- .- - --i. - - I aBaBaa" '
I Last Tiroes TOD
! Ogden Theatre
IL aag - V
Several Persons Have
Fasted Longer Than
Lord Mayor of Cork
H nkyv YORK, lO.-7-Search of
H of s ioniific racordi here reveal
. several Instance persona
H undergone voluntary faata of
ll from 31 to 15 daya duration without
H appreciable injurious effect. Pon
H of the fasten were "professionals."
H volunteered to abstain
from feeding us scientific ?ubjects.
The longost officially authcrised fast
H On record for purposes, ac-
H cording to Dr. Francis G. Benedict of
R Carnegie Nutrition LaboratoTj of Bos-
H Inn thutu
N v
H York, starting November iv.0, and
H lasting 6 days. The man suffer no
H 111 effects, the report although
H lie hud undergone
H Kurope ranging !"'' '"
H The most famous American volun-
H teer faster the late Dr. Henrj
H Tanner
H in 1877 by a voluntary ten day fast
H In Minneapolis
H ailment of tlx heart from which he
H (hat he contlnu'-d the fast to 4J
H The feat made him the first person of
V Because of the Hkeptlelsm in medical
H rircles as to the genuineness of hifl
fast. Dr. Tanner offered to repeat the
1 1 esplott. Thi
H supervision of a prominent New York
medical college and began on Jure 28.
I I'm- 1 l 1
nelihe r water nor i
H was allowed water ancl daily car-
N. Y. Agents Made $225,000
on False Lading Bills of
Ship Company
H NEW YORK. Sept. Four
H' merchants who were indicated by u!
H feder.il grand Jury a week ago on a
H charge of forging and raising bills of
lading by banks in Greece
H defrauded of $236,000 were arrested
here List night department of jus-
H tlce :ijens. One of the prisoner..
H eieorge president of the
American Company of Commerce. In
corporated, of New York, was taken
H Into custody on arrival from Lon-
H t. day.
H The George Brousos, a
H DrJtaas and Thunw Taoman. were
H . ghortlj sftei Pterlotla waa
seized un the pier.
la the tired hours of the
afternoon, make yourself a
t up of fine tea.
The gentle invigoration
restores your lost balance
of strength; the rich yet
dainty exquisite flavor gives
you mild yet delightful
You are rested cheered.
The world seems right
And the cost? Only j
cent a cup.
Schilling Tea
iffl AJS (kM b1-pl,.-.tr' lluBinrTlrandV
?f arKk ''" R-i ri oou BtiAvy
M --llr2 tl' ltl with lllte RibtM, S
I) Tn (f3 Tk do ,thr. Ilur rf jour V
J 1 dr SruaM. Avwf.ir Cirt f Iflu TFRU
J iJl J9 y.inkuMM rtt.:-fnt. Alnr ft Mj
Clag ride. The- test lasted 40 days 11
brok both faStB he eating fruits and
suffered no III effects.
Dr Benedict also cited a thirty-day
fast in 1910. performed In London b
a volunteer named Gavcr.
This man. although he lost consider
able uelght, .was reported never to
have suffered anv pain of bad after
One of the most remarkable ab
atlnence contcata reported by I'r. Bene
dict was endured In Boston under hie
i" r.-on:il direction, b 1- Levanrln '
Maltese editor, from April 14 to May
IS, 1H12. thirty-one day, The man
volunteered to undergo the fast and
Came from Malt.i especially for that
He was a norm., I m.ni. .igi d 4
years. He waa given onlj distilled
water, and for the first ten ds's he
did not crave food or show any ap
preciate loss of weight or vitality. Ex
opt on the 2lft and 22nd days, when
he suffered slight pains in the mus
cles, there was no distress. Dr. Berfe
diet reports and -vhen the time en up
his physical condition, except for a
light Iosm of weight, was nearly nor
mal. Levauzin the report said on the last
da; of the fai was eager to continue
without food but he was not permitted
to do so. Un the last day he waa
able to climb up and down a steep
flight of ten steps wijhout HI effects.
The fist was broken with lemons,
grape Juice, rice and hones. When
th fa-: was broken the subject suf
fered slight intestinal p.iln. but apart
from that and a loss In weight he was
According to T. M. Reddy. acting
division superintendent of th depart
meat pf Justice, and Heni K. Kell.
assistant L'nlted States attorney. Fter
iotls and hta as ioclates last ctobcr
Incorporated the American company 1
of Commerce, and did business unt.l '
Mail . ( l . IT hen, It :s alleged, the corn
pan) waw transferred to three "dum
mies The indictment charges that
Irrevocable letters of credit were j
established through several banks In i
Greet with financial Institutions In'
New York.
After the New York banks were
notified through the company that
credits were established, the accused
men It is charged made actual ship
I meats of two bags of coffee or two'
bags of rice, obtaining blllH of lading
from the Cunard amthip company
I to be shipped on the BtCamshlp Klvet
Araxes, and with the American Medi
terranean Leavent line to be shipped
i on the Steamship Uanlca consigned
' to various firms in Greece.
Then It Is charged when the bills
, of lading were received from the
j steamship lines duly signed and read
! lug two bags of coffee or rice, the
accused men raised them from two
iiat. 'o 2,20ii double bags of fine,
granulated sugar, and insured their
jorginal shipments for I4G.000 in each
case. They then presented th' ir bills
of lading. It Is alleged together with
insurance receipts and invoices cov
ering 2,20) bags of sugar to the sev
eral bunks and collected approxim
! atr y ?2:'.". ooo.
00 1
Come early if you want a
seat tomorrow, three great
attractions, Ford Sterling and
Charley Murray in Sennett's
latest comedy Robert Cham
bers' great story, "The Fight
ing Chance." Artcraft's mam
moth feature, and the stage
show. "A Night in Hawaii"
and the world's greatest Hula
Dancers 7 people at Al
hambra, open 4:30. curtain 5
p. m. Alhambra, 10c and
30c Sunday and Monday.
6. 0. P. ISSUES :
County Convention to Be Held
at Orpheum on Sep
tember 18
I : : : i ; ; maRs primal les lll l''0
held throughout Weber county Bepi
is, according to the call Issued by the
U puUI. an central committee Dele ;
gates will bc elected for the county I
nominating conentlon at the OrphCUBB
theatre, EMkturday, Sept. i8-
Candidates for the follow inc county'
and legislative offices will be nomi
nated State senator, fniir-year term.
state senator, two-year term,
Four members of the house of rep-
rsisntatlvcs, two-year term.
County commissioner, four-year
I CO.Unty commissioner, two-year
County treasurer, Iwo-ye.ir term.
County iherlffi twd-ye4r term.
County clci k and audltoi. two-year
County recorder, two-year term
County attorney, two-year term
Count, surveyor, two-year term.
County assessor, two-year term.
City offices to l.e filled Include city
I judge and ex-offlclo Justice of the
peace and precinct constable.
Suspect Opens Fire. Wounding
U. S. Agent and Killing
City Fireman
i HKYKNNt:. Wyo., Sept 11. John
8 Federhan, n member of the Chey
. r.ne fire rlepartment, was shot and
instantly killed and Tom Holland Of I
Cheyenne. a department of Justice
lugeni was critically wounded this af
ternoon by Yee Geow. a Chinese, al
leged to have entered the United
Slates illegally.
HollaiMl. In company with YV R.
Mansfield Of Denver federal Immigra
tion Inspector for this district, was
isltlng local Chinese establishments
;.hI iy looking for persons alleged to
have entered the country Illegally. In
one they found Yee Oeow. who was
una hie to produce papers to show that
he had permission to enter the United
States, and they arrested him.
1 After they had proceeded a shoit
distance toward the jo.ii Yee t.eow
pulled a revolver and shot Holland.
1 1 then turned on Mansfield. Mans
flOld ran Into a fire station. Ah he
entered he shouted that a man was
chasing him. trying to kill htm
As the firemen started out through
one door, the Chinese entered and be
gan firing. Ills first shot struck Fed
arhan. The other firemen over-pow-rred
him and look him to Jail.
I no
National Women's Party to
Keep Going Until Alt Ob
stacles Are Gone
NCYV Y i IRK. Sept. 11. Contlnu-j
ance of tne national woman's party,
with politics the same as used In the
campaign for national suffrage, un-t
ll! all legal action against the Victory!
Instituted by the ami is removed" was
decided upon today b) members of the
national executive committee at aj
meeting in the home of Mrs. O. H. P.I
Belmont at Port Washington. N. Y. I
A fund to carry on the wor of the
party up to and during Its annual- con-
ventlon which win be held when the
v ictory Is safeguarded," ia to be raised i
by the decision of Mls Alice E. Paul.'
halrman The convention according
r, Miss Paul, will decide upon a now
policy for the party and will organize!
tip campaign for "full equality,"
Miss Paul authorised the statement!
that today she had received g letter
from Attorney General Thompson of
Tcnnensre saving the action of the!
legislature that gave women the votel
I was final and will not be reversed, he
I added.
A deficit of $12.00o In the party's
fund as a result of Its Tennessee cam-,
paign is removed by pledges made at,
the meeting loday according to thl
treasurer! report.
Ten states were represented at the
meeting. Among the speakers were
Miss I'urlx St'-ens Nebraska, and Mre. '
.1 Andro Foullhoux, Portland, Ore
The Hawaiian Jewel Musical Com
rdy company of seven people, includ
ing slngerH. dancers and Instrumen
ta llltS, SI well us the world's greatest
hula dancer, Princess Pel Moml, will
Ibo at the Alhambra next Sunday and
Monday In "A Night In ParadlhO Isle,"
ja great stuge nttrnction Mso Roh
eri V. Chambers' great storv- 'The
l-'lghtlng Chande, ' find Chnrlle Murrny
III Mark Sennett's newest comedy,
Don'l Weaken." Weat.: Matinees, 10c
and 20c; evenings, 10c and 30c.
Husband's Story of Drowning
in Canoe Accident Not Ac
cepted by Police
WASHINGTON. Sept. 11. Failure,
to recover the body of Mrs Gertrude
"lger Kuehllng and the discovery of1
several clrcumstnncea regarded bj Hi"
police us worthy ot Investigation have
converted her husband's story of
drowning while canoeing with him on
the Potomac river Vedndnv night.
Into one of some mystriy Itoy liar-,
per Kuehllng, the husband, watt held
liv the police for Investigation
i ikst HUSBAND TI i
Interest has been added te- the case
by 'he discovery that Mr.'. Kuehllng
who wns the divorced wife o, limrr"'
sgood of Detroit, and one of t'tf' helia
to the million dollar estate of HSlsa
beth ChaPelton of that city, recently
had asked un attorney to file suit tor
dr. oiee against her second husband.
The find husband ai rived lp Washing
ton to assist in running on; the many
threads, assigning as his motive the
Interest of their 1 -year-old child
Kuehllng s story given io the po
lice was that he lost control of the
canoe in n bad stretch of water and
In the darkness he lost all track of
bis wife, wasting much of the time In
which She might have been gaVfd In
t ambling nt a inr coat under the cop
Bised hoiit nrftl which a few minutes
before his w Ife, ho SsJdi had worn
thrown over her shoulders.
Kuehllng s arrest occurred n few
hours after at their homo In Woodslde.
Maryland B SUbUrb of Washington, on
0 technical charge of desertion from
the army. That charge oxplalned away
bv the t ecorils at the w ar dipailment.
he was held for Investigation hlefly
upon Information obtained by the po
lice that his wife recently contemplat
ed divorcing him andthat only a few
daya ago sue had been treated at a
hospital for poisoning. Efforts of the
police to find some one who had seen
Kuehllng and his wife together Wed
nesday night have failed, but have
brought from the man from whom he
tented the boat the statement that he
was alone when he engaged It
Kuehllng's recorel Includes an effort
to obtain a place In the secret service
and tin re are on file in the headejuar- 1
lers of the service two letter recom-1
mending him for such work, one sign
ed by Senator A. Ponierene and the
ether by Senator Harding. Kuehllng
and Mrs. m,'Ood were married Decem
ber 30. 1910, at Mount Clemens. Mich
Buyers Shown Cut in Cloth
Prices But Wait for
Further Drop
BOSTON, Sept. 11.- The Commer
cial Bulletin today eays:
The opening of lightweight goods
for spring by the American Woolen
company, has bSjSn the feature Of the
market. It Is generally considered
thai the prices named were reasona
bly low. but buyers were apparently
waiting to m ike further compailMuis
before committing themselves on any
considerable purchases.
"There has been some business In
good territory wools In the range of
1. 2S to 11.46 clean basis for fine
and fine medium Montana staple
wools. Some houses report a fair
business, but on the whole business
has continued slow with prices espec
ially for Inferior wool, on the easy
Scoured basis
Texas I'lne 1.' months', $1.3o'Ti
1.35; fine 8 months. $1.206 1.25
California Northern. $1.351 4"'.
middle county, $120'fJ1.30; southern.
Jl.no5 1.10
Oregon Eastern No 1 staple. 1.40
$ ; eastern clothing. $1.10C 1 25
Valley NO i. $i.265 i.30.
Pine snple $1.40 1 50. half-blood,
combing. 1.80(j) 1 15; 3-S blood comb
ing. 16090c; Quarter blood combing,
70if75c; fine; clothing, f 1.26491. SO;
fine medium clothing $105fii.io.
Pulled: Delaine.. $150fr6 ;
AA. $1.30'? 1 35 A supers, 06c $1.05.
Mohnlrs Best combing. 40Q50O;
best carding. 38i40c.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 11. L M. Tulley
of St. I.ouls today was electeel presl- 1
dent of the Concatenated Order of I
Moo-Hoo, a fruternal organization of I
lumbermen, Fred "onner. Sacramento, j
Cal . was named vice president.
Next years convention will bc held
at Fresno. Csl.
XI, W VTiRK, Sept 11 Nine hun
dred Russian refugee children today!
! boarded the Japanese steamship Yonil
' Maru, nailing f'r c openhsgen Thej
I have been at Fort Wadsw orth. Staten I
' Island, more- than n week, en route
from Siberia to thru- homes In Petro
' grad, under tho care of th. American i
Keel Cross.
OENOA. Sept 1J. The ship Ro-i
hosto belonging to the nntl-Bolshevik 1
i south Russian government hnn been1
I seized In the harbor here at the in
stlRatlon. it Is aald. of Ihe Russian!
I Soviet government.
- " ""
Got Within tho Lawi m
If You Get Arrested It's I
Your Fault-Not Ours I
We are selling Auto Lenses that have stood the test of
Ogden City No-glare Ordinance which goes into effect
soon. They are now approved and highly recommended
for use on your auto.
You have seen them advertised in the leading maga
zines, and in use in all big cities J
They are hereCorning Conaphore, the patented
golden tint glass; and the MacBeih, the green and
white glass.
Geo. A. Lowe Co. !
The BIG Hardware Store
aTt3acrMsaaSMMMagsaSfrrDrjaj ajULajaxgJOeqajgagaiMfajaaBjBjBjsja
Bankers. Packers and Grain
Men Call on Federal Reserve
Banks for Loans
CHICAGO, Sept. 11. More than 100
bankers packers and grain men. meet
ing to dlSJeuss the livestock situation
throughout the country yesterday, ap
pealed to the government for aid to
preserve the livestock industry.
Resolutions were passed appealing
to the Interstate commerce commission-to
order grain placeel on the pre
f. rred traffic list, at once, appe ilim
to financial Institutions tu encourage
stock raising Industries and orglng the
treasury department to deposit funds
:n tho reserve banks In livestock areas
to be given out in loans to producers.
It was also decided to send a com
mittee representing the federal re-,
serve hanks at Minneapolis Chicago,
Kansas e'lty. St. Louis. Dallas and San'
Francisco to Washington September
2r and 21 to meet with the federal rc
scrve boiird and txplaln present con-1
dltlofta in the livestock Industry
Another committee of five will be'
a pointed to plan the placing nnd fi
nancing of young livestock in the west
to cover shortages which it was said
now exist.
Louis Swift, packer, in addressing
thfc meeting. predicted lnvver food
A L Rlccles. Denver, said loans of;
Si 50.000 000 were necessary to avert
crisis In the livestock Industry
Hogle Loses Second
Sugar Stock Suit
The J A. Hogle company, suing
O B. Gllson to recover $1500 on a
check upon which payment was al
leged to have been stopped failed to
obtain Judgment yer.terday In the dis
trict court. The case was dismissed
In Judge A. E Pratt's division
Tho plaintiff testified that Gllson
ordered Plngrce Sugar company stock
and this was delivered Gllson com
plained that he bad ordered stock of
the Hooper Sugar eompanv and the
Pingree company stock was given him
Instead. He said he' refused to accept
it and stopped payment on the check
tendered In payment
Following the testimony Judge Pratt
granted a directed verdict He also
granted a motion for a new trial The
plaintiff then had the case dismissed
WASHINGTON, Sept 11 Lawton,
okia. 1930; Increase Li t-', or 1 1 7
per cent.
Sweetwater, Texas. 4,301 Increase
131. or 8.1 per cent.
(Successors to Dee-Neute- I
boom Printing Co.)
2370 Washington Avenue
Above Minncch Paint Co. V
Phone 1166
1 Suite of wicker furniture, suitable for sun room; 3-piece
H parlor suite; ivory bedroom suite, springs, mattress; sev- M
jfl eral other pieces of furniture. All practically new. I
R Owner has used them about four months. Call for Hi
S Mr. King at Skaggs'. Twenty-fouith street and Grant I
g avenue, or call at residence Sunday afternoon, 985 Bin- g
1" J I
Adequate Care for Eastern
Wanderers Is Problem
Facing Authorities
problem of caring more adequately for
ihe large numbers of migratory tuber
cular cases In the western and south
westem states was dlsciuesed by the
annual .southwestern conference on
tuberculosis, which opened here. Rep
resentatives were present from Ari
zona. California. New Mexico, Colo
rado, KansSBi Oklahoma and Texas.
A recent survey determined that
there were 060 cases of tuberculosis
In Tucson, Ariz , and but thirty-eight,
of thorn had originated In the state,
according to a statement by T. C Gu-j
velier, secretary of the Arizona Tu
berculosis association. Scores of fam
ilies In which there were tuberculosis EXoj
v i-v living in one. two or three rooms. Smb
he said. More than flft per cent of WcPti
these were sufferer, he said. IIjKiS
Others on the program today In- !Wwif
eluded Mr. John Potts. Fort Worth. ffifflr
Texas rmkk
A round table" for nurses in which aa'iy
ithe work of the American Red Cross. Hra
i rural nurses and nurses among orient- IKm
i al tuberculosis patients, was detailed. Mjfefil
was a feature of the conference, as iiMH
I was a discussion of sunshine as a iBn!
tuberculosis cure, by Dr. William Pal-
mer Lucas of the University of Cali- rfWrl
fornla Three tubercular children who Eft
had been treated successfully by this EhSc
i method were utilized by Dr. Lucas to SHh
illustrate his address. 91
The escapement wheel of a watch
makes 781.000 revolutions every 12
months I
Street Railway Linemen ' I
We have good jobs permanent open for experienced street
railway shopmen Good wages and moderate living costs. 'I
Wa also can use electricians, electrical repairmen, "vclders
and grinders;
Appiy I
Fourteenth and Arapahoe Street
Denver, Colo.
On August 1 h strike was called on our property. On August 1
7 by vote of the union the strike was declared off, but many
o i our former employes have refused to return to vork
FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Freckle's Idea Turned Into a Boomerang! By Bloaser.
LwZ) 1 1 Ial iHHSi) II uH II rM4, lh a
14 "V Vh x paste ss mfi w-wahuc'cut Mt y ( MJ, or tat, & seru? , lURcw
JSitea " - Sal " .c-'' l
I sal