OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, September 03, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-09-03/ed-1/seq-12/

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li Sells Off to $3.30 Bid on
I Salt Lake Exchange
I Trading
The trading In mining stocks todS
was fairly nctlve With the prices in
the majority of the stocks about steady
although there were a few to sell off
in price. This was particularly no
ticeablc in Tintlc Standard Thin
s.oclt closed yesterdaj around $3
4 ! ; this morning !i opened at $3 10
nnd sold off to $3 32 V losing with
only J3.30 bid and $3 33 asked.
Albion was a little stronger. Chang
mg hands at C, Big Hill brought
;c, Columbus Kcxall was steady at
3?. and 38 Vie.-. New Qulncy was about
the most active stock on the board
:';..'.o aharea changing lianda from
:4 in .',-. Kureka Bullion was hcavi
traded in at 9 and C, Plutua sold
up to AQYv, Prince. Con brought 33
and MVftc, Bllvar King Coal, went at
$j 65, and Zuma changed hands at
li (Quotations furnished over private
1 wire ot J A. Hogle a: .
i lea Building I
Attn Con i 05 I 0t
Albion 04 .1"
Aineiican Con 0H4 o-4
Alia Tunnel 7
Beaver Copper 00 &
' HiK Hill
lullion QH .01
P.lack Metals
Columbus Rexall 8 .3$!
Crown Point 3 ' 04
1 Colorado Con 03 .06
Cardiff 130 1 ''
Dragon Con 0D .10
Daly West 4.20 4 . -
H ISaat Crown Point ... .014
st Tin. Coal 01 " b
H Ehst Tin. Con 07 -10
H Kureka Mines 05
Kureka Lily 6 '4 07
B Kureka Bullion -09 k
H Emma Silver " '4
H I.mpire Mines
H Cold Chain
H ( . r.. nd ' nt ra i
Howell 05 4
Iron Blossom
Iron King -3
.' udgc Mining t.96
Nf! Kennebec
H Keystone
H Leonora 1U .02
J hi Tintlc .. 11 'j
Yagfl Mav Day 01 's -0l4
Stiller Hill
Mammoth 35 1 . "0
Moscow 01 .10
1 Michlgan-l'tah 03', .0S
North Stan "- 4 113 'i
H New Quincy 3 .06
AVJ hio Copper 044
B o0hongo 00 -00
alldricr 58 .63
BjgHJgV i'rince Con 32 4 .14
J Provo
BBAVf I'aloma
BBBH Pico Argentine . .02 03
HjgVjVjf Uico Wellington . .. lSVi 1 S
H 1 King Coal 1.65
H Ml. King Con 1.17 4 1 25
H Sioux Con .03 .04
H Sqnth Hccla 90
South Standard ... .23
H Stiver Shield IS 4 13
H Tar Baby 3
M Tintlc Central
H Tintlc Standard ... 3.30 3 35
H I uh Cons 00 .014
P Lnclc Sam 00 4 ......
v nion t.'hlef 7
I West Toledo 05 4 7
H Walker 3.07 3.25
H Voodlawn 14
H Yankee 02 04
H Zuma 10 4
H P.mpire Copper .20 4 0
I )Kiiing Sale-.
B Albion 1000 at 9-c.
H Alta Tunnel ,1000 at 7 c; 1000 al
Columbus Ilex. ill 400 al 38c
I Lehi Tintlc 500 at 1 1 1 .
H New Qulncy 5500 at 6c; 40)0 at
5 4.-.
H Nalldriver 100 at COc
Emma Silver 1000 at 5c.
I Eureka Bullion 1600 at !c, 4000 at.
H Plutus 900 at 39c-
H I'rovo 500 at 4 4c.
H Silver King Coal. 150" at $1 65.
H Stiver Shield 300 at 19c.
B North Standard 5000 al SC.
H Tintlc Standard 1300 at $3 40.
H West Toledo 500 at 6C
i Zuma 2900 at He.
I CbiHing Siilev
j Big Hill 1000 at i 4 e
1 Columbus Rexall 100 at 3S'.c
I Kehi Tintic 100u at 114c 4SS at
New Quincy 17.000 at 5C,
1 Plutua 300 at 39 4c; 300 al 40c. 200
B al
I: Prince Con. 800 at' 3?, 4 r. 00 at 33c
I' Silver King Coal. 100 at $1 r.:.
i Tintlc Standard 100 av $3 37 4; 500
H at $3 35; 2150 at $3 32.
f Woodlawn 4110 at 13c.
K NEW YORK, Sept. 3. Copper, iron,
I rinc and antimony unchanged
K Tin ateady; spot and nearby 145.60;
H tuture
H Lead steady, spot x 7 5 (g 9.00c
B At London. Spot topper 195 17s Sdi
H electrolytic and lead unchanged; tin
We Offer Subject
1 to Prior Sale
1 Any part of 500 Utah-Idaho
1 Sugar at $7.50
I Telephone at our expense.
1 Barnes Brothers
J "Dividend Dealers"
I 805 Deseret National Bank
I Building
I Salt Lake City
I Phone Wasatch 1023
H J-H-Hqile ft Eq
1 I
Trading Is Enlivened After
Unusually Dull Morning
NEW yORK, Sopt 3. Overnight
Bdvancea confirming recent reports
that nn extenalve gold Import move
ment Is to bo Inaugurated imparted a
firm tone to the stock market at the
epening of tOdaV'a session. Steels,
lolls and equipments worn the proml-
nent features. Crucible scoring ad im-
junl sain 6f 2 4 points. Kails were Ir
I regular, tho Impending holiday Invlt
.pg further selling for profits among
ithose issue, st Paul preferred soon
I cancelled a 1 point advnnce and St.
In nl common fell 1 point with St.
Ilioula & San Francisco preferred.
I Trading wtJk very dull during the
morning, the first houi s turnover to
talling only about one .quarter of that
rf the previous day. Prlcea advanced
tv generally, however. under the
lead of oil, clu-micai. paper and metal
shares, Mexican, run-American and
allfornlo Fetroleuins aird Texas com
Jpnn' rose 2 to & points, Barrett; Ag
rleultural Chemical preferred and Na
tional Annllne 2 to 3, Writing Paper
preferred 3 and coppers 1 to 24- ves
terday'a advance in uUUtlea was not
resumed aside fiom a gain in Wells
Fargn i;press of t points, and the
InqUlry for rails Wraa limited to the
cheaper Issues. Call money ie-opened
nt next Tuesday at 7 per cent,
Call money rates eased to fi per cent
al midday when the independent
steels, motor specialties and equip
ments became more prominent. Other
strong features included American
Woolen. Industrial Alcohol or.d I nlted
States Really at gains of 1 to 2 4
CHICA'OO. Sept 3. Sharp advances
look place In the wheat market toda)
largel as a result of bullish estimates
of wheat available for export. One
authority figured the total as 110,000.-
000 bushels less than last season
' ipi Ring quotations, hl-h ranged
from the Fame as esterduy's to 14
higher with Deoeraber i2.40 to 8.41
and March 12.37 to 2..S. were fol
lowed by n moderate reaction and then
by a swift general upturn that carried
1 ii 1 ember to $2.46
Corn was dominated by the strength
of wheat After opening '4c off to 4c
up, including December at fl.lsVfc to
1.19, corn soon scored substantial
galna all around.
Oats hardened In price with Other
cereals, starting about unchanged. le-cc-mber
H6i then sagging a little,
and later tending upward.
Plrmnesa developed in provisions
owing to advances of grain and hOjr.H,
btft trading lacked volume
CHICAGO l i Lsidi K
CHICAGO, Sept 3. (.United States
Bureau of Markets) Cattle Kccelpts
4t'O0; quality very plain, market slow.
1 Stead) on common and medium gra-o-ers;
good steet s strong to higher, best
here fl.75; bulk good ilo .SOflb -50;
grassy kind 9V.QU914.7ti Kood
cows $3. 75 4j' 14 . 1 6; canners $4 00 ft
4.75; common kinds steady to lower,
bulls steady to r.tiong, bulk bologna
95.609675.; calves steady, bulk
choice 9l7.009i(. 76; few flS.00.
heavy and medium calves 96.50914).
00; Blockers slow steady
Hogs Recelpta 14,000; market
stcadv to siro.ig with yesterday's av
erage; top 914wOO; bulk light and
butchers 916 15.90, bulk packing
sews $14 00 14 :o, pirs w eak to 25e
Sheep Receipts S000. native
lambs 26 to 5oc higher; top $12 70 to
shippers; bulk $ 1 J . 75 ft 12 . 50; no
good western here; sheep firm to 26c
higher, top ewes $7 . 00; feeders fullv
Meau, laregly jil 60 911.00 for
MM (.o I I TURl s
CHICAGO. Sept 3.
open High Low Close
W heat
Dec. 92.40 2 4fi 2 3 2 4 14
March 2 37 L' -1 1 2 35 2 37 4
Sept. 1 3? 1.11 1.38 1.38
Dec 1.18 1.33 1-31 1.18
( ats
Sept. .65 4 66 .65 4 65 4
Dec 66 .67 .66 .66
Sept, 22.40
Oct 23.50
1 -ard
Sept. IS. 62 IS. 75 IS. 62 18.75
Oct. 18.85 18.97 1 8. S5 18 95
Sept ' 15 32
Oct 15.85 1 5 70 15 82
I( )1 VTi l s.
CHICAGO, Sept- 3 Potatoes re
ceipts 62 cars; market steady; Jersey
cobblers $2 8092.95 Minnesota early
Ohlos 92 2692:40; Idaho' rurala $2 75
ft 3. 00.
Last sale)
AJHs-ChaDmera 34 4
American HeptVugar 76
American Can . . . . 35 4
American 'm A Foundry .1344
I American Hide ,v Leather if ct. . 76
American International Corp 72
American Locomotive 96
I American Smelling .s.- Kefi; . kh
'American Sugor 110 4
'American Sumatra Tobacco ... 8C
'American T. A T a8
American W oolen 81
Annconda Copper 54 4
Atchison 4 8 4
At). Gulf A W Indies 138
Maldwln Locomotive 108
llaltlmore & Ohio , . . 43
Bethlehem Steal B" 77
C anadian Pacific . . .122
Central Leather 53 4
Chandler Motors 86 4
' "hesapeake ."v. 1 hlo 6 1 4
Chicago, Mil. A St Paul 38
Chicago. R I A Pac 3s 4
Chino Copper 294
Colorado Fluel & Iron ......... 36
.Corn Products , 8 P 4
Crucible stec 1 . ,.1224;
uba Cane Sugar 37
1 Erie 1 6
'Genenil F:iectrlc 1414 11
General Motors 214
Goodrich Co 65
tin at Northern pfd 78
Great Northern Ore Ctfs 32
Illinois Central 88
Inspiration Copper .. 48
Int Mer. Marine pfd 75 4
Kennecott Copper 25 4
LoulsVllle A Nashville 103 4
Maxwell Motors y 4
Mexican Petroleum 168
Mdlaml i topper 19 4 1
Middle States Oil ... 124
( Mldv ale Steel ... 3'J
Missouri Wtvlt.c 28
New York Central 754
N. Y . N 11. Hartford . . . 35 4
Norfolk - Western 95
Northern Pacific 79 I
Oklahoma Prod. & Kef 3'
pan American Petroleum . ... 904
I Pennsylvania 424
,Pople's Gas 33 4
Pittsburg A- West Vn 3 4
Ray Consolidated Copper . 164
Reading 924
Rep. Iron A Steel 85 4
Royal Dutch. N. Y 84
Shell Trans. A: Trad- 51
S t.. lair Con. 11 . 3 2 4
Southern Pacific 95
Southern Railway 28
Standard '.l of N J. pfd. .'.A. 106
Studebaker Corhoratlon 62
Tenncss, e Copper . . . . 94 4
Texas Co 60
Texas A I'nc Ki,- 374
Tobacco Products 664
Transcontinental Oil 124
1 nion Pacific 128
U. S- Food Products C
IT. S. Retail Stores 69 4
I '. S. Ind Alcohol S3 4
United states Rubber 86)4
l ulled States Steel 83
l lah Copper 64
Weatinghouae Electric 4S
Willys Overland 15
American Zinc, Icad and Sm. . . 12
Butte and Superior 20
e'ala. Petroleum 29
Montana Power ... 62 4 B
Shattttck Arizona 9
Pure Mil Co 38 4
tattle Receipts 15; choice heavy
slcers $8.00(9.00. good steers $7. On
ft 8. GO; fair steeta 96.0096 50; choice
fdrr sli.'i i iiiiCri 7 5". holt r- cows
and h'lfers Sh. 00 ft 7.00; fair to good
cow s and heifers $ 4 . 00 ft 6 . 00 ; cutters
$3.00ft4 50; canners $2 00-5 3. 00;
choice feeder cows 84.00 94.60; fat
bulls $4.00ft"5.00 bologna yulls $3.00
ft 4.00; veal calves $9 . 00 ft 10 . 50.
Hogs Receipts none, choice fat hogs
175 to 250 pounds, $13. 25ft 14.00, bulk
of sales, $13 50ft 1 3 75 feeders. 911.00
ft. 12 00.
Sheep Receipts 6787; choice lambs
$9. 00ft 10 50, wethers, $5. 00ft 6.75,
fat ewes, $5 00ft'6.60, feeder famba,
$! 00 ft 9.00.
O'Neill Prothers, Well". Nev.. 16
loads sheep; Cardo & Yat,s. Keiton.
Utah, 3 loads sheep. Andrew Dum lh,
Keiton. Utah, 2 loads sheep, Frank
Adams. Kt lion. Utah, 1 loud sheep;
tlanley Brothers. Salt Ieke. 1 load
NKW rORK, Sept. 3- Prime mer
cantile paper unchanged.
Exchange Irregulai , sterling: De
mand 99.56; cabbs $3 56 4-
I'rancs Demand 6.92e; cables
6 . 94c
Belgian francs Demand 7.3Sc; ca
bles 7 4 He.
Guilders: Demand 31.75c; cables
:31 87c.
Lire: Demand 4.63c; cables 4 65c.
Marks: Demand 2 .00c cables 2 01c.
New York exchange on Montreal
19 per cent discount.
Time loans strong, unchanged.
OMAHA, Neb., Sept. 3. Cnlted
Stataes Bureau of Markets, i Hog6
.Receipts 400u; market mostly steady
to,. 10c higher, closinR weak; bulk
medium ancl light butchers $14 . 50 ft1
i 15.00. top $ 15 25; stronjr weight and
king gi a $ i 4 20914.40
Cattle Receipts 1500. market
:slow, steady on all chesses.
Sheep Receipts 8000; opening
slow, bid steady, no sales iof lambs;
best ewes $6.75
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Sept. 3.
Flour adv. im eil 25 to 60 cents a bar
rel at the principal mills here today
A strong and higher wheat market
la responsible for the Increase-, millers
said. Today's quotations were $13 20
to 912.-25 a barrel for family patents
when sold in carload lots In 98 pound
cotton sacks
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Sept. 3
icttle Receipts 8000; she-stock dull,
stegdy to unevenly lower other classes
fillet but about steady; undertone
r.ruk except alves. quality common,
steer sales $11.75 down; vealors
$15 00.
Hogs Recelpta 1200; closing
sieady to 10c higher than yesterday'a
average; top 916,60; bulk nht and
medium $15 80916.50; heavy $14 50,
Hi 15. 25.
Sheep Receipts 30nri; no westerns
offered, few sales, natives fullv 25e
i Igher; top $12.75; feeder lambs
steadj .
CHICAGO, Sept. 3. Wheat ,'o. 2
red $2.58(&2.60; No. 2 hard $2,679
Corn No. 2 mixed $1.45, No- 2 vel-'
low $1 . 43fj 1 .51.
oats No 2 white 67li7c; No. 3
w hite 65 9 66c.
Rye No. 2 91.9391 96
Barley 9 1 . 0 2 Tj 1 16
Timothy seed 96. 60 9 7. .50.
Clover seed $2 5 . 00 ij 3 0 . 00.
fork nominal.
Bird 518.75.
Ribs $ 14.87fi 15.87.
LIB! Il i Bl iM's
NF:W TORK, Sept. 3. Liberty
bonds closed:
3s 89. 118. first 4s 85.10: second
is 85.00, first 4s 85.90; aocond 4 4s
85 20; third 4 4 88.6. fourth 4 4s
85.38: Victory 3s 95.50; Victory
4s 95.50.
Ill I I I K M f ct.s.
1 CHICAGO. Sept. 3. Butter higher;
creamery 48 9 65c.
Eggs higher, receipts 7 7 51 int.-s
firsts 51(&52c; ordinary firsts. 4 1 i 46c;
at mark, cases included 6ifi 49c, stor
age packed firsts 66c.
Poultry alive unchanged.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Sept. 3
Flour 25 to 60; higher; in carload lots,
family patents epjoted at $13 20 to
$13 25 a barrel in 98 pound cotton
sacks .
Bran $42.00
NEW YORK. Sept. 3 Raw sugar
nominal; refined sugar weak at 15.00
i17. 10c for fine granulated.
Sugar futures were quiet and about
tjfteen points bivver during the fore
noon under scattered liquidation.
NEW YORK. Sept 3. Bar silver.
I domestic unchanged; foreign 9-lc
Mexican dollars 71 c.
LONDON. Sept. 3 Bar silves 69d
: jci ounce
Money and discount unchanged.
oo .
I WOODLAND, Cal. Permission to i
I use bombs to frighten away wild ducks
has been asked of the state fish and;
gam,- commission bv the It F Conway
ranch near here. The ducks. It is said,
are damaging rice In the fields An
attempt to frighten them b airplane I
hr.- failed
RIO DE JAN1ERO Aug. 9. (Corre
spondence) That monev lenders have
apparently gained a great hold on a
large number of government employes
Is indicated by the introduction in the
federal chamber of deputies of a bill
authorizing a special loan of about
$25,000,000, part of which Is to be de
voted to liquidating such debts. The
hill provides that the treasury -hall
reimburse itself for the payment of
these debtj by deducing the amount
from the employes' wages In 6$ Install
ments and take interest at six perj
Ofnt anually on the balance outstand
ing. Part of the special loan the bill pro
vides would be used to reimburse gov
ernment employes for the amount j
tikrn from their salaries by the spc
cll tax during the war period.
SEATTLE Hogs may bark In
Seattle City council held a session on
the subjoct Friends of dogs and cne
rn if of dogs appeared to help council
decide the muzzling ordinance. Pro
dogs won.
I ' I H H s til 1 RY.
MANILA Potatoes have become a
luxury In Manila. For a month past
the supply has been dwindling until a
week aso when it was virtually ex
hausted Prloes have pone to ten cents
la pound for the few remaining in the
city. Guests at hotels and boarding
houses have been served rice as a sub
stitute. A ship load of potatoes is due
and It is expected that the shortage
will soon be relieved and the price
n.'op back to about five cents a pound;
In the Distriet Court of Weber County, 1
State of Dtah.
Annie D, Wilson. Plnmtlff. vs. George M
Wilson. Defondant.
The Stale of I'Uh to Said Defendant
You are hereby summoned to appear
within twenty dayfa after service of thlf
nllas summons upon you, If served within
the county in which this action Is
brought; otherwise within thirty days
Consult County Clerk or the Respec
tive Sirjntrs for Further
Tn the Dlatriot Court of the Second Judl- HBap
elnl District. In nnd for the County of
Weber, Stnte of Ctah BbIBfi
tn thi Mattel "f thr Batata of BIdests P.
Proven, Deeeancd. ISBSbHC!
Creditors of the estate of Eldestn P. BaRi
Brown accessed will preaenl their claims!
i tot-ether with vouchers. to the nr.d r Rlll
,'slsned administratrix at the law offices a afl?
Ol Chea & Rrker. n t r.oms 400 40 1 tn. M
403 Flr.n NHtlonnl bank building. Ocden. IbQ
Utah. on. or before the iith dav . Oe- IBB9
1920 w '.
Administratrix of the Estate of BldcatS bbbbbbV.
p. Rrown Deceaaed h
, Che Aj Barker, Attorneys for Admini tn H
No. H
, In the Matter of th I-;.iate anr) .uardlan K9I
hip of Robert M. Caldwell. Jr.. othea Haasl
wise known aa Robert Cblwell, Minor fimgKi
The petition Of Robert M Caldwell. Sr.. BB
I for letters of guardlanahip of the person 1911
Miii .Inte of Flobert M Caldwell. Jr., oth- tBffiffi
- erwlse known as Robert Colwell. a minor. aasBSai
j In the alove entltlerl matter has been set BB
for hearing on Tuesday, the Tth dav of aMS
Beptembet 1920. at 10 o'clock a. m , at BBBaaaaw
I the county court house, in the court LbbHR
room'Df 5n id court. In Ogden City. Weber LMm
; Count-. . Utah. H
Wltneaa the clerk of said court, with
the seal thereof affixed. thL- 25th dav ,V.
I of Auguat, 1920 IllSSStl!
WALTER N PARR, liittjllk
Clerk. IHB
By Mabel Wysonc. Deputy Clerk iHraKKY
Harrla & Jen.on. Atlomeya for Petitioner BBBaWa
(Seal) H
in the District Court of the Second Judl- aHic''
cnl Dlatrlct, in and for the Countv of BiiAtS
Wi-bcr. State of Ctah.
In the matter of the estate of Eertha N aKfifanti
Isenhnrt. Deceased. HHDh
CredltOra of the r-state of Rertha N WyBBi
laenhart, deeeoaed, will prerent their rfSsar
claims. toRether with vouchers, to the un- Hffir
deralgned administratrix, at the lnw of- sSBSiSi
1 fieei oi Chez 4i Barker, at rooms 4004111. grajliCR
402 403 p1rst ftl)on, hank building. Oc- rjfifi'pp'j
(i.n I'Uh on. or before the ISth day of ttS$!i
I October. 1D20 meSO
rHmmlstratrlx of the Estate of, Bertha HUHP'f-
N". Ise-nhart, Iieceoscd. HraHlH
Chez Ac Barker. Attorneys for Admlnlsfra SwaPTf:-1
trlx. 4367
I In the District Court of Weber Countv rt
State of I'tah IBbbbkE
In the mailer of the e?tito of Charles
P. Eincham Deceased bNtoI
creditors win preaent claims with aSBtW?
vouchara to the undersigned at the law ;4lf :'
. n of Henderson Ac Johnson. Suite SF'v'
215 i i--1 National lnnk building oden
I tah. on or before the 7t.h dav of October E M'-'-lk
R. A MOVKS flu
Administrator 1 1
II erson & Johnson. Attorneya for Ad ' i i
ministrator HjB3
Tnt. of fir.ct publication August 6. 1920
Date of last publication September 3. 1920 ffl'M ;
4161 H
In the Dljtrict Court of Weber Countv WErvifi-'Z-
Si itc ol 1 tah 4r
In the Matter of the Estate of Martin CTPIfyp
Martinez. Deceased. MIJ53SS
Creditors will present claims vith BHrN
vouchers to the undersismcii at the law 3T:ih
offices of Henderson & Johnson. Suite Kj:!r
215. First National Bank building. Ogden. hJB'I
Utah, on or before ihc 30tii day of 6c 3d'.-?
loher. 1920. tSRiiVr
Administrator of Die EsUte of Martin aScLc'-ui
Mattlnea Deceased. jBlslw
Henderson & Johnson, Attorncjs for Ad
ministrator. I I
Date et first publication -Vugust 27, 1920 WMO'ihj
Date of second publication Scptcmbor 24 KBcft;' it,
In the Matter of the Estate of Samuol T.
Whitakcr. Dcceuseel. SPI
The petition of George HoJverson. for aWagyfj
laauance of letters testamentary to him tflEls.M
self .In the nbove entitled matter, has aT?ir''
been sc-t for hearing before Hon A. E. fiJ ' '
Pratt. Judge on Tuesdav. the 7th day of VaA
September. 1920. at 10 o clock a. m.. at jTM '-: ' (
the county court house. In the court room hSUH
of ?ald court, in Ogden City, Weber Coun aa5!l?lsi
ty. I'tah
Witn-ss. the clerk of said court, with Benwa
the seal thereof affixed, this 2oth day of UM
August. 1920 MMSMSd
Bj Mabel Wyaong, Deputy Clerk DacraBp
George Halverson E!sq . Attorney for Pe- HRJe-
(Seal) 47p; Hf
I OTTO AUTO Practice Makes Perfect, Jasper- . By Ahem
r ' "7 : e, s 1 1 v 1 1 7 : C : T 1 I 7 r77ZZT7r7ir 7 : n rf,
HEREIN Much gOSSlp has been
' urousod by the .report that former
Princess Cecclle, divorced wife f the
former German crown prince, will be
married to a prominent American, nnd
will go to America to live.
4I Am Rejuvenated!"
Cries Goat Gland
Thereupon He Proves It
by Leaping Friskily
From Chair
(By Edward M Thierry, N E A Staff
Correspondent. )
CHICAGO. J. J. Tobias, chancellor
I Of (he Chicago law school, told me it
was none of my business how old he is.
He's got a goat gland sevvrd Into his
innards and I was Irving tn gel sonn?
personal Ponce de Leon statistics
"I'm over fiH. Tobias conceded.
"How much I won't say. Rut 1 Will say
my clock has been turned back from
10 to 2n years. Just look at me."
I did as ordered
He Jumped nut of his chair or
friskily That's the only repressive
Tobias is little, thin and wiry. His
fare wrinkles up and his teeth flash
when be smiles. He ha. gray hair and
lalks with quick Jerks - as If his ener
gy Is running a rac w ith his torigue
"I'm rejuvenated," Tobias said
'Time wll! toll whether my goat giant!
will make me live longer I had thai
operation on Inst March 24 and I'm
.sill living. I'm no decrepit tdd man,
either "
Tobias was operated on by Dr. J, R.
Brlnkley, who has caused a furore in
medical circles through manv succc.s
tul goat eland operations
Critics of Dr Brlnkley make ''0h-3il
tired. Get his goat, so 10 speak H-
savs he knows what he's talking about
for he vvas formerly lecturer in a Chi
dago medical college.
"Seventy-five years ago my father
had a little Herman machine " ToblaB
said, "called the "Life Waker It was
a disk as big aa a dollar with a lot of
needles in If. You jabbed it Irto the
small of the back and waked life that
wa;. We Can laugh at that archaic
system, for it was crude. Now we're
more scientific WltnCKB the trans
plant int of girt glands
Tobias said he went o c.-e Dr. Rrmk
ley at Milford. Kan. to Investigate his
goat gland discovery because of lore
suffering from congestion of the- brain
Doctors had told him he was in im
minent danger of death because of se
vere attacks of vertigo and a htc,h
blond pressure
"The ejperatlon," Toblafl Said "occu
pied .ibeutt :u minuies Within three
hours afier the operation the gnat
gland began in function, the congestion
wasf relieved and with'n iiree days the
cause was fully eliminated.
"I am n new man physically, with
new mental vigor and i new power of
sustained effort
"I ran distinctly sense the function
of a new cell in my body."
It must have functioned mUBCUlarly.
For When I left Tobias gave me a
knuckle-crushing grip which r.iade it
necessary to write- this story wi'h rny
left hand.
HERE.TfvKX A 6 a? or ( ftLUPlGrrr. yjT to )
In th I '1st rif t Court of Weber Countv-.
State of I toh.
Cyrus A Ocl.5 Tlaintiff. vs. Prancea Z
cicis. Defendant
iTho Stale of Utah to Said Hefendant
You are hereby .summoned to appear
within twentv days after service of thin
wnmona upon pou If r.od within the
County m which this action la brought;
otherwise within thirty days after service,
land flef.-nd th above entitled action, ind
I In eas of your failure so to do. Judgment
will be reni n-d nmln.it you nrr ordlnK to
tin rl n, mil I ni tin- onipl.ilnl. whi-h h.i ;
1 been filed With the clerk of said court.
Thi. action is brought to recover Judp
, ment bj the plaintiff against the deft nd
ant for a decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now and heretofore existing
between the plaintiff nd defendant.
Plaintiff's Attorneya
P. O. Address. 402 First National Hank
Bulldhig, Ogden. I'tah 5920
Department of the Interior V . P Land
Office at Salt lakc City, 1 tah. Septem
ber 1. lS2o.
Notice la herebv given that Charles
Rrown. of OK"dcn. I'tah who. on .June L'2. '
1016 made home.stend entry No. O17S50.
tor M Section 8, Township 7 North.
Range 1 Kusl .S:i!t l-ike Meridian has
filed notlee of intention to make three- 1
year proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before W. H. Recder.
Jr. I'nited States 'omnilsaloner. at Ok I
den, I tah. on the 16th day of October I
Claimant names as witnesses:
D D Dunbar. Iee Shaw Robert Mont
gomery, Louis .shaw, all of I.ibertv. Utah
4!''0 Register,
after aervtce; 'in.' defend the above on-
titled action, and in case of vour failure JH
so to d-" Jiulcn nt will be rendered
ajgainat you ncconllng to lh- demand of E
the complaint, which has been filed with MP
the clerk of said court. H09!r
This action is brought to obtain Judu Pfft,.
nunt and deeree dlssolvlnR the bonds of
matrimony now and hitherto existing be-
tween plaintiff and defendant H
Plaintiff's Attorm-v I
p 0 address! Suite 813 Col. Hudson
Building, Ogden City. Utah.
Office of the Construct Inp Quarter-mas- HB
17 i i"i 1 1 m ; I Hudson P.nllding, Oijdcn.
I'tah Sealed proposals will be received DeBBi
iero until 11 a. September 4th and flBHw
then opened for the constnicllon of 60 HSi
buildings, water system electrical layout. SilKlf
and other utllltle-r. location near Ogden. BP i
, Plans ar.d specifications and further in- Kl&r
formation may V hed upon application to aVlt'I
: FRECKLES AND KIS FRIENDS Alek Is a Shrewd Business Man. By Blosser.
i-r r -e: u iiMjwpTwii i i mmm n i m n n t " I ! TT? . . .w ....-, . I BBBBKHngflH f 7 1 ' i
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