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PBIIHB "SsBsesasaaessesBssBasBBr Mf Tfcfcfc. aasaaaaaH I 2 THE QGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1920. H IPHR COSTS " OVER DOUBLED Cost of Living Survey By Na tional Board Reveals Some Interesting Figures SEW YORK. Bept. 13. Reportl ( .i r.jrvcv of Hie covi of living 'OntraM- with living coma of pre-war times mail! public last night by trie National Industrial Conference bonrd, show that the increase In the tlx-year period I ruling Jul) 1 has been 104 . per cent. The lUniMT show an lm riaf of 19 ' i el OVnl In the Ins: year mid 5 per rtnt from March to Jul;, 1JO0 The survey thnnn I hut food Increas a 1 r pf r ( rnt In the six-yenr period; kl-.elter 38 per rent; clothing IS per . nt, fuel, heut nml llfhl II p". cent, mid sundries If per cent. These percentage weie derived liom figures obtained from retail deal er in larger cities Sugar climbed 812 per rni; pota toes 368 per cent; flour 1 4 per cent. . urn meal 133 per cent; rice 11 P' em; bread 118 per rent, ham 112 per -nt. lambs 109 per cent; hens t'7 per cent, and pork chops 101 per tnU Detroit ehowr-d .m Increase In food prices of 18S per cent, the highest (he 39 cities In which figures were collected, while I.os Angeles was Ion -I l with 9& per cent. Figures supplied by 381 real estate b :(l and civic organic itlona In v ir tually all cities of more than 60,000 five a rent Increase percentage of 58. i:ighty-slx cities. Including New York. I'hlcago. Phlludolphia. Duirolt and ls knr..l.u uhr.u nrl Ini r.i)fl of infjii" I than 5u per cent. Boston. St Lou Is, Han Francisco nnd a number of other smaller cities, showed less than SI pgr i nt nnd In some the Ini r ase ran as low as ten per cent. Car fare increased in IJn citle und remained unchanged In 33. Hard coal prices Increased K1.4 to 85. i I". per cent; oft coal 103.1 per cent and gas nnd electricity, for domestic use, 15 per rent. oo PRISONERS AT OMAHA SAW WAY TO FREEDOM H iiMaiia. Neb., Sept. II. Two H oner. evraped from the Douglas coun- H ty Jail last night by sawing the barn Hj from an outside window and climbing B IbWII some scaffolding used by work- h men In repairing damage done during H the riot of last Septcmbei 29. Th- H eeoapod prisoners were Russell Bailey, H south .Pie. iimnha. and Frank Belle) H of Thurston. Neb. Hoth were bring H held on charges of burglary. H It ' II B. Kgnt, a prisoner held; H In tonne, tlon with the finding of twlnj H babies In a cintern here In July, dls- H covered the eenpe and reported It to B the y. S. TURNS TO MEXIGOfBH OIL Immense Resources of South Shown By Report of Fed eral Department WASHINGTON. Sept. 13 Mexico promises to become the oil re, i voir i th wr rn haniaphfre. the .ie. Ipnrtment of commerce dei inre.i sun Idav In a review of the petroleum In 'dustry in that country. With iel consumption In lift United States I l-1 1 to exhaust producing fields hero 'within twenty or twentv-flve e:irs, IfeXlCOi 'be statement and. "offers the 'most encouragement to the American oil Industry, both for present produc tion arul geogrn phlen I situation." Kxhatistlon of fort per cent of the producing fields of the I'nlted States, 'tbe department's review stated, has caused Mexico to take second place In oil production although only about twelve per ent of the potential ca- ptvClty Of Mexican wells Is being pro Idured. exports from Mexico during the f rsi six months of 1920 totalled o. Inoti.OOO ha-rels. an Increase of 72 per l . ni over 1919. At this rate total ex . ports for the year are expected to reach 135,000.000 barrels. The review states that of the 231,- .'.0 sniare miles of Mexl. an territory j believed to contain oil deposits, not 'ir.ore than Joo m4uare miles are being exploited. Curtailment .of production' is ascribed to lack of transportation 'and storage facilities and to the un-J titled political conditions. ' Of the $350,000,000 estimated to be, Invested In the Mexican oil industry, ..lout 70 per cent represents Amerl-1 ran capital, the review says. About 27 1 cent is Krltish and Dutch capital land 3 per cent Mexican and other in-1 It crests. Twenty-seven companies are gd ilng oil In Mexico, seventeen of hl h are American owned, five Rpon-; lah Mexican, three Dutch and two British The United States received 7 1 per cent of the oil exported during the I first alx months of 1920. CHINATOWN SIGHTSEERS SEE EXCITING DRUG RAID i:w YORK Sept. 13. Throngs of teeeri to "Chinatown" were pro- ul -I thrills unexpected last night when police raided an alleged opium' den iii L'eyer street, hopping awaV inors to gain entrance and pursuing Inmates across roofs. A truyfull of opium and pipes was thrown Into the street from a win-' dow, showering the crowd of onloolt-' era. After detectives had battered' (1uun the doors and seised a iuantlt Of drugs and smoking paraphernalia.' hey arrested three Chinese i RIVER GIVES UP BODY OF WOMAN Body of Heiress Recovered By Party on Potomac: Hus band Is Held V NSHINOT'N. Sept 13. L0en- d fini the bed of the I'oi.imir after' S fleet of tugs had churned up the .iters, the body of Mrs Oeitrude VI- j 'ger Kuelilmg. heir-s t a part of ii n llllon dollar estate In Detroit, wae Ifound Sunday but her husband, Roy I li. Kuehling. still was held penrlingi the remuit of the Inquest. On the body there were no marks In-1 dlcatlng that death had been laused by any other means than drowning KuSblfng was arrested Thursdax after hud reported thai l I I Ife was d owned while they were canoeing w ednsedsy night: The canoe capa'zed In relatively shallow wnter, according to Kuehllng s tcry. but he waa unable to save his 1 .te The police developed a case In Whli i Kuehllng and hl wife, whom IhS had married after she was divorced fiom Oeorge Osgood of Detroit. Were made to appear to have frequently auarroled and to this was added the daeleretlon Of nn attorney that he had 'been Instructed by Mrs. Kuehllng to l egin a suit for divorce charging cru elty. Mrs. ftuehllnaT! former husband. m))0 la u Detroit estate dealer, fime to W:iahington last week to as sist In the searrh for the body and as he told the police, to aid In clearing ;p the ctiae. oo YARDSMEN'S STRIKE NOT CALLED OFF, ASSERTS CRUKAU CIlICA(;i. Sept 13 John Qrtrnau, preHident of the Chicago Yardmen's association, one of the unions which called the swltch men'l ptrlke April 1, today de nied wid. lv circulated reports that the strike had been called off. Strikers In other centers refused to even take a voto on ending the like Mr Orunau said, while the men m the Chicago district voted 1 1,074 to 21 304 to remain out. M r OniMU'g figures are disputed by T J. MelsenhclOer. hond of the yardmen In the Kansas City district, who Is here. He paid the Chicago majority in favor of re maining on strike was 1.0R4. but declined to say bn what informa tion he based his figure? WRIGLEYS I tfS$ a Parage I sf Before the War I 6Sj( a Package I 9 During the War I 4P a packa8e NOW SSI I I The Flavor Lasts HI I So Does the Price I j js tWINGGUMrf HEART OF FUND I SCANDAL IS OUT G. 0. P. Freed of Everything Except Violation of Good Taste By MARK SULLIVAN iPelitical Correspondent for the New York Evening Poit) CHI AOO. Sept l.i The sfriii-orisi comujl.tee efl hold other hearings later on But everybody here believes that the heart of whatever is in this' Republican campaign fund scandal is1 now out. Your correspondent has been at the hearings every day this 1 week nnd has scanned or read closely all the testimony of proceeding days i Based on this together with knowl edge of the feelings of the officials and 1 newspaper mn who have participated In the hearings, anyone who ap proaches it free of partisan Interest DUt conclude that the Republicans, are exculpated wholly from Cox's charged m the languace Lo which Cox rande them. And are practically ex culpated from evcr thinq except what s hardlv more serious than a violation of taate. ACTS OF VIRTUE The truth Is. Will Hays, and who ever other Republican officials were responsible, are being penalized for what (s essentially on their part an art of virtue, or at the least an act of prudence The system of both parties in every' presidential campaign up to 'be present has been for the national chairman, or some other party loader! to go to rich men. with his hat in his hand, and ak these men to contribute large suma fifty thousand dollars, or a hundred thousand dollars or evfn more. That system was bad. that old system was subject to charge? such as 'ox made of letting rich men buy an underhold on the government That relation was tainted with the i atmosphere of obligation on the part of the chairman and expectation of re-1 ward on the part of the contributor. That relation was close to fitting tho word "sinister." Both parties have al ways recognized these obligations to I blR contributors Wilson himself rec I opnlzed them and paid them off with I ambassadorships Thai. I say. was the old system. This year Will Hays either rirtttOUftly came to the conclusions that i the system was bad. or prudently do I elded that public opinion had become critical of this method of finani ini; campaigns Everybody knows perfect ly well that the Republican campaign this year could have been financed "nil an lunui ,ip i im- by this system Everybody knows that Will Hays could hae gone along the business streets of New Yorlt and I'reil I'pham along the business streets of ( hiciigo. and In those two cities alone could hove raised enough money to run the campaign EASY TO GET COIN They could have raised it from fifty or a hundred men. and the very small ness of th BTOUP coupled with the bip ness of the individual contribui ion, wouid have constituted Just such a sinister situation as Cox alleged about this wholly different situation to get av.ay from this old system Will Hays planned an orpainzot Ion for raising his campaign fund through lens of ihou sands of small contributions. wlthOUl allowing any one man to contribute more than a thousand dollars. There can be no doubt whatever that this ? stem is vastly more desirable gnd la deglfned to prevent exactly what Cog charged. The getting of an underhold on the covernmeni b. any small roup of men In a mere detail of pnitinc the system into effect Will Hays did the only thing that has Justified all th" commotion that Cox staried He pu. In charge of it one of these profession 1 si "drive' managers a man who had rvperienre in raising monev this way' foj- the Y M C. A . for ihe communitv camp, for the Roosevelt memoripl snd other causes It was in the methods of this that the only things were (tone that are questionable and it rir.ubtful whether even thev are questionable in anv respee' except taste COLLECTING JARGON In writing ihe literature for the drive and in letters to his assistants through out the country, he Introduced a pro reeclongl money collecting Jargon that included those phases which ar- now , practically the only things the Perao crats have to fall back on to Justify their Jibes at the Republicans. It was he who kept boosting 'he figures fur QtlOtas ne Knew mere van nu -j-n-tlon of getting, ano h-d to be over ruled. It was he who said Boys, get the money." and told the local collec tors to have "an insp. rational address" delivered at ihe luncheons tendered to the prorpertlve victims There wa a faked uplift turn to It which was very offensive to persons of any U--N But It was exactly the same son of thing which these collectors had learned and practiced In other drives The ribald politician" spoke of thc. collectors as "Fred I'pham's Pfalm singers" The only risk the Repub hcans run. and it Is some risk. Is that the public will now visit upon the Kr publican party the accumulated resent Iment against alx or seven year. of har 'rassraent from "drives" and profcloD al " drive" managers The public has become tired of this mixture o' niel mony and salesmanship It Injured ir reparably the Interchurch world move ment. a movement which. If it anlma tion had been more exclusively spirit ual. might have had results beneficial almost beyond the Imagination, but it fell too much Into the hands of th ?e drive managers who measured reault.t fej the same standard as a traveling salesman Of course. In a way tho Republicans are saved by this same fa miliarity of the public with drives It enables the public to understand pretty clearly Just hat has happened in this case, snd to distinguish be tween whet has happened and what Cox charged had happened MANY COUNTERATTACKS I can't see that the Democrats have got an'hlng out of this ep.sode ba tree. There was constant whlpsawlng 'beck and forth between the Republican members of he inveetigatine commit tee and the Iemocratlc members and t whenever the Democrats seemed to bSVe. unearthed something that looked bad tor the Republicans the Repub :ran senators mere sble to counter with something ths' looked juat as bad for the Iemoerata. In fact, the Demo-j crane national committee had devised' 0!rHEUMKMl I TONIGHT TILL WEDNESDAY W SJ Shows Start at 6:15 and 8:30 if I Ad M I Two Big Br- I ROY "HIRAM" CLAIR S W j k MACK SENNETT'S I A super-comedy j A MATRIMONIAL HYSTERIA SWsK L MKB PRICES 25c, 40c. 50c. A iH land installed a scheme much like this and designed to raise just as much j money. But after spending a lot of money on It thev abandoned it. They didn't seem to have gotten a j manager as good as the Republican got I or as bad The truth Is. I think that Jin their hearts the Democratic leaders ! suspect there isn't much in the scan dal. but are anxious to go on for the Mke of such material as they may get for local use In cities and communities. Whenever they can show that an un popular man In any city is a contrib utor or collector of money for the ki publicans they like to bring it out for, local effect In fact, for all of thlH' week the Investigation has been I mere battle for headlines; scmetlmes, J I am sorry 'o say. a fight to bring! about t ppearances likely to mislead the public. The committee ir going to ad Journ for some time. My guess Is they' would like to adjourn for good. But that ihe Democratic minority want tho Republicans to mak the move o quit 1 While- the Republic." r.s fet r to mak ' thet move lest the Democrats claim : there was more they could haV 8 bronchi out if the Repub I.e.. nr. had HO topped 'he whole thing had bCCOmf full of the pettiest kind of polities I doubt very much If this campaign fund hcandal can be kept r.llve by Cox to the end of 'he campaign in the role of n major issue which for some time it haa hid (Copyright, 1920. by the New York Evening Post.) m Iii theory, Sn article lost in the j wash is valued by the laundry at 22 times the cost of washing and ironing It. SPANISH FARMERS ARE EVICTED FROM I DUKE'S HOLDINGS GRENADA, Spain. Bepi 1 1 Six thousand farmers assembled here tod i t" 'ipport the tenants of the Duke of Wellington In their protect against the action of the duke's steward in ejecting them from the farms that their families had worked for a century. A resolution was adopted In forming the duke that the action of'hl steward mennt ruin to the Inhabitants or twenty v illages and hamlets. Another resolution jiropoard that the duke should renounce property rights granted him fam ily by the Corte of Cadl-s after the peninsular war of 180S-1MI hihI asked the government to nc- , nulre the proprrty by redemption. The ffiaai meeting, which waa held In a bull ring, was extremely stormy. NEGRO TAKEN FROM JAIL; SHOT BL MISSISSIPPI MOB Mi:i:IDlAN. Mlae., Sept. 13. Will Echela, negro, recently convirtsd of the niuidcr of Henry YV Da via an r.ged night watchman at u lumber i ..( waa taken from Jail at juitinan Sunday by u small party of meti, car-j rled two miles into the country, andj aot to death. Ech'els wa arntencedj lo be hanged last Friday but his exe- j rutlon waa atayed by an appeal to the Nlsslaa.ppl supreme court University of Utah To Open September 27 f .-ALT LAICS, Sept 13 "Tha -T i of the ita,-- orn determined to maintain the educational supre mocy of this state. Never before ha pft I there been such an Interest manlfstert In higher education there la a new ; By- : dlsatlon among the people of ou: f. i state of the power of trained Intclll "f ; gence '' This statement was made b cf , Prealdent John A NVidtoe. of the UW I veraily of Ctah. In speaking of the Jp" I preparation being mad- at the state X 1 ipr'ltnilon for the opening. Septembet --ga departmei ts of microscopic j anatomy, commercial engineering and JBal 'nursing have eeii organised at the iinlver'l'v In addition, there will be Tanas re v ,,.'iti s offered In practically l ever) department. The faculty haa j In i lin i .mm il tiv '.ii i ml .letalled 1 j plana have been ma Je tor art unusual- , Ti i -1 o 1 1 f . . r v ea r have alBlSaafc - til II ;fe, J g. i .aBaS Slimmer - Iut' v-Aiitmt J7. J r "in hi- er.nlua "sn if the eiui of every quartan al . Kootbili 'ill be -he first 1 I Ivltjr - enK.igeil In after tpe opening of MChOflH "t itea. The R. O. T. C stable are being gH structed. rs'siiring mounted wort for R 0 t C atudenta ----t--. no ' i' " ! .. en installed In the prldent'S yacht Mnynoer 'o save '.A " K Get Within the Law If You Get Arrested It's Your Fault-Not Ours We are selling Auto Lenses that have stood the test of Ogden City No-glare Ordinance which goes into effect soon. They are now approved and highly recommended for use on your auto. You have seen them advertised in the leading maga zines, and in use in all big cities. They are here---Corning Conaphore, the patented golden tint glass; and the MacBeth, the green and white glass. Geo. A. Lowe Co. The BIG Hardware Store