OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, August 21, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-08-21/ed-1/seq-7/

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a investment co
11 Twenty-fourth St. Phone 355
J320fi Splendid thrro room modern. $500
M ch. tVitv.' m . rent.
H J41W1 Modrrn four room unit sleeping
H porrh. built In feature), cement baie.
H im-nt. double walls unci floor, on.-
1 of the best built home In fhe elty.
new garage. $1000 cash, balance IIHvj
Pl $3500 Six room nil furnished, hlg lot.
HM house built three year This In the
W best buj Easy term
mmm $4000 Six room modern brick, well to
ruled on bench. 1500 rash will Imn
H die. Knlnnce like rent.
H $3000 Five room mmkm, shade and frtilt
H tree. Besar term
These are all Murrain and will sell fmu.
I at ttj t in-.t i- !. j . 1 1 ki ttOj
. - with or Without rrop. one hnlf
H mile north of Clearfield on main state
I M rond PhOnS 11-R 1 4603
MtlWM l'"!MT r-irii modi rn home. sle ping
ll I,- . n...r.. 4 ri
V TWO homes for the price of on. Double
-W pressed brick COttajps. modern except
g-vfl heat. Coll rnnrnlng. Evenings after 6.30
LTrtH by appoint mi ni 2629 Monroe avenue..
J Flion-- 12m. UQ4
I PWO fi' oni i nd oni four rnotn
BH huniralowg. Phoni- 1061. 2!01 Waahinrf-
rM 2m Ion ISA
IB1 ' IV 1 R dodern well bulH home In
iiest location in nt. Suitable to moke
four mall apartment 600 Twentv fourth.
I'hon. 610 Utl
' ". I i ... I l"i om t. tf. rr.rn
parth ulur i ; . i It : MOJ
; i r FTTTm
H'rc I on of the beet opnortun Itl
'oi the mn with limited nipltol ve have
had this year. 27 iirp" nt l.syton. four
room 'ranie houre no better iHnd in Davl
1aid COUnty. Thlr plnce Is a k-irgnln at $10.
500 IS60Q m i handle n n.ilnnre eaa
emi pay menu Better ace us at once.
" -V Hi INPE1 CO
",Vv i p i: ii . " , i ii n ii National Hank
w M7
M lit loom modern frune Vn'n )
VKk . .. i h I2it ISM
IF KTVF rotn partly modern frame on ih
II Washington, good in ah nd shade.
BK7 valks around the hou-r r.euer. nldernlkn.
HKi curb nnd gutter nil paid up street pave
1 nient pll for llir.-.- years, This I.
I K J Four irifim modern hunealow Just out
a 4 lltnll p porehei nn'i
If baaemenl laraxt lot, onlj 18000 Fa;
I terms
I Five room str'. i i rn brick bunaa-
f low. or, the pnved street. In one of the '
he-t residence dint rid ., large lot nnd p.
a i ,.i nnt( all aaat mints paid This
u '
f ' " i
A. bit 'ocatlon on the banoh 110,600 Thl
' v house rail n full haaamenl nnd la trlctly
'.' f modern (n everj reapeel
j oyer Oommarcial N.ition-i Dank
m . "
jH l'lX'l", room mod-m hlinavlow C ish or
B tarma. 8ee owner. 2641 Drinker. 530
Pt'UNISHED modern houw 1001 Waah
JtJ in.-ton 'oll evcnlnRt SS
h jH 20 acres In the I " I v resale district, onh
four mllefl from I'f'l'n Ample weter
IB Davla nnd Weber canal. 10 fh-res. Thr-
ln ! ft federal lorn of 12609 nt BVfj per cent
IH The owner is not n farther and win aacti1
IH fice at $6000. H' u snap.
H 30 acre on st.nte rond. five room ho-'se
KV rood land nnd worth the money, $S5G'i
I M Tt i
MM ncres n Hi iper Good liouai m
H outbuilding's; full set of tnachtnoiTi sonic
ISvervtbinir coi. Better look It ovel
I iVJ rin ;,dn Terms
i1', . t Ro: five miles rrom Ojrden
J H Yoti should oh thl.- pli ce. T: luis been
,Hi ranted for eevernl years it $i".d0 ensh rent
W This l.i R per cent
jMM idp a this year. Price $6000, Half cash,
; balance five yaat at ? pci cenl
1 4 ncres nt Morpin. f."ool water right.
1 line Innd. Oood CTOPS, 4Cm( machinery
s M Prlct
lH 40 acres sandy loam, one of the best In
H Hear tiver Millev. near Tremonton. 20
acras In beets, bn'nnce n'falfa nnd frraln' 1
full wntcr right, good Improvements, lull ,
6Bp Implement! and machlnt horsei
I , on . . , n i i hlckeni '.- rj thliiE need t on
W d rarm or ;hi5 Kind The price la $16,000.
Cam "w ls timt to bu) Vou see whai
t he land la irrov
9JH I'pstftlrs Commercial Bank
.ill i ,ot roi Ii oi Vdama, cheap It ti
j a t .in.-. "J Ml
l.W nv!. ' ii ' ' - 1' hollOW
ggl waiied concrete bungalow, well finished
VB thrOUfhOUt Thkt Is the most durably
"-MM V.ullt Imiiff ol H:- ,-IZ'- in town P;-Hc tea
II soTinlilr L'v.'i Muni oc.
I FIVE room frame house, small payment
rim down, rctt on li-rms -ii.it, i-inrri avenue.
M ' 63
4l BY OWNKI' 1-'ir room modi-rn I
i ' J" 1 house, large lot, all In beat of condition
Hcnsonablc for cash 307 Tbirtj flraU
Am i iv i :k si in m. .d. tu brick
1 $500 It 66 Monroi 1311
FIVK room modern. 301 J Adam.-.. Sir me
H refore you buy 1 hnvc many Kod oeoli
rH'd In cltv property and farms. H. Van Brnnk.
Igj Ih'.if. fifth
W. L PORTEH Hen I Fstute mil 1-onnv
i37C Washington ovonue Thono 1876.
WM MRS S. J BAKER, 2731 Mdljon. Phon-
4f I'M ' 1 ?r
f i To JRent
KOl'R to eight room housi.1. Thone 213 '
THUHF or foui room furnished house or
apartment. No children. Phone 202
THREE or four room furnished or unfur
IH nlshed house P O. Box 362. Phone
yv t.ii.
BT couple, modern furnished bungalow
Hf or house by August 30. Phone 1302AV
j i i iur nt room hous..- modern oi
I pntl mr.-l. ni Phone IC'" j 4463
I i i n'n or five room modern house Phoni
I a pi UM
iB ' young coupi" a Ith two children n
' I tour or five room house fun Ivo good
I 'it. ni I Box 2l.r ;ire Standard 3926
j MUcellaneoug
THREE Ohio vacuums $1 dy Phone
1TM J. 3893
9j I'VRTIKS .diipplng fumiiurc to eouthern
mm 'allfonila before August 26 Phone 3265-
mf 3TQ&AOE room fur rtnt iuli Mbesto
mm ' lute Prodngti i o. i" ,. iik-w 6T
I To Buy )
SECOND hand sulk.v or puh cart 2266
SFCOND hand vvlckci bob bugg Phohs
- V P O. Km I. :
t:OOI twin l-nlix turrlngi- Phon.- :i:s
. l: ;i: ' :m it w nti-.l n l tli. Stand
m.1 K niilniT offli i . S'i
BEEF cattle, veaJ, sheep hoc- Will call
I it your yard. Ou Jensen, 3434 Washing
on w a Phone tS0 402;,
I fMrent j
I Unfurnished
I TWO or four room modern, also furnished
oor.is. Phone 12G. Address 2011 Wa.sh
I ngteH 1
1 PWO unfurnished rooms B70 Twentj
01 J Ufa I
fllRIM: loom npnrli I. Tli, ;ii,- ri,ii,-.. j
I r ind lights. No children 2M3 Washine I
Ij on 1; vi nm 4.'04
Ii rW0 ind .; loom apartments ; private I
l l'ith. Newly kalscmlned. Close In. Phom '
I j 1008-J. 34.35
2.. fine Plymouth Rck hen. $30; one Tor-
cow. fresh. 849 Ccnyon road Phone
' : 1 new gaa rnngr cheap S6I
I Twenty-eighth street Phone 23fi2 U
it I
;Q I" AR E d Inl 1 1 , . 1
with spring: Fllo chicken roop Phone
' I.
N'l reed wicker ha b u ti ral
class condition, half prlcf. No 3. Itrown
Ing r, pa rt m nt s t -,72
FORD to 194 tdama Phone
" tV74
COAL tngi ... 1 . ; t'.r .
St' phi 1 . mi. o-.s
KITCHEN cabli 1 hlffonh 1 . two ro
er, small article. 25&3 Grant. Apartment
No ' 1566
1TOUNG r cow, SI56 Portci Phone
v 464$
MI8CI I 1 ' 1 1 rnltun bed wat h
stand, lamps, newlng nachlne. linoleum.
r'r. " 'f ' -H'l. r. , t 4 ' I
SEV 1. ; i. ichlne rnqul re West
rwt-nt seM-rith 5)3 .
TfllRTKEN he-, 1 , . c- tcred Si 1 ft t.i . a 1
tie. Six males. Sevan fmnles Must sac
rifice account of no pasture Rock bot- '
torn price. Cash or terms See F A
1 .1. . ... ,1,. -r- r Ja . . T
. "mi.i., 1 - limn muiin sireei. or .10s.
K 1 j ni El 1 It jlldg 4512
i:VKiTFR ro'l 1,-.,, ,. . j,.,.lr.
tudent lamp and rug jtlO Twentj fourth.
)N"UY pen; for . hil.lr.n 1 !,..,. Hj7
kln.'li o;lk Ii .1 '' . 1 ii.' .-, shm... ton
i ysnua 4 177
EOl ' IN player pl.11,05. r;,-,o ,.-,., :n
, Washington. 4 (
EN ji.isTt 77T T .. 1 'I,. ..,
1 I o"' I M 4S9I
B mare lb 1 sboul 10 ears old
IgenM. 1012 Canton Poud Phone 21C1 M
J 23
HOP rind wood worklns machines tt
htrgaln: slum snno square fet. storagv
spaco 1000 square feet. AVII1 sell or icasr
Phone 146 4 IJ",
CO fBl 7ATIOP - and 1 ;ii range 1 oni
range Victor phonograph and sowing ma
1 111 n.- Call 151 Slxtg nth street. 4330 1
CANARIES and uppllci ::..4 Washing
tor 1071
hohsf for sale nrelghl 1100 pound' 663
Fourth 39"k !
CAJfARH i5! guaranteed singers 222 ' '
Unroln 3947
PIANOS ''Hil oil.f-r liiu-lcal Innnimrris !
Te-ins without Interest. P.nton,- 2H74
Ti. on 903 j
1 N ' O.I.I I' inr sun.- u'l.ir made, hlg
r'duction i-oidoii3. Jii .j Vwunty-fif-n I
PhOP i!9 tl$7
Ruy your pi'nt nt Stowe'S and sve
lSnii ;i jjhlnfc'ton avenue I'hore
P-CO tonrlnr car. sleeping facilities nnd Ice
box Ml new pres. Continental R, ( Seal
motor, will take Ford as part payment I
fi-ffrrron, t C 1 1
1 ...I... 1 T '. ! "7 , ;
,'vl "iij vuiiiii .,11 jii.-i o e r 11:1 uii-n. in
excellent foniit on. inquire at 449 Twen
' Sl Str; t. ' (i t mml 6. 4612
T yow o-t m prir.-. 1 pood Maxwell
263 I QulnCj 4K24
DODGE three passenger roadster In v
1 111 1 lion Phon. :ar, ; R ,-,;
F W tD if-!;. Phoni 1 jj j ' u jgip
1 ti pa .ti),s ; . . $2: 50
Overland touring end possonger $ 900
Owrlnnd touring 550
'Overland louring $ r00
Overland tn-.twng j 35Q
I Overland light delivery $ 450
Studdbakor touring $500
These cars are -ill in good running con
dltlon, Some of them arc rebuilt and re
1 Inted - nd run and look like new. This
lis the boot line of used ears we ever hud
I to select from as v.c have them at any
enger Studebaker touring ( at
p 0d t'unnlne order, new paint A snap
J7:o R f Mitchell Co. 341!. Hudson Ate
Rulck Four. 5 passenger.
Podge truck
Pale'' P-passenger
Chalknana coin e
Maxwell ro'idifr
Maxwell touring
:'U33 Hudson Ave. Phone 143
A SPLENDID i ' 1 m 1 1 . mi tour cylinders,
new top and pa.nt. rood tiros. Will trade
for city property. What have you to of-
icr? K I . Ultcneil CO 2139 Hudson A
4 I l-v
A N'KW" 1930 HupmobTie! E passengt
touring car, run less : hnn loan miles A
bargain. R. T. Mid lull Co. 2439 Hudison
A t 441 ri
Port tourinc f:ir See circulation
man.'. cer Stand-ii.l Fxamlner 4167
' ' v. ' I ' -'KN' .i:it hi,. I. r automo
bile In first class condition. Apply 1715
Adam?; Ave. , 0990 1
SEVEN passenger Cadlllat in excellent
condition, for sa!o cheap. Inquire 813
Tw4 ni 1 ifth. nyix
SM I I :-l-ort iti.d;,t..r. , 1 r.ha pe I'Iioii- 1
1171 R ikis I
FIVE acres one half block south of the
Halt I-iki rond between Thirtt sixth and I
Thirty-eighth streets,, consisting of a six'
room modern hOUfee, a new caiTtge for two
car also barn room for four horses Plen- !
t pi fruit all kinds of chicken coops We
will tali j,.- pail payment a humrnlow In1
Salt lake or Ogden. or will lake reason
able payment In cash oi iibertt bonds
nnd give terms on the balance
C23 Kccles Uldg Phone 1130
I EO I H tLMERS or trade for .;mnller car
Inquire 17Q Twent first street. 4378
1 T. Will trad- (or chickens Phone
128 VJ RES Rood farming and pasture land
In norlh central tiklahomn. with good oil
possibilities, clear of nil Incumbrances'
value $3500. to exchange for five or ix;
room home in Ogden Will assume on
roo l p' o" H S. West 2054 u:dilngton
fcvemu 1 'cifn. 445J I
SMALL driving horse .md light double
harness, All In good condition Phone
I 1 I 1491
BIX room modern house with Income of i
$21 per month for smaller place 741
Waslijngton 44,-.'
, VAX BRUNT 12 hole whent drill Never!
been used. For 2 milch cow Phone 1864
! OVERLAND. r.trgaln liv.ncr gone ,
3 43nd I
1 il.'ii- 7 pr r . i-nt preferred railway
-lo'-K '" h itih, Phono 333. 4261 I
j SECOiNI4ArD goods!
8I9CONDKAND goods hought and sold T
" Iverson, 1C40 Washington aveiiuu
Wi; tuM- KOUI Old rjnc us flrrt pavni. nt
on any new rang, or will buy your old
rnnue SUtTlght Boma rurnltura Co. 467J
I Salesm,e" l I
SAI.F.SMAN wllh automobile, (o call oni
country trade and .-II phonographs and
iPlanoa. Rife fluid. Splendid optortunltv
for right young man. Nobody hut 8 stick
er nnd a live wire uant-d References
required Salary and commission Mr
Holland. Glen Pros. Robert Piano Co
' s ' 1 rii noi .1 lint i-llng .'wile'-m.i 11
men's furnishing, and clothing, for Utah
it Idaho Sea Byron F. LeMattre Reed
hotel, evcnln gs . 4 7 '
TO s. ii n neeesi itj Real li ! -in are
making in pfr week. Call for Mr Will
limns :'4-4 UiuImqii u't HUi 4,',02
LOCAL tpanufacturing concern ha open
ing for nn A 1 live salesman Must be a
bustler. Address P O Pox lop, Salt
'-'f 4273
Tin shi of a coco.mut makes u au
perlor charcoal.
j Male Help I
ONE first el.i auto trimmer to take
.chnrae out of town hop. Phone 3107-W.
OFNG man wanted at American Linen
I Co. as driver. 4s7
Hflti wanted to unload roal b contrai l.
t ! 1 '!.- & Clli ' ' it '
EXPERIENCED male stenographer. Cood
position with large company. Rox It,
U indard Examlni r t'1
' CARPENTLRS ana laliorers for out of
town work Good conditions. Apply 113
I-'.- ' 1 P'ilMg 4499
l' with horse for Standard roulf on
mi.ton road 4398
FLYING t, . -:hi weeks i 3 C a.
mio Sr hooi. Los Angi lea 4019
M I " - - A ' nnd''. .'j; exjerience tinueoes
sary. Tt.ivel; make Feeret Investigation
reporV Saliie: expense. Write Aincrl i
can 1 orelgn I 'ef-ctlvo Agen- . t41 St
fni- 1013
BBL1 bg) t ite.tiv Hotel 3in
ivwMwwMwNMwvwvt asasaasaj
Female Help
lV4wsss133ssjSsa)slj '
EXPERIENCED clerk wanted at Busy
Dee stand. Twenty fifth and Grant. ;ood
i wages 1307
"ENOGRAPHEF s anted On with ex
perlencc- preferred. Ogden Wholesale
Grocerj Co 4r.ot;
WOM N to Can rr.r -ninll school girl i.nd
keep house for employed couple 393
Twenty third street $371
' M ' V I 1 1" woman td Werp house for
IhrCi Good wages. Phone 2417. W.
WAITRES taiit'Ti 1, 1 Hudson noodle pr
llor, 2137 Hudson $12 to $15 pr week. $
hourv 4870
P.V r re wholejal nnd retail firm, an ex
perlenced atenogi'npher. Thl Is a Splen I
did position fOl th right psrtt Address,
statins experience, Pox K, Standard.
Bj 1 miner - 4341
HOUSEKEEPER middle ng.-d lady pre j
ferred Good home light work. Appif I
nfter 6 p. ni. 2946 Grant. 44S4
WOMAN 1 00k Appit .'chool for Irnf end
Rlin.l l-r'
EARN $25 we' kit . spare time, writing for
newspapers, magazines; 'xp rrlence un
nessar details free Press Syndicate, 163 ;
St Louis, Mo 4001 I
j foFrent j
Famighed 5 j
ONE housekeeping room. hIso one sleep ,
big room 2246 Washington 4313 1
NICELY 'urnished room with bath and'
telephone, Good location Phone 981 -J
TWO and :.tm loomed furnished nmrl i
merits. 2787) Grant avenup. 4591
' ' ' : " I .- 1 1 ! ". l h.-d'oom gentleman 1
2748 Washington Phone 2S17 R 4M3 J
"ij vN hicel) furnished sleeping room
kt.im heal 7.',1 Twrntt s.nnlh lf.92 I
KICEL1 furnished front room, private)
i uinl one 01 two gentlemen 4,2 Tw. n
1 street 4r.n1
TWO sleeping rooms for gentlemen Mod
lern; (rn;.i 0 heat 4CS Binford atinue.
I 4, -.59
Nl El v furnished room with tith 2630
On In i d aV4 hue, 4EF.7
PI PN'IMFl) r(ymf .r,",d Ttt- ntt third
THREE room house. 2217 Van Burep.
Phone 4635
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2cu
1 Monroe Phone 3261 -M. 4664
1 t.iiOF room unliable for two gentlemen
I 181 Twenty-sixth. 452S
MU 'FUN' apartment from AugUSl 18 to
Ot toher 1 2751 Washington Phono 60fi
or 4i. I 8. I 1731
'I'll r.r.V h...lr...-.m 2146 Cr.ant 4 C.t
I ROfM apartment, no children Appl
. Mr.x King 817 Twer, ft :,lth St 4 4"S
MODERN sleeping room rloe in, for
I fcntkma.n. references, 313 Twenty-eighth
gl Phone 1346 4411
BEDROOM, bath r.nd tel. pho:,e 2881
W'u 1 inelon Ave Phone 2H62 W, 441 J
MODERN bunsmlow, B -cker's bridge, can
'...11 Phone 308 4300
l-TPNIl I I'l roonif 2i"."9 Jefferson
-i '-1 '1
t ri.oms 1" month. ifi Thirty
flT :t 4177
SI EEPING rooms over Ogden theater.
Ft'R.Mlll.O or inifurnli-hi d rv"in". 2141
V. ,; T'ton. 40C9
1 . lOMS peclallj adapt d (01 gentlemen.
Gates Hotel. 2146 Grunt Ave Phone 3050.
HEMSTITCHING und pinuot edge. All
tvork guaranteed Prompt service. . Sin
ger Sewing Machine Co.. 233S Wushlngton.
VCOKIHAN' pi 'Mine done et 2J C . I.
Infton. 44 6",
l.RFSSMAKIN'i ar.d plain .u-iwi,p r.
Thn t , "r-i 4253
-:i ."'I .M . 8j 536 - t . nleenth 4 27.4
The Lighthouse, 2462 Washington At
oppoite the Pmg.-et bunk Phono 681
1 '1 ompt .service 332X
Hemstitching, plcot edge, tuitions, pinn
ing and pleating Second floor w, H
Wrlahl & ftor.a Mrs H Lannan. 1168
We have several applications for loans
at the time, rnng'ng from 100ft up. We
can jduce your mCney on good securlt
I'pstalrs Comnicn lal Bank Phone 1147
1U salaried people without necurlly, to
others -n pianos, furniture, bonds, etc
'7 Hndson m.iu- Phons 2S4 249
HON El to loan on ;npii)vaa e.M estai-.
Kellv Merrick Tf
THUR8DAT 18th, In t.'isinej.n district.
Oregon Short Line annual pass. No B
13437 Finder leave with station master
union uepoi iietsnra tirs iJ. iin
STOLEN Pn; ton bicycle. motorcycle
fromo, maroon color. Reward. John Mr
Cune, Phone 1063 T 4680
MONET pouch containing about Re
ward. Please return to Ktnndard office.
WOMEN s voile dreea. possibly picked up
in mistake ut 1 Iblion cnunlar WrlKht'n
atoro Will finder pasu return lo
Wllk-hfrt it.lMiDK,. rleK. ISjj
PIKCOiilsAl'll .ot ei K' 1 111 11 I,. n
tonson Ashton Muoic Co, rnono 706 Re
y 1 rd ' 4r.v
I i: Tlir.K rn.-,.. eoptalnltiK tripod for m
kodak Cull 3M4 I Kitturd 4T, " ' 1
I ! 1 tl llli r.onl In pn Int. nm th ml of
town Etetum to 8(3 Tim it iirM Phone
i2 iii Reward 48 . j
i.'.i: bunch oi keys Reward Phons
2"."7 ".Si. T'ti nt.- foiulli. 4 ... I
Itl N'CII or km. In .lit hull park pT"
turn to 14J' Twenty fifth lr 44:iii
1 i i.v ShrTrii 1 - piTi set with irnTl
diamonds Reward Phonu Cheeeman,
833, 4048
NS'iiw AiVWWWt
SMALL famllv laundries washed and
Ironed. reasonable. Mr. Smith. 10,ri
Twi nty seventh
Mlld'LK aged woman to rlcm office)
BSzperisnced CiU references Boi R
'Tup stundnrii Exarelnsr, 4 4 1 r,
HQU8K oiiintiim call 348 J :.M7
" Tersot
CARD and character reading 44? Twep
ty slxth. 37g, I
wmwww iaMwMwiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I.AR1JK clean rags wau'ed at Standanl
1 1 ilner office. C70
i-iii-.i-i- -,nnr.i-,.i-ii r r. 1-1 - i-iiyi.-ii.nA.-iL'.ruuu-iA
OLD cfltahllshed gtocer'. ste.ndlly Impror '
I Ing huslneaa with ulx room house, most j
.desirable residential spot In the city, gr-n
, ulne good buy. Itox &33. care Standard- I
Examiner. 450 j
j fiEiTwKfED j
I Male and F-nade
fl.KKKS (men. women) over 17. for pos
lal mall aervire, $135 month. Bxentlnatlons '
Sepir-mber. Fxperlence Dnneceesary, For
free parllculara write T Leonard I former I
ClVll service rx.imln n 897 Fqultahle
Hide-. Washington 4f.14 I
Information Bureau
ANVTHINO A to Z new or old
; hovirht. sold or f yaded. Phone 313
Bramwell Bool and Stationery.
j Waah'nelon Ave Phone 180. :05l
Utah Natl tons! Hank., southeast coiner
I Twenty -fourth nnd Wa Me rton Phone SI
IF. Strupplek .arpenter and Jobber. 1!",
Twenl third .St. Phone 1018. 4 17 ',
Ogden Carpet Cleaning Works, wh'-rc
you get re sulfa. Phone 416 or His W
1 xi arpel rleanlng urholafrlnr,
mUreasei mndr . er. feathers renoyRted
Call K. J Hampton fr Co, 2536 M. 423 1
K- Van Kampen for upholstering, ca
pets e'enned altered and la'd. Remaklne
Of injittreaea. Phni,. S'P?. T
j wP.Vt, ln driveways and foundation
and hull,) cottages and garage? Phone
"-0' J 4454
Phone 133 2C6S-C0 Washington At
Baattaaba 'jo . leading Japr.nesa res
taurunt In OgJen '1 24th St.
The New Method Dentlts are apiial
!?r JP n,: hranrJies of Dcntlsr-y 2464
Washington Ave jjq),
,.!'lor, 11 nl" electric innuiec. call at
44i Orant avenue. 431
Ogden Rngravfng Service " makers
of fine cuts in one or mo.-i c'ors 414
T-.cnty-lourCi street Phptt . 63
Geo. D llennett. corporation and croup
Insurance a sper'nlty Phono 124-W, 1314
JI.'Mk Afirt L-l . nrn
Western Hide & junk Co.. 2323 Wash. I
I Inijton Av Phone Sfil
Ogden I jnk House, JiiI9 Washington
I Ave PhoniJ 210
Oix and coal ip.nges connected All
llnd.M of plumbing work. Our prices antl
right Orvii Wnidram. 581 Seventeenth
; street. Phone 262P-K,
Papei hsnglns painting, kaisominini
I paper cleaning. Reasonable. Phone 8220-R
3 90S
Hoofs repaired and painted dtl! 945-J
351 8
J Wlllard Kay. reil estate and losn
! 2474 Washl.igton Ate Phone 41)9 1874 1
Garbage and rnhbldh hnuled. cesspools
and toilets cleaned. John Chipp & Co
t Phone K2S. 234 Hudroi. Avenue j73
TrunK and bag- repairing, round cor
ner from Standard Gdllacner'SL '73 Hud
, windows cleaned
EXPERT window and wall paoer clean- I
Inc American Window Cleaninc ph f 53 1
To Whom It Mnv Ccncern:
Undei authority of Section 27S of the
Compiled Laws of Utah. 1907. und as di
rected b Section 1056 of the llovlsed Or
WUnances of Ogden City, Ftah. 1M5.
The undersigni d Treasurer of OgrJen
. "ity. T. tah. hereby gives notice that t
special tax for the nurpose of pavlnlg the
'cost: of building In . nil t hie. paving, com
bination curbs and gutters private drive
Ways, sidewalks, drainage and seer and
water connections, etc.. In Ogdan City,
1 inh has been levied and confirmed by
an ordinance of the Board of Commission
era of Ogden City. Utah adopted and!
passed Jul: 38 1920, and published July
2S. 1920, In ralng District N0. 130.
Said special tax I" levied upon ill prop
ert abutting on the following street (0.
Moth sides of Thirtieth street between
I Washington ar.d Lincoln evenU4S, tie
souil sldi only of Thirtieth street oetwa n
I In oln and PlngTce utenues, and Im-iOi
Kld o: Thliti'-tb street bet we -n Pin
gr. i avenue and a point 857 S fet west
of Wall avenue nnd more particular
described as follows
Part of Ixit 26. Block in. Fnulh Ogder
Survey, lxit 11. Piock 10 South Ogden
Burvej Ixit 18, Block 10. South Ogdm
Survey; Lots 26 und 27. Hlock 1. Dunn's!
Addition: Ixils 1 to 19 inclusive. Block
3. Dunn's Addition; Ixits 27 to 62 Inclu
Slve, Block J Central Park Addition, Lois
10 to 31 inclusive. Block 1 Central Park
Addition Lots 20 and 21, Block 1, Klnsl
addition, Ixits 1 to 19 Inclusive, Block :'.
King's Addition; and Lota 1 to 2s In. hi
slve. Block 3. King's Addition, all In Og
den City Survey, to a depth of 60 feet
baek from the street line.
Said tax Is paable in ten Installments.
The flrt Installment becomes dalin
auent on the 16th day of September. 1920
The second installment becomes delin
quent on the 2Mh day of July, 1921.
The third Installment becomes delln
quem on the JSth day of July, Ifi??
The fourth Installment becomes dclln
fluent on the 2sth day of July. 1923
The fifth Installment becomes delin
quent on the 2Rth da of July, li.'l
The sixth Installment becomes dciin
iuvni "ii we nm aa 01 JUiy, 1.120.
The Seventh installment becomes delln
quent on the 2Sth day of Jul-, 1D26
The eighth Installment becomes delln
quent on the 2?th dsy of July, 1927.
The ninth Installment becomes delln
quent on the 2th dav of Jul. 1 928.
The tnth Installment becomes delin
quent on the 28th day of July, 1929,
Each of said Installments draws Inter
lest at tho rate of six rer cent per snntirn
' from the 2slh day of Jul , 1920, until do
jlinquent, nnd " k.h.i tai pi ani install
meni theiinf ;iiaii remain unpaid after
I hi delipqui ni ) the m inter. ,t
ihereon then tfler will be si the rate
I eight percent I"--r annum until such as-
Isassments r fully paid.
All special tuxes are payable at the of
flee of tin 'i1 treaiurer In 'he city hall
At 1 Igdl 11 I'ltt I'tuh.
C T. KOONS. City Treasurer.
Published In the Ogden Itandardifixara-
First publication August 14, 1830
last publii :itloii August 1 r.'2Q.
To Whom p Mai I ont erni
Under authority ol Section 27t of the
Compiled Laws of Ftah. 1907 and as di
rooted by Section 1060 of tho Revised Or
dmanct'N of Ogden City, ftah, 1015,
The undersigned treasurer of Ojden
City. Lth henh gives notice that a
special tax for tho purpose of paving
the costs of building hitullthlc paving
curb.-, und gutters. sidewalks, culverts
drainage, irrigation systems, sewer and
water connections, etc.. In Ogden Cltv
Ftsh. has been levied and confirmed bl
an ordinance ot the Board of Commission
era of Ogrlen City, Flub, adopted and
passed August 3 1920, and published Au
gnat 4. 192U.
N iid special lax Is lex led upon all prop
erty abutting on tho following street, to-
Both Miles of Orsnt avenue between
fwent Ichth and Thlrtli th streets in
r-":n- Dlstrtcl N" 130, und more purtk.
ulnrly described as follows, to wit; Tart
of Lots 9. 10. It 2G and 36. In Block 10.
South Ogden Survey. Lota 1 to S Inclu
sive Plock 1. C hild s AddlUon: Lots 1 to
9 IncIuatvSL Block 2. Child's Addition: Lot
1. Block 4. Child's Addition: and all of
Lot "A". Block 4. Child's Addition, all
in Ogdrn City Survey, to a depth of 0
ieet back from the strei t line
Said tax la payable In ten Installments
The first Installment heromes delln
quent on the 23rd day of September. I9'n
The serond Inst.-i llment becomes delin
quent on the 4th day of August. 1921
The third installment l.-eomes delin
quent on the 4hr day of August. 1922
The fourth Installment become delin
quent on the 4:h day of August, 1923.
The fifth Installment becomes delin
quent on the 4th d;iv of August. 1834
The sixth Installment becomes delln
quent on the 4th day of August. 1925
The seventh Installment bccnr.u -. delln
quent on the 4th day of August ISM
The eighth Installment becomes delin
quent on the 4th day of August, P.i27
The ninth Installment becomes delln
quent on tho 4th da of August. 192S
The tenth Installment becomes delln
quent on the 4th diy of August. 1929.
Kach of said Ins'allmentK draws Interest
at the rate of six per cent per annum
from the 4th day of ugusl 1920. until de
linquent, and If said lax or any instl;
inent thereof shall rrmaln unpaid after
the denqunc of the same, inter, si
thereon therafter will be ut the rate of
eight prr cent per annum until uirh as
; sepsments lire fully paid,
, All special taxes are payable at the of
(Id of the City trea. urer In the cltj he I
I at Ogden City, 1'tah.
c T. koons. city Treasun r
j Published In the Ogden Stamlard Exam
iner. First publication August 14, n2".
lt publication August 19. 192''
Dep.-.rtment of the Interior. U S. Land
Office at Salt L..ke city. Utah, July 21.
, 1 930
Notice Is hereby given that Charles W
Piown. of Ogden. Utah, who on June 22.
1 1916. made homestead entr. . No. 017850.
lor NK. vi. Section 8. Toitn-lulp 7 North.
;Knngc 1 Last. Salt LaltS Meridian, has
filed notice of Intention to make threo
'esr proof to establish . Inlrn tr. the lind
shove descrihed I eforo W. II. KeedOl
'Jr.. I'nlt'd States Commissioner at Og
den I'tah, on tin- 31st day of August.
1 1920
Clalmsnt names as trltnesses
D. D Dunbar Lee Bh&W acbert Mcrt
gbmery, Louis Shaw, all of Liberty. I'ta..
4411 Ri irIMn
In the District Court of Weber County,
State of Ptah.
Kamaklchl Salto. Buntaro Kurata, Ve
I suke Klshl, Butaro Yoshlmura and
Yukata Toma, plaintiffs, vs. T. EJIma.
I defendant,
, Th. State of I'tah to the Said Defendant
You are hereby summoned to nppear
within twentj rjays after service of this
summons upon vou, If served wlthUl the
e'lti'y In which this action i- brought;
otherwise, within thirty days al'er serv
lice, and rlefi nd thi above entitled ac(lon,
and ln case of your failure so to do.
Judgment i I l.r rondered against von n.
. cording to the demand of the complaint 1
I which nas been flleC with the clerk of r-jhl
1 court.
I This action Is brojrnf to recover a
I money Judgment ac-ilri.'.' the 'aid defend
ant for the sum of S1125O0 and for tho
I costs and disbursements of sarld ai Hon.
M.linUIIM .tuuinrj
p O vddrcss- Room 3. tab National j
Bunk Building Ogden City. Ct.nh
Consult County Clerk or mc Respec
tlve Signers for Further
Kstate of 8 W. Pounders. Deceased.
The petition of James F Burton, pray- ,
Ing for letters of administration, in the
above entitled matter, has been set lor
hearing before Hon a. k Pratt Judge on
Monday, the 23rd da of August. 1920. at 1
ten (10) o'clock a. m.. at the county court
house In the court room of said court, .
In Ogden City Wf-ber County Ctah.
Witness, the olerK ot said court, with
h. s.-al thereof .illixrd. this 11th day of
AUgUSt. 1920 I
Bv Agnes Smith De-putt Clerk
Devlne Sltne & Owilllam. Attorneys for
Petitioner, . .
(Seal) Mt
(By International News Service.)
RICHMOND, Mo. Tom J Bohan
!non. who has been a "mail without
la country" since Februarj 24, 1910,
has at last been restored to his citl
j zenshlp.
He was arrested years asn charged
iwlth violating the local option laws,
'and Judge Hughes, of the Dlsirict
Court, sentenced hiin to twelve
months in tho county Jail and to pay
a fine of $1""
"Please don't sentence me to Jail,
JvhIkc," pleaded Bohannon, when tho
Judge made known his decision
"Then I'll sentence you to live for
ever ln we' territory,' said the
judge. "You can't lie in dr territory
any longer. You must leave the
seventh Judicial district forever," ho
This pleas-ed Bohannon, who left
for Kansas City Came nation-wide
prohibition, however, and 111 the
meantime Bohannon secured a place
on the Kansas City police force.
Then be deeded to return to Rich-
The Ogden Auto Directory H
Automobile insurance ft, G. Agee Phone 69. 37Ti j
We buy all cars regardless of condition. Salvage parts for sale. I
Auto Salvage Co , 2348 Grant. 4045
Auto repairing and welding. L. J. Haight, 2579 Grant 4044
i i
j Willard Battery Station, 2454 Grant avenue 3738 j
Commercial bodies, automobile painting. Sidney Stevens Imp Co. :
Northeast Service Station. Cheesman Auto Co. 3786 j
Oldsmobile trucks and touring cars, Briscoe cars, Grarara-Bernstein
trucks. White-Robinson, 2300 Washington. Phoue 340. 3739
Ogden Auto Radiator Co., 2329 Hudson Avenue 3740
411 makes of batteries repaired and recharged Exide Battery Sta
tion, 2359 Hudson Avenue 3741 ;
Wjbei Taylor Motor Co., 2333 Hudson Avenue. Ohalmers and Max
well sales and service. Phone 143 3742
McLaughlin-Storey Auto Painting Co., 1715 Washington. 3773 !
Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Washington. 3772
Utah" Auto & Tire Exchange, 2224 Washington. Cars of all makes. 11
Terms Let us sell your car. 3771 '
1 ' !
BY LORRT . JA430B6. 1
(N, E. A. Sftaff Correspondent)
NEW ORK, Aug. 21. It's a far cryj
from a Uuffy New Y'ork Aupust to ;i
white Christmas. But working now,
at top speed are more than '200 toy
factories preparing thir tvonderful
surprises for the children of Ameri
ca. It seema stranpo to think of getting
rcudy for Christmas ln mid-summer,
but Santa. Claus is evidently a believ
er ln preparedness and for two or!
tliroi- months has had his minions
working at tor1 spe id.
A'hcn you see u seven-pasencer
touring car you think of Ita produc
ing factory as a gnat Industrial plant.l
but when you pick up a toy balloon I
you are likely to think of it as having!
been made In some small shop.
Aa a matter of fact one factory just
completed in Ohio will make on mil-
lion dollars' worth of toy balloons.!
mond and to ask the judge to restore
his citizenship, which the judge did
at the last session of court
Deportation Law Is
Changed by Socialists
BUENOS AIRES, Aug. 21 Tho Ar
gentine Federation of Labor, cham
pioned by Socialist deputies has just
won a victory in the lower house of
congress by securing the paaaage "f
a law which prevents the government
from expelling foreigners from the
i-ountr without a court hearing The
federation ilh'Ked ln a went petition
to congrfM that the "residence law."
which has a provision for the deport
ation of undesirables, was being un
justlv employed by the federal police
to expel from the country laborers of
foreign birth who participated in
utrikes They were arbitrarily Judged
another in tho heart of New York
city occupies slxt. n full floors sole-
ly for the manufacture of metals and !
mechanical toys; while a third at New mMm
Haven that manufactures better toys
for older children has a plant large M
nough for the manufacture of tour- U9M
Toy manufacturers estimate that
the American toy Industry will ap- Lm
proximate $19,000,000 ln 1920 with WMM
a record of more than $2,400,000 of
American toys exported. WwM
Imports of foreign toys will be
about double the American product
but the production here ls nearly
twice what tt was before the war.
War toys will practically disappear mgm
from the market and, although chil- mM
dren arc almost equally divided as mU
regards the sexes, dolls will be In
greater preponderance and they will
be better made and dressed than ever mW
by the police to be anarchists. It was Mmm
charged. M
The residence law" has now been MLf
amended by the lower house to re- LLl
quire that expulsion can only be dc- ;
creed by a federal jurge after trial
of the person accused. It Ih Kenerally
expected that tho bill will also pass
the senate.
SYJ)NEY, Australia. Aug. 21.
"Good-bye. Doc," was shouted by un
dei graduates after the Prlnco of
Wales when he received an Honorary mmt
degree of doctor at laws at the Unl
versify of Sydney ln June. The prince
smiled acknowledgment. He received
the degree on hl birthday.
1 When a chamelon ls blinded It M
loses all power of changing lta color, , MWM
' and its entire body remains kC a .
uniform tint. I
i A frontage on Broadway, New York. t
near Klrty-flfth-st. measuring 3 feet lasfl
'O 3-4 inches has been sold for ?40.0O0. fmi

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