I 12 THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER ti if SHAY FVFNING SEPTEMBER 14, 1920. I GI RECORDED I FN STOCK SALES New Quincy Is Heaviest Seller Among Lower Priced Stocks H The trading this morning In mining H t.idek on the Salt Lake Stork & Mln H till Exchange picked up considerably H ovtt that of yesterday. Anions the B draper stocks. New Quincy WM the H 1 caviest trader with 23.000 shares scll H Ing nt 5c. nnd 10.000 at Bic. Emma' H btlvcr brought 4c, nnd MlrfllffJI-CtAh H 5cT Among the medium prlccil stocks, H South Heciu was active, (telling ut 94c, , H PltltUS Mid at 3 7 and lie, while Co-, H lumhus Kexnll nrought ST'tc. Some E uctlvlty was manifested In inc higher priced slocks, the most notable feature1 In ing in the sale of Tlntlc Stundard. E dropped from . to "4c Iower llian Saturday'! figure, sold today at' H f J. 20 and S.ltVfc- Silver King Coal.! (tfuotutloiis fumlaliod prDmo j lr- ( .) lloglc .V t O., i is lea iJuiidiHK-j Aita Con I -04 I .OS H Albion BBBflJ American Con 014 uti Bj .vita Tunnel 07 .07? .... H Mr Hill S fl Big Cottonwood 01 BBEm Milium 024 .03 BH black Metal oa-u os BH Columbus Uexall ... 3 V .37 4 j BB Crown I'olnt 03 .05 B i olorado Con 03 4 BH Cardiff i-3o 1.36 Lurag on Con oa .0941 Bjk Bff Kaat Crown I'olnt ... .01 W l ast Tin. Coal 01'iJ '1 In. Con. .08 EtH Eureka Mines 04 .054' BjBBBI F.ureka Lily 07 .07 II I.mma Silver "3 .04 I l.mpire Mined 05 I Gold Chain 0& .08 I Uiand 1 'entral 1 4 Howell t'o4 . Oti I lion Hlohsom 2 lion Kliif, 1V 21 J .Judge Mining 3 S5 4 7 ". I Keystone 84 .95 I Leonora 02 .'r Lent Tlntlc OS 4 09 May Day cj . 2$ Miller Hill 0i Mammoth 35 I Moscow 02 .10 Alichlgan-L'tah 05 06 ' North Stan 03 .03-4 New Quincy 0o . 06 U ipohongo 004 .01 NuUdrher ..' 65 1'iutus 86 4 37 4 Prince Con 30 31 I'rovo 04 .04 4 1'aloma 01 K.co Argentine . . c 02 .04 Kico Wellington 164 .18 4' Sells 05 . 05 I Sil King Coal 1.65 1 7. BlL King Con 1.07 4 1.20 Sioux Con 03 .04 South Hecla 13 .95 I i South Standard . .03 4 - I Silver Shield 16 4 17 -- I 'lor Euuy 02 02Vj I Tlntlc Central 014 .02 m i..ar.i . 3.I6 2.314 1 I'tah Cons hi '4 ! k Uncle Sam 004 .02 1ctor ol l3 f 1 nlon Chief 05 ',4 .07 1 I 'c mI Toledo u54 -06 j L Walker 3. 12 4 3.20 woodlawn 12 .13 I Yankee uj .04 Zuma 10 .11 Empire Copper Oopcitlng Sales Alts. Tunnel .; mi ..1 . 4. . at 7r. Black Metals .'.00 ;it 4c Eureka 1000 at 7 4e Howell 8000 "t 64c; 1000 at 64c Last Tintle Coal M000 nt lc Lchl Tlntlc Son a' Michigan-Utah .ooo at 5c. New Quincy 28,000 at 6c. Emma Silver 11 Quo nt 4c. Eureka Bullion 1000 t be Plutus 100 at 3 Sc , loo at 37c. 200 i I :7'3l Trlnco Con. 100 at 31c. Silver King Coal luo at 11.72 4 100 at f 1 . 75. Silver King Coti. son nt H.l, South Heola 100 at aSc. 2ou at ?c smiti! standard 500 at 224c South Hecla Ehfl 8000 at IJjC Tlntlc Standard t at 18.80 100 I at J3. 174. Union Chief 50o at 7c; 1000 at 6 4c. 11 00 at 6 14 C Zuma 3OO0 nt lie; 1000 ut ni;C. Woodlawn 600 .it 1 3c 1 -IMK v.4iN. Albion 60o at 1 1 3 c. ColumblU C.exall 2000 at 37 4c. Howell 1000 at 5c. 500 at &4c. Michlgan-L tah H00 at 5c. New Quincy 10.000 at 614c Plutus 100 at 37c. Prlnep on 100 at 3lc, ;no at 304c Silver Shield 500 at 16 4c. South Standard 300 at 28c Tlntlc Standui.j :.o .t H 20 lo .it $3,174. seller 10 day, Utah Con- 500 at lc, Walker Copper 100 at $3 10. IOM H l it I 8TCW K "MAMA. Nb.. Bept. 14 (United' Stat' llarc.iu of Markets.) Hogs Receipts 4000; mostly 25c hlirher. bulk! Medium .-lid llRht l.uu-h-iN tin ....' l-i.5o. top $ir. ;.. i.ulk, stronu weight and packing grades J 1 5 . 50 u 1 . 00. Cattle Receipts 9000; fed cattle' firm; graas.-i te.iB and he-stock x'.ntl to slow, spots off 25c on In-, Lutween grades hulk western steera1 " '' -'. ! 'Ik . ,1k steady; Stackers and feeders steady to 26c, higher. Sheep Receipts 32.000. Inmbs slow1 nt about steady prices; bulk western! iMinbs fl3.50Cll3.no. sheep frn, R l st yearling wither ? 2.. good sn.i ' choice reeding I am b xtead . top $13.-, 7c, others easier. m w ronK SUGAR NKW ..;k. Bept 14 lt,iw sugar steady, sales 4000 bags of Cubes In pert; centrifugal )o.78c; reltned rjulet i fine granulated 16 00c. There were onl .1 few trades in sugar futures early but the undertone was steady and prices nt midday w ere I to 86 points net higher. I I I.I ItTV lls NEW TORK. Sept. 14. Liberty bonds closed T ':(. ;n . 1 irs-t 4 V. S 4 . ser0nJ 4 8 4 .60; first 4 ' 61 7n. second 4 V. s 64,78; third 4 4s 88 28; fourth 44 n 86; Victor 3s 95 44. Victory i S 5. 40. I LIBERTY BONDS 188d STRONG DEMAND FDfl U STOCKS Broad Buying Railroad Shares Helps Prices: Indus trials Gain NEW TuHK. Sept. 14 Dentins , were active and price changes subst.in ,t..iliv higher at the opening of today's 'stock market, traders sit rl' uting fur ther short covering to overnight po litical de elopments. Steels, equip ment., oils, motors and some of the till gained large fractlonb to 2 points and shippings strengthened on ad nccH of 1 and 2 4 points, respective ly, for American International and At lantic Quif. The forward mocment Wal of brief durst ion. howeer. oils soon falling bnck wltli regular re.,. -tloni in the general list. .Arter the first reaction there waa a Urond buing movement in tepresenta live and speculative rails, led by fel: vwire. La aksl Wanna A: Western, .v lil h 1 ose 10 points. ther coal?is. also prominent transcontinental and, franfeVl rose 1 to 2 points. Among ihe Junior rails. New ork, Chicago 6)1 St. LfOtiis rose 34 and St. i'aul com-j n.on and preferred. St. Ixiui.i A: South- weatern, Kanaas City Southern prefer red. Rock tglandi Pittsburg A- West ern, Baltimore & Ohio. Erie first pre icrred and New Orleans, Tex;.s v Mex ico gained 1 to 1 4 points. Mils, mo-1 tors and shipping rc-e 1 to 3 points, but steels and equipments were com-1 paratlvely iutet though firm. Call money opened at 7 per cent. Seasoned Industrial! were taken up by pools at midday. Het Menem, Vana-' drum, Repii.gif , Kepublic and United' States Steeli rising 1 to 3 points with I American Car and Baldwin I-ocomo-tne Among specialties, chemicals, tobaccos and textiles also were In de-' mand at gams of 1 to 14 points im.im - LilV C.STUCH MAivKETT. Cattle Receipts none; choice heavy s'eerj . 008J) 9 . 00; good steers $7.00 taS.00. fair steers 5 . 00 u 6 . 50 , choice feeder steers $6. 00 & 7.00. fair g,Ml , , a .1 ., nd hellers $4 . 00 ft 6 . 00; .ut;eIfi 3.04 3.50; cannors $2 00ft 3.50; choice feeder cows Jl.QOft 4 50; fill bulls f4.0OQe.OO; bologna bulls ?3.00fi .imi. r.il calves J:t 00ft lo 50. Hogs Receipts none; hoice fat hogs, 175 to 2S0 lbs.. $14. 75ft 15.50; bulk of sales 8X6. 00 Alt feeders 111. 010 12.00. I Sheep Receipts 4 203; ehoi e lambs .: 00 '.1 10.50. wethers $;,.uu C 75. lnl ewes $5. 00 ft 5. 50; feeder lam Us j 88 ..00 O9.00- 1 rival. I Adams and McGlll, East Ely. Nev., ,15 cars sheep. M. J udgcrs. Currle. iNev., 1 car sheep 1 KM .t Lll ESTOCK. CHU AtjM. yt.pt 14. (United States Bureau Of Markets! Cattle Receipts 1..000; good and choice steers steady 'to strong; several loads $16.00; bulk I $15 50ft 1 7 . 50, grassy steers steady, mostly $9.0015 15 25; butcher cows 6. 60O12.76"; steady; tanners 14.26 ft 4.75; strong, bologna Lulls strong. i 6. 00 ft 7.00; calves 25 to 50c higher, choice ealers mostly $17. 00ft li 00, letockers arid feeders steady, range cat lie scarce, market steady. Hogs Receipts 17,000". market gen erally 25 to 35c higher; packing grades advanced most; top $17.36, bulk light ..nd batchers $ 16 . 50 ft 1 7 . 2 5 ; bulk in, cklr.fi s,,, j ; ;, 2 5ft 15 T5. pif; 25 in 50c higher. Sheep Receipt 6OO0, fat lambs 26 10 60c higher, vearling top natives $13 75; top Western $ 14 25; feederi lambs hehi higher bulk good and' choice $13 60013.76; sheep strong fat ewes $7 an, down; yearlinga hl;h cr; bulk $ 1 ' . 25 ft 10 . 50- CHICAGO (.BAIN. CHICA430, Sept 11. Hepiession of a'.erling exchange had a bearish effect today on the w hen't market. Rains in Argentina counted also as .in incentive' lo sell. On the resulting Setback, how -ever, houses with eastern connections were buyers and there was a brisk! 'milling demand, ripening prices, which varied fr.'ri ui'changed figures in . lower with December $2.4s4 to 2.49 nr.d March $2 4.14 to 2.44. were fol-, lowed by a material decline all around, j UUd then something of S rally Favorable weather and the decline; In wheat led to breaks in the corn! .n.arVet After opening hi to c lower, Including December at $1.19", to 1 . 1 . the market continued to fall. Oats ensed down with other grain. jslnrtinn unchanged to off and then' undergoing a general sag. , Higher quotations on hogs strength ened provisions. sll PRICES. CHICAOO, SSpl 14 Wheat No. 1, red $2 55ft 2 56, No. 2 red $2.55. Corn No. 2 mixed $1,374 ft 1.394., No. 2 yellow $1 ' ' ' 4" 4 ats No. 2 BThJte 62- ft t.4 ', ; No.1 I w hite 814 49 63 4 c. Rye Noo 2 $1 074gl.96. J Barley $1 "3 'n 1 16 Timothy seed $5. no ft 7.50 Vlut erru I.. UUtI .1 .VU Pork nominal. Ijud $19.87. , Bibs $16 25ft 17.37. Ml i I M URKI I Nhrw YjRK. Sept. 14. Copper dull i unchanged Iron firm; No 1 northern unchang ed. No 2 northern 160. 00 6. 62 00, No. 2 southern 4 2 r0 8J 4 4 ,08 m Tin steadv . spot and n...rb y0; futures $45 Antlmonv unchanged Iead easy. etober 6 50c Zinc steady, unchanged At London Copper and electrolytic unchanged; tin 274 7s 6d; lead 35; rlnc (39 2s 6d. POTATOES. c'llP'ACJi'. Sejii 14 -Potatoes firm, receipts 41 cars. Jersey cobblers $2 901 11 Wisconsin round and White aeked and bulk IS.4f8jT2 60; Vi cunsln hulk and sacked early fiios $2 J5 ft 2 6 1 r: iokk 9TO K lit , Iast Sale) lAllls-Cbalmers 34 American Beet Sugar 804 American Can 344 American Car & Foundry ....136 American Hide & Leather pfd- . 70 '4 , American International Corp. . 7 7 American Locomotive 14 American Smelting & Kefs 60 'American Sugar 111 American Sumatra TobaoCO . . S5 Lt America!) T. & T :'j American Woolen 64 4 I Anaconda Copper 53 I Atchison . . . . . S3 AtC, Gulf W. Indies 142 I Baldwin Locomotive 109 (Baltimore A- Ohio 42 4 'Bethlehem Steel ' B" 76 I Canadian I'acific 120 Central Leather 524 Chandler Motors 83 Chesapeake ft 1 hlo ., 1, I hloago, Mil. v- St. Paul ...... Chicago. R. I. PaC 37 4 Chino Copper 28 4 'Colorado Fuel & Iron 3 1 'tt Corn Products 7 4 Ci UClble Steel 123 V4 !Cubs Cant Sugar 38 4 Krle 164 Gtjsj 1 1 Electric 14 Genera 1 Motors 1 1 ' ; Goodrich Co 55 .r..i; Northern pfd F8M Great Northern ire Ctfs 33 Illinois Central . . . 69 S Inspiration Copper 48 Int. Met . Marine pfd 74 International Paper .. 79 4 Kenhecott Copper Ex. DJv 25 Louisville Nashville l"'iB Maxwell Motors 8 4 Mexican Petroleurii 1744 Miami Copper 19 4 ; Middle States QU 1 6 S Midvale Steel 391 Missouri Pacific . 27 New York Central 7 1 ft N. V., N H. & Hartford 34 Norfolk & Western 94 Northern Pacific 79 Oklahoma Prod. & Refg 44 Pan American Petroleum 914 Pennsylvania 42 4 People's Gas 3 4 Pittsburg and West Va 31 if Consolidated Copper 14 Beading . . . . 93 ' Rep. i,on & Steel 61 4 ' Royal Dutch, N. Y 87 4' shell Trans. & Trad , 53 I Sinclair Con. (Ml 32'- southern Pacific 'Southern Rallwav 2 7 4 (Standard Ml 01 X. J.. pfd 105 4 .Studebaker Corporation kj" Tennessee Copper 10 Texas Co 50 4 Trnas Pacific 37 Tobacco Products H4', I Transcontinental Oil 134 , Union Pacific 121 M S Food Products 60 ,1" S. Betall Storea 68 ti S. Ind. Alcohol 83 4 L'nlted States Rubber 864 Fnltci States Steel su, Utah .'opper 644 V. '"itlnghouse Electric 48 4 . lllys Iverland 154 American Lead. Zinc and Sin.., 12 I Butte and Suparfor irn Cala. Petroleum 28 'Montana Power Lx. Dlv 5?4B jSnnttuck Arlsons S4B Pure OH 3ji MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK, Sept 14 Prime mer cantile paper unchanged. I.'xchnnge irregular. Sterling: Demand $3 474; cables S3 48 4. Francs: Demand 6 51c; cables C . 53c- Belgian francs: Demand 6.98c; ca bles 7 00c. i Guilders. Demand 30.60c. cables SO 75c. Lire. Demand 4.21e; cables 4.23c. Marks Demand 1.65c, cables 1 69c New York exchange on Montreal 1'.'4 per cent discount. Time loans strong, unchanged. 1 all money steady, high 7 per cent, low 7 per cent; ruling rate 7 per cent; closing bid 6 per cent, offered at 7 per cent, last loan 7 per cent. CHICAGO I t u RJ S. CHICAOO, Sept 14. open H:gh Low Close Wheat Dec. $2,46 4 2.49 2.494 2.394 If . roll 1.43 4 1 4 1 1.35 1364 Corn Sept. 1.39 4 1.39 4 1 254 135 4 Dee. 116 4 1,19 1.13 4 1.14 4 ats Sept .634 634 .61 61 Lcc. 65 4 -65 4 .03 4 63 4 Pork Sept 24.00 Oct 24 25 Lard Bpl 19.67 19.75 19.82 Oct. 19.80 19.97 19.60 19.92 Bibs Sepl 16.85 - 'ct 16 S5 17 07 115.55 16. 90 KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Sept. 14. ' '..tilt Beccipts 25.000; market un 'n but mostly steady on all classes; undertone weak on medium grades, good corn fed kinds active. others f-low. top steers $17.15. other good or.d choice lot $ 14 . 50 ft 1 6 . 85 . good) -.inners mostly $4 00. bulk she-stock $6 "0 ft 6 . 50 ; good and choice veal ers $14. 50ft 15.50. Ilogs-Kecelpts 5000. generallv 16 to 75c higher; small packers top $17.- . big packers top $17.10; bulk llftht nnd medium $16 .60ft 17.00. heavy $H.25ft 16.80. Sheep Receipts 10.000; sheep and) lambs 15ft25c higher; best native lambs $13.50; top westerns $1 4 50. i MIN'XEAPI Lls. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn. Sept. 14 I Flour unchanged to 20c higher; in , irload lots, family patents uuo'-d hi $13. 40ft 13.50 a barrel in 9? pound' cot,on sacks Bran $40 00 ft 42 00. bi rri r m eggs CHICAOO, Sept. 14 Butler un changed. Eggs unchanged; receipts 10.1S5j cases. , Poultry alive unchanged. I M iKK SilA I R NKVY Y"KK. ept. 14. Bar silver, domestic, unchanged; foreign 9t'5c. Mexican dollars unchanged A big eastern firm has announce thai there will be a demand for 10,-, 000.000 rabbit skins during 1920. MOTHER IS GIVEN THIRTY DAYS TO WIN GIRL'S LOVE s AfWO&OWO 4V . BROOKLYN Tii:,tico S.tiirrs, of tli Brooklyn siiprpiTip court.! has chen Mrs. .Mary ramorduio 30 days to vna ho affection of he lo-yoar-old daughter, JoAephine. The prirl has lived with her uncle I anil aiinti aIj- and Mrs. Michael Garrati, for 1) years, since the death of her father. She wants to stay with (hem, while the mother wants her to eonie home. In court, recently, she said she owed everything I to her uncle and aunt, and that she didn't care to po to her mother.! The eourt ruled that if the girl show ed no more love for her mother j in 30 days, he could do nothing. ' GERMANS MAY BUY BACK SHIPS Vessels Awarded to British for "Sub" Losses Form Subject of Sale j WASHINGTON". Sept. 14 Great I Britain has under consideration the , sale of fort; -four former Grman liners and a number of Carjco vessels j tc their former owners; according to j advices received by th- American gov ernment from London. ) The sale of the ships which were awarded the British h the repara- tions' commission, practically Jif,s been' decided upon, thefc aSVlccS say, but' ; definite action has been h ld up until existing law can be modified so as lo permit of the sale of the craft to the Germans. Some officials of the American cov- 1 ernment profess to see in this plan an attempt to hinder the development of, .the American merchant marine, but :halrnian Benson, of the shtppuiK ! board, declared that Immediate ac quisition of the considerable tonnage' I b the Germans would In no way de feat the purpose of the agreement be-J i tween the American Ship and Com inierce corporation and the Hamburg American line for the opening of for mer German trade routes to American shipping BORAH i DAYTON BOISE HEARS CDX Speakers Rap and Defend the League in Each Other's Home Towns lh M KKs vl I I I MARION". 0, Sept 14. Senator Borah, of Idaho, will make hU first speech In the campaign at Iayton, Ohio, today. It happens that Scrtator Borah attacks the league of nations In Governor Cox's home town on exactly the same day that Governor Cox. on his western tour defends the league of nations in Senator Borah's town. Boise. Idaho. Senator Borah's speech will he an important event He is one of the best speakers In this country, and he! knows his subject. Among all the1 Irreconclla'oles Senator Borah was the one who, next to Senator Knox, was best able to give a constitutional law- i ver s presentations of his position, and Senator Borah. In addition, was al-1 ways h more graceful speaker than I Senator Knox. Senator Rorah's speech today will be (catena dwith intense interest to see! how closely his position coincides with the latest position taken by S Harding It has been nnd 1 that Senator Borah has always had In mind a constructive alternate for the league of nations as an Institu tion f-.r limiting wars, but that he felt that the first to accomplish was to defeat I lie principle upon which I he alleges the league is founded. It I remains to be seen whether his speech today will merely denounce the league, I or will present an alternative, and whether this alternative coincides' with Senator Harding's. Senator Johnson, of California, will also make his first speech of the cam palgn this week The line which hoth the irrecohollables take will be watch- i u Ith close interest. (Copyright. 1980, by the New York Evening Tost.) LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO WATER USERS State Knetneer's Office. Salt l,akc Cltv I'tah. Sept. 1, lf;o. Nonce Is hereby given thai Joseph Sin I gieton of Plain "lty. Utah hai made ap. plication In accordance with the require ments of the Compiled Laws of Utah, I 1317. as amended by the Session Laws of I I'tah. 1919, to appropriate three 3 sec ond feet of water from First Silt i'rel In W.-Im r Count Said water will he dl 1 v. rled by means of pumps at two points. I namely. N. 75 dej, 10 niln D 2001 ft nd S Bl dec B, 3?" ft from the KW cor tier of Section 31. Township 7 North. Range 2 West. Salt I-ake Base and Me rid lan. The water will be conveyed bv ny -n of a ditch nnd a pipe line a dls tance of 250 ft. and there used as a sup plemental supply from Ifaj 1 to Septem ber 15, Inclusive, of each year, to irrigate SO acres of land embraced In the KB '4 SW. . See. 30, and N'W. U SW 4 See. SI, said township and range This nrpll cation is designated In the State Engl neer's office as No S429. ll protests against the granting of said application, stating the reasons therefor, must be made ly affidavit in duplicate, accompanied with a fee of $2.50. and filed In this offlar within thirty (30) days after the ompletlon of the publication of this notice. G. F. M' GON AGI.K Slate Engineer. Pate of first publication Sept. 6. 1920 Date of completion of publication Oct 4. 1920. 512 ALIAS SUMMONS. In the City Court of Ojrden City. County of Weber. State of I'tah I Merchants' Credit Bureau. Plaintiff, vs. I D. C. Winder. Defendant The State of I'tah to the Said Defendant Von are hereby summoned to appear within ten days after service of this sum inons upon you. if served within ihe coun !t in which this .action Is brought, other wise. wlthU) twenty days after this serv ice and defend the above entitled action: land In case of your failure so to do. tlir I plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the rom plaint of which a copy is hereto attached and herewith served upon you, and will 1 take Judgment against ou on Its first cause of action for $40, with legal inter est thereon from August 13. 1!19. plus an attorney's fee of 10 per cent thereof; andl on Its second cause of action for $16 33. with legal Interest thereon from August II 1919, together with plaintiffs costs and disbursements herein, for the recovery of I 'which Judgment this action Is hroucht JOS. K EVANS. Plaintiffs Attorney I P O. Address: Eeclea H!dg., Ogden. i L'tah. I-Hted Ogden Ctt Weber founty. I'tah i this 17th Uav of August. 1920 GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Coisult County Clerk or the Respec tive Signers for Further Information NOTICE TO CRAlTORS. Estate of Emily P. Shanks. Drceajed Creditors of the ahovo deceased 'will present their claims, with vouchers, to the undersigned at the office of Halverson Knnill ti Farr. nj Ecclea bulldlnsjpOg den. I'tah. on or before December .1. 1J0 L L SHANKS Administrator of the Estate of Emily P Shank'. Iereaed. Halve rnn Kimhtll 4 Fsrr. Attorneys for the Administrator 4)2$' Call For Republican M County Convention H To the Members of the Republican County Centra! Committee, District Sec- HI retancs. and to all Republican Voters of Weber County: In accordance with i he action of the Republican County Central Commit i.. of Weber ount. I tab. Republican Mass Primaries are hereby called to be held for the se veral election district! Of Weber County, on Wednesday. .September 15, 19:0, at S o'clock P, M . for the purpose of electing delegates fto a Republican County Nominating l onventon. which Is hereby cnlled to be held on Sn-unlav. Sepiember 18. 1920. at 10 o'clock a. m. in the Orpheum I Theater. Ogden. Utah. Said County Nominating I ..mention is called for the purpose of nomi naiim: caniilai-s of the Republican Party for the following offices: State Senator, four-year term. State Senator, two-year term. Four Members of the House of Representatives, two-year term. fl County Commissioner, fourear term. County Commissioner, two-year term. County Treasurer, two-ear term. County Sheriff, two-year term. Count) Clerk, and Auditor, two-year term. County Recorder, two-year term. County Attorney, two-year term. H Co in'y Surveyor, two year term. gfjf I County Assessor, two-year term. The apportionment of delegates from the several districts of Weber JB ountj imid unt) Conrentlon shall he up-n 'he h-i? bl the rote cast Ki for Hon W H Wat'is for Congress at the general election of 1918. each dls trict being entitled fco on delegate for each ten vote?, or major fraction thereof, cast for said W. H. Wattls at said election. Said delegates are here- .ippiTt;-ic. am, the .tio;s oi:nt: dirtrlcts. and -aid primaries shall be held Af follows: DISTRICTS WITHIN OGDEN ITY. No of Delegates Held nt District l 4 South Washington School BS tlstr)ct 2 2 g South Washington School District 8 2 Botttb Washington School I'ls'nc- l l'ingreo School j District 5 6 Pingree School District 6 4 Plngrce School District 7 5 Plngree School District 8 5 City Hall District 9 8 Ol) Hall District 10 5 Cltv Hall District 11 4 City Hall District 12 2 BspUtt Mission. West rgden District 13 3 230 West Twenty second St. mM District 14 6 Armory on Twenty-fourth St. District 15 4 Armory on Twenty fourth Street District 16 4 Third Ward Amusement Hall kM rid 17 3 Third Ward Amusement Hall kM District 18 4 Third Ward Amusement Hall kM District 19 2 Tenth Ward Amusement Hall -v Dlstrid 2" Teprh Ward Amusement Hall ' gJI 21 : Fie Tomts School V District 22 5 Five Points School ijH District 23 7 Five Points School District 24 i Seventh Ward Amusement Hall HH District 25 2 -- . nth Ward Amusement Hall Ifl District 26 3 Seventh Ward Amusement Hall District 27 5 Seventh Ward Amusement Hall District 28 6 County Court House District 29 Lorln Farr School District 30 6 Win Farr School District 31 , 5 Lorin Farr School District 32 f. County Court House District 33 5 County Court House District 34 6 County Court House gfl District 35 County t ourt House District 36 5 County Court House District 37 4 county Court House District 38 fi County Court House District 39 R I.orin Farr School District 40 8 Lorln Fan- School District 41 Lorln Farr School District 42 5 Twelfth Ward Meeting House. District 41 8 Twelfth WarJ Meeting House District 44 6 Twelfth Ward Meeting House ggVi District 45 7 Fifth Ward Amusement Hall gSI District 46 9 Fifth Ward Amusement Hall BwE District 47 7 Fifth Ward Amusement Hall jmTri District 48 10 Fifth Ward Amusement Hall Hfll District 49 5 Lewis School f j Lewis School Deiirict 51 3 Fifth Ward Amusement Hall H District 52 4 Fifth Ward Amusement Hall District 53 5 Ninth Ward Amusement Hall sbHbB District 54 r 7 Ninth Ward Amusement Hall lgK DISTRICT OUTSIDE OF OODBN ga' Number of Hjt r District Delegates Lsbu Burch Creek 5 Eden 4 lH Farr West 4 Harrisville 6 F Hooper No. 1 , r Hooper No. 2 6 Huntsvllle if) Kanesville 2 Liberty 4 H Marriott 4 H j North ogden No. 1 f . North Ogden No. 2 7 H gaWSS H Randall 2 Rlverdale 5 gaVaLl HMi 6 W Taylor ih W Warren , 4 lafl West Warren j 1 West Weber g Wilson 4 LM Total 7j94 L I The members of the County Central Conihilfteo within those districts out- I side of ogden City will arrange niltftfeU foi lb holding of pr(. 1 U manes in said districts nnd ghe due notice thereof V Immediately upon adjournment of the said County Convention the del fs gates thereto from the several districts In Ogden City shall convene a City W Convention for Ogden City for the purpose of nominating candidates upon the B B Republican ticket for the following offices H R( city Judee and Ex officio Prsclact Jutlce of the Peace, four year term H S Precinct Constable, two year term. At the said primaries beld in the several districts outside of Ogden City v Prf?clnct Justices of the Peace and Constables shall be nominated. At i. primaries in e.:cli Of said .litnts ihere shall he elected CountV Committeeman who shall represent s;:!d distrlr- up.,n the Tjrpubllcan Countr bbbbbbbB ( entral Committee), and a District Secretary, to serve for a term of two rears isbbbH ,or until their successors shall have been duly elected or appointed in case of mpsbKI All qualified voters bei.eving In the principals of the Republican Partv B are respectfully Innted to attend and participate n the said prlmarlei in their eriLiK respective districts. SSpfl Immediately ,fter the election of delegates dlstrk committeemen end BecreUr of each primary shall certify to the Count) convention tho )fl names of the persons chosen as delegates to said Convention sm BY OBUBB OF THJJB WEBER COUNT! ENTRAL COMMITTEE w M ARTHUR WOOLLEY Chairmasj. I 1 W T GREENWELL, Secretary, IH FRECKLES He Thinks a Dog Sets Like a Hen. ByJlQgsT