Indications of Betterment Are
Seen in Day of Fair
The trading today In mining stocks
' -n the Salt Lake Stork & Mining Kx-
change VU fairly active. The general
tendency looked a little stronger.
Alta Con. changed hands at 5 Mi and
I "'ic. Black Metali sold at E and 5o,
Buralca Ltlj Was Steady al Iron
King hrought 2:-2 "nd 28 c, Michigan
WM I'tah sold up to S'4c, Emma Silver
WM wti! active at 4 '-4 and (fie Sells
I hrought 5 'Ac, Silver King went at
J 1.40. Tintic Standard sold Steady :it
closing with this price bid
I for It nnd $3.40 asked, nnd North
J Si .ndard showed a little strength, ",-
WM ('0 shares changing hands at 3c.
I (Quotations furnished ucr privuto
wire of j. v Bogle ft Co.,
ii Eoules Building;.)
3lrt Ask
fMjM Alta Con $ . 06 ,0f4
isB Athlon OS'.c, .10 !
I American Con OlVs .OS1,
Alta Tunnel .. .. ... . 06$i .06'.
beaver Copper oo ,4 -00)fc
Kig Hill 03 05
Bullion oj',2 04
lilack Metals . 04 1 . 054
olumbus Rexall ... 39 . 39a
Crown Point ol", .05
Colorado Con 03 .05
Cardiff 1.30 l . 40
I ragon Con 05 14
Daly West 4 jo 4. Go
Lost Crown Point .. 01 .02
La.8t Tin. Coal 01 .02
E. Tin. Con 07 . 07
Kurcka Mines 04 .05.
Kureka Lily O6V4 .07
Eureka Bullion QEft .04
Kmma Silver 04 .05
Bmplre Mines 04 .05
Gold Chain otj , 10
Grand Central .... gij 46
Howell 05 4 .08
Iron Blossom t "
Iron King . . 22 '.2 2 j
Judge Mining . . . . 3 . :n "
Kennebec 11 15
I -. 1 j, I)
Lehl Tintic 07 .09
May Day 01 02
.Miller Hill ' 0
Mammoth 30
Moscow 02 . .'.
Michlgan-L'tah ... ,03 U3 'H
North Standard 03 tn
New Qulncy 05 '4 o54
'pohongo oo'.- .00
.N'ulldriver - 59
r'tus 30 .35
Prince Con 918 1 1 1 .
Pt ovo n j 7 ' S ! "
i'uloma 01
nico Argentine 02" 0
RICO Wellington . .16 i n
f1C.ll8T., A Ob '
b.l. King (.011 .65 1 .70 !
BJi. King Con 1 . 37 'i 1 40
Sioux Con 03 04
South Hecla 94 l oo
South Standard . ''3 ';
Silver Shield . ..... .171. ' 9
Tar Baby v
Tintic Central .... Q j ". 0 ' ;
'Untie Standard . . 3 37'" 3.40
Inlon Chief or, ' .07
West Toledo .. . .05 06
A,1K' 3.00 3.20 !'
oodlawn .... j ,; 1 - i4 I
Kfrnkae 0.,2 Ji ,
uma .UVj .14
I II on 1 M,if . .. " It
I. Opening Sales,
Alta Con 2000 at -1.,
' Black Metals 1500 ai fcfcc; 200 at
Big Hill 1000 at 4c
Eureka Lily ::,nu ,,t .; : ...
Lehi Tintic 3oo at sc.
Michlgun-ltuh L5O0 ; ...
Bmma Silver 3000 at 4'2i
Provo iooj at Be; 1000 ai 4c
Silver King Con. 200 at $1 40'
Silver Shield 000 .1 llftc
Tintic Central ooo at 1
Tintic Standard loo ;,t .; 3 37)..'
Closing Sales.
Alta Con 1000 a1 5 ,
Eureka Lily 500 :.i
aiC39cmbUS KCXJ" 100 41 100 1
22n K,n 3(, at -'3c, 1500 at j
Lehi Tintic r.OO at 8c
Mil higsn-Utah 1000 at zuc
Emma Silver ! ,1 5 ,
Eureka Bullion BOO at be
Prihce Con 1000 at 27c
Sells 500 at S'fcc.
Silver King Con. 100 at $1 40
onh standard 7000 al i
Untie Standard 100 at . z:2
Wheat HW I'ow CIO..!
Iec. 12.31 2 32 2 -5 ti i
March 2.32 12 2 33-: j " ". s
Com-- -s
S-Pt. 1.42 1.43 i 1 I...' , ., .
Hec1- C5
Pork-66' 66 8 .6.8
Sipt. 24.40 2 4 50 2 137 :n
Oct. 25 40 ...
Lnrd ' ' -J 30
Stpt. i8 60 18.60 lg.22 -s 27
9-. i82 19.00 iI.SI :S:?2
j Ribs
'V1' 14 95 1 5 07 1 4 90 Mr'
-ct. ls.40 16.60 l5.27 15 4o
I - Chicago. AuK. 2a o nlted States
- 000U ketsi-Catt-cHecewAs
--,000. choice steers and good year-
'od i , :t. 16.60. r.u.gers and
graders comprise bulk receipts, mar-
SOTV "?dertoBe wr;'K. good eows
iVa 12 .50; cannprs $4 00& 4 75
steady. In-between gr-tdes J6 7r,rf,;s 1
Ik'kas?i "neven-fc bologna bulls dull
16 S0(g6.2o. best veal calves opened
steady, mostly J14 26Q 15 00; Blockers
H and feeder rnttle slow, steady; heavy
cles steadv '
H v 10 15c lower, top $15.75. out of
V'T- r,lk uhl Rnd butchers W4 90
lc.50. bulk paekinf: sows $14 00fc
1 l 2o; plgrs 25ii owor. -LV
o.Kheep Receipts 23.000; fat lambs'
in o. iT-l0r '10tlV" " -5. bulk
W1.001 ,5 western slow gettlnc
n no early salo;, sheep stead Mon-
tana wethers Ju.-r.fis 30 best .we3
' -o, feeder lambs held higher.
Kansas CITY, auk. 2J. (United
i, btates Bureau of Markets.) Cattle
I Becelpta 29.000 ; trade slow except on
, calves. beef steers most).. J ;.
I lower; choice heavies 510.00- best
J neld higher; few about $14 00 bulk
H cows and heifers $S 0008.60; r.mnors
steady, mostly $4.00 4 50. stockprs
j and feeders steady to 25c lower. calves
I steady to strong, best vealers $13 00
; Hogs Receipts 6000; steady to 15c
lower. hfavles declining most; top
I $15.10. best mcdlumn and lights $15..
3 0; top heavies $15.00. bulk all classes
JM.608 15. 10.
Sheep Receipts 9000, sheep steady;
I fat luuibs mostly 25c 50c higher, best
Liahs 12.r.0. natives $11 50; feeding
I lambs strong.
CHICAGO, Aug. 23 Potatoes Re
ceipts 87 cars; market firm. Virginia
cobblers $4 75(5 5 00 per barrel .Ter--ey
sacked $3 0049S. 10 per cwt; Mln
xota earl ohlos $2. 05 2. 75
Rails Advance After Irregular
Opening and Form Feature
at Midsession
N'KW YORK, Aug. 23. The trend
Of the stock market was irregular at
th outset of today's trading, further
favorable advices from abroad being
balanced by last Saturday's clearing
nouso statement, which showed a larne
Iom of actual reserves Initial reac
tion? extending from fractions to 1 4
points were made by Canadian Paclfli ,
Reploglc, Plerce-Arrbn Invincible Oil,
Texas I ompany, Anaconda Marine
preferred and National Aniline
On the constructive side advances
of equal or greater extent were re
corded i i!o.ii injtch sbeii Trans
port Mexican Petroleum, Vanadium
Ilcadlng. with Isconsin t'entral
the strongest feature of the Junior
The market became reactionary
1 on after the opening as a result of
fresh offerings of steels, equipments,
. motors, .shippings and specialties
'comprising the leather, tobacco and
paper groups Features of the reac
tion which ran from 1 to almost 4
.points Included Crucible, Lackawanna,
Republic and United Btates Steels,
I Baldwin Locomotive, American Can
and Pressed Steel Car, Mexican and
Pan-American Petroleum, Houston
Oil, antral Leather. Retail Stores and
lnternatlon.il Paper-
The only stocks to show -iny degree
of strength were Replogle and Vana
dium, which were sustained bv pool
The seven per cent opening rate for
call money w.is considered moderate
In view of heavy withdrawals or funds
luring the week for federal payments
Kails r the only features of t tie
Intermediate' period. Southern Pacific
ui.d Norfolk and Western leading the.
Investment shares ot moderate gains,'
while Wisconsin central Increased its'
tise to 3 b points. Minneapolis & St. I
IaiuIs. New York. Chicago ft St. Louis!
mid ( leela:id. Cincinnati, Chicago fc
St. Louia also were stronger.
Last Sale)
Allls-Chalmers 30 A
American Heel Sugar ...
American Can 33
.American Car cV Foundry lilVe
American Hide A Leather pfd . . 73
I American International Corp, .71
'American Loromotlu $4
American Smelting & Refg. ... 65
1 America n Sugar 113 j
American Sumatra Tobacco . . . '. 84 I
American T. A: T 95va
American Woolen 751).,
Anaconda Copper 51 'i
Atchison " Mv
AM.. Gulf ft . Indies 133 '
Uuldwin Locomotive io5B
l . li, more &c Ohio 33 '4
tJtthlehem Steii H" '02
Canadian Paciiic 1 "0
vJentrai Leather Ijr.
Itandter Motors . , J ,
Chesapeake iiio . ' . , 5j-j
Chicago, Mil. ft Sl Paul.. .. 34
Chicago, u. 1. a: tac 351-
Chlno Copper 2' '
Colorado r uel &- Iron 35
L'crn Products 88
Crucible Cteel ....... ih
Cuba Cane SiiKat 3t'4 1
Lrio ' 1 .. i- 1
ii.-,...r,.i ici,.i !-
I ,
ititncral Motors . , . ki
(Ooodileh Co 55
I Q real Northern pfd 73
lOreat Northern Oie otfs 311.
I Lino's Central x5,
'inspiration Copper . 45a,
11. t Aler. Mari. e pfd ' 7j &,
international Paper 5,0
Kchiiecott Copper
j Louisville ft Nashville . . .' .'
! Maxwell Motors 13
Mexican Petroleum .. . . ifaxt
Miami Copper (as
Middle- States Oil .
ALiale Steel .' V) 2
MlSSOUl 1 Pacific ' ' " 1 S
New V01 k Central 7 ,1
n v. n. h. & Hartford 33
Norfolk Western 91
Northern Pacific 73 u
Oklahoma Prod ft1 lid ..... . 3:'
Pan American Petroleum . ... 854
l' nnsylvania
People s Ga .71-
filching and West a. t
Ray Consolidated copper . .. . it.
c p lion steel . goit
Royal Dutch, N V sjV
Sr.eil Trans. & Trad , . . " 61
Sinclair Con. Oil ' -7
southei n Pacific y- ll
Southern Railws . . . ' ' 3'.
Standard Oil of K. J. pfd. 10514
S'udebakcr Coruoratlon 63
Tennessei Copper
Texas Co 37
Texas ft Pacific ; ' ; '. " " " ) " ) " 3 -, 1
Tobacco Products 65
Transcontinental nil . , 9
I niori Pacific 1 1 v 1
c. S Pood Products . 68 41
I 8. Retail Stores . 67
, 1 S. Ind, Alcohol ' ' ' ' s4 1
I nlted States Rubber . ... " S4i'i
I "nlted. States Steel . . 71
jLtsh ( oppcr . 61
, W isl Inghouse Klectrlc ' 40
' Willy's Overlands
American Zinc l-ad and Sm :,
j Ltuttc and Superior (,
1 .- in. Petroleum 2f
I Montana Power m I g j
jShatluck Arizona . . 8U
Cattle Receipts 22C; choice heavv
steers $ 8 . 5 u (ft 9 . (.1 0 , good steers $S 00
ft 8 50; fair steers S6.507.60.
I ' hoice feeder steers 6.00&7 00
'choice cowi and heifers ? 0 . 00 Tj 6 75'
f-ir to good cows and heifers 00 ft'
.00. cutters Jl. 00ft 5.00; canners
,13 00ft 4 00 choice feeder cows J5 00!
C B 00; fat hulls $4 50gs 0o bologna
hulls $4. 00 ft 4.50. veal calVes $0 00 1
C"" 10.00.
Hogs Receipts 452; choice fat hogs
175 to 260 lbs., $13 2.", ft h no bl(
of sales $13.50 13. 75; feeders $11 00
ft. 12.00. 1
Sheep Receipts 11.07S, choice
lambs $10. 00010 50 wethers S8.ro
ft 7 60; fat ewes $5 00ft 5 50, feeder
Limbs SS . 00 ft 9 . 00, 1
Arrivals. I
Jerber Bros.. Sterling, Ida.. 1 carloads
sheep; Parley Anderson. Conlam, Ida,,
1 load cattle, A Y Gaglune Cherry
Credk, Nov., 4 cars sheep; A. Chachas,
k'herry Creek, Nev., 4 loads sheep,
'p,ln I'-u-kliiK iV- Provision 1 Sonih
iiimahn Neb. (", loads hojjs C i
thur, Klamath Palls, On 20 loads
'sheep, E. H. Tyron, Klamath Falls,
me, 2(i load 1 sheep Uivid Grant,
Oakley, Ida.. 2 loads cattle Jerry
Yragui, Blko, Nov., 10 loads sheep, j
Andrew I'.in-h.nn, Lui in, ,", loads cat
CHICAGO, Aug. 23 W heat was un
der pressure at the start today because
of lack of support. After opening 1
" lower, with December $2 Bifl
2.31fc and March 2.82ft, buying or
ders appeared and 8 fair ,.illv follow
ed. Corn opened c lower to 1c higher
VL'ltll tll t,- ,111, 1. , T-
-"B mj "t"":o inr II EXU VmlK
I selling on Mia advance ciusrd a 1 eac-
.tion. with September little Firmei
o scattered buvlng Relatively low
temperatures had some effect, hut the
sentiment still id bearish among the
pit element.
September started at $1.4201. 421
and December $i . 20 ft. 1 . 21.
Oats were under pressure, duo to
1 large receipts, but In the main reflect
ed the action of corn. Initial quota
,tlcns ranged from c lower to "C
higher, with Septemhcr 66 4 ft 66
and December 66 ft 66 "c.
Provisions were very quiet at the
start Lard Started i shade to 15c
higher. Pork started lower. J
NEW YORK. Aug. 23. Mercantile
papei B per cent
Exchange heavy; sterling demand
53 85; cables $3 . 85 .
Francs. Demand 7 01c, cables
7 03c
Belgian francs; Demand 7.53c; ca
bles 7 . S5c.
Guilders Demand 32.3S. cables'
3 2 50c.
Lire: Demand 4 61c. cables 4.63c.
Marks: Demand 1 91c, cables 1.
?2c New York exchange on Montreal
II 15-16 per cent discount.
Time loans strong; tiw days, 90 days
and 6 months 9 per cent.
Call money steady: hiKh 7 per cent;
low 7 per cent; ruling rale 7 per cent,'
losing bid 6 per cent: offered at 7 per
cent; last loan 7 per cent.
NEW KORK, Aug. -3 Copper
Meady. Iron firm. No 1 northern .,o -
wv'ui.vu, .ho. a norinern $48 00
j49.0U. No. - southern $45 00ft 4b. Ou.
Tin weak, spot and nearby $46 7j
futures $47 00
' Antimony $7.25.
Lead in in. .-.pot $9 0009.60.
Zinc steady. Last Si. Louis delivery
spot $8 008, 2.V
At London: .pot copper 94 24s
hf'. electrolytic Ull 13s, lead t35 1
bo; zinc 4U 15s.
OMAHA, AUB 23 if. S Bureau!
or Markets.) Hogs Receipts 4000:
uneven, mostly steady; bulk medium
and llcht $14 25ft 14.50; top $14 85
bulk butcher stock and packing grades I
$13 9 ft H . 2 ,",
Cattle Receipts 1 5.500; beef and1
buicher cattle, .r.ien.in ow.i
or- veals weak; Blockers and feeders
2 ft , uc lov.ei .
Sheep tiecelpts 32,000 killing1
QlaSSes strong to J.ti higher, best e.iri
sule fat lambs 118.25, some held'
higher feeders 25 10 50c higher, best
Jaily stile feeding lambs $12.45.
CHH AGo. Am,'. '3. Wheat No. 0
ed $2 462.47Vi; No. 2 hard $- 4 4
B 2 . 4 1 .
o.n .no . mizea $i.67tjl.82; No
2 . How $ 1 b3'.
Oats No. 2 white 69? 71c; No 3
v. hite 66 ft 690.
Uye No. $i..,"y i, 4 .01.
Barley nominal.
Clover seed $ 23 00 ft. 2 4 . 00.
Pork nominal.
La i d f 1 s H
Libf. nominal.
NLV, iuKK, Aug. 23.--j;aw sugar
M llet; 1 entrlfugal $12.04. refin.l
1 isy; nne granulated $17.10022 ',
Sugar futures weie irregular and
about ten points lo.ver to J 5c higher,
a noon, the weakness teing in near-by!
positions owing to ihe weakness In
spots Which caused liquidation and
HHll street selling
A little covering sustained the lat
bondSW YOKK- AUB Llbertyj
3',s S9.96, firs' 4s 84.38. second'
4 84 30; first 4ks 84 64; second 4 Us'
j ; third 4 us 17 78; fourth SSal
84. 80; Victory 3s 95.54, ictory
9o 58.
CHICAGH. Aug 28. Butter un
changed; creamer;. 4 I - .', ,,
Eggs higher, receipts 6536 cases
fusts 46 948c; ordinary drsts 42U
43V4c; at mark, cases Included 4 3
storage packed Mrbia 4sc.ft!
POUltl-V. l,nl,.uJ. . ,
88c; springs 34 Cc
LONDON R t 1 v
LMXiM.x. Aug. 28. Bar silver
I ,1 pi r ounce
Money 5 per cent
Dlscountr ates. Short bills 6 per
cent. 3 months bills 6 '-8 per cent
CHICAGO ug. 23 Potatoes
Keceipts 37 cars; market firm Vir
ginia cobblers 84.760600 per barrel
I- rsey sacked $3 00ft 3 10 per cw t :
Minnesota early Ohlos 12.6592. 76. '
NEW YORK, Aug 23 Bar silver
domestic. 8036c; foreign 97'4c
Mexican dollars 74c
MINNEAPOLIS) Aug 23. Flour
line hanged.
Hran $42. on.
00 .
WASHINGTON, Aug 23 Kansas
City. Missouri. 324,410, increase 76
029, or 30.6 per cent.
Santa Barbara California. 19,441,
increase 7,782, or 66,7 per cent.
Alyria 20,474, Increase 5,649, or
38.1 per cent
Petersburg, VS , 31.002, increase 6,
75. or 28,5 per cent,
. ,, , !,!, im n monu'i i Lvcninvj. auuuj 1 o. ico.
30VerniHent ActS I esf Are Ac Wholesale I
J J Prices and Terms of Sale
sAlf jLilrlIA 1 rorD'd con btef bifh sad rottt I
SJST m N-rf oro p.lrkrd malr.ly In tnv and tiro
'!' ,,inn in nil p-on rnDj Th
0- V j bacon Is pacLfl Jo 12 pound cam.
T1 O a . PMrea aro o folloiri f. o. b. itnrgr pnlnt
1 tie UeCretal!- " I,J-m fo tbe dluntj named .'or quantity
- Kile lU ; purubjjci.
leasear' of all corned beef
TC ot S N. 1 cans $0.21 'x per can j
v ,oH nces. P.o 2 Ciina 40 p4r can I
y J 1 lb- cans 20 per can
I g T , 1 6 lb- canj 1.40 per can I
B 1 . 1 E bacon mm
t&-T,0. which 12 lb. cant $2.57 per can
S1Srf.e0V! V.v.. ! Cratesiapprox.100 lbs.)
r a'S5Y S 2 Cana 38 per can
K,:'Vf0 ,V.1C I No. 1 can, 50.12 per carv
Mcbetn 'VV c?--C t. 5aS1-1 Wroth. W TVo!o of Dcourtt for Quantity
c.U ka. In llrt.C111 KJl ofer txi 10.001 t0 to 25.000.00 10 1 M
t f Vl ' v ir VVBVSSflS ,v.e . LW 2--00 to S0.Q00.00 12
Guaranl 8c r' eaeVrt 'S BO.OOl.OO to 100.000.00 15
1 h n r A . vst-eef !f ' US I 100,001.00 and over 20
J K packed md m asc awl tv -rofl ,e" 0 Z. a V 1 W
C ciAi The Ucon n pcled 1 iR Id 152 rt lL? H V? ':,'"'r'm i.cito, fJu right to Je-
" Distribution .-6 -jg. SH
I rrc. Ctcit Nfadn Fro iK- A cvc? 27-l g our D'afe Pt Qu.rttrm.at.r !
I I- t,,rvM e, r .. . , r e't rAfd CEPOT QUARTERMASTERS i
W --ffT? lcl.ov.mr addieixi fj, WSW York City, 461 8th Ave.
' 1 H Hoston, Army Sup?l7 Due
U -STTE3tA5. ATLANTA, Ga., Trans. Bide Atlanta. C, Tran.. Bid,.
1 aa Frnnclaco, Call
Chief, Surplus Property Division P2SH I
Urhce of the Quartermaster General, office of the Quartermaster
Munitions Building, Washington, D. C I M .. encral
! JJ M. isjiiss ii.ta MuniUoni BIdg., Wrubington, D. C.
gShetirfJaSgJ jSaSgBlWiaa nffffiTTTisaTaMaafaTaTaaJ
,,unp bathers who dip in tin-
ooi waters of the ugdon river
n'nd who feel that even the much
talkedrSboUt one-piece bathing
suits not noce.vsary to their aiiinti
efforts had bettor wntch carefully
during the coming days '
This morning an irate citizen
called the police station anil pro-t-
tr. against the lack of wearing
apparel of the young bathers who
BWlm near the bridges H,. asked
that measures be taken to bave
the pnietlee stopped.
The police promised to keep an
eve open for the offenders, and
sent but a warning for the young
sters to secure suits at once or
discontinue their dally dips.
Deputy Lowder Is j
Back After Vacation
Wllilnm H. Lowder. deputy sheriff,
after an absence of two weeks on a
vacation trip, assumed his duties this
I morning in the sheriffs office.
Mr. Lowder toured Idaho during his
vacation and Islted practically all of
the larger towns. He said that the
towns supporting a baseball league in
tho Cem state were so filled with en
thusiasm that every store and placo
of, business was closed every Wednes
day afternoon. In order that the ball
gam wuld mt be missed. In one
town, on Wednesday afternoon, eVen a
postage stamp could not be pun based
so tightly were the stores closed Mr
Lowder said.
Farmers of Idrho appear unusually
prosperous this year and each Is en
thusiastic over the crop situation, no
fb-i.ir-,i. T. iking :iii in consideration
thr- people of Idaho are a happy lot
optlrnlstlr, cirr.fr, -. an,l th,- Know
the ropes in having a go,,, Um. . Mr
l owder said.
r, n
More than 15 municipal tramwa
undertakings throupout the United
Kingdom employ women drivers Gla -gow
haing 220 of them,
Sheep sheds having accommoda
tions for 70 000 animals have been
recently built at Dener, Col I
Hold Youth of 17 oil
I Shoplifting Charge
I D. Mace, 17 years old, was arrest
ed by Detective Walter Moore on a
barge of petit larceny this morning
Moon1 went to the establishment of
Nathan U edgeii on lower Twenty-fifth
street this morning to purchase a pis
tol. Two boys were In the store one
. of whom was Mace,
Mare asked the proprietor if he had
any ,38-caliher cartridges The pro
prietor replied that he had none.
Moore searched the boy for a gun.
thinking he might be carrying con
cealed weapons, and discovered that
the boy had hidden a par of shoes
in a package of old clothes and wis
about to make way with them. The
youth was taken to the city Jail.
Youth Given 90 Days
for Taking Revolver
Harve G Miller. 1? years old. !
pleaded guilty to a charge of petit'
larceny this morning, after his alleg-l
ed crime had been redtinnrf fmn, tfiii
degree burglary io :i misdemeanor
and was given a ninety-day sentence
In the county jail
Miller tdmitted having entered De
tective W. A. Jones house and steal
ing a revolver. He ;iso admitted en
tering another house.
County Attorney Joseph Bates stated
; that while the boy could be sent to
(the penitentiary on two counts, that
a Jail sentence on a misdemeanor
I charge would serve an equal purpose.
1 oo
j Ogden Boys Enter
' Navy Hospital Corps
A I Xnden and T II. Smith,
both of this city, were accepted at
the Ogden naval recruiting office to
day as apprentice women for the hos
pital corps. Both went In for two
vear. Thev -will be gien naval uni
forms and enjoy a ten-day furlough
at homo before leaving for float
Island. San Krunclsco.
Captain C W Cole. Inspector of
the western naval recruiting district
made an official call at the recruit-'
me office Saturday afternoon and ex-1
pressed himself as well pleased with'
the 'results attained here He left'
later for San Francisco.
1 Award Bids for South
Utah Road Tomorrow
J Bids for the grading of the Prlce-
Castle Dale road In southern Utah
will be opened by the state roads com-
mission at Salt Lake tomorrow, ac
cording to W. M. Frickstad, highway
engineei of the U. S. bureau of pub
lic roads. The work, it is said, will
be started Immediately
Both Mr Frickstad and B. J Finch,
engineer In charge of the local of
fices of the (7. 8 roads offices, will
attend the meeting.
The Tremonton city paving, which!
was the topic of discussion last week
will be one of the subjects discussed
at the meeting tomorrow afternoon.'
Construction Work
on U. P. Progresses
Grading work for the construction
of double trackage from Wasatch
Utah, to LsRoy, Ww... a being com
pleted, according to M. R. Clark,
claim acrent for ti.r. t i ' tjiiJ i
I who has r-iurncd from a trip to the
easl The work is heing done by the
i l tah Construction company.
I The entire grading work will he
completed within the next slxtv davs
jit is said, the laying of rails and ties
o be started with the completion of-
the grading work. With the excep-l
I tion of about a total of fifty miles!
the road when completed will be
I Oraalu traCked btween Ogden and
Cafe Man Held on
Charge of Battery
Steve Gray was arrested at n 40
o'clock last night at the Minerva caf
on a charge of batten, it i, allege I
'that Gray struck "Whlty" Johnson "
,tho head with a sharp Instrument in
the course of a brawl which occurred
at the Minerva cafe last night
j A plea of not guilty was entered bv I
Gray in the City court this morning
,and the case was set for trial Augusi
24. Gray, who is manager of the Mi
nerva cafe, was released upon pavmen
of ?50 bail
OELWEIX. Aug. 23. Captain K
L, L Adair, of Oehvcln. wus killed Bbj?
I at Spirit I-ikc yesterduy In his
first attempt at a plane to piano Hv
leap which was to have been fol- Kip.
lowed by a dive Into the lake nra)
Adair has been giving exhibition WSfo
flights, with parachute jumps, for Bcfa
several years and. although ho GSra
had but one arm, was unusually Hii?!
successful. mm
His 18-year-old son. "Billy" K
also a parachute jumper, ari- BMfc
tounces h0 will fin his fathers
da i os. mmm
oo JlnP
Huntsville Milk J
in Good Condition - H
Milk coming from the Huntsville
1 Strict f,-r cal in O.J I- ,
... .bu,.ii is snown in mw
unusually good condition according to
the results of tests just completed bv
Herman Harms, state chemist, ami
sent to John Felt, city milk inspector I
"ut of seven samples submitted, only I
one lulled to pass the requirements .,f
This sample w;,s slightly below the
rerjuired standard In solids '
The remaining six .sample;, passPd
far above the requirements, the re
port shows. Hnfir
Ogden Shoe Store Man I
Becomes Practipedist I
j S. A Wilson of La3t - Thomas'
I Bhoe department has become a mem- Jtl
her of the International Association
of Praotlpedlsta He recently grad- Vlffi
(uated from the American School of .
Practipedlcs In Chicago, after having
course of study in the hu- L mm
W foot and Kg. and the modern
methods of relieving and correct"?
" of the f,.-t tho use of cor
rective appliances. r mLM
The epidermis. or outer laver of
Bkin, is us thin as on -nins hundredth
of an inch in some rxi-t. .u"?rIW
cAY pnp a u r i " en m ome ot th
SAY POP A Hammer's as Good as a Razor, Says Alkali.
I r f 7?n , By C M- Payne
? IM A TJT nf J llUCV1Ac, fTACK-uTMe Jots l 9a I ! J ,&&&,h ? J 1SJS.JS1 "I