OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, August 15, 1920, Image 15

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-08-15/ed-1/seq-15/

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kE ft B dl Estate j
fl nv OWNER-Meviern well built
horn In location In
Suitable in make four mall fr'
H mntn 60n TwmU fourth Dion
H RhI Ettt Insurance
H New room brick bungalow finished In
Hl cum; hardwood floor throughout. This Ik
H nicely loco ted on bench and lr a very nt
H timet T proposition Prlro JSCKiO.
H Good i rom house, nicely lo-oted on
H bench; has food basement, bathroom, etc.
HH Adapted for wither one or two familie
(fM 1! T'rlre 141'irt on ra.mnnhli I'-rmn.
A jH Practically new four room cottar" In
m' rood location, nnd In first class condition:
haa hufmfnt. garage and rhtckn run.
JttM Prlro 2fW on may terms
tM 34 acrs In choice location and rnnven
W.iM int to -if. improved as follow? 4 room
a -JH brick hou.-o. garage, flowing well. shade
aSi nd lawn An Ideal place f'.r oni desirir g
H n cheap suburban home. Price $2cir on
U mmm reasonable terms.
u-mmmw 2427 Hudson Ave.
WfLW V'hambra Th'-atc Is m '
flflfl FOR SALE Py owner; M r en room
B modem home now being remodeled I-v
IIH crvthlng to be ntrlrtl pew ind up to date.
m Will sell at a (Trent bargain and finish to j
fljH suit buver lxwated K.61 Twent y. fifth Bt.
ua ga i oc 1WI141
gaffl win i i V" oorvr; m I
1 If vnn .ir home hunting, yon should see
Ws ,.wr "... ..nd up lo date Pnti designed
41T1 bomsK Thev nre the first In Ogden nnd
nre more suitable for our climate eondl'
i ' tion. than ib bungalow snd arc d'ffer-
" enr prill irilstlc cuts w roof?. Thesi
J homes are loented hlrli aid dr.. viewing
the entire eltj and within " stone's throw
MmUX '' ";, n'a mnM fiu.hu. i .I.ii ' ib
f 'I
aVifl These homes of five end six rooms nre
JUI l.elnk- oflored at nn "mi imIU low figure
f owing to On fael thai we have bean a
long Mme on the Job end W want to
Mff ftf clean up our Inst vear's business. e of
ft ;U fer some as low ns JloOfi. JloCe east) nnd
ft M met easj ti rms
'7 jfl swan it.
I'l.c.i. 1 i -l : '
4& I LOTS on easy t. rn Sir beautiful lott.
clOaC In on the b rv li Mil foi pari OaMI,
2 balance casv monthly payments Must sell
2m , Men day and Tuesday V A McGwire
1 01 nder First N'.tlr.n.'' 1 : . t 1. 4 4-'
M 1 -- One garage, rlose In p' r month, IP
VH a" One room, stnti modern, per weak, $4
I One 5 room frame houw '''
I 5-room frame house, modern on Adums
n avenue. Must be sold at once. $.1150
jH Broom frame house, lot 60x150; pnrt
Jj cash balance on eos terms. 12300
fiw 6 room modern brick house and 5 room
wWi frame house in rear renting for $56. PHrt
TfBB. cash and terms on balance. $5300.
1 iH Rooming house. 26 rooms, best location
j -B In elty, steam heat and water In rooms,
I 1 $3200. Part cash balance On im-i
, J Rooming house, IS rooms, can give
' " lease, $106o.
5 YtVVJ E room house, 1 1 S acrcn land, 2 shxros
BJ water wnter and llpht In hoUM fln friili
BB orchard: on Twelfth street Price $-4500.
-if H 2779 Washington Ave Phono 431 M
M PKOERBB i i nwi.r.s
Wm Real Estate LCHUM Insuranen
if An opportunity to get possession of flv"
BB room modern brick bungalow, situated
a1 with east front on rlarriaon avenue. Larp
i; rooms, hftnutiful flraplaMi built m chine
L 9 buff at) linen cloiei nnd cabinet; larjrei
& baaement with bulll III wash tube, l-ol I
J rOi33. Lawne( flawara and new chicken,
'BBi4 run. This Is a rml bargain Price $5600.
'jUj Klve room strictly modem brick bungH- I
.gAB low on bench llonie Is In en"int "li
BJj dltlon. lirgo ill. new garngi , lnun nnd,
BBr; good shade. Price $5000. Eosy terms.
' .JBJ Plve room cottage In north pnrt of the
, BJH elty. South from, lnign room, barn gar
HI age. chicken run Price $2400.
' A r, I4CC Hudson Avenue I'hono 017
f FOl'P room housr ':. , Thlt tv third
BBj Alan two newly built houses 3227 and
Bf J223 I'lngreo In'iuir.- 101 Thirt fifth
"I. HT OWNKK i rn. lour loom house pari
BJ ly modern, Two four room inod'-rn, ox I
iB copt hoot, Twcnt leventh etreet, railroad
IB) district Phone lt Wl
1 IVE room ho it- Mti l. ll - ino.J. i n, uUI,
1 garago S. . o n i . ;' I I. in, "In I
J party leaving town muit sii at on,' i
l;;H seven room homo, 66? Thirtieth street.
HV OWNI'I; J iiiir room modm ln k
IfBJ house. ell In beel of condition I
6 jMj Reasonable for cash 307 Thirt) ffret.
'k Over Conunerci.il National Punk
c ,JB Phone 1H7 Rooms 15 16 7
' MM If VOU arc Inlrrcrted in IoIk lt ug show
eaajjBg yr,i these nnd manj other good bujs we
WBJ Lot 40 b 130. located on Jefferson
keB near Twrnl) Prjtl street. $650. $'.O0 down
T&Aj ancl a month.
i iJ? 1 Large lot on Plnford avenue. $300 Easy
B terms.
BBJK A large lot at Flvi Point:., cheap nnd
jJrJ eaay terms.
"j Iot 50 tiv 200 loented on Adams Between
9H Thirty fifth nnd ThirtS Klxth street. 5500.
KjflJ Terms
Bl Two lots on leffi rson between Thirty-
BBBj L sixth nnd Thirt seventh itraeta, sioo.
Wmmrm m r $15 down nnd $15 n month
BJnfl smith i linii:ps oo.
pBHR h er Oommerrlal Hank
' y Ary. for Mr Saunders, 1 1 Deperluifml
f POUR room modern brick bungalo .
A lOUth part r't town. ;i real nnp at. $2650
7?rM Easy terms.
kmm Foui room Irame. so'ith pnrt of town.
IBflB good garage, s'x beautiful lots all in g.tr
R9 den. t'nn be bought for $3400. T inw.
BjBJ A five room modern home on paved
w-"$m atreet In a pood residence district. Onl
v $3000
AB V e room modern hrl k. '.hrvr brick
'BJ kfaJlj large rooms, good basement, porchoj
JBI on the bench $4750. Terms.
a Five room frame, eight lots, fruit of nil
kinds on the place, good outbuildings, lo
cntcd In the south part of town. $3350.
H?i Terms.
Over the Commercial National Flunk
Ask lor Mr Saunders, City Department
Eight room brick residency wn locat
ed. GooX purchase nt $6000. Terms if
kli Seven room brick dwelling, well locnt-
f-.v ed. clo.se to business center, no car fan
II modern, well worth the price. $1500 Fn.sy
terms If desired.
431 Twenty fourth St. Phone UfOS-J
PV OWNER TWO rtor' frame, eight
IBB . rooms and bath beautiful yard, trees.
I ' lnc.. etc.. at 253 " Fowler aveWM 1MB
; B OWNER Flv. room partly modern
house on canyon road Phone 166S. 4312
BV OWNER Six room modern brick
$4500. ;r.f,r, Monro. -'.HI
BJ Three room, lure- lot. $1300. $300 cash,
h t balance easy.
j Four room new bungalow, $4000. $K00
j cash, balance fus
BJ Four room houie. bath, etc.. close In.
$240ii $500 cash,
i Four room brick, hath, etc $2000.
i I Phone !13 2265 W
1 t:sfi
I By OWNER Three room hou.xe. modem,
I ot SOx.144. $2000 $1750 down, balance
ike rem 2'.1 Adams. 42X7
Ki'.W (hiMce lots on Monroe between
I I rwant ninth and Thirtieth 6treets $300
Pi '.o $400. Real bargain! Terms if desired
! Rob.-rl ' N'-e 602 IcleS Pl.U 12
Mi'li;KN - U if horn,- nt 1V"1 n
y fifth street Phone Plaxa Apartments.
; i04.
v WILL trade 40 aoraa adjoining the
II townltc and lour room resilience
Jmf In Paul, Idaho, for nice 10 or 20
; acre IihcI with nice homo then -on
1 nc-ur Ogdn. Wrttn at once for
H:- forth, r lnlormalkui as this is
111 aomcthlng good.
Ml Paul Idaho $27J
,4 rj 3Y OWNER Almost n w flr.t ' hiss con
" lltlon, five room modern, except heat.
j dg garage, nice lawns, pnrden spot. $4000.
V 11 1000 down $35 a month. Phone 23C7.
FOR SALE Rcai Estate J
mmt)0t Continued
We -no recommend the fellow Ing as
ROod sj f e buys nnil good Investments.
"'.ll and ace us. Iet ua show von this
, properly.
I 20 acres sandy soil, level, part arehard:
10 shares water Pavts and Wflwr r.mal
tlas $2Snn government loon. ocatod close
to Ogden. A bargain at ICOOO.
I See tbli An exceptionally good bu) 17
serea, rinse to Ogden; 11 ahares water
' is and Weber-canal. Small new house,
basement; located eio.io to Ogden, Look
'this over and Judge for vourself' The
price Is $5500
10 acres, mostly In orchard. Ha, melons
j tomatoes and various small fruits; good
, ater right, house, stable, chicken hmise,
wagon, harrow, plow, etc All crops with
' plow. $5J00.
joo acres on sand ridge under proposed
Irrigation district. $10 per acre. Terms
smith A NP FLINDERS oo
Over Commercial National Bank
I 4404 j
111 Twenty fourth St Phone 350 I
Modern 4 room brick and modern 3
room frame on big lot- latter furnished!
nnd rented for $25 monthly All goes for,
Modern five-room house near car line.
Nlcp four-room house, lot 33 bv 133,
tfevernl other small homes, prices and
terms reeuwnable. All bargains and will I
K'.j oulcklv. If ou contemplate buying
would MifTiTest you lose no time as the '
nviilnhli home , re going" fast.
4ii Twenty-fourth SI J'hone 35? '
41' 3 .
FIVE room modern. 3012 Adams, See me
I tcfore you buy. I hove many good aeaM
i In Itv property nn. farms H. Vnn Braak,
- II rhlrl fifth 3770
LET US Sell vcur cur TTTTi Vii-c. ! I, ..
i gchange 222 1 Washington Ave. 3557
U I. P'iHTPK. K. .i I INi.-M, nr.l l.,r.j
Wnrhington uvenue Phono II
nv rr .1 lots, -ix room h
ibarn, granary chicken houses 250 voung
h. r- i larrison ad Thlrtlt th 1241
TWO hom ; foi t'K price ot one, Double
prescr-d brick coitnge. modern except
hent. Call niorning. Evcnlnar.i after 6:30
hy npnolntment. 2629 Monroe avenue
Phone 1204 4182
i for SALE HemetltehJng and picoting
attachment, work. on all sewing ma
chines, does fine work. Price $2.50 with
free Instructions nnd anmplo of work.
I Acme Novelty Co.. Box 342 Forth Smith.
j Art 1436
i M A Ht a i. N Y bedroom unite, music cnb.
Inet. ras stove and small pieces of furnl
fire I'.iH Adams Ave. H'.'2
PATENTS lr,. s(1,. procured flowent
rates) sold J'atent News . Washing
ton. P. C i i j ;
venue Hartlri bed .pringi, mattress
and spread llooeier kltdien cabinet. 2207
Jefferson Ave. 4 445
OAS tove with high u, in 2 .". o r. Sutier
A Plu.n. II I., 4 121
PAY ninre, lfn1 II, -,,,,,ii I" . , i , -. ,,:.
gentle. 1S12 Canyon Rood Phone 2161 M j
4 4 23
ONE oJmosI new bicycle and violin 866
Twentj h nd st mm
SHOP nn.i wood working machfnea SI a
bargain; shop 2000 square feet, storaga
space 1000 s'liiaro feet, V ill c or lease,
Phone 14C. 4 42.",
OAS range, coal r.mge v:iIK-:. ,1. two
inattres.M-.,. h.Tl! chair and dresser 2'',
I lari Iscni '
I I. ILT Inriii WRgon i-vurs with wide,
tiro? Slune steyt-ns Implenient o Ok i
den jJtah tjjg
'J 'i i .wi:ri roil lop .ick electrli fan! '
etiident lamp and rug. 313 Twenty fourth.
'I'M PIN V'i'lt e m ind c... ' r;inr;e ...i
rnpge, Victor phonograph and sewing ma I
' Inn-, ('.ill PM Sim. , nth Mi. cl. 400
1 LIMED 00 k 1, 1. 1 ,1 EabT . rug and bed.
'nq 'i. Brojynlnj Apartnienj 4391
V NO 1 o-a foi .- ,, . 2 j'.:'.', '.-i ' I TT
FEW faiull cows for , $75 and $f0 !
2H7 Poll, avenue t S '
OAi ranre . . ,. i w.-i-hmioi,
I IM9 W Po Inn, i c; :
STORK shell 60 feel bi $0, best ol mat '
rial. 10 foot glns shelf, small safe anil
hotel sign. Call at 127 Twenty filth
' ' ' ' 1 1 Cm b. i- . i 8.1
j Blners, til Ta rnt) fifth I3S3
TOLEDO scale good t3 nev. Price
sonoble Phone 3.'f.2 ijoi
I BICTCLE for tale 706 T. ntj ninth
" ' I hooe I i:
THOROI GKBRED Belgian hnrea
and burlis. Pens. Call after 5 p. in. 2436
Madiron Phone 1C3.J ' 4300
TOi Lfl and naachlnar) 619 Twent;
third stlCcl
HORSE, wagon. harness .-ind surre
! cheap 8688 Adami i; 15
QIRLS bicycle, new tires Phone IS97 I
BEAUTIFUL i.u h grade ! ii kei 1 iby bug
, K.v. like new, reasonable 653 Twenty-
fifth 4J4 :
VVASHF.R nlmosl new, with wnter meter
and wringer. Chotip. 2965 Ogden urn
nue. ' 4231
1 ' W PIEf and suppll. : I'".:". 4 V;rli nr
ton 407.".
Ildl'si; f0r weight 1 1 1 0 ,,.mj; rTcj
Fourth 3571.
1 NMMES. pitir.niK ed : iMK'-ra :'22i'
Lincoln. ' 347
I.PT im ,l ,,,vr , ar I tnh Aolo Tir
Kx' hange 222 1 Yn hhgton Avg :i603
PIANOS and oi' , iniif.lc il Instrument'
Terms without Interest. Paritonc. 27 1
H Id 1 n 909
UNCALLED tor ulta latlor mode, big
rdactlon Qordon'a 211-25 Twcnty-fifm
Bl Pnone I1 ti J7
Buy your paint ot Stbwe'S and snve
money. 1800 Washington avi rnUS l'hone
1 nil
t; Female Help
lEXPTrRTENCED waitress 170 Twenty
fifth SI " ( , ,
SAMPI i: Ire to flrrl hi. I., m rdl . ; . .
replying from each town 'e9tern De-I
1 signers, Norfolk Bldg.. Spokane. Wash !
4 4 'it;
I. VPN $23 weehu 'p-ire lime, wrlttnc. for'
I newspapers magazines; experience un 1
i necessary; details free Press Syndicate.
,163. St. IvOiils, Mo 4003
girl want.-d :.,r iit-ht housework no
j wasnjng Appli 41Canyon road. 4385 ;
' rxPKPlPNi ''l , hambermal.J wanted at I
to.- Prlghaiu hotel 4351
EXPERIENCED alr..as at StlntSOO'l
' n fe s
WOMAN cook Appl) si liooi for Deaf end
PI Ind ( , ,
"ilRIS vi!iite,J r. 1 i 'fieri Si.-.ir.i laundry !
Mu.-t be over 1 - ' us of 256
earn $25 weekly, spare time, writing for
newspapers, magazines, cjcpcrlenco un- 1
nesaary: details free. Press ByndlcatC 163
St IxmiIm Mo 4003
NEW and most wonderful discovery of the I
0g. For partlriilurs, write Ernst Win. of
Ti.ipi. Mfe Co . nn 1 ',ili'',f ii.'i 1 : -
IMPOTENTS rep o x e,j Wood, rful
iglcal Splint Wlmpus; results po:i,llve, lm-1
iii. di.it. Guaranteed See doctors, drug I
glsta. Write Hlgnvde Specialty Co.. St.
Loiil- 4 (o.,
WILL n-ui 1 1 . ,i of . U:iwmii I'Ommunl
cate with David .it 2:22 Plum street. Mun
nd - 1
1 UiH ind character reading MS Tu n
') -slxlh. ; 3787 I
LARGE Clean raps, wanted ut Standard
Examiner oilicc. :;:n
TWO rooms, pantry and closet. Phon
:u; 1; . . 1 mi.
I I i ,- n,. , 'n
I drep fhone .": 2: 1 v. ,.. v III'
I ROOM eni: n-. 1 II I 1 Vpplj
ti K "tr. tiT T'tih ,imli st mm
1 LEAN cool n el) furnished slei fine
1 '
le, ping room. . lo.- In, foi
omli niaii; references, 313 Twenty eighth
St Phone 114 1. 1 1 ' 1
BEDROOM bath end telephone. 2ti
Washington v Phone MM W Mi:
(INK h,. I'M-1 n . io.ni 2220 Lin
.1 ' nne. ft
MODERN bungalow, Becker's bridge. ir
on Phor,.- II
- 1 .1 , 1 M N ; r. oni I', I Twent) 0 Fu5
Phone 1 W 1 '
, 5 furnlaned room with bath :-fiSi
Orchard a venue 4!
SLKEPING room on bench. cioe in, with
(bsth nn'l 1. '. rl.ore I Ivn' ,- I 1 ' " I I
SLEEPING room -.'' '
; p on.- lira m.
FURNISHED rooms 2(3$ Jefferson.
1 if
i MODERN 1 ..r. r ,1 gentleman, ciose in
$"50 week. Ilefenn. es 2311 Adam
f w 1 1 k 10 month. 5:iti Thirty
first, hjj
I.El PI "C, room ' - 1 g 1-n thi n t r
: 'M
1 1 RNISHED or unfurnished rooma 234
W ngton J2
HOUSEKEEPING apartments. t0$i
Washington avenue, 1061
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 2353 Monroe
Ave. 2
f()OM especlalh n-lcpt'd for p- ft n
Gates'Hotel. 2446 Grant Ave. Phone 3050.
1 3914
j Unfurnished
'2 ROOM hou.se at Is Sixteenth St. Phone
NEW modern three room apartment In
eluding hot wnter. heat and Murphj bed.
2f34 Cjuln 3T3
TWO him 3 room npartmcntSJ private
I bath. Newly kaLoinlned. Clone In. Phone
i 11 1 34".';
I SatavisSNNeVS-eJ
OAKLAND touring ear. A bargain if
taken at once Owner leavlnj town. Phone
?16 8464 'Irani A-o t I'f
A 7 p.if.senger Stnrleh.iker touring Car,
good pinning order, new paint. A snap,
$750. P. T Mitchell Co., 2430 Hudson Ae
I 12"
Pulck Four 6 passenger
Dodge truck
Palgo 5 passenger
Chalmers coupe
Maxwell roadster
Maxwell touring
3333 HeTdson Ave Phone 143
A SPI..EN DID family m , four cvllnderfl
new top nnd pidnt, toI tlre.s. Will trado
for clt properly What have vou to of
fer? P. T. Mitchell Co, 2439 Hudson Ave
a SUA' I80 Hupmoblle, G'paasanger
touring car. run lens than 1000 miles A
bargain. R. r. Mitchell o. 2439 Hudson
4 in
1 a ;i 'i :. m it Hi ('.vn o
234,3 Hudson Ave. Phone 400
1919 Chevrolet 4 90 louring $C7"i
19i;i Chevrolet 4 90 roadster $17"
P'17 Ford touring $.i7"i
1917 Rco seven passenger .. . $150
!9I7 Overland seven passenger $S?o
1917 Paige .-".-von papst-nger $1450
If, 17 Studcbaker seven passenger .JiS",
Bl ICK roadster lor sale or will trade t o
Ford louring, 3427 Adams. 4327
Podge louring
"adlllac 8 louring
Ford touring
Grant C, touring
stmi, baker i touring
Nash ti touring
Nash two-ton tiuck
All In first class mechanical condition
2200 Washington Avenue Ogdon
; MAXWELL too, nti fn i,.m ,1 t
I sell at orico, $375. or will exchange for
Ford. Phone, duy 3C8. evenings 1215 J
1917 Pord lonrine cai Bee circulation
,1 m 1 , 1" Standard Examiner 4 167
Kl VL PASS 1 . ' : 1 1 . ,M s '. hnd. r uutomo
bile In first claaj condition Apply 2716
A la 11 '. . .1990
SEVEN passengt Cadillac in excellent
'condition, for sulo cheep. Inquire 813
Tv. nty fifth 39 IS
si t.i, sport rondster, A 1 shape. Phone
I' TI li
C E TOROASEN, 425 Twnnty third
I I t on- KM W 3718
WANTED ork with a one ton truck
Phone 3361 w. 1 tiv
E 1 BR IE N C E D woman wishes day
work First class references Box R., caro
Standard Examiner 4382
Pit cri ' ' I n ''f Phone VT 4 "Sr.
1 pi r. 1 1 ::;. ; i 1 . -,-,i. k epet, - - , , , j . t , . -
ter. typewriter, Olctaphone posting ma
chine operator. Box ?, Standard-Examiner.
ORCHARDIST Opon 'or management thlfl
I fall. Salary and Interest. Highest tef
erancas. Box K core Standard-Examiner
l'!, l"V v ith new ton Inxk vihrM xrork
of any kind In r out of city, Phone
2867 421
Hot SE painting Call 945. J 3f,17
BETWEEN Thlrtv second and Twenty
third arid Washington, a folder and purse
containing receipts for Mutual Cream, rj
currency nnd sliver. Reward. 329 Thlr
tj second 1883
MAN'S gruv coat between Ogden and
Plain Clta Phone 19 J 4. Reward. 4388
diamonds. Reward, Phono Checsman. ,
325. lP.
SECONDHAND goods bought and sold. T 1
C Iverson, 1640 Washington avenue. I
Phone 49 3975
W'E uko our old range as first payment
on any new range, or will buy your old
ruro.,- outright- Humo Furnlturs Co. 467J
We have several applications for loans
at the time, ranging from $1000 up. We
can place youi mency on good securlt
Upstairs Commercial Bank Phone 1147
$400, $SO0 or $1000 on real estate at 8 per
cent. Robert C. Nye, 602 Eccles Bldg.
1 1 1 salaried people without decanty, to
others n pianos, furniture, bonds, etc.
227 Hudson Bldg, Phone 2S4 249
MONEY to loan on :mpiova real estate
Ke.'ly ft Hrrrtck Ht
ibusLness 71
Opportunities )
REAL oil opportunity! Necessity compels
offering few '"10 acre leayes" about mile
from drilling well. Kimble Counlv, Texas,
for only $250 each l Certificate title. Well
down 600 feet .Hit means fortune Don't
delay Remit today to F" W. Weego, Dan
Waggoner nidg.. Ft. worth. Texas, (Ref
. ence I'irst National Rank) 1440
WELL estebllshat' auto repair business
for sale. For particulars write Box 61.
Standard Examiner. 429?
lit Male Help I
YOC?"0 man to lenrn storage bnttcrv
I ' hiism-s. AipU 2Ci - 1 I'
IWABEHOUsMC men snd tniek drivers: ox
J I perlence nd references rcoulred. Apple
" before 9 o clock Mondsy morning. Murphv
, W I".'. , :. , r Co lit.'
: EXPi niirht cook, steady rosl
' tion 110 Twenty. fifth St. City Cafl
" Phoni 184 W 1448
j WANTED District sales representative
; I to orgsnlxe nnd msnoge his own silen
I ormnUntion lo coei fish with a high
!Chs Industrial stock proposition man
ayod by m- n with years of successful
.manufacturing experience. Company has
. official permit from the State of Ctsh to
I sell its sto- k. Strong advertising" rlrcu
lllsr eo operntlon. References required
jThorougb Investigation of the company
: nnd Its merits urged. Address Ssls Man
'(agar. Suit 212 Trsmw.ae llldr.. Denver
1 ''"lo -b
' EFlNMENT v..nl.- bond reds rail"
1 mall clerks. Oommi r.ce $115 month. Write
I I for list poltlnn.4 I- nklln Institute Dep t
' 4 . 1 Ro ii. ter, N J ix
flMEN Age under 55 Experience unnec
'jessary. Travel, make secret lnvstijwilon.
I reports. Salaries, expenses. Write Amer
. Icon Foreign Dete live Agency 611 St.
; ioui. mi
RAILWAY mail clerks wanted ""'rufn ex
aminations Julv 14; $l.r.O month: li t r" l
tlons free Franklin Institute. Dept 18F
I Rochester, N Y 3i3o
' ' TIT ' -I on. . ! I.. T i '
I Underground coal loader.). Vare scale
pays 6f. to 74 cents per ton. Honest load
ors make from $10 to $18 per eight hours.
Ilnes worklntr every day We will re
fund your railroad fare efter yon have
earned $73 bj losdlng coal. Only exper.
fenced men need apph First class lc..ird
and room provided at amp. Finest of liv
ing and working conditions. Present this
I S4zvertlseraenl to J, D. Carr. superintend
lent. Lion Coal Company Rock Springs,
I Wyoming
I l iT-fiUT IT i'NiT 4-:"7
M' M wl-h ' , . 1, St iti.lard rout
I Can? on road. 439H
I FOUR first class carpei ten Op n Kalu.
I long .lob. good living conditions. Write
Rockwell a Sutton. Elko. N v. 1364
- K I 1 I.I I .,ii ivanM ne. d.-d fOUnd I '
machine nnd boiler department of Opdcn
I Iron Works. Apply In person or by let
ter to p. 11 Hodjgo surjarintendont 184.1
WANTED si on-.-. t-i fir?' , lass exper
lervcd SuIlP an or Coodmnn .oil (iittiiig
niachlne runnsrs. Wage scale for this
I work averages fif'cen to twenty five dob
lars per day. Will refund your railroad
fare after you have earned one hundred
'dollars Apply at cnee to .T. D. Carr. su
j porlntendtnt Llot. Coal Company. Rock
Springs. o . ir 72:; E. .-I.-, pidg . 11
den, Ith. 1 1 C 6
PARld hand marr'ed man preferred. Rood
proposition W IC Wedell. 2-b'S W a h
Incton Ul 1
MAN at Utah Hot Springs. Good salary,
board and room. Apply to manager
men wanted
Good positions open for trainmen, yard
men and operators Southern Pacific
Company, for Salt Lake division. Apnlv
Office Superintendent, Pnlon Depot, Ok
,i, n or Assistant Superintendent, Sparks,
Nevada . 4 1 T'
FLYING in eigbi weeks, v M c A
Auto School s Ani;, I.-.-. 4019
..1 1 : N Age nnd. . " evperi'-ra e unit,
sary. Travel, make secret Investigation
reports Salaries; expenses Write Amerl
cm Foreign 1' t' ti.e Agency. 641 St
I OUig 401 S
Pl-T I. ..o " Heap Hot - I TT
i To Rent j
s.m ll furnished modi rn house on bench.
V.ppl3 1 ommerctal National Bank :'si
1 I r KMPI-'.P 1. ' te.M,onHil,. .-nuple no
fhlldren. thorough!) modern four or five
j room unfurnished bungalow, Must have
Kooo h.atiio- plant Photl" n?ST 131"
1-IQ1 SE for young married couple, Ph ne
! 143. 23.-.3 Hnl-0,1 4JJ
TWO furnished ror.nis for housekeep
Phono 33a -l-1'
FOVR room niod.m cottage close In
Steadv. reliable tenant Rest of references.
PJ ,0. 22 17 R 4. :T
BV oung coupio with two children, k
four or five room bouse Can give KOOd
reference Pox 215 care Standani 3?2
iSMVl.l. funilshed bouso about Sept ml" r
I 1 Man and wife, no family. Phone 433.
0'- call P G. Dan I. 131 Twenty fifth
j wantS) jj
j Salesmen (5
WANTED Salesman enpahle of earning
$250 lo $3i0 a month selling groceries
I w holesale to farmers (commission). Read
'Mary'a Man wins.1 pHge i 4 1 1 3
THE KENYON CO., foremoei imp menu
I factureri In the t'ntted States, has nn
! opening for a salesntan In Utah A won
Iderful opportunllty for n man with real
selling ril.il!t' to acciulro a permanent po
isltloii and exclusive territory Address:
I The Ken von Co., Inc.. Des Moines, la.
44 1'-,
B LLES board salesmen Wo have the mot
I attractive line of premium assortment:!
on the market today. Commissions $e to
52'i per order, with full repent com ml
slons. Per n live up to-date proposition
write todnv Can field Mfg. Company 401 I
Broadway, Chicago. 4 1 1 ',
TAILORING salesmen sell men's np.-ck'i
; order s ilts, overcoats Bast values Lowest
prices. Want big producers, state expert-
fPff Write for Fall winter sample line.
I Leeds Woolen Mills. 230 b. Franklin, Chi
cago, 4H 4
SALESMEN We have openings lor
men who have tho knack of selling In
stead of taking orders, know how to comb
territory, can devote time to staple 9lde
line, felt and rng rugs sold to general
trade. Small sample liberal commission,
opportunltv to earn big money Belmont
Carpet Mills. IF.: Pro.olwo;, NY 4 117
LOCAL manufact jring concern has open
ing- for an A 1 live salesman Must be a
hustler. Address P O. Box 1015. Salt
Lake Citv 4273 :
sssassasssjssssjMMMM wwww essssssssssssssssj
AGENTS Rest seller Jem Rubber Repair
for tires nnd tuhes; supersedes vulcanl
zation at a saving of over 800 per cent:
put It on cold, It vulcanizes itoelf in two,
minutes, and is guaranteed to lust the llfo ,
of the tire or tube: sells to every auto
owner and accessory dealer For particu
lars how to make big money and free i
sample, address Amozon Rubber Co..
Philadelphia, Pa . Dept 2214 UV:
M ti pi VL a'agae high, buy direct, com
plete line sanitary brushes, mops, dusters J
Phlla. Brush Co. U32 N, Lawrence, Phil 1
sd; Iphj nil
SEND for free toilet soap sample and $10
cash refund offer Lacassla Co, Dipt. 609. 1
Bl 1 ouis. Mo. -it:"'
SKN'U lor tree toil, t soap :. ample und $10 '
rash refund offer La assla Co . Dept. 609
sj Louis. Mo 4 184
AGENTS oin mon- .s..-llir,- Pru 1 fl 1
bi brooma triple value cum broom Sam
ple 1 ostpald $1.17. Also Cramer sanitary
brushes Cramer Mlg Co., Wichita, Kn
A' : 1 ".NTS 1 n.inu t act 11 r. r v. a n I .
agents to sell hoslcr'- underwear, shirts,
dresses, skirts, waists, shoes, clothing,
etc. Write for free samples Madison
Mills. S03 Lroadwav New Vork City.
N V 8788
DRl v B TAKING and plain sowing. 3401
Tin. 1 j fil 4233 !
Si:V;ND at ,r,2', Sevr.nUa i,l,i 42,,4
CHILDREN'S d 1 csstuaklng. 371 Tw.-ntv-second.
Tho Lighthouse. 2452 Washington Are ,
oppo Its Iht Plngree bank Phone fim
Prompt service 332S
Hcmstitchins picoi edge, buttons, pink
ing and pleating Second floor W, H
'Vrlcht ' ,ii Mr.i H I- .' innii 1 I j j
A rlvei locK iu.it aenrcifl between!
ttmos a dry-dock, is 11 curious Tea- !
ture Of the Warrior iitr io Alabama.
To Buy
A GOOD twin baby can-tare. Phone 243s.
'.P T:lK; v r, n t .-1 nt the Kt.oo-l
srd Examiner office. 4tK0
I""''' ' real! sheep! hog win call
I at your yard. Gus Jensen. 3434 Washing .
ton Ave. Phone 2?9.
PTV'E pa . ,-. rford bod: H A V P. II
, llnrrj T1' nt fourth. VO
i Poultry and Egp
IS, C White erhorn hbv chicks from!
heaviest laying Hor?nnlzed stock. Now I
looklng orders for this tall and next I
; spring delivery Prices and terms g4ndly
Sent on request. Hatchers and shippers I
'of baby chicks since H!UI
i:;.' Sm nih s- -. , Petalumo. Cnl. t
Miscellaneous j
THREE Ohio vaeuiuns. $1 day Phone
14 ' UM
SrORAOE room Tor rnt Cafl Afh'.'o- 1
j lnf pro.ni. t Cfi 7'hooe 1416-W 3C7r
VAN BRUNT 12 hoi,- wheat drill Nt
been used. For 2 milch cows Phone : :. i
' v'. foi SoJi or trade on house or lot
i 'hone 3 1 22 W rn
' " 1 -LI. Nit Pii fain Kvner -on.
Phonj Sjj 43nij
1000 i hart : re, eant pr ft rred ralln h !
, tpek fi , horns ir cai Phone 333. 4251
Information Bureau
?2 00 PFR I i"r pen MONTH
, ANYTHING A to 2 new or old
hooch.'. oi, or trsdf I Phone 122
EJramwell Boor nnd S:at!oncry. ISO
Washineton A o. Phone 360 20jj
Utah Natltonai Bank. outhaf cotnet
rrenty -fourth vvthngton Phonn 61.
I gden Carpet Cleaning Works, where
you get re.ults. Phone 416 or 1829-W
E xp. rt carpet cleaninp. upholstering,
mattresses made over, fcutiv rs renovated
Call B, J. Hampton 4h Co.. 25S6 M. 423 1
K- Van Kampen for upholstering, car
pets cleaned altcrtd snd luld itemajxlns
of mottrer.ses. Phone 2752-J.
Phone 133 22rS-6'j Washington Ave
SMtsqbs & Co leoolrt .lap.aess res
taurani In Osden 273 24th St.
Th'j New Mi thod Dentist? ro speclst
; ists In ol' brnnches of Dentistry. 2464
I e.shlngton Ave) 90j
Ljor.R nicc eleilr'c massage, call at
, -4i7 Grant avenue, 434s
Offden Enjrrav1n Rct-ic r , . maKers
01 iino cuts In one or mo. olors. 1S
Twenty-fourOi ,ree Phoiv.t J
Geo. D. Bennott. corporntlon and s-roup
!n;ure.iico a gpeclaltv Phone 121-W lflt
Wcstoin Hide t Junh Co. C323 Warh
1 Inpton Avt I'hon.. f,i
Ogden 1 jpi. Housa, ?i3 Washlnaton
vi phone 210
I Las nnd coal isnp's connected All
kinds of plumbing; work. Our price. i,ro
Irlfrht Orvll Waldrsm, aCl Seventeenth
aureat Phone 6Jj.Rt j.io
l'MT lmiu:ino. painting, kaljommin?.
pnpi r cleaning. Reasonable, Phone 322'i. It
ltoofs PC paj rod "cJ painted Call 345 .1
Wlllrtrd Kay, roil entnte- snd loan'
2474 Washington Ave Phone 409 U74
' v. - AVENGER
! Garbage or.d rubbish hauled, cesspools
nd toilets cleaned. John Chlpp : Co
Phone ?2S. 234S Hudroi. Avenue. b733
Trunk and lw repolrlnR. round cor-
,ner from Kiandard. Gallucher's. '373 Hud-
8on- BUI
'EXPERT -sin-lot-- and wall paoer c!Mn
Inrr. American Window Cleaning. Ph f JJ
'To Whom It Mov Concern,
t I'nder authority of Section 27 of the
'Compiled Laws of Utah, ir'"7 and ss dJ
(reeled by Section 10S6 of the Revised Or.
dlnsnces of Ogden City, I tan. 1316,
The undersigned Treasurer of Osjden
"ity. I'tah hereby gives notice that a
special tejc for the purpose of pavlnlg tho
C06ts of building bltullthle paving com
bination curbs and flitters, private drlva
waya, sldawalks, dralnaga and s.-.rcr and
water connections, etc., in OKdcn City
Utah, has been elcJ ;in(i confirmed In'
an ordinance of the Board of Commission
r.. of Ocdcn City Ptah. adopted nnd
po ted July 28. 1D20. and published Fuly
28. linn, in Paving District No 130
Said special tnx I., levied upon nil Prop
erty abutting on the following street 10
Both fides of Thirtieth street between
Washington and Lincoln avenues the
ronth Mdo only of Thirtieth str ol betwi 1 n
Lincoln and Plnrree avenues, and both
slde3 of Thirtieth street between Pin
pi'.-e avenue and n point R57.S feet weet
of AV'all avenue, and inon: particularlv
described as follows:
Part of Lot 26. Rlock 10. 9outh Oi;den
Survoy. Lot 11. Block 10, South Ogden 1
Survey! Lot 18, Block 10 South Ogden I
eMirve; Lotn 26 and 27. Block 1 Dunn a 1
Addition, Lots 1 to 19 Inclusive Block '
3. Dunn s Addition Lots 27 to S2 lneu j
slve. Block 2. Central Park Addition lxts 1
10 to 31 inclusive, Block 1, Central Parte
Addition. Lots 2o and 21. Block 1 KlngN !
addition: Lots 1 to 1!) inclusive. Block 2 I
King's Addition and Lots 1 to 28 Inclu
Blve, Block 3 King's Addition: all In Og
den City Survey, to a depth of 50 feet
back fiom the street line
Said tax Is payable In ten Instnllmen t a
The first Installment becomes delin'
ou.-nt on Ok- 16th day of September. 1920
The second installment becomes dellm
quent on tin 2Sth dn of July. 1921
The third Installment becomes delin
QUI nt on the 2Sth dnv of Julv 1932
Tho fourth Installment becomes delin
quent on the 28th duy of July, 1923.
The fifth Installment becomes delin
quent on the 2Sth day of Jul. 1924
The sixth installment become' delin
quent on the 2Sth day of July, 1925.
The seventh installment become! delin
quent on the 2Mb day of July, 1926.
The eighth Installment becomos delin
quent on the 28th day of July. 1927.
The ninth Instsllment becomes " delin
quent on the 2Sth dav of Julv. 1928.
The tenth installment becomes delin
qui nt on the 28th day of July. 1929.
teach of said Installments draws Inter
est al 'ho rate of six per cent per annum
from the 2Mh day of July, 1920. until do
llnquent, and if said tax or any install
ment thereof shall remain unpaid after
the delinquency of tho same; interest
thereon therenfter will be at the rate of
eight percent pr annum until such as
sessments are fully paid
All special taxes arc payable at the of
flee of the citv treasurer in the citv hall
at Ogden City, Utah,
C T. KOONS, City Treasurer
Published In the Ogden Standard-Kxnm-
First I'liblicallon August. 14. 1920
Last publication August 19, 1920.
To W horn It May Cone , n
Under authority of Section 278 of the
Compii- d Laws of Utah, 1907, and as dl
r. cted bv Section 1056 of the Revised Or
dinance of Ouden City. I'tah. 1915.
The undersigned treasurer of Ogden
City, i'tah. hereby gives notice that a
The Ogden Auto Directory 1 I
McLaughlin-Storey Auto Painting Co., 1715 Washington. 3773 I
Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Washington. 3772 f f
Utah Auto & Tire Exchange, 2224 Washington. Cars of all makes. I
Terms. Let us sell your car. 3771 L f
Automobile insurance. Ft. G Agee. Phone G9 3774 I
We buy all cars regardless of condition. Salvage parts for sale.
Auto Salvage Co , 2348 Grant. 4045 f
Auto repairing and welding. L. J. Haight, 2579 Grant. 4044 f
WiHard Battery Station. 2454 Grant avenue 3733 !
Commercial bodies, automobile painting. Sidney Stevens Imp. Co. 1
Northeast Service Station. Cheesman Auto Co 3786 I
Oldsmobilo trucks and touring cars, Briscoe cars, Gramm-Bornstein !
trucks. White-Robinson, 2300 Washington Phone 340. 3739 j
Ogden Auto Radiator Co., 2329 Hudson Avenue 3740 H
All makes of batteries repaired and recharged. Exide Battery Sta- I
tion, 2359 Hudson Avenue 3741
SVber Taylor Motor Co., 2333 Hudson Avenue, Chalmers and Max j
well sales and service Phone 143 3742
Penalty Placed on
Detention of Cars
Local shippers were advised yes
torday of a penalty churtt of ten
Idollan I day which haa been audi
orizerl by tho Interstate Commerce
Commission for the detention more
than 48 hours of all open top cara
and cars loaded with lumber, coal
or coke. This new charge is In ad
dition to the regular demurrage rate,
and is designed to prevenl undue de
tention of equipment In the present
The penalty charge applv on
forest materials to which the lumber
rales themselves apply, but excepts
cars held at ports for trana-sblppaent
by vessel.
Reconsigning rules 0n all freight
special tax for the purpose of pivlng
the costs of hiilldlriK bltulithi. r.,vinS
eurbs and putters. Rldewalks cul erts
drainage. Irrigation systems, sower and
water oonnectlon.. etc.. In Opden i iir
I tnh. has been letled and confirmed hv
an ordinance of the Hoard of Commission
r of OcvKn rity. Utah, adopted and
passed .v.ikiijU S, 1920 and published v,
gust i. L920
Said special 'ax Is levied upon all prop
erty abutting on the following street, to-
Both sides of Grant avenue between
Twent eighth and Thirtieth StreCl !H
Paving Dlstrlot N'o un. and mnv pa'rtic
Ularly described as follows. Hi wit- Part
of Lots 9. 10, II 2C and 3C, in Hlock 10
South iidcn Survey; Ixjls 1 to '. im hi
elve Iilo. k 1 child's Addition. Lots 1 to
9 Inclusive Block 3. child's Addition: Lot
1, Bloo 1 child's Addition .-,nd nil of
Iot A", Rloek 4, Child's Addition, all
In Ok-fb;n City Survey io a depth of 50
fee t back from the lr. . t Hne
Said tax l.i payiiblc In ten lu laliments
Tho first Instnllnicnt becomes delin
quent on the 23rd day of September, 10
Tin second Installment becomes delin
Ciient on the -Ith da) of Aufru.it, 1921.
Tin- third Installment becomes delin
quent on the 4thr day of Aurut 1922
; 'I he fourth installment beeomo delin
quent on the 4th day of August, 1923.
The fifth Installment ! i ORIS delin
'tueiit on the 4th day of August. 1924.
! The sixth installment b c omes delin
quent on the 4th day of August. 192a.
Th seventh Installment becomes delln
, uuent on the Ith day of Augxis!. 1926
The eighth Installuivnt becomes deim
quent on th. 4th day of A.UgUSt, 1927
The ninth Installment becomes delin
quent on the 4th day of August. 192s
The tenth Installment becomes delin
quent on lb.- ith day of Aurrujt, 1920,
ICach of .said installments draws Interest
at the rule of six per cent per annum
from the 41 h day of August. 1120) until de
llnquent and li Mild tox or any Insthll
itnent thereof shxll remain unpaid after
thi delinquency of ihe same; Interest
thereon therafter will be at the rate of
etghl per cent per annum until such as
sessments are full paid.
All special taxes are payable at the of
fice of the city treasurer tn the citv hail
at Ogden Cf, , I tnh
c T KOONS. city Treasurer
! Published in the Ogden Standard -Exam
First publication August 11, 1920
I Ijiat publication August 19. 1920
To the Shareholders of the Tlngrec Xa
tional Honk
By vote of ths Board of Directors of
the PlngTee National Hank, I am Instruct
ed to and do hereby call a special meeting
of tho shareholders, to be held at the
hankinc: rooms jf said bunk. No 24.M
Washington avenue. In the Cl'.y of Ogden.
Count of Weber, state of Utah, on
Thursday, the lfitli dav of September, A.
D. 1920. at 12 o'clock noon, for the foi
, lowing purposes:
1, To see if the shareholders will ratify
and confirm the action of the Hoard o(
Directors In Increcslng the capital stock
of the Plngree National Hank of Otrden.
I'tah. from One Hundred and Seven t five
rbouf md r 5 1 7 . j o 0 10 I lollars lo Two
Hundred and Fiftv Tliousand ($250,000.00)
Dollars, by the Issue and sale of seven
hundred and fifty (760) shares of stock, of
the par value of odc Hundred (J100.) Dol
lars per shnre
This increase of stock Is to he 6old at
$166 67 per share and the present share
holders are permitted to subscribe for
n . slock In proportion to tho amount of
slock now held h them
I To change Its name from Plnirree
National Hank io National Hank of Com
merce." 3. To take action upon nn and all
matters and thlng. that may come bejore
said shareholders' meeting and to transact
such other business than herein 8PKlflcal
lv designated as may legally be transact
ed at said liie-cting.
Dated: August 11. 1920.
Hv order oi Ihi Hoard of Directors
('ashler of the Plt:grec Nutlonal Bank of
i lgd ii. I 'tab.
Date of flrat publication August 1! 1920.
Date of last publication. September 16,
State of L'tah. County of Weber Ogden
..City. ss.
I have in my possession the following
described estray animals, which If not
ilalimd and token av,., will b tnl.i u,
the highest cash bidder ut 1S4S Washing
ton avenue In Ogden Ity, I tah, on Mon
day th. L'3rd day of August, 1920, at the
hour of 12 30 p, m:
One sorrel more about 9 years old.
white spot in fnce, branded H on left
One gray horse, about 8 years old, col
lar murked.
Said estrays were taken up by me in
?--ild city on tho 10th day of August. 1920.
goundkeepgr r Ogden I Itj i'tah
Department of the Interior. U S ' Land
Office nt Salt Lake City, L'tah. Julv 21.
Notice Is hereby given that Charles V
Brown, of Ogden, Utah, who, on June 22
1916. mode homestead entrv. No 017850,
for N B ',, Section S. Townshllp 7 North.
Range 1 East. Salt Lake Meridian, has
filed notice. o( Intention to make three
year proof, to cstahllsh claim to the lnnd
above described, before W H. Reeder.
Jr.. l.'nlted States Commissioner .it Og
d ii l t;'h on the Slst day of August.
Claimant names as witnesses:
1 . D. Dunbar, Lee Shew, Robert Mont
gomcry. Louis Shaw, all of Liberty. L'taL
llil Register. I
i In open top cars and coal and coke H
in all curs nre amended to permtl of r
but one ncunsigntnont under oer-
I tain conditions and exceptions, out- I
side of which any reeonsignmont ill ir
(M-rMlon or re shipment will .subvert lr
l tho freight to tho local rates plus if
I five dollars per car.
on 1
Chilean Trust Formed I
to Control Nitrates
I infoimHiion ha- been received here
by the Ogden Chamber of Commerce
I that a trust has been formed In i
Chile for the control of nitrate of
8Qda and that this combination has
advanced the price of the product of
the nitre beds to the extent that the
cost to local users of the products
will in the rutuie be $88, and it will '
be necessary to sell It around $96
per ton In order to make a profit. At I
I the present time nitrate of Boda from II
the same deposits is being sold to
the local trade at $80 per ton.
As the result of an investigation
recently made by tho United States
it was discovered that tho maximum 1
cost of this material to the prodUflfir
Is only $55 per ton. on which account J
local ft-rli'lizer men seem to feel If
'that the Chilean trust is worklug
la get-rlch-quiek machine.
In order to establish what may
jseera to them to be a visible reason
for the great boostjn price the heiH 1
of the Chilean trust have determined fl
the limit pioduction to 100,000 ton4
a montli until next May. 01 .it ihu Vj
time when nitrates nre most needed 'Lm
by farmers In this section. Lwt f
ear Chile sold 150.000 tons on the f fl
malDland, 75.000 tons in Europe. 10.. B J
1 000 tons scattered and 7o,0i0 tuns
in Hawaii.
oo t H
Railroad Worker I
Is Killed by Train I
Domlneo Moser, aged 35, car re
pairer for the i nion Pacific at Lions, fl
Wyo , was killed by a movinff
freight train in the vards on a spur f fl
track Friday 3 W
Moser was found a few hours later
by a car " dropper" employed by the
railroad and his body taken to Rock
Springs, where an investigation is
being conducted tdday. He was nri
While the cause of the accident J
has not been determined it is al- lfl
leged that papers found in Moser's I
property Indicate that it was a clear
case of Intentional suicide. There I
were no itne- s, 11
The wheels of one of the passing
coal ears passed over the center of 1
his body, severing it.
Railroad officials are endeavoring
to locate relatives.
Paint Plant Starts
Operations Monday I
Monday morning will mark Die jfe
tu.Tl beginning of a new Ogden In
dustry when the machine In the iv v. '
! plant of the Amerloan-Unlon Paint
ii'any Twentieth str. et lr Vajt Jfl
avenue, will start operation and grind IB
raw material for paint. The finished ft lfl
article will be turned out for the flrsr 1 fl
time during that da It wh announced
I yesterday by w p, Monk, suporin
tendent of tho plant. 1
j Manufacturing of finished paint 1
j will begin Monday on a large scale,
I Mr. Monk said, as the pl.-.nt at prfts- l
ii! has sufficient advance orders fn j fl
keep in operation at full capacity tSt fl
; six months at least.
00 . mm
Children's Aid to fl
Hold Baby Classes j fl
The Children's Aid society will hold
baby classes at their dispensary at
Twenty-fifth street and Washington
ayenU'e Monday and Tuesday mowo--- al
j logs ut 10 o'clock. Ml
Babies up to one year of age mnr
be entered. It Is .said A nurse will be
in attendance and lectures will Be "
n.adc by a local physician.
00 mm
HELENA, Mont.. Aug. 14. The fl
Helena 1 ommercla olub adveptlaed UM
the east and west for common labor. J H
.with Indifferent, success, ulthough fl
v :.Kes offered are good. H
Nowhere In the state has a surplus .
of labor been reported since the boom H
hich began shortly after tho great ! H
war started. Even In Bulte. where H
inline production has not been on full j H
1 time for some months, there is little j I
idleness, It Is stated. Farmers have ) H
difficulty in obtaining hands, although j H
aseiBted In great measure by high I
biboul and college students who have J I
gono into the fields In large numbers. . I
00 I
The flrftl Bhlp1 made in America j
slid into the water at Popham I
I Beach, on 1 he Maine coast, in 1607. I

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