, Pierce Arrow.
Remington Typewriter, American
Sugar, Atlantic-Gulf and Replogle
Pressure against tho market relaxed
and there was n gradual upturn which
practically cancelled nil of the early 1
ltsses 1 nlted States Steel recovered
i" s ti Hethlchem. Crucible Vana
dium and Replogle Steels and Amorl
can Woolen solo: 1 to 2 points above
yesterday's final figures. Some of tho I
iow-prlced oils and motors Improved
Si u ply. including Fierce Arrow, Tcx-j
as company and Sinclair Erratic
fluctuations featured the dealings In
loreign remittances Demand sterling
opened 1 cents higher, at $3.67
and ihon reacted to 88.65. Rates
Cor continental bllls'dld not arymuch.l
Call money was supplied to early bor-:
rowers at 7 per cent
Speculation was exceedingl dull In'
thr i-arli'T afternoon, traders showing
a disposition to curtail ventures petal-
ling further foreign developments Re
duction in the call money rate to a six
pel cent level Infused greater strength
into the list, with thi oils, tobaccos,
si K.irs. motors, steels, equipments,
leathers and shippings making lurgo
gains. Maxwell Motois fell 8 '3 to 11.
Sterling exchange receded further to
$3.64 '
( Last Sale;
I Allis-Chalmers 29 4
American Beet sugai 75Lt
American Can 52 't
'American Car A Foundry ..'..186
lAniarican Hieic : Leathei pfi .
American IntSrnationaJ Corp... "o',3
American Locomotlve 94
American Smelting Refg 54', 2
I American t;-at,a' ..... 1154
American Sumatra Toi)acto .... su-41
I Amei (can 1".. & T 96 I
American Wooleo 76
Anaconda copper 51si
lAtchlion 80'
I Ail. Gulf & W Indies 137 I
Baldwin Locomotive 104
Baltimore omo 344
Bethlehem .;ei "H" 70'
Canadian Pacific .116
Central Leather 62 I
I Chandler Motors . $5 '
Chesapeake v Ohio 54 J,4 ,
hicafco, .lll A: SL haul 33 ,
iilcago, u l v Pac 32 4
l.ino Copper 25 9
C'otoraUo riiel iron 30.
Coi 11 1 1 oiliicts 87 j
Ci ul j we feeei 12 1
Uba L BUS Sugar i '
Erie 1 2
Genera Electric 142'-
(Jecerai Aioiors . . 21 '
Upourlcb Co 52
u.eat Northern pfl 73
cieat Northern ie Ctfs 43 Vi
lil no:s Central 82 i
Inapli atlon Copper ... 14Si
InL .ie-r. Marine ptd. .. ,4 s
r.i.eruatiolial Paper 76
1-. h,ecott Coppe .r . J3Vi
L.uuisvllle etas'hvllie . 9tfB
.-, . vweii .Motois
v-.caii l-ei.o!juni 154
luiuini Cbpper isT
.j.:le Scales Oil 1 .
-i id vale sieel as
Mhssoiir Pacific i'4.j
New 01 k Central 714
N. V.. N. i I . ft Hartford 2
NOrfoIk & Western SitH
Northern Pacific 6t
Oklahoma Prod. & Ref 3
Pan American Petroleum . ... 804
Pennsylvania 404
i' ople's Gas 28V5
Pittsburg and West Vs 254
Pay Consolidated copper 14vs
Reading S7 4
Hep Iron v' Steel 80 '4
Royal Dutch. N. Y 75 '
Shell Trans & Trad. Ex. Dlv. ... 454
Sinclair Con. Oil 264
Scuthern pacific 904
Socthi-rn Railway .... J6'
Stanelaid (jii of N .1 pfd. .1054
StUdebakcr Corpora Ron 62 4
Tennessee Copper . 94
Texas Co Ai
Tt xas & Pacific 32 4
Tobacco Products 59 1
Transcontinental Oil 10
1 nion Pacific 1)64
U. S. Food Products ........ 574
IT. S. Retail Stores 614
I" S. Ind Alcohol gi
United States Rubber 83 4
L nlted States Steel 86 4
Utah Copper 60
W.-siinghouse Electric . 464
Will) H 1 n erlaftd 1 ;
American Ziik Lead and Sm. . 12
Cutte nnd Supeiior 17 4
i.la Petroleum .. 25 4
Montana Power 6115
hattuck Arizona s 4
CHIOAGU. Aug. 12. Wheat No. 2
red $2 95
Corn No. 2 mixed $1 67 1.61; No.
2 yellow $ 1 . 66 Q-1 . 66 4 .
oats No 2 v hito 76 78c; No. 8
white 74 fj 7 6r
it ye No, 2 2 082.10.
Barley $ 1 . 1 0 Ti 1 IS
Timothy seed $s 00 11.00.
Clover seed $25 . 00 85 . 00.
I'orl nominal.
Lard $18. 37
Ribs $14 . 750 15 . 75.
CHICAGO. Aug. 12 Butter firm
creamery 44 h 54c.
Eggs steady; receipts 12 43S cases
flrHis l6'A&47 4c. ordinary firsts 41
Ti 434c; at mark, cases Included. 42(5'
lfc, storngi packed firsts 1,,i IHr
I'oultr; .illve unsettled, fouls 27
3Lc, t-prlngs 35c.
Two Salt Lakers Reported to
Have Uncovered Rich Ledge
Near Moab
SALT LAKE, Aug 12 A rich gold
ledgi which for twenty years has been
vainly soucht b! scores of prospectors
has been uncovered by ill. 1 Fowler
'Of Ball Lake and Robert G. Bryant
according to word received by Mrs.
Fowlf r
The find was made in Miner s Rnsln
about thlry-flve miles from Moab
News of the discover has leaked out 1
.'M-1,1 scores are flocking to the newl
workings, it f claimed.
The strike was made on property
just south of the Tornado property
and Is declared to be of sufficient
thickness to assure n heavy production!
Gold quart, from the property assns
arounel $2,000 per ton.
Mrs Fowler's recital of hT hus
band's efforts rival friction F.vry
summer for the past iwonu years,
Fowler and his partner Bryant have
prospected In that vicinity, seeking the
source of a rich float which caused
a huge stir In Miner's Basin twenty 1
years ago
Indications are that the men have
struck th mother lode.
Shipment of goM ore will start im- J
mediately from Miners' Basin, it Is'
CHICAGO. Aug. 12. General belief
thai export bU8ine8fl OH 0 .irr. scale
was being done- under cover hnd aj
bullish effect today on the wheat mar
ket. Unfavorable crop advices from
111, nnrl h immi .. I nlnn A lift
prices Pit traftsactloris lacked vol
ume. Opening prices, which ranged
.from 1 to 2c higher, with December
Sfi 40 to 2 40 'j and Match J 2 4.1
w-re followed by a slight reaction,
and then by a decided fre? advance.
Scantiness of receipts helped to
strengthen the corn market Oh the
I other hand, rains In the west acted as
1 check on buying After opening 'm
n't to 4r up, including September
?1.48 to 1.49 and Decembe' $1 84
.to 1.85; the market scoied a ma-,
jterlal upturn.
Oats werc firmer in sympathy With
corn. Starting ' s, ioU,i lower, but
so, ) climbing above yesterday's fin
ish. Weakness of iiog values put a drag
on provisions.
(M.iij N im vit.i k.
'attic- Receipts 312; chclce heavy
I steers $9. 00 4$ 10 00; good steers
$S.00O'9.U0; fair steers, $7.003.00;!
choice feeder steers, $6.0ti a 7.00 ,
I choice cows nnd heifers 86.0007. 0 0 ; j
'fair to gooil cows and heifers, 5uu$H
00. cut 1. r-, $5,0046.00; canncrs.'
S3uo?iJ..5; choice feeder cows, $5.00
O6.00; fal bulls. .5.UU i 6 00. bologna
'bulls, H uvHu.vU; veal canes. 50.00 4j
I s hoc p- RecoipLs 199. choice fat
liogs. 175 to 25u lbs. IU.25rul4 i0,
bulk of sales $13 . 5uii Id . 75; feeders'
jnooj 12.00.
Sheep Receipts 1609; choice
lambs. Slu.50 4i 1 I ..a v,-i c-rs X 7 an n, '
,3.00; Xat ewes, 85.006jPG.00; feeder,
lambs, s.oo Hj 9 00. . I
Vrrl ols
II. I luralathais, RoOK Sa ings, WyO.il
'.' loads goats; E. Wyefand Carlln,'
'Nc.. 1 ' loads cattle; liuiisakcr Com-!
In ission Co.. North bait Lake, 2 loud.i
'hops. W H Griss. Newton, Ne., 7,'
loads sheep.
, ( HP . 1 slot K
I CHICAGO, Aug l. (Lulled States
Llurenu of Markets) Cattle Recoipts
Ll.VUU; good, I'giu and hnndyw eight
' rs .ui'i boat heavies stror.g, plain
heavies and medium grasoers slow:
early top $17.25; bulk choice $16.10
tail. 00; grassy kineis $9 . 50 1 4 . 75 ;
1 1 cows Sg; 25 f 12 5o. banners and
iitteis 84 . uu 4i G -h si-i.iy medium
oohs slow, bulls opened steady; un
dertone weak; calves dull, cany bid
ding around $15.00 ior choice veal
era, stockcia strong to 'Jjc higher.
noy.s -Receipts 13,00m, market ac
tivc, Steady to 15c lower than yesler
jdio average; top 815.80 bulk light
and butchers f 1 4 . 75 15 . 50; bull;
pupklng sows I IS ..86 8j 11 .90; pigs 25
10 .an lower; bulk desirable kinds
114.0043 14 50.
Sheep Receipts 23.000, fat classes
extremely dull, uneven!) lower, feed
firm; top nativeajlambs ? 1 . . 1 5 to
city butchers; bulk $12 0Upr8.7fi;
choice range lambs bid $13.50, best
j feeders $u.i;5. good fat ewes $7.50.
OMAHA, Neb. Aug. 12 (United
Slates Bureau of Markets.) Hoga
Receipts 7000; market active Steady
to loc lower, closing fully Bteady; bulk
medium und light butchers $14 260
14 60 top 814.90; bulk strong weight
and packing grades $ 1 3 75'oT4 10.
I Cattle Receipts 2000; beef steors
and butcher slock active, strong; no
prime steers included, stockets and
11 1 ders stead .
Sheep iiecelpto 1 6.000. selling
grades 25 to 50c lowei . best rant"
lumbs $12.50; ewes 6 50 feeders
sieady to easier, beyt foreign lambs
1 2 00
NEW yORK, Aug 12 -Mercantile
paper al s per cent.
Exchange Irregular, sterling Dc
nrnnd $3 63 , cables $8.64.
Francs: Domapd 7 20c, cables
7 22c.
Belgian franca: Demand and ca-
bles unchanged.
Guilders: Demand 33 12c, cables
" - 2 5c.
t.lre Demand $ 01c; cables $.03c.
Marks Demand 2 20c cables 2 21c
New York exchange on Montreal
11 per cent discount.
Time loans strong unchanged
MINNEAPOLIS, Aug 12 Flour 40
to 75c higher, in carload lots, famlls
pntents quoted at $13 65 to 14 75 a
barrel In 98-pound cotton sacks. I
Bran J42 00
CHICAGO, Aug 12. Potatoes
strady; receipts 28 cars; eastern $6 00
Country Must Settle Down and
; Get on Right Track, Says
! get "bark on the right track," na
tionally and Internationally, as de
'rlared by Senator Harding In a Speech
here, to be the problem facing the!
There is Just as much menace 111
the world today," ho said, "as there
wrts In the turbulence of the wur V -lllzatlon
has not settled down. I nant
America to Bettlc down, and to Stand
as a barrier t reolutlon and disorder.
Let us hold fast to the firm founda-l
tlons, certain that we can olwa 1 go1
on safely and let US make certain to 1
get hack on th right truck and then!
go ahead."
Making his first speech away from'
Marlon, the candidate also pleaded for!
a better understanding amnnu Individ
uals and nations and declared thai b( -1
cause he stood for order and stability
he was not looking backward but'
Just clinging to necessity.
The address was delivered to a
birthday gathering in honor of Sen
ator Harding's brother, Dr. G. T. 1
Hnrdlnf:, Jr
Tn his reference to the "torn upl
condition ' of world affairs, Senaqrl
Harding mentioned his brotner's pro-j
Cession and said he felt "maybe th.
world needs a nere specialist or the
iroMier of one,' to straighten and
BtOhilike ItS relations
The torn up condition of the world
took up tomporurlH off the main for-
.1 n i-rl trr,"L- nni-1 T UllnW I, 1 ftral
business of the peopb- of the United
States to get back on the main load
I And I want to preach to you as
a fellow ( Itlzen. not as a candidate for
office the supremo necessity of the
present day gospel of understanding
if there Is anything ths world needs
In the present state of turhuUnce. in
tiie present state of unrest and fevered
conditions, Insurrection and rebellion,
aye nnd revolution, it is understand
ing of men and women with one an
other The biggest need of the hour in
America, trie biggest need of the l our
In nil Europ- is to securely steady
down, and to take stock and know
where we have ilrlfted and to get
our feet firmly on the right track
again nnd then In understanding H Ich
one another, move on to future ac
complishments and the triumph of
"J do not think I am pessimistic,
but I tell you. my countrymen, there
la Just as much of menace in the worm
toila as there was In the midst ofl
the tumult of war. civilisation has not
sot! ltd down again There are wars:
In Surope today, threatened Industrial
revolutions throughout the world;
tlorc Is an assault of our Inherited
civilisation and I want our country
lo Steady down, to come to an under
standing of our Inheritance, and let!
America stand as a barrier against'
tho onrush of revolution and destruc-l
Hon throughout the world "
ALBANY N. V. Aug. lL'The In
j tcrmltlonal Typographical union toua
I chose Quebec for tne l'.2 conentlon
The monthly per capita tax for the
maintenance of the union printers
home in Colorado Springs, Colo . will
be Increased from twenty to tnlrty
t cents under an amendment to the law
approved today.
'i he report of the secretary-treasurer
showed the membership io be 14,713,
, Total earnings for the year ending
Ma;. 31 last, were $32. 1 3o.0'.H . an
inerense of 40 per cent oer the prcvl
I ous year. The organization s total as-1
sets on July 2 1 . lust were $1,966,903.
j ST. LOUIS. Aug. 12. A request for
1 1 In appointment of a receiver for the
Terminal Railroad association: of St j
LouiS, was made in a motion filed in
United States uistrict court today byi
the Missouri facific. Missouri. K inci.i
& Texas. Frisco and Rock Island rail- j
iot,d companies.
'fi 6.25 bbl.i middle western early
OhlOB 3 0003.25; Jersey cobblers
$3 60 3.70.
! NEW FORK, Aug. 12. Liberty
' bends closed ;
34s 90.50; first 4s 85.10; second 4s
i4 4$, first 4Vs S6.00; seeon.l 4 ' s
i84.92; third 4&S S8.40; fourth 4'ts
84 st5. Victory Zs 95 62. Victor
4s 95.60
NEW YORK". Aug. 12 Copper
steady; electroltlr unchanged.
Iron firm and unchanged.
Tin eas.. . spot and nearby $47 T.'.
September and I ictober $4? J5.
Antimony unchanged.
Lead firm spot 9.00c.
Zinc firm. East St. Louis delivery
7. 80 8. 00c.
At London Copper 93 7s 6d; clec- ,
trolytlo unchanged; tin unchanged
lead 36, zinc 41 15s.
PARIS Kug. 12 Spiro Kolexa Al
banian minister to Italy, has arrived'
In Avlona to arrange for tho evacua
tion of Albania b Italian troops.
LONDON, Aug 12. Bar siher
6 id per ounce.
Money nnd discount rates unchang
NEW YORK Aug 12 Bar silver, t
domestic, unchanged, foreign 95 c.
Mexican dollars 72 "4c.
! For Subscription and a vertlslng
Department, Call Phono No. 66
Why Altman Arrcsic-tl R W. Alt
mhn, for whose arccst a' bench war-I
: rant was issued in the eity court yes
terday morning following a forfeiture
of $5 ball, has not been previously
arrested, according to information
I given out today by City Attorney
Samuel I'oweli.
Attorney Powell stated that the ren.
son for the Issuance of the bench war
rant was because Altman had crosse 1
the Ogden iler bridge after dark on i
thiec occasions without a tall light on
his automobile
Tourists In Canyon Forty-three
tourists from coast points en routo to
Yellowstone national park were ig
den visitors for seieral hours toda)
Thfv visited points in cgden can.-on
while here a second party of 145
tourists from points east of Chicago
also arrived here toda en route to
tho park
For Rent In Ogden canon. a four
room summer cabin. Rhone 1642.
School Bids Rids on the South
Washington school construction will
be opened at the meeting of thr board'
of education Friday night, according
tO Superintendent W . Karl HopKms
Th., loundation for tho school build'
ing has been completed and work will;
be rushe, Wth the awarding of tno
lienors ror Enst Frank K Savins,
connected with the Amalgamate,! S.lt-1
gar com pan left this morning for the
isl He will visit main interesting
points, Including Washington. I lave
land, Chicago and other places.
cguen iypewrMi House Tor iypr
writers and repair... 2422 Hudson Ai-1
I i'hono 23b.
From Bngham Mr- I T Fribble
ol Rrigham was Ogden visitor Wed
nesda .
New Daughter -'Word from San
Francisco announces the birth there
Of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ewnld
ll-Ielmle, former I gden couple Mri
lllelnilo was formerly Miss Oro Thomas!
land was visiting in ugden early this
Install your furance now See the
'Original 1'ipeless Clorlct first 2344!
w hingtun. Utah Plumbing & Hea:
i '"8 Co. 4255
Returns Home Mis Gertrude John
ston of Idaho Fails Idaho, has return
ed to her home after visiting in Ogden
for several days.
Expected Today Mrs. E H Harri-!
man and son, Roland, and family were
scheduled to arrive in ogden late to-
day from the east, en route to points
In California
Scandinavians Meet Members of!
I he Weber coun'-- Seandinavlnn organ I
izution will meet at the Seventh wan1
tomorrow evening at S o'clock An ad-'
dress will be made by James Erick-,
Corn, golden Bantam. 18 cents per!
dozen. Frank Rllter. Phone 18-R-l.'
Rlverdale. 42S0i
Courtrooms Closed With no cases
scheduled In either Judge A W Ageo'si
d'lslon of the district court or Judge
I A. E. Pratt's division, the courtrooms
were closed today. Some cases are
si heduled for hearing later In the
To Build Bridge C W PLerci
chief of road surveys of the United
States bureau of public roads, left yes
terday for Idaho In company with a
small crew. Construction work on tho
DUStln bridge over the Salmon river
will be started by Pierce, the worK ;o
be rushed to completion. The bridge
Is estimated to cost about $17,000.
Phone 602 for mesjtnger.
Watts Dixnii.vxl W. O Watts,
charged with operating his automobile
without tall liKhts, pleaded not guilty
In the city court this morning. He
averred that he wa3 absent from the
clt3 when the number of his car was
taken, and that a friend had borrowed
the car without his knowledge Judge
IV R Roberts found tho defendant
not guilty and ordered his dismissal.
There will be a special meeting of
stockholders of the Ogelen Petroleum
company at the City Hall (upstairs)
Wednesday at 8 30 p m , to consider
very Important business matters Ev
ery stockholder requested to conic
A L. OLASMANN, Scc'ty-Trcas.
Another Elks' dance Thurs
day, August 12, Lorin Pan
Park, Members may get in
vitations for friends at office
of secretary,
Special meeting of R N of A held
at tho I. O. O F. hall, Friday, Aus 13.
S p. m. Election of now recorder. Full
attendance expected.
Chevrolet I
Combining Distinction With
Light Weight and
Low Cost
In the Chevrolet 4 T0 the average family
fiT.ds a complete answer to every require
meiit it maikes of an automobile
It Is roomy providing comfortable sent
ing space for i'le- grown persons. Excel- HH
lent springs and well hula need construe- fill
lion give It easy ildlnc finalities over all
rondo. The contour of Its lines lend It HB
an attractiveness usually associated only
with lni'.'ei and n,i , i i-.', ,i Iv. Ii
-iie r. fUllj equipped there u ; , I jffllt-
tra? to bUJ nnd BOOVl all, II is well with 4 ' I
In the reaeh of th'j majority of family Lfl
After it is houfrht the Chevrolet tetain H
Its popularity because it requires ihs flew
minimum expenditure i i upkeep
We w ill be glad to cc 'a a thoroufb "
demshstratlon ol Chevrolet's lixiriu.
i ' u . t
! Mexican Attempts to Escape
But Is Caught After
An exeltlng chase took place in the
I dow ntow n section of the city at '.
o'clock this morning, when one of two
I men alleged to hae been caught In
the act of stealing tdlk shirts from the
Watson-Tanner store bolted from ,h.
store and attempted to escape. He
ran west on Twenty-fourth street and
turned south on Hudson avenue at
full speed, with N R Tanner and llen
rj Watkins, clerks, In hot pursuit.
With the man so fleet of foot that
he was outdistancing his pursuers.
Tanner Jumped on the running-board
of an automobile and continued the
Chase. As the man reached some bill
boards across from the Browning
Brother's store, he ducked beneath
and disappeared
Tanner and Watkins also ducked un
der the billboards and out on the street
again when the man played directly
Into their hands an he ducked back on
the street at an Inopportune time.
t the sheriff's office the man who
attempted to escape gave his name as
Joe Sollz, 19, a Spaniard, and the
other, Oscar Lopez, 29 years of age.
P.oth are now in the county Jail charg
ed with petit larceny
The men are said b the store em
ployes to have been caught while at
tempting to conceal silk shirts under
their coats.
Steal Watermelons;
Court Imposes Fines
Stealing watermelons Is expensive
sport this season according to Thorn-I
as Shroeves. probation officer of tho I
Juvenile court Six youngsters living
at Glenwood Acres were found guilty
of such offense in the Juvenile court
this morning and a fine of $1 each
was Imposed.
Three watermelons were stolen
making the cost of the melons equal.
If not a trifle more expensive than
the melons offered on local markets.
Six other bos. from North Ogden,
were arrested on a similar charge.
Because the were older than the first
cdx. they were fined $- each. They al
so had three melons, making the COS!
per melon $ 4
I Young Housebreakers
Appear Before Judge
Four bos. alleged burglars, who
are said to have entered more tlcin
a score of Ogden homes, appeared be
fore Judge Dan Sullivan of tho Juve
nile court th;s morning. They were
given suspended sentences to the in
dustrial school
Tho boys, whose ages are between
13 and 16 years, arc pons of prominent
families. It Is stated
. C n
CLEVELAND. O., Aug 12.
Despite his Injured knee-, "Babe"
Ruth was In right field for the
New York team. Ills knee wag
bound in an elastic bandage.
NEW YORK. Aug. 14. Sim- Wsk
pllcity marke'd the return todav !clt,"
of the- body of Major General Hs?!
William C Gorgas, former Sur- !iHpvi
geon general of the United Statea Ijjijjjjji
army who died In London last
month. Ki
j Borne back to home shores on
the United States transport
Pocahontas, the casket was met Egg
al Hoboken by r guard of honor,
lowered to the pier and carried
; through a lane of army welfare ISjgi
workers. Captain Richard H.
Gorgas. the general's youngest tjftap
; brother, draped over the coffin Im!
an American flag. That ended Isi
(be ceremony.
The casket was then taken to Wi
New York and placed in a spe jft;f
cial room at the Pennsylvania (jplf
station to lie in state until de
parture of the train for Wash jB
i ington this afternoon. lJP
oo sw-
EMPORIA, Kan, Aug. 12
Joe Shackley. of Ogden, Utah, f
was seriously Injured in a
wrestling match last night with
Jack Fisher, ot Emporia. Shack
le fell off the platform. His
skull was fractured and hem
oirhage of the brain followed
He has been unconscious since.
NKW YORK. Aug 12 Court .
martial of Brwln Kudolph Berg- V
doll. wealthy Phlladelphian. HNS
charged with desertion from the CS
ami in evading tho draft law,
ended on Governor s Island today
when n verdict was reached after BB
less than five minutes delibcra
t.lon by the court.
COLUMBUS, 0... Aug 12. Retu.n
toda from Tuesday's pnmarj
showed a close race for the Demo
cratic nomination for United State;
senator. Complete unofficial re
turns from 5.300 of the 6.000 pre
cincis gave a load of only 532 votet
to Judge A P. O'Neil. of Akron
over W. A. Julian, of Cincinnati
The vote was; O'Neil. 58,251; Julian I !
57,719. '
With only 300 precincts missing 1 :
former Mayor Harry L. Davis, of
Cleveland, had a lead of 17,000 votes
oer former Congressman Ralph D
Cole, of Findlay for the Republican
nomination for povernnr. . JM
Former Governor Frank B. Willi M
had a lead of 50,000 votes over Wal I
ter F. Brown of Toledo, for the Re I
publican nomination lor United
States senator. H
SAY POP Willie Goes 'Em One Better Every Time. D
y c-M Payn
-IDont LET iNnVomeI T pf j r-r-r-p-il . " t !)frMui,,' ,c j ,
BVJSBBrMim JizSS wHat Ttrv Mm-m-M, I H WTAv JJUH.MXtSP WTI MV?o?ez. 6okeTc ti Si
OFioeJ r ' Si L!s7I 7 I 1 H lA5 EXTvvieNlV A TACT OIW I AT 1 KAnV To 6it II EF TH rw -- Ii
JhrlSw ( CHZ r -1 W ou,n6 L' a- ? Arv J tactoi?v Images amevj If!!' ? S I ot "L.Ef- To , I L L J jg