OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, September 02, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-09-02/ed-1/seq-9/

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mf I At Utah Theatre
jj For Treasurer
I announce myself a? a candidate
BH lor the office of County Treasurer
of Weber County, subject to the will
3u of the Republican County CoQven-
tB I have been a resident of Ogden
ioH for the past nine years and expect
im to continue to tnake this mj home
4nB I am a prop rtj owner and tax
ZjrV payer and am Interested in seem.;
fgiij our taxes reduced
jjyj I believe no one should aspire to
a public office they are not thor
Tig ouchly competent to handle With
?yH thirteen years of banking exper-
jH Knee in handling the pnbllc'8 funds.
J kfj tnf taxpayers may expect efficient
'essTyl service from me
&fp If nominated and elected I shall
devote all my time to the duties ol
A the office, giving thi best possible
service with the least possible cos!
in the
(Paid Political Advertisement)
Big New Bill Today
One of the Top Shows on the Road
Chlnee Wonder Workers
I fflk They Do Everything.
I A Human and Humorous Little Play
II They Do a Peppy Comedy Number
French Clrlt .it the Piano
An Impersonator Diffeient
Three Shows Dally Matinee. 2.45;
Night. 7:30 and 9:10 P. M.
Matinee Pnccs 15c 30c
I Night C5c 40c 50c
For Subscription and Advertising
Department. Call Phono No 56
Clean large rags wanted at The
Ifii&Bdard-Examlner office 4302
trtlsl I :n Route. Harold tester-
mahii,, artist of the New York Globe,
spent more than thrive hours In Og-
l n f s(-i t.ij- i n route io Pan Kmn-
Ogden Typewrjlcr House tnr type
. writers and repairs. 2422 Hudson At
1 Phone 23t. i
Babe Arrives Mr and Mrs Hay
, den Candland are rejoicing over the
arrival of a baby bov, in the home of
D YV IJr.htner, 2201 Grant avenue.
Bushel ba kets and fruit boxes for
8le Baskets $3.2 per dozen. Groutx
t'r.iln store. JZ2 Twenty-fourth stieet
i$2l :
Chevers In Ball Lata w n Chf -
I ers. ere n era I agent for the Union Pa
i elflc lines, departed for Kali Lake i.i
i day on officials business for his com
I pany.
Phor.e 602 for messenger.
roniistfIere l?orty-thre en route
from Chicago and otbei eastern points
I to Yellowstone National Park, ate
scheduled to arrive in Ogden late to
I day They will visit points in Ogden
i canjon prior to departing for the
j north. A second party of Corty-fiva
will urrlve here next Monday.
Bruti Shipments. Fruit shipments
; on all lines entering ogden continue
heavy. according to offlc'a's of the
Pacifc Fruit Bpress. More than four
I hundred . .irs uf fruit are arriving Iv i.
! daily
Tnrvis Here, i -1-1 .? r Jarvis, mem-
ber of the Rsxburg club of the Snake
River Yellowstone league in Idaho,
was an Osdcn visitor yesterday Jar
I vis will hold down an end position on
the Ogden A. A. grid team this fall.
(li t License- Marriage llceiiHe were
I issue d in the count) clerk's office late
I yesterday afternoon to Samuel W
i Low their and Vesta p. Snesd. or
den. m'l New Ion D. licckcmore of I.o
gah and Tlsh.i Carver of Hyde Park
! Deaths and Funerals
HADFUBLD The funeral of Frank
lladflchl was i:onducted at the
residence, 62:' Twenty-third street yes-
terday by Bishop O M. Sanderson.
Mrs. M iry Parley and Mrs. Lorem
Bnyder sang Speakers were f'nsi
dent 8. ; I iy,., riesrnond Uarker and
Bishop Sanderson. Interment was In
, I he city cemetery.
BRIGHT Fincrn) servlern for Mrs
.Josephine Bright were held at 2
0'elO.Ck esterda at the South AVeber
meeting house. BiNbop Clarence Earl
officiated The speakers wen- J, H.
Cook 'ieorge Allen and Bishop Karl,
j Mrs Pearl Gunn sang, I Know That
I My Heavenly Father Knows," Mrs.
Joseph Cornelius and Miss Annie
Jones sang. 'Oh My Father," and
"Shall We Meet Again." interment
. wn in tin- linden city cemetery. T.
N' Karl dedloatsd the trraxe
Weber Lodge No. 6,
Free & Accepted Masons
Regular meeting and opening of the
'ill si ax. mi. Thursday. Sepu mij, , ,
(p. m. Important business io be ban
Idled; the Muster asks for vour at
tendance. Py order the W. M.
P, 12. NICHOLS Booty.
Dan R. Smith of Denver Suc
ceeds C. A. Poff. Who Has
Gone to Coast
iMn R. Smith. fornierl traveling
auditor for the Mounta! State Tele
phone and Telegraph company with
i general headquarter at Denver, and
Until recently district :nhi r with
headquarters at B.olse arrived In Og
den today io succeed C. -v I 'off as
manager of the Ogden ftoup of n-
changes Mr iv.ff recently departed1
for California where he in recuperating
from an lllne which has lasted fori
n ori iha 11 a month
Mr. foff entered the local lervlce
In March of the present year omlng
to the local office- fl'iini Salt I ik
Hi 1 a veteran of the telephone and
will icturn io the service Jum as SOOD
as he Is alle to n-sume his dutlc-. it
i . said.
Mr smith the new manager ha
been In th employ of the Mountain
Stale Telephone and Telegruph oin
panj for a number of vears. Mr Smitii
lusjiumed h'.n new duties todaj
Those who l.il" In the weekly Pan
i'.iRes vaudeville bills will see SOmC
good vaudeville numbers at the Or
! pheum this week headed by th- orien
tal wizards, headed by Long Tack Sam
The act comprises richly robed con-
tortionlsts. JuPgler. maSjlclana and
I musicians In many nov elty numb-is
Pollowlng the orientals. Je.-i Hay
ward ud company present s human
and humorous little i'ii oalled v''"
! Castle Kate." .
Pete Pinto and Kov le conu dy miiMl-
I clans, have an act dubbed "Two Weps
and a Straight. '
One of the cleverest dancing acts
of the year Is offered by De Winter
and Pose, who carry especially attac-j
tiv scener)
Corty and Altlioff two ittl i- m-ik )-.
ciris. appear in n piano and singing
oct. wild to be dcllghtfull entertain
I ing
Jack Redd) sings, lalk.s and dOeS
'some very clevejt ImPrsona'tfons The
i show end!" with a rich comedy entitled
BhQrt''a I ong Built" and flU play thel
I usual three days Thursday Friday And
Saturday, with a dully miillnee.
I Ml I, m A
llll DREN'S ll Si i IKTY
There will be meeting of the Chll-ir'-n's
Kid Societ) tomorrow afternoon
at 2.2V o'clock at tlie residence of
Mni Albert SCOWCroft, 2-' Adams;
I.I I S i K.DI N
Miss Kva May lofl Wednesday for
.it Pleasant. Utah 8he will take a
t'osition as school teacher in the Was-:
atch college.
Mr.", w M Johnson was honored
at a luncheon Tuesday afteriioon.
Hostesses for the affair were Mrs. W.
. Pell, Mr- A. I' Badie, and Mrs 8
J Ylcks. Mrs. Norman Sims, and Mrs j
G. A Helner, Barly Call flowers wefn:
useci for th- decorations
Mrs. William Barker of Rexburg.
Idaho, is v isiting with frlenrls in '
den. Mrs. Barker has spent ihe sum-
mer at Sterling, and stopped in Ogden
for a few days before returning to her
I home.
tl 1.1 r nth Bit en LPTS It
ilegiil.it mi.llng of the Queen En-!
ther Chapter, O. B. ' will be held
Friday evening at K o'clock In the
j Masonic temple. Th.- will be the flrsi
it ting aftler 'he summer vacation
Ml memberb are urged to be present
I Quests are cordially welcomed.
City Court Adjourns
Judge Goes to Logan
Offenders oi the law puid l.a"lly
in the city court during Angus' is
shown lc- the monthly i eport sulnn
ted to the board of city commission
ers. Fines, forfeitures and fees for
the months reached $2609.80, accord
ing iti the report.
The board grained permission for
C. C. Rockefeller and rup. Reeves to
conduct b dance hall at -'ICS Washing
ton avenue during the Coming full and
winter The board ordered that a 11
ense be issued tnctn.
Installation of an arc light at Twcn-ty-second
street and Hudson avenue,
and one In the center .f the taber
nacle grounds, "as also ordered ,i the
board following petition signed by fif
ty propert) owners of the district
An application for roominghouss li
cense submitted by Fred Zampedl, "17
Twcnty-fifih street, was referred to
the commissioner of public safety for
Woman Gets Divorce;
Charges Nonsupport
Decree of divorce was today granted
ly lodge A W Age- in the district1
court to Vera N Williams from Fn d
It llllr.ms on grounds of desertion. I
I Mm Williams complained that herj
husband wilfully failed to provide for:
her SQPpor and t-he was compelled'
to depend upon the Charity of hai
The court ordered 'hat the matri-,
ir.onial bonds be dissolved, but did not
award allOlOny. The COUple was mar-i
rled In Ogden September 30. IS I ft
h nios,', meetine of all the users of,
water under ihe Mound Fori Irrigation
system is called for Thursday, B pi -'.
it R O'clock p m , at the Mound Porl
imusemrnt hal!. 46SJ
"The Mutiny of Elsinore" with
All-Star Cast Scores at the
Utah Theatre
Thrills of the niost Inters.- descrip
tion were Ihe order of the day yesler
daj w hen thr new Metro special pro- I
dUCtlon, "The UUtlny of the F.lslnore' j
with an all-Ftar cast, was the feature
attraction at the Utah theatre The pie-1
ture la scheduled to remain at the,
Utah 'or three days, and during this
time opportunitj should be open for,
all who case to be thrilled to take In
the production, and test its quality for
making the chills creep Up and down
the spinal calumn
The Mutiny f ihe Blslnore" enjoys
the distinction of being one Of the
most Intense and gripping photo-1
dramas of the season It Is ihe plctur-j
Isatlon of the late Mnck London's novel
of the sanie name, and It possesses all j
of that master writer's genius for por
traylng the conflict of strong men In
the far. rough places of the earth,
where the only law In existence Is the
law of the fist and gnn.
The Hlory concerns John Flke. the
tlrst mate of the sailing ship. Elsi
nore." who ha signed up a motley I
crew of thugs and gunmen from the
water front dives of Frisco, and who
once .it sea ilnds himself pitt. d ..gainst ,
these hostile forces for the mast' rj
of the vessel.
Postal Traffic Is
Starting to Gain
After a period of slark'ness alleged
to have been caused b the tightness
ol money conditions throughout the
COUntry ma'l delivery through the lin
den Rallwax Mail Sei vice terminal Is
Increasing, according to V li. Taylor,
chief clerk.
Mr. Taylor suld that the summer
months were exceptionally light, but
ihat business would stculll pu K up
from now until the ape is reached.
during I h.- holiday season.
At present, the Ogden terminal Is
handling approximate U 80,000 pack
ages and letters vreM, v-lth about 2,-
ooo sacks of parci post, and an equal
number of circulars ai riving each
w eek.
It Is reported thai one of the rea
sons for the additional mall Is th- re
sult of extensive full advertising cam
paigns which have b-en started by
eastern mall order houses
Auto Light Tests to
Be Started at Once
Testing of autojnoblle lighis. in or
der to determine whether or not mo
torists are following provisions Of the
new- traffic ordinance, will be begun
within a few days at the police s a-
Hon. according to an announcement
made t'ia by J. Raj Ward .commia
slonei of public safety. Arrangements
are being made ;,t ihe station ao lhal
during certain hours after dark mo-
t"iiMs niaj drive to B certain line and
throw their lights on a background
feet away. If the beam from lights
rise al greater heights than i2 in h -
piotori-is wll be ordered to have their
lighis adjusted
Those who auooessfulls piss th.-
tests will be furnished With cards
signed by traffic officers. The cards
win show thai their lights have been
a pprox ed.
After sufflci. nl time has beep given
foi the testing, the ordinance "ill be
rigidly enforced within the city and
olfenders wll be prosecuted under the
new ordinances Commissioner Ward
said today.
Sperry Superintendent
Goes to Globe Mills
H Pwry, formerly superintend
en) of construction tor ihe Sperry
I'lour compan) In Ogden. has accept
od a similar position with the Qlpbu
Grain a. Milling company, accordinc
to an announcement made today bv J
I-i Waugb.
Porrj assumed his new duties today
He has had considerable experience
throughout tho west a I consiruriion
Conducts Tests in
Idaho for R. M. S.
A. v Irmis assistani chiejf elerjc at
th Ogden i illway Mail service of
ficef, i, -m Mountain Home. Ida., tbr
tiny, conducting annual f.'iii examina
tion for po- mil It. M. S clerks, lb
will co))duol ixamlnatlons at Pbcatello
and at Bak r. Ida . before reiurnln:; to
KAN8AB riTY. Mo, Sept. 2.
An Increase of 11.60 0 day to clay
and month laborers In Kansas.
Missouri. Oklahoma and Arkansas
coal mines was allowed In an
agreement signed here today by
miners and operators.
WASHINGTON. Sepi 2 A bud
fuel leak probably caused the accident
yesterday near Morristown, N. J., In
which Max Miller, air mail pilot and
Oustave liierson, mechanic, lost their
lives. A report t() the pOStoffice de
partment today said the machine bursl
lnt( flames three or four hundred feet
from w here it hi i nek
The all-meta, plane was q total loss,
superintendent Whltbach reported
Tlie Intense heat of the benzol fin
he snid, "actually fused the metal
framework 61 the fuselage so thai the
metal lay ip pools on the ground a
great portion of tip heel mel ii belns
actualiy consumed In the fire '
Don't miss the last Episode
of "Daredevil Jack." featuring
Jack Dempsey, at ths Cnv
day only. A!so showing torn
Mix in "The Daredevil."
If you want to get in on the Ellis Automatic Tire Pressure Gauge Company, the concern
that we predict is going to make more money for its stockholders than anything ever it
offered in this field. You have better act right now. Ten days from now may be too
late. The field for this device is unlimited. Its money-making possibilities cannot be v
overestimated. A few hundred dollars invested NOW may make you many thousands
in the near future. You can't think of a single successful invention in the automobile I
industry that has not made fortunes for its original investors. But you must buy stock
in these concerns before the device is universally used. Every dollar spent for auto- H
mobiles in Utah now goes east. Why not establish a factory here that will bring hundreds H
of thousands of this money back to Ogden?
We are determined to hold this device from the money-grabbers in the east. We are i
going to make these gc.uges and distribute them from Ogden if possible. An invention 1
in a device that is ? necessity is the surest and quickest road to wealth. Most people who j
invent devices of this character sell them for a song to the brge eastern companies, prin-
cipally for the reason that they are unable to capitalize their device at home and place it
on the maiket, and thus the large eastern concerns grow fat from the ideas and inven-
tions of western men.
There is not a single automatic gauge on a car in America today so far as we are able it
to learn. There are 7,690,0C0 cars awaiting instollalicn. How many Ellis Gauges can
we insta!' in the next two years? If we p'ace four in every one hundred we can all
moke a fortune. We predict with all sine ity that there will not be a car in America
without an automatic air pressure gauc within two years. Help us financially to accom- I
plish ihis result and you will thank your 1 tcky star that you were one of the original J
investors. I
Our factory will soon be in operation and when it is, you won't be able to buy stock
at the present price. We advise you to act promptly. You may see the gauge installed i
at our new office in the Commercial National Bank Building. Phone, write or wire I
Ellis Gauge Company I
Phone 80 Commercial Nation il Bank Building Ogden, Utah j
Vice Presidential Candidate
Finds He Was Misquoted in
u,is Butte Address
KiiTKKY. Me, Sept. -. Eira nkliri
Roosevelt! the Democratic 'candl-1
iste tor irice president, began tod: ;i
three days' peaking tour of Maine 1,1
connei Hon with the atnte campaign
I Addressee were u the program todaj
n tvlttery, Old Orchard, Westbrookl
und Portland.
ii his way h r- Mr- Roosevelt made
ihe following statement to The Asso
icinted Press:
"Oh ray return to the east l l.lnd
t'tai wide puhtlclt l-.s uAfortunslely
leen i;m an erroneous report of a
speech inud. by me in Butte, Mont,,
i early three weeks ngn i'i regard to
MU,. votes ot various American repub-
II.k lit the ,is.s,.inll ol III, IciiKtip of
nations. I fed certain thai the mis
iittiotMtion w:iw entirely unintentional
ou lot s mm IKE.
I it h:i- Ie n chal'Rcd that 1 de- !
clared that the United State would if
.1 member of the league 'control' or
have the votes or at least twelve Veit
India, Central 01 South American re-
I should think It would le obvious
I that one who has been o iBfgel) 111
'timch with foreign relations through!
tha navy department durihB the pt;
even years, could not make n deliber
ate false statement of this kind.
"What" 1 actually M.itod and what
1 have continued to state is this The
n ague of nations assembly K've B vole1
(to all nations irrespective of their
slse. Every American republic, in
cluding the Bmaller ones in the West
Indies SUd Central and South Amer
ica, could have such u vote by mem
bership in the league.
"History ItaS shown thai the inter
national interests of the United Mates
and at least a dozen of these rcpub-;l
lies are broadl) Identical Our contsc1
lias been thslr course and their ours.1
This has been abundantly proved In'
i he pa st
"It Is also true In my Judgment that
in any grave International question
coming before t ii- assembly f the;
league of nations, the United stutes'
would vote with these republics and
they would vote with the United
'Slates. This Is based on the fact ofi
common Interest and of historical pre
cedent." "I feel certain that if in the US-j
sembly the British emplce with sis
cles were to vast them In a manner
I contrary to American interests, the
United states wouid find the great ma
jority ol the i American republics i
'would be in accord with our position,
'because of mutual Interests
"All or this discussion however, is
of very secondary inportanci ;n view
of the clear statement In Article 5 of
j'he league or nations, 'decisions at any
meeting of the assembly or of the
i ounoll snaii rpuuire the agee men! of
II ; 1 1 f moMljcr of th. league te:.;-r-I
In th' 1 I"'irl lie ii.ore.
i is well Unon'n that the ouit l Is
no true sovcrnlng body oi the league.
ir the coun.cn (s Mir true governing
body of the lea;;uu. In the council
NKW YOKK Sept. t.A BUgar
bowl tint broke out amonfj the
i.7."i emigrarntii In th BHIs island
dining room today, when t'r the
first time since the war sugar,
substituted for mOlOSSCS to SWSt
en COffee, Wa pllt On the tables.
Several Rilrhs were rcmOVCd tO
hospitals, one with three fractured
Some if the inmates hud n"t
seen sugar sine- the firs: month
of the war. They Immediately
b gan to deive with their fingers
inti the sweet stuff.
General attacks W re launched
St a few who tried to pocket the
howls Refqfe the rio ended ail
guards, waiters and kitchen at
tendants had Io he rushed to the
I ml I Id n. i I .ilicar packages will
be distributed hereafter at meals,
I! was announced later.
BRiiWNSVII.UK. Tex.. Sepl J
Approximately 100 acres of
Mexican territory as nuddenl)
shifted to the American side of
the international line lusl night
when the Rio Grande. now at
flood stage, cut a new course In
the lowlands ten miles wesl of
Brownsville and left th0 Tahua-
hnl ranch on the river's northi rn
bank Under an agreement be
tween the United States and Mex
ico, the land will continue under
Mexican jurisdiction. It was said
to have been the largest bind shift
here in 10 years.
REDFIKLD. S. D.. Sept. 2. A
young woman registering as Mis.s
ESlla Ban, Colfa Wis. committed
smcld'i by swallowing poison ip
the parlor of a local hotel todu
She lofl four letters showing dle
.i npolntnient in bie to be tho
eu use for her act
the British empire has one vole and
ibi United States has one ote.
S i IK t l I kh BliE
"iibvloiis attempts iiue ben nukde
lo Htlr up trouble over the misquota
tion of my speech: I have received
no word from the state department
and 'the representatives of the other
republics know thi cts ?ni realists
ti.ai no ulicgeii Htatei.M vt f; the kind
ohavgod couui have woiil of nuth
In it. The good will and underaUuid
in?( is too deP'sealsd to be disturbed
by a misquotation."
Report of House Proceedings j
to Be Seni to Governor
and Capital
I NASHVILLE. Tenn., Sepl 2. The I
.Tennessee house ot representatives
udoptcd toduj 43 to 3C. a motion to
(urnlsh th. governor with a sworn
r I t of the action taken by tho
i i s. las in non-ountng in th
suffrage amenAjneht resolution. TSb
motion Included request that the
governor ccitlfy this transcript to the II
W Lshington. H
Federal Court Told of Huge
Subscriptions of Blocks I
of Stocks
receivers of the Midland Packing nLssss!
com pany, of Sioux City, stated that !
"Ihe officers of tho .Midland caused, or
ilesced ' in- ubiu rlptions oi .fl
large blocks of stock at pin by Prod Lf
0, Sawyer th,- president, and by cot-
tain friends, associates of the offlcoi".
and by men w : 1 1 1 whom they were in- I
tlmateiy acquainted." under agree
inents to recall the sjime. The Issues
amounted to $5.190,0U0. The notes
from them, the receivers say. were
cancelled and returned to the makers.
LONDON!, Sept 2. Strike notices
calling for a walkout of members of
the British Miners Federation on Sep
It ember 2 .1 will be sent nut today, ao
rord'.mr to a decision reached at a
meeting of the district delegates ol
federation here this morning.
Relief has been expressed that, even
if the strike notices should be sent
OUtj a Btoppage of work may be avert.
I e.i as tin- ai'tual walkout may ho sus:
I ponded tiom day to day under the
t "o.NSTA N'T INU I'l.K. Sept 1. (Bj
Associated Press.) Turkey wfll
..ml a minister to the Vatican, It was
announced today. This is the first
ttlliC Islam officially has affiliate i
with Christendom, the step living tat;
en on 'he sultan's initiative as a mar it I
Of ;: . a ; n-l tor 1 h pope't fina . I
and other flitd In 'PuvKlsn vvnr prison
through liur.signor i"l i. H
I war. Jtcfore the lulnbiter U sent tjs
i (tome th- vatu-an win be asked if h-
W ill b( ff

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