ity Commission Passes Ordi
I nance Drafted by Head of
Public Safety
i Z Ogden's new traffic ordinance pass-
i Z. ed the board of city commissioners i
this morning and became a city or-1
dlnance The system with the exeep-
iifl J S l'on ' c,aus,s recently Inserted, hasj
S "2 been In uoc here for come time and nan i
I r, proven successful, according to the
I 5 reports made to the commission.
Parking In the downtown districts,
right of way. regulations covering
H ! ntandlng Vehicles, and many other fca-
I Jures arc Included In the new ordln-
ncc. With its adoption this morn-
fl l 2 nig the provisions will be made to
5 come under the law and violators of
H any section are liable to punishment
Z bv a fine not to exceed '.'9 9 or Im-
s p'rtsonment In the city Jail, or loth
fin- and Imprisonment,
H 2 The first section of the ordinance .
3 explains the downtown non-parking,
K and parking zone and provloes that
J red lines shall mark non-p.irklng
I ,r.iH nn,l whit.' stall- Htiall
I Z hate where automobiles can be parked.
Section No. 2 sets forth "that It Is
1 I unlawful for any person to park or
S leave standing any vehicle between Di"
hours of ? a. m and 7 p. rn. in the
I non-parking areas longer than fifteen (
H ad, ores and onl; v h( n paasenffci
I S being discharged.
8 The third rectlon explains that no
H I P person Is allowed to create his own
C non-parking r.one and th- SOOM pro
fl sttded shall be designated and marked
off bv traffic officers.
I m u RJGH i i WA1
Section No. 4 create, a new right of
fl way system In 'g-t- n ' 11
fl driver of a vehicle, upon approaching
or crossing an Intersection "f u,r
jjH shall grunt the right of way, and
way at each Intersection to any ve
hide approaching from the rlEht, pro-1
- -vlded that when a traffic officer lj
I Vtationed at an-- Intersection he shall
H i. have full power to regulate traffic.
jjPjb Section No. 6 makes h unlawful for
motorists to follow the fin- apparatus
H t a distance closer than pne-eeventh
of a mile nnd to appro ICh
H being used by the fire dcpartnn nt at:
1 the samed 1st nce. When
paratus Is approaching following an
jpH alarm, motorls'.s are urged to draw up
H -to the right curb of 'he sir, et I
-as possible in cider thai the apparatus
H may be given ample space to pftsa.
H Another section provides that every
jpH motor vehicle shall in- equipped v h
B efficient brakes, warning signals and
J front and rear llgh'.
H Glaring headlights also come under
PBp the ordinance and provisions ban
PPPP electric lights of mort than four can-
H die power. The light must be so re
PPPJ fleeted thai no portion of the
PPPpV when measures seventy-five feel
PPpfl more, ahead of the vehicle shall
H above forty-two Inches from tin
pfli ground,
ppppp Section No. ' bars I he repair or cars;
PPPP, while standing upon streets.
PPPS The closing section of the ordinance
H provides for parkin: on
PPPP nue as follows.
p It shall be unlawful for any person
H to park, or standing an ve-
H hi, 1" on the of Hudson
PPPPPj flue between Twentv -fourth ami Twen-
H fy-flfth streets, and It
K Jul for any person to park or leave
PPPPpT Flandlng any vehicle on Hudson ave-
pppV nue between Twenty-third ami Twen-
1 -fourth streets, except that such ve- i
H hide shall be parked parallel with the
H - -qurb of said street, und within at
least twelve Inches from said urb.
PPPJ The ordinance If as drafted J-
pppj Ray Ward, commissioner of public
H safety, after careful Investigation had
PPPJ u been made by traffic officers of the
H portions of the xv.stem whl h have
Hi been In effect The ordinance was
Hpppp unanimously passed by the niemhers
HI of the commission
II County Farm Agent I
Goes on Vacation
W. P. Thomas, Weber county agrl-l
cultural agent, has departed for his;
ranch In Toton Busln, Idaho, and will
remain there until about September I,
Mlas Edith Hay ball, secrstar) of the
farm bureau, will depart tomorrow for
"fjalt Lake to spend her vacation
It Is expected that Information re
garding the next steps to be takes In
the Weber county Irrigation dlstrl, t
will be announced upon the return on
Mr Thomas.
LIVERMORE. Cel.. Aug. 25 Russell
N. Smith of San FtBBCfaoO and W P
VrodvnburK. Jr.. of Freehold, N. J.,
were found drowned pinned under
their overturned automobile In a pool
of water alon the state hlghws: five
miles east of lore last night
0. II IJoppc BnglifiA artist, is in America etfrchipg for women more beautiful than five titled Bug
lish women whom he callH the handeomesl in the world': Lady Lavery, the Duchei of Sutherland, Xiady
Curon, Lady Diana Duff-Cooper and the Viacountew Maasereene.
Well, Mr. Hoppe, we'll help you! Ag a starter here are three American society women rioted for
t h'-ir l.cr:ut : 1 ft , Mrs. .loim iiarrvmort", bride of the great actor, Center Mra. Marshall Field Ills
Right Mrs. Morgan Belmont.
Whether Woman to Face Trial
or Go to Mental Hospital
to Be Decided
The question Of the sanity of Mrs
; Ollle Clough, who Is alleged to have
1 held the arm of her 1 A e;ir old boy.
Ray, when the lud fin d six sl-ots from
; a revolver Into hU father's body as ho
j waj asleep In the Clough home earl)
Sunduy morning, killing film almost
I instantly, will be determined this aft
ernoon hi the district coiirl by jury)
to lit- Impanelled before Judge A. V.
I Agee.
The juror win hear evidence of ""I
witnesses who h-urd Mi Cloufb'l
story und thost- who have Attended b,er
' since her arrest. It Is also probable
th.il Nhh. Clough will al-.o I'e plaied
on tha stand for examination.
Slnr-i- being placed In a special cell'
In the county Jail Sunday, Mrs. Clough
has given every Indication of being
mentally deranged, according to the
attendants Until last night, however,
the woman has contented herself
mostly with chants and song. and
talking to herself. Last night the at
tendants said ihe woman lost all con
trol and raved wildly during the
night. This morning her cell was Ut
tered with debris as a result of her
The bed clothing was torn into
shrods und thrown about Thf mut
tres was also torn to tatters. Mrs
Clough also tore the clothes from her
body ami threw the pieces about her
cell. This morning she was apparently
wearied from her ravings and was
Judge Agee said thlj morning that
I the verdict of the Jurj will decide
whether the woman will be sent to the
i state mental hospital at I'rovo or
whether she will be compelled to face
I a eharge of murder If committed to
the hospital a charge of murder can
be preferred against her after the pa
tient has been cured and discharged,
he said. It U doubtful if u verdict can
be obiulncd after discharge, Judge
Agee said, as the Jury would have to
take Into consider ! i ion the fact that
the woman waj ins-ine at the time of
committing the crime.
A regular Jury will be called and
H The powerful story of the underworld from the
pen of Paul Armstrong.
"Mac" Admits Drinking
He lesjrner
Keeps Court a-Titter
UnembarraSSpd by a vast ex
panse of flannel, exposed through
absence of an outer shirt. J P.
MoVelght of 337 Adams avenue,
who might well pose for a George
Mi Minus cartoon, pleaded guilty
to a charge of drunkenness In
the city court with grace of lan
guage that hns made Ould Erin I
and the Blarney stone famous. Hla
histrionic abilities could get him
no less than the minimum fine,
however, and he was fined $50
The court was in a continual
uproar while MeVelght's case was
being tried. Even Judge Roberts
failed to reslruln a couple of er
rant titters, while Assistant City
Attorney Samuel Powell was so
beguiled by the stream of humor
ous phllosoph) that t lowed from
MeVelght's tongue that before the
trial was fairly in progress, he
called MeVeight by the chummy
nickname of "Mac."
"It was not drink, yer honor,
that was responsible for my be
ing here; It was vcrnlller Cursed
be vernlller.."
And Mac" continued In a vein
G. 0. P. TO MEET
delegates to the Republican
state convention. boosters und
supporters of V. H- Wattis for
governor, will ussemble at the In
terurban station at 7:16 a. m. to
morrow for the trip to Salt Lake
to attend the convention.
A Republican caucus will be
held at Ml. Wattis' headquarters
In the Kenyon hotel at 9.80 n. m.
Scott Returns From
Placing Fair Exhibit
J. K. Scott, national forest examiner,
Is expected to arrive in Ojrden this af
I ft rnoon from Boise. Idaho, where for
'the past several wt-eks he has been
arranging an extensive exhibit, to rep
repent forest service activities at the
Idaho state fair.
Mr. Scott has also attended to a
number of other forest service activi
ties while In that portion of the Fourth
district, it la stated.
TOPEKA. Kans . Aug. 25. - Every
portion of KansMS wu soaked during
. the last week and the bulk of the
1 corn crop Is now saf as far as danger
of drought or frost Is concerned, fed
I ersl crop bulletin announced today.
CHICAGO. Aug. It. The Chicago
Evening I'ost" one of the John '.
i Shaffer papers, today announced that,
beginning Monday. August SO. Its
price will be advanced to three cents.
The Post Is the second of the four af
ternoon papers here to takthls step.
A British butcher ho carrier
! pldgeons to bring in orders from !
ou lylni ntrj district.
' Impanelled to pas on ihe sanlv. f
the woman this afternoon. Judge Age
aaid. The session will be called at1
1 2 o clock.
which upheld old-fashioned red
liquor, and denounced all present
day beverages. ' For the past
foive months Ol hove been work
ing without so much as losln' a
single minute, and for the life of
me, yer honor, Ui could see no
harm In taking a nip or two."
i re.id of yer sentences in
the paper every day, yer honor,
and huve gasped at the size of
the fines ye have been passln' out,
tmt I hold It against no one that
Oi'm arrested. It serves mo
right '
"Mac." while in his cups, is
alleged to havo offended some
one by his talk. He explained
this situation by saying, "Ol'm
naturally sociable, yer honor, and
It's Just lolke :ome people to look
upon a well meant remark as an
Ho ,also cited that "In New
York, where drink is not a mortal
offense, so long as ye can get It,
that a man Is fined only 3 for
"ul'm leaving for New York
soon, too," he said.
IDAHO FALI-S. Aug. 25. Mrs
Irion, of Sand Point, was noml
nated by the Democratic conven
tion for congress from Ihe first
district. She Is the first woman
ever to bo named for a congres
sional office In the state of Ida
ho. Mayor W, P. YVhll.iker of Po
catello was nominated for con
gressman from the Second district
over Taylor Cummins of Twin
Falls iud M. J. Kerr of Fremont
county. Tho vote was unanimous.
Woods to Investigate
Grazing Conditions
C. N". Woods, In charge of the graz
ling department at tho local foreat
1 headquarters, departed today for the
8wtooth forest In Idaho to conduct
un extensive Investigation and study of
range conditions In the forest
L'ntil 19 H, Mr. Woods was super
visor In the forest. HI trip will be
for the purpose of ascertaining the
(progress made regarding grazing con
ditions in the forest since lirl eft.
EL. PASO. Tex . Aug. 25 --Dr. Paul
P.. Altcndorf. secret agent in Mexico
durlngthe war for the I'nlted States,
'was refused admittance Into this roun-
try today by Immigration agent be
j cauae.h- la classed a an alien enemy,
j His wife, on American girl, whose
1 f i r-t husband died In France, was re
fused permission to go to Juarez to
i meet him because she now also Is clas
sed as an alien enemy by the Immigra
tion authorities.
iFji MHjfy' jai
Wir iK"t'c3 - i I
Gingham Week j I
I Three days more of National Gingham Week. Every large store
in America is telling of the utility of ginghams; featuring the j
new ginghams at lowered prices. For the school dresses that
you will be making, use ginghams We include in this sale j
many other seasonable fabrics. I
I Imported Ginghams Imported Lorraine 65c Figured Voiles !
Tft , . M.16 vnlu.s in figured TOllss In
yC "oc imported Lorraine ffiog- nowcred designs, also silk stripe J
! 95c imported fine gingham, ham, 32 inches wide ; all the and checks, 40 Inehco wide
I perfectly fast colors in daintv good plaids, etc. Yard 65r Yard 7o I
5 plaids, checks, stripes, etc Devonshire Cloth 48e Fine Dress Voiles
x Special yard 70o Devonshire cloth perfectly 11.50 toIIss tor flm flrssses, sxosl.
I Apron Ginghams 25c ft color, for house dresses. :j;-:rh
1 29c apron ginghams for kitch- smocks, boys suits and waists, ' 1Sia;j.-imI Vnilp I
I on aprons etc Good fast col- etc ; 32 inches wide Largo .SSaaL? !
" ors Yard' Sr assortment. Yard 48c 5: 1 s mbrolderej ro lies an, orwn
r 9rs. zara . or dlM, beautiful qusllty. iS Inches
I Dress Ginghams 29c Utica Sheets 5J.bo irids. tor smoekt. tte. gi.95 I
35c dress gingham in good fast 81x90 Utica sheets, heavy and FilTUred Organdie i
I colors, plaids, checks and good as poquot. Regular $3.25 $J uir,., 0rsudie. 45 inches
1 stripes Special yard 29c v"lues- Special $2.65 we imported road- x
I Utica Sheets $2.98 qp' 81.48
Dress Ginghams 39c 8ix99 utica sheets, regular Huck Towels
r 45c dresa ginghams and chc- $3.65 values. Guaranteed one Haol towels In Mio ix30 inches; !
I viots for school dresses, of the best 3heet3 in the mar- the. are white with colored bor jj
a aprons, waists shirts, etc. Spe- ket. Special $2.98 rl,'r' olir 250 va'"ps Bpeclsl, fjjj
I "al values, yard 39o Pillow Cases 63c L'A'iu i
Voiles at 65c cases, size 45x Mill Ends Organdie
n Ulle dl VOL 0 1 . ' ;o( orcandles in null end.. 2 to 10
P Figured Tolle, $1 value some of the extra fme and heavy, no n p6fl6 ho.lllMfll, nowsNd j
Z season's pr.'ttieft designs dressing. Regular 75c values. d0SCn8 atC . 40 Inches wide I
J yard . . Each. .... 63 Vard . . 48 j
j For Tomorrow' $ Shoppers B
For the crowds who come tomorrow (circus day) there are fine attractions
in all sections of the store. All of those good attractions that were adver
tised in Sunday's paper are still offered Out-of-town customers will find it
convenient and very inexpensive to have their luncheon at the fountain.
The items that should have special attention tomorrow are the Gingham
Week specials, the Dollar Sales on the Second Floor, the household goods i
special Downstairs, the attractions in men s work clothes, the pantry sales, j f
shoe bargains Downstairs. You will find copies of the Sunday advertisement A
j posted in all departments. j H
Sells Cigarettes to
Minor; Gets $60 Fine
Receiving the second heavy fine to
be Imposed on dealer who are found
to be selling cigarettes and tobacco
to minors. R. Varella. a Spunlsh mer
chant of 141 Twent -fifth street, was
sentenced to pay a fine of $60 or the
alternative In city court this morning
Varella pleaded guilty to the
E. J. Stowell, arrested on a similar,
charge fulled to appear and his ball
amounting to $2f, waj declared for
I f" lted. A bench farrant was Issued for
I his arrest.
Another similar case was turned
over to the Juvenile court. It having
been found that the defendant In the
action was not yet 18 years of age.
It was stated at the police station
that prosecution of dealers who Nil
tobacco to minors would continue until
such time as the practice was discon
tinued. In each case, the dealer sold a sin
gle package of cigarettes to the ml-
nors, it Is stated.
Blaze Threatens
Commercial Bank
Fire threatened the Commercial Na
tlonal bank, between Hudson and
Washington avenues, on Twenty-fourth
street yesterday afternoon when coal
in the basement b came lpnlted
through spontaneous combustion Th
fire occurred at 2.55 o'clock yesterday
Tho prompt arrival of the fire de
partment prevented the flames from
making much headway. Little damage
resulted from the fire.
Rain May Prevent j
Liberty Park Rally
with rain clouds threatening, offi
cials In charge of the Fourth ami
Sixth ward, rally, which la ocheduled
I this evening at 6.30 o'clock In Liberty
I park, announced that If the weather
Is not clearer at the appointed time.
,the rally will be held In the Fourth
(ward. Plans are hurriedly being made
I so that one rally may contain all the
features. If the weather compels th"
holding of the program within th'
ward hall.
If the clouds disperse during the
late afternoon the rally w ill be held In I
Liberty park as scheduled
COVER D ALENE. Ida . Aug. 2S.
William Sutton, a fisherman, waa fa
tally ahot. near i hatcolet Idaho, yes
terday, by Captain Ell Laird. com
mander of a tugboat on the St Joe
tfVfr, following a struggle during
which Sutton, according to stories of
th captain and crew of the boat, at
tempted to board the
Sutton, against whom charges of 11-j
licit liquor selling are said to have
been made by Captain Laird, surren
dard to the sheriff at 8t Maries.
Big "Fat" Mclntyre in the
Rex Beach special. "Too Fat
to Fight." at the Lyceum to
day only. Coming tomorrow
Virginia Pearson in "Impossi
ble Catherine." (First run in
0gden.) i
Four Tennis Players
to Enter State Events
Four Ogden net stars. Earl Harris
Fred Jensen, Mllnor Jefferles and J
If. Waugh, will represent the Ogden
Tennis club In the Intermountaln ten
nis championships which will be held
under the supervision of the Salt Lake,
tennis club on the Salt Lake courts
September 9 to 1 6
The four Ogden players have been
selected due to their recent playlnr
In the city net championships, Edgar
Johnston and Arch Moves, winners of
the doublej title in the recent city
titles will not be able to compete.
Play In the handicap tournament
which will require about three weeks
to complete will be started Sunday
morning on the local aourta with
weather permitting Prizes for th-
i winners In this tournament will be
awarded It Is said.
The Intermountaln net titles will see
some of the fastest net pluyers In
'action. California, Nevada, Colorado.
I Wyoming. Arizona, Idaho and L'tah
i will compete for honors Those tr.
charge of the coming tourney expect
the net game to be revised with class
'galore and hope that the sets plaed
rill put the net game on a par In the
l'tah sport world with other sports
In the state.
Dr. Rowe Talks to
Ogden Rotarians
At the weekly meeting of the Rotary
club at the Weber club today. Dr Fl.
M Rowe was the principal speak
Ir Rowe addressed the club member
ion the sheep Industry of the weal.!
Musical entertainment wu furnished
by the Hawaiian musician now ap i
pearlng at a local theater. I
Gus Becker Third I
I in Cleveland Shoot I
G I ("Gus") Recker. crack ogden
'shooter, finished third In tho 1600 yard
1200 bird championship at Cleveland
'yesterday, according to word received t
here today Decker entered the na L-
tlonal championships In place of Chic
Relile., of Salt Lake who waa unable
to enter.
Becker 6howed rare form at th f
Cleveland meet, according to the Infor- Br
ruatlon received here In the first nun- St
drcd bird shoot he broke 9.S out of a
possible 100 and in the MOOUd MM hun
dred shattered 99 of a possible 100. His g
feat In the second shoot almost won
second honors for him. the winner of K
second place having a score of 194 Hi
iWrlKht. the winner, broke 197 out of a
possible 200. H
Streets Flow Like I
Rivers After Rain M
Hundred of automobiles got a first
class washing, streets were like rlverM
and gutters ran to flood capacity at 2 JH
o'clock this afternoon when OgdJB was
struck by the heaviest rain storm It V
has experienced In months. H
Prom the country districts came th I
report that the rain would be of great I
benefit to the beet and tomato fields, I
but that the storm would spoil some
City weather sharks were busy pre mF
dieting that the storm would mark th'i H
break of summer temperatures and H
that from now on there would be a H
touch of fall In the air In the morning H
and In the evening. m9
Averts Accidents
Why take chances on a wheel
collapsing when a few minutei
spent on your car with a can of K
Spoktite is positive assurance
against an accident of this sort
rev Spoktite isn't a glue. It's a
V cicntific compound that swells
WvGLll the "poke to their original
I Bfl sH HTbs.1 tightness and keeps them there.
XTTTX Stops Body
jll Squeaks
j Don't tolerate those annoying
v- - Ddy squeaks A few drops of
' Spoktite will chase them away.
CD"ilV7VTtfr 11 ' aPPUed lle oil G1 a can
Or JI 11 J at Ogden 's Motoring Headquar-
""IChTEMS loose wwiirS ters
F:fj-sm Cheesman
v,rj5i Automobile Co.
s i in' 1 1 1 m mmmmjl cars accessories
Ogden. Utah
254 Washington Ave. Phono 324
V )