OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, August 27, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-08-27/ed-1/seq-7/

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Jt" 3 a, BIG SAVING i
fl Fine All Woo. I
i l i Made to your measure at
The big new Fall line has just arrived. Choice cf over I
L 200 new Fall patterns checks, stripes, smart mixtures. 1
Make your choice from the newest woolens and you I
get an EXTRA PAIR of PANTS with every suit. I
Every Suit Guaranteed
A Xoatless' Club at
I Jail Disorganized
'( The "coatless" club at tho police
, 3 station was somewhat disorganised
this morning whn, because of the
shower, a numbor of charter members
of tho organization appeared with
their i nuts, which for the preutcr por
tion of tho summer, havo been dls
SW carded.
The majority of the policemen said
that the rain which fell this morning
did not look as though shirt sleeves
would be adequate today.
- h on
1 WASHINGTON, Aug. 27. Hearings
en application of the American Rail
way Express company for an addition
al 15 per cent rate increase, totalling
' approximately $42 000.000, were con-
jte - ' ducted today by the Interstatt
merce commission The increase was
made necessary by the wage award
of tho railroad labor board, the com-
pany declared. I
Drink of Extract
Costs William $50
Pineapple extract, purchased for
$1 2F at a local grocery store, proved
costly to John William, who pleaded
guilty to a charge of drunkenness in
the police court thM morning. A small
bottle, partly, filled with the extract,
was introduced as evidence.
'fflcer William Dlclfc who arrested
William, said that the man was nearl;,
paralyzed as the result of the drink.
JuiIkc D, R. Roberts Imposed the min
imum sentence, of $f0 or 50 das
DENVER, Colo , Aug. 27. Major
General Leonard A. Wood arrived here
today and with rolonei C C. Ballou,
commandant of Fort Logan, began an
Official Inspection of that post.
While here Wood will determine
whether federal troops now enforcing
military control in the city on account
of a street car strike will be with
(By Milton Bronner, European Mana
ger N. E. A.)
Dr. Rendcl Harris, a great English
scholar, who is an authority on paleog
raphy at Cambridge university, be
jlieves he has discovered the remains
of that Immortal liip which bore the
Pilgrim Fathers to America.
He thinks the original timbers of the
I ' pe are in a groat barn at Old Jor
dan's farmstead. Chal, font Si Gilei
Buckinghamshire. He founds his case!
on a combination ot historical aud ma-1
terlal evidence.
Historically he has been able to
DENVER, Colo., Aug. 27. Reso
lutions favoring development of
the waters of the Colorado river
and opposing further enlargement
of agricultural holdings by citizens
of any oriental nation were adopt
ed unanimously today at the dol
ing conference of the League of
tho Southwest
(By Intcrnrtioral News Service.)
TOPEKA, Kan It cost Governor
Hcnn J Alton Just eighty cents to
be nominate! by the Republican
Statewide prinaries the first of the j
month. Ho spent that amount in
mailing out petitions to friends to
circulate for him that he might be
placed on the primary ticket.
A coincidence 'is that tho Govern
or's majority vei his opponent. G. B. 1
Snow, may cost him Just one cent
for each thousand majority.
i Qm Utah Compan if Uses
1 iililM 6.000.000
I JPTk Papijpoxes jiP
jtr TBiiiWnniJal I u wit
NE Utah manufacturing company uses 50,000 cardboard boxes in one
8 M month, 6,000,000 in one year. Besides, there are scores of manufac
turers, merchants and mail ordir houses in Utah and thousands of others
in the United States who use annually hundreds of million of folding paper
boxes for packing and delivering their merchandise.
Why not build a big paper box industry here and keep hundreds of thousands
1 ol dollars at home?
i t A Wonderful New Box
II The Aeroplane Folding Paper Box is m a It locks as it folds, saves paper, twin and
class by itself. It has been approved bj the ,inu' ,n wrftDPin& eliminates waste in cul
S ,. . . twig, is strongly reinforced ;it Uu- ends and
'III Ln,t,,tl st:,,,'s Government for pared post top and r;m bfl ,.,,. cheftpw thap h()Xrs re.
, '""I first-claw mail deliveries. quiring staples and glue.
II l "A Home Industry"
f A new hohie industry is bring developed and snip of this superior box.
I around tins wonderful box The company is As the Wgue ia ver limited wo advise early
ft eapilalied for $100,000 Six hundred shares reservation of this sto k Write for pros-
at $loo oudi will be sold immediately to pro. pectus and further information concerning
J vide working capital for the manufacture this company and us successful outlook
I I Aeroplane Folding Paper Box Company
yjj 320 Hudson Building Ogden, Utah
The barn at Old Jordan's, show
ing heavy timbers, thought to have
come from the Mayflower, a pic
ture of which is Inset.
show that the owner of the farm at I
tho date when the Mayflower dlsap
peared, also owned a quarter share in
the vessel. Another quarter share was
owned by n farmer living near by
It had been shown that Ihe flop
was in the whaling trade as late as
1654. The presumption is that soon
after ihai tiim she wag broken up fo:
her timbers.
Four material points are cited as
Candidate Tells College Town
He Is Proud of Hard
Knocks Diploma
NEW HAVEN, Conn. Aug 27. A
promise to continue his fight to "para-1
lyze the hand of greed, selfishness and
corruption that In trvlng to purchased
the presidency," was made by Gover
nor Cox. Democratic presidential can
didate, boom after his arrival here to
day to open tho Connecticut campaign.
He wan greeted by a large crowil
"And 1 am confident, " he said
speaking to the young voters' league
of this state, "that as aoon as the facts
soak Into the understanding of the
people their verdict will not ho one of;
disapproval but of stirring lndigna-j
lion "
HrT his way here from New York
Governor Cox made a rear platform
address at Stamford, declaring one of
the Issues to be "whether we -are to
have an administration that Is pur
chased ut u cost of scvoral millions
In behalf of a few persons."
Tho crowd gave three cheers for
Governor Cox and Homer S. Cum
mlngs whose home town thu was
His presence In this university city
inspired Governor Cox, apparently, to
discuss educational problems. He said
that the boys born poor oould thank
Me ir good fortune. Stating that they
had betn fortunate enough to secure
a college education. Governor Cox
"I hold a diploma from the school
of hard knocks. And I am glad of it
for I believe that one of the require
ments of the president of the United
Staic.s t to have hud the experience
of the under-man. Tho undor-mun
must do his own fighting. Powerful
Interests and combinations have their
representatives at the seat of govern-
mfnt but the under-man has only his
congressmen and hi president."
ST LOUIS, Mn, Aug. 27. Two griz
zly bears escaped from the municipal
.on t t ii .uid '.l ightened hundreds of
persons i running throuKht the r. !
ilenllul section, pursued by mounted
pOllCOinen "l a crowd of pedestrians
Both bears were captured but not un
i tli one had been wounded by riot gun
Socialist Lecturer
Talks at City Hall
About i:.0 attended the Socialist
lecture by Miss I.llltli Martin In "
clty hall Wednesday evening Miss
M.iriin ban boon satlvc in the Social"
1st parly for a, number of years and Is
a personal friend of Eugene V, OebSi
, Socialist nominee for president. She
referred 10 the Republican and Demo
jcratlc nominee as "Two peas In a pod,"
und endeavored to show some differ
I ences between these two parties.
.. oo - .
Huntsville Man Is
Ordered Into Court
Judge A. D- Pratt of the district
court has Issued an order in which
I'-a rlC'ii- 1'' i i in i commanded lo u'
i ' ;ir In court Sejiteniber 7 and show
cause if he has any, why he should
I not pay his wife, Bile I 1" rrln tem
porary alimony during pondancy ol di
vorce action which Is now before the
court. He is bIro ordered to show
cause, why Mrs. Ferrin should not be
permitted to ocoupj the I'cirin home
In Huntsville ,mh1 further why be
should not l restrained frnm vjaltlnS
hi wife during pendancy of the notion.
The Perrln divorce case la HOW b)
, foro the court.
As the result of the war. It Is snld,
tho British have gained control ovei
22,000.000 additional lnhablianrs und
i jts.ooo square mile? ut territory.
presumptive evidence that the barn I M
contains the Mayflower timbers.
First, the timbers have been exam- J
ined by an expert and pronounced to (
bo old ship's timber of a vessel about I
the size of the Mayflower 180 tons
Second, the brickwork on which tho
timber walls rest has been pronounce.i
lo belong to the seventeenth century.
Third, one of the timbers has an j
iron attachment which appear to have
been part of a ship's keel; nnd
Fourth, remains of a carved lnscnp-
tlon, which points to the Mayflower,
have been discovered.
Lord Mayor MacSweny. on j
Hunger Strike, Gets
Week; to Live
CORK, Aug 27 a fierce though
brief battle wae loiiKbt early this
mornlnp at Clonukilty . a seaport
fouthw i Cork ivhen flftj men at-1
tacked a imi:ill garrt.ion in tho police
barracks. The attackers poured a
heavy rifle fire Into tho building and
ono bomb was thrown The police re
tUmtd r steady fire and the raiders
were forced to withdraw No caiualtlee
were reported.
LONDON, Aug 27. Terance Mac
Bweney, lord mayor of Cork, today
begun the fifteenth day of his hunger
strike in much the same condition as
csterday. He wan seak this morning
but was conscious and able to sp?ak
a little
It was said Mavor MacSweney might
live another week If his lungs have
not been attacked as a result, of a pre
vious Illness.
CAMP PERRY. O, Aur 27 The
last Itage of the nuilonal rifle team
match opened today with tho United
States marine corp team No. 1 hold
ing first place with a total of 2297.
three points above its closest opponent,
the United Slates infantry team.
The Philippine Scouts have dropped !
from third to fifth place, with a total!
score of 2282, while the United States!
cavalry team moved from fourth toj
third place with a score of 2288. Th
United States navy team is in fourth
place now with a score of 2231.
Directors elected for two years by
the National Rifle association last 1
n.f-'ht included- Dr. A T. Newcomb. J
California ; Lieut. Col Morton M Mum ;
ma, Iowa; and Capt Arthur B. Smith,
ANTWERP. Aug. 27. Americans
won the first three places in the
springboard diving finals of the Olym
pic games today. L. E. Kuhn. Multno
mah A C, Portland, first; C. Pink
IgtOne, Olympic club, San Francisco,
' second, and L J. Balbnch, New York ,
A t , third.
BRUSSELS. Auk. 27. The optnlnK
I races of the Olympic regatta were held
today under favorable conditionr1 of,
sunshine and calm in the Brussels
maritime canal hero.
The grandstands at the finish were
decorated w.th Hags aud crowded,
while the hanks at that point v. re
lined wnh motor yacbti and lauocbea
Large crowds tilled both banks q the
canal along the entire 2000 meter
I course
ClIICAi.U), Aug 27 Miss Edith
CummingSi Opwentiia Country club,
Chicago, and Mrs. F. C Litis, Olenn
Oalc Country club, Chicago, champion
in 1916 and 1917i are paired for the
I Inn 1 match tomorrow in the cham
pionship night ol the Women's Wi it
cm (ioli j km lailoii lournamenl Tin s
won their contests today In the Mmi
finals of the Oak Park Country dub.
the semi Unal round ol the Meadow
club CUP men', singles here toda. Wll
lam .1 clothier Philadelphia, deft at
d Hugh M. Kelleher, New York,
4-6, 9 7.6- 8
(By International News Service)
KANSAS CITY, Mo. It remained
for a Missouri woman to "ohow" i In
National Poultn association, which
assembled here, thai she could, like
: Luther Burbank. plant "wizard." pro
duce a strictly "Missouri chicken"
The ' chicken wizard" Is Mrs. J. D.
Kite, of Lucerne, Mo., and her prod
ucl is said to be unJke anything
heretofore known in the poultry
world It is a large white fluffy
Chicken with peculiar shaped feath
ers, and she has named it the "Mis
sourl Fluff." ,
I As a result of the war. France lost
600,000 Industrial workers
i H
Much has been said and many people criticised over the B?
high prices of sugar the past few weeks. In some cases aft
this may have been somewhat unjust, yet in many cases P
cnlicism was well directed. For some time past con- H,
sumers in the intermountain country have paid high mfc.
prices for sugar, while consumers in certain sugar beet M
territories have enjoyed much cheaper prices. This con- W
dition was perhaps caused by profiteers and unscrupul- fi
ous dealers who valued the dollar far more than the m
duty they owed their fellow beings and to the.commu- 'fe
nity. Had Skaggs' Cash Stores so desired we could have K..
profited more in a few weeks than we could possibly A
have done in several months doing legitimate business.
We arc proud of our stand in this matter, and the knowl- k
edge of the confidence put in us by the buying public ff',
far offsets any financial gain we might have had. We W
are expecting a substantial drop in sugar soon and the fe
fact that we have not stored any high priced sugar puts ! lEs
us in a position to offer you that decline when it takes r-
effect. That is the principle and the foundation of our I
success, and by these methods we are the first to give ' ft
you the advantage of all market declines. Watch our : r
prices and benefit accordingly. ; Jk:
Where Do You Boy Your I
Are you one of our many satisfied customers and saving 'E
on your meat bill, or do you still pay high prices at
credit and delivery stores? There is no better time than r
the present to start to economize on this important food m
item and convince yourself that Skaggs' Markets save f:
you money. b
Our Regular Prices I
40c Sirloin Steak, pound 30c
35c Round Steak, pound 27c f;
45c T-Bone Steak, pound 32c I
I 25c Shoulder Beef Steak, pound 20c
j 25c Pot Roast, pound 15c F.
30c Pot Roast, pound 20c p
25c Rib Roast, pound 20c
35c Rolled Rib Roast, pound 27c
20c Beef Boil, pound 10c I
30c Shoulder Fall Lamb Chops, pound 22c
35c Loin Fall, Lamb Chops, pound 25c
j 35c Legs Fall Lamb, pound 25c S I
45c Loin Vea! Chops, pound 35c .
45c Leg Veal Roast, pound 35c
35c Shoulder Veal Chops, pound 25c
25c Breast of Veal, pound 20c I
Every day Prices At All I
Stores I
10 pounds Choice Utah Potatoes 25c
40c Choice Juicy Lemons 25c j
35c New Crop Walnuts, per pound 25c
Fresh Utah Tomatoes, 8 pounds 25c I
Fresh Roasted Peanuts, 2 pounds 35c
Cache Valley Old Wheat Flour, 100 pounds $5.60 I
In 500 pound ots $5.50 I
Fancy Home Grown Utah Watermelons, per lb.. . .IV2C jl
I 40c Full Cream Cheese, pound 33c J
I 8-pound package Ready Cut Macaroni $1.00
I 60c 1 -pound can McDonald's Cocoa 45c I
60c Hawaiian Pineapple 43c 1
40c Hawaiian Grated Pineapple 33c I
1 dozen Strictly Fresh Ranch Eggs 50c I
60c 26-ounce Pure Apricot Jam 45c
Butter Higher Next Weekj I
The butter market is a few cents higher but we will con- bfl
tinue to sell this week at the old price. There is no bettei j
churned than Skaggs' Creamery Butter. Fresh every day
and guaranteed to please and several cents saved.
Skaggs' Creamery Butter, 1 pound 60c
NEW YORK, Auk. 2 7 - Kxt cnslon
Ot the postal savings system at anj
attraotlVfl nits ot Interest by th gov-;
eminent to furnish bunion'-' laellUies
to th. r.e.i i.ody of common peopl
was urji-d bere tud i by Eugene Mvy
ii. Jr., former managlm; illrector of
the war finance corporation
AppoarliiK beforo tho leoate special
committee pn reconstruction and pro
duction, tho financier proposed legis
lation to authorise Daymen! ot a tout
ht cent rate oi Interest on po.-i;il f.-iv-rngs
deposits Instead of the present
lm, per cent. Ibj also .nl-"ea ted In
I eluding all the 5RC000 postofflces.
branches and sub-Slutlons as deposl-
Proper organisation and id minis-1
trillion. Mr. Meyer said, could gain
Savings deposits within a year suffl-
lent to pay off the floating nation s
Indebtedness Ho a8 SJ,,1 thut with
proper handling, deposits oould bs ln
i n ased to cover a large part, if not
o the Victory loan of more than
4,000,000r000 maturing In 192J.
Taking up of treasury certificates
by postal Savings, he added, would re
lieve the banks of tho burden The
redemption of certificates would fur
ther bring about, he said, a rise in
Liberty bonds of from tlve per cent to
10 per cent.
Onf-fourth of all the printed matter
I in the United States cmaiia.- a lrmu
1 New York City.
ATLANTA, Oa. After h fight ex
1 1 mling. over five years and following
a referendum vote the Atlanta board
lot education has adopted a resolution j
ordering Bible readings each moruiu.: I
from 8:30 to 8:40 In the public schools j
ol Ulanta effeotive with the opening
of the next term early in September. j
An offer by the Junior order of United
American Mechanics to provide Bibles !
for the use of the schools without cost I
to the i ity was accepted, but it was 1
'specified they must be the American j
; revised version.
Alaska Is nearly twice the size ol the
original thirteen states. j
$50 Reward
for the return of my Llewel
lyn Setter dog. Bluish gray,
dark ears; male. Call phone
1921-NJ or 578 Twenty
third Street.

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