I 2 THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 21, 1920. I TO ESTABLISH OVERALL PUNT Scowcroft's Factory Superin tendent to Launch New Business in Ogden ' Tho latest addition to Osden's In I ' rU8trl8 will bp an overall factory to i established here about October 1, by ES, RoBonheiK. for two years fac tory superintendent for the overall Hunt ot John BCOWCroft A Sons com l:.ny. Overalls und shirts and trousers be made. Mr Rosenberg's experience In the overall Industry cover :i puriOd of 20 yean, 18 of which were spent in over all factories of Chlc:ifro. llt will leave ii. xt weel; for the east lo pur hnse i lafbinor :,m' eiiuJpment for the p4i nt ni(i contract for mnterlals. The plant will be locntod on Twen ly -fifth tiret near the Lyceum the oj re. . Mi. Rosenberg suld: "DurinB my two years residence In 1 ilen I have been in touch with the oVerall rharket. it i my opinion that 'Mien lih-i'll; lixiitcil for such u plant and the roturs Remi to offer i st oppoi tumties." no ITHE QRPHEUM OPENS ITS SEISOI TonienT Wild 10L Ml' Tonight i the grand opening of the new season for the lor-) Orphetim Theatre, for Its run of '-it? pictures and -for the npenlne Manager Doss will offer to his patrons mio of the classi cs i programs thai as ever ben pre n i-il to any njden a idinc. "The Mol Iancer" la the big picture nnd an extra niHil itl i tlon the Ni w.ihi and Paias Hawaiian novelty with princess Mnnulcwa. the' famous Huja iancor. will he offered on ihi Srns jfrOgram. "The Id-1 Dance:- " I? P W. Orlffith's best picture -Ir.eo 'H-icarts of the World " and s n thrill ing love story of the Somh Se l The Hawaiian! will add considerable at rpospherc end charm t ihe produc tion and at the finish Of the plot! r will present their famous vaudeville act with the Hula dance and Mar velous Benny, the world's sreV.rst ar tist on the stee! cruiinr. Then will be iwo performances tonight, one al 7 and one at 9 p. m. Professor Albert Erickson and his excellent Orphenm, orchestra will give an excellent rnu rical program during the run of the picture. on . Rcdies of Ogden Soldiers en Way The body of Ralph Hall, Ogden BC ; din who died at Liverpool "ctober 5 lois. has reached New York and will be shipped to Ogden. arriving here r.ext week. He was a first class pri ate In the 10th Depol battalion, sig nal corps. Young Hall died at the same hospl trt! as did John Ferguson., another Og df n boy who passed away October 10, 1 018. Both bodies will arrive In Og-. air. at the same time and will be taken Irj charge by Larkln & Son, who will announce funeral arrangements. I", oo You had ? fine time last Saturday night on City Hail square. Let's have a better one this evening. Same piace, same hour, better time. SIX YANKEE RUNNERS ENTER MARATHON RACE CLASSIC SUNDAY ANTWERP, Aug. J1. Six Amer- to.' n runners and ''in immense field of athletes of other nations are entered In ihe Marathon tomorrow. The Anier leans are Arthur V Ross Of Dorches ter. Mats.; Carl v. a. binder, Qulncy, i Masfl J. U Organ. Pittsburg. Pn.; Charles L. Mellor, Longnn Square A. C. Chicago: Prank Zuna. Newark, N. . I . ii nd J Pi WOber Pittsburg I The other notions represented are England, South Africa, Holland. Cana da, Italy, Chile. Denmark, Checho slovakia, Finland, Sweden. India and ! B Igium l l I S ICTOR Timlos of Finland won the final in I the hop. r.trp and JUMp event today with 14.3 meter, Jansson of Sweden ' va; second with H 48 meters. Alm- 1 lor. Sweden, third. 14.2? meters: Sab linff. Sweden, fourth. 14.17 1-: mi--Sherman 3. Landers. Chu ago A. , A . fifth. 14.10. and Dan Ahem, hold er of the world's record In the event, sixth, with 14.08 A determined movement has beon begun among vnrloua national Olym- ! pic COmrdUteSI 10 abolish the Mur.i- j thon rgCS as the feature of future Hj mplndfc It Is claimed thll race Is not humane and a petition to thin effect will be presented to the international commit- i tee tonlgrhf. Sponsors fcr th move- ment Would substitute a 2Bfl00 meter (about fifteen miles) race. Rl rv POU lA-Mi Arrangements have been completed for the Marathon Classic tomorrow Members or the iteician Olympic com- i mittee nought to secure a change In the rule so na to permit runners to obtain refreshment such as light soup 'during the great ordeal, hut the com mittee has ruled that the men will be permitted to receive only water. ! Th eroute will be guarded by Belgian j soldiers and will be closed to all but officials in motor cars. The CSVenth Olympiad has entered it fast stages, for afte rthe rinals to day only five more stadium even's and the Marathon remain. The American athletes have already amassed a i?rea'. lead and seem cer- , tain to maintain It to the end. The American fencing teem today 'heal Kr gland right Victories to seven In the duelling SWOrd Contest, but was beat en by Pr:nce. twelve to two. K EM YORKER I IRS . , P. J. McDonald. New vrk A. C. I won the rinal or the r.t? pound weight i.put today with n put of 11.265 me ti ri. P. Ryan, Loughlln l.vconm, New York was second with 10.9.1 meters. Und', BWiden, was third with 1 o . 2 mete'rs; Archie McDiarmid Canada, rourth. with 10.12; Svensspn, Sweden, rifth. with 9.40, and Peterson, Finland, xth. with 9.37 meters Prigerlon of Italy won the 3,000 me ter walk today In 13 minutes 14 !-" seconds. Parker or Australia finished second R. Renter American Walk-, 'era club, third; Mi-Master, South Af- rlca. fourth: T. Maronoy, St. Anrelms A. C , America, fifth, and C S. Dow- son. Lngland, alxth The competl-. I tlon Is a new event. Thr American team consisting of ill H. Brown. Boston A. A., Ivan C ! Dresser. New York A. C. A. A. Ssardt. Chicago A A.; Michael A. Devannv. ' Mlllrose A A., nnd M. L. Shields Me,i ; dowhrook club, Philadelphia, quali fied for the finals In the 3,000 meter ; team rare. The Americans will have i the French team as tlielr only op ponente. oo MAY HOL'D ANOTHER CONVENTION AT BOISE BOISEi Id. i Aug. fl -Charging ,that the Republican convention held I here for Ada I ountv last Tuesday did I not legally elect Its dr legatCH to the 'state convention and at no time dur-j Ing the entire proceedings did the con-1 ventlon rtttlfy the nominee's presented j by the ItOminatlpn committee, certain, i Republicans Of the COUnty are seitouH-l l- considering reconvening the Cpfl-j Venttdn and electing a separate sot of i delegiites. I I'ormal protest, they sa, will be I tilled with t&t Chairman John : Thomas of Pocatelloi prior to oonVon ing of the slat-- convention agalnstl the tea ting Of the Davls-Patrh ilele- gates and n hearing may b held. j CHAPLAIN GENERAL OF LEGION RESIGNS SEPT. 29 ST. LOUIS. Aug. 21. Rev. Father j I'rancin A Kelly, Ali-my, N. Y., chap I laln-genornl of the American Legion. I Who is In a local hospital recuperating from Injuries received in an automo- bile accident Tilly tt, announced to day he will resign from his position (September 29, when his teim expires v. I Vi lli !l PREDK l ION ashixctu.w Aug 21. Weather I predict ion.s for the week beginning j Monday are: I'pper Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys, generally fair. I but with, some probable showers . I Wednesday or Thursday, normal tern-J psrature. Rocky mountain and plateau re gion? and Pacific stots, generally fair! and normal temperature. I I M .MIX s BETTER DKS MOINES, la.. Aug. SI. L nited j Staiea Senator a. b. CummJ.na was -much Improved today, it was said at his home, and his t-apld recovery now IS evpected. He lias had Influenza- Presses fot' hhrlng and cutting metal first c.-.ine into use in 1841. j WATTiS WINS THIRD OF SALT LAKE DELEGATION AT PRIMARIES IN HARD ! TUSSLE WITH ODELL'S SUPPORTERS i Special Dispatch. 1 J SALT LAKE. Aug. 21. In one of' the greatest political battles that has ever been fought in Salt Lake couni primaries, William H. "U'uttis of Og-! den. candidate for the Republican nomination for governor, received fully one-third of the Hall l'Ue toun-, ty delegation. ;-orge T. Odell. the strongest Salt Like candidate In the field, ha ob tained about 40 of the 183 delegates.! nnd the other votes are seot'ered among the ib..-n other candidates for thi nomination Tiie victory for Mr. Wattls was won d spite the fact that Charles M Mor i's, Republican chairman of Salt Lake county, hold back the lis; of polling I iacea until the last minute, and no 'other candidate excepting Geotgc T. 1 : ll whom he is supporting, could1 ,i information as to primary offl-' cers and polling plates. The victory was highly gratifying '.o Mi . Wattls and to the thousands of i Wi.ttis supporters In Salt Like count. In several districts there were alle gt'tions by other t ndldotes that un fair tactics wore employed apd as aj conf ccjuenee it s declared likely thatj many contests will be brought hefore 1 tilt suite convention here iuxt Thurs day Mr. Wattls expressed entire satis-j faction with the situation. "I am extremely gratified With the fine sliowing we have made in Salt Lake City and county." said Mr Wat tle, "I sincerely thank the loyal, friends who stood by me In the pri i n arles and who made the splendid re- suit possible." Ililii I P8 A Delicious Table Butte f 1 H Butter is not table butter just because it's put on the table. 1 It must be pure, wholesome, fine-textured and full-flavored. S II MAID 0'CLOVER BUTTER 4 2 ! .Hint iliHt. Msnufftoturexl by Beientific xpert? very itcp in lis pro j duetion is supervised periooUy by won who know; chunied Prom th- I Egl frt richest of cream from thoroughbred rows ted on mounlain rnea4Wfl It's till 2 Pastcurited-Pure, and marketed m isnitary packages. "Such is ftfaid o' 1 1 5 1 lovoi Butter mch ia pod table butter 1 Maid o' Clover flavor adds 50 to the pleasure of the meal 1 111 Its paramount characteristic is purity, which makes it the butter su- H preme for table use. Order today every day. You grocer gets it I fresh from our creameries, g fes Mutual Creamerij Companij 1 1 liiuiiiiiniiiii'mi)iiHiai;iiiiiii'.iiiiinuiiiiilillimflBRv J ENGLAND FACES NEW REBELLION Conditions in Mesopotamia May Necessitate a Costly Military Campaign LONDON, Aug. 20. Fears are ex pressed here that recent event? In Mesopotamia will involve (.rent Brli aln in a costly military campaign of ficial reports I -how that the country Is in a state of anarch 1st it rebellion against the Brit inn administration par tloularly northeaBt and west of Bacdad nnd between Bagdad and Mobul Brit iSh enrrisons have been invented, tail ways cill an-.l British offiotrv mur dered. DISASTER CONFIRMED. According to official accounts ih situation Is much more Serious than has been revealed in the official dis patches Only last night the India of" flee Issued a statement confirming the. dl( ister to a British force in Mesopu turn. a hit Sunday. It adds that the wife ni Mi Buchanan, ;in irrigation of ficer who was killed, sas captured by the Arabs but is reported to he si IV and b-ini; well treated Her rhiiri ij in lieved to be with her The news contained in the Bomba dispatch telling Of the killing of the Br lishers was the first Intimation that Arab levies were lighting on the side of the British. Alread there are 70,000 British and Indian troopi In Mesopotamia, and 10. rtOO ot more with artillery are on their way thliher Trom India, but apparent ly many more such reinforcements will be required to restore order. CAUSE OF REVOLT The revolt Is presumed to be acalnst the methods of the British administra tion which Is wholl In the hands of the British political and military offi cers 1 nder the mandate In Mesopo tamia Oreat Britain undertakes to es lubllsh local autonomy, and the Arabs complain that thev are allowed no share In the administration. The liberal press hfre complains bitierly of the alleged failure of the French government In Syria and Of the British in Mesopotamia to cany out their uodertak.ngs and establish native governments, and there is strong senti ment expressed against fighting the Aiabs, who were Great Britain's ol lioa in the great war COUNTRY IN DISORDER. The Arabs have appointed the broth er of l'rince Feisal, the king of Syria, as the ruler In the British sphere nnd summoned Arab representatives to meet at Bagdad to form a constitution tor the Arab stale in accordance with the mandate. However, under the ex istlng conditions with the Arabs appar entlj trying to invest Bagdad, there is C msidered to be little prospect of such an assembly meeting. The moderate organs of liberal opin ion, while deprecating involving the country In a new war in Mesopotamia admit the need of restoring order be fore autonomy there Is possible powder a rn HI Mil TO 'Mill' HEROINE Dainty Enid Bennett Has Most Appea'incj Ro'c in New Ince Photoplay Powder puffs and rouge those d9 llKhtful aids to feminine conquest meant nothing in the vounp life of Muriel Rossmore. it didn't matter much to her whether her hair was knotted or streaming down on her boulders In shapeless array She was Just an old-f.ishloned and ultra-domestic housewife. So that's why her husband. Rex. found pleasure In his associations While Muriel remained nt home to cumbat the high cost of living . But when Murh l discovered her husband's desire for daintiness and pretty clothes. It became quite a different mntter. She would show him' And she did "Hairpins." Thomas 11 net t I'ara mount Arte rait photoplay, tarring Knid Bennett, a penlratinc story of domestic life, written b O Gardner Sullivan, will be shown at the Alham-j bra Theatre for four das. heglnninc tomorrow. Miss Bennett has pever had a more appealing 1 "le than khat which she portrays In this delightful picture, while Mate Moore. In the role of Mr Rosamore, gies an excellent characterization of the discontented husband. in. i EAGLES BAN RESOLUTION FOR IRISH REPUBLIC SYRACUSE. N. Y.. Aug 21. The drill team of the Worcester, Mass , aerie was awarded first prize and i purse of $2,000 in the prize competi tion at the annual convention of the national aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles, here. The convention adopted a resolu tion expressing sympathy with the afi titrations of oil peoples seeking Inde pendence, hut rejected one which v. mild urge the t 'nited States to recog nlae the "republic of Irelniol ' The convention le expected to ad journ today. The pluce of next years ment Ing will be selected by the executive ot flcers later BELLEAU WOOD MEMORIAL IS PLANNED BY MARINES WASHINGTON, Aug 21. A con tribution from Secretary Daniels atartcd on Its way around the world In a collection box, which will be sent to every marine corps post and station to raise a fund for the erection of a memorial tablet in the Bellenu wood military cemetery. France, to tho marines who lost their lives In that battle The fund Ls being raised by the Belleau wood chapter American Lejrlon. composed of 30$ men who enlisted In the marine corps reserve during the war. The collection box will travel by train, airplane and tihip hnvlnir been routed to every naval vessel carrying a marine complement. Mill j BET CLEAN UP Gambling and Hard Drinking to Be Curbed by New Ruler; Racing Goes On WASHINGTON mr 21 Tlajuana, the border town of Lower California, to which racing, gambling and hard Idrlniilng attracted tourists and Mexi cans under the leadership of Governor Cantu, h to be reformed with Cantu's i retirement. President d- la llii'ita has decreed Ithai "the syi t( matte exploitation of the Immoral conditions of the district," is to be .topped, iiccordlng to a .Mexican embassy statement laat night It was explained that the reform Will not necessarily extend to aholi tlon of racing and absolute prohibition but gambling Is to he Btopped nnd care ful regulation of morals instituted. De lu Huerta also has ordered resto ration of the federal tax laws in Lower California, setting aside all the taxs 'tlon Imposed by Cantu, who derived 'much of his district's revenue Iroin specially-Imposed taxes, among them a ! heavy impost nn export cotton. no "churches! I J FIRST PRESBYTERIAN i RI RCti - John Edward Carver pastor, f-un-da3 morning services at 11 o'clock.; Theme of sermon by pastor, "The Op- j portunity of the Soul." There will be ' I special music Bun day school at i o J o'clock l.'nlon evening services in 1 First Methodist church, with pastor of i ithat church delivering tho sermon, at: 8 o'clock. RLJAI ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHI Rt ii orner of Jefferaon -nue and Tw nty-thlrd street. Arthur E fdson. pastor .Sunday school and Hlble class every Sunday at 10 a. m. Horning services second, fourth and fifth Sundays of month There will' be morning services this Sunday at :ll o'ClOOK. Text Matt. 12:88-87 Theme Spiritual Heart Disease und, Ite Cure." IOvenlng services every ; Sundaj at s o'clock. The Ladles Aid Boolety meets with Mrs. A. Crunqulsi, I 161 1'oplar avenue next Wednesday! afternoon at 2:30 o'clock You are always welcome to our ser vices and meetings ENSIGN GOSPEL MISSION 2 468 Wall avenue. Sunday services: Preach lng and testimonial meeting at 8 p. m. j A good time nnd a good speaker Is I assured. The Mission Is open every eenlng In the week for business for I the king recruits sire needed. .Vext Wednesday. August 2fi. 'aptuln Mc Ginms of the alvatlon Army will lead i the hniis nf the Lord to victory at too Mission, the charge Is ordered for 8' p. m. Fall In line and ht-lp us route the I enemy und make tne unKela sing FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL I Ci(tiitti iocattd on Iwtny-fourth I I street n-xt to the court house. Chris- I llan K. Garverj pastor. Sunuay school 1 10 a. m C. M Wilton, superintendent Classes for all ages and all grades of I work. Morning worship 11 a in. ?r- j mon theme: ''The Momentous L'eci- i n.oii ' .'.i is Jessie Beoson will sing a I solo at ttils service Class meeting 1- I I m. Epwortn b-ague " . in. Topis lie- I i clcvlng Praise and (Jiving It." Leader, I Wayne Lemme. BVenlni Worship 8 E p in. Theme: He Lilted Him bp." R Miss Jessie Beson soloist, o p m. Mon- B lda tho whole membersnlp of the E ;c ch will bring lunch and eat to- I IgtJier li is the desire of the pastor I lhat all members attend this coiigrc- I Jgatlonal meeting and remain for the I U'ourth Quarterly conference. Lr John ! J. Lace of Salt Lake will preside. Let all official members be present CHI IU M OF THE t. KD vii r- Ihlkl Corner ol GVant avenue and ' j 'l wtny-fourth street opposite the post I I office J"hn Hysjop, rect or t he I twelfth Sunday after Trinity. Church I school stssion at 'J li a. m Horning prayer and sermon at ii a m. Holy I Baptism at i 1 5 j. 1 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, t SCIENTIST Corner Monroe avenue I and Twtny-fourth streit itcgular R service at 11 o clock Sunday morning. 8 ubjeel Hind E undo i chool i .'. i in Wednesday evening Testimonial R meetings at p m Reading room .ii I ol2 Fust National bang building Kuora.i open daiiv lrom 1 1; noon to 5 p. m e.xc.pt Sundays and boliuaya ' I RSI CONOR E r. A TI O N U. Cill'KC'II Located on dams nvcnue between rwenty-fourth and Twenty fifth streets, Re Godfrev Hatthewa M. a. minister. iiine worship and L sermon 11 a. m. Sunday school at 12.il o lock Ir 10. I' Mills superintendent. S Second eCc i THMRFDWLYUPUP ? SECOND CONGREGATIONAL I CHURCH Located on Washington I avenue near First street. Rev God- I fie Matthews M A minister. Sundai K school it .' 20 p in . under the Kuld- H ance or Dr J. M Kiiioti A cordial in- K Itatlon to all FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH I Sunday school and communion Serv- H 11 i h will be held tomorrow at 10 9 o'clock. qJ SEVENTH WARD Lawrence Mad- 3 dock will be the speaker at the Se - I cnth ward Sunda evening. The serv- I Ices begin at 7 o'clock. j "The Miracie Man" will be I shown at Clearfield Monday, I 8:30 p. m.; Bear River City, Tuesday, 8:30 p. m.; Plain ! City, Wednesday, 8:30 p. m. 4615 8 SOVIET REPUBLIC SET UP BY GERMAN COMMUNISTS j BRUSSELS, Auk 2 1 A seml-offl- 1 clai telegram from D.useldorf, says I nn insurgent movsmenl originating In 9 the Gertrian communist part has re- Suited In the proclamation of a sov- I let i ' public at Veibcrt, Rhenish Prus- ! f la. The dispatch stated that com- R i uiuniatH seled the town hall, extort-B ed money from the richer Inhabitants II nnd forced the lorn! branch of th. relrhshnnk to hand over a million I marks. You tell 'em, Hairpins, you.l know it's false. See. Enid Ben-1 1 nett in "Hairpins," a spicy drama of young married life, I at the Alhambra beginning to- 1 morrow. IftLHAMroil ' J ij,'r T;XZ COOLEST FLACE IN U " : : : : : : : :- : : : - 4 v J LAST TIMES TODAY I -'-..s- j3QanamouritrlrtcraJtQic'ure J I SCREEN MAGAZINE PATHE WEEKLY PRICES 10c-20c-30c I COMING TOMORROW I I p. A Spicy TaJe Qf i . t Young Married Life KZy&f 'n Scenes X Muriel listens outside J ' jpJ : tile door while her hus- S J Jl,L band denounces her as a iJ i t slovenly, old-fashioned H JEC " t wife ancl defends his af- i S 'e&tV acid Suddenly she H E (!lrJC fe- i catcllC3 a ffIimPse of her 3 A faded face and un- I j- : rr-j ror A better, more dar- b I fflffl M vay out flwhes into h ' z3yf fcr lier head. $' s beautifnl, exquisite- - v gowned Muriel blos ' ij ti U 1 ZOms amost over-night. ' I nomc rl. Ince presents . Accompanied by the i E N 5 61 "fast m's- Kent'" she ; 1 -j' visits a jazzy cabaret D T" & I h I 3""!"" and attracts the atten- :i: Qfc I 3 B B I tion of Hal Gordon. a 9 man about town of no- "e c a nJ0 . . :' torious reputation. ? HA RP NS s ,Tbe, , Mriin- f I ; -:- Vltes ner reluctant hus- JL.; OrunwunL-hkrajiOWufv y band to an uproarious i party in G o r d o n ' s X pi. ii v u rooms. He is amazed to V Sl:c had tnea so herd to be a e. ff - X fnd her the center of at t good wne. With a husband like ? traction. Discovering f hers, that plan didn't work t her alone in an intimate J You'll say her new plan did scene with Gordon, he restrains himself th X difficulty and takes her ; A story of things in married life S 3f ', t,t i t n , r , : At home Muriel tells not told to the family next door J her hupband the dra- matic truth. Happine35 looms ahead of them. sjikfc I1 i II I iHMgMM COMING NEXT TITO. - FRL - SAT. I Presents L I (ILL 5lW8& I ' A picture vivid with mystery flushed with love Cast in the spell of the Orient. """""""TomTngoo'""' JACK DEMPSEY I "DOUG" FAIRBANKS j ' "The Cheyenne Round - Up" m c O m TncToo " " i Robert Wa ; (paramount arlcraftGiclurc J S k I A I