OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, August 12, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-08-12/ed-1/seq-7/

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r s --SSBSSsVssSSasSsa- r-'fc wwaaK SW bbbmi- " H
'-7! &i7a vWRfe lTilM From
W ProduciiohL L 111 U V V o p. m
I gV zB Herbert Rawhnson in a
I Hp Up AndHis
! 1 lUffi Woman"
Sunday A drama seething with human interest. Also
f "Three
Coins" mmi amm mgm am m ,
Party Headed by Scout Execu-kl-
tive Goates Ends Two
1 Weeks' Outing
H After spending more than fwo weeks
ijH in Yellowstone national park the ma-
H Jorlty of the men und boys of the g-
H Urn Boy Scout organization returned
H home todny singing their prniiies of
H the natlonul playground. The boys
KH WCn In charge or Scout Executive U.
EH A. Goates and during their stay In the
Kass park hiked more than 135 miles, ac-
H cord In to the men In charge.
H Leaving Ogden July 28 the scouts
HI l i i ivcd at the west entrance of Yel-
HtH lowstom the following morning when
th were met by UlS truck In charge
Ot lavld Steele, which departed a few
JHJ dys previous carrying equipment and
supplies for the entire party While In
W ifl the park the. scouts visited the fnl-
i W lowing points i Interest, taking the
jflj gum trails .it every opportunity : Rlv-
kj9H ' rslde. Sulphur Creek, Klversldo gey-
IT 7 9 m Y Old Faithful. Arnica Creek, and
other points.
The trip was in every way a suc-
Jk cess," wnd Scout Executive Goates to-
JM day. "The officials of the park aided
H9 Hi In many ways In our trip and every
phase of kindness was shown. The
'SI park is one of the most beautiful spots
H . in tlu world and tola year thousands!
'bsagfT of visitors have paid the park a visit.!
1 Horace Albright. superintendent In I
kflBJ charge of the park, accompanied us
Lg on part of the trip and was well picas-!
ggHJ ed with our party He stated that the'
RgB Ogden boys had set a good example
J9J lor other such organizations and that
gafi the park gates would always be open
tjS lo ,nem In the future."
5EJ The adults In tho party included;
BttS Scout Executive G. A. Goates. Dr. '
5S Charles G IMummct . Scoutmasters G.
UM A. Bergstrom and Delbert Foulger. 1
WfW Assistant ScoutniaMerN Herman Kolde-
W g u-vn nilH Ilr,r. U inn 1 w a M. f
! lialr, Joe Evans, Joe Ottman. Bishop
! T. B. Wheelwright, Bishop w o.
BsW Rldjgee, B. Telford and "Dad" Steele
BWJ The entire purt w.is made up oi S ."
Kfl scouts and the above named adults
jKJH Lectures were given In the park by
2?JH some of America's most noted lectur-
hKU Including Bmerson Hough and
HI Miss Theron Wesson. Mr. Hough, one
riB ot America great, st writers, told tho
Mb M-outs of the conditions which oxlst-
ad in the park during the sO's.
igBr lectures on fish and game and the
Bw p nclpal phases of the park were also
S'l given, anordlng to Scout Executive
HH G. V. Goghen, official photoKrapher
n Hie nip. mi,. i. th..u 4iMiO feet
Wa ' movie film of the encampments of
k - ,i '" scouts which will be shown at a
HHV local theatre In the near future.
HJIB Watermelon busts were plentiful on
mfc? l)" ,r'P- according to the scouts, more
W" than i i poundi ot the Dixie sweet
t a being disp i of.
jM The truck, In charge of Mr Steele.
Hl I? due to arrive In Ogden Saturda.
Bjgje"' Nine scouts, together with Mr and
Mrs Krnnk Balr and Driver Telford,
with the truck.
NEW rORK, Aug IS.Hmpli
city nurkeil the return today of
the body of Major-General Wll
llnrn C. Gorgas, former surireon
general Of the United States army,
who died In London last night
Borne bai k to home shores on
the United States transport Poca-
I hontas, the casket was met at Ho
boken by a guard of honor, lower
ed to th pier and caried thru
a lane of army welfare workers.
i Captain Rb-hard H. Gorgas, the
general's youngest brothtr drap-
l cd oer the coffin an American
flag That ended the ceremony
The casket was then taken to
New York and placed in a spec
ial room at the Pennsylvania
station, to lie in state until de
parture of the train for Washing
ton this afternoon.
Close Race Marks
Chios Primaries
COLUMB1 3, ". Aug. 12 Returns
today from Tuesday's primary' showed
a close race for the Democratic nomi
nation for United States senator. Com
plete official returns from 5 000 of the
I 000 precincts gave a lead of only
53:' votes to Judge A. F. O Nell, of
Akron, over W A. Julian, of Clnrln
natl. The vote was: O'Nell, 68,250;
Julian, f. 7.7 1 9.
With only 300 precincts missing
former Mayor Harry L. Davis, of
Cleveland, had a lead of 17.000 votes
over former Congressman Ralph D
Cole, of Flndlay. for the Republican
nomination for governor
Former Governor Frank B. Willis
had a lead of 50,000 votes over Walter
F Brown, of Toledo, for the Republi
can nomination for United States sen-otor.
' .
Deaths and Funerals
TELFORD Elizabeth Telford, 22
nionths old daughter of Mr and Mr
Slerlin Telford, died yesterda after
noon at tho residence, ss Twenty-sec-1
end street, following a three weeks' 111-1
nees of pneumonia The body was re
moved to Kirkentlall's mortuary Fu
nral arrangements will be announced
SACRAMENTO. Calif . Auk. 12. A
statutory rharge against Bert Acosta,!
pilot on the transcontinental mallj
plane, which recently arrived at Oak-I
land, was dismissed in the police court i
hero today when the complaining wit-j
1 ness. Miss Ilia B Dodge, refused to!
testify j
Sheriff Cited Into
Court to Explain
Release of Speeder
Sheriff H. C. Peterson has been or
'dered by City Judge D. R Roberts to
appear In the city court and show
aue for not following the orders of
h court In k-ei.ln; I- Msyard N-r-lan,
speeder, In the county Jail for to
days as the commitment demanded.
This morning Judge Robert Issued
i formal statement in court ordering
jnty Attorney Joseph B. Bates to
' prepare an affidavit containing the
fA'-ts of the alleged unauthorized re
lease of Nerlan by the sheriff and
te notify Sheriff Peterson to appear
In the city court at 3 o'clock Monday
Aug IS.
County Attorney Bates sAid thai he
would Immediately begin preparation
of the affidavit.
Judge Robert's statement which was
made during a special court session
! this morning follows:
The day before yesterday the state
of rtah acted in the Nerlan case and
1 charged hlrn with lolatlon of traffic
la us of the state by driving his ma
! chine at a speed greater than Is con
sidered safe To this Nerlan enr r.-d
a plea of guilty and It appeared from
the facts that he was traveling at a
! very excesslvo rate of speed between
Pleasant View and Ogden.
"The facts showed thut his si 1
was particularly dangerous while pro
ceeding around the turn at North ' 'g
den where the pavement Is narrow
ami that after passing this point ho
drove his car at a speed not less than
forty-five miles to sixty-five miles an
hour. At thle speed he passed one
, ehl le with no apparent regard for
the safety of the occupants.
II- converted the public hlghwa
Into a speed course
' The court, after full consideration
of the facts In the case Imposed a
five-day sentence upon Nerlan and a
commitment was issued and delivered
to the sheriff directing that the- de
fendant be confined for five days at
hard labor.
"Yesterday morning the rumor was
rife that Sheriff Peterson had dis
charged the prisoner from custody and
the court took the matter under ad-
visement and ordered an ln estlgatlon. i
The only authority that could
supercede the commitment order and
set aside the penally was the state
board of pardons in Salt Lake, which
haa held no meeting within the past
few days and has not authorized the
discharge of the prisoner
"The court has sufficient knowledge
at this time. I believe, to Justify
against Sheriff Peterson for disregard
of the order of commitment, and cit
ing the sheriff into this court to show
cause as to why he did not carry
out the commitment, i Judge Roh rt
here Quoted authority under the law
under which an officer may be hold
I the unauthorized release of a pris
oner )
Survey Auto Road to
Base of Mt. Ogden
Mayor Frank Francis, President L.
W. Shurtllff. president of the Weber
etake, members of the city commis
sion, City Engineer Joseph M Tracy
and Professor John W Wlnlle are
participating today in a survey to de
teimlnc the feasibility of building an
automobile road to the base of Mount
Ogden, through Wheeler's basin The
party will go as fur as possible In au
tomobiles and will then proceed on
It la believed that a road can be
built to tho mountain. Mayor Franclsl
said. which would be of immense
v;.lue to Ogden as a point cf Interest. I
I the plan is found feasible another!
big attraction will be added to thej
city, he declared
Waste in Railroad
Yards Catches Fire
A barrel of biasing waste, near the;
Southern Pacific car shops in the rail-1
road yards, caused the fire alarm of
the company to sound at 7 30 o'clock
this morning.
The burning waste was quickly ex-1
tlngnished before any damage was
The city fire department was not
called to assist in putting out the tire.
Six million cajtes of pineapples arc
expected to be packed In Hawaii this
"By reason of this court being cog
nizant of the facts In the case, the
court now orders the county attorney
to prepare an affidavit of the facts to
properly establish the matter and to
No prepare a citation ordering Sheriff
Peterson to appear and show cause as
to why he failed to carry out the or
der of the court "
Afte the court session Judge Rob
erts issued a personal statement re
garding the affair in which h d --!ared
that It was with sincere regret
that he was forced to take action of
this kind with Sheriff Peterson
He said. ' I regret sincerely to take
this necessary action. Sheriff Peterson
and I have been neighbors for fifteen
months and I hold him in high re
gard. "I am sorry ho has taken the course
he followed , no doubt not realizing
what it meant As a personal matter
the court would never think of doing
what the law compells In order that
no repetition may come on the part of
other executives.
"There have never been better
friends than Sheriff Peterson and I
and 1 want to aseure all concerned
that It is not a personal matter and
regret doing it as an official dutv '
Sheriff Peterson said this morning
that he has ordered Nerlan returned
to Jail to serve his full sentence and
the man would be in his cell as 6oon
as it was made possible He declared
that he ordered him returned and had
notified the officers of the compan
which he is employed to get In touch
with Nerlan and tell him to return
at once t
"I will have Nerlan back In Jail
within four hours if this Is possible,"
Sheriff Peterson said. "The public
seems to demand It and I want to ful
fill my duties ."
Sheriff Peterson then explained that
he thought he was taking the proper
course In releasing Nerlan and his
actions would bo of value to the com
munity In allowing Nerlan to close
his pending deals in real estate These
deals were Important to the city Inas
much as they aided the growth and
development of the community, he
"I have talked to several persons
since releasing Nerlan." the sheriff
said, ' and they all have agreed that I
took the proper course.
"However, there has been criticism
and for this reason I have ordered
Nerlan to return and serve his full
time in Jail."
Sheriff Peterson called attention to
the fact that there had been many
instances In both the police and Sher
iff's departments where releases had
been made before full time was serv
ed, and it was such a common practice
when a prisoner's conduct was good,
to allow him liberty before his full
sentence was served.
K. E. A. Staff Conyvspondcnl.
CHICAGO, Aug. 12. Regulation of
habit-forming drugs is called "a fall-!
ure and a scandal" by the Council on
Health and Public Instruction of the
American Medical association.
The council Is now studvlng the
narcotic situation In the organized ef
fort of the medical profession to cor
rect abuses of the Harrison law.
Dr. Frederick R. Green, secretary
I of the Council on Health and Public1
Instruction, showed me tho council's
report to the American Medical assoc
iation on the Narcotic situation.
It shows conclusively that the Har
rison anti-narcotic law Isn't function
ing. Ten times as much opium as is
needed for medical purposes Is legal
ly Imported into this country eerv
year." said Dr Green What becomes
of the other nine-tenths? And the ad
ditional amount that Is smuggled In '"'
Dr. Green's report recommended
this action by the American Medical
association to make the anti-narcotic
law effective:
l Investigate the amount of nar
cotic drugs required each year for le
gitimate purpose by America's 160,
000 physicians and 7000 hoopltals.
2 Obtain official statistics on the
amount annually Imported into the
United Statea.
3- Devise an effective wav for the
government control of importation
and distribution by the United States
Public Health Service
The illicit traffic in opium, mor
phine, heroin, and cocaine, according
to Dr. Gren's report, has Increased
rather than decreased through efforts
to enforce the Harrison law; has
brought extortion of unfortunate vic
tims and enormous proflta for traffic
kers. a nd has led to blackmail and of
Clclal corruption. 1
Without counting smuggling, enough
opium la consumed in the United i
States to provide every man, woman
and child with 36 doses a year on the
basis of one grain to a dose!
nrv i
Antes Taken to 1
Prison by Deputy
Howard Antes, who was sentenced
yesterday to serve from one to twenty
yeare In the state penitentiary after
pleading guilty to a charge of second
e burglary before Judge A. W ,
agee, was taken to the prison this
morning by Deputy Sheriff William
Brow n Antes was . harged with having I
broken In a home west of the cltv on I
July 27.
Woman Files Suit
to Recover on Loan
Mary SavlUe today filed suit In the
district court asainst Fred Harris to
recover $6SS alleged to be due on a
loan executed August 7, 1919. In her
complaint she sets forth that the ori
ginal loan was $816 and some pay
ments have been made, but agree
ments have not been kept. She asks
Judgment for the principal and Inter-
Worth of Business i
For the Asking I
The Ellis Automatic Tire Guage Is made entirely of metal, no glass, celluloid or other breakable materia! enters !
into its make-up. It can be applied to any make of tire within ten minutes, and Is entirely automatic in Its action,
Causing no trouble and requiring no care from the car owner. It will positively register the accurate pressure of air 1
In the tire at ail times and will wor under any and all conditions of ordinary usage Mud, water or other elements
have no effect In lessening its efficiency. The Indication figures are always in plain view and can be seen, in fact,
as plainly as the tire itself. It attaches to the regular valve stem now universally used on all cars and can be trans
ferred from one tube to another without the trouble of removing the valve stem from the tube The guage will out- gV
last the life of any car. You can Inflate your tires after applying this device without removing any caps, nuts, bolts,
or anything as a matter of fact, except the small airtight cap which is supplied with each Inner tube. You can also
change tires or make repairs to your tube, removing same without the necessity of employing th use of wrench or
pliers. The casing, tube and demountable nm can be removed from the wheel in much less time after the installa- I
tlon of the guage than without It. ji
You can ascertain the pressure of all tire6 you carryln one half minute simply by walking around the car and
glancing at the guage. The figures on the guage are large and can be seen without the necessity of kneeling down 1
or giving close inspection. Any setvice station man will be glad to fill your tires If you have Ellis Automatic j
Gauges free of charge because It will not consume more than two minutes of time to put all irea up to proper pres
sure. I
A description of the guage i9 as follows: The guage is composed of six parts first, an indicator post which Is
securely fashioned to the demountable rim; second, pressure Indicator tube which screws down over the regular 1 i
valve stem; third, a steel spring which works inside of the Indicator post; fourth, a spring protection tube which 1 l
holds spring securo in place; fifth, an inner tube protection plate which is fastened securely to the Inner tube, screw
mg down against same, making an airtight connection; sixth, a dust and waterproof cap which is made entirely of
metal and serves only as a protection for the valve and valve stem, and which does not have to be removed to see
tire preasure nor to make repairs or remove tire, inflation of tire also being accomplished without disturbing this I
caP- IB
The possibilities to the investing public in the stock of the Ellis Automatic Tire Air Guage Company are too
great to be even estimated
One instance right here of its great money making possibilities may be illustrated: We have here in Weber
County more than 600 bona fide orders for installation of gauges just as soon as we are able to have them manu- I
factured. These orders were placed by some of the leading industrial concerns and individual car owners of the
county without solicitation. One glance at the gauge ws sufficient to convince them that it was an absolute neces- I
slty if they wished to conserve the i if e of their tires. The entire set can be paid for out of tire saving within a few
months This Is more than 10 per cent, of the cars of this county and in itself would return good Interest on the
entire Invested capital. And this s only a drop in the ocean, you might say, as there are over 7,000,000 cars running j
in the United States carrying mere than 35,000,000 tires ,n this time, and our field for operation is the entire I
country, for the good reason that thetc is not now to our knowledge a single automatic gauge installed on any car. 1
Think of what an enormous business this is and we have practically a complete monopoly on the business as this 9
is the only absolutely accurate unbreakable, non leak guage on the market today.
One hundred and five million dollars worth of business is to be had for the asking right now, and an additional
$30,000,000 business each and every year figuring on the normal annual production of cars In the United States. Do
you want to participate in the enormous profits to be made by this company in the very near future? An invest
ment of a few hundred dollars now, right NOW, may makeyou independent for the balance of your life. Do not al- j
low this opportunity to pass by because it will not come your way again. As soon as the installation of these gauges
commences, and this will be within the next sixty days, you will not be able to buy this stock even at a big prem- A-i
lum. f
Mall the below coupon at once stating how many shares you desire to purchase and our stock salesman will
call on you and close up the deal.
To Ellis Guage Co., P. O .Box 702. Ogden, Utah, August , 1920
I hereby subscribe for shares of the capital stock of the Ellis Automatic Tire Gauge Company to
be Incorporated under the laws of the State of Utah. Capital stock $50,000, Par value $1000 per share. And will
pay for same on the following plan: Ten per cent with the application, 40 per cent payable to salesman upon de
livery of official application receipt and 50 per cent within thirty days from date hereof. All checks or drafts to be
made payable to the Ellis Guage Company.
Stock certificates will be delivered to applicants immediately upon receipt of full payment for subscription by
this company.
Address . , I
City State i J

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