Appreciate jjJP
"OjHERE is a decided preference
I during the warm weather for
distinctive treatments in hose.
This is but natural due to low fhoes
making this bit of apparel an impor
tant factor in your appearance.
I You will find here silk, silk faced
I and lusterized lisle, which will ap-
I peal to your good taste as much as
J their wearing qualities will appeal to
j j your judgment.
9 9 j The Hermitage hotel in OgUen can-
1a i unii-s In for :i lilt of iili-r.si n i
9f publicity in an article written fur the
9 Indianapolis News, by "Old Timer."
W The article Is headed, "High Bcen-
" 4 cry and Low Prices ' it followc
m Reflecting on the Incidents ot uno
jtl of the moBl delightful trip the writ-
yrSP er ever foci. the Journej :" the San
. Francis nvention and return the
H osali bi bjeel of prices begins to
j divide attention with the sc
Wf'UU Though man can not live by bread
v'''':'jLbbH alone, he certainly ctin not live with-'
S9 out it. There can be no sound Ideal -
'yEB lani that does not have a basis in I
J The Ro ky mountain roun-
9HlH try and (hat to the went of it Is not
-'3g a heavily producing section. Com-
dtH pared with the rich middle west it is(
i I Dl ire great and freights
,& iH ire high These factors must be kept1
3gH in mind by one who would study the
'ffBI subject of comparative prices.
HHH On the way west meals were scn-
pM ed in the dining car and good ones.
RVj at a of SI . for l.r.ikf.il
PB and lunch, and 1.60 for dinner.,
.fiBk Reaching San I'rancisco tbo-H who
k tH at at the Fairmont hotel, one of I
1 tho handsomet and finest in tho
country, enjoyed dinner complete in
.rH every detail from oysters to dessert,!
H for which they were taxed only $1.75
Lm dinners which would have rost'
lH.-,l prol-aMv " in an Indianapolis In-
B tM Club breakfasts and luncheons
,,! j were also served, and at most reason -
jHM able prices.
',- fSB The women of the party are
t-f-VaB thoritles for the statement that prices
) isBTr -hops are considerably bcloWi
'lur' those charged in EndlSnapolis shops
Certainly a well-known brand of
men's collars can be bought for less
, mnncv than In 1 mllanapolls. Hack
1 at ( igden, watermelons were being
sold ut 5 cents n pound. People at
home would think themselves exceed
ingly 'fortunate if they could buy a
ten-pound melon for 50 cents At
thf Hermitage In Ogden fl most de
lightful hotel, situated i nubs up a
beautiful Canyon and a great resort,
an excellent trout and chicken din
ner is served at 0 cost of 11.76. A.
' I remember, such dinners without
j the trout -cost SL'.'iO In Marion coun
ty No doubt there are prices that
are higher than those at home, and
yet this Is by no means certain. Coal,
for Instance, and rents may be high
er, though It is hard to see how they
could be. Other prices are likely to
he controlled, or Influenced, by those
charged for food and clothing. It
seems fair to conclude that the gen
eral price level is lower than with us.
Excluding the railroad fare, and
two nights charge for sleeping car ac
commodations, the cost of the trip
lusting five days through Yellow
stone park, was $68 This paid for
four nights' lodging. fifteen meals
and 143 nliles of motoring. The con
clusion seems to be that the closer
you get to the fooil supply, and the
more abundant the food the higher
must be Ihe price This Is a distinctly-
new principle In economics.
The suggestion has been made that
there i. more in t he middle west than
on the coast, and therefore more from
which people can be separated. Whe
ther that Is true or not I do not
assume to say. It seems to be a'
case of charging all that the traffic
will bear. But whatever the expia
tion, the facts are clear. Food costs
Ic.ms In the far west than it does in
Indiana or else they could not servo
a dinner for $1.75 at the Fairmont
nnd for $1 7S at the Hermitage TIk
men who provide food at these prices
arc not philanthropists, on the con
I trarv. thev are monev-makers.
i rh.ips li was 11.1lur.1l that pie is-
I ant thoughts of comparatively reas
I onable prices should minnle with
J rapturous recollections of sublime
Si enexy, about the time we reached
Omaha arid were swiftly h pproachlnj?
I a region In which prices were not
I reasonable and scenery was. on tho
whole, tame While the change from
canyon to corn country was plfnssjnt.
1 that from a fairly low to an exoi
Ditantly high coxt of living was not.
her the upward movement of
prices begin I do not know, nor Is
It clear that the mount in propor
tion to the declining altitude In
passing through Iowa, a state which
looks, .it viewed from lh( oar v in
dow. as though it could feed the
I world, It was Interesting to speculate
whether Its prices were those of 'al
j Ifomla and Nevada or those of In
diana. All this is, no dOUSjt, dlsJ
tresslngiy utilitarian. Yet one mem-
; her of the party those mind l even
I more prat th ai than mine asked:
"Why don't you plot a curve show
j Ing the trend of prices, and their re-
latlon. or want of it. to altitude'.' Per
, haps the lowest prices will he found
1 at the top of Pikes peak"" Inter
esting as the suggestion was I refius-
1 ed to adopt It. It Is more In line
with the talents f tin late Lewis
Carroll, I am now concerned with
phenomena. and not with thelr
causes. It does occur to me, how
ever, thai 'he happy folk whom I
have In mind, have found relief with
out resorting to I'rof. Irvine Fisher's
I flexible dollar.
I IVDfAN if 17: mn i ir
A touch of realism as a finish may
serve to lift the mind of tbr reader
above, the mere materialities of ex
j Istence. A few nights ago Dr Mc
CullOGh made a speech, the OCCSLS
I Ion being the presentation f an In
dian rUg to the conductors of the
I tour, and it was full of Indians
j more Indians than those present had
! ever heard of poetry, and the most
! beautiful adjectives It was tumult
, UOUSly applauded, and for a time we
j all forgot that there was such a thins
as food In the world 1 f the Ini
1 ter fact we were painfully reminded
I shortly after we reached home No
' one who participated In the presen
' tatlon of the rug can ever forget ti..,t
It was 'woven under water." But
neither can we forget that we once
had a dinner as gqod as the Waldorf
j ever set up for $1 75. and had the
I chance 10 buy watermelons for 5 cents I
1 a pound. OLD TIMER I
Wanted Girl for cashier.
Lyceum Theatie. 4666!
I no
Deaths and Funerals
IIAUDNKN Twin Infant sons of
Charles and Angie Hale, Harndrn will
be burled in the city cemetery this
I afternoon, following private funeral
I services at I.arkln - Son's chapel. One
of the babies died Friday and the
other Sunday.
. no
Enid Bennett in "Partners
Three," a dandy western, a
Mack Sennett comedy and
Jack Dempsey in "Daredevil
Jack'' at the Lyceum today;
I - W'iX J I s(2 mae in 8matt quantities, as a luxury '
y ' - Z'j-t V ( l facial soap, Palmolive would be very ex- !
SLwT I I pensive. Palm and Olive oils are imported
WfFw"" Mil MbbmT tt I from over-seas. Their price is naturally hi&h. I
ISnSr V TvbbbbsbbI SeJr:; Ut tlC demand for Palmolive keeps our
bbbSJ ft 'sAri W' '' factories working day and ni&ht. We pur- '!
jr fWk v T yJL 'y- iiBBBiBBB' rT chase these rare oils in enormous quantities.
' "ft 1 ' W&3jtor This keeps the cost of manufacture low and J
VtBC -'''mUllufls &ives you the finest of facial soaps made at ij
Simple, Sure and Easy f j H
this way to a pretty skin U
HERE is the safe, sum way to a smooth, Palmolive, mildest yet most thoroun of
healthy, bloominjskin. An easy -.vay, cleansers. I
to simple that many v.-omen will say it T . . - . t,- ., , ' I
can't be true Classic days Falm and (Jlive oils served J V
bothflscleanserandalsotisalotion. Ar.Lient I I '
It calls for no medication, it requires no records picture their use and record the jfef
special treatment. It is simply helping benefits. fj 9
nature by aiding the natural action of the T , vi 31
sin iNow , though centunes have passed, these 1 .T j
same oriental oils still hold their place as f,v v I
For when you know the skin is composed of cleansing cosmetics. Their blend in Palm- -'-J1
countless minute &landa and tiny pores you olive has made them famous the worldover. 1. j
will understand that it must be kept clean It hos produced a soap with a thick, pene- -
Accumulations of dirt, oil and dried per- tminft athW wh,eK cenri5es llko malC A
sPirationclo&andirntateandufclyblotchw v hile it soothes, leaving the skin smooth as j
Thn clennsin&can only be done with sonp, If you value the health of your skin, -wash " j j
pure, soothing soap which docs its work yourfacedaily wash it thoroughly. Wash j 1' ,
unthout harshness, Such soap ij yours in it with Palmolive Soap '
pa t v E if ! I
'A,:L,t-.'' '..- .' ,'. '.2 rw.- -..r....,..r.w., am) j
I I The Coolest Place A T T T W B J FIREPROOF 1 I
I in m fi f mf 14 m TS I k clean sanitary, healthful
jU j UTAH m. m J m m A 1 1 f I W m A fresh air. send the children H
90 iEVERFILMED :i ;! ijjji'iW """ MARRY RAPF PresenU I P
Mfe . nUnali E Ulril J Florence reed I
jA mmilltwSbi y wm lllion Rcyle
WMm S' All men are playthings to the woman with youth and purpose. See how men
j B H each different from the other had this proved to them in "The Struggle Ever-
1! j Irstirg," where Lois, a primitive temptress, ensnared them in the meshes of her H
Jj: v W-'- JBHBBF; n'oocls and exacted a steep price for the - follies. All-star Broadway cast..
I I CHARLIE MURRAY JjS scZlZ "Lei 'Er Go" ' TT"W LmlT"6 1 I
I I prices: I r c one 0 Ac ... ... SLE CLAyTONy1 I I
I -i.U W JV ggaa.,,. J 'Crooked Streets" 10c-20c-30c j I
BsH' ( I