I T-ingest Picture - vff Made Of
jjy Symptom.-.: Sinking spalls, dizziness, Treatment: A beautiful nurse before.
Iff fluttering f U-c !.::ut. rurlden bursts of ffter, during end between meals. B
1 woe cr mcrriricn: Uteit J"?' .V? f0" I
R worse ruble Is called in comcrence. si
Diagnosis: Emotional hyperstrabismus f.,n contagion certain. You'll break out tt
j jQ of the mental optics cr love. . ! over with taughs. c
Hunting Do mizzles In
Ogden Tragic But Has
lis Humorous Aspects
1 m
Have you u domicile r the win r?
an abode of any nort which will shelter
ou from the weather? If :o, count
I yourself fortunate.
Ilousin? conditions In ogden. ac-j
cording to foci-weary hunters o!
; homes, arc d?sperate Exorb Lant rorls
are general, md tntolei .i'M" conditions
exist n many instances.
. Children. we are told, arc the great
est obsacles to r-ntlng a iii'. apart
ment or house. With a dev.. a person (
can get by. Possiblj .1 landlord with a!
heart kind enough to allow a famllv
l wiih bul one child, iher exceptionally!
young or to old to still be rao?d at
a. child can be found but there In ai
general antipathy towards children of
any description.
To lho:;e who have secured a place,
for the wlnt- r. nn ut a high rental,
tt.e plight of the lerj fortur.at? has
Its hum icons aspects even though
orten tragic.
in hQUsew fe, who stayed to-j Ion?
in her rent Ohme in Ogden canyon,
is now vainly pursuing moving vans.
asking the drivers Where thiy are go-(
iiT and Where they have been. If,
the driver gVves the address fronv
which he IrundJ ;.s n lead of furnl-j
turc. lh!s u'n inpj mortal betakes her
B If ! the adurtM, In t!.e n:n hope
of renting the house.
! New Arrivals
Suits, Coats and
r- !! s Dresses
Every day of the
' fr Past wee has seen
new Suits, Coats j
and Dresses added
to our showing
NEW. So varied is
iCSK. 11111111 mucrl more com
mfi& BlsWBf prehensive than
r ' ever before that to
attempt t'o describe
mWj them all or to state
IftHm the values that we
'ALVf have placed upon
fArfSfe them, is an almost
Iv impossible task.
v J We simply say:
I r
We never have had a more beautiful col
lection of Fall Garments, and you may
rest assured that every garment featured
has had the most critical judgment passed
upon it before being considered worthy
a place in our shop.
. Our Windows Tell the Styles
i j
2378 Washington Avenue
J j -
Her efforts so far have een unsuc
cessful. A report of a couple having
been served notice that they would
have lo move beeauoe (,f the birth ol
a child thm Violating the rule that
no children would be allowed in the
house, Is current.
Would-be tenants who have children
declare unanimously, at P-asl as many
a have been Interviewed, that the race
Of landlords seems to bo advocate
of race suicide.
MUM S I H W.l S I li
At ft certain apartment house. In
gden, notorious in palmier days as a
Kegro quarter, and which for over a
ocnl ir. . : . inhabited by no one but
members of this race, has bven re
modeled and renoi iced and let out in
apartments to white folks.
In Says gone l: . but oft recalled,
rental of a house for a sum from $20
to $3fi a Month meant that the house
had at leant a fully equipped bath
room and water. Now old shacks which
for years have housed only the most
.hlflicss of families who, because the
rent was next to nothing, were content
to . arry In water from the hydrant
In the back yard, and had no com
punction about performing their Sat
urday abolutlonn, when absolutely
nece?sar. In a wush tub, are drawing
mora tent per month nt present than
thev formerly commanded in three
times that period. And houses such s
theae are eagerly rented by the house
seekers, who have the alternative of
'taking) what, they can get or going
t without.
An unusually lare amount of real
t Is Changing hands this fall. Hun
dreds have decided that the owning of
a home Is the only solution to their
problems, In nine cases out of ten, it
i said other parties than the owners
occupied the homes and wore ;tnd are
heinjr given 30 days notl- prior to
Joining the ranks of the restless, aver
seeking hunters of homes.
I ine Instance has been reported
Where a part purchased a house to
use this winter The house was being
rented. Without giving notice, the
owners demanded the OCCU pants t
evacuate. Furniture belonging to the
owners was shipped from a nearby
city, and while the tenants scurried
about the city in an effort to rent a
home, the owners mndo an attempt to
move the furniture belonging to them
into the already occupied house. So
far th' owners of ;lv hon-e ln,. been
unsuceesful in tdrnlng the tenants
out. No notice was served that the
tenants were to leave at u certain
time, and from present indications the
i i will wind up before authorities
of the city.
Those who have houses look nt
friends seeking houses likI feel sym
pathetic, and s ores if the sei kers if
ter vain attempts to locate n this elf
:md pursue their chosen work, have
I, ret, forced to depart, still in search
of a place where children arc not
looked down upon, and where the pro
curing of 'k shelter during the winter
is at least possible
G. 0. P. Candidate
is Ogden Visitor
Don li Colton, candidate for con
gress from the First Congressional
district was an Ogden vlsltoi yesterday
from his home at Vernal While In I
Og'len Mr. Colton conferred with Re
publican party leaders n the coming
elei tlon and outlined his plans for
campaigning He was accompanied on
his trip here by V D Sutton
Notite la hereby given that one C C
Jensen Is no longer In the ernploj of
this Company as sales agent and is not
j authorized to transact any business for
, our Company,
GUuRtiE BUSCH, President.
Election Place Rearranged to
Suit Convenience of
Arthur Woolley, Republican county
chairman, yesterday issued the call for
Republican mass primaries lo le held
In the election districts of Weber
county on September 15 at 8 P. M.
to elect delegates to 'he Re pub! loan
county nomlnotlng convention which
will be held September is at i A W.
in the OvphCUm theatre.
The Apportionment of delegates to
the county convention is upon the
baatl of the vote cast for Hon. W H.
Wattls for congress at the general
election of 191S, each district being
entitled to one delegate for each ten
votes, of major fraction thereof, csst
for .Mr. Wattls at the election.
Under this apportionment there will
be J 7 f delegates elected from the city
districts, making a total of 3'.1 dele
gates In the convention.
( M (.(. I I. AN.
The call provides for the holding of
thi primaries fop certain districts In
Ogden City at places other than those
heretofore used for piimary purposes.!
It I'n alwa; li i ri the custom to hold
the primaries for each of the five!
wards in ogden City In one place forj
each ward, btlt In order to b'Mng th'
primaries closer to the voters In the
various districts in remote sections of'
the wards, it was decided to rear-.
..inge the pltic -i of meeting.
Under the call blatrlcti l 8 and t
meet In the South Washington school I
house. Districts 1. 6 and 7 meet In j
the Plhgrae school house; Districts B. j
'. 1" and 11 meet In the Cltv Hall;,
i-jon ,v i in, , , -, n, i no i,.!ii i: .111.-
slon In Weal Qgden; District 13 meet-,
it 210 West Twenty-second street;
li?tiicts H and 1 5 meet the Arm
ory o;i TWenty-fouHh street; Illstrlcts
1G. 17 and 18 meet In the Third R.iril
amuaament hall; Districts I'j and 20
In the Tenth ward amusement hall.
Districts 21. 22 and 23 In the Five
Points school house; Districts 21, 2f,.
20 and 7 in the Seventh ward amuse
ment hall; District! 2S. 32. 33, 3,
."i 3r. .17 .m, i .;s M t1(. Counts Court
House; Districts 2f, 30. 31, 39, 40 and
11 In the LfOrin Farr school house;
Districts 42, 43 and 44 in the Twelfth
waid meeting house; Districts 45, 46.
I". I . I and .'.J In the Fifth ward
amusi ment hall; Dlsrrtcts 45 and 60
in the Lewie school, and Districts S3
and u 1 in the Ninth ward meeting
In the county districts primaries
ivill be held in the us'Jiil places, to be
designated by the county committee
In addition to the delegates to the
county convention there will be elect
ed In each of the several districts
throughout the county a member of
the county central .committee and a
district secretary.
The convention will nominate two
state senators, four representatives
tWo COtirilV :i , in i . ,, , nr.ro ..
treasurer, sheriff, clerk, recorder, at-
torney, surveyor and assessor, and lm
, mediately upon the adjournment of
the county convention the delegates
, thereto from the districts In Ogden
City will convene a city convention
for Dgden City for the purpose of
nominating a city Judge and precinct
Special entertainment features have
been provided for the county eonven
tlon. In addition to the usual ad
' 1 ' ' s- ' f" -e will be shown tu mo' .
Ing picture films, one prepared by the
Ken noli. . ,n wtt immlttee. ; bowing
i the congressional and rate candidates
nnd the other prepared by the Re
publican national committee showing
scenes Of Warren (J Harding and Cal
vin Coolldge.
There Is keen competition for all
offices on the Republican legislative
and . 1 1 n ; ' u k-t ,md ,, full .!tten,l-
ance of delegates Ij assured. There
will be ample room in the theatre for
the many spectators, who, it S ex
pected, will want to witness the pro. I
ceedings ami enjoy the entertainment
tortures provided for the convention
Special efforts are bing made bv
the members of the county commit-1
tee and Republican workers to hrlng
out a large attendance of voter.- ., t the'
various primaries to insure a repre-l
sentattve convention and wide popular
ruppott for tbe Republican ticket.
Extended Program on
Brigham Peach Day
Brigham Is to have a mammoth ath
letic program on i'each Da v. Septem
ber l.V Will Thornton, of Salt Lakv.
lui- the affair under his wing and
promises the fans at Brigham a real
treat in the shape of wrestling and
boxing contests.
It Is announced the main attrac
tion for this program will be I rn I rn
of Salt Lake, the middleweight wrest
ler, who is scheduled to met several
opponents in ihe one evening. A busl
man has offered to make a wager
that Dern cannot throw all the mem
bers of the Brigham baseball team
In one hour. Some of the players!
have already agreed to the proposition
and ll is figured the ,)e;,l will go!
through, Dern has also been chal
lenged by a Canadian wrejtier named
Kmil Peruse He weighs -'if' pounds
;md offers to throw Dern twice in one
hour. In the boxing events it is being
irranged for the best boys of Sal:
Lake and Ogden to tangle.
Riverdale Farmer Is j
Host to Paper Boys
Seventy carriers and newsboys of
the Standard-Examiner were tbe
guests of L Marsh at a watermelon I
bust at Riverdale Friday evening I
Three hundred cantelopes and 40 wa- j
term el One were quickly consumed Mr
Marsh plans to make th event ' an
annual affair for the newsies, he said '
Miller's Tailor
484 Twenty-fourth Street.
at reasonable prices. Expert clean
ing, pressing and repairing of men's
and women's coats and suits. Guar
anteed satisfaction.
1 ! ' " I
77" "TIT" "1
Idaho Farmers Look Forward
To Prosperity Says
S. P. Official
That Idaho will experience one of
her best agricultural years this vear
Is the opinion of Willard O, Wilson,
liavellng agent for the Southern Pa
cific who returned yesterday from an
extensive trip to points In Idaho in
the interest of hlv road.
The prune crop will he the largest
In ihe history of the rdate, according
to Mr. Wilson, and will compare fav
orably with the crops of Other state-.
The potato crop th!s season will be 9."i
per cent normal which is far better
than has been recorded n Other sea
sons, Iist year s crop was To per
cent normal.
'Potatoes are now selling at $1 p"r
bushel while hay Is -i IliiiK at the stack
nt $8 per ton." said Mr. Wilson. "On
I account of the abundance of hay
'.throughout the state this season the
i farm.ers have decided to feed their cat
tle this forage during the coming
The wheal and grain erops are also
superior to thohe of l fi 9 and will no
.doubt shatter all records shipments
of grain and wheat In Idaho has been
delayed for some time owing lo the
ar shortage but the fanners content
Plito on shipping a record crop this
! fall.
I "Polities in the State la also warming
up and considerable Interest has been
manifested Hi the coming national and
state election. Ail in all Idaho is look-
, Ing forward to her greatest year and
fiom ail Indications the farmers will
'bnvc n new record when they ult
I Work for the winter."
Last Train From
Park on Sept. 20
More -ban n.'.OOO tourists have visit-
ed Yellowstone National park this
season ov er th 1 i ':on Short Line ac
cording to Depotm.iMcr S. II Tracy of
the t igden Untrni Railway company. i
The season for tourists travel to the
wonderland will be halted for the 192i
fear, September JO, when the Yellow
tone spoi i.i l wit: li, vvlthdra wn until
next season so far as regular dail?
travel Is concerned. After September
jo a mixed weeklj run win be main-
tlned from Aahton Idaho, to Yellow
stone. This trip will be made on Sun
days Records compiled by railroad offi
cials show that the travel over th
I r i gon Short Line during the past
s.uson to the pari; has shattered all i
past records.
Make Assignment for
Benefit of Creditors
I The Olasmann-Wilfong Automobile I
company yesterday made an assign-I
merit of Us holdings for the benefit I
of creditors. A. T. Iinglols was ap- j
po!n;d the assignee, taking hold of the
company's affairs at noon.
in a statement issued by the com-
pany, it was announced that the as-
i sets' would total e.bout $30,000, with
I the liabilities about $:S.0n0. and there
was little chance that any of the credl-,
j tors would lose a penny.
Apostle Smith Will
Talk at Conference
Apostle Jo.-enh Fielding Smith will
I be the principal speaker at the o.uar-
j terly conference of the North Weber
Stake to be held In the tabernacle to-(
(Jay Sessions will bo held at 10 a. m.
(and 2 p. m.. and the stake presidency
invite all members of the stake to be
Special musical programs will be
rendered at both sessions by the tab
ernacle choir under the direction of
Prof. Joseph Ballantyne.
Timber Experiments
Made By Foresters'
A permanent sample plot of timber
has been established nt the Kelly
Hanger station on the Wyoming na
tional forest, according to forest serv-,
Ice Information.
The plot, it is stated, constats of;
three parts In one part the trees,
have been left nr. thev naturally were.
Ili the second plot, large timber has
been cut away, leaving only small weak 1
saplings while the third plot consists!
of an area in which the small timber
has been cut away, leaving only the
larger trees.
The trees have all been numbered
and will be roasured at intervals of j
i ire ,ears to see whether the various
kinds of cuttings has a marked effect 1 1
or. the growth of trees in virgin soil I
Miller Denies He j
Gave Wrong Address
j A. Miller. C$02 Jackson avenue.!
alleged by the police to have attempted
to avoid consequences of an accident
which OCCU red Friday afternoon, which!
resulted In a fractured skull for the
I six -year-old son of Mr and Mrs. J.
Speechley, 639 Twenty-eighth street,
made no effort to avoid complications
that might arise out of the accident,
Ihe said yesterday.
I Miller claims that hr gav e the police I
his correct address, 2802 Jackson i
'avenue, but that the officer had ap
parently become confused and took I
.'the wrong address, which was an
nounced as 2802 Jefferson avenue-
I The Hawaiian Jewel Musical Com
edy company of seven peoplo, includ
ing singers, dancers and instrumen
talists, a-s well as the world's greatest
hula dancer, Princess Lid Moml, will
be at the Alhambra next Sunday and
I Monday in ' A Night In Paradise Isle,"
a great stage attraction. Also Rob
ert W Chambers great story. 'The
I Fighting Chance." and Charlie Murray
in Mack Sennott's neves' comedy,
J 'Don't Weaken" Seat.: Matinees, 10c
I and 20c, evenings, 10c and 30c.
Starring I ULLdLHi ER.
" " ' I
U. S. Inspector Is I
Visitor in Ogden
Mr and Mrs. C. K Schafer and two
children of San Antonio, Texas, visited
during the week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Homer A at 2304 Jack
son avenue Mr. Schafer Is un in
spector In the I. S. Immigration ser
vice. He and Mr. Seip were formerly
I government employees nt (Jivlte,
j Philippines Islands.
oo i
Averts Fire When
He Smells Smoke
A fire nt the forest service headquar
ters was narrowly averted yesterdav
at 1 o'clock by the acute sense of
smell of C. D. Morse, in charge of the
office of forest management.
When an electric switch to the dry-,
Itig machine In the blue print room;
Was not disengaged the drum became I
overheated The canvas roll on thei
machine was scorching when the
trouble was discovered
Forest Colonization H
is Progressing Well H
Colonization work on' the Fayette WWcM
'Forest is developing results beyond cx- HEa
pe tatlona, according to information fiwral
fiom the forest service. A letter re- 9Bal
! calved from Emmett, Idaho, indicates rafeaiil
thai four new settlers have located in iIaJi
Hear Valley recently. The entire RjEMag
group of settlers In the valley are now WII
engaged in cutting and slacking hay fffltJl-!
I for the winter The majority of c (wleH
'settlers have been raising small gnr- ti1'!
tens of hardy vegetables, indicating rtf! j '
that the country is suitable for agrlcul- BralN
tural pursuits. . B't Y
A. Erickson Studio. Fall Term
commences Sept. 15. Free
Ensemble Classes. Studio Al
hambra Theatre. Phone 207.
OO MMrafti;
A bottle of champagne contain3 Vjfc; j !
three pounds of grapes
tt V
I Our stock is daily growing larger and more I
I complete with all the most wanted ready-to-
jja wear and millinery for misses women and I mm
j children. T mM
Our Millinery I 1 1
Department J 1 1
which is the talk of the V I
town, is complete with ejry
styles to suit the most SffiH 1
fastidious and reason- 8' I
ably priced from ' u i
$3.95 up I
The Most Beautiful JK
Shirt Waist Stock j
ever shown at the Leader is now on display and one table I
of Georgettes and Crepe de Chines, all colors and sizes, W
$7,50 values
Special $4.95 j B
A Beautiful Showing off H
Skirts I
in Plaids, Serges, Tricotines in plain and pleated models, i
Special at
$6.95 and up ! ' flj
"""HTagatMgaamaaBKH I
llesssssssss,.-- JHSB